Judge Judy | Dad -Angry- over Daughters Lip Piercing! - Part 2
Joe says he was angry that his ex-wife Mary allowed their daughter to get her lip pierced!
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Joe says he was angry that his ex-wife Mary allowed their daughter to get her lip pierced!
The Original! There’s only ONE Judge Judy. Visit our website for where to watch, weekdays.
00:00At the time, yes, because you're a human being and you have, you know, the juices started to flow, in retrospect.
00:07No, I think I could have handled it a little bit differently, but, like I said, you know, even Sarah agreed that she shouldn't have gotten this thing,
00:15and she even went down with me to the place where she got it pierced at to get it out.
00:20But when we got there, she made a stance that, I'm not, you know, I'm not going to do it, Dad.
00:24And I said, well, then we just can't have this shared custody arrangement anymore.
00:28Excuse me, Your Honor. She didn't want to go down to the piercing place.
00:32He made her go down, and when she wouldn't get it out, he dropped her off at the corner of my street and said, get out, in no uncertain terms.
00:38They had no discussion over the shared custody thing outlasting itself.
00:42The term was get out.
00:44A judge is not a computer. A judge is a human being, and we bring to our job all of our history, you know, all of our own personal stories.
00:53So I'm going to share one with you, all right?
00:56I have five kids, and they're all older now.
01:01When one of my children started college, and this was 14, 15 years ago,
01:09he came home from school after his first couple of months, and I picked him up at the bus station,
01:14which was pretty far away from our house, and he was coming home with a friend.
01:19And he got off the bus, and I looked at this handsome child, and he had something wangling from his ear.
01:28So I kissed him hello, and I said, you can get in the car.
01:34That thing stays outside.
01:38Oh, mother, don't be ridiculous. You know, everybody's doing it.
01:42I said, listen, I don't have to look at it.
01:44I brought you into this world.
01:46I still pay the bills.
01:48As long as I pay the bills, I want to be able to look at you unencumbered by things coming out of your face and your ears.
01:55He thought I was kidding.
01:59I said, you got five minutes, boy.
02:01And he hung around.
02:03He spoke to his friends, and they were trying to figure out whether I was serious or not.
02:07Five minutes passed.
02:08The thing wasn't out of his ear.
02:09I got in my car, and I went home.
02:12And about two and a half hours later, because it took that long by public transportation, you know where this was?
02:18This was in the Bronx, where he was in the Bronx, all the way up in the Bronx, where the bus came in from Albany, Bronx, New York.
02:24He managed to find his way home without the earring in his ear.
02:30Now, that doesn't mean when he was in college, he didn't have rings and ropes and dangles and doodads hanging out from every orifice of his body.
02:41But I didn't have to look at it.
02:43So you didn't do the right thing.
02:46You're supposed to be a parent first and a friend second.
02:51And a parent says, babe, you got a couple more years until you are 18 years old.
02:59Then I can't tell you what to do.
03:01You want to paint polka dots on your face?
03:03You can paint polka dots on your face.
03:05But while you're in my house, I don't want to have to look at this thing here.
03:08I don't want to look at something in your tongue.
03:10I don't want to look at something in your nose.
03:12I just don't want to see it.
03:13You didn't do that.
03:14That really irritated him.
03:17Right, Mr. Carlin?
03:19That's correct, Your Honor.
03:22So the problem is this.
03:24I find it difficult, Mr. Carlin, to imagine that three years have gone by with you taking no action whatsoever,
03:36even to get $100, $200, and have done nothing over the three-year period of time to recoup any money
03:45if you say that there was this verbal agreement.
03:47I have a problem with that.
03:49So I'm going to take care of the lawsuit right now.
03:52I'm not satisfied that you have established to my satisfaction that there was this contract.
03:57Your Honor, child support is more than just a check and a mail each week.
04:01Sir, if that's what you're banking on, I'm telling you, it doesn't hold water.
04:06Karate lessons don't come under the category of necessaries for anybody.
04:11So I'm not...
04:13If that's what you're hanging your hat on, forget it.
04:15More importantly, Mr. Carlin, you have invested 16 years in your daughter.
04:21And I think it's a mistake to cut her off after 16 years because she, as a 16-year-old, made a foolish mistake.
04:31Big mistake, Mr. Carlin. I want you to rethink it.
04:34In any event, this lawsuit is dismissed. That's all.
04:36The parties are excused. You may step out.
04:38Out the back door to your right, please.
04:43I took care of her...
04:45That one phone call since July 15th.
04:47That one phone call.
04:51Sarah don't know how to use a phone.
04:53Your duty is to call her at 7 o'clock at night.
04:55Oh, that's my duty?
04:56Yeah, you're the father. She's a child.