• 2 days ago


00:10Previously on summer house
00:16What's your name Lexi, I can't tell you the last time I felt excited like this
00:21This is the fastest 24 hours of any relationship. I've ever seen my
00:28Used to hide it. Yeah, she's like pregnant pregnant. Yeah
00:32Hey, Lindsey
00:34Hey, Carl. I
00:36Just wanted to congratulate you
00:38Thank you. I genuinely I'm just happy for you. I'm gonna go home and celebrate the big announcement with my boyfriend
00:47How embarrassing that you publish an article to reiterate the fact that you don't like me anymore
00:53I mean if you don't feel the same way let a bitch know I
00:58Fucked up. I'm not ever trying to hurt you. Yeah, I'm sorry
01:02I guess I'm getting to know you again in a different light. I'm not cursing the day you were born like I'm moving forward
01:17Who's ready to party
01:23It almost blew back in my throat wrap around amazing
01:33We talked
01:35No way. Yeah, good job, dude. She wasn't that mean
01:39I mean, I think we're cool and I'm not cool, but like she won't roast you over the coals again. I
01:45Had my little combo with West. How did that go?
01:49Fine do you feel better than yesterday or you just feel good to get it off your chest in general?
01:54I just feel like I can't
01:56Wait to meet the person that I'm supposed to be with so I can literally go and hide away
02:01I think you've already met them at some point in your life. I don't know. I need to talk to my psychic
02:07There you go a little bit higher
02:09How to wrap it around the pole the tinsel and we know how to work a pole the sorbo over to your left more a
02:15Little more. Yeah, that's even that's not right. I
02:20Love men and their little pea brains guys. I think whoever loses for the 4th of July party
02:27It's a classic battle of the sexes. Our guests are gonna be voting today on who had the better setup
02:32We do the dunk tank tomorrow morning deal. I'm gonna get dressed
02:38Why do my eyelashes not stay up
02:49Oh my god, I do not look like a bun
02:59Happy fourth of July
03:10My god, my nipples just went hard
03:15The theme today is boys versus girls
03:26And floaties don't forget to put your tokens in our box
03:47I would be young. I remember when I was in my 20s. Oh to be kids. Oh
03:54This is my first summer that I feel old
03:58They feel so young and nice and like full of life
04:03And I'm like, are you even registered to vote? Like I have acid reflux. They don't
04:08You know, they don't even know what it is
04:45Can't even imagine life without my sister and my mom too. My mom's like my best best best friend
04:50Growing up. I think a lot of people thought that because I was a model that I thought that I was better than them
04:56So kids weren't always nicest to me and I think that's why I am super close with my family because they allow me to be
05:21I mean, what's not to like?
05:26Just look at her. I'm sorry if you have a crush on her, but
05:35Are they voting? Hey, who'd you vote for boys?
05:42Kyle open your mouth
05:47I found Kyle's leader
05:58Should wear your hair just like that. No gel grease or whatever you put in it
06:03Maybe like texture on the top, but that's literally it really. Yeah, I'll take it. See her against him. You're welcome
06:09I just melted
06:12Thank you
06:15One of my goals coming this summer was to like get back to like a really good friend place with Sierra with Paige because I've
06:20Had solid friendships prior to Lindsay and I summers ago. Oh, you come a little bit this black. Am I heavy?
06:33Everybody knows I'm a little awkward and kind of getting my feet back under me
06:36So for Sierra to kind of give me a little boost feels good. Like when she smiles at you, it feels good
06:55Are not stopping the party, but you do have to vote who threw the better party
07:02Just so everyone's clear the guys were the slip-and-slide the DJ the hot dog
07:09Situation the girls of the bar
07:13Girls in the bar that I saw
07:26Think it's time for us to go to bed. Thank you for hanging out. Thank you for voting for the girls
07:33Thank you so much for inviting us
07:38So great to meet you, I'm really glad you came
07:44Thank you as always bro
07:47I'm not leaving I'm staying here
07:54Really go see who won your box just looks empty. Yeah, we lost I'm out. Yep. Enjoy we won period
08:02What was the punishment tomorrow morning? You guys have to go into the dunk tank trying to get a picture of that
08:10Hey, I ordered pizza and wait, can I play a little song or two?
08:25Know I'm down there. Are they all just like making out and falling in love?
08:30I don't know but Jesse and Lexi haven't been all night. I'm not gonna like planning trips, but I like going on them
08:55Like you think she didn't think when you got gone and Kaia Gerber's brother exactly
09:09Do you want to come in you can say
09:15Obviously Jesse and I are hitting it off very fast, but
09:19My biggest fear is not to get my heart broken
09:22My biggest fear is to like deprive myself of love and joy
09:28I'd much rather dive in headfirst and be like damn that hurt then be like
09:33Oh, what what could have happened because I held myself back
10:13Coming up
10:15Kyle's thinking that everyone has to have this allegiance to him. Like you when have you ever supported a single thing? I've done like, please
10:41You gotta get
11:00Feel like we there needs to be some type of edge
11:02I think we should dump the hot dogs and the hot dog juice in the water. That's diabolical
11:16Can't even look at that
11:19How how we feeling about the water temp that that's done cool I
11:25Can't get my hair stuck in this they're pouring the hot dog water into the dunk tank
11:34You that's disgusting isn't losing enough
11:38Well, I feel better about winning now, I think that that's good
11:44How are the eggs I think they're great the bacon is really good
11:51We left out the ketchup and mustard no in a bad way that would be that would be too far
11:58Even though it's still it's midge awkward. It feels like way less heavy with Sierra right now
12:04So, I'm gonna try to find little windows to be like normal
12:09I'm gonna try too hard. I'm out here to like be best friends and be annoying
12:13but if to
12:16X engaged lovers
12:18Can be in this house together didn't like Sierra and I can be in this house together, you know, I
12:25Wanted to invite everybody I'm throwing a party well not really throwing it but I'm DJ tell me
12:31Rooftop got like a beautiful view of the Empire State Building
12:34Actually, I wanted to invite another guy that might come out at some point this summer. His name is in rule and
12:39What's his name in rule? How tall is he? Let's just get that over with. We're gonna take a vote
12:44Are you jealous that there's another man coming into the house? Are you worried? Are you nervous? I'm just curious
12:49Why do you want to vote him out already?
12:54Guys should we go do the main attraction?
12:59There's wieners everywhere
13:02Can we get it over with yeah
13:06All right, have so much fun Wow that I
13:11Know I can't look at it. Go Sierra. You look like you're really ready to enjoy this. Yeah, why not?
13:16But it's here just walked up and hit it. Actually, that's what we're gonna do
13:31Have made peace with the situation we're moving on but dunking West it definitely was good for the soul
13:40You're up Lexi, would you like to do the honors? Yes
13:51Keep your mouth open. Yeah. Oh you're touching my leg
14:03I got wiener juice in my eye
14:10Congratulations ladies
14:24Miss toilet juice all over it. Mmm Kyle. It's disgusting
14:36Good first weekend. Yeah, good one, man. You know, you're gonna going in the same car, right?
14:40But we know that we'll be separated soon. Good to meet you. All right
14:50See ya
15:05Welcome in. Yeah, you look so cute. I love your phone
15:10The bump is really
15:17Was like, oh my god, I can't believe I love that you're doing baby bump accessory
15:21Yeah, like you're like, this is my album is fun. This is my accessory. All right. Okay, so shorts dresses
15:28When Lindsay finally said the words that she was pregnant
15:32For whatever reason I felt immediately closer to her. I felt like that's my friend. She's having a baby
15:39We have to make sure she's okay that she's like not eating sushi we have to make sure she has water
15:44It felt very like protective
15:46Are you happy that you froze your eggs when you did? Yeah, I feel like I
15:51100% and I hope that they wind up just being like an insurance policy, but I really think that every
15:58Woman should do it good. Actually Craig froze a sperm. I
16:04Read about this person got in a car accident and they were like, yeah, they survived
16:08But they like can't produce anymore and like me and Paige have decided to freeze my sperm
16:15There are cups over here make sure to get it all in the car, okay, there's lubrication over there. Okay. Awesome. Thank you very much
16:24He does know that like
16:28Probably not not up against a real biological clock, correct
16:31I said to him I should probably freeze my eggs and he was like, oh should I freeze my sperm?
16:38Did he go get tested and he was like, oh my gosh
16:41My sperm is depleting when it got tested perfectly fine if anything above average
16:47Craig's been ready for a family and for me to move into his home since literally I think the day he texted me
16:54but I have worked for this exact moment in my career for
16:58Ten plus years this fall my podcast giggly squad is going on the 60 city tour
17:04I'm just as shocked as everyone else. Trust me. I wanted to be in the bed. I wanted to be taken care of
17:11I would have loved to have just married a man and said and now I'm done, but
17:17That's not where I'm at. Should I buy one of each for your gender reveal?
17:23I'm planning an epic gender reveal. What are you gonna do? I'm not telling you
17:28Personally want you to have a girl
17:30Because I just feel like you would just bond so much interesting with a girl
17:37First, you know what? I was thinking about is like either way boy or girl. This is my
17:45opportunity to break a cycle
17:47Doing the things that like my mom didn't do that
17:51That's why I should have been done. Does that make you like more excited to have a baby?
17:56I already feel like this baby is so loved like, yeah, you know Turner every
18:02Single night will like come home from work and like before he even kisses me because it's nice
18:09My biological mother bailed out when I was like two
18:14Hey mom, I am glad you answered
18:18It's nice to hear your voice. I
18:21Mean yeah, the phone the phone goes both ways in this full circle way
18:26I feel like the universe is giving me an opportunity to heal
18:29Those wounds from my childhood in ways that I never knew that I needed
18:35Let's get you some dresses. You're probably like gonna get so fat. Oh
18:42Do you say hot? Yeah, okay. I said that
19:00Holy smokes
19:02You look so pretty
19:06Are you a model no
19:09Games yes, actually, I've always wanted to come here. Do you want to get a drink?
19:13I actually would love a gin and tonic. I could totally do that for you
19:16Alright, I'll let you guys shoot shots first and then I'll come back. All right, you're first
19:20She can walk down a runway and she shoot a basketball
19:26The answer is no
19:34Yo, this is bad
19:40Come on Alex
19:43Oh, yeah, no, that's a point you got it you got it. You got it. Yeah
19:48Y'all gonna win this right there, of course
19:56So before my dad married my mom he made her shoot a basketball
20:01He just wanted to see like before he had kids with her like she had a good jump shot
20:05Are you asking me how your babies?
20:11Want somebody that sees me and is like that's my girl. I'm going for it
20:15sometimes I think guys can be intimidated by my exes or
20:19My lifestyle and I just like that Jesse has come in very confidently with me. I
20:24Like that energy
20:27How do I look it matches your outfit for sure
20:31Okay, you're honestly that was really good. This has been so fun. It has been fun
20:37Are we gonna share a room this weekend, are we gonna take it slow?
20:42That's a good question
20:45Do you usually move like this with boys or is it usually slower?
20:49I don't share beds with every single guy that I met on like the first night. It was the third night
20:55I'm definitely the type that like I
20:58Want to like make sure that this is like a thing where we're only getting to know each other
21:04Just make things more like black and white and like I don't like gray
21:09Well, it feels like I've only known you for like less than a week. So it's probably a little soon
21:15I'm not saying that it has to be soon
21:17I just don't like to share like I definitely have the tendency to be a jealous type. I
21:23Am NOT a casual dater at all. Like I'm a relationship sex girl
21:28That's a tough one to swallow I feel like
21:32We just go with our gut and then if it ends up
21:38Not great, then we figure that out, too
21:41Yeah, I mean listen I have
21:45trust in myself, but
21:48It'll be a change of pace for me. So stick with me kid. I'm learning
21:55Coming up
21:56nobody in the world knows
21:59The gender yet. Okay me and baby daddy. Are we doing another sponsored pose?
22:16We gotta put these bad boys on
22:19Literally, it's like this song
22:22No, you could yeah, what's up TJ?
22:26I'm not playing yet. You look great. It's just background music
22:30Me blurting out that I wanted to be a DJ last summer was one of those drunken moments. She wants to have purpose
22:37Okay, cool. You know what? I want. I want to be a
22:41DJ but I'm glad I said I've been slowly but steadily getting better and better and
22:46I know for some people it looks like a midlife crisis, but no, that'll be a Ferrari
22:51This makes sense
22:53Hey Paige, look at the polka dots
22:56I'm glad we're all on a rooftop in black. I love it sweating our balls off
23:18Let me go figure out the drink stitch
23:29See by your repair, I'm sorry
23:40Are you my man?
23:42Real good. Are you in love?
23:44No, you guys are impressed with the vibes that have been displayed. I'm sorry. Wow. How the heck are you brother?
23:51Hi cutie
23:54Did I interrupt good juice talking biz over here did you go on the date?
24:00Yeah, we went on a date. Yeah, it was fun. I mean, she's so cute
24:03I mean, she's the kind of girl you lock down obviously. Yeah, she's made that clear
24:11The day was really cute we really five and I'm like, I've been really enjoying my time
24:16Obviously, I feel like we probably are going too fast
24:22Okay, you know I like you get the bump out yeah, how big did you say it was it told me a mango this week
24:30That's a big mango. It's Jim. Oh, yes
24:41A lemon iced tea lover boy. No, no, I'm good for now
24:45Hey, I was gonna say do you drink drink yourself sometimes like what my nerves?
24:49Yeah, it's so hard to see up there and I want to be like
24:54Well, we got him rule on his way you've never met him right tell me more about this guy, oh there is
25:00That's our guy that's our guy
25:03It's taking like 20 minutes to get over here though
25:06It rules like this classic, New York
25:09What's up
25:15He loves to have a good time he loves to get after it
25:23Bit of a Casanova if Casanova lived in New York City in 2024 and had multiple partners in a given night
25:32What's your name bro, I'm white where you from Brooklyn like born right I was born in Bangladesh came here when I was five
25:39Yeah, what's the word to refer to someone who is from Bangladesh Bengali Bengali?
25:45Yeah, I love that. I think you have people know about that country. It's like at the Bengals, you know, it's like that's where it comes
25:50Yeah, yeah
26:09Let's go to the bar New York City, are you ready to send it?
26:40This morning
26:41I received a bit of rage texting from Kyle cook about my best friend Hannah and my boyfriend Craig for Craig
26:49he's mad because he signed a deal to do some ad with another drink company and
26:54Then Hannah because she was on a podcast just being Hannah
27:00Notice how I didn't say my name in there, but I'm just like getting yelled at
27:05Honestly beyond discouraged with Craig to this wouldn't be a topic today if it wasn't for him and about a dozen lies
27:11I can't believe this is where Hannah is at three years later. I'm being a
27:16So that's what
27:18Happened to me today. Okay, what about me gave you the impression?
27:22You could text me talking shit about my best friend and my boyfriend like what?
27:27You have both of their numbers
27:29Be an adult and if you see something on the internet that makes you up
27:34Sit with it for a minute and then text the person that said it
27:39You're trying to put me in the middle of it
27:43Absolutely insane
27:44But also it's like the other thing that's annoying to me is that Kyle's thinking that everyone has to have this allegiance to him like
27:50You when have you ever supported a single thing? I've done. Have you ever said anything about my podcast?
27:55I've never said anything about your podcast and like acts like you won't under you can't understand anything
28:01I've drank your drink for seven years. I've come to your dome ass being event
28:07I came here tonight with so that someone kept his wife company while he pretends to be Diplo like, please
28:36Didn't have to push that hard
28:42Can I be annoying and touch it already
28:47You're poppin. Is it baby moving? It's doing a little a roast compo yo dance. Oh my god, my little
28:54I'm really excited. Danielle is here this weekend. We've seen each other through a lot of different versions of ourselves
29:03We're not not gonna have sex tonight in that
29:10Not pregnant
29:16Okay, we're good
29:18With that I need a glass of rosette. Oh my god. Thank you. We have a very special connection and bond. So
29:25Yeah, it's fun to have Danielle back in the house. The break has been so nice
29:29For a lot of reasons. I've been focusing on me myself and I I'm still single no life update there
29:36But I miss the house
29:40Which is so crazy it looks the same weird being here like I guess
29:47That it's my child in my belly did someone give that to you
29:52No, when I announced it, I whipped that out and I was like
29:57Carl was here, too
29:58No, he wasn't here. Okay, that makes
30:01It less awkward
30:03I've been surprised a lot on the Lindsay rollercoaster and this has to top all of it the thought of having
30:10Lindsay Carl under the same roof and she's not pregnant
30:16It's someone else's
30:21What I'm crying this is great, I mean it's crazy it's just nuts so I don't know what I'm walking into
30:28But I'm excited. I need your help. Let's go. So I'm gonna do a gender reveal scavenger hunt tonight
30:35Nobody in the world knows
30:37The gender yet, okay
30:40Family and me and baby daddy. Are we doing another sponsored pose for that announcement? No
30:45I don't even know how you sponsor that pose. But if I did know I would be
30:56Thank you when everyone finds out the gender then they'll wear that color option to the dinner
31:07Please tell me there's a guy here. Hello. There's a stranger in your house
31:18Nope me an outfit. Oh, but no one's milk made not this year
31:24Wait, did you go?
31:28Big group like I did it was me Carl
31:31Emeril Gabby
31:33Bailey Lexi and West and we want all went out like half of those names
31:42Wait, everybody this table single
31:47How is it with West across the table, I
31:52Mean, well, we did have a distraction which was you know, Emeril
31:58So Emeril was sharing that he couldn't join us last weekend because he was at you know
32:03a play party
32:05Like everyone brings their kids or like a you didn't know. No, this is a bouncy house play party like for adults
32:11triple X
32:14It's two stories 18 rooms and you walk in two couches right there a sex swing, you know, so it's like in your face
32:22Two and a half
32:26I have so many questions me too. Wait, wait
32:32This is our introduction of him. He was at a play party. He's gonna tell you all about it very open
32:36We love that about him
32:38Somebody asked him how many times did he come? I was like, oh my god
32:41Did you edge the whole time or did you come more than all? Yeah, I didn't come at all
32:49I don't even want to know about that. I don't he just became very interesting
33:00This is our introduction of him. He was at a play party. He's gonna tell you all about it very open
33:05I don't even want to know about that. I don't he just became very interesting
33:14Hello, are you oh you test Oh things that you rode on the motorcycle. That's hi Danielle. Oh, there's groceries
33:23Very good to meet you. Hi, Daniel. How are you?
33:25Danielle oh, there's groceries
33:27Very good to meet you. Hi. How are you?
33:31Welcome to the house. Wait, so people have met you but this is your first time physically in the house
33:38He was busy last weekend. That's true. Kyle extended it all for last week, but I was I had my hands tied
33:47Possibly I don't like to tie
33:50And tell I grew up in a Muslim household and everything was taboo
33:54You can't eat pork. You have to pray five times a day. You can't have sex before marriage
34:00I was I don't want to say trapped but kind of just
34:03Limited by circumstance and then eventually when I started having a better sense of my own self
34:09I'm like, I don't know if I want this rigidity. So I've come the other way now. It's me
34:14Embracing I think who I always was and I'm just so open about it like hey to see who I am
34:19You know take it or leave it
34:37I saw the bike
34:43You say you were in this house last year who wants to give him a tour I give you a tour whatever I've seen
34:48This is fantastic. I'll take one of these
34:54How's yours week I got a cat oh
34:57Okay, that is so cute. So just like random. Yeah, what did you name it Daphne? Oh, that's so cute
35:04No, she's the light of my life. No her blue eyes are insane
35:10It's a fake
35:12What made you like get a cat?
35:14Honestly, Sierra and my friend Hannah like they have been cat moms forever and they're like, no, it's the best thing ever and they're sleepy
35:21She's a sleepy sleepy girl, and I freaking love that
35:24Jesse actually about my parents yesterday. Oh
35:28It was just like kind of like a last-minute thing like my parents are in town and
35:33We're like, you know what? Why not?
35:36So are you guys thinking you're getting married in Canada?
35:41When should we expect your save the dates? I wonder if Danielle will tell them they're moving too fast. Oh
35:49My god, how is meeting the parents?
35:55I thought you had like a funny story for me. And now it's just I have to tell
36:01I'm just dying to know how I win
36:04On my way. I was like, how the did I get here?
36:08Weeks ago, I was just single and dating all these girls and now I'm going to meet this girl's parents
36:21Hello, hello, how are you guys? How you doing pleasure to meet you?
36:36To see are you on the real thing?
36:39So, yeah, she said that they love me oh, that's good first impressions are great
36:44Did you clear the entire roster was there like text messages that had to go down like you're like there were a couple girls that
36:51Conversations were how did Sarah take it?
36:57Jesse people are waiting for you to comment on my most recent post you post it again. Yeah, I had to today
37:02I'm gonna have to get it approved by Lexi. Oh, come on. That's crazy
37:07And you're not exclusive she already made a comment
37:10She's like are you still gonna comment crazy shit on the girls Instagrams?
37:14We're dating and I was like I was planning on it
37:17I'm the type of guy who likes to gas up his girlfriends like Amanda post a picture. She deserves some love
37:25So I tell her how hot she is on her photo. I do the same for Sierra, but Alexi tells me like
37:33You probably
37:34Shouldn't do that
37:36She says instead of saying like you're smoking hot
37:39My eyes are burning from how hot you are. You should go with like that dress is very beautiful and I said
37:52You're different god damn it
38:22Just figure gender reveal and I'm team pink
38:25and it seems like
38:28You're glowing you look like you just went to like a horse race with a little bit of missed out fire. No
38:34Yeah, I'll take that
38:37Hi, I ring the bell, but it's all seem like it works the fact that the door works is is a big deal
38:42Let's evacuate the kitchen so we can give this shop some space
38:46It was amazing. I've actually had such a good time. Thank you
38:58I'm sworn to secrecy. Yep page. You're so independent. I know I'm feeling it these days
39:04And I'm not can you help me bring my bags upstairs? Always? Thank you so much
39:12Service over here
39:17Okay, thank you
39:19Is Kyle here? He has to drive over from New Hampshire. He has an event up there and he DJed. Oh good
39:26They left you alone
39:29What am I gonna grow out of crop tops?
39:34Have you spoken to Kyle yet after his event he just goes hey, sorry about all those texts earlier and I was just like, all right
39:41You didn't say anything I said nothing okay, cuz like I'm not gonna like do something at his event and like
39:48It was just like weird then a couple days ago
39:51He does this whole like page six exclusive about Hannah and he lied wait through his
39:58Being teeth in the article. He goes what he goes. I don't know what Hannah's talking about. I didn't get her fired
40:04I don't have that much power. Okay, and you wouldn't make up with her at the reunion. So we all know what that means
40:09It's not even about Hannah because it's like you two are never gonna have a friendship anyway, so like let it go you both had
40:14Different I'm talking about it. But like how are you gonna watch history repeat itself? Craig does not want to be your friend
40:22Like point-blank period he feels uncomfortable even coming to the house you went on national television
40:28Yeah, and in articles calling him a liar about his businesses
40:32I think Craig had already signed the deal when he confronted me and then he claimed that he didn't know I
40:37Have a spritz he thought I just have sparkly Ortiz and I'm like, bro
40:41We launched our spritz line a year and a half before this company. You actually look upset
40:46Well, look he has a reputation of lying and he lied to me. Okay
40:53Don't call me before the summer and vent to me about your wife and like act like we're really good friends
40:59I give you advice. I don't tell your wife this you say and then three weeks later
41:04I think you can text me whatever the you want
41:07It really he sounds like a dad being like those are your friends and they're doing bad things
41:11And so are you and it's like dad, I don't smoke weed like I didn't do it
41:16I didn't go on a podcast and talk about you. I didn't join a spritz company and post about it. Like why am I?
41:23Getting yelled at on a Thursday morning at 930. I already don't want to be awake
41:28Okay, but then the other part of like Amanda being in the middle of this
41:32She's obviously going to feel a type of way and she's gonna react to so like reason that is he's so lucky
41:39He's married to the woman
41:40He's married to because it is the only reason I don't go up one side of him and down the other
41:47But now I've gotten to a point where like you just my best friend with my boyfriend
41:52You think you disrespect me? You think you can text me anything you want you like you're lucky
41:58I don't buy loverboy and sell it
42:00So, I'll probably say all of that at Lindsay's gender reveal dinner
42:12Next time on summer house, whichever team gets to the ball
42:18Reveal the gender
42:21Think I carls on my team. What am I gonna do sit in the corner?
42:24I don't want to be a part of it being two-faced with me. Why is she being two-faced?
42:28How dare you the lies that have been spread have almost ruined our marriage
42:37Done Carl I can't do it anymore