• 2 days ago
Police.24.7.2024.S02 E03


00:00All individuals are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.
00:05You're going in the back of the car.
00:10Get off me. Get off me.
00:13733 Dispatch, Cop in a traffic stop.
00:18I believe he's probably going to flee.
00:20Stop making a fool of yourself and let's go.
00:23Oh, he fell in the water.
00:24I got cups.
00:33Not to sound too macho, but I've got 11 years on a SWAT team.
00:39I'm always trying to figure out a way to improve and decrease the chance of dying.
00:46Right now we're en route to a disorderly subject at one of our motels.
00:52Management called and said that they tried to get him to cooperate
00:57and leave the property.
00:58However, he's not, so they asked us to assist with that.
01:07Yes, sir.
01:09What are you doing?
01:10You're going to get us in 111, yell in and scream and get
01:13stuff like that, making a disturbance down there.
01:16He kicked it out of the room.
01:19What do you want?
01:23How you doing, boss?
01:24How you doing?
01:25He pushed me very hard, man, but I don't want to fight.
01:27You know, I'm the owner, you know?
01:29I like to solve the problems.
01:30All right.
01:31Yes, sir.
01:32I want to get this one gone.
01:33Yes, sir.
01:35Mr. Relax.
01:40How you doing, sir?
01:41Pretty good.
01:44You party a little too hard?
01:46Oh, man.
01:47Having a bad trip on something?
01:48Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:49What's our plan on getting you out of here safely?
01:52You need an ambulance or what?
01:55You having heart issues?
01:57All right.
01:59411 dispatch.
02:00Can you get central to my location
02:02and complain his chest pains?
02:04Yes, sir.
02:05He's listening.
02:06What all did you ingest tonight?
02:10Some peels and stuff.
02:13If you look up.
02:19Yes, sir.
02:23Are you telling me to look in your bag?
02:27Oh, yeah.
02:30Hey, hey.
02:31I'm sorry.
02:32The complaint came out as a individual no longer
02:35wanted on this property.
02:37He apparently is overdosed on most likely the pills
02:41he has on him.
02:42Where'd you get the pills from?
02:46I'm waiting for EMS to get here to evaluate him.
02:49Once they get here, then I can go ahead
02:51and identify what kind of pills he's ingested.
02:55And we'll go from there, depending
02:57on what we're going to do on the legal side.
03:00What's going on?
03:04What's going on?
03:05I need some pills.
03:06Pills of what?
03:07Pills of everything.
03:10What's going on?
03:11What's going on?
03:20Hey, stop that.
03:26I'm not getting assaulted.
03:30He got hostile with the EMT, shoved him.
03:35And so right now, they're refusing to transport.
03:38We're going to try to identify these pills real quick.
03:42So he's got oxycodone, Xanax, and a couple muscle relaxers.
03:47Right now, I do have probable cause to go ahead
03:50and take him into custody.
03:53First trick is to go ahead and get the handcuffs on him.
03:56I got another unit in route.
03:58And then we'll get him transported.
04:01We'll have to figure out how to get him
04:03into the transport vehicle.
04:04But we'll figure it out one step at a time.
04:08You know?
04:11Hey, Mr. I got to take you to the hospital, OK?
04:15Because EMS said they can't.
04:17But hey, since you're riding in one of our cars,
04:19I got to put something on your wrist, OK?
04:21All right.
04:22All right.
04:23Hey, don't be alarmed, all right?
04:26These just got to go on your wrist,
04:27because you're going in the back of the car.
04:34All right.
04:35Go ahead and give me your other one.
04:36I owe you.
04:37Yes, sir.
04:49He's pulling against us.
05:00No, no, no, no, no, no.
05:03Yes, sir.
05:04Get off me.
05:05Get off me!
05:07Get off me!
05:08Get off me.
05:09Get off me.
05:10Get off me.
05:11You're just going to the hospital right now, sir.
05:13Get off me.
05:14Get off me.
05:15Get off.
05:16Have a seat in the X4.
05:17All right.
05:18All right.
05:19Have a seat.
05:20Lean back so we can straighten your pants out, please.
05:22There you go.
05:24Come on, man.
05:25Help us.
05:27Don't just say, OK.
05:29Stand up on your feet.
05:31Hold on.
05:38We've got to get you down.
05:53Which hospital?
05:54Doctors is the closest.
06:01Situations like that can get tough
06:03because he was not cooperating with commands.
06:06He was combative.
06:08He never threw a punch.
06:09But a few times, he tensed up.
06:11I'm glad he didn't want to fight.
06:13He was big.
06:14We did struggle at times.
06:15However, it turned out with a peaceful ending.
06:18And we were able to get him transported
06:21without causing further injury.
06:28733, dispatch.
06:29Copy the traffic stop.
06:30Apparently, this guy's in traffic, exposing himself.
06:34Does your spiritual journey include taking your clothes off?
06:37He called in saying that he was basically stranded.
06:40He had ran out of gas.
06:44Oh, he fell in the water.
06:46I am Officer Fleurier with the Wilmington Police Department
06:50here in eastern North Carolina.
06:52I've been in law enforcement for approximately eight years now.
06:56One of the problems that we have in this city are,
06:59and probably in any kind of city,
07:01is that we have a lot of police officers.
07:03And we have a lot of police officers
07:05who are in the police force.
07:06And we have a lot of police officers
07:08who are in the police force.
07:09And we have a lot of police officers
07:11who are in the police force.
07:12One of the problems that we have in this city are,
07:15and probably in any kind of inner city,
07:17super urban environments, shot houses,
07:19kind of after-party spots,
07:21places that don't have the licensing to be selling booze.
07:25And we had a notorious one in the community.
07:27It was called The Edge.
07:28It recently got shut down by an alcohol enforcement agency.
07:31There's been homicides out there.
07:33We've got a bunch of shootings out there,
07:35gang wars, just a pure menace.
07:39Right now, we're going to go check out
07:41a possible shot house or illegal bar,
07:44see what kind of activity is happening out there right now.
08:01Advising us of a shady cart.
08:04We're going to jump out with it.
08:06Let's just park here, Cookie.
08:10Is it that building all the way over there,
08:12or is it just this one?
08:14Behind this.
08:15Can we just go all the way through?
08:19Yeah, yeah, yeah.
08:42There's a fat bag of weed.
08:47That's a big old fat bag of weed.
08:49Oh, look.
08:50Look, come here in the driver's seat.
08:53It's an extended neck, too.
08:54A glock.
08:55Nah, we're getting that, buddy.
09:00It looks a lot, but it's not.
09:03What's up with the lights on and stuff?
09:05It's a rental car, sir.
09:06They don't know what they're doing with it.
09:08Let's see if we can pull out and sit on it.
09:10Let's go, bro.
09:12If only it was just occupied, dude.
09:13You know?
09:16There's a party going on in the building, but yet this car,
09:18these people are out.
09:19At least what it appeared like at first glance
09:21was like they're hanging out around this car.
09:26You heard us talking about that car?
09:30You know what PVA we're talking about?
09:33The new Edge 2.0, the little party spot over here?
09:36Yeah, I've been seeing a lot of traffic.
09:38Yeah, what'd you all come up with?
09:39I was listening to them.
09:40Oh, it's got a big old fat bag of weed sitting right here,
09:42an extended mag lock on a floorboard.
09:44Sit on it.
09:45I know, dude.
09:46Sit on it.
09:47That's the car of the night.
09:48Sit on that thing all night, boy.
09:49I know.
09:50It is the car of the night, dude.
09:51Don't be driving by that place and seeing that it's letting
09:53out and not announce that on me.
09:54Let everybody know.
09:55See what I'm saying?
09:56All right?
09:57All right.
09:58Hey, where are we going to get you?
10:00Good afternoon.
10:01Coming towards the side of the road.
10:06Yeah, there's a bunch of cars pulling out.
10:11I just saw the, uh, a lot of flashers
10:13hit on the Challenger.
10:15All right.
10:17They're not hitting him now.
10:18It's 16.
10:22281, 10-61.
10:24Charcoal gray Challenger.
10:25I know the occupants.
10:34281, turning west on Hospital Plaza.
10:36Yeah, I know.
10:41Do me a favor.
10:42Put your hands up.
10:43Put your hands up.
10:44Put your hands up.
10:45Unlock your seat belt, and then step out of the car, OK?
10:49Turn around.
10:50Do you have anything illegal on you?
10:52Do me a favor.
10:53Hang tight right back here, please.
10:54This is, uh, I'm Officer Florio with WPD.
10:56This is a reasonable suspicion traffic stop, OK?
10:59All right, let's hang tight right over here.
11:03She's probably a little diversion.
11:05Yeah, bro.
11:06I saw a big old bag of weed in there earlier.
11:08I'm pretty sure it and the gun is going.
11:12100% a diversion.
11:15Are all these face masks yours?
11:19Pop the trunk pieces.
11:24Ain't that the craziest thing?
11:27Ain't that the craziest thing?
11:29So when we contact Enterprise, whose name
11:32is this vehicle registered to?
11:34OK, can I see your ID, ma'am?
11:35Your license?
11:36Yeah, absolutely.
11:39You've been driving this car all night?
11:41All right, well, I guess I'll have to charge you then
11:43for the bag of weed that was in there earlier.
11:46Yeah, it was.
11:48It was earlier.
11:49Where'd it go?
11:52No, not from that.
11:53When you get from that.
11:55Yeah, THC is illegal.
11:57Yeah, yeah, yeah.
11:58What about the gun?
11:59Was that yours too?
12:03You just gave it to your sister?
12:04Why'd you do that?
12:08Where were you shooting them?
12:09In the country.
12:10OK, can I see your ID?
12:12You said the weed went where?
12:14I gave it to my sister.
12:15And the weed, the drugs and the gun?
12:20So you just kind of, for whatever reason,
12:22just gave her drugs and guns and then left?
12:24Well, we just parted because we was hanging out earlier.
12:26Why would you give her your gun?
12:27I wouldn't just give mine.
12:28Because we was shooting guns.
12:30Yeah, but it's your gun.
12:31So the weed, that doesn't make any sense.
12:33No, I have two guns.
12:35We was in the country shooting her gun.
12:38So now that's not your gun.
12:39It's her gun?
12:40No, I said I have guns.
12:42You have guns.
12:43But that one wasn't yours.
12:44No, that was my sister's.
12:52There was so much movement around that car before.
12:56Oh, I know.
13:00My thing is, we should have hopped out when I started
13:02seeing it unlocked, $15.
13:05Well, they were probably trying to bait us.
13:06They were probably trying to see if it was good.
13:08That makes sense.
13:09They were just messing with it, seeing if all of a sudden
13:11cops would jump out of trees and bushes.
13:20All right, ma'am.
13:22You are free to leave.
13:23Thank you for your cooperation.
13:30Man, bro.
13:32Got us.
13:33You understand?
13:34You understand?
13:36I mean, somebody ain't in her car.
13:38When was the last time you got a female with an extended mag?
13:42Or having just observed drugs and a gun in it.
13:44And of course, there's no more drugs and no more gun in it.
13:47There's a bunch of face masks.
13:49So we got to go, man.
13:50Just a little decoy.
13:54Probably fleeing over 100 down Spring Hill.
13:59Hey, man, come here.
14:00Get the hell out of here.
14:02He is plastered.
14:03He is plastered.
14:30My name's Chase Cook.
14:31I'm a police officer in Wilmington, North Carolina
14:33Police Department.
14:35I've been here roughly two years.
14:37I currently work District 3, Brava.
14:39It's the south side of Wilmington.
14:40That's what we call it.
14:41It's just south side.
14:42We primarily have a lot of drugs, narcotics, guns,
14:48a lot of careless and reckless drivers.
14:50Combat it the best way we know how.
14:52That's making traffic stops and getting out on foot
14:54and making ourselves known and making arrests.
14:57All right, so we just got a call for service.
15:00Reference to a raccoon inside of someone's house.
15:04Hopefully it's not like a rabid raccoon.
15:06I forget exactly what the disease is called,
15:08but it's not rabies.
15:09It's something else that's making them look
15:11like they do have rabies.
15:12But I've already had to shoot one.
15:15So I'm hoping that's not what this is.
15:17And it's just a raccoon that found its way into our house
15:19so I can shoot it out.
15:20We'll go see if we can help this gentleman get
15:22the raccoon out of his house.
15:33I'm going to get some gloves preemptively.
15:39You got a raccoon up in there?
15:42Did you see it?
15:43Did you see one?
15:45Did you see it?
15:46I see it.
15:47All right, let's go look for it.
15:48I'm fighting with it.
15:49You're fighting with it?
15:50Is it mean?
15:51All right, where is it at?
15:55All right, let me go see.
15:57I don't see no raccoon.
16:02Behind the toaster?
16:06I don't want to move the toaster.
16:07I don't want it to attack me.
16:08There ain't no raccoon back there.
16:10No, it ain't back there.
16:12Is it baby or big?
16:16What's that noise?
16:17Is it, like, hissing?
16:18I'm scared I'm going to get jump scared by a raccoon.
16:24You don't see a raccoon?
16:27It's a possum?
16:28It's a possum.
16:29It's a possum, man.
16:30Ain't no raccoon.
16:33It's a baby.
16:37I'll get him for you.
16:41You got a towel or something I can use for a rug?
16:45You got a towel?
16:46I ain't putting him in no bucket.
16:47He's precious.
16:48Where's the towel?
16:49Can I use that right there?
16:50The rag?
16:51Yeah, just to pick him up.
16:53He's playing dead.
16:54He ain't going to do nothing.
16:56You come get him with some gloves on.
17:01I know.
17:02Come on, Bubby.
17:03Let's get him outside.
17:05I know.
17:07Come on, baby.
17:10Come on.
17:14It's OK.
17:15It's OK.
17:16Here you go.
17:17Here you go.
17:18Run off.
17:19Go ahead.
17:20Go ahead.
17:21You think picking up a possum would hurt it by its tail,
17:22but they hang by their tail, so they're fine.
17:24He's gone.
17:26He's gone, sir.
17:28You all right?
17:30He was just a baby.
17:31That means mama's probably around here somewhere.
17:34Go get some rest, all right?
17:36Why'd I have to pick it up?
17:37I felt so bad.
17:39I know.
17:40I just feel bad for the little guy.
17:42That's all right.
17:43Next time, I'll pick it up.
17:44It's OK.
17:45I like possums.
17:46If it was a raccoon, I would have probably
17:47freaked out a little bit more.
17:48Raccoons freak me out.
17:49Have a good day, sir.
17:51Yes, sir.
17:55That was scary.
17:56He said raccoon, and I said there ain't no way a raccoon
17:58is hiding back here.
17:59It don't fit.
18:01But yeah, we're Wilmington Police Department Animal Services
18:13I'm Deputy Kendalee Selby Nemick with the Putnam County
18:16Sheriff's Office.
18:17I've worked at the Sheriff's Office for seven years.
18:19I started in dispatch.
18:20I dispatched for five years and came out to patrol
18:23after going to the Academy.
18:25The way I look at it is like a bird finally getting out
18:27of the cage, because I don't like being cooped up
18:29in a little room for 12 hours of the day.
18:33I get antsy.
18:34So then you come out here and do this,
18:36where you see a different scenery every day.
18:38It's far better, in my opinion.
18:41So that's why I'm here.
18:42The whole goal is to make a difference.
18:44I guess we're headed to the guy in the water.
18:48He called in saying that he was basically stranded.
18:51He had ran out of gas.
18:52He was paddling his boat trying to get to shore,
18:56but he was lost.
18:57He wasn't exactly sure where he was.
18:59He still doesn't really know where he is.
19:01Like, we're getting his location off of the ping 9-1-1 call,
19:04which may or may not be 100% accurate,
19:07but we're getting his location off of the ping 9-1-1 call.
19:11Which may or may not be 100% accurate,
19:14depending on the radius of the call.
19:16But we got a Marine unit coming out,
19:18so in the event the sun sets before we find him,
19:20it's going to make finding him a little bit more difficult.
19:22Tides are going to change.
19:24So hopefully we find him before the sun's completely down.
19:27All right.
19:31Hi, Fred.
19:32How are you?
19:35Are we going on the boat?
19:36Start swimming.
19:38It's all you, dude.
19:39Fire Rescue's boat can't go there.
19:40He said looking at the map and everything
19:42and knowing how the river is there,
19:44we don't have anything capable of going back there.
19:47But if they can't get back there,
19:50we're going to have to figure something out.
19:52Yeah, we'll have to figure out something.
19:53We can't stay out there all night.
19:56There it is, though.
19:57It's our boat?
19:59The boat is here.
20:03He feels so cool right now.
20:04Yeah, he does.
20:05Oh, yeah.
20:06He feels like the coolest kid ever.
20:10I hope he's not farther south.
20:12Helicopter has night vision.
20:15Help us keep eyes on him.
20:23Sun said they're about two minutes out.
20:26It should be, though.
20:27Maybe not.
20:28Oh, that's not our boat.
20:30That's the one towing it.
20:31That's the one towing it.
20:37Yeah, that's him.
20:40There's our boat.
20:47Oh, he fell in the water.
20:48You ready?
20:56Give me your phone.
20:57I'm not sure I saw him.
20:59He is a bastard.
21:00I hope he just does not get off the middle of this truck
21:02and be like, oh, I'm going to bring my boat down here.
21:08Where are you going?
21:09I'm talking to the guy with the camera.
21:11Come on, no.
21:12Stop making a fool of yourself, and let's go.
21:15I hit a tree, and this fell over.
21:19I couldn't get back in it.
21:21I was able to get a hold of my phone and my boat.
21:24It's called 911.
21:25I mean, obviously, y'all took a lot longer
21:28than what I expected to get here.
21:31But as soon as I pulled up, everybody was here.
21:35So I'm not complaining.
21:37I'm not doing nothing else other than congratulating everybody
21:41that was here, along with my ex-old lady right here,
21:45because she's the one who really helped me out here.
21:49You're not.
21:53By the time the fire department and my zone partner
21:55got out to where he was, apparently
21:57another individual was already out there with him
22:00and towing him back.
22:02I don't know what transpired while my zone partner was out
22:04there with the individual on the water.
22:06However, at the end of the day, we obviously
22:08got him back to the boat ramp.
22:24He's intoxicated, but safe and sound.
22:28And he'll be on his way home.
22:35Come on.
22:37I've got stuff to do.
22:38Let's go.
22:40go do the sh-t you gotta do,
22:41but I gotta get the sh-t home, that's about it.
22:44The guy that we were out with earlier,
22:46he ended up cutting his foot significantly.
22:48Not causing a disturbance, but the ER.
22:50Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
23:11We're going to Putnam Medical Center
23:12for a disturbance from the guy that we were out with earlier
23:17who was stranded on his boat or in the water
23:20or whatever he had going on.
23:22He's now causing a disturbance with the staff at the ER.
23:25He's probably sitting in the front
23:26just showing his full personality.
23:30Ha ha, I have no one at all.
23:31I live by myself.
23:33Oh, goodness.
23:35Where you been at?
23:38What's up? You weren't here.
23:44What's up? You weren't here.
23:46You weren't here.
23:48I was just waiting for you to get out of the water.
23:50You weren't here.
23:52You weren't here.
23:54You weren't here.
23:56You weren't here.
23:57You weren't here.
23:59You weren't here.
24:01God bless.
24:03So from what I understand, while they were there
24:06trying to load up the boat or something to that nature,
24:08he ended up cutting his foot significantly.
24:10So he had to be transported by rescue.
24:11They got his foot wrapped up.
24:13So he's having a great night.
24:16Hopefully, he's the last we see of him today.
24:18Get your ass in that truck now.
24:20Let's go.
24:21I'm not playing this petty bulls**t.
24:22Get in the f**king truck and go home.
24:25I'll walk home.
24:27Just get in the truck.
24:29Can you please come on?
24:30You have nothing to do with me.
24:33All right, I've already told you.
24:34Can you please come on?
24:36Get out of my face.
24:37What's this?
24:38Please go in there.
24:39Get in the truck.
24:40Why are you acting a fool?
24:41Why are you showing your ass in front of me?
24:42All right, come on.
24:43Let's go.
24:44In the truck.
24:46Come on.
24:47Let's walk in the truck.
24:48What happened to his clothes?
24:49What are you doing?
24:51Why do you have your hands back like that?
24:53We're not taking you to jail.
24:54We're putting you in the truck.
24:55I'm not going in the f**king damn truck.
24:57Well, you got to.
24:58It's time to go home.
25:00I'd rather walk the f**k home.
25:02I can walk straight the f**k back.
25:03Let me take you to the house.
25:06Let her take you to the house.
25:07You can stay in the truck.
25:09Now drive the f**k home.
25:11Yeah, I don't think that's happening.
25:14Tomorrow 8 o'clock.
25:15So you want me to sleep in the truck tonight?
25:18Literally, like, we started dating.
25:20And then he dropped me off at my house
25:22and, like, f**king ghosted me.
25:24So I get a call today, and he's like, hey,
25:26like, I'm on the boat.
25:28Ashton, I have no fuel.
25:29Like, I need you to come get me.
25:30And I'm like, I don't have a boat.
25:32I can't get on the water to you.
25:35They finally got him in, and he started
25:38showing his ass really bad.
25:39When the rescue people got there earlier?
25:42What's up, man?
25:43How are you?
25:44You're walking this way to the truck.
25:46I feel like we're going to have to.
25:49Put him on the ground.
25:50Put him on the ground.
25:52Right here on the ground.
25:53Right in the grass?
25:54The grass would be nice.
25:56You ready?
25:57Three, two, one, lift.
25:59Oh, god.
26:01Oh, god.
26:02Kendall, give me a cuff.
26:03I got cuffs.
26:04F**k here.
26:05Oh, god.
26:07You got to make room, guys.
26:09Kendall, come on.
26:10I got arms.
26:10I got those arms.
26:13I already got it.
26:143, 2, 1, lift.
26:16Bitch, y'all ain't gonna lift me.
26:18Come on.
26:193, 2, 1, lift.
26:22Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
26:24Y'all ain't gonna lift, are you?
26:32All right, back up.
26:46Guess he wasn't done.
26:48Just when we thought we were sending him home for the night,
26:50he decided he didn't want to go with his girlfriend.
26:53So now he's going to jail.
26:55And we're headed to the jail now to assist the city
26:58in probably taking him into the jail
27:00because he was not very cooperative.
27:08Did you see anything?
27:09Did they?
27:10Me and Dickerson had to yank him out.
27:13You're welcome.
27:14I'm going to get him out of the door.
27:16You do it.
27:17Hey, do me a favor.
27:18Give me two minutes of no talking, all right?
27:19Yes, ma'am.
27:20All right.
27:21I'm trying to explain.
27:22Start standing.
27:24Can you answer me a question?
27:25Yes, ma'am.
27:26Other than alcohol, have you taken anything?
27:28And be honest.
27:29I haven't been drinking.
27:30I'm mentally.
27:32So question for you.
27:33Yes, ma'am.
27:35You said that you struggle with some mental issues, correct?
27:37Are you on medication for that?
27:39Supposed to be.
27:39You're supposed to be?
27:41OK, when's the last time you took it?
27:44Last time I was locked up, last weekend.
27:46OK, fair enough.
27:47What did you go to jail for last weekend?
27:50For a drunken disorder.
27:51For a drunken disorderly?
27:53I was in the sink.
27:54It's stupid.
27:56OK, Aaron, take a breath.
27:57Hold on, take a breath.
27:59So last weekend, you were here, OK?
28:03It's all right.
28:04Take a breath.
28:08We're going to take him back to the ER.
28:10The saga continues.
28:12We are going to be taking him back to the ER
28:14because we have to get him medically cleared because he
28:16was tased.
28:17He's got some injuries and stuff like that.
28:19And for the jail to take someone in who
28:20is acting in the effects that he's acting
28:23and having the injuries that he does have,
28:25he has to be medically cleared before they can accept him
28:27into the jail.
28:29So he'll eventually be back here at the jail,
28:31get him assessed as an inmate.
28:34And then the jail will take him from there.
28:36But as for right now, because he's not medically cleared,
28:39we got to go take him back to the ER.
28:54Oh, my god.
28:56For some reason, over here on, like, west of Washington,
28:59people just love to get naked.
29:01I don't know what it is.
29:02Apparently, this guy's in traffic, exposing himself
29:05for the crime of indecent exposure.
29:07You got to prove that somebody actually saw it
29:10and was offended by what happened.
29:13And we, as cops, are not allowed to be
29:14vindictive of anything that happens to us.
29:16So we're going to have to go back to the jail.
29:18We're going to have to go back to the jail.
29:21And we, as cops, are not allowed to be victims of that.
29:24But we have a Kent City code that kind of bypasses that
29:28and just says if they're doing it somewhere that it would be
29:31reasonable for somebody to see it.
29:33So, like, obviously, broad daylight and open air section
29:35would be pretty reasonable for somebody to see it.
29:38We can just charge them with that, even if nobody drove by.
29:42It's not always somebody stripping down completely
29:44naked, obviously, and running around like a madman.
29:47But it seems like over here, for whatever reason,
29:50it kind of happens more often.
29:52I'd lean towards the drug use in this area
29:55is pretty high compared to the rest of the city.
29:57It looks like he ran out of the traffic,
29:58exposing himself now, too.
30:00So that's good.
30:10Grab your right finger.
30:12Right finger, there we go.
30:15And then I'll do the same thing on your left side.
30:16All right.
30:17I like the nail paint.
30:18Cool thing.
30:19Appreciate it.
30:20Yeah, I almost went with the same color,
30:21but I'm thinking more about the color of my skin.
30:24What's your plan for the rest of the day today?
30:26Just keep looking and identifying spiritually.
30:28So, yeah.
30:31Does your spiritual journey include
30:32taking your clothes off?
30:34Not your shirt.
30:35I don't care about your shirt, but your pants and stuff.
30:36Because that's my other big concern today,
30:38is I don't want you having your clothes off because people
30:41see that it's a crime.
30:42I understand you're doing your thing,
30:44but we can't do that.
30:47So were you able to keep the clothes on then,
30:49or at least your pants on?
30:52So we had a dispatch out here for a lewd conduct.
30:53This male was out here pulling his pants down.
30:55He had like a bra around his waist.
30:57He was almost getting hit by cars running in the road.
30:59Do you have any warrants that you know about?
31:01I don't care about small ones.
31:06We're talking to you.
31:07You can keep your hands out of your pockets.
31:08I'm not going to hit you.
31:09Is this your first time?
31:11Is it still there?
31:12It's still there.
31:13It is?
31:16Are you on anything right now?
31:17Like, for this journey, did you take anything to kind of get
31:19you your headspace or, like, no LSD, no weed, nothing?
31:28Quicksilver, you OK?
31:30Stays off?
31:34Spiritual journeys.
31:37Where'd the name Quicksilver come from?
31:40It's my normal name.
31:41It's not Anthony?
31:43Not Anthony?
31:45Your fingerprint comes back to Anthony.
31:48When somebody is in that kind of state,
31:50you approach them, and you're always just calm and polite.
31:52Usually, if you approach them with just kindness and patience
31:54and that kind of stuff, they're usually cool to talk to,
31:56and they always have some pretty interesting things
31:58to say for sure.
31:59I told you guys I am who I am.
32:01Yeah, you said Quicksilver, but your name
32:03comes back to Anthony.
32:05That doesn't make sense, though, right?
32:07I don't know.
32:09It's super weird.
32:09You're wearing that hat as I was.
32:11What hat?
32:12If I was Anthony, I wouldn't be wearing that hat.
32:13I'd have to be much older.
32:16That doesn't make sense.
32:19All right, Anthony, you got a warrant for your arrest, OK?
32:22Relax, relax, relax.
32:25You have a DOC no bail warrant.
32:27So right now, we're checking to see if they want
32:29you confirmed on that, OK?
32:30And then once we confirm that if they want you or not,
32:33we'll go from there.
32:34We'll take your score, probably take you out of handcuffs.
32:36All right, let me come to you.
32:37I'm going to hang up.
32:40You got a DOC warrant, which is Department
32:41of Corrections warrant for assault three,
32:43which is when you assault either an officer, a nurse,
32:45or some sort of first responder, pretty much.
32:47DOC warrant, sometimes if you don't stay with the date on,
32:50they stay in the system for quite some time.
32:52I progress in life.
32:53And so when I was younger, probably I was Anthony.
32:58But I've been telling you guys that I
33:01wasn't for a long time now.
33:02You're not that person anymore, is that what you're saying?
33:06After confirming your identity, seeing the warrant come up,
33:08and it's being confirmed that they will take you
33:10into custody, that's how it will go from here, OK?
33:13So I'll let you guys know.
33:14All right, you guys are wrong, but OK, go ahead.
33:16If we're wrong, we can talk about it later.
33:18Since he has that warrant, we confirmed
33:20that we're going to book him into score jail.
33:23A little rusty there.
33:28There we go.
33:30He's chill.
33:32He's obviously got a very spiritual mind.
33:34He doesn't identify as his name.
33:35He's now Quicksilver, because he's grown up
33:37and become a better person.
33:38So good for him, but just because he
33:40became a better person doesn't mean you don't have a warrant
33:42So still going to jail.
34:04One of the things I love most about my job
34:05is just no two calls are the same.
34:08We can go from fighting someone to just having
34:13to sit down and speak with someone on a real level
34:15and talk to them, talk about their emotions,
34:17and get to know someone as a person
34:19to see how you can help them.
34:20So I still stand by it.
34:21It's the greatest job in the world.
34:23Most Sundays, they can be pretty calm.
34:25With FSU students being back, like, this whole weekend
34:28has been insane.
34:40He's going to be on a motorcycle, whiskey
34:42mic, red shirt, white helmet.
34:44I believe he's probably going to flee.
34:51I know we have a bunch of troopers in there
34:52if you want to make them aware.
35:00733, he's fleeing southbound on Spring Hill.
35:02I disengaged.
35:0510-4, I'm on the phone with FHP.
35:07414, he's probably fleeing over 100 down Spring Hill.
35:10In order for us to pursue and fully chase the vehicle,
35:13we have to have a violent, forcible felony.
35:30733 dispatch, do we know exactly where they're at?
35:32Coming back into Leon County?
35:36He's probably going to come back to where he fled from me.
35:38So I'm actually going to circle back.
35:44Oh, I'm guarding that 1103.
35:45That's the man.
35:48There he is again.
35:53733 dispatch, I believe the motorcyclist is going to be
35:55right back here at Spring Hill on Orange.
35:57Hey, man, come here.
36:02Hey, hey, hey, man, I'm off, man, I'm off.
36:04I'm down, I'm down, I'm down.
36:05I'm down, I'm down, I'm down.
36:09733, he stopped at this intersection.
36:11I'm going 10-15.
36:12I'm down, sir.
36:13I'm not, sir.
36:13I'm sorry.
36:14I'm here with you, dude.
36:15I'm cooperating with you.
36:16I know.
36:17I know.
36:18You know what?
36:18I'm a pig.
36:19I know.
36:20733, I'm 10-15.
36:21You can lift.
36:22I'll just need one or two more.
36:23I'll be right back.
36:24You can lift.
36:25I'll just need one or two more for me to help.
36:27Do you have any weapons or anything like that on you?
36:29No, sir.
36:30Can you roll over?
36:31Sir, I apologize.
36:33I have my headphones on inside my helmet.
36:35Do you have ID on you?
36:36It's in my wallet.
36:37It's in my bike, yes, sir.
36:39733 dispatch, just confirming there
36:41is no sort of pursuit.
36:43When I initiated him at the traffic stop here,
36:45he stopped immediately.
36:46Whatever you need to do, man, I'm sorry.
36:48You have to stand up?
36:49Yes, sir.
36:52So I got some people with me right now.
36:54I know, man.
36:55So give me just a second.
36:57You can pull my headphones out of my ears if you're I can't.
36:59It's hard to hear, man.
37:00Yes, sir.
37:02We don't have a place to set you down right now.
37:03So I actually am going to have you just sit back right here,
37:06Yeah, sure.
37:07You understand, if you try to run or anything like that,
37:09it will not work out good for you.
37:10Where is your license at in here?
37:12The Environmental Domestic.
37:15You need the key.
37:16What do you need, boss?
37:18Can you get him in your car?
37:22Stand up for me, boss, man.
37:24Appreciate it.
37:32Yeah, boss.
37:34You have a hard beat, boss.
37:37My partner just informed me of your rights, right?
37:39Are you agreeing to talk with me, having your rights in mind?
37:41Yeah, man.
37:43Well, what the hell's going on, man?
37:44What's got you doing this?
37:45Girls, man.
37:46My girl.
37:47What happened?
37:48Long distance.
37:49We were together.
37:50She's in Dominica.
37:51I'm going down there in less than three weeks.
37:53Pretty much broke up today, and it's so stupid, dude.
37:56I have such a good job, and I have such a good life.
37:58And I didn't give a tonight on that thing, man.
38:01And I never ride it that way.
38:02And that number 27 that's on the back of that cowhood
38:05is because my buddy died on one of those.
38:07And so, fuck, I didn't give a shit.
38:10Did you see me when you blew through that light?
38:11No, I didn't.
38:13And I didn't even think of it, man.
38:16And I'm sorry, man.
38:17I'm so fucking sorry.
38:19Were you wanting to harm yourself?
38:20Is that why you're driving like that?
38:22Didn't really care if it happened.
38:23Have you been drinking to get you like this?
38:25No, it's just.
38:26Just emotion?
38:29Oh, God.
38:31So obviously, I was the first car that tried to light you up.
38:33Yeah, I saw you up there at the light, right?
38:35All this for what?
38:36Because I was sad about some fucking girl.
38:41Listen, man, it fucking happens, OK?
38:44So I obviously, I'm sorry, but I'm
38:47So I obviously, you are going to jail tonight, all right?
38:51So it depends on what the trooper that you also
38:53fled from says.
38:55But it's probably going to be two counts of fleeing
38:56and looting, OK?
38:57Reckless driving.
38:59You know what the funny thing is, too,
39:00is I kind of wanted to get caught, man.
39:02You know what the funny thing is?
39:04Because I knew if I came back this way.
39:05Well, we were waiting here for you.
39:07Bad decision, man.
39:09And unfortunately, those decisions have consequences.
39:10Those consequences are going to be jail tonight, OK?
39:13Do you have any questions for me before we get you transported?
39:15No, sir.
39:16Don't hit your motorcycle.
39:17Can we call my friend and come get it?
39:18All right, just give me one second, OK?
39:20Of course, you got all the traffic.
39:23Yeah, well, so he was blocked in traffic.
39:25He come all the way down Spring Hill, Newark,
39:27I'll come up 267.
39:29He come by me at 137, and he was like, I'll be honest, man.
39:33At 137, I couldn't see, helmet, clothes, whatever.
39:38He admitted to fleeing from y'all.
39:40And how did you get him stopped?
39:42There was three car stops here in front of him.
39:43So I flipped in it, and I hit my siren real quick,
39:47and he just jumped off.
39:49Where's he at?
39:50Back of this car.
39:51We're going to take him to jail tonight
39:52on two counts of fleeing and looting,
39:54and then one count of reckless driving.
39:55He said that he's had some rough stuff come up in his life,
39:58and he didn't care how he drove today.
40:00When he got off the bike and put his hands up,
40:03it was kind of shocking.
40:05Generally speaking, that's not how it works.
40:06We have to force him off of the bike
40:08after they've already fled, especially at speeds of 137.
40:12That's just insanely reckless.
40:14I've never driven that fast in my life, even in these cars.
40:17Do you need anything else from me?
40:19All right.
40:20Thank you, man.
40:21Yes, sir.
40:22That's a 212 to Northeast.
40:23That's a 212 to Northwest.
40:24You weren't a dick, man.
40:25You fled from us, but I mean, once you
40:28stopped the third time, you were nice.
40:32What did they say?
40:33Third time's a charm?
40:37It's better than you being dead, man.
40:42Respectfully, your speeds, I don't think you would
40:44have made it to the hospital.
40:44I'm sorry.
40:45I'm sorry.
40:46I'm sorry.
40:47I'm sorry.
40:48I'm sorry.
40:49I'm sorry.
40:49I'm sorry.