• 2 days ago
Ready to Love S10 E03


00:00previously on ready to love I'm feeling good about having a second chance one
00:09man and one woman who don't take this serious they're gonna find themselves on
00:13the wrong side of history elimination Sahara's back in the house but this go
00:19around baby I'm bringing sexy day beautiful energy definitely want to get
00:30to know her a little bit better so you're a shopper I'm not a woman no
00:37well it's just a lot well cold you are not ready to love
00:44ain't no third chances good luck everyone so what would you say if I
00:49offered you the same chance that I offered will I would say don't waste my
00:53time there's eight more singles that you haven't met oh now she got a change of
00:58heart yes I'm about to introduce everybody to the whole group
01:03I'm about to start this thing over to me
01:08no it took me some time to get to the place that you wanted me to be
01:16now I'm ready
01:19I'm ready
01:33today Tommy invited us to a comedy club to introduce us to the singles from the
01:42second mixer I was definitely looking forward to seeing the next batch of
01:45women out of the first five it was a few possibles but you know I like the way my
01:50options thank you to wait did not call me and why wait why don't you are I was
01:58asleep the whole weekend see what I'm saying these men do us get on some
02:04Wayne and I we spent a lot of time that first mixer together we exchanged
02:09numbers he doesn't text he doesn't call so I'm thinking to myself like is it
02:14real what we have or is he just playing with me and that's something I can't
02:17stand for
02:19Ladies and gentlemen, our headliner, the one and only Mr. Tommy Mott
02:25Welcome to my second home, the comedy club.
02:51This is the bread and butter.
02:53Let me fix that. I'm ready to love. I love what you're doing for me as well.
02:59I'm not going to mess up this check, okay?
03:05Last time we talked, y'all got excited when I told y'all it was 10 more Philly
03:11singles that you would eventually meet. You might also be wondering, did Will and Sahara
03:17make it through for a second chance at finding love?
03:21But guess what? You're about to get all the answers.
03:24Give me a drumroll.
03:26Get ready to meet the 11th from the heaven.
03:31Let's go. Come on out, 11th.
03:33Here they come.
03:35Here they come.
03:37Sahara, let it all in.
03:39Check them out. Check them out.
03:41I'm looking for the dark-skinned chestnut, okay?
03:45So, check.
03:47Philly is in the building.
03:49Yes, Lord.
03:50I see that Will was gone.
03:53Then it's like seeing about two females.
03:55Aesthetically, I'm like, okay.
03:57That's something I usually go after.
03:59But I was surprised because I seen Sahara.
04:01I'm like, oh, she coming back to bring problems.
04:04She might trouble.
04:05But we're going to see.
04:07All right. It is time for y'all to mix it up.
04:10But remember, this ain't no job interview.
04:13We're talking about having fun.
04:14So, that's what I want y'all to do today.
04:16But most importantly, I want you to date with a purpose.
04:20The goal for this week is to focus on the qualities that you're looking for in a person.
04:25All right. One last thing.
04:27This week, I will be sitting down with the ladies to discuss which of you fellows are staying and which are leaving.
04:33So, y'all better come with it on these dates, all right?
04:35Mix, mingle, try not to come up single.
04:38There it is.
04:40That was cute. That was cute.
04:44Thank you. I'm Deanna.
04:46Deanna, nice to meet you.
04:47What's your name?
04:48Hi, I'm Polly.
04:50Knowing I have a second chance and the women are in power this week, I just kind of feel like I can relax more.
04:57And with the new guys, they all look good.
05:00Like, they all caught my eye.
05:05So, what makes you ready to fall in love?
05:07I've been working on myself.
05:09Like, my last relationship was four years ago.
05:11Four years, okay.
05:12So, I've like processed that.
05:14I have a great job.
05:15What about you?
05:16It's time to settle down.
05:17I'm very serious, you know.
05:19I want to build like an empire.
05:21So, I'm very intentional.
05:26So, what do you usually get into for hobby-wise?
05:29It's going to sound cliche, right?
05:31I just, I work out.
05:32You know what I mean?
05:33Like, I'm very simple.
05:35I get up, do my cardio, work out, go to work.
05:38So, when you do cardio, what you doing?
05:40See, I'm a lazy cardio.
05:42So, I'll be on an old man bike.
05:46I don't care.
05:48So, at the first mixer, my connection was strongest with Eddie.
05:52But Cisco does have that alpha presence, yes.
05:55But he also has a funny side to him, which is good.
05:58I was like, all right, that's something that we both have in common.
06:01What do you do?
06:02Don't mind me asking.
06:03I'm a firefighter.
06:06That's dope, man.
06:08I'm an adrenaline junkie, kind of.
06:09So, I like excitement.
06:11I like something new every day.
06:12And I like challenges.
06:13You don't really hear too many women taking dangerous jobs like that.
06:17And just, you know, her aura just gives off, like, strength.
06:21And I'm like, man, together, we'd probably be a power couple out here.
06:24Listen, the second you said fitness, health.
06:28My attention was right here.
06:29Listen, we here.
06:30There we go.
06:31Yeah, we here.
06:32That's what's up.
06:33That is what's up.
06:35This is for Will.
06:36This is for Will.
06:37Yo, this shot is for Will.
06:45So, look, I'm going to tell you.
06:46I saw you earlier.
06:47I was like, stay here.
06:48But I had to act cool.
06:49I'm like.
06:50I know.
06:51I saw you.
06:52I was like, damn, he didn't even really speak.
06:53You been around?
06:54You been in these streets?
06:55Not in the streets.
06:56So, you used to be a boy?
06:58The way you said it makes me feel like.
07:01Oh, my God.
07:06How you doing, Tay?
07:07Hi, what's your name?
07:11Nice to meet you.
07:12What are you talking about?
07:13Everything, boo.
07:16Tay, she's very beautiful.
07:17I'm very much attracted to her.
07:18So, it was just like, I definitely wanted to get to know her.
07:19Where you from?
07:20West Oakland.
07:21West Oakland.
07:22What's the EMS?
07:23You got any kids?
07:28Do you?
07:29Yeah, I do.
07:30How many?
07:31I got five kids, three great moms, and a partridge in a pear tree.
07:34Okay, well, it was nice talking to y'all.
07:37No, like serious?
07:38Yeah, I got five kids.
07:39I thought he was playing at first, and I'm like, oh, you serious?
07:45But I don't know, he's very handsome, and I'm coming in open-minded, and I just want to give everyone a chance.
07:52Did you marry any?
07:54No, never was married.
07:55You know, I don't believe it's a timeline on love and marriage.
07:57I'm sort of like a sucker for love.
08:00Yeah, so I might fall in love, like, in three weeks and say, let's get married.
08:04How did you get into being, like, a firefighter?
08:06Like, why is that so important to you?
08:08It's just, like, my value system.
08:10Like, as a human being, like, the greatest thing you can do is help some other human being, especially in any time of need.
08:17What is, like, at the end of this journey?
08:19Do you want a wife, a girlfriend?
08:20What you looking for?
08:22I just want to be happy with my person, but marriage is not my goal.
08:27Being happy is my goal, in whatever form that comes in.
08:30I believe Kim is a compassionate person, but I kind of picked up on maybe red flags, because I actually want to be married.
08:37I want my own family.
08:38Like, I always feel like it's more than just being married.
08:42So, I'll find somebody.
08:43I'll find somebody.
08:44I'm down for whatever.
08:45All right.
08:46What was your name?
08:47I already know.
08:48Nice to meet you.
08:49Nice to meet you.
08:50You're beautiful.
08:51How are you?
08:52I told him, I said, you need to go over to the tall, beautiful Pocahontas.
08:54You look good together.
08:55Y'all look good together.
08:56I cater to my man.
08:57Hey, Rose.
08:58You look good together.
08:59Let me hug you all.
09:00Tell me your name again, because I'm telling you.
09:01It's Kiera.
09:02It's fine.
09:03It's fine.
09:04No, you keep saying it, and then I forget your name, and you're going to be like, he's
09:05on my dime.
09:07I see you.
09:08I see you.
09:09Should I give it up?
09:10I see what you're doing.
09:11I see what you're doing.
09:12You got the color going.
09:14After having the pleasure of being at both the mixers, I'm looking forward to getting
09:17I'm like, let's go.
09:18Quality of a woman.
09:19Oh, yeah.
09:20That's very important.
09:21What are the qualities?
09:22One thing for me is confidence.
09:23You look like you're full of it, and I'm loving it.
09:24Yeah, because then after that, we really just got to build a great friendship first.
09:25That, for me, is major.
09:27Your last relationship, right at the end.
09:51After the last relationship, right at the end?
09:52It was toxic.
09:54I had to choose me.
09:55That's over.
09:56We're moving on.
09:57I'm seeing it.
09:58I'm seeing it.
09:59You over that.
10:00You see?
10:01I see you.
10:03Me and Sahara, we're actually, we're flirting a little.
10:04I love our conversation.
10:05She gets me laughing.
10:06I enjoy it all.
10:07She is just somebody real.
10:08I'm seeing you.
10:09Right on.
10:10I'm seeing you.
10:11I'm a single dad bachelor.
10:12I'm all right here.
10:13Oh, my.
10:14Wait, let me rephrase that.
10:15Are we going to go on a date?
10:20So are you looking and, like, ready for marriage?
10:23Is that something that you've thought about?
10:26To be honest, Rose, I'm like real baby steps.
10:28I don't want to overwhelm myself with the thoughts of marriage.
10:31I just see a little bit more negativity regards it,
10:34you know?
10:36My first impression on Wayne, I don't think not for one
10:39bit that he wants a wife.
10:40And I think that our country, in general,
10:43we kind of make a mockery of it.
10:45And I honestly feel like he may have some walls up.
10:48Don't allow how you see society moving
10:52to hold you back from the possibility
10:55of being in love, finding love, or even opening
10:58yourself up to it.
11:01Yeah, I hope so.
11:02Gang, gang.
11:02What's up?
11:03Come out.
11:05What's up?
11:05See y'all.
11:06I don't want to say goodbye.
11:08It's only for a short time.
11:11All is good, self-employed.
11:12Of course, of course.
11:14Let's go.
11:15Yeah, I got that information now.
11:17So you never seen me before?
11:19No, never.
11:20What state were you stationed?
11:21F43, downtown.
11:23Oh, that's why.
11:24I was surprised to see another firefighter here.
11:26I thought I was going to be, obviously, the only one.
11:29So hopefully that gave me some cool points.
11:31Because Deionna's a pretty girl, and she definitely
11:34caught my eye.
11:35What platoon?
11:37You just got there?
11:37Just got there.
11:38Like, within a month?
11:39Within last tour, it's my first tour.
11:42And I'm teaching at the academy now.
11:44OK, all right, yeah.
11:46And I actually love teaching the cadets.
11:49OK, all right.
11:49Yes, yes, yes, yes.
11:50I like it because of the crew.
11:54My first impression of Cam was, like,
11:56he was a little intimidated and quiet.
11:59Not my type at all.
12:01Sorry to say, I don't date on the job.
12:03I don't want to say that.
12:04Not only that, how tall are you?
12:07Oh, you a height, John.
12:09I'm, like, 5'10 of a strong.
12:11Yeah, that's what I figured.
12:13I mean, it is what it is.
12:14But just don't be rude.
12:16Yeah, if you ain't with it, then you ain't with it.
12:18Yeah, yeah, yeah.
12:19I think that she's just using or trying
12:21to find excuses to not talk with somebody on the job.
12:26That's fine.
12:26If that's what you want, then you can keep it moving.
12:30Oh, man.
12:31All right, dude.
12:32I'm feeling too fly, yeah.
12:34I've been going way up, yeah.
12:36Give me my paper, because you already know I fell
12:40in love with a baby.
12:41You know how to skate?
12:42I don't.
12:43You're going to help me, though, right?
12:44Yeah, we got this.
12:45All right.
12:46What's up, guys?
12:46How you doing?
12:47So the women are in power this week,
12:49and I'm very, very excited to set up a group date.
12:52So I've also invited Kiera, Jay, Shanice, Hussain
12:57to the skating rink.
12:59It should just be a fun time.
13:00Why are you not texting me back?
13:02First of all, first of all.
13:03You know.
13:04First of all, I'm right here.
13:05Don't let her bring you into this.
13:06Naeem was the one person that I had a connection
13:09with after the first mixer.
13:11But the fact that he had my number, still didn't use it,
13:16it's a little strange.
13:17First of all, we had a great text message this morning.
13:19I replied.
13:21I had to text him first.
13:22No, let's just ask this.
13:23You know, the men love to get forwarded.
13:24Why am I texting in green bubbles?
13:26I was kind of hype of getting to know True a little bit more.
13:29But when True gave me her phone number,
13:31I didn't notice that normally with iPhones,
13:34the first message is in the green
13:35because it's not a familiar number.
13:38But after a while, I was like, it should go back in the blue,
13:40and it never did.
13:41So that kind of raised like an eyebrow.
13:43Yo, dude, I got the Google Doc number.
13:45I was like, yo, I saw your phone.
13:47I'm like, yo, she got an iPhone.
13:48Yeah, I said, well, she's being precautious.
13:53Oh, my gosh.
13:54I know a lot of entrepreneurs that
13:56have several phone numbers.
13:57I don't care if it's a green bubble, blue bubble,
13:59purple number.
13:59You didn't call.
14:01Hey, hey.
14:02What's going on?
14:02Welcome to the party.
14:03What's going on?
14:04Good to see you.
14:05Chyna, your outfit says pro.
14:06My outfit says pro?
14:07Yeah, your outfit says spin around.
14:09Jay, you know how to skate?
14:10Yeah, I know how to skate.
14:11OK, so you two know how to skate.
14:13All right, let's get out there and see what we made up.
14:17Let's do this.
14:17Let's do this.
14:18What's the rhythm?
14:19What's the rhythm?
14:19What's the rhythm?
14:20What's the rhythm?
14:21Let's do this.
14:22What's the rhythm?
14:22What's the rhythm?
14:23All right, let me see.
14:24Let me check you out.
14:25Ah, ah, ah, ah.
14:27Whoa, come on.
14:28How we spin around?
14:29Going backwards.
14:30Come on, we got to be like the movies be.
14:31Na, na, na, na, na.
14:33Watch me go.
14:35Watch me go.
14:35Why you on our kick?
14:36Because you was too busy being cute.
14:38I might have been.
14:39I don't know.
14:40Watch me go.
14:43Watch me go.
14:46All right, see, look.
14:47Look at you.
14:47Look, you trying to show me up.
14:50Ooh, y'all see this?
14:51You better go.
14:52You see?
14:53Whoa, whoa, shoot.
14:54I'll slow down.
14:55Oh, we got to get a little bounce.
14:58Hussein, he's somebody that I feel like
15:00is one of my top connections.
15:02And I just felt really confident because he's tall,
15:05he's athletic.
15:07Oh, here I come.
15:08Come in slow.
15:09I felt like if I would fall, he would catch me.
15:11So I feel like I'm safe with him.
15:13I'll be in front, and you get it backwards.
15:14Here we go.
15:15You ready?
15:16We're going to go slow.
15:17We're going to go slow.
15:17We got this.
15:19This is sad.
15:20Push me.
15:29So how's your experience been so far?
15:30How does you feel with us new guys coming in?
15:32Was it needed?
15:33Was it necessary?
15:34It was a pleasant surprise.
15:37Yeah, new faces are always good, you know?
15:39I have a thing for chocolate men with a beard.
15:41So as soon as I seen you, I was like, he is gorgeous.
15:46You're beautiful.
15:47Oh, thank you.
15:48No, like seriously.
15:49Trying to be blessing over here?
15:50You're beautiful.
15:51I'm trying to keep up with you.
15:53What is happiness to you?
15:54Happiness to me is just doing the things that's
15:56fulfilling for me and not for nobody else.
15:59I think for the long as I put myself on the back burner,
16:02I lost myself trying to fit in and be a people pleaser.
16:05Do you know where I learned to say the word no from?
16:09She was like, no is a complete sentence.
16:12And I never, it was like, I was like, is she talking to me?
16:18So how do you feel as far as when
16:20it comes to relationships?
16:21I'm a super loyal person.
16:23I'm the only child.
16:25Me too.
16:26So I grew up loving my space.
16:29So when I bring somebody around me, it's like, we dug in.
16:32OK, so you relationshipy lover boy.
16:34I like lover boys, but I'm a lover girl.
16:36You a lover girl?
16:37You like the fairy tale.
16:39Yeah, I am the princess.
16:41And so I'm speaking it into fruition.
16:44Right, facts.
16:46She definitely give me that baddie vibe
16:49that you want to be courted a certain way.
16:52And you know, I got that in me.
16:53So what's your love language?
16:55Physical touch.
16:56You got to be on me.
16:57Like, don't be all the way over there.
16:58Like, right now, we kind of too far away.
17:00OK, well, here we go.
17:02My foot is on you.
17:03Like, that's how life, you know what I mean?
17:04But it's cool.
17:05Like, I'm not going to, you know,
17:07say I don't want to foot rub.
17:08So it's OK.
17:09Oh, all right.
17:10Yeah, that's cool.
17:11I'm so glad I got you here with me.
17:13I am definitely looking for a husband.
17:16And I am, of course, feeling Jay.
17:19He just knows what's in front of him.
17:21I feel like he appreciates me as a woman.
17:23So to be completely honest, I don't
17:25know what someone can do to come in between me and Jay.
17:29When I'm with you, I can be me.
17:32You know, I like you.
17:33I really like you.
17:34You know what I'm saying?
17:35Like, I want to be around you.
17:37When I'm with you, I can be me.
17:43Like, she don't get it all on me.
17:46Just on me.
17:47Anything you want, get it all on me.
17:50Everything I get, it's on me.
17:52Hi, boo.
17:53Hey, boo.
17:55I'm so happy to see you, girl.
17:57Thank you for inviting me.
17:59Tommy gave me the chance to set up a double date
18:01with Koli, Eddie, and Wayne.
18:04We're going to have some good cocktails and food
18:07and really take the time to get to know one another.
18:09We're going to have a good day, right?
18:14So the strongest connection that I did have in the beginning
18:16was Wayne, right?
18:17The southern gentleman.
18:18Oh, my God.
18:20But I exchanged numbers with him, and he did not fall.
18:24Wait a minute.
18:25I think I did, too.
18:27But I didn't hear from him.
18:29Girl, it's fun.
18:31What's happening?
18:32Chilling, chilling?
18:34See, you late.
18:35We already started drinking.
18:36I see.
18:36Man, you ain't going to wait for your boy.
18:38Well, you didn't text us, so we didn't know what you wanted.
18:41Oh, that was smooth.
18:43I like that.
18:43Don't mind me if I join.
18:44Hey, what's up?
18:45Ladies, ladies, ladies.
18:46What's up?
18:47What's up, love?
18:48Hey, what's going on?
18:49How you doing?
18:50At the comedy club, Eddie was so easy to talk to.
18:54He's easy on the eyes.
18:56What took you so long?
18:58Right to it.
18:59I'm excited to get to know him more,
19:01and I honestly feel like blessed that I was
19:03giving a second opportunity.
19:06So the assignment for this week was asking,
19:09what are your qualities that you look for?
19:11So I don't know if everybody at this table know
19:13that I've been married before, and my husband
19:16paid for everything.
19:18Like, I woke up, and it was just like,
19:20what am I going to do today?
19:21That's a life that I do not dream of or I want anymore.
19:25But within that, though, you don't have, like,
19:27personal hobbies that you could have been doing?
19:29Like, I didn't.
19:30He wouldn't let me do nothing.
19:31Oh, that's wild.
19:32At 23, love, I guess, wasn't the most important thing.
19:36Stability was.
19:37But now, being at the age that I am, I believe I'm mature,
19:41and I think that I'm ready to really give someone everything
19:44that they really deserve.
19:46The qualities I'm looking for in a woman
19:48is, like, basically a partner in crime,
19:49somebody that's very understanding.
19:51I will do my best to try not to bring work home,
19:54but some days I'm going to be stressed.
19:56And, you know, somebody to just, you know,
19:58be really open with.
20:00Thank you for sharing.
20:02I've been thinking about this a lot lately.
20:04I've been writing about it.
20:06You write about it?
20:07I started journaling in 2015.
20:08It's like a form of therapy.
20:09It for sure is.
20:12This helped me out a lot.
20:12So, I feel like a lot of times we know what we want,
20:16or what we're looking in someone else,
20:17but we can't really always answer the question
20:19of what we bring to the table.
20:21I'm, like, super loyal.
20:22You're going to feel the love.
20:23You're going to feel the support.
20:24I got a younger brother.
20:25He's 28, and he's been married five years now,
20:28and he has a kid.
20:29I have a little nephew, and he's just holding it down.
20:31Yo, it's nice to see bros lean in.
20:33You know what I'm saying?
20:34He's, like, fully engulfed in it.
20:35He loves it, and, like, his family's happy.
20:37Everything's tight.
20:39What's wrong, my love?
20:41Come on.
20:43Tell me.
20:43I've seen it.
20:48Today's my brother's birthday.
20:50Oh, s***.
20:51But he's not with us anymore.
20:56My brother, he was in a motorcycle accident
20:59in the Philippines.
21:00And when my brother passed away, that
21:03changed everything about my life.
21:05He's my favorite person in the world.
21:08He's my shining star.
21:10And so, like, every year for his birthday,
21:12I normally try to do, like, something special
21:14that will make him proud.
21:16You sure I'm not making him proud now?
21:18Yes, you are.
21:19Can we toast to him?
21:21For sure.
21:21Let's toast to his name.
21:22What's his name?
21:23Come on, Jason.
21:24You hear us?
21:25Hey, what's up?
21:26Here's to Jason.
21:29And he is proud because you're out here
21:30carrying yourself like a queen.
21:31Yes, you are.
21:33I'm happy that you got this out.
21:35No, I love hearing about, like, other people
21:37and, like, having good relationships
21:38with, like, their families and their brothers.
21:40And, like, that was, like, one of the reasons
21:42why I felt connected to you because I
21:45know you lost your dad.
21:48It just never gets easier.
21:50Coley, she did get emotional, I felt for her,
21:52because I lost my dad at the age of seven.
21:54It was pretty rough.
21:55So I understand how you get a little soft sometimes.
21:58So for me, I feel like it made the connection stronger.
22:01That's one of my reasons why I be like, I go so hard.
22:04I'm, like, self-made because I got, like,
22:05an image of what he was.
22:06From your dad.
22:07But I go hard.
22:08Same thing with my brother.
22:11I think this is a really good vibe.
22:13No, I needed this.
22:15Oh, you guys are dope.
22:15Like, I'm happy that Tommy gave me a second chance
22:18to, like, meet you guys.
22:20I've been super vulnerable, and I'm trying
22:22something different here.
22:24Thank you so much.
22:26So I'm really hopeful that maybe my match is here after all.
22:31All right, y'all take it easy.
22:33All right, Coley, hold it down, man.
22:34Yeah, school and Lauren connect.
22:38You bring your ex over here, because we not doing this.
22:41I wanted to talk to Wayne without everyone else,
22:44just to check in to see where we are.
22:46I felt like we need to clear the air,
22:47because I'm thinking maybe I need to move on.
22:51That was tight.
22:53I had a good time.
22:54It was.
22:55Thank you so much for organizing.
22:56That was hella dope.
22:58So we're good, right?
23:00For sure.
23:02I don't have no ill intentions, or ill will,
23:05or nothing like that.
23:06Like, I'm good.
23:07I understand.
23:08However, if you do have a connection with me,
23:10I will want you to really pursue that.
23:14I think it's flattering that Angie
23:16is so insistent on getting to know me and me following up.
23:21But if not, then I'm OK with that, too.
23:24But after a few times making that request, I do wish that
23:27she would just give me the space to do it in my own time.
23:30The choice is yours.
23:31But don't wait too long, because there are
23:32decisions that have to be made.
23:36I appreciate you being direct.
23:38And I'll follow up as such.
23:40All right, you better.
23:41Or I'mma whoop your ass.
23:45Maybe I won't then.
23:46Ha, ha, ha.
23:55This week, the women are in power.
23:57So I thought myself, Tay, Rose, Fritz, Khalil, and Cam
24:03should go take a pottery class at Ye Clay.
24:07What is going on?
24:09How are you doing?
24:10How are you?
24:11Going into this day, I'm very determined
24:12to taking Tommy's advice, dig deeper,
24:15and check off all these boxes that would
24:17be under my list of qualities.
24:19OK, y'all.
24:20So the first thing we're going to do today
24:21is just grab the sponge in your bucket, wring it out.
24:23And we're going to wet down the top of the wheel.
24:26This is going to allow the clay to stick down firmly.
24:29Make sure it's nice and wet.
24:31I heard that.
24:33So go ahead and throw it down nice and firm, just like that.
24:38Let's go ahead and start the wheels.
24:39Push our toes forward.
24:41We don't need to go full speed.
24:42Wet your hands.
24:43Wet your clay.
24:44Let's do it.
24:45Just squeeze those palms together.
24:46You'll see it start rising up.
24:48Yep, you got it.
24:48I was going through puberty.
24:50Here we go.
24:50Ha, ha, ha, ha.
24:52If I'm honest, yeah, I took too much.
24:54I just want to massage your hands.
24:56That's all you want to do?
24:57Go up a little bit.
24:59Ha, ha, ha, ha.
25:03Yours look good.
25:04It's just as good as yours.
25:06I'm going to put your name on my bowl.
25:08It's going to be a gift.
25:09I like that.
25:10Ha, ha, ha, ha.
25:11I never went on a date making clay before,
25:13especially like in a throuple kind of thing.
25:16And I can give you my bowl.
25:18I like that.
25:20That's a prosody.
25:21So it was definitely fun getting our hands dirty.
25:24Oh, f**k.
25:25How do I stop it?
25:26God damn it.
25:28Oh, damn.
25:29Oh, Chris.
25:31I don't know what I did.
25:32We're doing so good.
25:34And so you wasn't.
25:40I've never actually done pottery before.
25:42I had a lot of fun.
25:43But me and Tay, we didn't get too much time to talk.
25:46So I'm interested in getting to know her a little bit more.
25:49She looking all dirty, man.
25:51I love it, though.
25:52You got a little clay on your arm?
25:54I think that if she gets to know me a little bit well
25:56and I spend a little bit more face time with her,
25:58that I could potentially be a stronger connection with her.
26:01You've been feeling since the two mixtures,
26:03you know what I mean, that s**t's over with?
26:05You feel better being in this setting
26:06versus the other setting?
26:08Oh, definitely.
26:08Because you could get that more intimate feeling,
26:11intimate connection, where I get to listen
26:13to what you got to say.
26:14Because I feel as though some people will say,
26:15oh, they know how to communicate.
26:17But when it comes down to actually communicating,
26:20It don't happen.
26:21It don't happen.
26:22I was going to say,
26:23so when you get into those type of negative emotions
26:25and stuff like that, how do you normally navigate that?
26:28I am a firm believer that I do need a second sometimes.
26:31Yeah, okay.
26:31Because I know that words can be extremely hurtful.
26:34Yeah, absolutely.
26:36And you don't care sometimes.
26:37You know, you want to hurt the person deep.
26:40You know, like, yeah.
26:41But in reality, you really don't want that.
26:43Because you love that person.
26:44Especially when you got love for somebody.
26:45Right, yeah.
26:46Take a breather and step away a couple minutes.
26:48Yeah, yeah, ain't nothing wrong with that.
26:50Right, and then I can process what you said, too.
26:51Right, right.
26:52I can process what you said.
26:53You did, not what I said.
26:54I can process what you said, right.
26:55Exactly, not what I said.
26:56What I said, I meant.
26:56It's like...
26:59Lil is very handsome.
27:00I love the way he wears his hair.
27:02I love the way he carries himself as a man.
27:05I like him.
27:06Like, when I step away, I be like, all right.
27:08All right, that's what I'm saying.
27:09He was crazy a little bit.
27:10You know what I'm saying?
27:11And then, you know, we can get some makeup.
27:12Right, right, okay.
27:13Hopefully banging makeup.
27:13You know what I'm saying?
27:15Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
27:18Well, let's talk more about you.
27:20So what was your childhood like?
27:21Did you grow up with both your parents?
27:22My mom split when I was like 13.
27:24Call me a mama's boy, I take it as a compliment.
27:26And that's your pride and joy?
27:28To not love her, there's something wrong with you.
27:31Oh, I am a daddy's girl.
27:33I think mama's boys and daddy's girls are better human beings.
27:38Fritz, he has a really good relationship with his mom.
27:40That means he has respect for women.
27:42That's what's up.
27:43Okay, Fritz, I'll see you.
27:45My birthday's in two days.
27:46I'm gonna send you my location on my birthday.
27:48And I slide?
27:49Will you?
27:51Will I?
27:52You're scared.
27:53Am I scared?
27:54Yeah, it's fine.
27:55I guess you just gotta put your toe in the water.
27:57You gotta touch the waters and see if I am scared or not.
27:59I put my ankle in it.
28:00Oh, okay.
28:01So you're gonna go deep.
28:03You tell me how deep you wanna go.
28:08Hi, Miss Populates.
28:10Like, I got a fight to talk to you.
28:13So what qualities are you looking for?
28:15Damn, where do I start?
28:18But no, I just want somebody that's, like, feminine.
28:20Like, I'm gonna be that masculine presence for you.
28:22I just need a feminine presence for me.
28:24So what about if the girl is not, like, completely feminine?
28:27As long as you're feminine for me.
28:29Like, I know you out here working hard.
28:32I know you gotta put on that...
28:33...your big girl pants while you're working.
28:35But when we come home, we gotta fall in line.
28:39I gotta be what I need to be for you.
28:42And vice versa.
28:43What's your intense job?
28:45How long you been a firefighter for?
28:46Five years.
28:48I see the craziest stuff.
28:49And that can be hard sometimes.
28:52So is it, like, kind of like a brotherhood that y'all have there?
28:54For sure, yeah.
28:55It's like a heavy brotherhood, yeah.
28:57All my coworkers, they drink heavy.
28:58They just like to have a good time.
29:00We out, like, every weekend.
29:03Me and Cam, we was talking,
29:05but it still wasn't the connection that I was looking for.
29:08All I see is, like, a quiet person who's a firefighter.
29:12I'm not sure, like, compatibility-wise, how that would look.
29:15My longest relationship has been, like, two years.
29:17I've never been in, like, a long-term relationship.
29:22You think you struggle with long-term relationships?
29:25Do you?
29:26Man, probably.
29:38Yara, how you doing?
29:40Good, and you?
29:41Good to see you.
29:42Good to be seen.
29:44So this is the first time all of us is meeting in Tommy's vault,
29:47and that vault was gorgeous.
29:49Miss Tay.
29:51With the gold and the chandeliers and the door,
29:54the aesthetics, everything about that vault was top tier.
29:57Who's that?
29:58Miss Rocky.
29:59Hello, everyone.
30:01This is the day that we have to discuss elimination.
30:06We're the guys.
30:07We got red wine, white wine, water.
30:09I'm gonna get me a little wine.
30:11I'm feeling nervous.
30:13Did I get enough time with everyone?
30:16Because I don't know.
30:19All right.
30:20Welcome, ladies.
30:21Hi, Tommy.
30:22And congratulations on being the first to enter into Tommy's vault.
30:30The lounge just got an upgrade.
30:31Y'all like it?
30:33Is it fly?
30:35This is where we discuss which of the guys is stepping up
30:38and which one you think it's time to get rid of.
30:41And just like any bank, Tommy's vault is a place for safety.
30:46What happens in the vault stays in the vault.
30:50What's revealed in the vault stays where?
30:54In the vault.
30:56We got it.
30:57Now that we laid all the ground rules,
30:59let's talk about these growing connections.
31:01Angie, we're gonna start with you.
31:04My strongest connection is Eddie.
31:06He's very articulate.
31:08He listens.
31:09Like, being heard is like the ultimate for me.
31:12Eddie, I like the way that he sees his future.
31:16I feel like it aligns a lot with the way that I see my future.
31:19Rocky, your turn.
31:20So, Fritz stood out the most.
31:22He is a mama's boy, but I don't really have a problem with him being a mama's boy
31:26because you love your mom.
31:27You know how to take care of your mom.
31:29You know how to take care of a woman.
31:30That part.
31:32That part.
31:34Like Rocky said, he's doing his homework.
31:36He would definitely be a great guider and provider,
31:39especially spiritually.
31:40That's, like, so big for me.
31:44He was real fun, real open, like, funny.
31:46Like, I felt his energy.
31:49My strongest connection is, of course, Jay.
31:51I really feel like he showed up for me.
31:53When our date was over, I'm like, oh, my God, my car is on E.
31:56He was like, follow me to the gas station.
31:58He paid for my gas.
31:59He was, like, problem solver.
32:03And, yeah, like, that's my man.
32:08So Khalil was my bottom, and now he's on my top.
32:11Our personalities just go together.
32:13And, like, the conversation with Khalil flows.
32:15You see how things change?
32:17That's why the journey's important.
32:22What's that?
32:23What is that?
32:24What is that?
32:25He's sane.
32:26He has a little fun side.
32:28We can bounce off each other.
32:31One thing about me is, like, if I like you, I'ma show you I like you.
32:33Was this a nice welcome flirtation?
32:35It was.
32:37My strongest connection, I would say Hussein.
32:39I really liked our conversation.
32:41He's just very sure about himself.
32:43I think skating actually made me like Hussein even more.
32:46Before the idea of a fall came, he already told me he was gonna catch me.
32:51And so I just felt like it's really good to feel like somebody gets me
32:56because I feel like I always catch everyone else.
32:59I feel emotional energy from you right now.
33:01What's going on?
33:05Because I lost a lot in my life.
33:07I've been broke twice.
33:10I've been homeless.
33:12And so I just never forget people who support me, encourage me, because
33:22sometimes we don't always feel like we're 100%,
33:26and we need to be supported, too.
33:29So I want to make sure I experience that.
33:31So I need some emotion that's good.
33:33It shows that you've worked through a lot to get to this point.
33:35You're getting to the next level.
33:37And guess what?
33:38You feel so much better when you let it out.
33:40I just wanted to be honest and transparent about being homeless
33:44because that is my story.
33:46In order to find love, you have to love yourself.
33:49So I'm just grateful that the vault was really a safe space for me to tell my truth.
33:56I'm glad y'all experiencing that first spark with some of these men.
33:59But now, let's flip the script.
34:03Which of these fellas just can't seem to light your fire?
34:07My least connection is Eddie.
34:10He was giving streets, he was giving city boy, he was giving F boy to me.
34:15My least connection is Wayne.
34:17After having a conversation with him at the brunch,
34:19he's looking for a girlfriend right now.
34:21What I'm looking for is marriage.
34:24Wayne, Wayne, Wayne.
34:28So we exchanged numbers.
34:30He doesn't text, he doesn't call.
34:32And I got to thinking like, this process is quick.
34:36So you got to kind of know what you want.
34:38You either want me or you don't.
34:39Like, which is it?
34:40That triggered my memory that he got my number too.
34:44I just forgot because he ain't text me.
34:49When I first met Wayne, he was giving me the eyes.
34:53But I really feel like, where did he go?
34:55You know what I'm saying?
34:56I don't know what happened.
35:00You know, Naeem, you know I had a little change of heart.
35:03He's not communicating with me, but he told me that I was one of his strongest connections.
35:07Your strongest connection.
35:08He has your information, he has your number.
35:09He does.
35:10Have you text him?
35:11I text him, hello.
35:15Did we get a response on that?
35:17He text, thumbs up.
35:20Kind of made me look at him different.
35:22I'm Francisco.
35:23I had time to speak with him at the brunch.
35:26And it was like pulling teeth.
35:28He just wasn't interested.
35:29And once I get that vibe from someone, it's like, okay, cool.
35:34Well, Cam, he's also a firefighter.
35:37I don't date other firefighters.
35:39I feel like in conversation with Cam, I still come out empty.
35:43It was just very surface level.
35:45Him at the fire station, him kicking it with the boys.
35:47It just wasn't there.
35:48Cam, I was just like, so what are we going to do?
35:52He was like, uh, uh, uh.
35:54I was like, did I scare this man?
35:56You can't handle me.
35:57All right.
35:58Of course, this has been revealing.
36:00But now it's time to take this knowledge and move forward.
36:03I want you to take these gentlemen out on dates and let them know if they are just not ready to love.
36:10Whoever delivers that news, I'm going to lead it up, y'all.
36:14We good?
36:16Do we have gas?
36:17Can we get where we're going?
36:19We got a full tank.
36:20All right.
36:21The pressure is on because I want to make sure that we don't send the wrong person home.
36:28Bye, Tommy.
36:41I'm nervous walking into the date because I know the ladies have their lounge.
36:44And after the lounge, I know what comes after that.
36:47What's up with you?
36:50How you doing?
36:51So it does raise some concern.
36:54I'm just trying to prepare my mind, you know, about what I'm about to hear.
36:58How you doing today?
36:59A little tired.
37:00I got off at 8 o'clock this morning.
37:02And what time you went in?
37:035 o'clock yesterday.
37:05But I'm doing great.
37:06As long as you're here, we're going to have a good time.
37:13What a lovely surprise.
37:14How are you, love?
37:15What's happening?
37:16Good to see you.
37:17Great to see you.
37:18Deanna's my girl, man.
37:20I just kind of feel like I knew her a bit from maybe a past life.
37:23And I was excited to see my date was with her.
37:26You feel good to see me?
37:27Oh, for sure.
37:29Yeah, yeah, yeah.
37:30How was your, uh, date?
37:34It was a good time.
37:35I definitely got grilled a little bit, too.
37:37What happened?
37:38I had exchanged contact information with Angie and Koli.
37:41And, um, I hadn't followed up yet.
37:44Just only because I had been busy.
37:45I can be a little bit of a space cadet.
37:48So the ladies and I met with Tommy.
37:51And your name came last.
37:53We did have a meeting with Tommy.
37:56Oh, really?
37:58I did get some feedback.
37:59They felt as though you wasn't open to the whole process.
38:02And they felt as though you're neglecting.
38:04That's valid.
38:05So that's fine.
38:06So there's times when I'm dating someone, and I'm, like, so into my routine that when
38:12it comes time to check in or hang, I'm not necessarily all the way in.
38:17But I know it's been a good five or seven days, and this person expects to see me.
38:21But then it feels like an obligation, so then I'm not as excited.
38:25I mean, we feel as though that we want to get to know, like, who is he?
38:29We want you to open up more, be a little more vulnerable with us.
38:33I guess that probably is, like, anxiety.
38:35Because it's like, that's a big choice, picking the right person to be with forever.
38:40And it's like, you want to make sure everything is good and whatnot.
38:42For the right person, I would get there.
38:44I want to focus on happiness.
38:46So overall, the ladies feel like you're not taking the process serious.
38:52So the ladies and I have decided that...
38:59So, listen.
39:04I don't want you to leave here feeling defeated, but...
39:09You are still ready to love.
39:14The fact that you just going to draw it out, like...
39:18I can agree.
39:19I definitely think that I need to be more vulnerable.
39:21I think sometimes it's challenging for me to open up a little bit faster,
39:25because I know when it comes to my job, at least, we see a lot of stuff.
39:29So I kind of hide my emotions.
39:31We want to hear about your relationship.
39:32We want to hear about what you're afraid of.
39:33We want to hear about what's going on in your life.
39:36We want to hear about your relationship.
39:37We want to hear about what you're afraid of.
39:38We want to hear about whatever is stopping you from thinking that you won't be happy.
39:42We want to hear those things.
39:44Because maybe those things are just like a fear that we can help you overcome.
39:50I hear it.
39:52So, unfortunately, they don't feel as though you're ready to love.
39:56Damn, okay.
39:58Well, I got you.
39:59I appreciate you, Deanna.
40:00Yeah, I appreciate you too, Wayne.
40:02I don't think I would have done anything any different.
40:04You know, I'm not really here to stroke anybody's ego, to be honest.
40:07It would have been much easier to come in here and give attention to women who I had no interest in seeing,
40:12in order to get their vote.
40:14But I didn't do that.
40:15It was so lovely meeting you, Deanna.
40:16It was so good.
40:17I appreciate you.
40:18Yes, yes, yes.
40:19Take care.
40:20I didn't expect to go home, but I'm quite proud of how I moved.
40:24And also, I don't really care what anybody thinks.
40:28I love you.
40:32Next time on Ready to Love.
40:34This week, check these ladies on dates in places that matter to you the most.
40:46I looked at your, like, Instagram.
40:48And I saw you were following hashtags about, like, poly life.
40:53This is Ready to Love, not Ready to Love Everybody.
40:56I have the oysters.
40:57Say that's an aphrodisiac.
40:58Why do you know that?
41:00Because I do my homework.
41:01Oh, you do your homework.
41:03Rose, she's definitely a woman that I want to pursue.
41:05He's texting me like, yurr, and I'm like...
41:08Sahara's personality is a lot.
41:11What is that?
41:12What is that?
41:14I'm really learning how you think now.
41:17I really haven't heard from you.
41:18You gave me the Google Doc numbers.
41:20No, no, no, no, no, no.
41:21Fake number, real number.
41:22You still didn't contact me.