Love and War Episode 10
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12:35as well. Welcome to love, lust, and loyalties one-on-one. And so how long
12:40have you guys been together? We've been dating probably like four months on and
12:45off. On and off four months? What the hell? We was friends for four months and then we
12:50ended up talking and we took things further. So now we four months in. Okay,
12:56all right. Well how did you guys meet? Through
12:59and out at CV. Like social media. I kind of saw him like auditioning for other
13:04shows. I was doing stuff and then we just started communicating through there. Okay,
13:09all right. What attracted you to Puddy? I like his confidence and I just like that
13:13he demands, you know, everybody's attention when he come in the room. Okay,
13:18what about you? What attracted you to him? He's so pretty. He's just pretty. I love him. I love how he
13:23carries himself too. Like he keep himself up. A lot of people on that at CV, they
13:27don't care how they, you know, they don't care about their appearance. So I love
13:31that about him as well. Okay, okay. So it's pretty serious? Yeah, I really care about him. Are y'all
13:37exclusive? No, we're dating. So you're dating other people? No, I'm not dating
13:45any people. Me and him are dating. I say this as in, I feel like it's a
13:49difference between dating and a committed relationship. I feel like when
13:52you're dating, you know, you're going on dates, you're still getting to know each
13:56other, you know, you're still seeing where things could possibly go. But me
14:00personally right now, I'm not looking for nobody else but him. So we just, I feel
14:05like you should really know who you're dealing with in all aspects before you
14:10really be committed to somebody. So you don't know who you're dealing with
14:14Puddy? No, I feel like I know him as a person but it's probably a lot of things
14:17that he has not shown me and it's a lot of things that I probably not have shown
14:21him. Like, you know, me and him, we don't really get like aggressive with each
14:26other and stuff. Like, I see how he acts on TV as far as like on the other show
14:30but he don't treat me like that. So I'm sure it's a whole nother side of him
14:34that I probably have never seen. So you ain't just chuck me out in the bed in there?
14:38Y'all were fighting? No, not, you lying. Not in like an aggressive way, like I was trying to hurt you. I wasn't choking him in a way like, like I'm trying to hurt you, you know, like.
15:03I don't think he took it that way though. Do you feel like I was trying to hurt you?
15:06But, we was, I was mad about something and I stopped talking to him. I started ignoring him. He, bitch.
15:13Yeah, because he likes to tell me, um, oh bitch I hate you. Like, he's very verbally abusive.
15:20Oh. Yes, he takes stuff too far with his words, with his choice of wording.
15:27So, in retaliation, you choked him out? I wasn't like choking him like, you get what I'm saying? I grabbed him by his shirt and was like, chill the fuck out.
15:36You just punched me in my fucking face. Shut up, bitch.
15:40And he calmed down. Is that why you were crying? No, he likes to, he likes to embarrass me.
15:46How did, because he said you made him cry earlier. I did not make him cry.
15:50Landon. You cried because you wanted to cry. I didn't make him cry. See, that's, that's what I've been talking about. I cried because I wanted to cry.
15:59What were you like to tell him? He posted something on Instagram that I didn't like that he posted.
16:04What did you post? And I asked him to take it down and he got in my face and started yelling at me.
16:08And then I said, okay, you trying to embarrass me. I don't like this. So, him and my roommates, they started laughing.
16:13But I was, I was crying out of rage because I was mad though. And I was like, I'm not playing with you.
16:18And then I just started crying. I said, you like to embarrass me. He got mad because I made a post because I reported something that somebody had seen.
16:25And it was basically like insinuating that I'm here working, I'm on a love show. So, he felt some type of way.
16:30And like I told him, we're not in a committed relationship, so you can't cry and be defensive because you knew what type of dealings we had with each other before we got here.
16:38So, you can't just jump the gun and be mad when I've already set boundaries and I've already explained to you what it is and what it ain't.
16:45You can't set boundaries when you don't want me doing certain shit.
16:49When you kissing on me, calling me bae and shit, and doing all kinds of other shit with me, there's no boundaries.
16:55Because if there's no boundaries set, I'm going to have to set some myself.
16:59Well, I think you should.
17:00Oh, I am. Don't try to handle me in front of these cameras, Landy.
17:03I'm not.
17:05He's crazy.
17:07Minds with the heart. So, what are we? You trying to get on TV and embarrass me? Bitch, you can't embarrass me. I'm always ten steps ahead of you, babe.
17:15He was dealing with another dude on the last show that we was all together.
17:18No, I was not. And I kept stressing the shit.
17:19And I got in a fight with the dude and he hit me and me and him also fought.
17:26I was not dealing with him.
17:28And you know I wasn't.
17:29But y'all slept in a bed together every night, correct?
17:31Money and Rod slept in a bed together as well, so I didn't think none of it.
17:34So, did you and him ever sleep?
17:35We didn't even cuddle.
17:36But I'm saying, did y'all sleep in a twin-size mattress together?
17:39But we didn't do nothing, though.
17:41Okay, I gave you your answer. They slept in a twin-size mattress together.
17:46Boy, stop playing with me.
17:51Okay, that was a lie. That was a lie. Okay, um, wow.
17:56You just did the same to me in the room.
17:57No, that's not the same thing.
18:00No, I... Stop!
18:03How you... Let me... Stop!
18:10All right, well listen, we're gonna hold that there.
18:13Okay, and we're gonna revisit some things later.
18:15I feel like when me and Tasha Kate was talking and we was talking about my relationship pertaining to Poodie,
18:20I felt like I was being honest and I felt like I was being vulnerable.
18:23And I was really speaking on issues that I feel like me and him have in our relationship
18:27as far as how we communicate.
18:29All right, so we'll revisit this conversation. Thank y'all.
18:33All right, anytime.
18:34I feel like I really came here to work on myself alongside of working on me and him
18:40because I feel like if I can't work on myself,
18:42I can't be a good man for you if I can't be a good man for myself.
18:46This is funny to me.
18:51See, see, and...
19:00Please, please...
19:01I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming.
19:03Please, please.
19:04They mad, they fraudulent.
19:06And listen...
19:07They mad, Tasha.
19:08Listen, I've really made progress with Cashy and Poodie, okay?
19:14Poodie just expressed to me he has no desire to fight you.
19:20But he had desire to run in my room while I was laying down there.
19:22Okay, and I know...
19:23And jump me.
19:24I know what happened because he was under the impression that when he got here,
19:27this was the time to address things that y'all had going on in the blogs, okay?
19:32That is not why y'all are here.
19:34Think marriage boot camp, you are here for your partners, okay?
19:38So what can we do to keep you in the house?
19:41I'm staying.
19:42Okay, well, if...
19:44Here's the thing, because when we bring...
19:47I've got them to agree to do a sit-down.
19:50I'm not sitting down with them.
19:51Well, then...
19:52What you said just now, you said this is a couple show, this is marriage boot camp.
19:56Okay, so here's the thing.
19:57No, no, no, no, no, no, and...
19:58You put my shopper in.
19:59And listen, it's not just my patients.
20:02It's the entire production crew.
20:06It's the entire production crew.
20:07So I have to agree to do a sit-down with you guys?
20:08Because it's not just about you.
20:11It's about everybody here.
20:13Okay, noted.
20:14So you're just, like, dismissing everybody that came here.
20:17We want you on the show.
20:18We think your relationship is great for the show.
20:20But if you cannot put your ego aside...
20:23Put it aside, though.
20:24I'm joking.
20:25Okay, so if I got Puddy to say he's gonna sit down and make amends with you,
20:31and he will make amends with Kashie, what's the problem?
20:35I don't trust nobody that jump.
20:37You don't have to trust them, but guess what?
20:40Y'all are grown, y'all are adults.
20:41I'm grown.
20:42Okay, here's the thing.
20:45I'm just saying, the way things have been handled already...
20:46But I'm gonna be honest with you.
20:47Him sitting here, he was a lot more mature about this than you were.
20:50Because he didn't get jumped, Tasha.
20:51I get it, but here's the thing.
20:52He didn't get jumped.
20:53He wasn't laying down on his bed with his ribs already fucked up and getting jumped.
20:57But Kashie stepped in for you.
20:59He did.
21:00Okay, so it's equal now.
21:02He's limping.
21:03You limping.
21:04You got on a ski mask.
21:06Everybody's fucked up.
21:08And it's, like, it's gonna continue to get worse if we don't nip this in the bud.
21:13So, let's just say I don't do the sit-down between you and Puddy.
21:21Are you truly going...
21:22Because the way you walked in, Puddy didn't walk in like that.
21:25You walked in like, niggas is this, niggas is that, niggas is that.
21:28Like, you...
21:29It's like you keep it going, but I'm looking at...
21:32I can see your face through this ski mask.
21:34You can't take no more.
21:35That's the thing.
21:36But that's my breaking point right there, Tasha.
21:39I can't take no more.
21:40I can't.
21:41I can't.
21:42So, what I need you to do, as a man, is if somebody throws shots, just ignore them.
21:47Wait until the show is done filming, then say, now I can see you.
21:51I will take off my glasses.
21:53I got you.
21:55I got you.
21:56All right.
21:57I got you.
21:58Okay, you don't look that bad.
22:00God works his magic.
22:01Okay, all right.
22:02God works his magic.
22:04Okay, no problem, no problem.
22:05All right.
22:06We just trying to get the scene over with.
22:07Hurry the fuck up and say what you gotta say, Fantasia.
22:10Can you agree to jury review and do the same?
22:11Yeah, I agree though.
22:12All right, cool.
22:13If an attempt is made, then we can attempt.
22:15But there's no, there's not gonna be no attempt.
22:17So, we're ready with a white flag on both sides.
22:19Well, it ain't no white flag over here.
22:20They just need to know better, so they do better.
22:21No, no, it's no white flags.
22:22We not throwing no white flags, because we run that.
22:23Oh, shit.
22:24It's not that you're surrendering.
22:25No, they should surrender.
22:26Because it's truce.
22:27Because that's what's going to happen.
22:28Oh, truce is cool.
22:29Okay, I like that.
22:30Truce is cool.
22:31Okay, we agree to...
22:32Okay, yeah, no shit.
22:34We know you're not a punk, okay?
22:35Yeah, I like that, but I didn't say I was a punk.
22:37I said fucking them.
22:38Okay, we know you're not a punk.
22:39No, I'm not a prude.
22:40Okay, I know, and we need to let them heal in your hand too, okay?
22:41Oh, my hand's Gucci.
22:42The energy was good when we left yesterday, okay?
22:43Yeah, it was.
22:44It was great.
22:45Your energy was good.
22:46It was good.
22:47Your energy was good when I left yesterday.
22:48When did you leave yesterday?
22:49And your hand, too, okay?
22:50Oh, my hand's Gucci.
22:59The energy was good when we left yesterday, okay?
23:03It was good.
23:04We needed to stay good
23:06because we have to get y'all a couple times.
23:08We need everybody dressed up,
23:09looking nice for these interviews and stuff.
23:12Y'all gonna have a nice day tomorrow.
23:14Please don't go out there fucking up
23:15them white people's shit.
23:16Please don't embarrass this Black-owned company
23:18like that, okay?
23:20Y'all have really got to stomach
23:22and just hold y'all issues and deal with them later
23:26like you're dealing with them now
23:28because he is straight saying,
23:29how did we go from this to that?
23:31Things get misconstrued online all the time.
23:34I have a huge brand.
23:35I deal with a lot of people.
23:36But one thing, nobody has ever ran me a fade
23:40or anything while I'm out in public.
23:42Not because I have security,
23:43but because I know how to communicate.
23:45And if y'all friends,
23:46y'all should know how to communicate.
23:49The cameras is not here for the Zodiac House
23:51or Playboys or anything like that.
23:53It's here for y'all as couples.
23:55And we really need to see y'all as couples.
23:57So can we just agree that y'all will handle
23:59whatever issues y'all have once the filming is done?
24:02Not when the cameras go home tonight, Tuesday.
24:07And focus on y'all
24:09because y'all gonna be doing activities together
24:10and y'all have to win prizes and stuff.
24:12Like, we're really trying to do this.
24:13So we just want to know,
24:15Cashew says, listen,
24:16he's just not going to allow,
24:18and to be honest with you,
24:19he's tapped out.
24:22He literally told you,
24:23I'm recovering from my rib being bruised
24:26and he's still getting beat up.
24:27But see, that's the thing.
24:28We didn't try to attack him today.
24:30Me and Cash had an altercation.
24:31It's not because me and him had an altercation.
24:33No, it's because-
24:34He jumped off the table on me.
24:35Because of what happened.
24:37That's one.
24:38You gotta be able to control your emotions.
24:40No shade, if we having a conversation
24:42or we're talking and we having a heated exchange
24:44and you act like you're gonna throw something at me
24:46and you get up, I'm gonna get up for real.
24:49So it's not, I don't do the acting.
24:50So we need to keep objects to ourselves.
24:50Like I'm not no actor.
24:52We ain't on no movie set.
24:53This is real life.
24:54This is not a TV.
24:54We real raw with it.
24:56So you standing up,
24:56I'm gonna stand up with you.
24:58So nobody's gonna be standing up for nobody.
25:00I only jumped in that situation
25:02because all of y'all was jumping down and broke.
25:04And Puddi, you was not the only person I spoke to.
25:06Spoke to you.
25:07I spoke to you at the breakfast table.
25:09Y'all all was.
25:10I spoke to you at the breakfast table.
25:11I spoke to you.
25:12I spoke to everybody.
25:13I spoke to everybody.
25:14So it wasn't just like,
25:15oh, I'm only speaking to Puddi.
25:16Okay, so I'll tell you what happened, Ms. Hasha Kate.
25:19Production decided that we was gonna play a game
25:21and we was gonna play hot seat.
25:23He was the person that was on the hot seat.
25:25So they went around the table
25:26and everybody had to explain their opinion
25:28on him and his relationship with who he was came in with.
25:31Everybody voiced their opinion,
25:32but I just felt like, you know,
25:33him and what he got going on is a sensitive topic
25:35for everybody that was at the table
25:37that might have, you know, a familiar type of situation.
25:40I feel like everybody was asking him.
25:43My personal opinion is that everybody was trying
25:45to ask him the same question and trying to be funny.
25:47Well, how can y'all tell us what to ask him?
25:49Because, okay, but why is everybody asking the same question
25:52on what you did?
25:52Hold on, hey, hey, hey.
25:53The camera can't catch what all y'all talking about.
25:56Once y'all already got one answer.
25:57When I said it the first time,
25:58when y'all asked the first time,
26:00y'all got what y'all was looking for.
26:01Y'all got what y'all wanted.
26:02First of all, we're not gonna sit here
26:03and act oblivious to shit.
26:04We're not dumb.
26:05You're doing it for the cameras.
26:06You're not doing it because you want to.
26:07No shit, y'all can't, y'all have to admit it.
26:09Y'all been trying to antagonize.
26:10Y'all been trying to antagonize.
26:10On the online, on the blog, y'all been trying to antagonize.
26:13So, Charles.
26:15Y'all be antagonizing y'all.
26:17And he do too?
26:18Who that he is?
26:18But at the breakfast table, he was not antagonizing y'all.
26:22We talking about situations that are occurring right now.
26:24It's my prejudice to antagonize.
26:26Yeah, he was in the hot seat,
26:27but how many times y'all gonna antagonize?
26:31I don't like yelling.
26:32God, I got a comedy show tomorrow?
26:34I gotta yell for that?
26:34I can't yell, like, okay.
26:36Listen, the idea is for you guys to bond together
26:42and we're trying to figure out who's in love,
26:45who's lustful, and who's loyalty.
26:47So you guys are going to have to judge one another.
26:50Nobody can, and it may be some pressing,
26:53but it doesn't have to lead to fighting.
26:56It's really a game show, that's really what it is.
27:00And so, whether people think your relationship
27:02is real or fake, who cares?
27:04At the end of the day,
27:05everybody's still going to get an inside look
27:08on how y'all operate as real people,
27:12aside from the fighting.
27:13I feel like Tasha Kay is a good therapist,
27:15but at the end of the day,
27:16sometimes she can be too opinionated.
27:18And when you know that you is, you know,
27:21getting under somebody's skin, you should stop.
27:23Group apologies.
27:24I'm not apologizing.
27:25No, no, no, no, and, and, and.
27:27I'm not apologizing for getting drunk.
27:28I'm not apologizing for getting snuck.
27:30I'm not apologizing for getting trolled on our show.
27:32Respectfully, I'm not.
27:33We're moving past it, but I can't apologize
27:35for something that I don't regret doing.
27:36Pull it, pull it, pull it.
27:37Babe, we're going to be mature,
27:38and we're going to apologize.
27:41First of all, it's not even about apologizing.
27:43I accept that.
27:44Oh, great, great.
27:45I accept that.
27:46Okay, now ask.
27:46And y'all not going to do it again.
27:48I accept that.
27:48You can't step up, bro, God.
27:51Bro, leave her alone.
27:52I just came for love.
27:53All right.
27:54Thank you so much.
27:54Thank you, Ed.
27:56When Tasha Kay knows she getting on your nerves,
27:58she ain't going to do nothing
27:59but try to get under your skin a lot more.
28:01And that's the only thing that I don't like about her.
28:03But I don't have no bad,
28:05I don't have nothing bad to say about her in my book.
28:07I just know that when it come to certain people in here,
28:10she ain't feeling, and they ain't feeling her.
28:12It's always her.
28:16Fuck her.
28:17Like I said.
28:18Oh, yeah.
28:18Who the fuck is the one?
28:19You didn't know that?
28:20It's over.
28:21It's over.
28:22It's over.
28:23It ain't over.
28:23It ain't over.
28:24It ain't over.
28:25It ain't over.
28:26Bitch, bitch.
28:27Yeah, bitch, you already know.
28:31I'm going to crack, I'm going to take that nose, bitch.
28:33You better stay pieced up.
28:35You better stay pieced up.
28:36Bow down to the motherfucking queen, bitch.
28:38Bow down to the fucking queen.
28:39You ain't no queen, bitch.
28:40You got a bitch face.
28:41Bitch, you a king, hoe.
28:43But not even a king, bitch.
28:44You a nigga, bitch.
28:46You took that dick and blunt, bitch.
28:47Fuck you, hoe.
28:48Fuck you, talk about, bitch.
28:50And y'all going to keep keeping that bitch pieced up.
28:52I'm going to break up.
28:53Oh, you're a granny.
28:53So what, bitch?
28:55And you look older than me.
28:56You look older than me, bitch.
28:58You look older than me.
28:59You're 30.
29:00You're 30.
29:01I'm going to be mad, too.
29:02Bitch, you chasing your sister's career, bitch.
29:05I'm not playing with y'all, bitch.
29:07I'm not playing with y'all.
29:08I can't stand in the same room with that bitch.
29:10Y'all know that.
29:11Stop playing with me.
29:11Stop playing with me.
29:13Stop playing with me, bitch.
29:15They're going to keep you pieced up, bitch,
29:16because they know I'm the king.
29:17You under the little sister, though.
29:19Shut up, bitch.
29:20Shut up, bitch.
29:21You under the little sister.
29:22You in the shadow, bitch.
29:24You not the heavy hitter, mama.
29:26You're a bitch.
29:28Bitch is mad.
29:29Y'all put me in the same room with that bitch.
29:31I'm not playing with y'all.
29:33Y'all keep playing with me.
29:34I just want another drink.
29:35That's all I want.
29:36Fuck with y'all.
29:37Fuck with y'all.
29:38Y'all put me in the same room with that bitch.
29:39She ain't cool.
29:40I can't stand her.
29:41You want to stop the piggyback?
29:42Let me breastfeed you.
29:44Do you need some breastfeeding?
29:47How are you, girl?
29:48Like, these girls is like.
29:49You knocked up.
29:58Nice to meet you guys.
29:59Nice to meet you.
30:00And Shaba, you were asleep all day yesterday.
30:01It seemed like you just didn't get no rest the night before.
30:03Yeah, we sleep.
30:04Her sleepy.
30:05She sleepy.
30:06Yeah, I'm sleepy.
30:07OK, cool.
30:08How did you guys meet?
30:09I let him start it off.
30:10Well, we met through Narnast TV, obviously.
30:11We was both on the network.
30:12So how long have y'all been together?
30:13Since, what was it, December?
30:30Was it December?
30:31Yeah, December.
30:33OK, serious?
30:34I mean, we like to funk her.
30:35I'm gonna be real with you.
30:36It's not giving, like.
30:37It's not saying that she's not waifu material, but it's not giving, like.
30:41It's like.
30:43We do what the fuck we want.
30:44It's like.
30:45It's giving Polly.
30:47Polly, it's fun.
30:48We do what we want to do.
30:49She kind of looked at you strange when you said Polly.
30:50Maybe I used Polly wrong.
30:51Hold on.
30:52No, it's fine.
30:53It's fine.
30:54Yeah, but it's open for the most part.
30:55It's an open relationship.
30:58So he can date who he wants and you can date who you want.
31:01We're open.
31:02We're very open with each other.
31:04It's cool.
31:05So what attracted you to Shaba?
31:06Well, obviously, she's a pretty girl.
31:07But other than her being pretty, it's just her mind.
31:10Like, people don't understand.
31:11People think that Shaba is just like.
31:14And this is no disrespect towards you.
31:16I'm just gonna say how I feel, what people think.
31:18I feel like people think that Shaba is like a Lewis character.
31:22Like, she got.
31:23She turns up.
31:24She turns up.
31:25Just TV wise.
31:26But this is me watching TV.
31:27She holds her own.
31:28All that.
31:29But I feel like people don't understand that she's really a genuine, sweet person.
31:32And when I got to be around her, I realized that she was really genuine and sweet.
31:37And what attracted me to her is, unfortunately, it's not cute, but literally, I got into a
31:43fight with somebody outside.
31:44At random.
31:45Oh, you want to fight on the blogs and da, da, da.
31:47At random.
31:48This is what we got to deal with on that STV.
31:50Cook them up.
31:51Put them in a blender.
31:52But the whole time when I watch the video back, I just hear her like, you bugging.
31:57Like, that's my man.
31:58So I was like, oh, we're going to make this a real thing.
32:00Like, that's my girl.
32:01You my.
32:02I mean, like she because she had me like she held me down like I would want to be held
32:07down in a relationship.
32:09That's just what made me gravitate towards her.
32:12The loyalty and the bond.
32:13And for you, what attracted you to him?
32:15I like his vibe.
32:16You know, he tells me to do the right things.
32:19He'll never send me off.
32:21Yeah, I pretty much like how he, you know, just.
32:26He tells me to do the right things.
32:28So since you're in a polyamorous relationship, obviously, you know, that's something new
32:32amongst Generation Z.
32:34No, right.
32:36So what is your sexuality?
32:38Oh, I will let him answer that one again.
32:43No, you know.
32:46About you.
32:47You want me?
32:48What's your sexuality?
32:49What's your sexuality?
32:50My sexuality.
32:51What do I like?
32:52I like men.
32:54You don't like girls?
32:56I don't have anything against that.
32:57If you like women, that's fine.
32:59So you like men.
33:00And for you?
33:01My sexuality, like I said earlier, I'm grown sexual, I'm grown as fuck, and I do what
33:05I want to do.
33:06Like, I really, I'm going to make that up.
33:08Like, that's me.
33:09Grown as fuck and do what I want to do.
33:11I pay my bills.
33:12I buy my clothes.
33:13I got you.
33:14I got you.
33:15I do all that on my own.
33:16But what is your sexuality?
33:18It's grown.
33:19So are you bisexual?
33:20I don't give labels.
33:21There's no label.
33:22I'm going to keep it real with you.
33:23There's no label.
33:26I do what I want.
33:27I do what I want.
33:28I do what I want.
33:29Why is that a hard question to answer?
33:30Because I just don't care for it to be that.
33:31Like, it don't got to be that.
33:32You feel me?
33:33It don't got to be that.
33:34It is what it is.
33:35I'm gay.
33:36Did you have a sexual relationship with Ma?
33:38I'm confused.
33:39I'm asking.
33:40I'm confused as to what's going on.
33:41Did you have a sexual relationship with Ma?
33:42You're shaking.
33:43All right.
33:44So I'm not going to lie to y'all.
33:45I'm going to keep it real with y'all.
33:46It's not, I do what I want to do.
33:47If I want to have a sexual relationship, I'm going to do it.
33:49I'm not out here trying to do everybody.
33:50But I'm going to do who I want to do.
33:51It doesn't bother you that he's bisexual or tri-sexual?
33:53No labels.
33:56Thank you, baby.
33:57I just let him do him.
33:58Like, I don't, you know, judge him.
33:59You know they've been watching you guys, right?
34:01My peoples cannot watch this shit.
34:02Because y'all is messing with me.
34:03I don't care.
34:04I don't care.
34:05I don't care.
34:06I don't care.
34:07I don't care.
34:08I don't care.
34:09I don't care.
34:10I don't care.
34:11I don't care.
34:12I don't care.
34:13I don't care.
34:14I don't care.
34:15I don't care.
34:16My peoples cannot watch this shit.
34:17Because y'all is messy.
34:18No, we're not being messy.
34:19Y'all are messy.
34:20This is like Tasha K with the mess.
34:21Like, this is crazy.
34:22Somebody got to do it.
34:25Not that.
34:26Not that one.
34:27Hold on.
34:28Hold on, Shava.
34:29As one woman to another.
34:31Have you been with a bisexual man before in the past?
34:33This is your first time.
34:34We're not putting that label.
34:35We're not doing no.
34:36All right, listen.
34:37I said what I said.
34:38And it's clear what I said.
34:39It's clear as day.
34:40Are you bothered?
34:41Are you bothered?
34:42Are you bothered?
34:43Are you bothered?
34:44Are you bothered?
34:45Are you bothered?
34:46Obviously, she's not.
34:47She's sitting here with me, Tasha.
34:48No, no, no.
34:49She's here with me.
34:50Hold on.
34:51Hold on.
34:52Hold on.
34:53She's not bothered.
34:54She's not flustered.
34:55She's not nothing.
34:56You're answering for her.
34:57But if she was, she wouldn't be here.
34:58You're answering for her.
34:59No, you're answering for her.
35:00I'm not.
35:01Because you want her to give you a different answer.
35:02I'm trying to talk to her, and you're overtalking her.
35:03But he's not bisexual.
35:04You're not going to put a label on it?
35:05I've never dated a bisexual man.
35:06I like men.
35:07You know, that's it.
35:08He a man.
35:09He a man.
35:10He a man.
35:12I'm a man.
35:13At the end of the day, let's clarify that.
35:14Did you have a sexual relationship with Matt?
35:15Let's clarify this.
35:17Let's clarify this.
35:18I'm just saying.
35:19Are we going to get to that?
35:20Let's clarify this.
35:21No matter what, I'm still a man.
35:22I'm a man.
35:23When a man is heterosexual, he says, I'm heterosexual.
35:24I don't even know what that means.
35:25I'm from the old school.
35:27I don't even know what heterosexual means.
35:28If you don't know what it means, what do you know what means?
35:29I don't know what that means.
35:30I know what aunt means, and I know what I do.
35:31Have you slept with her?
35:32Have you slept with her?
35:33Have you slept with her?
35:34Have you slept with her?
35:36What do you know what means?
35:37I don't know what that means.
35:38I know what aunt means, and I know what I do.
35:39Have you slept with Mick?
35:45You asked about Mac?
35:47Oh, yeah.
35:50No, we never did nothing, though.
35:52We never did nothing.
35:53I thought she was asking, like, his T.
35:54Like, if we waking up to T, like, a lot of people in this network is fucking with fucking
36:00Like, you feel me?
36:01Like, let's be real, it's not only aunt.
36:02It's all the niggas on the network.
36:03Are you saying...
36:05Are you intimate with him?
36:06Niggas are sending dick pics to...
36:07Hold it.
36:08Hold it.
36:09No, let me get out.
36:10No, no, no, no.
36:11I'm sorry.
36:12Let's wake it up.
36:13Let's wake it up.
36:14Y'all want to wake it up on me?
36:15Let's wake it up.
36:16Let's wake it up.
36:17Because one thing about it, when one ship go down, all ships is going down.
36:18I'm keeping up being with y'all.
36:19So what's going down?
36:20Everybody going down.
36:21So like I said, if y'all want to wake it up on me...
36:22Let's wake it up.
36:23Aunt ain't the only one who get down with the...
36:24I get down.
36:25I do what the fuck I want to do.
36:26But aunt ain't the only one who get down.
36:28I'm keeping up being with y'all.
36:29Everybody want me.
36:30And all y'all fan favorites that y'all think is...
36:31No, he's not.
36:32Yes, he is.
36:33Yes, the fuck he is.
36:34I'm keeping up being with y'all.
36:35From the Macs to the Dons to everybody.
36:36Yes, they are.
36:37The fuck is you talking about?
36:39Waking up on everybody.
36:40Aunt, this is a couple session.
36:41Not the Aunt Show.
36:42You're not talking to...
36:43I'm sorry.
36:44I'm sorry.
36:45I'm sorry.
36:46I'm sorry.
36:47I'm sorry.
36:48I'm sorry.
36:49I'm sorry.
36:50I'm sorry.
36:51I'm sorry.
36:52I'm sorry.
36:53I'm sorry.
36:54I'm sorry.
36:55I'm sorry.
36:56I'm sorry.
36:57I'm sorry.
36:58I'm sorry.
36:59I'm sorry.
37:00I'm sorry.
37:01Get up.
37:02I'm sorry.
37:03Y'all talking to...
37:04I'm sorry.
37:05I'm talking to them because I'm tired
37:06of just trying to get woken up on me.
37:07Wake it up.
37:08I want to see y'all kiss.
37:09Wake it up.
37:10Wake it up.
37:11If you want to see us kiss, go on.
37:12Gigi clocked it.
37:13Make sure you scroll down.
37:14It's a few months back.
37:15That's when we did it.
37:16But we...
37:17Y'all not intimate.
37:18We are who we are.
37:19We're chill, man.
37:20Y'all trying to make...
37:21Why do I have to go...
37:22Wait, wait, wait.
37:24A beautiful black woman.
37:24A beautiful black woman.
37:25And black women tend to not play with their health.
37:30Oh, my health's good.
37:31Wait, what?
37:32What the fuck she talking about?
37:33Yeah, see, I'm-
37:34Yeah, my health's good.
37:34Well, he said-
37:35Wait, wait, wait, no, no, no, no, no, wait, wait.
37:37The health card, Tasha, Tasha.
37:39I'm talking, I'm talking.
37:40Let me finish my sentence.
37:41No, but-
37:42Let me finish my sentence.
37:43You started off wrong already.
37:45Can we restart that?
37:46Can we reset?
37:46But you said you do what you want to do, right?
37:47Can we get a take two?
37:48Can we get a take two?
37:49But we never said yes or no to her.
37:50Can we get a take two?
37:51So I asked you.
37:52Can we get a take two?
37:53So we couldn't shut that down.
37:54Can we get a take two?
37:55No, no, no, no, no, no.
37:55You haven't answered the question.
37:56We gonna dead that, we gonna dead that
37:57because the health shit, we don't play like that.
37:58We gonna dead that.
37:59We gonna get a take two.
38:00We gonna dead that.
38:01Let's start, let's start again.
38:02Okay, cool.
38:03Here's the thing.
38:04Are you intimate with Anne?
38:08No, that's why it's open, but, you know.
38:12So what, are y'all friends?
38:13No, we just have an understanding,
38:15but it's not a friendship, it's more, but, you know.
38:20But you're not intimate?
38:21No, not honestly.
38:22Cause I mean, they're catching y'all on the cameras
38:24and they said that every time he tries to touch you,
38:25you're like, and they have the footage.
38:28This my boy though, so, yeah, it's nothing like that.
38:30It's given, it's given.
38:31I'm keeping it, I'm keeping it being what it's given.
38:34What it's given is that she's just,
38:35I'm, first of all, can't nobody make me look bad.
38:37I'm here, I'm doing this myself.
38:38But what it's given is, she's don't,
38:41y'all, everybody not all that.
38:42I'm not affectionate.
38:43I'm not a kissy, kissy, goo goo ass person.
38:45Now, when they playing on my top and they saying,
38:47oh, y'all should kiss, y'all should kiss.
38:49What, nobody, like, it's not, it's not that, like.
38:53But you've never been sexual.
38:55You've never been, you've never had sex with each other.
39:00I think I've heard everything I needed to hear.
39:02Thank you so much.
39:03Tell Shamara to come on in here.
39:04Y'all have a great day.
39:05So you want to ask everybody if they had sex?
39:09See ya.
39:11You got a woman there with her ass slapped out
39:14and you ain't hit that.
39:14Hold on, I'm about to, I'm about to be on my way.
39:16I'm about to be on my way.
39:17Because you like men.
39:19I was like, damn, I'm messy ass.
39:24How is it that you have a woman?
39:26I put your picture on my mirror.
39:28Start to blush when somebody says your name.
39:30And you ain't hit that.
39:32Because your ass is not hard enough for him.
39:34I'm not talking to her no more.
39:36Fantasha gets no more.
39:37She gets no more, goodbye.
39:39Well, you're not getting any either.
39:41I can get what I want.
39:42But you're not getting that.
39:44I feel like Tasha is a messy ass bitch.
39:46Okay, but we need you to give her some dick.
39:49Before the show ends.
39:50I got a lot of that.
39:51I got a lot of that.
39:52Can you do that?
39:52Can you give her some dick?
39:54She's working right now to pay her.
39:55Before the show ends.
39:56She's one of her workers, bitch.
39:58Would you like that?
39:58Would you like some?
39:59You call me a bitch, Shauma.
40:00Would you like some?
40:01Would you like some?
40:02Shauma, why you call me a bitch?
40:05Would you like some?
40:06Shauma, I'm just asking.
40:07Would you like some?
40:07You're a poor man.
40:08I'm just asking.
40:09Why you call me a bitch?
40:11I think she look good.
40:12I'm not gonna lie.
40:13It give like, you know, like chocolate, you know,
40:17short cut.
40:18I like how she look.
40:19I'm not no hater.
40:19Bitch better have, you better have.
40:21Why not?
40:22You got your ass out of here.
40:23You work on my dick and all I'm about is you sucking my dick.
40:27Do you want some?
40:29You need that?
40:29You smart.
40:30That's her job to be messy.
40:31So of course it was like getting to me at first
40:34and that shit was getting on my nerves.
40:36But at the end of the day, that's her job.
40:37We gotta work.
40:39You smart.
40:40You smarter than what you leading on to be.
40:43You know motherfucking well not to hit anybody
40:45that's trying anything.
40:50If we wake it up, we gonna wake it all up.
40:52They want to know who do what and who do who.
40:54Everybody do everybody.
40:56Everybody do everybody.
40:58He don't want the world to know that he's gay.
41:03I don't feel like Tashakay's being homophobic.
41:05I feel like Tashakay just want him to live in his truth.
41:08You a faggot ass bitch.
41:10Accept the fact that you take dick.
41:12Accept the fact that you suck dick.
41:14You got exposed too many times to be denying anything.
41:18Speak your truth, babe.
41:20This shit better not be aired.
41:21This shit better get lost in the files at this point.
41:24Lose this shit.
41:32I was on B-Go one day and Jason Lee got on my B-Go.
41:37He sent me some money and we had our little fling.
41:41He flew you out?
41:42What did y'all actually do?
41:46It was fun.
41:47Are you on cocaine?
41:48What's that?
41:49Cocaine, powder.
41:53Can you break down what?
41:54Do you put cocaine up your nose?
41:56You're not gonna be able to get it with her
41:58because she's always on 10.
42:00Stop playing with me.
42:01I ain't been on 10 shit.
42:02And that's exactly why I don't want to talk no more.
42:03And it's that simple.
42:04I don't give a fuck y'all want to send me home
42:06because I don't want to talk to Joyce
42:07then send me the fuck home.
42:08I'll show her a fucking Mexican bitch.