Love and War Episode 14
00:00You are now watching NowThat'sTV.
00:10Me and my girlfriend, and we're going to switch, and we're going to fuck what y'all got to do to us.
00:29I can't take the history.
00:30This your bitch right here.
00:31This my bitch right here.
00:32It shouldn't be an issue.
00:33What's the problem?
00:34What's the problem?
00:35You a weirdo, bitch.
00:36And I'll never be with you ever again.
00:37I don't give a fuck.
00:38I don't give a fuck.
00:39You fucking all in here.
00:40Bitch, you're mad.
00:41You're mad.
00:42You're fucking all in here.
00:43Let's talk about it.
00:44How y'all, how y'all, how y'all bros with shots in you sucking each other deep dick every
00:46Bitch, you're mad.
00:47Bitch, you're mad.
00:48Bitch, you're mad.
00:49Bitch, you're mad.
00:50Bitch, you're mad.
00:51Bitch, you're mad.
00:52Bitch, you're mad.
00:53Bitch, you're mad.
00:58Do it!
00:59Do it!
01:15So Pauly, how you and Landy doing right now?
01:17We good today.
01:19That's good.
01:20I heard you slapped you up last night.
01:24Girl, I put that motherfucker in the headlock last night.
01:26I just want to get some sleep tonight.
01:28What time we was up last night?
01:29You stop fucking.
01:31Oh, no, no, no.
01:33We didn't do that last night.
01:35Who did it with Landy?
01:36All we hearing, fuck you.
01:37No, fuck you.
01:38Fuck you.
01:39No, fuck you.
01:40I'm just saying, I kept on seeing her flash her skirt up there.
01:42You saw who?
01:46At the security guards.
01:47Like, she was trying to get to my place.
01:48She was trying to get to my place.
01:49I'm just saying, I kept on seeing her flash her skirt up there.
01:51You saw who?
01:52I'm just saying, I kept on seeing her flash her skirt up there.
01:53Oh, so, wait, why are you like,
01:54She kept on twisting around and biting her lips.
01:55I'm like,
01:56Twisting around and biting her lips.
01:57And she's going to talk to me about that.
01:58Bitch, I'm going to put this lip on you.
01:59I don't want to put somebody else in the house.
02:04She's trying to fuck Taniki.
02:06That's what Taniki's here for.
02:07You saw how I was going at her.
02:08She's here to take somebody's niggas.
02:09She's here to take somebody's niggas.
02:10She's like a shitty.
02:11No, I ain't going to lie.
02:12It enticed her.
02:13She was sitting out.
02:14I ain't gonna take somebody's niggas.
02:15She's like a shitty.
02:16No, I ain't gonna lie.
02:17It didn't taste that good.
02:18She was sitting around.
02:19You can see her stretch marks through her tights.
02:20She was sitting around bed with her pussy out,
02:22and it didn't stink.
02:23I ain't gonna lie.
02:24But look, when she got her tights,
02:25you can see the stretch marks through the tights.
02:27So who do you like more?
02:28I'm not even gonna be funny.
02:29Like, you like boys more or girls?
02:30We driving for, like, an hour.
02:46Next thing you know, I'm over in the motherfucking boonies.
02:49Bitch, are you dumb?
02:51I start seeing dead ends and no roads and shit,
02:54and I'm looking like, is that a fucking horse?
02:57Is that a fucking lake?
02:58I don't like these motherfuckers got us camping.
03:00I'm over now this TV.
03:02What's going on?
03:04To pull up at the campsite completely pisses me clean
03:07the fuck off, because why y'all playing in my face?
03:09Why the fuck would y'all ever tell me
03:11we was going to a mansion?
03:12Now that I see the, what the fuck are y'all giving
03:15at this point?
03:16So at this point, I'm like, nah,
03:18I'm gonna be trapped out here with the peasants.
03:20Like, what's going on?
03:24I end up bringing a whole motherfucking suitcase
03:27to a camping trip.
03:29Y'all, I'm on that motherfucking ground
03:31rolling this motherfucking...
03:32Y'all rolling this big-ass luggage on the ground
03:35and everybody got a little bag.
03:37Y'all was looking dumb as shit.
03:38Dumb as fuck.
03:39I should have been listening.
03:41All right, where are our tents at, man?
03:43Take us to our hut.
03:44They decided to take us camping,
03:46and I'm not gonna lie, it was beautiful.
03:48We pulled up to the campsite in black chucks
03:51with the flats.
03:53Welcome, everybody.
03:54We want to say thank you for hanging out with us today.
03:56You're at the Outdoor Escape Experience.
03:59The reason why we call it an experience
04:01because it's just that, it's an experience.
04:03We set this up, Big Bull,
04:05who's gonna be taking you guys out on the ATVs,
04:07he's from Jamaica, so this is what his backyard
04:11kind of symbolizes in Jamaica,
04:13so that's why we kind of set it up with this vibe.
04:16While you're here, we always say,
04:17yes, it's a business, but it's your backyard for the day.
04:20It's your house.
04:21We just want y'all to relax, hang out, have a great time.
04:24That's what it's for, okay?
04:26A couple of things.
04:27We want to get you guys through all the activities.
04:29In order to do that, we're really gonna need y'all
04:31to work with me, and let's work together
04:34so we can move through everything pretty quickly, okay?
04:36All right, so what we're gonna be doing today,
04:38we're gonna have our ATVs.
04:40We're gonna have archery.
04:43We're gonna have cornhole.
04:45We got kayak.
04:46We have the darts over here.
04:48We also have the horses.
04:50They'll be pulling down here in just a moment.
04:52So we want to get you guys in different activities
04:55at all times so we can rotate.
05:00Like, it was real nice, like, some Jamaican style.
05:03I just seen some fire-ass tents.
05:05There was a nice big bar.
05:07They was pouring drinks already up on arrival.
05:10They had, like, horses.
05:11They had the four-wheelers.
05:13They had the kayak.
05:15Bitch, I'm not Tarzan.
05:17I'm not none of them.
05:18I don't fuck with bugs, mosquitos, none of that.
05:20So the fact that y'all thought it was cool
05:22to send a bitch out here, like,
05:23we got to go sleep in a motherfucking tent,
05:25I didn't appreciate it.
05:26Now that I see it, I didn't like that.
05:32This is not clean status.
05:34I will not be sleeping in no tents
05:36with no hot-ass bugs and all that.
05:38I'm cool.
05:39Right idea, the wrong playboy.
05:42She is so pretty.
05:47Of course, my adventurous ass had to literally do it all.
05:57ATV riding, I thought I was about to whip it.
06:07They zipping on us.
06:09The only thing I did...
06:13...was cause a fucking collision.
06:15When I tell you me and Becca ran straight
06:17into the motherfucking tree...
06:19We good, we good, we good, we good.
06:21I swear to God, I almost flipped over
06:23the motherfucking dirt bike.
06:24Are you okay?
06:26We good, we good.
06:27We barely even...
06:28At that point, I was done with it.
06:30I said, Becca, you're going to have to be
06:32the nigga in this situation,
06:33and I'm going to ride in the back.
06:34You know I'm working with one eye, Becca.
06:37Just keep following the trail to go one way.
06:39Right behind.
06:40All right.
06:41How about the whip?
06:42The right one?
06:43This right here.
06:44Becca started whipping it.
06:45She's doing her ones.
06:46I'm like, oh, she got a license.
06:47You feel me?
06:48Like, she's doing her shit.
06:52We hit a corner.
06:57She drove us into a thorn bush.
06:59Now we stuck in fucking thorns.
07:03We trying to catch up to you!
07:04And I'm like, yo, what the fuck?
07:06Oh, God.
07:07We're in a ditch again.
07:08We crashed y'all.
07:09We're in a ditch again.
07:11One more time.
07:12Ow, bitch!
07:13Ow, bitch!
07:14You almost scored!
07:16Come on.
07:17Back us up.
07:19Why do these dumb ass bitches crash into a tree?
07:24I don't know how the fuck that just happened.
07:26But my baby is OK.
07:28Shalondre, she's perfectly fine.
07:31We just got into a minor little discrepancy,
07:34a little tiny accident.
07:35But we OK.
07:36At this moment.
07:38Bitchy, I'm in the woods.
07:39We all just died.
07:40We all came from the woods.
07:42Like, what the fuck going on?
07:44All right, bet, bet, bet.
07:47I'm getting poked.
07:48Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.
07:49Get me back to the motherfucking campsite.
07:56That was fun!
07:57I want to go again.
08:00I want to go again.
08:01That was fun.
08:03All right, cool.
08:04That was so much fun.
08:06That was amazing.
08:07That was so cool.
08:09I'm from Philly where we ride bikes.
08:11I'm the type of nigga that knows I don't get on bikes.
08:13I don't even try to play around with bikes.
08:15But when I saw these ATVs, I figured, you know,
08:17I'm a little older now.
08:18Maybe I can control it a little better.
08:23No less than two seconds, we got up the hill.
08:25And it was either my life or the bike life.
08:28Did you crash?
08:31Did you crash?
08:35And I jumped off of that motherfucker
08:37because I wasn't about to stay on it and play around.
08:39So I ran it into a tree.
08:43At least I wasn't going down there with it.
08:46I jumped the fuck off real quick.
08:50And when they pulled it out of there, it was fucked up.
09:02But this is what it is.
09:04Yeah, I looked back, and he was off that bitch.
09:06The bike was in the trees.
09:08I think I hurt my back for real.
09:10Oh, my goodness.
09:11Are you OK?
09:13If you don't know how to ride an ATV, don't ride one, man.
09:24It was me and a thorn bush, and the thorn bush won.
09:27Ah, fuck.
09:29I was trying to turn my shit.
09:31It was fun and everything, but it's
09:33like I couldn't do nothing about it.
09:35All I did was slowly just see, and I
09:37didn't have no shirt on, bro.
09:38I'm mad.
09:39Yo, my shit's bleeding and everything.
09:41It was fun, though.
09:42I done cut all skin off my shit, yo.
09:45It's cool.
09:46No shit to it, big dog.
09:47Yeah, I'll be all right.
09:48I'm good.
09:50I'm going to try to kick them all out.
09:52All right, we good.
09:53We good.
09:54We all right.
09:55ATV fucked me up.
09:56It was fun, but it was just thorn bushes and shit.
09:59Fucking mud everywhere.
10:01There was no showers.
10:03She's running into shit.
10:05You got to put the front.
10:07So you have to take this on.
10:09So Ivy, you pull that one, and then you just land it on there,
10:12and y'all get in.
10:15We both get in it?
10:18The fucking kayak is like, it's fucking big.
10:21Like, I'm telling her I'm going to get in the back.
10:24You got to get the front.
10:26You got to do the paddling.
10:27Like, I'm big.
10:28I got to sit back.
10:29Push it.
10:30Oh, I got it.
10:31Oh, it feels so nasty, bro.
10:33This shit feels disgusting.
10:34I can't do it.
10:35I can't do it.
10:38Come on, get in there.
10:39OK, hurry, hurry, hurry!
10:42Oh, shit.
10:43Oh my god!
10:48She wants to jump in the boat.
10:51I didn't jump in the boat.
10:53All right, so you jumped in the boat, and it took over,
10:56because of me.
10:57It took over because of me.
11:00Ha, ha, ha!
11:04Oh, oh, oh!
11:05Oh, oh, oh!
11:06It's about to float.
11:08It's about to float!
11:10Get the kayak!
11:12Get it!
11:13It's about to float!
11:17You do too much.
11:21You really do too much.
11:25You do too fucking much.
11:29I swear to god, man.
11:30Get it!
11:31She's floating.
11:32OK, help us take the water out then.
11:35Little nigger.
11:36Why the fuck kayak don't bring us closer?
11:38That shit.
11:39And we fell in.
11:40That shit made us go apart.
11:42I was mad to see it.
11:44There's some alligators in here.
11:46Do not make me tip over in this motherfucker, all right?
11:48All right.
11:49Don't make her fall.
11:50We already tipped over.
11:51Y'all tipped over?
11:52You tipped over?
11:53Yeah, we tipped over.
11:54Tipped over.
11:55And, like, fell in the water?
11:57I'm kind of scared now.
11:58I'm scared now, for real.
11:59Cassie, I don't think you can fit in there with me.
12:01I don't think I can.
12:02Babe, I don't think we should do that.
12:03I get on a sailboat with fucking Jazz.
12:07Girl, you the one who got to do the moving and the grooving.
12:09I told you, Jazz.
12:10Grab the paddle.
12:11He don't even know what the fuck he doing.
12:13He holding on to you, bitch.
12:15Let's talk about it.
12:16Jazz the boy.
12:19Y'all ready?
12:20Y'all ready?
12:21Let's do this shit.
12:22Y'all know what to do?
12:23Fuck no!
12:24Where's the instructor?
12:25Baby, we fucked up when we did it.
12:27Oh, shit!
12:28We already leaning.
12:29Don't lean that way.
12:30Don't lean that way, then.
12:31What way do we lean?
12:32You about to piss me off, nigga.
12:33What you want to do with me?
12:34I want to hit you.
12:35I want to hit you.
12:36Oh, y'all put me up.
12:37Jazz going to beat my ass.
12:40Don't lean.
12:41No, no.
12:42I'm scared.
12:43I didn't ever want to do this activity
12:44with no bitch who can fight.
12:45I should have did this with 10 of kids.
12:47Jazz is the fucking smallest shit.
12:49She can't paddle my big ass.
12:50No fucking way.
12:51I'm fucking 6'3".
12:52She can't move me.
12:53I'm in.
12:54No, I'm not.
12:55Don't lean.
12:56Stop leaning.
12:57Stop leaning.
12:58Dad, hold me.
12:59You lean, Jazz.
13:00Hold me, hold me.
13:02No, no, no, no.
13:03Y'all do it.
13:04Y'all do it.
13:05I told you.
13:06I told you, Jazz.
13:07Hell no.
13:08Hell no.
13:09I told you you was gonna fuck.
13:10You did not believe in me.
13:11You come on my feet.
13:12You come on my feet.
13:13Hell no, hell no, hell no, hell no, hell no, hell no.
13:18I told you, you was gonna fall.
13:21You did not believe in me.
13:22You come on my feet.
13:23No, no, no, no.
13:25You can't take my feet.
13:27This shit is gross.
13:29Oh, my God.
13:32I'm embarrassed.
13:33Oh, my God.
13:35Because we ain't never been out before.
13:37We got a man down.
13:39I'm not a real life guard.
13:41Hey, sign up for this shit.
13:45Y'all doing good, though.
13:46Y'all did good.
13:47Oh, my God.
13:48Oh, my God.
13:49This little omen went all the way under.
13:52And when I tell y'all Lake Laver, water is fucking nasty.
13:57All I felt was dead people on my toes.
14:00And my shoe was in there somewhere.
14:02Can y'all grab the boat?
14:03Can y'all grab the boat, please?
14:05You find the fucking shoe.
14:06We need the boat.
14:07I said I didn't want to fall in there.
14:09It was so nasty.
14:10I had, like, diarrhea all on my fucking feet.
14:16Horseback riding is very romantic.
14:18Look over here.
14:23Better ride that horse.
14:24Better ride that horse.
14:27It was very lovely.
14:30I had so much fun camping.
14:32It was so hot.
14:34Like, it was hot.
14:36I could not handle that.
14:37But I had a blast.
14:38Just went on a horseback ride with my little baby.
14:41How you feeling this?
14:42I love this.
14:43This camping trip was an amazing idea.
14:45I wonder what they're going to do with the baby, though.
14:48I mean, my baby's having a great time.
14:50I know, like, it's a great thing.
14:52What's it going to be?
14:53I don't know, but I'm a great mother.
14:54My baby's having a blast.
14:56All right.
14:57Do you think I'm a great mother?
14:59I think you're a good mother.
15:00You saw my tits.
15:01A good mother?
15:02I think I want a real kid now.
15:04All right.
15:05You proved to me that you could, you know.
15:07Take care of a kid?
15:08Take care of a baby.
15:09I can even take care of a fake baby.
15:10I think you're ready to, you know.
15:12Be a real mother?
15:13I think we're almost at that age.
15:15I see you.
15:16Did you like me being a real mom?
15:17I seen you.
15:18You was looking impressed.
15:19I was.
15:20I'm like, OK, she's pretty.
15:21Can I have a real kid?
15:23Well, I think we're going to have to have a real kid soon.
15:26Well, where the ring at?
15:29If we have a boy, I'm going to name my son Vincent.
15:32And if we have a girl, I'm going to name
15:34my daughter Anastasia.
15:35Because she's a princess, and it's going
15:37to be short for a sassy baby.
15:39You know, my man wanted to ride the horses.
15:42And he wanted to look at the view.
15:44He's really, really one with nature.
15:46You know, it's one of the things I like about him.
15:48And we got on the horses, and it was beautiful.
15:50Do you think I have too much fun for you?
15:53Um, no.
15:55Definitely my speed of fun.
15:58Because I like to have the same amount of fun.
16:00So hopefully that's not a problem.
16:01We had a nice little conversation.
16:03And I enjoyed, you know, my time with my man.
16:06You know, I think, you know, we had a great understanding.
16:09You know, we got to understand more of each other.
16:12You know, I think we came to an agreement
16:14that we would get to know each other more and, you know,
16:16move forward.
16:17Give me a kiss.
16:20O'Shea, what if swag could get on one of these horses?
16:25Man, people been having a lot of fun out here, huh, bro?
16:28Oh, yeah.
16:29Yeah, there's a lot going on, man.
16:30It's all good.
16:32And he's fucked up.
16:33And I already knew me and my nigga
16:35was probably going to be by the bar.
16:36I'm probably going to play the hand games.
16:38I know he won't get on no horses,
16:39so it was quick for that.
16:42Oh, so stupid.
16:44That was good.
16:45That was good.
16:49Come on, Kilo.
16:50You got it.
16:52OK, Kilo.
16:54Nice, what a point.
16:55I'm air-fiving you, for sure.
16:57Steady yourself.
16:58Don't shoot it yet.
16:59Don't shoot it yet.
17:00Take a deep breath, and then as you release, let it go.
17:05That was good, though.
17:06Wait a minute.
17:07Wait a minute.
17:09Big shoot.
17:10Good game.
17:11Good game, baby.
17:15What you mean, let go?
17:16That motherfucker went the complete opposite.
17:18I won.
17:19That's the opposite direction, bruh.
17:20I won my 20.
17:21That little, uh, what that shit called?
17:23The arch?
17:24Whatever, fuck.
17:25That little target shit?
17:27No shade.
17:28I had a ball.
17:29We done all the activities.
17:30I'm just thinking, we about to just come do the activities,
17:32go back to the house, whatever.
17:34Like, I, I, look, y'all call me big back.
17:37All that, this back sweats.
17:38This ass big.
17:39It sweats.
17:41No shade.
17:42I didn't even need to wash it.
17:43It was ass and dirt and rocks in my ass,
17:45and I didn't know what to do.
17:51This old ass bitch that was at the campsite,
17:53this bitch handed me a 20-pound bag of fucking water.
17:59Wait, Iris, but you already took the shower.
18:01Girl, they about to give me the fuck out of here.
18:03This is crazy.
18:04All right, so, uh, we not gonna tell nobody
18:06about this part of the trip.
18:07We'll decide that.
18:08And it had five fucking sprinkles in the bag.
18:13They want us to hang the bag from the tree.
18:17I betcha we touching.
18:19About to touch him.
18:22I was ready to rock that bitch.
18:24Like, bitch, what, you want me to wash up
18:26with a 20-pound bag of water and sprinkles?
18:28Bitch, fuck you.
18:29Come on, baby ass.
18:30You need to take a shower, too, child.
18:32Yes, I gave my baby to you, bitch.
18:34I gave my baby to you.
18:35Hold his hand.
18:36Hold his hand.
18:38Fuck this.
18:39They're telling us that we're gonna shower
18:42under a fucking tree with a water bag.
18:47Oh, that's the shower?
18:49What the fuck?
18:50Wait, no, somebody else told you.
18:52I'm ready.
18:53You broke it, bitch.
18:54Oh, you broke it.
18:55Oh, you gotta be the shower.
18:56This is crazy.
18:57This is a delicious shower.
18:58I don't want treats.
18:59Let's be smart.
19:00You see this tree, bruh?
19:01I know this ain't the shower floor,
19:02or y'all gonna piss me off.
19:03No bullshit.
19:04Seriously, I'm about to get out of here.
19:05Yeah, because what the fuck?
19:06I really fell in the lake, and I need to take a shower.
19:08Oh, put it by that part.
19:11No, look.
19:13Put it back.
19:14No, look, look.
19:15Put it by this part.
19:16Yeah, there you go.
19:18That shit weighing the whole fucking tree down.
19:20Man, fuck it.
19:22Let me get in with you.
19:23Help me, y'all.
19:25Jinx, come on.
19:26Why you digging in my butt?
19:27What the fuck wrong with you?
19:29Bitch, put it up underneath.
19:31I'm trying.
19:32This bitch doing a whole lot.
19:34We gotta go.
19:35No, for real.
19:36I'm not doing this.
19:37We gotta go, bro.
19:38I'm not doing this.
19:39This is impossible.
19:42It don't even work like this?
19:45I'm not about something like this.
19:47These motherfuckers have the audacity
19:48to bring out a shit bag
19:50and tell us that we gotta take a shower with this
19:53and sit up under it
19:54and let the water sprinkle on us.
19:57Bitch, are y'all okay?
20:12That's why I wanted to leave
20:13because, like, you know what I'm saying?
20:14Like, I feel like, you know what I'm saying?
20:16Like, everything that we was doing
20:17and everything like that, you know what I'm saying,
20:19is bringing us away from each other more than our part.
20:22And then culture.
20:25And I'm tired of loving people.
20:27You know what I'm saying?
20:29Either way, I feel like we did that and we got it.
20:31And whatever.
20:32We don't need to drag it.
20:33We cool, you know?
20:34You know, it's all good, babe.
20:35I could fuck with that.
20:36No, it's all good.
20:37I'm a girl's girl.
20:38I ain't no bitch.
20:40I'm a girl's girl.
20:41I ain't no bitch.
20:42I ain't no pussy.
20:43I'm a girl's girl.
20:44Good, good, good.
20:46I love you, Cassie.
20:50You can play half, use one of mine.
20:52But I'm gonna play him regardless.
20:54Game time.
20:56I'ma get that in the wood, you heard?
20:59You hear, I'ma get that in the wood.
21:02I'ma get that in the wood.
21:03So, you know, I was peeping the show though.
21:09I do love my man.
21:10I'm sure you love your man, like, you know what I'm saying?
21:12Regardless of anything, like...
21:17And when it comes down to it, like, we have to understand, like...
21:23And the niggas have been losing me to the world already.
21:25So, I'm starting to accept that.
21:28Like, being here...
21:31Being here in this house, I don't know.
21:33Like, I feel like me and him, like, really got love for each other.
21:37So, like, to the point where, like, I love him.
21:40So, like, I feel like I act up in emotions.
21:44And sometimes, like...
21:45I'm a gentleman.
21:47I act up in emotions, so sometimes I feel like I do more than what the fuck is needed.
21:53And it don't become for that.
21:55Sometimes I act up in my emotions.
21:58And it really don't mean anything.
22:00I hurt the people that I love.
22:03And a lot of shit that I do, like, I really feel bad about.
22:06Because it's some shit that I said that I can't take back.
22:09And it's like, even though I lied about the shit I said...
22:14It cannot be taken back because I said what I said, so...
22:17Well, at least you're, like, self-aware.
22:19And, like, all you can do before is, like...
22:22You know, I have anger issues, too.
22:24I do that shit a lot.
22:25But sometimes, like, I stop acting up a little bit more before I fucking mean anything.
22:30Fuck that, baby.
22:31You ain't built like me.
22:34You ain't built like me.
22:36You ain't built like me.
22:39You ain't built like me.
22:41You ain't built like me.
22:43You ain't built like me.
22:45You ain't built like me.
22:47You ain't built like me.
22:49You ain't built like me.
22:51You ain't built like me.
22:56Shamar kept coming up to me, like,
22:58Oh, do you want me to crack that bitch Jocelyn?
23:00Do you want me to crack her?
23:01He kept asking me, because, I don't know, I guess he felt like
23:03what Jocelyn had did to me on the bus the day prior was wrong, or whatever, so...
23:07I'm just saying, for this time, it's bad because I couldn't crack Shamar.
23:10Yeah, but we're not doing that. It's okay.
23:12It's okay. It's okay.
23:13So you can't feel no way.
23:15I'm just saying, baby.
23:16What you mean I can't feel no way?
23:18You can't feel no way when you got nothing to hide.
23:20What you mean I can't feel no way?
23:21I never fucked.
23:22What you mean?
23:23Don't hit her.
23:24What you mean?
23:25Because I will fuck you now.
23:27No, you won't.
23:28No, you won't.
23:29No, I will.
23:30Don't do it.
23:31I will.
23:32Don't do it.
23:33Like I said.
23:34Hit her.
23:35She didn't start disrespecting my man.
23:36Don't disrespect my man.
23:37Don't disrespect my man.
23:39Don't set that wig off your head, bitch.
23:41Slow up.
23:42Stop saying me, bitch.
23:44Bitch, I'm the queen.
23:45You're not the queen.
23:46I'm the queen, bitch.
23:47I'm the queen, bitch.
23:49Who are you?
23:50You the nobody to me, hoe.
23:52You the nobody to me, hoe.
23:54You the nobody to me.
23:56Who are you?
24:00I'm arguing with Shamar.
24:01I'm letting him know, like, no shade.
24:03Like, I lived for you at one point.
24:05Like, I'm confused where this is coming from.
24:07I'm just, like, I'm down there.
24:08I'm a fantasy at this point.
24:10Like I said, stop being disrespectful.
24:12What you did on that brisket was dead-ass wrong.
24:15What you did on that brisket was dead-ass wrong.
24:18What you did on that brisket is dead-ass wrong.
24:20I'm not Yugi, y'all.
24:21Are you not Yugi, y'all?
24:23I'm not Yugi.
24:24Oh, you're not Yugi, y'all?
24:25I'm not Yugi.
24:26Yeah, because you're not my pop.
24:27I'm not Yugi.
24:28You're not my pop.
24:29I'm not Yugi.
24:30Bitch, we don't play mental games, bitch.
24:31What you talking about?
24:32No shade.
24:33I'm steady telling Shamar, you know, get her,
24:35and he's like, okay, I'm finna get her.
24:37I'm finna get her.
24:38You wanna fight?
24:39We don't play men's games.
24:40Do you wanna fight?
24:41No, Shay, that's him getting in trouble in real life.
24:44He walked over there by her, but he still didn't get her.
24:46You wanna fight?
24:47It's okay.
24:48You scared?
24:49I'm scared.
24:49You scared?
24:50I can never be scared.
24:51Don't be scared, bitch.
24:52I can never be scared of a Twizzler.
24:54You scared?
24:55You scared?
24:56Why would I be scared of a Twizzler?
24:57I'm just letting you know.
24:59A Twizzler.
25:00A Twizzler.
25:00A Twizzler.
25:01A Twizzler.
25:02Bitch, I'll show you a Twizzler.
25:04Bitch, I'll show you a Twizzler.
25:06Bitch, I'll show you a Twizzler.
25:08I will show you a Twizzler.
25:10I will show you a Twizzler.
25:13Girl, do you know what?
25:15I'm not gonna read the disability, the disabled.
25:19What you wanna do?
25:19You wanna run out?
25:20And then he did it again, and still didn't get her.
25:22And then he did it a third time,
25:23and I was like, at this point, bitch,
25:24I'll just get you a whole full cup of water.
25:25You still ain't thrown it, hand it to me?
25:28Next thing you know, I feel a whiff of fucking water,
25:31whatever the fuck it was, splashed me.
25:32I'm like, I know it's not this big, tall,
25:34draft-looking bitch throwing shit at me.
25:37Are you cool, Kashi?
25:38Like, let me break you down to my size real quick,
25:40and we can show you stuff.
25:41What up?
25:42What up?
25:43What up?
25:46What up?
25:46What up?
25:47What up?
25:48What up?
25:49What up?
25:50What up?
25:51What up?
25:51What up?
25:52What up?
25:53Look, I would fight this bitch.
25:55What up?
25:57Oh, she wanna use a bottle?
25:59You wanna use a bottle?
26:01What you wanna use a bottle for?
26:05What you wanna use a bottle for?
26:08What you wanna use a bottle for?
26:10Get her.
26:10Do it, do it, don't do it.
26:12No, no, no, no, no, no.
26:14Bitch, what's up?
26:14No, no, no, no!
26:17Bitch, what's up?
26:18Come on, come on.
26:20Bitch, what's up?
26:21Bitch, what's up?
26:23Come on, sit down.
26:25There's a little bitch gonna run up
26:26and grab you from the side.
26:28Are you okay?
26:29Who in there can help me?
26:31But she's scared to go to the clinic.
26:33She's scared to go to the clinic or get tested.
26:36Show me a negative HIV test and I'll fight you.
26:39Bitch, don't.
26:40This is the third week y'all bitches is rapping
26:42and y'all hoes can't even afford it.
26:44I'll take a bitch that's got a negative HIV test.
26:48Show me a negative HIV test.
26:50Come over here.
26:50Word, yes.
26:51This is literally the Joyce and Kashy Smackdown
26:55fucking show at this point.
26:56I don't know, but they then escalated this drama
27:00to the motherfucking campsite.
27:02So now Joyce and Kashy is into it.
27:04My chart for my chart.
27:06Bitch, I'm gonna pull my blood out right now.
27:09Kashy, don't do it.
27:10There's no infection.
27:11Bitch, I'm not a zombie.
27:13Bitch, I'm not a zombie.
27:16Come here, come here.
27:17Call me at five times.
27:18Bitch, I'm not a zombie.
27:20Don't take her away though.
27:22Bitch, a bitch can't pull out that though.
27:25Y'all see I'm not arguing no bitch, I'm fine.
27:27Oh, okay.
27:31All up in your live stream, don't anybody got it.
27:35She wanna have a conversation with you.
27:36Y'all wanna talk to her?
27:37There's no conversations, girl.
27:38Keep continuing to tuck that big ass dick
27:40in once you have balls in your ass head.
27:42So at this point, I'm sitting here,
27:44I'm like, you know what?
27:45I'm sick of handing out platforms to bitches.
27:48I'm sick of making hoes famous.
27:49So I decided to let these bitches know
27:51y'all not about to sit and eat and kumbaya, bitch.
27:54I'm sick of making hoes famous.
27:56I'm sick of handing out platforms
27:59to bitches that don't need it.
28:01You know what I'm saying?
28:02This is really deep.
28:04Everything you gotta think of, the mic's not even.
28:06Bitch, if it's a mic, it's a mic.
28:08I need that mic.
28:09If somebody try to cut in there,
28:11they better stay real far away from you.
28:12They trying to be with that megaphone.
28:14Get back, get back.
28:16I'm cracking down.
28:17Who was it that called back?
28:18Y'all was calling to show you that,
28:19and it wasn't for me?
28:22Y'all was calling to show you that,
28:24and it wasn't for the fucking queen, bitch.
28:27No, the gag is, that wasn't calling neither one of us, babe.
28:30You can't keep a nigga or get a nigga.
28:32That's the gag.
28:33I'm your only nigga and have forever been.
28:35Bitch, you can't get a nigga.
28:36Your dick too big.
28:37They all think you got a pussy,
28:38and they find out you got a big-ass dick
28:40between your legs, babe.
28:42Well, let's go get bloodstreamed, non-embiotic.
28:47I'm sick of these bitches that got made in microwaves
28:49coming up to me, thinking they could talk to me.
28:50Bitch, you got made in a microwave, bitch.
28:52You were made in an oven.
28:54Bitch, you were not born like that.
28:55Fuck you.
28:56I'm gonna let y'all bitches know,
28:57these storylines is because of me,
28:59the queen, the head honcho, bitch.
29:14That was a roach.
29:15Like, bro, send me home, bro.
29:17Like, y'all just see that bag?
29:19Like, I'm going home.
29:20I'm done.
29:21I'm done.
29:24It is bugs out here.
29:24It's real bugs.
29:25I said, fuck.
29:26Like, bro, I got a bite right here.
29:29Two bites right here.
29:30A bite right here.
29:31Bites right here.
29:32Bitch, I'm getting beat the fuck up.
29:34Send me home.
29:36I was ready to go home.
29:37I was yelling the whole night.
29:39Zoom in on that bag.
29:42Zoom in on that bag.
29:44They want us to shower with that bag.
29:46Bitch, kiss my ass and send me home.
29:49I have to cause a scene.
29:51I got rocks in my pussy, dirt in my ass.
29:54I didn't get paid enough to be sitting here
29:55getting beat the fuck up.
29:57That's what I'm saying.
29:58Nobody did.
29:59Nobody got paid enough to be getting
30:00sitting here outside.
30:02Fuck this experience.
30:03Okay, that's for you to feel.
30:05That's for you to feel.
30:07Y'all like this?
30:08Y'all like being outside sweating?
30:09Y'all ass sweating, right?
30:11You like being outside getting beat the fuck up?
30:12You love this?
30:13I don't wanna be in a mansion.
30:14You love this, right?
30:15What did we get told?
30:16We told that we had a mansion with a pool in the backyard.
30:19Why are you yelling?
30:20Shut the fuck up.
30:21No, you shut the fuck up, bitch.
30:22You weird ass bitch.
30:23I'm tired of you.
30:24Everyone was cool, except I did see Ivory and Jazz
30:28break up and start an argument.
30:29Why everybody getting into it?
30:31They knew the woods was gonna do this to us.
30:33That's why they brought us to the woods
30:35because now they're fucking us.
30:36This is her second.
30:37This is good.
30:38She don't understand what you be saying.
30:40It's not about understanding, bitch.
30:41They took us out here to camp.
30:43To have an experience, bitch.
30:43And you wanna yell?
30:44Act like a sweat ass, little ass girl.
30:46You shut up, bitch.
30:48You shut up, bitch.
30:48I swear to you.
30:49You shut up, bitch.
30:51You getting no court.
30:52Ain't doing no much.
30:53You get it.
30:54We get it.
30:55You get it.
30:56She gonna pay nothing.
30:56She gonna pay nothing.
30:58Hit on me.
30:59So what?
31:00So what?
31:02It don't matter.
31:02Who gonna pay 1,500?
31:04Who gonna pay 1,500?
31:05You trying to clock T, bitch.
31:07You trying to clock T, bitch.
31:09You think you, that's why they sending your ass home.
31:11I have to go home.
31:12Okay, go home.
31:13You steady doing it.
31:15Okay, your Uber's coming, Ivory.
31:17You spoiled ass bitch.
31:18You spoiled ass brat.
31:19You act like a little ass girl.
31:20I will.
31:21You act like a little ass bitch.
31:22I will.
31:22All the time.
31:23I will.
31:24The fuck?
31:25I will.
31:27Like what happened?
31:28Like, we not being sisterly right now.
31:31Bitch, I said what I said, bitch.
31:34Bye, Ivory.
31:35Bye, Jasmine.
31:37Bitch, I'm sick.
31:38Bitch, to look dumb.
31:40Like you been looking the whole time, bitch.
31:42You look dumb, bitch.
31:42You look dumb, bitch.
31:44You look dumb, bitch.
31:45You look dumb, bitch.
31:47You been hollering, you was just having a ball.
31:49You was just having a ball.
31:51I was.
31:51And maybe if you would've act like an adult
31:53and talk to them,
31:54can y'all send me to go take a shower?
31:56Maybe you would've been able to go do that
31:57instead of yelling around here like a bitch.
31:59Oh, bitch.
32:02This is the second time we witnessing Jazz check Ivory.
32:05So yeah, big sister is not playing.
32:09Bitch really thinks she's a queen.
32:10Shut up.
32:11And what are you, Jasmine?
32:12You're nothing.
32:13I don't give a fuck.
32:15You're nothing, bitch.
32:16You're nothing.
32:18I brought you to TV.
32:18You're nothing, bitch.
32:19I brought you to TV.
32:20Out of one person,
32:21and then y'all gonna leave her the fuck alone after that.
32:23So you know what, Jazz?
32:25Do your thing.
32:27I'm about to call the police.
32:28Y'all stop, y'all stop, y'all stop.
32:30I'm about to call the police.
32:31Okay, bitch?
32:32All right, you ain't, you ain't.
32:34You ain't, bitch.
32:35You ain't.
32:36Y'all on my lane.
32:37You ain't, bitch.
32:38Y'all on my lane.
32:39Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
32:40Y'all on my lane.
32:41Oh, I'm sorry, I'll get you.
32:42You got it, you got it, you got it.
32:43Oh, I'm sorry, I'll get you.
32:45Oh, this space is too small.
32:46Oh, Jazz.
32:47Oh, Jazz.
32:48Oh, Jazz.
32:49Hold on, Jazz, hold on.
32:50Hey, hold on.
32:51Jazz, work it out.
32:53You need that?
32:54Cowboy boots in the green.
32:55Jazz, turn around.
32:56Oh, oh, oh, wait.
32:57Y'all ain't got it.
32:58Y'all ain't got it.
32:59Y'all ain't got it.
33:00Y'all ain't got it.
33:01Get it, get it.
33:02Oh, go, go, go, go, go.
33:06Okay, wait, hold on.
33:07Hold on, bitch.
33:08Hold on, bitch.
33:09Hold on, bitch.
33:10Hit him, bro.
33:11Let me get a, let me get a.
33:12Let me get a.
33:13Let me get a.
33:14Let me get a.
33:15Let me get a.
33:16Beat her ass.
33:17Get in there.
33:18We got two women and we got two stuff.
33:19Get in there.
33:20Two women and two stuff.
33:21Get in there.
33:22I'm finna fall in.
33:23I'm finna fall in.
33:26Suck me, bitch.
33:27Hold on for like two seconds.
33:28I'm gonna get that light.
33:29Cause I want to.
33:33Oh, well.
33:34All right.
33:42Y'all really a hate match, bitch.
33:44What you doing, man?
33:45I hate her.
33:46What you doing, man?
33:47Hey, don't do that shit, man.
33:48Don't do it.
33:49Don't do it.
33:50Don't do it.
33:55Don't grab that hoe.
33:56Fuck that bitch.
33:57She don't get no sex off in my childhood.
34:00I mean, my child's childhood.
34:04I'm gonna get her.
34:05I'm gonna get her.
34:06I'm gonna get her.
34:07No, bitch.
34:12Look at my baby.
34:13Shalondria, she's gonna be,
34:15she's really in a better place now, you know what I'm saying?
34:17Like, I'm sure she's really in a better place.
34:19I was not a fit father.
34:20She didn't have a mother.
34:22I wrecked him.
34:24You need to go to jail, nigga.
34:25As a matter of fact, turn around.
34:26No, I won.
34:27Turn around.
34:29Oh, man.
34:32Oh, I thought you was gonna spank me or something.
34:34Who's baby that is?
34:36I don't do that.
34:37I don't play that jail shit.
34:39Look at that baby, though.
34:40I can't have no baby with no bitch.
34:42Who says that?
34:43No, she said that, but she said I had AIDS,
34:46so the baby probably had AIDS.
34:47I had to kill the baby.
34:48That's what she said.
34:49And she said that, right?
34:51So, we gotta kill the baby.
34:53I was not gonna let my baby grow up with AIDS.
34:55Right, he did the right thing.
35:02Zenniki, you're not special.
35:03You're just fuckable.
35:05But you just said you're special.
35:05Ain't nothing special about being fuckable.
35:08Messy hoe.
35:09Cause once I get hot, I'm gonna get hot.
35:10And I'm gonna hit you.
35:12How about that?
35:13No, that doesn't even make any sense.
35:14You're just fucked up in your face.
35:16There you go, Landon.
35:17There you go, Landon.
35:19There you go, Landon.
35:20I'm gonna eat you.
35:21Get away.
35:22I'm gonna eat you.
35:23That's no one's business to tell,
35:25but Cash's business.
35:27And I'm glad they're talking.
35:28It's the most I've heard you speak
35:29the entire time you've been here.
35:31Want to see what else I can do?
35:32What else can you do?
35:35Hell nah.
35:39Turd, turd.
35:43Can somebody get me a towel, please?
35:58I'm sorry.
35:59I'm sorry.
36:00I'm sorry.
36:01I'm sorry.
36:02I'm sorry.
36:03I'm sorry.
36:04I'm sorry.
36:05I'm sorry.
36:06I'm sorry.
36:07I'm sorry.
36:08I'm sorry.
36:09I'm sorry.
36:10I'm sorry.
36:11I'm sorry.
36:12I'm sorry.
36:13I'm sorry.
36:14I'm sorry.
36:15I'm sorry.
36:16I'm sorry.
36:17I'm sorry.
36:18I'm sorry.
36:19I'm sorry.
36:20I'm sorry.
36:21I'm sorry.
36:22I'm sorry.
36:23I'm sorry.
36:24I'm sorry.
36:25I'm sorry.
36:26I'm sorry.