• 2 days ago
Harpoon Hunters S01 E04


00:00In America's last true derby fishery, a handful of generational fishermen race the clock to
00:16earn the income to last them the rest of the year.
00:21As competition heats up, the remaining 40 metric tons of quota, landing a monster tuna
00:35can earn a captive for 10 grand.
00:38That was what we call a Hail Mary.
00:40Oh my God!
00:41But losing one...
00:42Hit him!
00:43Hit him!
00:44Hit him!
00:45Hit him!
00:48Can bring financial ruin.
00:49I lost him.
00:50Oh, I can't take this.
00:51Oh, I hate my life.
00:52That was a giant.
00:53Probably a $6,000 fish.
01:06Where do you want to head up north?
01:07I'm going to get some fuel here, but yeah, I think I'm just going to go east.
01:12This is Pigeon Cove, Rockport, Massachusetts.
01:17Beautiful little spot.
01:18Yeah, we're going to get some fuel and then we're going to leave.
01:21At the moment, we only have one fish.
01:22It's a little worrisome.
01:24Season's going away.
01:25The quota's going away.
01:26We're not making any money.
01:27One fish doesn't even really cover expenses, and it puts more pressure on us, that's for
01:33All right.
01:34Which tank do you want to fill first?
01:36Doesn't matter.
01:43How many gallons of that one tank do you think?
01:46I don't know, 48, maybe 50.
01:49We've only caught one bluefin tuna so far this year, so not a great year.
01:53But one thing I do know is that fishing is about mojo and attitude.
01:57And right now, the financial hole is getting deeper for my dad, and I can see it's getting
02:01to him.
02:03One fish can pay the bills and turn everything around.
02:06$99 times three bucks.
02:09We just lost $300.
02:12So yeah, we're going broke quick.
02:14This is awesome.
02:15All right, do something about it.
02:17Drive the boat, though.
02:18I'm going to do something about it.
02:20Unbroke us.
02:21This is a joke show.
02:25I'm broke.
02:26That's a good one.
02:27Feeling broke, feeling the pressure, that's it.
02:29That's just the simple truth of the matter.
02:33As Captain Dylan on the pine box seeks to pull his boat off the bottom, young gun Captain
02:39Joe on the red rump maintains the lead with five big bluefin.
02:43On the Cynthia C2, Captain Tyler's four smaller tuna decreases dollar tally, while
02:49Easy Does It's Captain Nico, in second place, is still fighting to get his late father's
02:55operation out of the red.
02:58Ready to fuel up.
03:03Top her off.
03:05Get out there.
03:07The costs involved with running a fishing boat are very high.
03:11You know, before you even leave the dock, you have to pay dockage, you have to pay insurance.
03:16There's maintenance, upkeep, you know, rigging up all the harpoons.
03:19Then you have to talk about, you know, fuel.
03:22There's a huge expense.
03:24She probably holds 300 gallons.
03:26To fill it up would be about $1,200.
03:31She drinks a lot of fuel.
03:34Yeah, one fish might just cover your expenses for the day.
03:39It's declined, Nick.
03:40You want me to try it again?
03:41What's that?
03:42It was declined.
03:43You want me to try it again?
03:44It was declined.
03:46We're on that one.
03:48If you want to talk about expenses, there you go.
03:53These are all expenses.
03:54As you can see, no cash yet.
03:56Just receipts.
03:57So, we want to change that today.
04:01All right, a little pusharoo.
04:03Got to start every day with a positive attitude.
04:06And wait for the suck to set in.
04:19We all set, guys?
04:20Yeah, I'm ready to go.
04:21Give it a shot.
04:23It's a foggy day.
04:25It's really humid on land.
04:27So, we've just been waiting all morning for the fog to burn off.
04:30We're getting some reports that it's burning off.
04:32So, we're going to stay local.
04:34You stock this season every year deeply in the red.
04:38And you've lost money before the season starts.
04:41So, if you don't catch fish and you don't produce, it's not good at all.
04:45So, we have to get as many fish in the shortest amount of time as possible.
04:50Unfortunately, you might string two or three days in a row where you don't get fish.
04:54But that's the gamble we take.
04:56It is a little foggy, huh?
04:58We've been fishing for a few weeks now, and we have five fish.
05:02We're doing well, but we can't afford to lose any steam.
05:07The real money is when you can get on a bunch of bunches, quickly re-rig,
05:11stack the boat full of fish.
05:13Just got to keep trying, and hopefully have a big day, take the lead,
05:16and don't look back.
05:20Hey, Thomas.
05:22Let's take a peek at the machine and see if we've got any bait on it.
05:25Yeah, no problem.
05:27We're still on the inside, staying local today.
05:30We heard there was fish here, and since we don't want to waste fuel driving all around the ocean,
05:34I think we need to play it safe and stay close to home.
05:39Yeah, it's pretty blank.
05:41We're at a hundred miles an hour.
05:43We're at a hundred miles an hour.
05:45Cap, it's pretty blank.
05:47We're at a hundred and sixty feet, just so you know.
05:51Yeah, the cap asked me if there was any bait underneath us,
05:55and it's obviously, you know, usually where the bait is, the fish are.
05:59And I'm just trying to put all the puzzle pieces together to kill the fish.
06:05I don't know where all this bait went, but definitely not the pogy show
06:09that it was a couple days ago.
06:1520 miles north,
06:21on Captain Joe Dion's Red Rum.
06:24Wow, this is what you call flat town.
06:27This is sick.
06:29It's almost like it's two flat, two calm.
06:32Every time this boat leaves the dock and we don't catch a fish and we're not successful,
06:38it costs money.
06:40All these expenses, the plane, the oil change on the motor,
06:44the fuel for the boat, that comes out of our overall budget.
06:48So if you miss a good day, it really eats you alive.
06:53What the hell is that?
06:58I see puma!
07:01Oh boy, where am I going?
07:04I'm in a ball of bait pogies out here.
07:09873 and 194.
07:13Up there a ways, 12 miles.
07:16You're like 12 miles away, Mark.
07:19Yeah, a little ways, not too far.
07:21I guess we're going east.
07:23I knew there were fish out to the east.
07:28Even though my pilot Marky found some fish, it's a bit of a steam.
07:33I was hoping to stay local today.
07:37I don't like burning fuel when we don't have to.
07:39It's expensive.
07:41But I have to trust my pilot sometimes over my gun.
07:52You want to go to speed now?
07:54Nah, just get up there.
07:58Swimming to the eastern.
08:01You're at 12 o'clock.
08:04Point boat.
08:06Oh, they're there.
08:08See them just make water there?
08:10The water they just made!
08:12White water off the back of the bunch there.
08:15Hold that course steady.
08:18Do not turn left or drift to the left.
08:24Damn it.
08:25What happened?
08:29They're bass.
08:31They're bass or bluefish.
08:34Micro tuna.
08:36They're bass or bluefish, right?
08:38They're not bass.
08:40What are they?
08:42Little baby tunas.
08:46Seeing all these herds of small tuna is a good sign
08:50that our efforts for sustainable fishing is working.
08:54But this doesn't help us when it comes to our finances.
08:59What the ****?
09:02Was that junk that you just flew over in between me and you?
09:06The little ones are the ones that are rough.
09:08I don't see...
09:10I don't see the big ones here anymore.
09:2320 miles north on the fishing vessel Pine Box.
09:28There's no fish here.
09:30I don't know.
09:32I can't find anything here.
09:34Well, first things first.
09:36You need to make some calls.
09:38You need a plane, dude.
09:40See, if we had a plane, we'd know where to go.
09:42Yeah, it's 150,000 bucks for a plane, dude.
09:44If you think I'm spending 150 grand...
09:46150, it's like 30 grand.
09:48Holy ****.
09:50I have in the past used a spotter plane for harpooning,
09:54but these days we don't.
09:57I got a bunch here, Joe.
09:59You want to come drive?
10:03See him right here?
10:05Yeah, I see him.
10:07See him?
10:09I see him.
10:11This is the first group of bluefin we've seen today.
10:13We have to do everything right.
10:15We need this fish.
10:19You're good, Joe.
10:21You're good.
10:23Good school, Joe.
10:25All right, take it out.
10:29There they are on the other side of the tide,
10:31it looks like.
10:33See them, Joe?
10:35Yeah, that's them.
10:37Go ahead, Joe.
10:39Go to 9 o'clock.
10:41Speed up a little.
10:43You sure, Joe?
10:45All right.
10:47There they are.
10:49Speed up.
10:52Don't slow down yet.
10:54They're making a lot of weight now.
10:56Over there, right there, straight ahead.
11:06Over there, right there, straight ahead.
11:16Hit him, hit him, hit him, hit him.
11:18Hit him.
11:21He's done, he's done.
11:23Take it out, reverse.
11:25We're good, you're in reverse.
11:27All right, just leave it right there, nothing,
11:29don't do anything, make sure it's out of gear.
11:31Joe, grab a gaff, please.
11:33I'm coming.
11:35Grab a gaff.
11:37Grab that one.
11:39Here, hang on.
11:43I lost him.
11:47I lost him.
11:50How'd you lose him?
11:52Dart pulled out of him.
11:54It was in him, it just pulled.
11:56Oh, he's dead as a doornail.
11:58Oh, that sucks.
12:00Oh, I hate my life.
12:02I think when we drilled him,
12:04he hit him right in the top of the back
12:06and he just took off sideways
12:08and give him a second to run
12:10to get the pull out of the dart
12:12and in that second, I think he just ripped
12:14the hole a little too big in himself
12:16so that when we did try to pull him up,
12:18he just dropped right off
12:20and sank like a stone to the bottom.
12:24That sucks.
12:26Just find more, forget about it,
12:28there's nothing you can do,
12:30that's tuna fishing.
12:32I more feel bad for the fish,
12:34you know, it sucks to kill them
12:36if you can't use them.
12:38Oh, dude, it's horrible,
12:40and we need the money.
12:42We just killed a beautiful giant for nothing.
12:44From the governmental perspective,
12:47I can't believe that dart came out like that.
12:49That was a giant,
12:51probably a $6,000 fish.
12:57Frustrating day.
13:0340 miles southwest
13:05on the easy desert.
13:09It's right here.
13:11Too small, I think.
13:16That's the boat
13:18coming in at 1 o'clock.
13:22For shizzle, right?
13:24For shizz.
13:26Not many people like him, huh?
13:28What's that?
13:30Not many people like him.
13:32I mean, not many people like me either,
13:34but, you know, I mean, what the...
13:40Hey, what's going on, Cam?
13:42What's... I thought you were retired.
13:45What's this?
13:47I hate to come back and haunt you.
13:51I come late to the party,
13:53but it's better to be at the party
13:55than never be there.
13:57Captain Billy Munez on the for shizzle
13:59was actually one of my father's best friends,
14:01and there was definitely a point
14:03where my mother was getting jealous
14:05of the amount of attention
14:07that my father would give Billy.
14:09You always make a fashionably late appearance,
14:11you know?
14:13He's a loud-mouthed sheriff,
14:15doesn't know when to quit talking,
14:17and is super competitive.
14:19He's not exactly everyone's favorite guy on the water,
14:21but like my dad, the man can fish.
14:23Your father loved when they hated him.
14:25Oh, well, he had more than enough haters,
14:27that's for sure.
14:29I have plenty of too.
14:33I'm a good guy.
14:35If you're on my side, I'll die for you,
14:37but if I hate you, I hate you.
14:39All right, Captain, we'll see you.
14:42My name is Captain Bill Munez.
14:44I'm the captain of the fish shizzle.
14:46I've been harpooning tuna fishing since the 90s.
14:48There was an old friend of mine
14:50that took me along for a couple of rides,
14:52and I got hooked.
14:54I started in 2001 on my own,
14:56got my first boat.
14:58This year, my nephew's fishing with me,
15:00Steven Titone.
15:02Having another family member on board,
15:04I love.
15:06Just having my nephew here.
15:08Hopefully, when I pass away someday,
15:11he can take the reins over.
15:13Not everyone's gonna reach to the level
15:15of being a great harpooner.
15:17You can't go to a tackle store
15:19and buy all this equipment
15:21and just go chase tunas around
15:23and think you're gonna make a living.
15:25It takes too many years to learn how to do this.
15:27Most of these guys are all pussycats.
15:29They don't have a kill in them.
15:31Guys get pissed off. They're jealous of you.
15:33I mean, I have a lot of people in the town
15:35that respect me.
15:37There's murals on the wall made of me.
15:40It's true.
15:42I'm one of the best in the fleet here.
15:44I want to win this competition more than anything.
15:46The more they hate me,
15:48the more I'm gonna kill them.
16:00Where you see something?
16:02I don't know if it's a minke or what.
16:06Up in here somewhere.
16:08Right there.
16:10They're striped as a fish.
16:12Ain't making enough water for my lichens.
16:14Right here.
16:16See them?
16:18Fish popped up.
16:20That's fish.
16:22I don't want to steam over them.
16:24I don't know what they're doing.
16:26Just because you use an airplane
16:28doesn't make it instantly gonna catch a fish.
16:30Puts a lot of pressure on you.
16:32I used planes for years.
16:34I'm not using one right now.
16:36When you mess with just a guy in the tower,
16:38it don't feel so bad, but you put a plane
16:40on top of your head, burning fuel,
16:42and you come in and whiff that fish,
16:44there's no worse of feeling.
16:46Yeah, we're getting kill speed right here
16:48when I get down there.
16:50Gonna stay to the left a little more.
16:52Stay to the left just a little bit,
16:54and we're gonna come right around on them.
16:56You need kill speed right, all right, Steve?
17:00Don't turn until he tells you.
17:02Take it out.
17:04Step back.
17:06A little slower, a little slower.
17:08Right down the chute, right down the chute.
17:10I don't got him.
17:12Right up there, right up there, right up there.
17:14Right up there, keep going.
17:16Right here, right here.
17:18Hold on, all right, go ahead.
17:20Take him.
17:22In gear easy, in gear easy.
17:24Right here, right here, right here.
17:26Come on.
17:28Line up on him.
17:30Right here.
17:32Hit him, hit him, hit him, hit him.
17:34Back it up.
17:36Back it up, back it up.
17:38Nice going.
17:40All right, easy.
17:42Come ahead.
17:44Hold it right there.
17:50Yeah, just come down.
17:52We're good for now.
17:54About time.
17:56Hurry up.
17:58Take him right back.
18:00Get the strap on him first.
18:02Strap him up.
18:04I'd go back over there with it.
18:06I think you got this one.
18:08Yank him right out.
18:10Leave the strap on his tail.
18:12All right, down, down.
18:14Down, down, down.
18:16Down, down.
18:18Cut the wire.
18:20I'm going back up there.
18:22Take that little strap off him.
18:24Go ahead.
18:26Yes, sir.
18:28Hopefully we're just getting started.
18:30Tape him up, son.
18:36What is it?
18:40All right, good enough.
18:42The other guys already have a great jump on me.
18:44I'm going to catch up.
18:46They're all part-timers in my eyes.
18:48I mean, who's better than me?
18:50Looks like a butterball.
18:54What's up?
18:56Oh, man.
18:58F*** off.
19:04Got one.
19:06Great. Bill caught.
19:08Come on.
19:12This sucks.
19:14Bill just got one.
19:16I can't stand this.
19:18I think you're worked up
19:20over something you shouldn't be.
19:22Working with my dad as my boss is pretty cool.
19:24He's a nice guy, and he's fair to the people
19:26that he employs, but he gets pretty down
19:28when he doesn't catch anything.
19:30I know he's stressed about money,
19:32but getting all negative isn't going to help him
19:34catch more fish.
19:36This is a joke.
19:38All right, well, let's move east.
19:40We are.
19:42You see anything?
19:48Why do we have such bad luck?
19:50It's disgraceful.
19:52When you're hunting bluefin for financial gain,
19:54it's stressful because you say to yourself,
19:56okay, I'm trying to pay bills
19:58by driving around the middle of the ocean
20:00looking for a giant animal to swim on top
20:02and let you harpoon him,
20:04and the rationale of all that
20:06goes down the drain.
20:08It's stressful.
20:10And the rationale of all that
20:12kind of starts to go out the window in your mind,
20:14so you struggle with the whole thing.
20:16Is this really what I should be doing
20:18to try to pay bills?
20:20Wow, it's really...
20:24I don't know.
20:26This is a pretty terrible wind direction
20:28unless it dies out or something.
20:30We got to get another one, though.
20:32We got to get some tuna fish.
20:34That's not going to pay for University of Colorado Boulder.
20:36I'll pay for the meal plan for a month.
20:38I have two kids in college,
20:40and I depend on fishing
20:42as my only source of income
20:44to pay all my bills.
20:46No wonder the tuition's killing me.
20:48My cost of living is $19,000 a month
20:50with the two kids and the college and everything else,
20:52so we have to make a lot of money
20:54to pay that and have anything left over.
20:56I think you're being
20:58a little too doom and gloom.
21:00Maybe so, but that's how I feel, man.
21:02I think you need to
21:04stop complaining about it.
21:06Right, I probably do.
21:08I'm a flawed man.
21:10That's not deniable.
21:12I'm not saying that.
21:14I'm just saying to dwell on things
21:16isn't going to help you get past them in life.
21:18Nothing's going to help me get past it,
21:20that's for sure.
21:22Well, dwelling on it sure doesn't work.
21:24We can both agree on that.
21:36Come on, I want to see someone plowing.
21:38I know. I want to whack another one.
21:40I got a fish.
21:42This should show the fleet I mean business.
21:44I said I'd be happy with one,
21:46but you know I lied.
21:48I know.
21:50Just right here.
21:52See it right there?
21:54Looks promising.
21:56See your speed, right?
22:00Got fish here going along.
22:02We'll see what we can do.
22:04See it? Start turning.
22:08They're deep.
22:10You want to hold off?
22:12Turn to the right.
22:18Right up here.
22:20Keep going.
22:22Little bit left, Steve.
22:24Right here.
22:34Hit him, hit him, hit him, hit him.
22:36Back it out.
22:38Back it out.
22:44Turn it to that way. Hold it.
22:48Come on down.
22:50Hurry up. Come on.
22:56Got it, Steve?
22:58Yeah, sense that.
23:00Are you tired?
23:04That's two monster bluefin for today.
23:06I'd say the fish sizzle
23:08is off to a great start.
23:10If our season keeps going like this,
23:12we'll be in the black at no time.
23:14Steve, I'm going to rig up, all right?
23:20109 inches.
23:24You say jumbo!
23:28Came in work on the thing.
23:30It's so frigging big.
23:32Pick this tail up in the air.
23:34Watch out. Pick it up.
23:36Right there.
23:40Fish are too big for the boat,
23:42so sometimes you have to improvise.
23:44This is what I call a good problem to have.
23:46How's that? Better?
23:50Pretty work, Steve. Pretty work.
23:52The guys have been fishing
23:54but I'm already catching up
23:56because I'm the best.
23:58I will always be the best.
24:00Two fish, baby.
24:04You got to be kidding me, right?
24:06This is a nightmare, right?
24:20How you doing?
24:22Just thinking we need to get more fish in the boat.
24:26No, I agree.
24:28We thought we were going to have 20, 30 fish by this point.
24:30The bills are stacking up, dude.
24:32I can't go to my wife and say,
24:34hey, I blew all this money
24:36and we're not good at it.
24:38They're stacking up.
24:40You know, second place is first loser.
24:42You know, you got to try your hardest.
24:44It's really important to win this competition
24:46because it's a big financial risk
24:48if we don't harpoon fish.
24:50If we don't harpoon fish every day,
24:52we're going home without a paycheck
24:54and a couple days of not catching a fish,
24:56it's hard.
24:58And I spent an awful lot of money,
25:00an awful lot of time,
25:02and it hasn't paid off yet.
25:04I know that.
25:06There's a lot on the line for me.
25:08I got my kids. I got the foundation.
25:10I didn't come get you because you suck.
25:12I got you because you're one of the most
25:14respected harpooners in the fleet.
25:16And I can prove that.
25:18Nate bought this boat,
25:20and he loves the idea of harpooning,
25:22but he definitely has a lot to learn.
25:24He needs to have faith in me.
25:26You can't judge one day
25:28on the whole season.
25:30I just need more chances, too.
25:32If I have multiple chances
25:34a day, you will see me
25:36hit multiple fish.
25:44Two big slobs from the bay.
25:46Here we are. We're just getting back now.
25:48We're gonna load these fish, clean the boat up.
25:50It's gonna be hot at night.
25:52We'll go from there, yeah. Gonna be hot here.
25:54Can't see much. It's dark.
25:58Let's go. Let's get ready.
26:04What's going on, Travis?
26:06Billy, nice to see you.
26:08Buyers look at the fish when we get to the dock.
26:10First, they look at the shape,
26:12the color, see how the temperature is
26:14to see if they were taken care of.
26:16So preserving the meat for the buyer
26:18is something we always do
26:20to get the talk to all.
26:22Whoa, whoa, whoa. Aw, s***.
26:24I cut the tail.
26:26I'll get a longer strap.
26:28I thought that was good enough.
26:30That's how we always did it swordfishing,
26:32but I hate to see it drop now.
26:34Hey, hold on. Go through the mouth of that fish.
26:36Don't even fool around.
26:38Want me down there?
26:40Yeah, probably.
26:42You got it.
26:44I'll admit, it's been a long time
26:46since I've had two big monsters like that on my boat.
26:48Got it?
26:50With the streak we were having,
26:52I thought we might get more,
26:54so I cut the tails off to make more room.
26:56See how you do it, sonny boy?
26:58That was obviously a mistake.
27:00Sorry about that.
27:02I got a little excited.
27:04I couldn't slide him around with the tail,
27:06so I cut him off.
27:08Good day out there.
27:10We'll get him up.
27:12You good?
27:18You need to cut that wire now,
27:20or just leave it.
27:22It's going.
27:28You need to cut that wire now,
27:30or just leave it.
27:32It's going.
27:36Buddy, you all right?
27:40We almost lost the fish,
27:42but somehow we still got him.
27:44Probably not good for the meat,
27:46but we had to cut the tails.
27:48I mean, look it.
27:50They're side to side over here,
27:52starboard to port.
27:54We had no room.
27:56The buyers aren't happy.
27:58We'll see what happens here.
28:00That's a first.
28:02Lucky no one got hurt.
28:04That's all I know on that thing, Phil.
28:06But at this point,
28:08I just care that my nephew's okay.
28:10Whatever we get for these fish is whatever we get.
28:12But also, I will not make that mistake
28:14of cutting those tails off again.
28:20All righty.
28:22Two off the boat.
28:24Now it's time to clean.
28:26All right.
28:36You've got 420 pounds dressed.
28:40See what the next one brings.
28:52What do you think we're going to do on this one, kid?
28:54It's awful big.
28:56I'm going to go 590.
29:00566 pounds dressed.
29:02Billy, you want to talk price?
29:06First one, 102.
29:08A little bit of damage, a lot of red meat.
29:10Best price we can do for this one,
29:1211 bucks a pound.
29:14Not bad. It's okay.
29:16This one, I think you're going to be a little happier
29:18with a little more fat.
29:20You can see here.
29:22Solid day, solid fish.
29:24Do we have 1,000 pounds?
29:26Just under.
29:28Good job today, huh?
29:30Yeah, lucky I did everything.
29:32Let's do it again tomorrow. What do we say?
29:34What did you do anyways?
29:36Did you even dress it? I don't even know.
29:38I did.
29:40I'm a one-man band.
29:42It's all happy.
29:52See that little spot right there?
29:54Your little dolphins.
29:56Right over there, right?
29:58That's what I was looking at up there.
30:00That is so weird looking.
30:02Although we're ahead in this competition
30:04and have five fish,
30:06we've still got to pay for the plane,
30:08the fuel, and Nate has to make back
30:10some of his investment
30:12before we put anything in our pockets.
30:14It's stressful.
30:18You got anything?
30:20Nope, nothing.
30:22Bunch right there, huh?
30:24What's that?
30:26Is that a bunch right there?
30:28Take it over there.
30:30Keep it over.
30:32No, right there.
30:34See it?
30:36Yeah, I see it now.
30:38Yeah, some nice ones here behind this bunch.
30:44Hold that course steady.
30:46Do not jerk left, okay?
30:48Do not jerk left.
30:50Don't drift to the right.
30:52Yeah, it's coming off real quick.
30:54It's coming left, you see?
30:58All the big ones are right where that white water is.
31:02Drop and touch more.
31:04That's it.
31:06Hold that steady for a second.
31:08Right there.
31:10Any one of them ones right there.
31:14I got him!
31:16I got him.
31:24Looks good.
31:26Probably 85, maybe?
31:28I don't know.
31:3075, if that, but it's a keeper.
31:34That was what we call a Hail Mary.
31:36Let's load him up.
31:40I like mine. It's my lucky one.
31:4273, right?
31:44Two, three.
31:46It's all good.
31:48Joey and Nate, a high five
31:50on over 73-inch fish.
31:52Guess something's better than nothing.
31:54Thank God
31:56we finally caught a fish.
31:58I'm hoping it will restore
32:00Nate's faith in me a little.
32:02It may not be a monster,
32:04but every penny counts.
32:08Hey, Dylan, you picking me up?
32:10Got one!
32:14Well, s***.
32:16There you go, Em.
32:18Feel a little of the frustration
32:20for a change, right?
32:22You get to live it.
32:24We just heard Red Rum got another fish,
32:26and I hate to say it, but my dad's frustration
32:28is rubbing off on me.
32:30We've only caught one bluefin tuna
32:32so far this year, so we have a lot at stake
32:34if we don't start catching fish.
32:36Bills are going to start piling up,
32:38and they're not going to get paid
32:40if we don't get a fish in the boat.
32:42All right, we're the last of the Mohicans here.
32:44Everybody's dropped off.
32:46That was a wig.
32:48What the hell?
32:50What's that?
32:52Yeah, what's this right in front of us?
32:54See him? He's going this way.
32:56See him? They're going away.
32:58Got it, Em?
33:00Try to get behind him.
33:02Go towards him.
33:04As soon as you think they're going away from us,
33:06it looks like we've got a pair or something up here.
33:08Big fish.
33:10See if we can catch one.
33:12I'm ready.
33:14Got him?
33:16Going away from us.
33:18See them?
33:2212 o'clock.
33:24Oh, yeah, okay.
33:26All right.
33:28Two of them.
33:32There they go.
33:34Lift up a little bit.
33:36You have to be really careful with the throttle with bluefin
33:38or you'll spook the hell out of them.
33:40You can't just rev it up
33:42and slow down quickly.
33:44Good, like that.
33:46Any wrong move and you'll definitely either lose your shot
33:48or you won't even get a shot.
33:50Get behind him.
33:52I'm trying.
33:54He's going this way.
33:56I know, he's really curling.
33:58Got to be behind him. All right, now turn on him.
34:00Oh, yeah, Em.
34:02He's right up on the surface now.
34:04Trying to get behind him.
34:06Yeah, you got to get around and get behind him.
34:08I got to drive faster.
34:10No, you're fine. Do not change the speed.
34:12Oh, my God!
34:16Oh, my life's
34:18never going to get easy.
34:26Uh-oh, is that a balloon?
34:28Is it time for balloon boy?
34:30Hey, we got a balloon.
34:32A balloon.
34:34A balloon.
34:36A turtle killer.
34:38Getting a balloon.
34:40He's good at that.
34:42You're good at that, Nate.
34:44Trying to keep the ocean clean every day.
34:46Hey, Nate.
34:48We got another balloon.
34:54Oh, I missed.
34:56There's another one
34:58coming up right now.
35:00This is better than high balloon.
35:02Oh, it's a sky balloon.
35:04Ah, he's good at that.
35:06There's a red one.
35:08There's a red one.
35:10Enough with the balloons already.
35:14Nate cleans the ocean.
35:22Straight on.
35:24I got to drive faster.
35:26You're fine.
35:28Do not change the speed.
35:30Oh, my God!
35:32You can't do that, Em.
35:34You're going to scare them all.
35:36Just take your hand away from the throttle.
35:38All right.
35:40Keep going straight.
35:42Don't turn on them.
35:46You got it, man.
35:48Just focus on that one.
35:50All right, he's going.
35:52All right, right there.
35:54Hit him, hit him, hit him.
35:56Got it.
35:58Nice work.
36:00You got him.
36:02Take it out.
36:04Just leave it out of gear.
36:06Leave it out of gear.
36:08Good shot.
36:10Turn the wheel the other way, Em.
36:12Nice job driving.
36:14Reverse, reverse.
36:16That's a good one.
36:18Nice job.
36:20I think he's a good one.
36:22Nice job driving, Em.
36:24That was tricky.
36:26Turned right around, swam right underneath my feet.
36:28I saw that.
36:30All right, I'll give you slack.
36:32Pull him right in.
36:34So we got a fish, nice fish.
36:36We definitely needed that one.
36:38If nothing less for morale, and these do well in the market.
36:40Here we go, Joe.
36:42Let's see if we can mate it.
36:46Just over 73.
36:48He's a keeper. Nice job, guys.
36:50We definitely needed that one bad.
36:52We just got our second fish of the season.
36:54Feels pretty good.
36:56At least it's not one, and let's hope the math keeps going forward.
36:58Get some water on the deck, Em, because the deck's hot.
37:00Turn the watch down on him.
37:04It was a crazy single.
37:06He was kind of all over the place, up and down.
37:08With those fish, we've learned that you've got to drive a little faster on them.
37:10So when we got up on him,
37:12spun right around in a U-turn,
37:14and I knew he was going to see the boat,
37:16so I just tried to put my dad right on top of him.
37:20And we got him.
37:22He looked a lot bigger in the water,
37:24but 73's a keeper, so we'll keep it
37:26and maybe get a decent price per pound.
37:28So Joe's cutting off the gills
37:30to help keep the fish from spoiling.
37:32The wind came up,
37:34so we're headed in.
37:36Sun's setting as well.
37:38We're just happy to be coming in with the fish.
37:40We really needed it.
37:42It's been really slow,
37:44so we're going to go in, sell this,
37:46and God willing, we'll get out tomorrow.
37:50What's up?
37:52Hey Baba.
37:54What's going on?
37:56What's going on, buddy?
37:58What's up, brother?
38:00What's up, Joe?
38:20Well, I mean, the shape
38:22doesn't seem too bad on it,
38:24so we'll see quality-wise.
38:28Pretty good.
38:30Got some fat showing.
38:34Yeah, not loaded up or anything,
38:36but a decent amount coming out over here.
38:40Not too much transfer all the way through,
38:42but with the color and the fat content
38:44and the size,
38:46I think 14 bucks,
38:4814 bucks a pound.
38:50All right, we'll take it.
38:52Let's chop it up, get you a dress weight.
38:54Sounds good.
38:56Send you on your way.
39:02What do we got?
39:08169 pounds on the dress weight.
39:10All right.
39:12Just give me a sign right there.
39:14Thank you, brother.
39:16Thank you, Joe.
39:18Talk to you.
39:20Harpooning has such ups and downs.
39:22One day you feel like you're the best,
39:24and the next day you feel like
39:26you're the complete worst fisherman in the ocean.
39:28But that's the gamble we take.
39:30It's fishing, it's not catching.
39:32Better to have a small fish than no fish at all.
39:34All right.
39:48Hey, Travis, how are you?
39:50Good, how you doing?
39:52We got another one.
39:54Fish for you here, number two.
39:58At least we got something.
40:00Everyone counts.
40:04Bring it up, Travis.
40:06We need some more fish, and we need some volume.
40:08You know, it's been a struggle for us.
40:10We really haven't seen a lot of fish this year.
40:12But at least we got one, and I'm happy for that.
40:14It's not a bad-looking fish, Dylan.
40:16Still got a little bit of fat,
40:18a decent shape on it.
40:20Let's say 14 bucks a pound.
40:22How's that do for you?
40:24That'll work.
40:26So we're going to dress it up and get a weight on it
40:28and see what you guys are making.
40:30All right, let's get inside.
40:36All right.
40:38Pretty good-looking fish, guys.
40:40We're sitting at 172.
40:44Just need you to sign here and get on your way.
40:4614 bucks a pound, weighed in at 172.
40:50You guys should be pretty happy with that price point, I think.
40:52I am happy.
40:54All right, well, we're out of here.
40:56Thanks again, Travis.
40:58It's been a tough season.
41:00We just dropped off our second fish with Travis here,
41:02and with nothing less,
41:04we have great-quality fish this season.
41:06We're happy with the price,
41:08and even though they're small, it's quality,
41:10and money's what matters.
41:12Tomorrow will be a new day, and we'll do better.
41:18Red Rum captain Joe Dion
41:20holds his first-place lead with another fish on board.
41:24newcomer Bill Muniz on the fish-ism
41:26comes in hot with two fish of his own,
41:28and the Pine Box's
41:30captain Dylan Caldwell
41:32finally lands his second fish of the season
41:34and remains in last place.