Casualty S42 E09
00:00Give me your phone.
00:08Are you married, Rich? Yeah, I think it's best you don't visit for a while. It's late, Dad.
00:18You can stay for one night. Oh, thank you. Honestly, you don't know how much I appreciate this.
00:25I want to be a dad. St. James's, they called again about that job, so I might not even be, you know?
00:36He was my husband, but you were my friend.
00:40Hello, ambulance service. It's the patient breathing. Hello, ambulance service. It's the patient breathing.
00:53Hello, ambulance service. It's the patient breathing. Ambulance service. It's the patient breathing.
00:58Yeah, I bet you think you're funny, don't you? Okay, just so you know, these calls are traced, so the police will have your location in, like, two minutes.
01:07Hello, ambulance service. It's the patient breathing. Hello, ambulance service. It's the patient breathing.
01:12No, I know, but that was the third one this morning. Yeah, well, I bet them what you threatened that bloke last week with, I suppose, so that's progress.
01:20Right time, then, is it? Oh, no, hold on. What letter of the alphabet comes before the letter U?
01:26Ambulance service. T. I thought you'd never ask me, two sugars.
01:31Hello, ambulance service. It's the patient breathing. Hello, ambulance service. It's the patient breathing.
01:34And you got a call.
01:38Ambulance service. It's the patient breathing. Ambulance service. It's the patient breathing.
01:43I think I'm about to die. What's your location? I'm on a plane. It's going down. Can you tell me exactly what's happened?
01:53I'm part of flight crew. Flight number HA815. Hold me to Mexico City. This isn't happening. Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.
02:06Hello there. Hi. Can you tell me where you are, please?
02:10My girlfriend, Claire, she wouldn't pick up. Her phone is always on silent.
02:16This is your captain speaking. Please find her. Tell her this is it, isn't it?
02:23Wait, wait, wait.
02:28Hello? Hello, are you still there?
02:52Listen up. Fire on scene have passed. A methane report confirming that this is a major incident.
03:20A passenger plane has crashed on the outskirts of the airport. Do we know how it crashed?
03:25In light-on details, it seems that they turned around and tried to get back to the airport and didn't make it.
03:31So expect a high number of patients with polytrauma. Don't forget, please use the 10-second triage tool.
03:39P1s are out of priority. I'm going to be the halo officer at the ED, so any major concerns, you come to me.
03:47Is everybody clear on what they're doing? Yep. Lovely. OK, take care, everyone.
03:53First major incident. Yeah. Talk about battering the fire.
03:57It's the best way. It doesn't cost me. Right. I hate spitting.
04:08You OK? Yeah, it's Blake called earlier. He's leaving the psych ward today.
04:16And he's asked me to pick him up. But Jacob, you're his dad. He's dad? Could have fooled me.
04:30All available Wyvern crews have been dispatched. You, sir, are about 15 minutes out.
04:34We've requested mutual aid as well from neighbouring services. Can you be there as soon as possible, please?
04:39I'm on my way. I'll be about 10 minutes. Nice one. Thanks, mate.
04:42It'll be a long day for both of us. Yep.
04:46I'm going to be the halo officer at the ED, so any major concerns, you come to me.
04:50Can you be there as soon as possible, please? I'm on my way. I'll be about 10 minutes.
04:54Nice one. Thanks, mate. It'll be a long day for both of us.
04:58Yep. Thanks for the lift. Is that it?
05:03What else do you want? A packed lunch? Like you said, long day for both of us. You've got to get going.
05:09Ben called me this morning. I'm coming out of the spare room.
05:15Don't you think it's best to hear it from us?
05:19Fine. How about tonight? They're all coming over, aren't they?
05:26Yeah. Yeah, tonight works.
05:31You made your bed, Richard. This is what lying in it looks like.
05:38Good luck today!
05:45Wait a minute.
05:47Have you got a minute?
05:49You're all joking, aren't you?
05:51I just wanted to let you have a joke. Literally, you're the last thing on my mind right now.
06:13Hi, this is Sophia Stone. Please leave a message after the tone.
06:18And recently I've been thinking a lot about the future and I...
06:24I see my future here. At Holby.
06:27So, what makes you think you'd make a good clinical lead?
06:32I've thought long and hard about how to answer that question and, yeah, I could give you a whole list of platitudes and clichés.
06:41I could say it's because I'm a great doctor, because I'm patient-focused, I'm target-driven, I'm organised, I rock an authoritarian up-do.
06:49But, yeah, the honest answer is much more straightforward.
07:00This had better be good, Raj.
07:02A major incident's been declared. It's been a plane crash.
07:07Yeah, that'll do it. Sorry, folks.
07:10OK, listen up, everyone. I will be your purple nurse, which means, as the bid says, I am in charge.
07:16Ngozi, I would like you triaging here on yellow.
07:20And all P1s, obviously, straight to resus, P2s to cubicles.
07:25Ngozi, got that? OK, thank you.
07:27Cam, with me. Yes.
07:29Yeah, could you take minors and anyone who doesn't need to be here directly to their GP, walk-in centre or, preferably, home?
07:37Well, they are going to love hearing that.
07:39Yeah, well, then, say it with a smile.
07:41Reception have started the cascade call-in system, which means any incoming staff, get them to report to me first, OK?
07:49Thank you, guys.
07:50Dr Nash?
07:51Yeah, I'll find you in a sec, yeah.
07:53I'm assuming, in the absence of Dylan, you will be our purple doctor?
07:57OK, sure. And is it a case of, what, stitch and ditch?
08:01OK, fine.
08:03Right, with me, guys.
08:05Any of you need the toilet, sandwich, a sit-down now is the time.
08:10And if I find out any of you put anything on social media, I'll be down on you like a ton of bricks.
08:16OK, could you refer to the whiteboard, please, in reception, find out the area you are in.
08:24Nurse in charge of resus.
08:28Yeah, well, you're not in Kansas anymore, love.
08:30Time to step up.
08:32OK, well, look, I'll talk to him first, then we'll grab resus.
08:34Hey, I was just saying to Rash we need to be on the ball today, we're Dylan down, so...
08:41Well, I could take resus.
08:42No, this is about experience over bravado today, so...
08:45Rash, can you...?
08:46Yeah, of course.
08:47OK, listen to what he says, thank you.
08:49OK, er, thanks.
08:51Look, Tag, if there's anything I can help...
08:53Look, I'm not allowing any check on Dad.
08:58You're looking smart.
09:02Yeah, look, I was going to say, I know I said I wasn't going to...
09:05None of my business, Dr Nash.
09:07You know, Siobhan, I appreciate that this is uncomfortable...
09:11..but can we just, for today, please just put it aside?
09:15All BED.
09:19Ladies and gents, brace yourselves, they're on the way.
09:28This isn't a dream, is it?
09:32It has happened.
09:34But we're dealing with it.
09:36It hurts, it really, really hurts.
09:40I know, sweetheart, I know.
09:45Can't you do something?
09:47I'm sorry, darling, but we need to put a line in.
09:50Just keep her distracted, OK?
09:54We won't be long.
09:56Doctors will be here soon.
09:58They'll make it all better.
09:59Of course they will.
10:01Best in the business.
10:02Right, that's the line in.
10:04Just flushing it through, OK?
10:08How are we looking?
10:10Tariq, what the hell's happening?
10:12There's been a major incident and any non-urgent procedures have been cancelled,
10:15so we're going to move you upstairs.
10:17Yeah, I saw that on the news, those poor souls.
10:19As soon as we're through the worst of it, we're going to get your scan sorted.
10:22Well, look, you keep an eye out for rash, OK?
10:25I'm sure he can look after himself.
10:27Yeah, after what you told me, I'm not so sure he can.
10:29OK, look, I've got to go.
10:31Yeah, you go, I'll be fine, don't worry.
10:37Here we go, first wave up to the statelines.
10:41OK, here you go.
10:42Bronze has just phoned four more people on their way in.
10:46I'll be alert.
10:47Got it, thanks, Jan.
10:52You ready?
10:53Yeah, yeah, all good.
10:56Sorry, didn't realise you were out.
10:58OK, guys, do you want to come on through?
11:03You good?
11:06This is mother and daughter, Becky is seven.
11:09She has a penetrating shoulder injury with the fragments still in situ and secured.
11:14She has multiple smaller fragments embedded in her lower left arm.
11:17Rest of 28, tachy at 130, last VP was 85 over 56.
11:21Right, OK, we'll get her a future read, so thanks.
11:23I'm not leaving her.
11:24It's OK, you stay and get sorted, we'll look after her.
11:34Hi, what do we have?
11:35Male, 40s, crush injuries to his lower left limb,
11:38potential bleed from his popliteal artery in his right leg.
11:42Let's recess.
11:43OK, recess, please.
11:44All right, thanks, Jan.
11:48Three, two, one.
11:50Well done, good girl.
11:51Stevie, where do you want me?
11:52B2, please.
11:53OK, and let's get her stabiliser straight to the theatre, thanks.
11:57All right, he's got severe crush injuries to lower limbs,
11:59likely damage to his popliteal artery due to a penetrating injury
12:03and self-removal of a large shard of metal.
12:06I'm just swapping him in.
12:12Right, we'll get him across on three.
12:14You all ready? One, two, three.
12:17Tachy at 124, BP is 100 over 68.
12:21Resp's 22, SAT's 99 on high flow, GCS 15.
12:25He's had one gram of TXA, tenormorphine and a tourniquet.
12:28He's been on for about 20 minutes.
12:29OK, right, good. Thank you, guys.
12:31Hi, I'm Dr Nash.
12:33I would just say, in future,
12:35if there's something sharp sticking into you,
12:37just don't pull it out yourself, OK?
12:38I just needed to get out.
12:42Do you remember what happened?
12:47It wasn't long after take-off.
12:50Becky wanted the window seat.
12:54She said she could see flames coming from one of the engines.
13:00Good, good, well done, well done.
13:02Plaster, please.
13:04Yeah, OK, it's already pinking up.
13:06Radial pulse returning.
13:07You did really well.
13:10Hey, sorry, can you take this guy here?
13:13This is Lee.
13:14He's got various lacerations, tourniquet on the left leg.
13:17We're just waiting for a theatre slot.
13:19Er, check the wrists.
13:21How long will that be?
13:22Er, I'm sorry, I can't answer that for you right.
13:25Can you get him into cubicle three, please?
13:29What have you done to her?
13:30It's OK, we've given her some anaesthetic.
13:32OK, we're just going to have to see her now.
13:34There might be some internal bleeding.
13:35She's in good hands.
13:36As soon as we're done,
13:37I'll get one of the surgical team to come down and talk to you, OK?
13:39Come on, mate, you literally see me every day.
13:41Come on, I forgot my major in this class.
13:43They won't let me in.
13:44It's all right, I've got this.
13:47Jodie, go home.
13:49I've just got the call for off-duty staff.
13:51Off-duty staff who aren't half-cut and smelling like a brewery?
13:55No, I'm not drunk.
13:57Let alone one who's facing investigation by the MMC.
14:00Does an inappropriate relationship with a patient ring any bells?
14:05Don't speak.
14:07Go home.
14:08I'll talk to you tomorrow.
14:11Oh, listen, I'm sorry about earlier.
14:13It's fine.
14:14Seriously, it can wait.
14:15Hang on, where are you going?
14:17I don't think my skill set was particularly useful today.
14:20Are you kidding?
14:21The brown stuff hasn't hit the fan yet, but it's on its way.
14:24I need all hands on deck.
14:26All right, where do you want me?
14:30I am going to have to let security know about the handcuffs.
14:34Is it worth saying it's not what it looks like?
14:37It's none of my business how you ended up in handcuffs, OK?
14:41But if you pose a threat to any of my team...
14:43I'm not dangerous or anything.
14:45That's not what I'm saying, just...
14:48The copper who was chaperoning me.
14:52He didn't make it.
14:54So you were being extradited?
14:56I just needed to get out.
15:00It doesn't make me a bad person.
15:04Look, people make mistakes, I know that.
15:07Look, people make mistakes, I know that.
15:10More than most, but...
15:13It's my job, I have to tell the police.
15:18Let me get hold of my ex.
15:20And see if she can bring my boy in.
15:24I never got a chance to say a proper goodbye.
15:27Faith, I need a hand.
15:38I'm sorry, darling. I'll be with you in a sec, OK?
15:43My girlfriend, Amber.
15:47We got separated.
15:49She had a kid with her.
15:51The kid? Was her name Becky?
15:54You've seen them? They're OK?
15:56Yeah, it was the first play I brought in.
15:58They're OK?
15:59I'm not going to lie to you.
16:01Becky's had some pretty nasty injuries.
16:03She'll probably need theatre.
16:05And Emma? When did they get out?
16:07Did they tell you what happened?
16:09I'll try not to talk, OK?
16:11It'll all get worse.
16:15Stevie, could you take a look at this gentleman for me?
16:18Just give me one second.
16:20I appreciate what you're saying, but we're moving as fast as we can.
16:23But they need you to move faster.
16:25Is everything OK?
16:26Yeah, but I'm getting the higher-ups
16:28telling me to implement a drop-and-run policy.
16:30You're not going to do that, are you?
16:32Of course not.
16:33I get it, you're under pressure.
16:35And I need more movement.
16:37And we are on it, I promise you.
16:41I'll buy her a drink after the shift.
16:43Yeah, I know what that'll be.
16:45Fair ease.
16:46Bring her back to her jaw.
16:48De-strap the wounds with superficial lacerations.
16:50Off to stable.
16:51OK, sir, if you'd like to come with me,
16:53someone will be able to look at you as soon as possible.
16:55I'm not waiting.
16:57Sir, no, sorry, you can't just... Hello?
16:59I don't care, my girlfriend's inside.
17:01Come on, Dean, Dean, come on, mate, listen.
17:03There's a queue for a reason.
17:05Dean, Dean!
17:09Dean, Dean!
17:10Come on.
17:11It's OK.
17:16Dean, come on!
17:23Oh, I thought I'd lost you.
17:27I'm safe.
17:28Oh, I thought you'd...
17:29I'm Emma.
17:31See, I told you she was OK.
17:33Now, come on, with me.
17:35The doctors need to have a look at you.
17:37It's OK, I'll be back soon.
17:39Come on, it's fine, it's fine.
17:47It's bad, isn't it?
17:49Just take deep breaths for me.
17:54Yeah, that's it.
17:57Am I blind?
18:00We'll only know more once we get you into UD.
18:03Does it hurt anywhere else?
18:05Just my eye.
18:07How long have you been a flight attendant?
18:09Er, qualified.
18:11Three months ago.
18:13This is my second long haul.
18:15There we are. I'm a third-year trainee.
18:18There's no-one else to do.
18:20I don't think anybody would.
18:22I think any other trainee in the world couldn't pay for the real thing.
18:26People are, like, feral.
18:28As soon as we got the doors open,
18:30I was shoved out of the way.
18:32Michael wasn't there.
18:36Was it you I spoke to?
18:38On the plane? It was me?
18:41On the phone?
18:46All right, try and keep nice and still for me.
18:49OK, let's go.
18:51Small bump.
18:53There we go.
18:55Hello, what have we got?
18:57This is Amy Coulson, 23.
18:59Penetrating eye injury.
19:01Tachy at 128. BP's improved to 104 over 67.
19:04GCS 15. She's had 15mg of morphine
19:07and she's on her first 2.15.
19:09OK, hi, Amy. Can I take a look at your eye?
19:18I'll call the ophthalmologist, have them take a look.
19:21She's not P1, so can we get her an X-ray booked
19:24and straight to cubicles, please?
19:26Are you impaired anywhere else? Is it your tummy?
19:28OK, can I take that?
19:31OK, it's possible abdominal injury.
19:33Let's upgrade her from X-ray to trauma scan
19:35and straight to resus, please. Thank you.
19:37Is it serious? It's better than your cortisone.
19:40Thanks. That's a great spot. Well done.
19:45Nice of you to join us.
19:47Yeah, Siobhan said the dam was about to burst.
19:49OK, you guys on saline and morphine, please. We're running low.
19:52I can, of course, yeah.
19:57Stevie. Stevie, I'm here.
20:00Ngozi's asking for saline and morphine.
20:03Yeah, well, look, we're low on absolutely everything.
20:05Are you OK to take resus?
20:07Raj is holding the line, but, you know...
20:09OK, I just need to talk to Siobhan.
20:11Oh, I'll get that, I'll get that.
20:13So, low on one egg.
20:17So, low on one egg, but I've contacted transfusion
20:20and they're going to send a courier from St James's.
20:22I didn't think it was a good idea to tell me that.
20:24This is me telling you.
20:26Technically, I'm still clinical lead at this department.
20:28Yeah, look, Siobhan, I'm not...
20:30Sorry, guys, guys, guys, there's been an explosion at the crash site.
20:33So we've just been told to expect an influx of burns victims,
20:35probably passengers, firefighters, that sort of thing, OK?
20:38Did they say how bad it was?
20:40I mean, it's jet fuel, it's not going to be a barrel of laughs.
20:42Let me get changed, OK? I'll be back.
20:44I'll let the resource team know.
20:54This is Rich. I can't answer the phone right now,
20:56but leave me a message and I'll get back to you.
21:17Oh, wow.
21:19Oh, I'm very interested to hear this excuse.
21:23What are you doing? You've seen the news, right?
21:25You've seen what's going on out there and you're in here...
21:27trying to steal drugs?
21:29Faith, come on, you know what it's like.
21:31I just...
21:33Oh, God, I've been doing so well.
21:35I know.
21:37I've been keeping myself busy and looking for distractions,
21:39but then I just got caught in the spiralling.
21:41Oh, God, come on, Faith, you know what it's like when you start thinking about it,
21:43you can't stop.
21:45That's how you get into your storm...
21:47I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
21:49I wasn't thinking!
21:51Just save it, OK? I trusted you! I am an idiot!
21:53Faith, you can.
21:55You can, trust me.
21:57No, I can't. I let you into my home, into my house.
22:01Oh, God. Do you know what?
22:03See, when I get home, I want you out.
22:05All your stuff, you're gone.
22:07Is that clear? Is that clear?
22:09Is that clear? Is that clear?
22:13Well, it's not like I've got anything anyway,
22:15because everything is locked!
22:19Probably because they know, right,
22:21that they've got a messed-up junkie on their team.
22:27So, her name is Astrid Watson,
22:29and she's in her early 40s, OK?
22:33Actually, Mark,
22:35there is something else.
22:37So, the man in the bed there,
22:39he was under arrest when the plane crashed,
22:41so I'm going to need you
22:43to keep him under supervision, OK?
22:45I said I needed more time
22:47before I spend the rest of my life
22:49rotting in a cell.
22:51Lee, I'm just... I'm doing my job, OK?
22:55Your patient at cubicle three,
22:57under observation.
22:59Roger that, I've sent a team.
23:01This should be a few minutes, I'll keep you posted.
23:05Fife! Fife!
23:07No, no, no!
23:09Lee! Lee, stop! No, don't!
23:11Hey, hey, hey!
23:13Stop! Stop!
23:21Oh, thank God. Dylan!
23:25The cops are all over the place.
23:27I just came in to P3.
23:29It's getting much worse. I'm out of my depth.
23:31OK, that's fine, that's fine. I'll take a look.
23:33I'll take a look, all right? Oh, thanks.
23:37Look, I really need to talk to you.
23:39OK. Later.
23:41Dylan! Great, sorry,
23:43Rash needs you in recess, we've got Byrd's patients on their way.
23:45OK, sorry, Rudy, can you assess this patient?
23:47They may need re-triaging.
23:51All right, we've got
23:53fireman, identity unknown,
23:55approximately 50 years old.
23:57He's got severe thermal blast injuries
23:59from naked flames.
24:01He's got a mixture of full and partial thickness burns
24:03to his face, neck, torso,
24:05abdomen and arms. We've estimated 48% coverage.
24:09can you give me a hand on your side, please?
24:13All right, all right, can we finish this?
24:15No, cos I've never done a hand-eye removal.
24:17It's all right, you've seen loads.
24:19OK, straight through to recess, Dr Nash.
24:21Dr Nash?
24:23Dr Nash, straight through to recess.
24:25Yeah, yeah, yeah.
24:35He's bleeding out.
24:37BP's dropping and he's tachycardic.
24:39His foot's cold.
24:41That means we're not controlling his blood loss
24:43and we don't have a surgeon.
24:45OK, can you get me some artery forceps
24:47and sutures right away, please?
24:49Lee, the damage to your artery's getting worse, so we're going to have to clamp it, OK?
24:51No, please, Lee.
24:53It's OK, relax, relax, Lee.
24:55Can do, I'm afraid. Right, let's roll him on his side on my count.
24:57And three, two, one, roll!
25:01Right, forceps, please.
25:09I think I got it.
25:13If I'd just listened to him, if I'd given him more time,
25:15I could have...
25:17Faith, look, we don't have time today, OK? It's not your fault.
25:22Where are we going to?
25:24He has airway burns with soot in nostrils
25:26and blistering to the oropharynx.
25:28He's GCS 10, heart rate's 110.
25:31BP is 105 over 88.
25:33Sats are 94% on 15 litres.
25:37He's had 20 minutes of cooling.
25:40On my count, one, two, three, slide.
25:49Indy, anything else?
25:51One litre of sodium chloride,
25:53one gram of IV paracetamol,
25:55four milligrams of undazatron
25:57and ten milligrams of morphine.
25:59OK, good, thank you. Right, let's...
26:01We'll do another ten of morphine, please, and can we get a second line in?
26:05Do we have a name?
26:07A lot of the fire crew were caught up in the blast and not all of them got out.
26:11I think we're going to struggle to get in a second line.
26:13IO needle?
26:15Yes, please, good call.
26:17OK, front of neck kit on standby,
26:19and can we prep for an RSA? Thanks.
26:21Hey, hey, hey.
26:23You did really good.
26:25He must be in so much pain.
26:27Are you all right? Indy?
26:29Yeah, I'm not happy with his airway.
26:31OK, Rita, let's get the RSI drugs, please.
26:35Sir, my name's Dr Masson.
26:37Your airway's been compromised, so we're going to insert an ET tube.
26:39Rita, can you, um...
26:41Can you grab Siobhan for me?
26:43There's a chance this might be her husband, so...
27:12Stevie needs to see you in recess.
27:14I'm just going on, so I can run and pick it up.
27:16Don't worry, I will...
27:18I'll get someone to do that, yeah?
27:20Um, you need to come with me. It's recess.
27:42Um, he just came in five minutes ago.
27:44He hasn't been formally identified,
27:46but, um, we're doing our best, OK?
27:48I promise.
27:59OK, and that's right and marrow there,
28:01so we've got a second lining, that's good.
28:03Let's have the local and, um,
28:05keep the fluids going.
28:07Sats are down to 80.
28:09Chest is tight, very tight.
28:11Siobhan, come here.
28:14We're looking at circumferential burns, aren't we?
28:16So let's get him... Let's concentrate on the vagus, if you don't mind.
28:20Yeah, he has a tattoo. This guy has a tattoo.
28:30He's not my husband.
28:32He's not my husband.
28:34He's not my husband.
28:37Presumably, however, he is somebody's significant other, see?
28:40Shall we, um... Yeah, just carry on. Let's intubate, please.
28:42That's the drug skin.
28:44Skin. One second.
28:48Hey, Siobhan.
28:50I am... I am so sorry. I...
28:52The only reason I called you in was I couldn't be sure and I didn't want...
28:55It's OK, I know.
28:57His name's Andrew.
28:59Richard was with him when he got that tattoo.
29:01Nearly got one himself.
29:03He thought, better rob it.
29:06He's got two little boys.
29:10I'll... I'll... I'll go and phone his wife, let her know, yeah?
29:15Look, Stevie...
29:20Whatever's gone on between us,
29:22whatever Richard has done,
29:25I'm glad you're there.
29:33Be so kind.
29:40Don't start.
29:42I didn't say anything.
29:44Didn't have to. Can't all be perfect, can we?
29:46Hey, Indy, was it?
29:48Really sorry, we've got to go.
29:50I just wanted to say thanks for earlier.
29:52Have you been seen to yet?
29:54Nobody's telling me the truth about my eye.
29:56That I probably won't see again.
29:58They caught my abdominal bleeding time.
30:00Well, that's good.
30:02I mean it.
30:04I wouldn't have spoken up if it wasn't for you.
30:06Shh. I'm doing my job.
30:09Well, if you ever get off shift,
30:11I owe you a drink, yeah?
30:14She'll hold you to that.
30:17Me and all, actually.
30:19That's about as big a thanks as you'll get in this job.
30:22He will be going up to the burns unit.
30:24We've got a relatives area set up outside.
30:39This is wish 53.
30:41In close proximity with the explosion roughly 20 minutes ago.
30:43Cubicle four, please, Jacob.
30:47Set's 93%, with a global wheeze
30:49and a slight reduced air entry on the right side.
30:51He's refused any medical treatment,
30:53insisted he didn't want to bed.
30:55Your chair was the best compromise.
30:57All right, great. Thanks, Jacob.
30:59You look terrible.
31:03I'm going to have a listen to your chest.
31:10Given your proximity to the explosion,
31:12we'll get you a CT to be on the safe side.
31:17I'll give you both a minute
31:19and I'll come back for IV access and bloods.
31:21Thanks, Tariq.
31:26I thought I'd lost you.
31:28They brought Andy Stokes in.
31:30How is he?
31:32It's not good.
31:35I told him. I told him not to go back in.
31:38I called Theresa. She's on her way in.
31:45I know now is not the time.
31:48I'm glad you're OK.
31:56I'll chase up the CT.
32:03Hey, any news on your daughter?
32:06Yeah, she's out of surgery.
32:09Critical, but stable, apparently.
32:12Yeah, she's out of surgery.
32:15Critical, but stable, apparently.
32:17That's good news.
32:19Is it? How can you be critical and stable?
32:21They're doing everything they can.
32:23Stay strong.
32:25He thinks all of this is his fault
32:27because he booked the holiday.
32:29Trust me, now's not the time for wives.
32:31It's not that.
32:33Yeah, and even if you had been there,
32:35what could you have done?
32:37Not run away for a start.
32:43I wasn't trapped.
32:46I was one of the first ones off.
32:51You left us.
32:57She's seven years old, Dean.
32:59I didn't know what I was doing.
33:01I just needed to get up.
33:04I need some air.
33:06I wasn't thinking straight, Emma.
33:17What are you doing out here?
33:19I discharged myself.
33:21Why'd you do that?
33:23With everything going on.
33:25I don't want to be a burden.
33:27Yeah, listen, do you feel all right?
33:29Yes, I feel fine.
33:31You sure?
33:33I just need some fresh air.
33:35I don't want to be a burden.
33:37Yeah, listen, do you feel all right?
33:39Yes, I feel fine.
33:42All right, look, at least...
33:44Just let me get you a taxi, yeah?
33:46No, no, no.
33:48There's a perfectly good bus service that gets me home in ten minutes.
33:50You're not going to get a bus?
33:52Relax. Don't you worry too much.
33:54Go. Go.
33:56They need you.
33:58I'll see you later.
34:00Just text me when you get home.
34:18What happened?
34:20He collapsed outside trying to discharge himself.
34:22OK, OK.
34:24Right, his airway is clear.
34:27OK, resps are high.
34:29Right, he needs an ECG.
34:31Uncle? Uncle? Can you hear me?
34:33Uncle? Uncle?
34:35Sorry, Tariq, do I understand this is your dad?
34:37You need to step away then, please.
34:39He had surgery recently.
34:41With that in mind, an educated guess would be that it's a pulmonary embolism.
34:45Dylan, he needs a CTPA.
34:47Yeah, he'll be lucky at the moment, but for the time being, get him stable.
34:50Don't get him scammed, all right? OK.
34:52Tariq. Tariq!
34:54I've got this.
34:58OK. Let's get some oxygen on him.
35:03What are you expecting?
35:05No clue. Shift handle was coming up,
35:07but most people have agreed to stay on.
35:09That's an expensive round of drinks for you.
35:11Um, how's the fireman?
35:13Still in theatre.
35:15He's here, by the way.
35:19Is he OK?
35:21He's a bit singed, a few crackles on his chest,
35:24but, yeah, he's OK.
35:27Thought you'd like to know.
35:38Hey. Hey.
35:41Fancy seeing you, eh?
35:43I thought you were, um...
35:45Listen, I'm all good. I'm all good.
35:47OK, good. Um...
35:49Have you been seen by a doctor? Have you been scanned?
35:51Yeah, something about reduced air entry on one side.
35:55It's not as bad as it looks.
35:57Yeah, sunshine, no offence, you look awful, so let me just listen.
36:00Listen, I think it's best if someone else does that.
36:04I don't want a rubber nose in it.
36:06Stevie? Hey, Ngozi needs you outside, please.
36:09Yeah, OK, I'll be right there.
36:13Better go.
36:14Hey, I hope all your other patients don't get that treatment.
36:18I've been told to work on my basic manner.
36:20Yeah, you've definitely done that, yeah.
36:22It's so weird, that's exactly what the last guy said.
36:24Um, see you in a bit.
36:29Yeah, the CTPA confirmed that,
36:32the CTPA confirmed what I thought was a pulmonary embolism,
36:36so we're going to keep him down here for observation
36:38and then we'll get him back upstairs into a ward.
36:40OK, thanks.
36:44Hey, um...
36:47I'm glad you were there.
36:49I... I always thought he was indestructible.
36:57Look, I...
36:59I shouldn't have said...
37:01No, it's OK, really.
37:04He's... he's your dad.
37:06Not mine. I...
37:08I should respect that.
37:12No, look...
37:14You're family, Rush.
37:26Jacob, thanks for today.
37:28All in a day's work.
37:30Well, you didn't have to stay on.
37:32Well, I'll remember that the next time a plane drops out of the sky.
37:36Where's he going, part-timer?
37:38You know we've been stood down.
37:40Well, he has, you haven't.
37:41Don't forget, he stayed on after his shift had finished.
37:43Whoa, whoa, whoa.
37:44We don't need to bang the head off.
37:46I've just thought, Amy, you could do with a break.
37:48He said I need a break. Let's bounce.
37:52There's me, thinking that...
37:55the spare room was bad.
37:58You reap what you sow, flower.
38:01I know all... all of this is on me.
38:04Oh, so you do have some self-awareness.
38:07But everything that happened...
38:10doesn't change anything, does it?
38:17We gave it a bloody good go.
38:19And the kids?
38:22That's one thing...
38:24we didn't... we didn't mess up.
38:26Thank God they take after their mother, yeah?
38:38Go and get help.
38:50I'm sorry.
38:51It's OK.
38:52We need to get you to resource.
38:54Siobhan, I...
38:55It's all right, I know.
38:56I know, you don't need to say it, love.
39:01Dusty, I love her.
39:20OK, this is Richard, 50s, Siobhan's husband.
39:23He was initially admitted to the plane site
39:25for a blast lung after the explosion at the crash site.
39:28His BP is 80 over 40.
39:30He's tachy at 130.
39:31He's had 15 litres of O2 with IV fluids running.
39:34He had a CT scan and then deteriorated suddenly.
39:36OK, let's get bloods and TXA into him then, please.
39:39Have you... have you seen this scan?
39:41Yes, yes, I have.
39:42Perihelic consolidation and ground glass capacities
39:44with a haemothorax.
39:45Yeah, so he needs a chest drain, doesn't he?
39:47About five minutes ago, ideally.
39:49He was fine. He was talking to me.
39:51Siobhan, with respect, I think you need to step outside.
39:53Not happening. He's my husband.
39:55Guys, he's in PEA.
39:56OK, can you take a step back then, please?
39:59OK, so on the chest, and let's... let's bag him, please.
40:01Can we swap the fluids for bloods?
40:03And I'll have a large volcandula, please, Brida.
40:06Let's concentrate on the intubation, yeah?
40:10I'm not moving him.
40:12It's OK.
40:21OK, so that's the thoracostomy.
40:23Can I have the echo, please?
40:27Can I take off the chest, please? Thank you.
40:34OK, back on the chest.
40:38There's quite a large pericardial diffusion there, I think,
40:42in combination with the blast lung and the haemothorax.
40:47I think our chances of getting him out are now quite good, too.
40:51Do you want...?
40:54Please try.
40:57Er, outside then, please.
40:59Yeah, there's not a request this time.
41:01We're going to open him up.
41:42Make the incision now into the pericardium.
42:01And carry on with the massage.
42:19I think that's it.
42:20I'm going to just squeeze a little bit.
43:01Let's get him to X-ray before we take him to theatre.
43:05Cam, watch where you're going.
43:08She won't have just heard.
43:10He's gone, Cam.
43:30Are you...?
43:36I heard about Siobhan's husband.
43:41Are you all right?
43:44I'm so sorry.
43:51You wanted to talk, did you? Sorry. Yes.
43:57You've taken the job, haven't you?
44:00Well, it's better.
44:02I wanted to find the right moment to tell you.
44:05Hey, you signed the contract, I mean,
44:07and you've crossed the T's, you've lighted the I's, haven't you?
44:11I mean, after everything that's happened, I guess I'll just...
44:14What, have an epiphany?
44:15A moment of clarity, perhaps?
44:20I mean, Dylan, you barely know me.
44:23And as much as I... you...
44:28It's not enough, is it?
44:29OK, you can spare me the rest, that's fine.
44:31I've got quite a busy shift.
44:33Dylan, come on, please.
44:59No-one knows me like the piano
45:04In my mother's home
45:14You would show me I had something
45:19Some people call it soul
45:28And you'd drive top to sky
45:31Oh, you were right
45:33When I was three years old
45:43No-one knows me like the piano
45:48In my mother's home
45:50In my mother's home
45:58You know I left, I flew the nest
46:05And you know I won't be long
46:13And in my chest, you know me best
46:20And you know I'll be back home
46:41Hey, you. It's me.
46:44I'm guessing you're up to your neck in it already.
46:47I reckon today's going to be a long one,
46:49so I'm getting my excuses in early if you don't hear from me.
46:54I just wanted to say that better days are coming.
47:01I'll explain more when I see you,
47:03but me and Siobhan, we've had a little chat.
47:07Look, it's more than I should say on a poxy voicemail,
47:09but just go easy on her today.
47:13Make sure she's supported.
47:17Anyway, look, I've got to go,
47:19but you look after yourself, yeah?
47:23And I'll see you on the other side.
47:33Stevie? I thought you'd gone.
47:36You all right?
47:42Yeah, I'm fine.
47:46I don't know.
48:16I don't know.