• 8 hours ago
Casualty S42 E10


00:00Somebody shoot me!
00:01No, if you can do it, why can't I?
00:02It's not time to be childish!
00:04No! No!
00:07Hey, darling, I'm here, I'm here.
00:08Where's Faith?
00:09Do you recognise me now?
00:11Yeah, of course I do.
00:15Your number.
00:18All 11 digits.
00:20Drugs, the lying.
00:22It was like it was all gonna happen again.
00:23It won't, darling, I promise, it won't.
00:25How do I know that?
00:26I just wanna go, and I'm going, so...
00:30It's married to Siobhan.
00:32You look after yourself, and I'll see you on the other side.
00:371%, we can't save everybody.
00:40I had to make the best decision that I could.
00:44OK, ready?
00:47Exhume the body, and you'll find I'm 100% right.
01:01I'm wasting my long years
01:07It doesn't matter if
01:10I'm chasing old ideas
01:14It doesn't matter if
01:22We are
01:26We are
01:30Maybe I'm wasting my young years
01:38We are
01:42We are
01:45Maybe I'm wasting my young years
02:01I don't know what you are
02:04Don't leave me hanging on
02:09Don't know what you are
02:13Don't leave me hanging on
02:30Don't leave me hanging on
02:33Don't leave me hanging on
02:59Dr Nash, are you OK?
03:02We've got no Siobhan
03:04Imagine losing your husband like that
03:07How do you feel about stepping up
03:10Yeah, sure
03:12Good. It looked good for your clinical lead second interview, and I'll be on the shop floor all day if you need me
03:18Please would all personnel who can join me in the staff room
03:23Update on dr. Slice-and-dice Keogh in a desperate attempt to clear his name
03:27The body was poor victim is being exhumed today and his date on that fateful night nurse Jody white has been sleeping with the widower
03:35It's outrageous of standards of slept. She's now known as nurse yo-yo knickers
03:40Everyone knows about the allegations of a certain podcast during the rounds. I'd ask you all to pay it
03:46No mind. We all need to rally together for Siobhan. All our thoughts are with her. However
03:52We need to get the ED back to something resembling normality by shifts end
03:59Dr. Nash will be returning as acting clinical lead
04:04Thanks everyone
04:12Yeah, do you want a
04:14Dr. Inca?
04:16I think that's a good idea to what you pulled yesterday. I'm getting a reputation actually another one
04:22You think I've got what I deserve. Don't ya Rita?
04:26And I bet it was you that told the podcasters about me and her and well you were the only one who knew so
04:32Jody was on the NMC website
04:36Inappropriate patient staff relations. I mean no names were named, but you're not very subtle
04:40Well, maybe if everyone else's lives weren't so boring, maybe they wouldn't gossip so much about mine
04:51Yeah, yeah, I'm okay
04:53Do you think it's a good idea stepping up?
04:56Do you think it's a good idea even being here? I mean, it's not even been 24 hours. Yeah, I mean someone's gonna do it.
05:03Anyway, we're short staffed, so we should get back to work
05:09Okay Calum, we have incoming, you're with me. Hey guys
05:12Hi, this is Mark here in 40, fell down a staircase about 45 minutes ago
05:16He's got a laceration to the back of his head, but no other obvious injuries
05:19GCS 15, C-spine was cleared at scene and he doesn't recall the event.
05:23This is his son, Tom. He's the one who found him. He fell and I think he's fractured his finger.
05:29Tom, you're hurt. From when I tried to lift you. Can't be near you, you took the kid to cubicles. Please, bay three guys.
05:34Of course, yeah. Tom, if you could just come with me. Look after my dad. Do you know who else we've got on?
05:40Hey, you all right? Sorry, I went and went looking. It's all right. Jody, I heard the podcast. Been meaning to find you. Check you're all right.
05:47Look, whatever happened with us
05:50You were there when I needed it. I want to let you know I'm here for you too.
05:55Yeah, Teddy, you're my ex, not my therapist.
06:03Okay, Tom, we're just in here. If you don't mind taking a seat for me. Thank you.
06:11Tom, did you see your dad fall down the stairs?
06:17Do you mind if I take a look at your finger?
06:20All right.
06:24What I need you to do is put your hand here for me. That's great. Thank you. Yeah, you've been very brave.
06:34Sorry, did you hurt your wrist as well?
06:40I think I twisted a lifting dab. All right, well, we're gonna have to ask dad if we can send you for an x-ray.
06:46Is that all right?
06:49Okay, let's have a look here.
06:53How's Tom?
06:55Yeah, he's with one of our nurses, so he should be fine. Okay. Yeah, this needs to close at least partially.
07:02Juliet, can we grab the staple gun, please? And Carolyn, let's do
07:07bloods. We'll do FBC, U&Es, clotting screen.
07:11Let's cross match six units and we'll do a BBG. Thank you.
07:21Yeah, we need to get him to CT as soon as we've done this. Is Tom okay? Tom's fine.
07:25Are we okay to send him for an x-ray?
07:30Of course.
07:32Whatever you need to do, just keep him safe.
07:34I will. Oh, and I'll check the donated clothes as well to see if we can find him something else to wear.
07:42Cheers. Thanks, Cam. He's all I've got.
07:46Okay, you can feel this.
07:52Former patient used Nurse Cadigan's card to get access to the hospital yesterday.
07:57Digazepam's been reported missing. Can you chase it up?
08:00Yeah, I've got to... We need to know how this happened and
08:04no time like the present.
08:13So, some
08:15Digazepam has gone missing and apparently a patient got inserted into the ED using your ID card.
08:20Yeah, it's being dealt with.
08:22Is there something you want to talk about?
08:26I can't do without this today. Yeah, you know what, mate? Me too.
08:29Well, I've got to get these bloods off and, you know, we should talk about it later because...
08:37Wait, what?
08:40Oh, sorry. Thanks.
09:46Stevie, quick word.
10:00You told me it was over. You were the last person that he called.
10:09Do you know what? I've just been sat at home with my children talking about what a hero their dad is.
10:21If you don't know about this, I would like to keep it that way.
10:27I think it's best if you don't come to the funeral. Best for everyone.
10:33Yeah, yeah, of course.
10:48Jodie, Jodie, I need you. We're in recess.
10:50My girlfriend's having a reaction to something. I could kill you.
10:53Please, it's going to be OK. You should not have called him. I had to, because you're there.
10:57Can I get 0.5 milligrams of IM Adrenaline?
10:59Is it here for me? Does your throat feel constricted? Yeah, your tongue feel tingly? All right, just open up for a minute, it's a look.
11:05Oh, OK. Can we get an anaesthetist down to recess ASAP?
11:10Yeah, she's tacky and her breathing's getting worse. Is she going to be OK?
11:15Her airway's closing. We need to RSI and try and intubate as quickly as possible. How long to the anaesthetist?
11:22OK, can you help me for a second? Yeah.
11:29Are we going to recess? No, look, just put my mind at ease, OK? Just... Can you show me your locker?
11:34This is ridiculous. Just let me get back to work. Yeah, look, I want to get back to work too, OK?
11:38But even you have to admit, this looks sus, so if you show me your locker, we can just be done with it.
11:42I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it.
11:45I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it.
11:48This looks sus, so if you show me your locker, we can just be done with it. No!
11:54Right, then. No recess for the rest of the day. No prescribing. No, you're in triage.
11:59Siobhan, we'll just have to formalise this with HR when she gets back. It's out of my hands.
12:11Sean, what happened?
12:13You don't need his life story. Just stitch the boy up, for God's sake.
12:16I'm not a nurse, Mr Whitelaw. I'm an ACP, and I do have to take a history, actually.
12:21We were operating, and he got in the way of my scalpel.
12:24Mr Whitelaw had a bit of a turn.
12:26I did not have a turn, Sean. Little old ladies had turns.
12:29Er, Reader, can you take care of my friend Sean, please?
12:32Yeah, I'll do phone break again.
12:34Let me have a look at you as well. Er, Tariq?
12:37Reminds me of that generation. The turn.
12:40I've been claiming my right to a duvet day.
12:42Right, take a seat, please.
12:43Whining that I've been triggered or some such nonsense.
12:47Right, it's really brady. Can I get a 12, please?
12:54Right, can you tell me exactly what happened?
12:58I had a minor collapse.
13:01Proceeded by slight hand tremor and profuse sweating.
13:05No LOC or tongue bite.
13:07OK. And has anything like this ever happened before?
13:16OK, that was a long pause.
13:18You just did a few seconds of ventricular standstill.
13:22I skipped breakfast.
13:24I'll get IV access.
13:26I'm fine.
13:27Yeah, well, we try to not let our patients self-diagnose.
13:31Yeah? Even superstar surgeons.
13:33Mm-hm. OK, try and relax.
13:42OK, Stevie's with a patient and I can't get anyone down for ENT.
13:45OK, we're in a can't oxygenate, can't ventilate scenario,
13:48so we're going for a frontal neck access.
14:03Mia, what's happened?
14:06I'm her dad, Jim.
14:07OK, Jim, can you just step back for me, please?
14:09Mia's had a severe allergic reaction
14:11and her throat has swollen shut, OK?
14:13Can I get bougie?
14:15So, we tried to ventilate and intubate,
14:18but we've had no choice but to create a surgical airway.
14:26I'm Daniel, I brought her in.
14:36Where's she went, then?
14:37Who'd you send? Get the tube over the top?
14:56Entidal CO2 detected. Well done.
15:07Who are you?
15:10Mia stayed over last night and I made her breakfast.
15:14I didn't know she had any allergies.
15:16She slept over?
15:18Where did she sleep over?
15:20On the couch?
15:22In your bed?
15:26Well, yeah, in my bed.
15:28I'm her boyfriend. I called you...
15:31She's 15.
15:37No, no, no, no, no. It said she was 20 on the app.
15:42Jim! Sir!
15:43Look, if you can't control yourself, I'm going to have to get security.
15:48Or you can stay and you can look after Mia.
15:53As a non-relative, you are going to have to leave.
16:08Why are you looking at me like that?
16:13You've just done a great job.
16:15It's just dairy strips.
16:18You know what they say, being great is my curse.
16:22Well, you wear it well.
16:25So, what happened?
16:32Um, he just collapsed mid-surgery.
16:34Um, he just collapsed mid-surgery.
16:36Caught me with a scalpel on the way down.
16:43I can't believe they let you assist Mr White or all people.
16:47What do you mean?
16:49Well, it's just...
16:50It's a bit like Leonardo da Vinci's assistant being you.
16:54Painter, decorator.
16:58I deserve that.
16:59And I'll admit I do feel like a bit of a fanboy when I'm around him.
17:06Is there any chance...
17:09...you could check on our surgery patient?
17:11I know it's chaos today, but if you got a second, I'd really appreciate it.
17:14No, yeah, yeah, of course. I mean, you'll owe me one.
17:17I'll gladly pay my debts.
17:20No, you will.
17:28Well, your ECG shows you're in complete heartbreak.
17:31Your ECG shows you're in complete heart block.
17:34And we've given you the maximum dose of atropine,
17:37so we're going to have to use the pacer, okay?
17:4020 milligrams of ketamine.
17:4260 milliamps.
17:43Uh-huh, yep.
17:44He's all connected.
17:45Set to 60 milliamps.
17:50No capture.
17:52Up to 70.
17:56Up to 80.
17:58Yes, we have capture.
18:00Okay, let's get a transvenous system in.
18:03He's going to need full investigations and probably a permanent system.
18:14You were very brave helping your dad like that.
18:16He's got to be proud of you.
18:19You must have lifted him awkwardly to break your finger, though.
18:28I remember now.
18:30I heard it last night playing football.
18:38Can you help me move a patient?
18:40Yeah, of course.
18:41Tom, you stay there.
18:42I'll be back.
18:43We'll take you to X-ray.
18:44All right.
18:45Hey, one question.
18:46This thing's not sitting right with that kid.
18:50Well, then trust your instincts.
18:52I would.
18:56Oh, how's Nicole, by the way?
18:57She doing better?
18:58Yeah, she's on the mend.
18:59She'll actually be back soon.
19:01I won't get to see her because I have to go to Nigeria and take care of Obi.
19:05Why can't Obi come back here instead of staying in Nigeria?
19:08And uproot him from his home, though.
19:10Home's where his mum is.
19:12Just an instinct.
19:23What happened?
19:24Heart block.
19:25Don't worry about it.
19:27We're doing everything that you need, okay?
19:29Sniper's alley, eh?
19:31It's my age.
19:34Thought I'd made it through.
19:36Well, you're only human.
19:41Is there anyone you'd like me to call for you?
19:44No, no.
19:46My daughter will have her hands full, you know.
19:54You were very efficient.
19:58You're welcome.
20:01I'll come back and check on you, okay?
20:11External pacing.
20:13I thought I'd put you in triage, or did I just imagine that?
20:16We're working on a skeleton crew. He never did.
20:18I saved his life.
20:19So this is just total insubordination, is it?
20:21Stevie set out so disregarded.
20:23I wonder if Siobhan had given the order, would you have disrespected her?
20:28Let's try this again, shall we? Lock her, now.
20:32Fine. Let's go.
20:34You know, I shouldn't have to deal with this today.
20:36Yeah, me neither.
20:41Fill your boots.
21:10And now this is not about me, Stevie.
21:12Do you know what? Actually, this is. This is about you, Faith, okay?
21:15Drugs went missing, someone used your card to access them,
21:18and if you knew this whole time that there was nothing in your locker,
21:21why put me through this, just to humiliate me?
21:23Because you're supposed to trust me.
21:25I can't trust you. Luca can't even trust you.
21:27Don't, don't, don't. Not Luca.
21:29Now, if that is how you actually feel, then there's no point in me being here, is there?
21:34Okay. So don't be.
21:41Can we get back to work, please?
21:57Erm, your patient is fine.
22:00That's a load off. Thank you.
22:02You're welcome.
22:05You've not got a coffee machine upstairs?
22:08Thought the surgeons were all on the big bucks.
22:10Probably, but I'm only a registrar, so what's it meant to do with this stuff?
22:14Oh, shall I?
22:15Oh, yeah.
22:18I'm happy.
22:19That's all I needed. A bit of tender loving care.
22:22Yeah, some sterile wipes and some steri-strip, so...
22:25I've had worse first dates.
22:27Oh, what are we doing for the second one? MRI scan?
22:31I don't mind. As long as you're there.
22:37We need you.
22:38Great. Thank you.
22:43Right, erm...
22:45Sorry about that. It's a bit of a disaster zone down there and I was just, erm...
22:51You know what? Never mind.
22:53Welcome, Dr Nash.
22:55We appreciate that interviews mid-shift can be a challenge.
22:59But while we were waiting, we were just discussing how,
23:04in spite of yesterday's events,
23:06in spite of yesterday's events,
23:08we can count the fatality rate as a bit of a win.
23:15Right. Fatality rate is a...
23:18is a bit of a win.
23:22Obviously, any loss of life is regrettable.
23:25But as clinical lead, you'd be able to think of the bigger picture.
23:31Yeah, yeah, yeah.
23:34Yep. The bigger picture is really important.
23:38The last thing you guys want is somebody who...
23:42sits in the mess.
23:49How would you put your stamp on the ED? What would you change?
23:59I would change...
24:08Over a period of time, of course, you know.
24:12So it sounds like you could fully commit to the role.
24:16To your staff.
24:18Uh-huh. Yep. Absolutely.
24:20I can do that.
24:22I know where to commit myself to a job.
24:25And to my staff.
24:27They know I'm there if they... if they need me.
24:32If you don't see me, I mean...
24:44I'll be waiting.
24:46I'm sorry.
24:50I'm sorry.
24:51I'm sorry.
24:52I really am.
24:53I'm sorry.
24:54I really am.
24:56I'm sorry.
24:59I'm sorry, Clara.
25:00She left her house in her school uniform.
25:15She told me she was on a sleepover.
25:19That creep.
25:23Don't be angry.
25:24When she comes to, she's gonna need her dad.
25:29It was a lot easier when the only man she was interested in was me.
25:32Nurse White, can you check the ICU if there's a bed for Mia?
25:37You're her?
25:39Nurse, you're your knickers.
25:41I don't know what you're on about.
25:42Stay away from my daughter.
25:45What does it matter who I sleep with?
25:47What, you think I'm dirty, is that it?
25:49You think I might pass something on?
25:52You think I might treat your daughter
25:54and then she might start jumping into bed with anyone that remembers her name?
25:56I did nothing wrong.
25:58I had sex.
26:00You have sex.
26:01Everyone has sex.
26:02It's 2025, I thought I was allowed to do what I want to do.
26:05Do whoever I want to do, whenever I want to do it.
26:08No, I saved your daughter's life!
26:11With me, please.
26:15Uh, Lisa, can you...
26:18Jodie, hey, wait.
26:21What's going on? Catch me up.
26:25Just wait, there's a...
26:27Broadcast, come on, talk to me.
26:31Jodie, look, I can't have you talking to patients like that when you're upset, OK?
26:35Don't send me home.
26:36Please, don't send me home.
26:38This is a parachute, OK?
26:39Not everyone gets one, OK?
26:40So just take it.
26:40No, I'm fine, please.
26:41I'm literally fine.
26:42Don't send me home.
26:43Jodie, I'm not punishing you, OK?
26:45Just go home and come back tomorrow refreshed.
26:56Dr Nash.
26:58I just wanted to follow up after your interview.
27:02How worried should I be?
27:05No, uh, not worried.
27:08I'm grand, it's just one of those days.
27:11Take this as some friendly advice.
27:13If you want the top job, you need to work on your resilience.
27:28Sorry, can I borrow you for a sec?
27:31So the kid with the finger injury, Tom, his X-rays come through and it is a broken finger.
27:36But there's also a fracture to his wrist, it looks about a year old.
27:41And, listen, he keeps changing his story to me, saying about how he hurt it when he picked up his dad.
27:47But, um, I just had a look at his notes and there's no record of him ever coming in for a wrist injury, ever.
27:53OK, OK.
27:54So we're thinking, what, some kind of background issue, potentially?
27:57Yeah, look, uh, talk to the kid.
28:00What's his name?
28:02Tom, yeah.
28:03Talk to Tom, see if you can get anything else out of him, OK?
28:05Because, you know, you're good with patients.
28:07Better than I am.
28:13Hi, guys.
28:15You all got discharged early, so I thought I'd pick a few bits up.
28:20Did you see me?
28:21Yeah, of course.
28:23What's wrong?
28:24It's Luca.
28:25God, I miss him.
28:27He left school, no one knows where he is and I can't find him on the app and it's not working.
28:32What? What kind of help?
28:34Nothing, I just, I can't, I can't find him.
28:37There he is, there he is, there he is.
28:39Oh, John.
28:40Hey, look, John, let's go home.
28:42No, no.
28:43Uh, welcome home.
28:44I love you.
28:50Just wanted to let you know, I got word Stephanie Butler is stable.
29:00Our patient.
29:02Oh, the appendectomy.
29:05I don't learn the names.
29:07Surgery's best as an impersonal art.
29:11How are you?
29:12Absolutely fine.
29:14Storming the teacup.
29:19So you'll be back to work soon?
29:21Couple of days, hour and hour, and I'll be fighting fit.
29:25Sean, there's no need for anyone upstairs to be talking about this.
29:32You know how dog eat dog it is.
29:35Yeah, but...
29:36I've been watching you, Sean.
29:38With me as your mentor, I think you can go far.
29:44And I appreciate your update on our patient.
29:50No problem, sir.
29:59Your finger should be fine now, as long as you keep it strapped for me.
30:02All right?
30:04But, Tom, listen.
30:08You need to tell me how you hurt your wrist.
30:10You said I could see my dad.
30:12No, your dad's fine.
30:13He's okay.
30:14I just, I want you to be honest with me, okay?
30:19Tom, wait!
30:20I want to see him!
30:21No, you can't see him yet, Tom!
30:23Okay, so anesthetic's gone in.
30:26No, no, no, kid, kid.
30:27Come on, you can't be in here, okay?
30:28I'm not going anywhere.
30:32Okay, stubborn.
30:33I respect that.
30:34Cam, do you want to grab him a stool, please?
30:37And, yeah, make yourself useful while you're here.
30:40I need you to sit nice and quietly while we work on your dad, okay?
30:50What's going on with my dad's head?
30:53So, it's a hematoma, basically, where I stapled his skull.
30:59The blood has gathered under the scalp.
31:02So, we need to remove the clot, and then I can sew him back up.
31:11You okay?
31:15We've, um, we've set his broken finger, but we've also found a historic wrist fracture.
31:27What happened to your wrist, Pam?
31:30It was a thing.
31:31Happened at school.
31:34And what about you, Dad?
31:37How did you fall down the stairs?
31:38You must have been in some rush.
31:40Oh, I'm just clumsy.
31:42Always have been.
31:45Okay, you're going to feel this.
31:53Here we go.
31:57What about you, Tom?
31:59That finger and that wrist of yours.
32:03You clumsy like your dad, is that what happened?
32:10I'm sorry.
32:11Leave it, Dad.
32:12Shut up.
32:21My dad used to build me.
32:23He was fast with his hands.
32:25I swore I'd never do the same to my own, and then you find out you're just as bad.
32:31You don't know what it's like when you've got no one to talk to.
32:39So, yeah, I caught him with a load of stuff that we can't afford.
32:43Dad, shut up.
32:47So I saw red, and I chased him, and I slipped and I fell on top of him.
32:57He bandaged me up, and he phoned me an ambulance.
33:23Look out!
33:34Look out!
33:37Look out!
33:52Had to see me one more time.
33:54Actually, I just wanted to give you some dressing.
33:55Keep it dry, please.
33:58And I just wanted to know, is everything all right?
33:59Because you had a face like a smackdass in there.
34:03Yeah, there's this girl I like.
34:05I want to make a move, but I think I missed my chance.
34:10Well, as your nurse, I can only give you advice, and I'd say go for it.
34:17And quickly, because you might miss the chance.
35:05Look out!
35:13Just wait there!
35:14Don't move!
35:15Just leave me alone!
35:17Can't you just let me be by myself?
35:26I just want to talk to you for a minute, okay?
35:31You can't go wrecking things like that.
35:34Why not?
35:37Dad died.
35:39You're an addict, and you just wreck everything.
35:52Look, I am sorry that I'm not perfect.
35:54But life, which is not easy for me either, okay?
35:58I am a recovering addict.
36:00My best mate hates me.
36:03And worst of all, you don't even want anything to do with me.
36:14I think that's destruction of property.
36:19Well, I don't think anyone saw it, so I think we're fine.
36:25How long have you been coming here?
36:33Since Dad's birthday, and it's been a place for me.
36:37By myself.
36:40To get away from me?
36:49I was scared that if I came back, you would...
36:53I'd find you...
37:06Look, I...
37:10Today, I almost did use.
37:15But I chose not to.
37:17And I can always choose not to.
37:23So it's not going to happen again.
37:30I promise.
37:35I love you.
37:39Love you more.
37:54I thought you might still be here.
37:56She's back now.
37:59Everybody's just left.
38:03I keep saying to myself, just another minute and then I'll leave, but...
38:08I just want to make sure she's okay. I know that sounds stupid.
38:12It's not stupid.
38:18Hey, what's happened?
38:23What we did.
38:26What people are calling me, do you think it's true?
38:30I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that.
38:37I think we should stop seeing each other.
38:44But you're my friend.
38:45No, I'm not.
38:47I'm not.
38:50We're strangers, Jodie.
38:54We should have always been strangers.
38:59Take care of yourself.
39:12Why didn't you phone me until you found him? I've been worried sick here.
39:15Sorry, sorry, but we had a few things to sort out.
39:20He's been so good all day. He gives a scare.
39:23He did.
39:27Can I have a word in private?
39:30Whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of Lugger.
39:34Yeah, but I don't think that's a great idea.
39:36It'll be fine, Ian.
39:50Are you using again?
39:53You put them down the sink.
39:55I did.
39:57Look, I'm not going to lie. I came close.
40:01But you didn't.
40:02I believe her.
40:04She's telling the truth.
40:09You better be faith because I cannot.
40:12Ian, look, come here.
40:14I'm not going to do that again, okay?
40:16I wouldn't do it to the family and I wouldn't do it to you.
40:18I love you.
40:20It's not going to happen.
40:22It's never going to happen.
40:28You two, get a room.
40:30Shut up.
40:33You staying for dinner?
40:34I'm going back to your gran's.
40:36I'll stay.
40:39What, like stay, stay?
40:47You've switched to three mouths.
40:53All the vegetables in you today.
40:57Who bought these?
41:01Why are you two giggling out?
41:03Is this you?
41:04Did you use to clean here?
41:06Oh, come on.
41:07I've been in hospital, haven't I?
41:08Oh, my God.
41:09I thought you were cheesecake.
41:10No, come on.
41:11I've been off work for three weeks.
41:12Nobody's made it up me.
41:13Right in the day, you have.
41:14Thanks a lot, pal.
41:23Uh, excuse me.
41:24What are you waiting for?
41:26I need to dive dehydration.
41:31It's been a hard day, all right?
42:01All right, Mr. Kerry, so it's two tablets three times a day.
42:15Unfortunately, Mr. Kerry, due to what you told my colleagues,
42:18we just had to start some safeguarding procedures,
42:21so they're just going to go and take Tom and interview him.
42:23Dad, they can't do this.
42:25You said they want to split us up again.
42:27I'm sorry, son.
42:29Look, it's only temporary.
42:31It's because I messed up again.
42:33But this isn't what I want.
42:34I should get to choose.
42:36Tom, Tom, look.
42:37The quicker you leave with these guys,
42:38the quicker you get to see Dad again.
42:40Dad, you have to come and get me.
42:54Knock, knock.
43:09Uh, Jenny, I'm not sure it's the best idea, you being here.
43:11I think everything's been...
43:12It's all right, because look, this won't take long.
43:14I just need to say something.
43:15Okay, how much have you had to drink?
43:19Why did you have to do it?
43:23Why didn't we just wait for the ambulance?
43:27Because then Aaron wouldn't have happened.
43:33And the podcast, they wouldn't have had a story.
43:39We might have been okay.
43:42When did you last eat something?
43:43Can I get you something?
43:44I feel sick.
43:46Yeah, you look...
43:48Do you mean it?
43:49Okay, let's go this way.
43:51Look at that.
44:05We could have been okay.
44:13We could have been okay.
44:44There you go, eat that.
44:57It's an old family recipe.
44:58I should leave.
44:59No, stay and eat.
45:02Make some space here.
45:09Dylan, I'm sorry.
45:10What for?
45:13For sleeping with Aaron.
45:16For throwing up everywhere.
45:19Making you lose your job.
45:21Well, that hasn't happened yet, actually.
45:22I think the CPS are due to make a decision soon.
45:26Why aren't you angry?
45:30Why aren't you kicking me out?
45:34When your dad left, I made a promise to look after you.
45:39I would have made quite a bad job of that.
45:45But he shouldn't have left the way he did.
45:49You know, I've been alone for most of my life.
45:53I'm alone at the moment.
45:54There's no Sophia.
45:56And of course, no Devla.
45:58So, I don't know.
46:02I think I was wrong.
46:05You're a terrific nurse.
46:08I think you're a terrific person.
46:12It's only hard to believe you're related to Max.
46:18And I...
46:20I don't think that this lonely life is for you.
46:33I'll put my cap on.
46:36Jodie, how do you take...
47:02What are you doing?
47:05Where do you want me?
47:07No, no, no, put your clothes on.
47:09You don't want me?
47:13Why would you say all that stuff if you didn't want me?
47:19I thought this was what you wanted.
47:20Of course it's not what I wanted.
47:22Please, just get dressed.
47:28Here we go.
47:31Can I call you a cab?