• 12 hours ago
Casualty S42 E06


00:00I do think that we are romantically compatible.
00:04There was nothing else we could have done.
00:06Thanks for keeping my name out of the article.
00:08But you still mentioned Dylan. He did what he had to do. Aaron.
00:11I'm just trying to do right by Thea.
00:13Why didn't you shout me sooner?
00:14No, it just happened.
00:15No, you need to do this. I'm being honest with you.
00:17I never passed the cardiac care module.
00:19I'm gonna fix it, just don't tell Chan.
00:21I am taking the meds. I am sober.
00:24You lot just want to keep slinging diagnoses at me.
00:27And whose fault is that?
00:28Rosie's ready to be a mum.
00:31Are you feeling alright?
00:32Don't need getting ill. Not when he's coming home on Monday.
00:35Can I ask you a question? Do I look sick to you?
00:38You look fine.
02:29Can you take a look at these blood gasses for me?
02:32Who's that for?
02:35Don't add your name.
02:36Why? She sent me a message. She said she's fine.
02:38Well, she needs to stay away.
02:40From who?
02:41From Nicholas. She's not well.
02:43I'm so sorry. Do you mean the baby?
02:45That's not listed.
02:50Are you feeling OK?
02:53Like, not too tired? I mean, I know anemia.
02:55I can't really take it elsewhere.
02:57Do I look tired?
02:58I'm just saying, you know, you can tell me anything.
03:00Anything at all.
03:01Hang on. I've done that.
03:03Hello, Nicole, can you look at me, please?
03:08Look, if you're going to be like this...
03:10Like what?
03:11On my case...
03:12I am just trying to find out if you're OK.
03:14And I've just told you that I am.
03:16Sorry, do you think you know better about how I'm feeling than I do?
03:21You need to give us some space or...
03:24Or I'm not going to work.
03:26I'm not going to work.
03:29Erm, interior resource 1, please. Thank you.
03:35Hello? Anybody in?
03:50Come on, let's go.
03:56Come on.
04:15Do you remember, we had a patient last week.
04:17She was quite upset cos she found a lump.
04:19Yes, of course.
04:20Yeah. Well, she got the all clear, so that's good.
04:23She did come in and give you this, though.
04:38Yeah, this is Detective Bell, ringing from Holby City Police Station.
04:42We've received some information about the treatment given to a patient
04:45which ended in the loss of life.
04:49Is this about Aaron Baylis?
04:50More information will be given in person.
04:53Yeah, but I'm at work.
04:55Well, we need you at the station. See you at one o'clock.
05:00Dylan, I was hoping to catch you.
05:04Are you around after work, tonight?
05:07I've got a minute now, if you want to.
05:08Er, it's, erm...
05:10It's not really a quick chat.
05:12It's fine. A few minutes. It's fine.
05:13Go ahead.
05:27I'm pregnant.
05:31Dr Keogh?
05:32Not right now.
05:33We really need you in Resource 3.
05:34Bi-car Tc, possible spinal injury.
05:36There's nobody else? Nobody at all?
05:38It's OK.
05:39Go on, go.
05:51Absolutely, yeah.
05:52Is he going to be OK?
05:53He's in the best possible hands.
05:57Charging to 120.
05:59Everyone stand back.
06:00Yep, clear.
06:01And shocken.
06:08OK, how's that looking?
06:10Still in AF.
06:12Charging to 150.
06:14Stand back.
06:15Yep, still clear.
06:26Dr Piper?
06:30Dr Piper?
06:36OK, he's back in sinus.
06:38Good, thanks.
06:40Right, can we redo his blood pressure?
06:4312 lead ECG.
06:44And can you order a chest X-ray as well?
06:54OK, what are the common symptoms
06:56indicating an underlying AF?
07:02Chest pains.
07:07Oh, I actually knew that.
07:09Another one.
07:11Which two drugs should you consider
07:13when treating a patient for heart failure?
07:18Don't tell me, don't tell me.
07:19Don't tell me.
07:21OK, tell me.
07:22IV if you're off some idea.
07:24When's your cardiac reset?
07:25A week after next.
07:27There's still time.
07:31Do you know, it would help
07:32if not everyone else on my course was nailing it.
07:35Someone's just done CPR on the side of a motorway.
07:39How'd the kit bag model like?
07:40Let's just concentrate on you.
07:43Erm, how's Ian doing?
07:44Stuck my head in before work.
07:46He's black and blue, but he's doing better.
07:48OK, shout out to 29 Pollard Way.
07:51You guys ready?
07:5329 Pollard?
07:54Is that Jean again?
08:02You can see there's a fracture of the lower spine there
08:05and I think there's retropulsion of fragments
08:07in the spinal canal.
08:11Is it repairable?
08:14Sorry, say again?
08:15Can we repair it?
08:16It's a bit early to tell at the moment.
08:19Shall we go and have a look?
08:29Are you using the bike?
08:30The police have recovered it, Oscar, yeah.
08:32Oh, that's great. That's really great.
08:34OK, well, more importantly,
08:35your scan shows that you've injured your vertebrae
08:39and you may have damaged your spinal cord.
08:42Me? So it could be OK?
08:46It's a very serious injury.
08:47I think we need to send you for an MRI,
08:49which is another type of scan,
08:51and that should give us the answers that we need.
08:54Dr Keir? Yeah.
08:55I can't find a pulse.
08:57Right, that's less than ideal, isn't it?
08:59Let's fetch the pastotrolly, then, please.
09:01We're going to need to pull this. OK.
09:08How's it looking?
09:1138 BPM.
09:13So a complete heart block.
09:18IV access and atrophying.
09:24IV access and atrophying.
09:27Shall I get a lining?
09:31OK, ready, Jean?
09:35I'm just going to scooch that up.
09:37I know you don't like this. Hold my hand.
09:39Right, let's get this bit over with.
09:43That's you.
09:44Right, let's have a look.
09:45Squeeze if you need to.
09:51Look at me.
09:54Right, ready?
09:56Sharp scratch.
09:58Oh, I'm really sorry.
09:59Paul's getting weaker.
10:01She needs the atropine now.
10:02Let's have a go.
10:03Well, I...
10:05All right.
10:06Jean, I'm going to have a go.
10:09I think I'm going to go in the back of your hand.
10:11Might be a little bit easier today.
10:15Right, I'm sorry. I know what's coming.
10:18Deep breath for me.
10:19Sharp scratch.
10:22There we go.
10:23In. Look at that.
10:25Get you some medication.
10:26Make you feel a bit more comfortable.
10:35What's going on?
10:37I told them just take me somewhere else.
10:39Any other hospital.
10:41Why would you do that?
10:42Oh, that looks nasty.
10:44I was sober as a church before, you ask.
10:46I wasn't going to...
10:49Look, I feel like the last time you were here
10:53I let you down by not going to the meeting and...
10:55Oh, look, it doesn't matter.
10:58No, but it does.
10:59It's just life has been a bit tricky.
11:02The kids, well, actually none of them are living at home anymore
11:06and, you know, work is relentless
11:09and my partner is upstairs
11:11because he just threw himself off a cliff.
11:13So, you know, it was just...
11:15It was bad timing and I'm sorry.
11:18Look, you don't owe me anything.
11:23Right, I should get back to work.
11:25Yeah, of course.
11:26Don't want to take up too much of your time.
11:35Heart rate's 116, BP 110 over 60.
11:39Is he OK?
11:41He's stabilised.
11:43Had me worried there.
11:45There's nothing wrong with me, Ness.
11:47Look, I'm fighting fit.
11:49Well, the results do show raised troponin levels
11:53and there are abnormal changes to your ECG.
11:56So we are going to have to do further investigations.
12:00It sounds like you keep yourself fit.
12:02I've made some real big changes the last few months.
12:05We both have.
12:06We want a family seat.
12:08We've been trying for over a year.
12:10They don't need to know the details, Ness.
12:12She's a doctor, Steph.
12:13Are you on any medication?
12:16Any fitness supplements?
12:20What's that got to do with anything?
12:22I'm just trying to rule things out.
12:24The paramedics said that you fainted at the gym.
12:27I don't want to jump to any conclusions,
12:29but if you are taking anything, it would help for us to know.
12:34He's not.
12:35Are you, Steph?
12:37Because some supplements are fine and some are not so.
12:41Like steroids, for instance.
12:45They can cause problems, like damage to the heart.
12:49Not if you're only on them for a few months, right?
12:52That's what the boys down the gym said.
12:54So is that what you've been taking, steroids?
12:57You what?
12:59Steph, you better start talking.
13:01Let's talk about this later.
13:03Take the time for this.
13:04Just take it down a notch because we have had a heart incident.
13:07OK? At least now we know what we're dealing with.
13:09So I'll go and talk to cardiology and see how they want to proceed.
13:13But just, yeah, stay calm, OK?
13:17Thanks, Doc.
13:21Hey, you know, you did that really well.
13:28I just didn't want to hurt her. She was so frail.
13:31You can't let that phase you.
13:32Imagine every patient is a practice dummy.
13:34Really? Gets the job done.
13:36Who's that for a grab-and-go lunch?
13:38Ooh, now you're talking.
13:40Skint, so when next student on in comes in.
13:43Can I go for overdrafts?
13:44Well, you finish your cold handler training.
13:47Speak to John, see if she can give you a few shifts.
13:50Control to 3007. You're still free, right?
13:54Catwalk for you. Detour's coming through now. Thanks. Over.
13:583007 on our way. Over.
14:01Slightly heard the word lunch.
14:04Probably do your waistline a favour, though.
14:06Right, stop that.
14:08I love my job!
14:12OK, we all ready, yeah?
14:15So, on my count of three, yeah?
14:18You know what to do.
14:19One, two, three.
14:23OK, pull, pull. That's it. Keep going. Yeah.
14:27Nice and straight, that's it. That's it.
14:29There we go.
14:31OK, so that's all done for you now.
14:33OK, so now we're just going to plaster.
14:38But I can't feel anything.
14:41Erm, well...
14:43I can't feel anything at all.
14:45The spinal cord carries signals from nerve endings
14:47all over the body to the brain,
14:49so if any of those are damaged, it is possible
14:51that you won't feel any sensation.
14:54But I'll get the feeling back.
14:57It's just too early to tell at the moment, to be honest,
15:00but I would suggest that it might be a good idea
15:02to have somebody here, just in case the results of the MRI
15:05don't go quite the way we would like.
15:18Caught that then.
15:21But tell him what you just said about the damage,
15:23before he mentioned the pike.
15:25Yeah, I will. Don't worry.
15:29And I'll chase up the MRI once we're done here.
15:43I've spoken to the cardiologist.
15:45He'll be admitting you.
15:47They're just trying to find a bed.
15:53They've requested a transthoracic echo in the meantime.
15:57OK, thanks.
15:58I've looked it up online
16:00and it says steroids affect all kinds of things.
16:03Like fertility.
16:05Is that true?
16:07It is a non-side effect, yeah.
16:09Can you shut that off?
16:11Makes sense why it's taking us so long.
16:13Miss, you're getting carried away.
16:15Am I?
16:16I know you think I go on about it,
16:19but all I've ever wanted is a family of my own.
16:22A house full of laughter and muddy boots and chaos.
16:26I've never had that.
16:29If you come off the steroids, we could be pregnant by Christmas.
16:32You'd need to speak to a fertility specialist.
16:35Babe, come on.
16:36We've found the problem, Steph.
16:40No, we haven't.
16:42We had those tests done with the doctor six months ago
16:45and they said we were both fine.
16:48They said that you was fine.
16:50That you wasn't with me when I got my results.
16:52They, er...
16:53They told me I've got slow swimmers.
16:58But you said...
16:59I know what I said.
17:00I thought if I took the steroids,
17:02the testosterone would make it work again.
17:07I can't believe he didn't tell me.
17:12This has gone through, so I'm sorry.
17:15I have to flush out your cannula,
17:17so this may feel a bit cold.
17:31He's in there, he's in there.
17:33Please help. Please help.
17:35All right, all right. Thank you, mate. Thank you.
17:42Holy moly.
17:44None of that. Focus.
17:46Oh, hiya, mate. I'm Teddy. This is Indy.
17:49What's your name?
17:50I'll kill you.
17:52Yeah, we will.
17:53Try and stay calm. Deep breaths for me.
17:56Mate, if you want to get the scoop in,
17:58then we need to move all this stuff.
18:00Give me a hand.
18:02Indy, ABCs. Yeah. OK?
18:04OK. You've got this? Yeah.
18:06Right. Right, Akeel, you're in good hands.
18:09OK. I'm just going to come over here, Akeel.
18:14OK. Airways. Let's have a look.
18:20That's good. I'm just going to check your breathing there.
18:23A bit quakey, that's fine.
18:25Just a pulse here.
18:28OK. OK.
18:31Right, last one.
18:33No, no, no! Don't move anything!
18:36Just stop!
18:45Don't go anywhere.
18:47Obviously, you're not going anywhere.
18:49Yeah, happy to try, eh?
18:59Yeah, it's jammed. You're going to have to try it your side.
19:02I can't. It's stuck.
19:15You all right, Kaz? What are you up to?
19:17Just sorting something out for a patient.
19:21Yeah, it feels like I haven't seen you in ages, man.
19:24How about an old-school cinema and burger night tonight?
19:28I can't. I've got something on.
19:31I could drop that to the pharmacy if you want me to.
19:33No, no. It's OK.
19:36You all right?
19:39Yeah, yeah. Sorry. I'm just overtired. Too many lates.
19:43But if you want to do me a favour, could you review Mrs King's ECG in seven?
19:51So, er...
19:53Mrs King, isn't she Nicole's patient?
19:56Yeah, but Nicole had some issue with the ECG machine.
20:03Where is he?
20:04Yeah, I'll be right there. Thanks.
20:07Er, recess two, please.
20:09This is Rosie Cornwell. She's 31 years old.
20:12Anaphylaxis from an unknown source.
20:15Swelling to lips and tongue,
20:18hives across neck and chest, global wheeze,
20:21rest, 30 sats, 95,
20:24tachy, 128, BP is 95 over 55.
20:28She's had two doses of 0.5mg of IM adrenaline
20:33and she's just finished the second lab.
20:36OK, thanks. Can you open your mouth for me?
20:39OK. OK. It's still swollen.
20:41Can we prep some more adrenaline, please?
20:43OK. Do you have any allergies?
20:46Has anything like this happened before?
20:48OK. Have you come into contact with anything in the last 24 hours
20:51that you wouldn't normally?
20:53OK. Any food? No?
20:55OK. Do you want any medication?
20:57I... I'm... Nicole.
21:00What did Nicole get? Are you OK? Do you want me to call?
21:05I'll find out. I can find out.
21:07Yeah, as quick as you can.
21:09Get off me!
21:11You're a student. You don't know what you're doing.
21:14Mindy, you all right in there?
21:16He won't let me touch him and he's in a lot of pain
21:19and there's quite a lot of blood.
21:21Well, you've got to convince him.
21:23Stem the bleed, get a line in.
21:27I know it hurts, but if you don't let me help you,
21:30then you're going to bleed out on this floor.
21:32Is that what you want?
21:33You have to trust me.
21:35But it's literally me or no-one else at the moment, mate,
21:37so it's your choice.
21:45Thank you. OK.
21:47So, a little bit of pressure.
21:49Like that.
21:51It hurts!
21:56No, Mr Clark...
21:58I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't absolutely necessary.
22:01Sounds like we don't have a choice, then.
22:03Dylan. Sorry.
22:05I've just been on the phone with Oscar Clark's dad.
22:07OK. I told him about the accident
22:09and he hangs the phone up on me.
22:11It's because of the bike.
22:13What's wrong with people?
22:17Hey, Sophia.
22:19Is it a good time? Yeah.
22:21About earlier, I mean.
22:23Yeah, look, I, um...
22:25Go on. No, no, sorry, go on.
22:27Sorry, you go.
22:29You go.
22:31Well, I mean, I wasn't expecting it.
22:33Right. Um, how far gone are you?
22:37I mean, early stages.
22:39OK, that's something.
22:43Sorry, are you trying to tell me that you...
22:45I've only ever been let down by my dad.
22:48I don't want to be like that.
22:52OK. So we need to talk here, properly.
22:54Mm-hm. Yeah, yeah, we do, we do.
22:57How are you fixed tonight?
22:59Do you want to go to the anchor?
23:05Good. OK. 8.30. I'll see you then.
23:07Are you all right?
23:13Just keep the pressure on that. You're doing really well.
23:16Tiddy, how much longer?
23:18He's losing a lot of blood.
23:20Fire crews are all being utilised.
23:22They're looking to see if they can call the next closest unit.
23:25Just keep the pressure on.
23:29I've got an idea.
23:31Tindy, are you OK? I'm freezing.
23:33Is there any way we can turn this thing off?
23:35Er, we can try and cut the power.
23:37No, no, no!
23:39What about my stock?
23:41Do you want both of us to get out of here alive or not?
23:44Can we cut the power for this?
23:47Yeah. All right. Thank you.
23:53Have you got emergency lighting or something in here?
23:56Just give it a minute or two.
23:58I don't know if you've got a minute or two.
24:00You're bleeding out quite fast and I do need to get this line in now.
24:04I can't see a thing.
24:06I literally can't see.
24:08Let's try and do this.
24:10I can't see anything.
24:12Tindy, have you got the line in?
24:14Don't overthink it.
24:17I'm going to put a cannula in your arm, OK?
24:21So, do you own this place?
24:26Are you a good cook?
24:29That was my sister.
24:31She got cancer and died on me.
24:34Um, I'm really sorry.
24:36Yeah, me too.
24:38Because everything's a mess without her.
24:42Sharp scratch.
24:45Really sorry. Just bear with.
24:48OK, hold on.
24:50Right, I think, because it's really cold in here,
24:53your veins are kind of hiding a bit,
24:55so I'm going to go in the back of your hand instead.
24:59You know...
25:01..my nana passed away a couple of months ago too,
25:05and she was the only family I had, so...
25:09I don't know why I'm telling you that.
25:11I guess I just...
25:13I get it when every day feels hard.
25:19Sharp scratch.
25:28Sorry about this. In cardiology, it'll just be a few more minutes.
25:31Are they keeping me in all the night?
25:33I should have thought so, yeah.
25:35They'll do a full assessment and then you can stay if you want.
25:39Dr Piper?
25:40Yeah, yeah. I'll be two minutes.
25:44Nessa, that's the part where you say,
25:46great, yeah, thanks, I will.
25:48I don't think I can, Steph.
25:52I can't hold your hand, as if nothing's happened.
25:55Yeah, but...
25:56You lied to me.
25:57I had to get my head around things,
25:59and I just thought that if I took the testosterone,
26:01I could give you everything you wanted.
26:06Look, I'll do what's right. I'll go back to the doctors.
26:11Nessa, come on.
26:13We want a family, right?
26:18I need some time to think about it, Steph.
26:21Cardiology are ready for you now.
26:31Nicole, it's Rosie.
26:44Think this is going to work?
26:46That's all you've got, mate.
26:48All right, need some backup.
26:50Get back.
26:51Just stand back.
26:52All right, yeah, you can go.
27:02You OK?
27:04Jacob, oxygen in as many blankets as you can find.
27:07I've got the cannula in.
27:10Good job.
27:12Akio, stay with us.
27:14I'm getting you out now.
27:17How's the pain?
27:19Not great.
27:20OK, let's have another five of morphine, please, OK?
27:24Did you get hold of Dad?
27:26We did, we did.
27:27He knows you're here and he knows you're safe.
27:30I think, for now, that's the important thing.
27:32I don't know why I thought this time would be different.
27:35He only turns up when he breaks up with one of his girlfriends.
27:39And then he expects me to go to the pub with him.
27:42Drown his sorrows.
27:48It's like last night.
27:50I only took the bike because I didn't want him to go on it himself.
27:57It's going to be permanent, isn't it?
28:00Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
28:05I think there's somebody on their way down now, a porter,
28:08to take you to MRI.
28:11Are you good to go?
28:13I don't think I can do it on my own.
28:18Can you come with me?
28:23I'm not sure I can, I'm afraid.
28:26No, it's fine.
28:28Dad always says I'm selfish.
28:31I shouldn't have asked.
28:33Of course I can, of course I can.
28:36Yes, I'm your doctor. Of course I can come with you.
28:52I was worried about her rash cos she hasn't been well for days.
28:56So what did you give her?
28:58Um, rifampicin.
29:02That's for serious bacterial infections.
29:04Well, I didn't want her getting any more ill than she already was.
29:07She said she didn't have any allergies.
29:09Nicole, with rifampicin, she wouldn't have known unless she'd had it before.
29:13OK, it's been another five minutes. I'm concerned about her airway.
29:16Can I get some IM Adrenaline?
29:18No, no. Out. Rosie!
29:20Let them help her, please. Let them help her.
29:22But the accident, right? The accident was my fault.
29:25It was my fault, so I need to be the one who fixes it.
29:28I need to fix her.
29:29I don't understand what you're saying to me.
29:31Please, please.
29:32Well, then, maybe it's you.
29:34Have you thought about that?
29:36Maybe you're the one with the problem.
29:38I am a good doctor.
29:40And, Rosie, with me.
29:42Out, please.
29:46Oh, man!
29:49Pee pee's rising.
29:55Yeah, sats are improving.
29:57It's good. It's moving in the right direction.
30:27Five minutes, come on.
30:38Come on.
31:38Nicole! Nicole, what are you doing?
31:40Get off!
31:47It's OK. It's OK.
32:08It's OK.
33:02With the hook approximately two inches deep into his right shoulder,
33:05heart rate 98, BP better at 117 over 70,
33:08sats 95 and still hypothermic at 34.6.
33:12OK, across on three.
33:13One, two, three.
33:15Let's add ten milligrams or more between one gram of TXA
33:17and one gram of IV paracetamol.
33:19Right, OK, cheers. Thanks, guys.
33:20Right, Paula, let's have a full blood count.
33:22We'll do FECs, UNEs.
33:27All OK, I heard. It was a tricky one.
33:29Indy was amazing.
33:30She stayed calm, she did everything she should have.
33:32I wasn't going to let anyone freeze to death.
33:34Very good.
33:35Oh, Ted said there might be some cool handler shifts going in the control room.
33:39It's not my decision, sorry, love.
33:41But you could put in a good word for me.
33:43I've got the confidence of youth.
33:46Well, if it can keep calm in a job like that,
33:49then that's what we need on the phone, so maybe I could.
33:52Well, you've still got a bit of paperwork to do.
33:54Probably take about half an hour.
33:56Grab a coffee.
33:57Really? Yeah.
34:01How does she seem to you?
34:04She's not herself.
34:07She's all over the place.
34:10How long has she been like this for?
34:13Since the birth.
34:15When I first... I thought it was the anaemia.
34:18But it's her behaviour.
34:20In what way?
34:22Well, she's not making any sense.
34:25Mood changes, she's distracted.
34:28Well, I don't know.
34:30Well, she's still recovering.
34:37..she's gotten very fixated on Rosie.
34:40She's convinced she's not well.
34:42But I saw Rosie yesterday.
34:44She looked absolutely fine.
34:51..if there's something wrong...
34:54..with Nicole? Like...
34:56..with Nicole? Like...
34:59..like, really wrong?
35:02It sounds like it could be postpartum psychosis.
35:05I agree.
35:07Could you go and find her for me, please, now? Yeah.
35:13Oh, Siobhan!
35:15I'm so scared she's going to hurt herself or someone else.
35:19Siobhan, there's been an incident...
35:21Siobhan McKenzie speaking.
35:23Baby Nicholas is missing.
35:27We have got to find her.
35:39How's Mr Abbas doing? Who?
35:41The guy with the massive hook. Oh, he's just waiting for theatre.
35:44Don't worry. Sorry, excuse me.
35:47No, erm, am I due any more painkillers soon?
35:50Cos this is really throbbing now.
35:52Can I see? Let me have a look.
35:54It's not been long since we gave you something.
35:56No, it's just the paracetamol didn't really touch the sides, to be honest.
36:00Is there any chance of something stronger?
36:02Yeah, I'll just have to check with the doctor first, though.
36:05OK, well, what about her?
36:07I don't know.
36:08I don't know.
36:09I don't know.
36:10I don't know.
36:11I don't know.
36:12I don't know.
36:13I don't know.
36:14Er, what about her?
36:16Er, yeah, I can check with the ACP. Give me two secs.
36:22Can you sign off some meds for cubicle four?
36:26Er, have you checked her records?
36:28See if she's been prescribed anything else?
36:30She's only had paracetamol.
36:32She is complaining of quite a lot of pain.
36:35OK, er, 30 milligrams of codeine.
36:38Nothing else. Yeah?
36:40No problem.
36:45OK, right, let's give him another 10 milligrams of morphine
36:48and I'm going to chase the surgical team again.
37:00See they're looking after you.
37:03Not that I deserve it.
37:05Hey, come on.
37:06My sister wouldn't have made such a stupid mistake.
37:10She knew what she was doing with the restaurant.
37:12So will you soon enough.
37:14Will I?
37:15This could be her looking down on me, giving me a sign.
37:18A pretty brutal sign.
37:21She always did have a wicked sense of humour.
37:24I, er, I got you a few things.
37:27It's just a toothbrush and deodorant.
37:30It really ain't much.
37:35Could, would, would I, could I,
37:38would I be able to take a photo of your shoulder?
37:41Just, we pick a lot of old ladies up off the floor,
37:43so it's good to do something a bit more, er...
37:54Go on, then.
38:04You did really well today.
38:06I bet your nana would have been proud of you.
38:18Just tell me.
38:20Whatever it is.
38:23OK, it's not, it's not, it's not brilliant news, I'm afraid.
38:27The MRI shows that you do have significant damage to your spinal cord,
38:30something that we call a transection injury.
38:33Will I get better?
38:35It's, it's very difficult to say at the moment.
38:40But there is a chance that you won't recover
38:42the sensation or the movement below the level of the injury.
38:46Now, I appreciate there's a huge amount to take in.
38:50I think what we're going to do now is, um,
38:52we're going to move you to a specialist spinal ward
38:56and they'll come up with a, with a treatment plan for you there.
39:01Do you have any questions?
39:03You said that I may not get the use of my legs back or walk again.
39:08But there is a chance that I could.
39:10It very much depends on the success of the surgery
39:13and, obviously, your recovery, physio, things like that.
39:16But it's possible.
39:17Oh, it's possible.
39:18Yeah, you don't have to be OK with this.
39:20You will get through it. I know you will.
39:24Dr Keogh.
39:26I'm sorry.
39:27Dr Keogh.
39:29Dr Keogh.
39:37Yeah, you're very welcome.
39:40Um, I'm going to chase up the spinal tube,
39:43see if I can get that bit, OK?
39:58You all right?
39:59Yeah, that couple thought he'd be right up.
40:01Another minute and we'll be good to go.
40:09What's this photo I've just been sent of a patient in recess?
40:16Meet me back at base when you've finished your shift.
40:20You'd better come too.
40:22It's not your fault. It's not. It's not your fault.
40:25It isn't. It isn't.
40:26But you're making your mummy ill, OK?
40:28You're making her ill.
40:31I can help.
40:33It's going to be OK.
40:34I promise. I promise.
40:36Vanessa, I've told Stephan I'm not staying.
40:41I've told Stephan I'm going to stay.
40:43I'm not staying.
40:46OK, I'm going to see if I can get it checked.
40:48I'm going to go and round the hospital.
40:54I've been waiting for you!
40:57I've been waiting for you!
41:03I'm not staying.
41:05No, no, no, it's not fair, Stefan.
41:10What a beautiful baby!
41:14You'll make such a great mum.
41:17Not like it's going to happen now.
41:20This is Nicholas.
41:23His mum's not very well.
41:25He can't be around her.
41:28How is his surrogate?
41:32So I need to know he's being looked after
41:34by someone who'll love him like he's their own.
41:38I know you will.
41:45I don't understand.
41:48Will you take him?
41:53Just keep your eyes peeled, yeah?
41:55You think nobody's seen her or the baby?
41:58I can't, I've just vanished.
42:02I've just seen her.
42:04I've got this.
42:05Oh, it sounds weird, but please think about it.
42:09For Nicholas.
42:10I can't take a baby that's not mine.
42:13I'm a doctor.
42:14He can trust me.
42:17Please, please, please take him
42:18because I'm going to give him back to his mum
42:20and she'll die.
42:21He's going to die.
42:23Please, I'm begging you.
42:24I am begging you.
42:25All he needs is a loving home
42:26where he can't hurt anyone.
42:28I don't know what's going on.
42:30I didn't ask for the baby.
42:32It's OK, we know.
42:33Let's everyone just take a breath.
42:36How's baby Nicholas?
42:37Is he OK?
42:38He's fine, only a little man.
42:40He might want some milk, you know, Nicole.
42:42Why don't you give him to Sophia?
42:46No, he's not hungry.
42:47He told me.
42:49And what is it he wants?
42:51He just wants a new mum
42:53because then he can't hurt Rosie anymore.
42:55I get that.
42:58I do.
42:58You do?
42:59Yeah, you just want to help him
43:00and you want to help Rosie.
43:02Yes, finally.
43:03Oh, thank you.
43:05I just want to give him to Vanessa
43:06because she's so nice
43:08and I know he'll love them when he looks at them.
43:09That's a great idea.
43:11Erm, Vanessa, is it?
43:13Have you ever held a baby before, Vanessa?
43:15Yeah, my niece.
43:16Great, can you just make sure you support his head?
43:19Nicole, when you're ready.
43:21Good girl.
43:22That's it, that's it.
43:23He can't hurt your mummy anymore.
43:24Well done.
43:44What's happening?
43:45No, what's she doing? No.
43:47What's happening? What's she doing?
43:48No, you said, you said no.
43:50No, no, because Rosie's going to die.
43:52She's going to die.
43:53Listen to me, Nicole.
43:55You're not very well, love.
43:56We are pretty sure that you're suffering
43:58from postpartum psychosis.
44:00We are going to take care of you, love.
44:02No, so you think, you think I'm hallucinating?
44:05You tell us none of this is real, look at this.
44:07None of this is true?
44:08No, no.
44:10They think I'm deluded.
44:12That this is all happening in my head and it's not.
44:14We're just trying to help you.
44:16We just want to support you.
44:18Please, we just want to help you.
44:20Oh, you just want to call social services
44:21and have me locked up?
44:23I just want to look after you.
44:25Rosie is going to die.
44:26Rosie's going to die.
44:28No, please, no.
44:29Please, stop, Tim.
44:30Get back to her.
44:33Please, don't, Tim.
44:34Please, help.
44:36Just help.
44:46I did ask his permission.
44:49What? We'd show it to all your mates?
44:51What happened today is completely unacceptable.
44:54I know.
44:55I'm sorry.
44:56I made a mistake.
44:57It won't happen again.
44:58What's the patient's name?
44:59Patient confidentiality is top priority.
45:04I can't have you working in here if I'm worried
45:06you're going to be shooting your mouth off.
45:08Well, I may as well hand my notice in now, then.
45:11No, yeah, because I can't stay on this course
45:12without a second job.
45:13So, that's that.
45:15It was a mistake.
45:18You understand how bad it was?
45:21She'll be a good paramedic, John.
45:23You know I wouldn't say that if it wasn't the truth.
45:31Delete the photo.
45:32Get everyone else to delete the photo.
45:34I will have to talk to the patient
45:36and see if he wants to take it any further.
45:38Of course.
45:39Ambulance service, is the patient leaving?
45:42When she's out on the road, you keep an eye on her.
45:46And when you're in here, I'll be doing the same.
45:52Just stay calm.
46:06It was a long shift.
46:08Er, I just wondered, what are you, what are you doing here?
46:11They, um, they patched me up and they were dead nice to me.
46:15Thanks to you.
46:17I, I, I didn't...
46:21I'm glad.
46:23Look, I, um, I just came by
46:25because I wanted to make sure that you were okay.
46:27Yeah, I'm fine.
46:28Right, thanks.
46:29But it, it's been a long shift.
46:31Look, um, I don't suppose you want company tonight, do you?
46:35I mean, I would say that I've got somewhere to be,
46:37but, um, truth is I'm between places at the moment.
46:43Look, I'm, I'm sorry.
46:44I would help. I...
46:46No, you're all right.
46:47You have got enough on and you don't need any more hassle.
46:54Just wait, wait, wait, wait.
46:57Look, you can stay for one night,
47:00but you're going to have to sleep on the sofa.
47:02I will sleep anywhere, me.
47:04Oh, thank you.
47:05Honestly, you, you don't know how much I appreciate this.
47:17I love you.
47:48Come in.
47:49Dylan Keogh.
47:51Detective Belton, Obvious Hits Police.
47:54We spoke earlier.
47:56Yeah, you didn't attend your interview.
48:00Well, yeah, I was with a patient. I mean, I...
48:02Well, we can talk about it down at the station.
48:06Dr Dylan Keogh, to allow a prompt and effective investigation.
48:11I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.
48:13No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
48:15To allow a prompt and effective investigation
48:17in connection with the death of Theo Baylis,
48:19I'm arresting you on suspicion of manslaughter by gross negligence.
48:25You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence
48:27if you do not mention when questioned.
48:29Something you may later rely on in court.
48:31Anything you do say may be given in evidence.
48:35That's absolutely ridiculous. I haven't done anything wrong.
48:38Can I get my coat, please?
48:40On we go.
48:45Come on.