• 2 days ago
Harpoon Hunters S01 E07


00:00As the competitive harpoon season enters its final weeks,
00:07the high-value bluefin they hunt...
00:11There they are.
00:12Fish up, guys.
00:14...gorge themselves on schools of fatty baitfish...
00:17Shiner is coming up to your left, Joe.
00:19To your left, look down.
00:21...setting the stage for the harpoon fleet...
00:24I really want to beat Tyler.
00:26...to land...
00:27Good job, good job.
00:28I don't believe it.
00:29...late-season, high-fat monster tuna...
00:33Oh, they're right under us.
00:34...worth over $10,000 each.
00:36Can't let Tyler take the lead.
00:38Oh, God.
00:39I have the fish on the manager.
00:41I don't see him.
00:52I hope they showed us something.
00:55I hope they show today, Mike.
00:57We'll see what happens.
00:58I got a feeling we're going to run around today.
01:00As long as Tyler don't get nothing, we're good.
01:03Tyler gets none.
01:04That would make me happy.
01:06It's a crucial day for us out here on the Red River.
01:09We are in a tight battle with the easy-does-it
01:12and the Cynthia C2, and I don't like to lose.
01:17Now, just take your time through here.
01:19See what you can see.
01:20I'm going to spread it out a little bit.
01:22Yeah, I got you.
01:24With Marky up in the sky and Tyler in the same area as us,
01:28we really need to pack this boat with fish today.
01:31With me and Nico working together,
01:33I like Nico, I like to see him catch fish,
01:36but I refuse to be outfished by Tyler.
01:40One thing, when you put me and Tyler in the same area,
01:44we do better.
01:46On our boat today, we have two VIPs.
01:50Brad McHale from NOAA out of Gloucester,
01:53and we have John Walter from NOAA
01:56out of the Southeast Fisheries Science Center in Miami.
01:59You know, I was very happy these guys could make it today
02:02because I've been trying to get them out for a couple years
02:05just to kind of see what's happening in the fishery
02:07because they don't get out of their offices much.
02:09They're just getting third-party reports,
02:11so maybe today will be that day they get to see some fish.
02:14Maybe that day they get to see really what's going on out here.
02:17The U.S. fisheries are some of the best managed in the world.
02:20We're doing a lot more collaborative work with fishermen,
02:23both tagging as well as a lot of outreach and communication,
02:26trying to listen to what they're seeing on the water.
02:28And I think we're saying very wholeheartedly
02:31that people should be eating bluefin.
02:33It's a sustainable fishery, it's well-managed,
02:35and it should be on the menu.
02:37We'll see what happens.
02:38The fog just opened up a little bit here,
02:40so I'm going to send the boys in the tower and start rigging.
02:43As excited as I am to have Brad and John on the boat,
02:46the main focus for me today is to get back in the competition.
02:50I'm behind Easy Does It and Red Rum,
02:52and that does not sit well with me.
02:58Hey, Cap, is that blue boat, is that Joe?
03:02That I don't know. Tyler should be here.
03:05Yeah, that's Tyler going to the north now.
03:08But to the south of him, that looks like that's blue, right?
03:11It does.
03:12So then that's Red Rum.
03:14Recently, Joe and I on the Red Rum teamed up
03:16to share information and keep Tyler in check.
03:19That strategy paid off with a three-fish day.
03:22Right now, we're in the top spot with Joe close behind us.
03:26But we need to stay sharp and make sure
03:28Tyler doesn't sneak up and take it from us.
03:31The first couple weeks, I guarantee you,
03:34they thought they had us dead in the water.
03:36Well, they're not catching any fish, you know what I mean?
03:39And I think as we've been going, Cap,
03:42it's just getting worse and worse,
03:44because now they see that the ball's rolling
03:46and they can't stop us, you know?
03:49We still have every opportunity to end up on top.
03:54After striking out at the start of the season,
03:57strongman Nico changed strategy
03:59to stack up seven big blue fins,
04:02earning him the top spot.
04:04Rivals Joe on the Red Rum and Tyler on Cynthia C2
04:07fight a pitched battle to bridge the gap,
04:10while underdog Dylan and his son Emmett on the Pine Box
04:13must take extreme measures to get back into contention.
04:19Ah, this place is gonna be a zoo in a few minutes, I bet.
04:24Well, everybody caught fish yesterday down in Cape Cod Bay,
04:27so we've decided to come down here and try it.
04:31We're 50-something miles from home
04:33down in the middle of Cape Cod Bay,
04:35not our normal place to fish,
04:37but it's just really far inside, and it's not close to home.
04:41For all these guys, this is like 10 miles from their harbor,
04:45so it's convenient.
04:46So for us to come here, it's kind of a big production.
04:49I came down because Tyler, he called me last night
04:52and told me there were fish here, and, you know,
04:55Cape Cod's good for some people, not so good for others.
04:58We've only got two fish so far,
05:00and with the quota filling up really fast,
05:03chances are running out.
05:04Even though I don't like fishing out of my comfort zone,
05:07I trust Tyler to tell me the truth,
05:09and if there's fish down here, we'll go try it.
05:12Now, what do you think about driving strategy
05:15on these big singles in Cape Cod?
05:17Yeah, you on this one.
05:20Yeah, go ahead.
05:23What's happening?
05:26Bored, out of our minds, as usual.
05:30Well, everything happened yesterday.
05:33So I met Dylan in 2009.
05:35Dylan and I have worked together for years,
05:37and he ended up buying my boat.
05:39The Pine Box was once the Cynthia Sea.
05:41I built the Cynthia Sea from the ground up.
05:43Dylan's very good at what he does,
05:45and he's got a great boat, because I built it.
05:47So I was a little surprised at the number of fish
05:50he caught this year,
05:51so I wanted to let him know what I was seeing down south
05:54so that if he chose, he could come down
05:56and possibly get into the fish.
05:58Anyways, all right, well, we're driving around here.
06:02I don't know why.
06:03Can't wait for the day to end.
06:05All right, I'll talk to you in a bit.
06:08All right, good luck. Go get some more.
06:14Well, we just have to hope they come up.
06:29Tyler, most all your fish sold overseas?
06:32No, I have not exported a fish since 2017.
06:36We used to export 98% of our bluefin,
06:39and now it's down to about 13%.
06:41So how does the U.S. build that local consumption market?
06:44Well, that's what we're trying to do.
06:46It's just a public awareness.
06:48The bluefin is no longer overfished.
06:50And the catch rates are still high,
06:52and I think it's really a success story
06:54that's a testament to basically good fisheries management.
06:57And we're still trying to get over that hump with bluefin
07:00to, you know, let the general public know
07:03that there are U.S. fishermen, your neighbors,
07:05that are doing exactly what Tyler's doing.
07:07When you know where it was harvested and how it was harvested,
07:11it's no different from the farm-to-table dynamic
07:14that just needs to be strengthened.
07:16Bluefin should be on every single restaurant in this area.
07:19I'm assuming you have control?
07:23All right.
07:24I'm really glad that Brad and John
07:26took time out of their schedules today,
07:28so it's crucial that we catch.
07:30I want these NOAA reps to see firsthand
07:32how we capture these fish and understand our process.
07:35We are at a little bit of a disadvantage today, though,
07:37because we don't have our pilot.
07:39Do you have a spotter playing up?
07:41He's in Nantucket right now, and he's fogged in.
07:44You ready, Cap?
07:52I think we got a bunch.
07:54All right, game on.
07:56You got him?
07:57Oh, yeah.
07:58All right.
08:02Good eye, Cap.
08:04What do you got?
08:05I got a single plowing.
08:07I got him, I got him.
08:12Slow the boat down.
08:14Don't terrorize this place awake.
08:17Oh, there's two of them here.
08:19Yeah, all right, I got him, I got him.
08:21Keep going this way, keep going this way.
08:23Perfect, hold it just right there.
08:25Hold it.
08:26I got him.
08:27Start your turn, go right at him.
08:31Easy on the RPM, Cap.
08:33Don't wake this place up too bad.
08:35Oh, he's right over here.
08:39Got him right here, right here, right here.
08:43Jeez, that's a big fish.
08:48I got him, I got him, it's a fish.
08:50Follow my stick, follow my stick.
08:53Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow.
09:03Oh, hit him, hit him, hit him, hit him!
09:07Back it down, back it down, back it down.
09:10Go, go, go, go, go, go.
09:12Okay, good, good, good, good, good, good, good.
09:14Slow down.
09:15Right through the tail.
09:17Just whack that fish right through the tail.
09:18fish right through the tail.
09:18Get down here.
09:19This guy's going fast, Todd.
09:21I'm coming.
09:22Just reach in and go and dump it in about two seconds.
09:34Well, our guests got to see that at least us hit one.
09:36He was going deep.
09:37That fish was 15, 20 feet down when I threw.
09:40So you hit the tail so the shark doesn't quite take the fish.
09:42It went right through the tail.
09:44But the beautiful part is,
09:45when you hit the wiggly end,
09:46they don't tow for long at all.
09:51Yeah, there you go.
09:52Let me get my apron cap.
09:58You feel the weight of the fish, right?
10:00Must've wicked heavy rope.
10:04Okay, tail rope.
10:06Tail rope right here.
10:10Just like that.
10:11That's a fatty.
10:15You ready?
10:16One, two.
10:18Yeah, want to help me, Sean?
10:20It's not that big.
10:21Come on, you dimwit.
10:24Let's go.
10:31Door closed?
10:32Let's do what we do good.
10:38100 even.
10:40I like that length.
10:42No pilot, no problem.
10:43Not bad.
10:44I'd like to see Joe do that.
10:50Half a mile east on Captain Joe's red rope.
10:59Well, Tyler got the first fish of the day.
11:03I figured as much.
11:05I think that's a Cynthia Sea right south of me here.
11:08Yeah, we're fishing right next to him today,
11:11so we gotta catch more than him.
11:13Coming up.
11:15I don't mind.
11:16It's hot now.
11:22Right there.
11:23See it?
11:24See it?
11:25Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
11:28Yeah, I got something gurgling here.
11:30Single bank of water.
11:32Yeah, pay attention.
11:33Go get him.
11:36See him right there?
11:38See him right there?
11:39I think he's way up there.
11:40See that water up there?
11:42I think that's him.
11:44Do you see him?
12:06Yeah, see him?
12:08They're up there.
12:14Coming right now, one o'clock.
12:17Go left and a half.
12:18You gotta start coming left a little bit.
12:20Just a little.
12:30Missed him.
12:34Right there, right there, Joe.
12:34Ahead of us.
12:35Gyno is coming up to your left, Joe.
12:37To your left.
12:38Look down to your left.
12:40Right there, right there, Joe.
12:41Ahead of us.
12:42Gyno is coming up to your left, Joe.
12:44To your left.
12:45Look down to your left.
12:46Look down to your left.
12:53It's good, good.
12:58I don't believe it.
13:01We just saw three big fish running.
13:04We got up on them.
13:05They split up.
13:07There was a gyno coming up.
13:10There was a gyno, which one has a hurt eye,
13:12so it always swims sideways.
13:14And then all of a sudden,
13:14the gyno came from behind the boat,
13:16out in front of us where we were slowed down.
13:17And then we sped back up
13:18and Joey made a great shot on it.
13:20Done, another one in the boat.
13:21Let's go.
13:23Nice hit, man.
13:25Another gyno.
13:27Another gyno, baby.
13:32Repeat, re-rig, repeat, re-rig.
13:35One, oh, three.
13:37Nice, nice hit, buddy.
13:39Nice hit.
13:40Good job.
13:42That's how we roll.
13:43One down, four to go, baby.
13:56Five miles south in Cape Cod Bay,
13:58on the Pine Box.
14:03Tyler's calling, hold on.
14:05Hey, Tyler.
14:06Where you at?
14:08I'm out here, just east of you.
14:10Oh yeah, is that you?
14:11Yeah, I'm east of you, what's up?
14:13Have you seen anything yet?
14:15We saw one patch of wake,
14:16it was definitely tuna, but that was it.
14:19Other than bass, that's all we've seen.
14:21Okay, I haven't seen a while.
14:24Maybe on the tide.
14:27I'll talk to you in a bit.
14:28All right, great, talk to you in a bit.
14:30That's Tyler, he hasn't seen anything.
14:32He got one, but he hasn't seen any fish
14:35in an hour or two,
14:36but he saw something earlier.
14:37I'll be happy to see anything,
14:39the way things are going.
14:40On Tyler's advice, we took a trip to fish part of the bay
14:44we rarely fish, and so far it hasn't paid off.
14:47So I hope it wasn't a stupid decision
14:49to come all the way down here.
14:56There they are.
14:59Fish up, guys.
15:01Which way are they moving?
15:01I think they'll be going to the east-northeast,
15:04maybe right towards us.
15:05Let's just see what they do.
15:06There they go, they're going away from us, just like this.
15:09You're behind them, go straight at them.
15:12Still got them?
15:13I got them.
15:19Slow down and just come over here, Joe.
15:22All right, just take it, oh, there they go, over there.
15:25Speed up a little bit, Joe.
15:29Get behind him.
15:30We gotta go over here and then go in.
15:33Looks like two of them, maybe.
15:35I see one good one, though.
15:37All right, turn on him.
15:39There they go, we're in gear, forward.
15:41Speed up a little, I got color.
15:43That's good.
15:44Which one do you want, though?
15:46Far right, right here.
15:48Right here, come on, Joe, turn, follow my pole.
15:51Oh, my God!
15:54I can't believe I missed that.
15:56That was a big fish, too.
15:57I can't believe I missed him.
16:01That was a huge fish.
16:04It was right there.
16:06Threw it and he just faded and it went right down his side.
16:09Wow, that sucks.
16:10F***, that was a big fish.
16:12I can't believe I missed that.
16:14That was a big fish, too.
16:16I can't believe I missed him.
16:18That was a big fish, I can't believe I missed him.
16:21F***, that sucks.
16:23That was right f***ing hand.
16:25He couldn't have been any closer.
16:27Oh, definitely, you went for the biggest one.
16:29I just saw his weight the best and he was up the highest.
16:33At least they're running, though.
16:36Nice job driving, though, that was totally my fault.
16:40Whiffed that one, that was a complete whiff.
16:50I'm pretty sure that's a bunch, probably about a half a mile or so, 12, 15.
16:56Now, they're not feeding right now.
16:58No, they're digesting.
17:00Yeah, they're digesting.
17:01They're using the upper water level, the warm water to digest, yeah.
17:05Because essentially, they're a warm-blooded animal.
17:07Warm-bodied, yeah.
17:08But they maintain that heat through digestion.
17:11And muscle activity, too.
17:15You got him?
17:17All right, keep going.
17:18It's the reason these bluefin can go to-
17:20Anywhere in the world.
17:22And they're the fastest-moving best predator in cold water because they're much faster,
17:23their eyes are working better, their brain's working better.
17:25See, we can have all this conversation about marine biology.
17:26It's awesome.
17:33You'd never want to have seen those.
17:35How the hell would we ever see those without a plane?
17:36Be good.
17:37Hey, you live in the ocean and nobody ever threw you off a plane?
17:51Oh, my God.
17:54You never would have seen those.
17:57How the hell would we ever see those without a plane?
18:00Is that a fish plowing?
18:03Is that a wake?
18:05All right.
18:07These fish might come right back up.
18:09You didn't spook them.
18:10They went right by it, yeah.
18:11Oh, yeah.
18:14Good spot, Sean.
18:16I never looked that close.
18:17I was just like, what the heck?
18:2012 o'clock.
18:21Going away for now.
18:22All right.
18:23Got him?
18:27Come on, fish.
18:28Still got him.
18:29I got him.
18:30Come on.
18:3111.30, Todd.
18:34There you go.
18:38I have.
18:39I have.
18:40Still got him.
18:41I got him.
18:42Still got him.
18:45I got him.
18:46Still got him.
18:47Still got him.
18:48Down just a little bit.
18:52I don't got nothing.
18:53I got nothing either.
18:54Right here.
18:55Right here.
18:56Right here.
18:57Right here.
18:58Right here.
18:59Right here.
19:00Hit him!
19:01Hit him!
19:02Back it down.
19:03Back it down.
19:04Back it down.
19:05Back it down.
19:06Good job.
19:07Good job.
19:08Good job.
19:15You're going to blow my transmission up, buddy.
19:17We're good.
19:18Dead fish.
19:20What are we doing?
19:21Dead fish.
19:24Dead fish.
19:26Port bow.
19:27Port side.
19:28He took the zap.
19:29Nice stuff.
19:31I don't know if he's just heavy and he's going to the bottom.
19:32I think it's just heavy cap.
19:33Is he there?
19:34Is he still there?
19:35Is he still there, Todd?
19:36I feel.
19:37I don't feel much.
19:38Are you kidding me?
19:39Is he there?
19:40Is he still there?
19:41Is he still there?
19:42Is he still there?
19:43Is he still there?
19:44Is he still there?
19:45Is he still there?
19:46Is he still there?
19:47Is he still there, Todd?
19:48I feel.
19:49I don't feel much.
19:50Are you kidding me?
19:51Oh, yeah.
19:52He's there.
19:54Oh, God.
19:55That was getting the **** out of me.
19:57Work together.
19:58He's coming.
19:59He's coming.
20:00I got deep color now.
20:01Here he comes.
20:02Here he comes.
20:03I stuck him right square in the middle of the back.
20:04He's got mud all in him so he went to the bottom.
20:05Here he comes, here he comes.
20:08I stuck him right square in the middle of the back.
20:11He's got mud all in him, so he went to the bottom.
20:16That was a surprise.
20:19For those fish to stay in like that in that calm water, I was very, very surprised.
20:24Todd's on the wheel now, and he just held me right there as soon as he got color, and
20:28we got a great shot of the fish, hit him at the center mass, exactly where I wanted to,
20:32and I'm tired.
20:34This is like work.
20:36Okay, Todd, guide the head to your, walk backwards, Todd.
20:39Start walking backwards, Todd.
20:41Keep walking backwards, Todd.
20:45Nice job.
20:46Another little one.
20:49Cut the tail, get him bleeding, all that good stuff.
20:51I'm going up.
20:53They're going to be busy for a while, so.
20:55You want to get a quick measurement?
20:59Official measurement.
21:04Back ahead of Joe for the day.
21:06Let's keep it going.
21:08We need another fish cap.
21:09All right.
21:10I'm going to find another one now.
21:14Two for the green boat.
21:17Oh, Tyler's got two?
21:19Yes, sir.
21:21Oh, ****.
21:23I really want to beat Tyler.
21:26I really want that to happen.
21:28I know.
21:33Three miles south on the Easy Does It.
21:42Curious as to where the scientist is.
21:45I'm pretty mystified as to how Tyler snuck by us, you know?
21:49If he did sneak out, where'd he go?
21:51He didn't come up here.
21:53We're in the lead in this competition right now,
21:55and I know Tyler isn't happy about that.
21:57But this is no time to take our foot off the gas.
22:00If we want to finish this thing on top,
22:02we need to keep filling the boat with fish every day.
22:06Is that bait?
22:07I think so, yeah.
22:09It's 11 o'clock.
22:11Are these birds in the water?
22:14I don't think so.
22:16It doesn't look like porpoise.
22:18Oh, yeah, that's porpoise.
22:20Never mind.
22:22What's this right here?
22:24There they are.
22:25There they are.
22:27That's fish.
22:28Oh, yeah.
22:29Go get them, baby.
22:38There they are.
22:39Yep, yep.
22:40Just a little more speed, Jeff.
22:42Give it to him.
22:43Let's go.
22:44Stick me one, baby.
22:46He's going right to left.
22:48There he is.
22:49Oh, it's a tiny one.
22:52That's a baby white shark.
22:56That's one of the smallest ones I've ever seen.
22:59Oh, yeah.
23:00It's like six feet.
23:01Look how graceful he is.
23:07All right, let's get back to work.
23:09Can't let Tyler take the lead.
23:12Try not to fall in the water and get slurped
23:15by a juvenile white shark.
23:17Yeah, wouldn't that be something?
23:20It'd be the story of my f***ing luck.
23:43There goes my phone.
23:46Well, there goes my phone.
23:47It just fell out of the tower.
23:56I'm just going to blame Tyler.
23:59So far today, Tyler and I have been going back and forth.
24:03He got one, then we got one, and now he's got a second.
24:07We came into the day with a small lead,
24:10so at the very least, we have to match him fish for fish.
24:14Hey, Joey!
24:16Why don't you call and see if a tuner answers?
24:20I know the quota is starting to fill up,
24:22so letting our lead over Tyler slip away is not an option.
24:26At this point in the season,
24:28there might not be enough time to get it back.
24:31I don't want the thing anyways.
24:33Oh, that's funny.
24:35Oh, there's a jumper right there.
24:37See some spraying?
24:38Oh, yeah.
24:40I just had a jumper right under you.
24:42I see an old lake right there.
24:44I don't see anything at the end of the week, though.
24:47Oh, I got the fish, I got the fish.
24:4912 o'clock, keep it coming.
24:51Set it up, keep it coming.
24:5312 o'clock now, going away from you.
24:55Probably 12 boats.
24:57All right, let's see here.
24:59We got just to your left at 12 o'clock now.
25:04And 8 or 9 boats.
25:08Then turn it a little more left,
25:10come left to touch some more.
25:12Left a little bit.
25:14Fish are at your 11 o'clock.
25:16Come left, left, left, left.
25:20Steady like that, yep.
25:23Furthest one back is to the right, to the right.
25:26Furthest one back is to the right.
25:28Yeah, you're at 12 o'clock right now.
25:32I'm in the glare.
25:35I just saw the fish over there.
25:37I don't see him.
25:40I don't, I don't see him.
25:42I don't see him. Take him out of here.
25:48I had the fish over there, Joe.
25:52I had color real good.
25:55You weren't there for a while. What happened?
25:58I had the, I could have put, there was a fish right there.
26:01It's all right, it's all right, Mike.
26:03But he had fish that were further back and we couldn't see.
26:06I never picked them up.
26:08Just take it out of here.
26:10Turn, turn the wheel to the right so you're facing the same way the fish were going.
26:16Uh-oh, what's that?
26:18Fish were going.
26:21Uh-oh, what do we got?
26:25Is that them right over there?
26:27They're up there.
26:29Put it back in gear now. Come around to the right.
26:32Left to touch three boats, 11.45.
26:35Not too much.
26:38Stop, stop the boat, stop the boat.
26:40Stop the boat, Mike. Stop the boat.
26:45Just stop the boat. Don't do anything.
26:47Neutral. I just put it in reverse for a second.
26:49Just straightened out.
26:51Yeah, but I didn't know where the fish was.
26:54Good job, buddy.
26:56Good driving.
26:58Now, as long as time doesn't get in the way,
27:00we're going to keep going.
27:02We're going to keep going.
27:04Good driving.
27:06Now, as long as Tyler don't get nothing, we're good.
27:11Joe got another one.
27:14I don't like that.
27:16Good job, buddy.
27:18Nice job, Joey. Nice hit.
27:21Zap, re-rig, repeat.
27:24That was nice, Mark. Talk about patience.
27:27Gotta have it down here, boss.
27:30That was a classic cat-mouse game of them going up,
27:33showing visibility, going down.
27:35And we just were patient, and we did the right thing.
27:38From Mike and Nate up top
27:41to Mark staying on the fish,
27:43and at the end, we got a chance, and we hit it.
27:46Let's go.
27:58Yeah, so he's an inch bigger.
28:00We can get two more.
28:02That would make me happy.
28:07Seven miles east on the Cynthia C2.
28:11So one of the ways that we determine
28:13the stock or origin of the fish is with genetics.
28:16So what we do is we collect a small tissue sample,
28:19usually a piece of muscle meat, and put it in a vial,
28:22take this back to a lab.
28:24We'll look at whether it's an eastern or western origin fish.
28:27We'll be able to determine how old it is.
28:29We'll also be able to determine what sex it is.
28:31We use all that information in our stock assessments.
28:35All right, let me grab a little piece of meat off of...
28:45All right, see if I can get these otoliths.
28:50I'm looking for the otoliths.
28:52Usually the otoliths sit underneath the brain.
28:54Otoliths are what it uses to be able to detect sound.
28:59All right, there's one.
29:01Let's see if I can get the other one.
29:05There's the other one.
29:07And these, we can section, and you can count the rings
29:10that count their age, just like trees.
29:13Our goal is to really advance bluefin science
29:15and maybe even tell us exactly how many are out there.
29:19All right, this is a jump. Let's head outside.
29:22It's too late. We got nothing.
29:24We're stuck here for the day.
29:27An hour and a half just to get out of Cape Cod Bay.
29:30So just look hard, because this is all we got.
29:34It sucks, but this is where we are.
29:36I don't know why I came here.
29:38We're 55 miles down into the bay.
29:41Yeah, I noticed that. I don't know why.
29:43Why'd you go so deep in there?
29:45Yesterday, all through here was all fish.
29:47I never chase old news.
29:49And this is why.
29:51I don't care if they got 500 here yesterday.
29:54This is a boneyard.
29:57I always think when you see them run real good,
29:59it's them leaving, you know?
30:02Oh, maybe they were leaving yesterday.
30:04I don't know.
30:06Today, I'm fishing near Tyler and Cape Cod,
30:09and I feel like it was the wrong decision
30:11because I got boats all around me.
30:13There's no direction I can go and be at peace,
30:15so I'm frustrated with myself for bringing myself here,
30:19and I should know better.
30:23I'm going to try to catch a fish.
30:25I'm going to try to catch a fish.
30:27I'm going to try to catch a fish.
30:29I'm going to try to catch a fish.
30:31I'm going to try to catch a fish.
30:33I'm going to try to catch a fish.
30:35Today, I didn't go to the right place, I guess.
30:38Just a reality of failure.
30:53What's the Tyler report, anything?
30:57Just wait till it's done, I guess. I don't know.
31:00I think of the same thing.
31:01I just don't want to say anything.
31:03I don't want to ask.
31:04I just want to wait till we're done.
31:06It's starting to get late, and Tyler and I both have two fish.
31:10The goal for today was to outfish him in the same area,
31:14and that has not been accomplished yet.
31:16So unless I can get one more in the boat,
31:18I'm not going to be happy.
31:20How's this heading, all right?
31:22Yeah, that's all right.
31:23I see some water right here.
31:24At my 1 o'clock, probably 10 boats.
31:28Is that wake?
31:29There is a boat wake going across there.
31:31Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute.
31:33He's right there at your 1 o'clock.
31:35That is him right there.
31:37Six boats going south.
31:42About four boat lengths now.
31:46I got him. I got color.
31:48Just square it up, Mike, square it up.
31:50Coming to the right, coming to the right.
31:52Coming to the right.
31:54Steady like that, 12 o'clock.
31:57Three boat lengths.
31:59Got color. Just keep on going.
32:02Getting a little weird water.
32:04Getting a little deep, getting deep, getting deep.
32:08Gone, gone, gone.
32:10Take it out of gear, out of gear.
32:14I'm not seeing him.
32:16I'm not seeing him.
32:21Oh, boy, I don't see him.
32:26I don't know if we're going to get a crack at these things.
32:30Hopefully these fish come back.
32:32I got to get another one,
32:34because the only thing I care about right now
32:36is beating Tyler, and that's it.
32:38I don't see him. Do you see him, Mike?
32:41You were going a little too slow there.
32:43How fast were you going?
32:446'6", 6'5".
32:45Try a little faster if we get another shot on this, all right?
32:55Oh, 40, come on.
32:5712 o'clock now.
32:59Coming up good.
33:00They're in the darker green water.
33:02Right 12 o'clock at about 4 boat lengths.
33:05I'm going to spin around.
33:12I see him.
33:13I see him, Joey, on the left side of the riffle there.
33:15See him?
33:163 1⁄2 boats now.
33:2112 o'clock.
33:22Right a touch, right a touch.
33:24Half a boat length, right a touch.
33:26I see him.
33:28Right a touch.
33:45Fish on, fish on!
33:46Fish on!
33:48We got him!
33:49We got a f****** tuna.
33:51It's a bonito!
33:53That's good eating, Thomas.
33:55Oh, baby!
33:56That's a bonito.
33:57What is it?
33:58It's a class of tuna.
34:00It's a smaller class.
34:02Very, very small.
34:04We went from the biggest to the smallest.
34:09Thomas, put him in the ice vat.
34:11Oh, yeah, good idea.
34:13I'm still all pumped up.
34:15Well, take a f****** chill pill, would you?
34:17There's his new home.
34:19I don't mind if I put this on your sandwich.
34:22Good night, little buddy.
34:25Let's get another one!
34:28Coming up good.
34:29They're in the darker green water.
34:31Right 12 o'clock at about 4 boat lengths.
34:34I'm gonna spin around.
34:35I see him.
34:36I see him, Joey.
34:37On the left side of the ruffle there.
34:38See him?
34:39Right a touch.
34:46Got him.
34:47Hit it, hit it.
34:48Back up, back up.
34:54Oh, that's a big fish.
34:55Big fish.
34:57Big Bertha.
34:59Oh, God.
35:00I gotta eat some tubs.
35:03This is exactly what we were hoping for.
35:05We got our third fish and we're back on top of Tyler.
35:08We did it all right next to him so he could watch.
35:12It feels amazing.
35:14Good driving, Nate.
35:16We're up to three.
35:17Let's go.
35:21He's fast.
35:33The biggest benefit to me today was we're able to have some great conversation
35:37about things we've been doing together when it comes to bluefin management
35:42and also the successes that we've had over the last probably 15 years.
35:49I need two lines on the port side.
36:05It's going.
36:12What's going on, Bubba?
36:13Hey, Tyler.
36:14Hey, Tyler.
36:17This one was 100 inches.
36:27All right, let's see what we got here.
36:30Let's have a little bit of that.
36:31Tiny bit showing.
36:32Pella's half decent.
36:34Shape's so-so.
36:35So what do you think?
36:37I'd do $12 a pound for this.
36:39All right, let's get you a dress weight and see what you're getting paid.
36:50437 pounds.
36:52Let's put this on ice and get the second one up.
37:08Well, as you can see, there's not really much to this one.
37:13A little lean, a little sunken belly here.
37:15All you can do is catch it, right?
37:16And hope for the best.
37:18What do you think?
37:20I think we can give you a...
37:23Probably give you seven bucks a pound for this.
37:25I'd appreciate it.
37:26We'll give you a dress weight.
37:27Finish weight on this and...
37:33All right, Tyler, you got 492 pounds.
37:37Let me just get your signature and we all set here.
37:42Thank you very much.
37:43Have a great day.
37:44You as well.
37:45Appreciate it.
37:46Appreciate it.
37:47All right, gents.
37:48The 100.
37:49It actually dressed 437.
37:52We got 12 bucks.
37:54That's good.
37:55And the second one was hard red meat, as you kind of expected, 105.
37:59So we did seven bucks on that.
38:01I'll take it.
38:02Nothing terrible.
38:0312 bucks.
38:04We'll take that one.
38:05Seven bucks average.
38:06Two chases, two fish.
38:07We got them.
38:08That's it.
38:09Nice job.
38:11Let's go.
38:26What's up, Bubba?
38:27What's up?
38:28We got three fish for you today.
38:30What, did Tyler have two?
38:33That's a nice fish.
38:34Today, we got three fish Tyler had two.
38:37We were in the same area, and I feel like that's pretty good that we can outfish him.
38:42You can see when we get in the right area, we'll always be the top boat.
38:46All right.
38:47See what we're looking at.
38:48We're one up on him now, which is great.
38:50Yeah, he got two.
38:51You got three, so.
38:52That's it.
38:53What are you thinking?
38:54I mean, it does have the tiniest, tiniest bit of fat, but nothing to go crazy over.
39:00Any fat's better than no fat.
39:01Especially on a big fish like this, right?
39:04You can do 10 bucks.
39:0510 bucks?
39:06Yeah, $10 a pound for that.
39:08Of course, we want to get a direct weight.
39:09Yeah, we'll dress it real quick.
39:13513 pounds dressed.
39:15513 dressed.
39:16All right.
39:18Fish two coming up.
39:19I love these three fish days, Bubba.
39:21We need to get more of them.
39:22We'll get five.
39:23We're working our way up there.
39:24What do you think, Bubba?
39:25Yeah, I mean, kind of as expected.
39:28He's just by the shape alone.
39:30He already knew there probably wasn't going to be any fat in it.
39:32Color's a little dark, too.
39:34Not the greatest fish, but I can give you six bucks a pound for this.
39:37Six bucks?
39:39All right.
39:40I was hoping for more, but...
39:42We'll get the head and tail off, and we'll wait.
39:48394 pounds.
39:49394 at six bucks.
39:51All right.
39:54Surprisingly, the shape on it's not bad at all.
39:59How's it look, Bubba?
40:01Well, I got pretty good news for you.
40:04It's got a pretty good amount of fat in it.
40:06Wow. All right.
40:07Probably the best out of the three.
40:09I think I can give you probably 20 bucks.
40:1220 bucks a pound?
40:14How about that, huh?
40:15Hey, 20 bucks a pound on that one.
40:1720 bucks.
40:18Wow, we got a fatty, huh?
40:20Let's dress it up and find out what your paycheck is.
40:26538 pounds, Joe.
40:28All right, man.
40:29538, sounds good.
40:31We made $10,000.
40:33This was our biggest day so far,
40:35so we had three nice big fish.
40:37The quote is getting eaten up, though,
40:39so we got to keep on chugging and get more fish fast
40:42before other guys do.
40:44Thank you, Bubba. You're the best, buddy.
40:46No problem. Thank you.
40:48Still anyone's game.
40:49Anyone could be up top,
40:51but all we need is one or two good days.
40:53This was one day. We need more than this.
40:55Let's get some more tomorrow.
40:57Let's roll.
41:02With three fish, including a $10,000 fatty,
41:06young gun Captain Joe on the Red Brum
41:09steals the top spot from Easy Does It
41:11after a weak showing from strongman Nico.
41:14For Captain Tyler, his two low-grade bluefins
41:17aren't enough to put the Cynthia C2 back into contention.
41:21Meanwhile, for Captain Dylan on the Pine Box,
41:24the only thing getting speared is his confidence.