Police.24.7.2024.S02 E05
00:00All individuals are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.
00:04Stop reaching! Do not f***ing reach! I swear to God!
00:09Power lines down. Transformers exploding.
00:14Did you eat fentanyl powder?
00:15Yes, I did.
00:16How much did you eat?
00:17I don't know.
00:19He has nothing to say. He said it's all just a misunderstanding.
00:24It's going to be a fun report to write.
00:31Yo, my head hurts. You got some mud on?
00:35Emergency notification. Physical disturbance at South 3rd ST.
00:41Keeps saying he thinks the male is dead.
00:43Let's go right now. Go, go, go.
00:44Physical disturbance.
00:49There's a call coming in.
00:50Forceps is bleeding profusely from the head.
01:01There's a call coming in.
01:02A third party caller saying they witnessed two people fighting in Greenfield Lake Park.
01:06Our lieutenant got there first as we were leaving the gas station.
01:11Found a guy on the ground with bad head injuries.
01:16He's profusely bleeding from the head.
01:17So me and Florey are going to hightail it over here.
01:23LT, do you have a description?
01:26LT, do you have a description?
01:31This guy is probably running around Greenfield Lake Park somewhere.
01:34Since we're so close, we're going to cut lights and sirens and try to see if the suspect is still around.
01:39If he is still around, we're going to try to catch him off guard.
01:45All right, let me help.
01:49Is he talking?
01:50Yeah, he's talking.
01:52Oh, buddy.
01:55I know it hurts, but why'd Steven do this to you?
01:57You were cooking with him.
01:58You were hanging out.
02:02OK, are you just?
02:04All right, are you just?
02:06He started talking shit, and then what?
02:07He pick up a stick and beat you with it?
02:13He said he was with a group of people, presumably homeless, having a cookout.
02:18He called someone a racial slur, and then in return got hit in the head with a stick.
02:22Luckily, there was someone who called 911.
02:24We saw the whole thing.
02:27Go down that way.
02:28He's got a possible suspect.
02:29He's got a what?
02:31He's getting out with a black male right there.
02:46Come here.
02:48Let's see your hands.
02:53Turn around.
02:54Turn around.
02:55What's her name, man?
02:57Where'd you say the guy we're looking for is?
02:59There's a he over there.
03:01Over where?
03:02What's his name?
03:03I don't know his turn.
03:04I went to the bathroom to use the bathroom, and he knocked him out.
03:07This guy ain't got no blood on him or nothing?
03:09He's wearing red stuff.
03:11Red stuff?
03:12Yeah, he's wearing red pants and stuff.
03:15He's over there.
03:17Nothing to do with him.
03:18EMS is here, OK?
03:20You did good.
03:21You did good.
03:223, 2, 1.
03:29Is it the guy sleeping over there?
03:33That's him?
03:37Hey, fella.
03:41Let's see your hands.
03:47Hop off the bench.
03:48Get off the bench.
03:49Turn away from me.
03:50Turn away from me.
03:51Put your hands behind your back.
03:53Do not move.
03:54If you move, I cannot confirm your safety.
03:55Do you understand?
04:01All right.
04:02You're being detained.
04:03I got you, guys.
04:05What happened tonight, sir?
04:07Have a seat.
04:10We was over there, man.
04:13Cooking on the grill.
04:16And I thought it was cool, man.
04:35Is he a black guy, too, then?
04:37Or is he a white guy?
04:39He's a white guy?
04:53Where are y'all at?
04:58Where's the stick that you hit him with?
05:01Oh, OK.
05:02So you did hit him with a stick.
05:03Basically, started following a blood trail
05:05that led right up to where our witnesses were
05:07saying that the suspect was.
05:09So we located him, got him into custody
05:11without any incident, which is good.
05:13What did he say in the woods?
05:15Did you hit him?
05:17With a stick.
05:20Reference being called the n-word.
05:22That matches up.
05:23Same thing he said.
05:24You see, I called him that.
05:25And then next thing I know, I hit him with a stick.
05:28At this point in time, you're under arrest, all right?
05:30It's definitely a pretty serious crime.
05:32It's going to be assault with a deadly weapon
05:33and inflicting serious injury, which is a felony.
05:38That is my child.
05:39He is getting kids.
05:40He could have gone to jail tonight.
05:42I don't have to tell y'all my name.
05:45We're past that.
05:46That feels like pills to me.
05:48Like, I saw her above the tree.
05:50Her car got tased, dude.
06:09I'm Officer Cochran with the Beaverton Police Department.
06:12Today's the first day of our fall rotation.
06:15So some people switch schedules.
06:17I went from graves all year to swings.
06:21I'm excited for the different calls.
06:23We're going to have a lot more active calls that
06:25require more resources, canines, all of the fun tactical things.
06:37It's 8 PM, so swings is rolling into graves.
06:41So much earlier in the shift before I was on,
06:44Officer Stubbs spotted Cadillac with three occupants.
06:49He knew their behavior was weird.
06:51Sounds like he spent about seven to eight hours watching them
06:55and trying to get stops on them and playing the cat and mouse
06:59But they had walked onto Powerline Trail, which is THPRD.
07:03So we have a trespassing agreement with them.
07:06So you can't be out there after dusk.
07:09So we'll see how compliant they are
07:12and if they're willing to chat with him or if they walk away.
07:16So we're going to head over there.
07:21It sounds like one walked away.
07:23The other two stayed.
07:37Hi, guys.
07:38Sir, what's your first name?
07:41Kirby? It's good to meet you, Kirby.
07:42I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot.
07:43What brings you all the way out to Beaverton?
07:45I was hanging out.
07:46Just figured you'd walk into our parks in the middle of the night,
07:48just looking straight into the trees.
07:50I didn't know it was closed.
07:52I'll get it sorted out.
07:53I'll be honest with you guys.
07:54Based on the behavior, I think we're going to have some issues.
07:56Can you guys just be up front with me
07:57and let me know what I'm about to run into with dispatch?
08:00Are they going to tell me that somebody has a warrant here?
08:02No, I might.
08:03OK. Thanks, man.
08:04I'm going to have you take a seat, all right?
08:06Ma'am, how about you?
08:07Sir, are you going to have anything like a warrant
08:09that I'm going to find out about?
08:12The pacing, the heavy breathing, I've seen that before.
08:14I'm sorry.
08:15I'm going to have to go ahead.
08:2310-4, that's a match.
08:25You got some warrants, ma'am,
08:26but I think the good news is we'll just get you a ticket.
08:28All right?
08:29It shouldn't be a big deal.
08:30Just curious about the female, huh?
08:37Here's the deal.
08:38Kirby, I want you to remain seated,
08:39and then I want you to drop all those bags
08:40off to your right shoulder.
08:41I can't verify who you are, and you're purely
08:43lying to me about some aspects.
08:44And so I'm going to put you in handcuffs
08:45and try to figure it out.
08:50This isn't fair.
08:52I think it's very fair.
08:53You're not really telling me the truth.
08:55Yes, I am.
08:56This is bull-ass.
08:58All right.
08:59My partner's going to walk with you.
09:00Kirby, I'm going to walk with you.
09:01We're going to head back towards my car.
09:02All right.
09:03Let's leave the way, Kirby.
09:15It's Sarah?
09:17What's her last name?
09:18If I told you that we just spoke with Sarah,
09:20she's in bed, would that surprise you?
09:25Can we be real now, please?
09:28Did I get Chantel right?
09:34Chantel, you are under arrest.
09:35So go ahead and face that tire palm.
09:39Nothing that's going to poke us, stick us?
09:42Nothing hiding in your bra?
09:43Are you wearing a shirt under?
09:49All right.
09:50Hold on for one second.
09:51I'll bring him out.
09:52Sit back.
09:54All right.
09:55We're going to take a seat in the car.
09:57All right.
10:00All righty.
10:02All right.
10:03Yeah, yeah.
10:04I'm going to put this over here in your bag.
10:05Is that cool?
10:08Go ahead and set up your stuff for the bumper there.
10:09I'm going to take the cuffs off.
10:10When I do, don't hit me or punch me or do anything crazy,
10:11all right?
10:15All right, you're good, Kirby.
10:16Any questions from you?
10:18All righty.
10:19Take care.
10:22What's going on?
10:23The door's coming open.
10:24Watch out.
10:28Is there something falling asleep?
10:29What's going on?
10:32I'm getting concerned because you're not responding to me.
10:33I'm going to Narcan you to make sure that there's
10:35no effects of this, that you continue to get worse.
10:38Do you need Narcan right now?
10:43I need a verbal yes or no.
10:45Otherwise, I'm making that decision.
10:48Did you eat fentanyl powder?
10:50Yes, I did.
10:51How much did you eat?
10:52I don't know.
10:53When did we eat it?
10:56When it was dark?
11:00Medical's here.
11:01They're going to do a quick examination,
11:02and then we're going to continue about our process.
11:04All right?
11:05Hi, there.
11:08What's your name?
11:09What's your name?
11:16And her pupils are full.
11:18I mean, from where we're at right now, there's no sign
11:23that she's overdosing.
11:25This is one of those things.
11:26I agree.
11:27I am inclined to believe that this is all a show.
11:30But if it's not medically necessary, and you're just like,
11:32no, then I'm not doing your job.
11:34At this point, even though she did take,
11:36she's nonstop, she's high, but she doesn't seem
11:39acutely overdosed.
11:41All right?
11:42All in jail?
11:46Thank you, guys, for all the help.
11:47I appreciate it.
11:49They know that most jails won't take them
11:53if they say anything about fentanyl,
11:55just because they can overdose on it so easily.
11:58So she went from being perfectly fine to fake spitting
12:02on herself and acting like she was unresponsive.
12:05She wasn't showing any signs of overdose.
12:08She just doesn't want to go to jail tonight.
12:11Oh, yeah, we got power lines down.
12:14The female was the victim.
12:15The female's hair kind of embedded up in the windshield here.
12:18That dog's been in there all day.
12:19All you left was powdered donuts.
12:21Yeah, I stepped on it.
12:22I'm thirsty.
12:23I'd advise you find the dog.
12:24See if they can track it, you know?
12:26Yes, sir.
12:27I see the lipstick there.
12:28Boys, when we're done trying to figure it out,
12:29get the walkway out of here,
12:30we'll bring them up, all right?
12:31All right.
12:33Yes, sir.
12:35If you have complaints, make sure you reach out to him.
12:39I got your phone number.
12:40To you.
12:42Where are you?
12:43I'm in here.
12:44I need my problems solved for,
12:45and we can meet up here again, so...
12:47All right.
12:48We'll be right back, thank you!
12:49See you yourself.
12:50See you later.
12:51Las Vegas lifestyle number 19.
12:54All right.
13:052TN is this Cynthia?
13:07Was that Cynthia?
13:08Do you have an ID?
13:10I don't have this.
13:132FM ID.
13:14Where are you guys going?
13:16Where are you going?
13:17We want to visit.
13:19Visit family?
13:22All right.
13:22One second, OK?
13:25Who are you to each other?
13:27Like friends or what?
13:29Or about her?
13:35Who else are you driving with?
13:37He's your brother-in-law?
13:38And who is she?
13:40She's married to him?
13:45So how do you know him?
13:48His sister's your wife?
13:51Where's your wife?
13:54Where are you guys going?
13:59Whose fiance?
14:02His fiance?
14:06Where is she at?
14:10West Palm Beach?
14:14OK, whose car is this?
14:16Registered to you?
14:22What's going on?
14:23What's going on here?
14:24What happened?
14:25Where are you going?
14:27Aki, you want to call Border Patrol?
14:30Over here.
14:36Over here.
14:41This girl, like, she's acting weird.
14:44Yeah, she's super.
14:45I don't know if she's pretending to not speak English or what,
14:47but she seems more nervous than anyone else in the car.
14:50Also, like, what's weird to me watching her right now
14:53is the distance between them.
14:55She's standing there like, I don't know these guys.
15:05So were you guys all going to stay down there for a while,
15:07or what was the plan?
15:11Like, for a day, for a week?
15:13No, just for tonight.
15:16She all right?
15:17Can you ask her if she's OK?
15:20You OK?
15:51Aki, you look at me.
15:58Yeah, this is a smuggling case.
16:00She was saying that the driver is married to her sister, right?
16:05Yeah, the driver didn't know his wife's name.
16:07Gave a different name.
16:10At this point, it appears that this has been
16:13a human smuggling incident.
16:14So Border Patrol is going to take over
16:16the investigation from here.
16:17What are y'all doing?
16:18Y'all going to tow the vehicle, or what?
16:19Oh, yeah.
16:21This is a final stop.
16:22I mean, we're out here doing interdiction
16:23today, in particular.
16:25Doesn't just mean drugs.
16:26Doesn't just mean guns.
16:27And this happens also to human smuggling,
16:29which is also a huge issue, which
16:30has been going on for years.
16:44Sounds like a disturbance.
16:50It turned into someone trying to get away.
16:53They crashed their car.
16:57They've got some significant, like, power lines down.
16:59Transformers exploding.
17:01Sounds like chaos.
17:03Oh, yeah, we got power lines down.
17:09They crashed out back there, but we don't have anyone
17:11going to the original reporting party.
17:12So I'm going to swing back that way.
17:14Here's our crash out.
17:15So what I don't want to do is roll up
17:16on a power line that's downward.
17:20You want us behind it, Sarge?
17:43The triple three officers of I&R are out with AMR,
17:46back at Domino's.
17:47They're the ones that called.
17:48So he was cleaning out his car.
17:49Right on this corner, looking for his keys.
17:51I saw he was kind of frustrated.
17:54I saw her on the phone.
17:56Ran around the back of the car and just.
17:59Do you even know what's happening?
18:01What was going on?
18:05OK, what's the bad situation?
18:07We'll call you if you need anything else.
18:08Thanks, brother.
18:09Thanks, man.
18:09Appreciate it.
18:10Have a good night, guys.
18:13This guy randomly got frustrated and punched
18:17his girlfriend in the head.
18:18The medic yelled at him.
18:20And then he took off down the road,
18:22where we tried to stop him.
18:24And he eluded, lost control of his car,
18:27crashed into a telephone pole.
18:28And now the female half is trapped in a bush down here.
18:38You got called in that you're beating your girlfriend.
18:41And then when I pulled up, I saw your vehicle taking off.
18:44And then you didn't stop for us.
18:45Are you just drunk?
18:46And you didn't want to stop?
18:49Why didn't you want to stop?
18:52We were getting updates that there was possibly
18:55a domestic in a parking lot.
18:57I saw it driving pretty fast, caught up to it, lit it up.
19:00I saw him and her in the car.
19:02He continued.
19:04And then the vehicle crashed out.
19:05And he just said he was scared of us, didn't want to stop.
19:08And that it was all just a misunderstanding.
19:12He was in the back of my car, maybe his neighbor's car.
19:15His nose is broken, super bloody face.
19:17I don't really see any signs of impairment.
19:22My only piece of this pie so far
19:24has been this car, which I thought was initially involved.
19:26Turns out, I think this lady was just driving.
19:28And she didn't realize the power lines
19:29were down in front of her.
19:30And they just clotheslined her car.
19:32Oh, on the power lines?
19:33She's like, my car twisted and spun and flipped everywhere.
19:36And her side airbags are all deployed.
19:38And her crash notification went off.
19:39So her car basically got like, just zzzz.
19:42Her car got tased, dude.
19:44I was going 25 miles an hour.
19:45You hit those cables.
19:47And your whole car went up in the air.
19:50And did like a whole flip.
19:51It did flip.
19:52And came down.
19:54That's insane.
19:55And you're OK?
19:56Luckily, I came down this way.
19:57I'm telling you, I was over there watching.
19:59Like, she was above.
20:00Like, I saw her above the tree.
20:02Like, end over end?
20:04Yeah, like, whoop, like this.
20:05Like, I was swayed.
20:07I'm glad you're OK.
20:09Have you seen anybody get clotheslined before?
20:11Not in a car.
20:14Yeah, first off, he's got a lot of blood.
20:16So you have a bunch on the driver's side airbag.
20:17Get a bunch all around the driver's side seat,
20:19center console.
20:23And then not a ton over here.
20:24So our understanding right now is the female is the victim.
20:27And the male is the aggressor.
20:30You can see the female's hair kind of embedded up
20:32in the windshield here on the inside.
20:34So her head struck the window pretty hard.
20:37He said all that happened is he lost his keys.
20:40Which makes sense of what Amar said.
20:42Because he was like, tossing and turning the car.
20:44Like, looking for stuff.
20:46But then he said for the cop lights,
20:48he was just scared and didn't know what to do.
20:51But like, no restraining order, no PC crimes.
20:56I don't know.
20:59So multiple charges for him.
21:01Assault and a lewd.
21:02He is going to jail.
21:05Do not reach down.
21:06Don't be stupid and reach around.
21:07I'm not playing with you.
21:09I have a one-month-old sitting inside of a bar.
21:12I got to talk to you.
21:14He's petrified.
21:15You got to get some water in him.
21:37I'm training for like a mini triathlon.
21:40So meat only, no carbs, no fruit.
21:44It's like the best I ever felt.
21:46I lost weight.
21:48I have three weeks to go.
21:50So I'm like, interested to see at the end of three weeks,
21:53like, how I'm going to feel.
21:57I don't know if that was a charger that passed by,
22:00the blue one.
22:01The tint kind of looked a little dark.
22:03I'm just going to try and get this tag real quick.
22:07Yeah, they're on the wrong side of the road, dude.
22:09Going down low water.
22:10Let's get them stopped.
22:13That driver was completely on the wrong side of the road,
22:16coming down here, going into a turn.
22:19And they're flying.
22:22So it's the 25-mile-an-hour zone.
22:25284, 10-35.
22:32Collegiate in low water, black sedan.
22:36Something's weird here.
22:39Hey, can you all, can you roll this back window down for me?
22:49Hey, what's up, man?
22:50What's up, Richie?
22:52Officer Cush, Wilmington Police Department.
22:54We just had a stop as you were on the other side of the road.
22:56Man, I dropped my phone, man.
22:57Dropped your phone?
22:58Yeah, I was trying to grab my phone.
22:59All right.
22:59Get in the car, dude.
23:01Get in the car.
23:02It's ready for another unit, please.
23:04Hey, stop reaching.
23:05Do not, do not reach.
23:07I swear to God.
23:08Do not reach out.
23:10Don't be stupid and reach around.
23:11I'm not playing with you.
23:12No, I'm sure.
23:13Look, look.
23:13I ain't doing nothing stupid.
23:14Stop moving, passenger.
23:16No, I'm sure.
23:16Have the other unit step it up.
23:18Step it up?
23:18Well, yeah, he was about to shoot my boy.
23:21Well, I don't know what your boy's reaching for.
23:23Why am I being searched when I'm a passenger?
23:25Because he's got weed on you, dog.
23:27Sitting on a pile of weed, that's why.
23:29Hey, keep your hands up.
23:32What are you doing?
23:33Sit in the car.
23:35I mean, how many times do I have to tell you to keep your hands up?
23:39Not right now.
23:41Your boy's tripping right now.
23:43He can't listen to simple instructions.
23:46You do anything stupid except for you step out of the car.
23:53You go home.
23:54You don't want to let me out.
23:56In a second.
23:59Face the car.
24:01Spread your feet.
24:02Look how they're doing.
24:03Face the car.
24:03Spread the feet.
24:04Get out.
24:05Face the car for me.
24:05Put your hands behind your back.
24:07Am I nervous?
24:08No, right now.
24:08You're just detained.
24:09Hey, Corey, we got a clip off him in his pocket.
24:12Why are we even two being searched when we're in a passenger seat?
24:18Step back here.
24:19Obviously, you're under arrest for possession
24:20and controlled substance right now, OK?
24:22Take a seat.
24:25All right, so a passenger here had a clip, about probably 10 bags of heroin or fentanyl
24:32in his pocket.
24:33There's weed in the back seat.
24:34So we'll go from here, see what's up.
24:37You had a bunch of cash on him.
24:38So it is indicative of the street level sales, potentially.
24:40So we'll see if we can find anything else.
24:42I don't have to tell you guys my name.
24:44I'm a passenger.
24:45I'm under arrest.
24:46I'm on pretrial.
24:47Yeah, I already know your name.
24:48So you don't even have to tell me.
24:49That's what I'm saying.
24:50You know my name?
24:51Yeah, but before I even walked up to the car,
24:54I could smell the weed coming from it, which gives us PC.
24:56I understand that.
24:57So you know the drill.
24:58You know what I'm saying?
24:59We're not doing anything new to you.
25:00I don't have to tell y'all my name.
25:02Me, Orstridge.
25:03Don't even have to say my name.
25:03OK, we're past that.
25:05Front passenger's got all this cash,
25:08and then probably about 10 bags, maybe.
25:11So he had that in his pocket.
25:13And then a bunch of cash.
25:15I don't know who it is in the back.
25:17He's on, he's got an ankle monitor on.
25:19He's on post-release.
25:19But I'm being detained, sir.
25:21Yeah, you're being detained about what's in the car.
25:26Rear passenger had a blunt.
25:27Corey, too.
25:28I'm grabbing all that stuff right now.
25:30It all spilled out right here on the seat.
25:32I mean, it's not a ton.
25:33It looked like I saw the bag.
25:35And some in here.
25:36But it's not.
25:37I mean, it's not a ton.
25:39But front dude, that's going to be PW'd.
25:43It's like, it's only like 10 bags, too.
25:45But he's got hundreds, multiple denominations.
25:49I thought they were going to run, Corey.
25:50Me, too.
25:51I did not think that car was stopping.
25:54I was shocked.
25:56I don't have to tell y'all my name at all.
25:59I don't have to be, I'm not even supposed to be right here detained.
26:02No, you smell, no, that doesn't smell like slushy.
26:05It smells like certain medicine, bro.
26:06Oh, yeah.
26:09Oh, yeah, that reeks.
26:16It didn't feel like your boxes.
26:23Nah, man, that's pills.
26:28That feels like pills to me, so.
26:34Come on.
26:43We going to fully strip search you at the station, all right?
26:49I mean, you can be straight up with me right now.
26:52That's it.
26:52That's all you had.
26:53That's what I got.
26:54I don't got nothing else on me.
26:55We going to check, but.
26:58So the other passenger had pills in his car.
27:01Some of those are in the oxycodones.
27:03And then the other ones, they resemble clonazepam,
27:06but we'll test and make sure, see if they are.
27:09So we have, well, so it's not alcohol.
27:10It's promethazine.
27:12So it's lean.
27:13It's either going to be heroin or fentanyl inside the bindles.
27:15We have the baggie with cocaine residue in it.
27:20So there was cocaine at some point.
27:23Oxycodone and the clonazepam.
27:26So at least five substances out of it right now.
27:29And we'll see what else we got.
27:33Hey, do you want me to cite so you
27:35can focus on what you got to do?
27:36I mean, that's the only thing.
27:38And then we'll release him.
27:39I don't think he's going to go.
27:40He's going to get out of here with the ticket.
27:41All right, court dates, September 4.
27:44We got all the drugs.
27:46We got all the cash, all the phones.
27:50That's the most important thing.
27:51That's like three essentials.
27:53Phones, cash, drugs.
27:55Get that in transport, head down there.
27:59Crap boys over here are like, what's going on?
28:01They got lawn chairs set up.
28:02Oh yeah.
28:04That's a good pop though, dude.
28:09This is going to be a fun report to write.
28:11That's an inch.
28:29My name is Jacob Agamotham.
28:31I'm a sergeant with the Putnam County Sheriff's Office.
28:34I'm fifth generation.
28:36I'm born and raised here.
28:37And every single day I come to work,
28:39I strive to make Putnam County a better place,
28:42every single day.
28:45Go ahead.
28:48Trying to fill you in here.
28:49Came to this call for the civil dispute.
28:51There's a dude outside the bar was like,
28:53this dude ran up on me and battered me,
28:57in a sense grabbed him.
28:58There's a child here.
29:00The lady that has the child isn't
29:02supposed to have the child.
29:03She admitted that DCM took the kid.
29:06So I don't know how she got the kid.
29:07I don't know that answer.
29:10All right.
29:11I'll be there in just a minute, man.
29:12Yes, sir.
29:13All right, bye.
29:13None of this is adding up.
29:15What is anybody in their right mind doing,
29:17bringing a one month old baby to a bar at 11 o'clock at night?
29:23I have to figure that out.
29:35All right, so when you first got here.
29:37I came up here to get my child.
29:39What do you do when your kid gets taken
29:41and she's not allowed to have them?
29:43You just sit at home.
29:44I came up here to come get them.
29:46And I'm getting kicked out.
29:47I'm going to jail.
29:49What did you do when you came up here and you talked to them?
29:51I called you.
29:52What happened with the interaction between you
29:53and the gentleman that was standing over there?
29:55I didn't do nothing, man.
29:56There's no reason why they should have my kids.
29:58He is getting kidnapped.
30:00That is my child.
30:01I didn't do nothing.
30:07This gentleman right here in the black shirt,
30:09he's the one who got battered.
30:11He walked up, asked him what he was going on about.
30:13And apparently, he started swinging on him.
30:15And he came back for a second, get around,
30:17and just grabbed his shirt, tried to swing on him again.
30:19That guy walked up here and did that?
30:21That's why he's detained at the moment,
30:23because he wants to press charges.
30:24And then we got the issue of the child in there.
30:27We don't know what the safety plan is.
30:29I doubt bringing the baby to a bar is the safety plan.
30:32Basically, there's a parenting plan
30:34in place by the Department of Children and Families
30:35where the mother can't watch the baby by herself.
30:39She has to have a approved person with her at all times
30:42any time she's with the baby.
30:43I got to talk to you.
30:47So how did you get here?
30:50My friend, Chelsea.
30:53And is there, like, 50-50 custody?
30:57Or, like, what's the custody?
30:58It's 50-50.
30:59I'm just not allowed to be alone with him,
31:01so I have to have somebody with me.
31:02She has been here, yeah.
31:04She took him out of the car.
31:05And then how did we end up here at Farmhouse?
31:08Because he kind of got drunk and angry,
31:11so I did what I could motherly thing to do,
31:14is take my kid and leave.
31:16This is who you're talking about?
31:17I'm working right now, but I got 30 minutes.
31:19And I told him I was going to get the baby safe.
31:21Brett said they're closing early.
31:22He knows the baby's safe, so.
31:25I told him, so grab it.
31:26I understand.
31:27I understand.
31:27But why is there even a DCF open case?
31:30Because I tried to kill myself.
31:32I was like, I need to get this shit over with.
31:36And then are you and him not together anymore?
31:40Is that why there's a dispute going on?
31:43We're working things, but this happens.
31:46The mom left with the baby.
31:49Had somebody come pick her up, and they came up here
31:52so that the mother could get away from the child's father
31:54because he was intoxicated.
31:56Hey, I have a little bit of a situation out here.
32:00I have a one-month-old sitting inside of a bar.
32:03The quote, unquote, person that's
32:05supervising the visitation is a friend
32:08who works here at the bar.
32:09Yeah, I know all about that one.
32:11She's definitely supposed to be supervised with that baby.
32:15But I wouldn't give a baby to a drunk guy, so.
32:17And that's what the mom's saying.
32:19He showed up here and got into a fight.
32:20So he is going to jail.
32:22But I just don't feel real comfortable
32:24leaving a one-month-old at a bar with the mother who is
32:29already under a safety plan.
32:30Will you just either call or text
32:32to let me know where the baby goes?
32:34Yes, ma'am, I will.
32:34If I need anything else, I'll give you a call.
32:36I appreciate you so much.
32:38It grinded my gears a lot that a one-month-old
32:40was sitting at a bar, given the circumstances of there already
32:44being a safety plan in place.
32:46Those people who have been, like, screened and everything,
32:48those are the only people I can supervise your visitation
32:51with that baby.
32:53Can I call my mom?
32:54Yes, you can.
32:55Can you put on speaker for me?
32:57My name is Sergeant Higginbotham with the Sheriff's
32:59Office here in Putnam County.
33:01You're one of the pre-approved safety personnel
33:03for the safety plan?
33:05Yes, sir.
33:06The child's grandmother agreed that she would take over
33:08watching for the baby tonight.
33:10So the baby's going to be going to grandmother's house?
33:14You got a lot going on.
33:15Yeah, I have this number on.
33:17All right.
33:17But we have resources.
33:19You could have called the Sheriff's Office, OK?
33:23I don't want to see you get in trouble over a miscommunication
33:28because you could have gone to jail tonight.
33:32Trying to look at it as a whole picture and piece by piece.
33:36A physical arrest wasn't warranted on the mother.
33:39I think she is trying.
33:41I really do.
33:42And had a lapse in judgment.
33:43But she has formula.
33:45She has diapers.
33:47She even remembered to grab, you know, gripe water for gas.
33:53You got to take emotions out of this because we all
33:56raise kids a little different.
33:58And the way she may raise the baby is not the way that, say,
34:01I would.
34:02The Department of Children and Families
34:03is going to follow up on this case tomorrow.
34:05Obviously, our report for the child's father's arrest,
34:09along with all the other events that took place here,
34:11I'll also get forwarded to DCF for further follow up.
34:28Look at the dog.
34:29The dog was in the backseat of that car.
34:31He was laying his head on the glass.
34:32It was cool.
34:33I'm a simple man.
34:35Yeah, just me, a cigar, a nice truck, and a dog.
34:38I'll be happy.
34:39There you go.
34:41So we are on our way to another one of our local hotels
34:45for a dog locked in a vehicle.
34:47The dog's been locked in the vehicle all morning.
34:50It's been at least eight hours, so pretty hot.
34:52If the dog's in distress, and if it's to the point
34:55where we can't contact anybody, we're
34:57going to have to find ways and means to be able to get
35:00that dog out of there.
35:01And then animal control will take the dog.
35:03Animal control takes it very seriously.
35:05So do I. I have two dogs of my own, so.
35:07So how big is it?
35:09Black SUV parked next to a white box
35:11trailer in the parking lot.
35:12104, dispatch, we're on scene.
35:25Check it out.
35:39Hey, buddy.
35:41Window's open.
35:45Door's open.
35:48He's petrified.
35:49But I don't have a leash.
35:52104, dispatch.
35:53Do we have any contact with animal control?
35:56Truck is open, but he's underneath the floorboards,
35:58and he looks extremely scared and possibly dehydrated.
36:01Hang tight, buddy.
36:02Looks like he's been in here for quite some time.
36:05He's panting.
36:06Looks like he may be a little dehydrated.
36:09He got to get some water in him.
36:11I don't know what we can feed it to him in.
36:13We'll have to manage it.
36:15Do you have any, like, little bowls or anything?
36:17Do you have any good stuff for him?
36:23Hey, buddy.
36:24Wait, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
36:25Wait a minute.
36:27There's med spoons in there, so that doesn't help.
36:29Hey, buddy.
36:32Hey, bud.
36:33Need some water?
36:39Yeah, he's definitely thirsty.
36:42There you go.
36:42He's like a fountain now.
36:45Good stuff.
36:46Drink up, buddy.
36:48Is he staying here?
36:49Yeah, I think that's it.
36:50OK, what room are they in?
36:53I think we can relate to each other.
36:58I think we're making friends here.
37:10So she left him in there?
37:13Hi, do you own the Tahoe?
37:16You have the dog out there?
37:19OK, I have animal control coming.
37:22No, no, no, they're coming.
37:23They're coming.
37:26That dog's been in there all day.
37:27That dog's panting like crazy.
37:28And all you left was powdered doughnuts.
37:32There's no water in there anywhere.
37:35You OK?
37:37What's wrong?
37:39OK, but your pupils are real small.
37:41You've been doing dope?
37:43My husband, Ben.
37:45OK, yeah.
37:46He told me today that he didn't care what happened to me.
37:50I deserved to be out on the streets.
37:52But you can't leave him in there like that.
37:54I understand that.
37:55I know that.
37:55I mean, he's underneath the steering wheel panting.
37:59If I can get that leash, I can take him out.
38:00That'd be fantastic.
38:01All right, thank you.
38:04So animal control is en route.
38:05We're probably going to get some citations, possibly.
38:09And then whatever they decide, they decide.
38:11I can't do anything else about that.
38:18Come on, buddy.
38:20There you go.
38:20Oh, good boy.
38:22He is happy to be out of there.
38:26He's beautiful.
38:27This could be my new partner right here.
38:29I may replace Camacho.
38:31Oh, good boy.
38:32Oh, yeah.
38:34I'd keep him as a partner.
38:40How's it going?
38:42The dog's been inside the car with no water, no nothing.
38:45And she said, oh, there's water in there.
38:46We saw there's no water in there.
38:47He's been super chill, super calm.
38:49He's super nice.
38:49He walks up to you.
38:50He doesn't even give you any problems.
38:51I told her you were going to talk to her.
38:53Yeah, we'll put him on the track right now.
38:56Please don't take him.
38:57Come on.
38:58If she gives you an opportunity to go ahead and get him back,
39:01that's up to her.
39:01Such a good boy.
39:02I don't deal with any of that.
39:03And once she takes him, it's all on her.
39:05I need that leash.
39:07You need the leash back?
39:08Yeah, it's for a different dog.
39:10She just let him use it.
39:11Is the collar his?
39:12Yeah, he had the collar on already.
39:19I'm sure you will talk to her about how
39:21to get the dog back if you can.
39:23So this is your dog?
39:25OK, honey.
39:25Here, come on over here.
39:26So anything over 80, it's considered PTSD.
39:34So I am going to have to issue sanitations today.
39:38Did you know I just?
39:39Yes, ma'am.
39:40Unfortunately, not knowing doesn't excuse from breaking.
39:47I'm going to get these written up real quick,
39:49and then I'll be right with you.
39:52So you're getting what?
39:52Cruelty to the dog?
39:54One ticket for that?
39:55Yeah, that's right.
39:55And then one ticket for the rabies?
39:57So true.
40:00I'll leave your dog in the car.
40:02You know, this is probably the best outcome for him for now
40:05until she gets her stuff put back together and back in order.
40:08It's unfortunate.
40:09I mean, dogs are, you know, a man or a woman's best friend.
40:11But you've got to treat them like that, too.
40:13Leaving them inside of a hot car is not that.
40:15Thanks, sir.
40:16Oh, good boy.
40:17You get some sleepies.