Survivor S48 E02
00:00:00Welcome to Survivor 48.
00:00:08Previously on Survivor.
00:00:11Oh, there's a turtle on this guy.
00:00:13There's symbols, ladders, ropes.
00:00:16We gotta eat.
00:00:18All of which I have no idea what we're doing with them.
00:00:21This is something very personal.
00:00:23I have autism.
00:00:25This is kind of bigger than the game now.
00:00:27You're the person I trust the most.
00:00:29I have made a decision.
00:00:31She's with me.
00:00:34Please be right.
00:00:36My heart is racing.
00:00:39This is my first immunity item.
00:00:44Us three and Justin are four.
00:00:46We are voting Steph.
00:00:48For me, my priority is trust.
00:00:50Yeah, I would put Saige.
00:00:55First vote, Saige.
00:01:00First person voted out of Survivor 48.
00:01:08Time is spoken.
00:01:25Mary, you want to talk tonight or tomorrow?
00:01:27Why don't we just all talk right now?
00:01:29I had a feeling that I should vote Steph.
00:01:31What did she say to you that made you feel comfortable to vote me?
00:01:34She's been throwing your name out for a while.
00:01:38I have no hard feelings about it. I'm okay.
00:01:41I don't know about that.
00:01:43I put her name down.
00:01:45Nobody is gonna be like, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's fine.
00:01:49And honestly mean it.
00:01:51I mean, you lied to my face.
00:01:53But you also lied to my face.
00:01:55I thought we were all gonna vote for Saige.
00:01:58However, I got got.
00:02:00I got got.
00:02:02But I didn't get as got got as Steph did.
00:02:05But you guys, this five, you gotta stay strong.
00:02:08We do. We just gotta win.
00:02:10We need to have a challenge.
00:02:12I think this is a good group.
00:02:14We can grow. We can be healthier.
00:02:16Establish a healthier relationship.
00:02:18I would like that. For sure.
00:02:20Of course.
00:02:21But what I wasn't expecting was my name.
00:02:27I don't trust Mary. I don't think I'll ever trust Mary.
00:02:30I want her to think that I don't hold grudges, but I hold grudges.
00:02:34It's all water under the bridge.
00:02:36But you gotta look forward.
00:02:38I am the one in control right now.
00:02:40My idol keeps me safe.
00:02:42My core four keeps me safe.
00:02:44And if we do go back to tribal council,
00:02:47Mary's head is on the chopping block.
00:02:50Good night, Mary.
00:02:54Good night.
00:02:55Good night.
00:03:24Good night.
00:03:25Good night.
00:03:55Obviously, all of our feet look haggard out here.
00:04:08But my feet are so grown.
00:04:10I'm telling you, that left foot is like crazy looking.
00:04:15I'm embarrassed.
00:04:17That you're embarrassed about?
00:04:18I can name a dozen other things you should be embarrassed about.
00:04:21Shut up about my toe, Chrissy.
00:04:23Oh, it's staring at me right now.
00:04:26Nobody's perfect.
00:04:27Even someone such as myself.
00:04:28See, you know what?
00:04:29We are born with our imperfections.
00:04:31There's no shame.
00:04:32We're busting out our body parts.
00:04:34We are just, we're family.
00:04:37We're family.
00:04:38So, fun fact, I have four nipples.
00:04:42Oh, okay.
00:04:44Come on, man.
00:04:46That's a little weird.
00:04:47Okay, sorry.
00:04:48I have four nipples.
00:04:49That is so wild.
00:04:51I got four nipples.
00:04:52All right, they don't look like it because they got removed when I was, like, 12 years old.
00:04:56But, hey, you know what?
00:04:57Maybe that's why I like milk so much.
00:04:58I don't know.
00:04:59I'm not going to say I wish I could milk myself or anything, but maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing.
00:05:05Okay, this is a new level of friendship.
00:05:08He has four nipples.
00:05:10God is fair.
00:05:11God is just.
00:05:13God gives everybody a humble trait.
00:05:16So, he gave me haggard toes.
00:05:18Girl, those things look jacked up.
00:05:23A humble trait is just something that God gives you to knock you down, you know?
00:05:26So, my right foot, she's okay.
00:05:28She's kind of cute.
00:05:29My left foot, jacked up.
00:05:32Oh, my gosh.
00:05:33What are your humble traits?
00:05:35Oh, you know, I just have a small speech impediment.
00:05:42That occasionally shows up every now and then.
00:05:46That was a stupid question.
00:05:48I have something weird about my body.
00:05:50I have a really, really deep belly button.
00:05:53Like, I can take a Q-tip and almost stick the whole Q-tip.
00:05:58Oh, God.
00:05:59I don't want to be on a drive with you guys right now.
00:06:01Why don't you drive back to clean my belly button?
00:06:04Because it's so deep.
00:06:06Doesn't everybody clean their belly button with a Q-tip?
00:06:08But I guess not, because they don't have it so deep like me.
00:06:11It goes in like that much.
00:06:16This gross callus on my hand might be a humble trait.
00:06:18I've had this same callus on my hand for, like, 10 years.
00:06:23Callus, wart, tomato, and tomato.
00:06:26This is not a wart.
00:06:28Ew, I just touched it.
00:06:30No, that's a wart.
00:06:31Dude, I'm telling you, this isn't a wart.
00:06:33Kyle, that's a wart.
00:06:34That is so very clearly a wart.
00:06:37Textbook wart.
00:06:38That is not a callus.
00:06:40That is the biggest wart I've ever seen on a finger, bro.
00:06:4310 years?
00:06:45Maybe even more.
00:06:46And you thought it was a callus.
00:06:49Meeting someone on Survivor and knowing them for, like, 3 days
00:06:52is the equivalent to, like, 3 years of friendship.
00:06:54It really is.
00:06:56I mean, when you get deep and embarrassing very quickly,
00:06:59you just stick together so quickly.
00:07:01It's like glue.
00:07:02This is ridiculous.
00:07:03I'm no more humble traits.
00:07:06Chavalo, chavalo.
00:07:08Now we're in a groove.
00:07:09We just got to keep it going.
00:07:11We just got to keep our heads down and stay focused.
00:07:13And not one of us is, like, lagging.
00:07:16You know what I mean?
00:07:17No, no, no.
00:07:18Everybody's, like, performing in their roles.
00:07:21The Loggie Tribe is killing it right now.
00:07:23I think the thing that is making us a step above everyone else
00:07:27is we're not placing our individual goals over the team.
00:07:31We're all working together and all have this drive
00:07:34and this respect and loyalty to each other.
00:07:38We're not going to hear God nothing for you for a while, y'all.
00:07:40No, we're not.
00:07:41Let's keep it up.
00:07:43I can't believe we have to sit someone out next time.
00:07:45I think strategy for that, you shouldn't be sitting one of us 3.
00:07:49We have physical strength, but we can't sit...
00:07:52We need you guys for Puzzle.
00:07:54Maybe we'd sit Star if it was a...
00:07:57Yeah, how you feeling?
00:07:59No, I'm good.
00:08:00We were talking about the next challenges,
00:08:02and Eva basically said, well, you can sit out.
00:08:06Hey, Eva, that's not cool.
00:08:08Like, don't tell me what I can and can't do.
00:08:10Let me tell you what I can and can't do, and we go from there.
00:08:13This is a game where I need to think about self.
00:08:15So I'm going to go looking for firewood, and in the midst of that,
00:08:19I'm going to look for some way to protect myself in this game.
00:08:25I've been hesitant to talk strategy
00:08:27because everyone's getting along so well,
00:08:29but I have other people already had these conversations,
00:08:33and now they're solid.
00:08:34It makes me wonder, does anybody want to work with me?
00:08:38My concern is I'm disposable.
00:08:40We're not going to get rid of the muscles.
00:08:42That's Joe, Shaheen, and Eva.
00:08:44We're not going to get rid of the brains.
00:08:46That's Thomas, that's Bianca.
00:08:48So now I'm like, where do I fall in here?
00:08:51How needed am I?
00:08:52So my goal right now is to make my place in the game
00:08:56more significant.
00:09:06Here we go, baby.
00:09:07Yeah, like, what you talking about?
00:09:08You ain't about to get rid of me yet.
00:09:10Not yet.
00:09:12This puzzle lock holds a hidden immunity idol.
00:09:15Securing the idol begins with cracking the code.
00:09:17Use this guide to help.
00:09:18Until you take possession of the idol,
00:09:20you cannot participate in the vote at Tribal Council.
00:09:22That's why it says beware.
00:09:23Sorry, it's only going to take me a day.
00:09:25Inside this beware advantage, I found a puzzle lock,
00:09:29and I have this guide.
00:09:30And I have to figure out what the code is
00:09:33in order to get this open, to get the idol,
00:09:36to stay safe in the game.
00:09:41Figuring out puzzles.
00:09:43Come on, Jeff.
00:09:44Let's do this.
00:09:45Let's figure this out.
00:09:46Over the last few days, I've seen signs
00:09:50on the trees of animals.
00:09:52A lizard, a bird, a dolphin, an octopus, a turtle,
00:09:57and I think a fish.
00:09:59And we wondered, what are these signs for?
00:10:01It has to mean something.
00:10:03This is what it means.
00:10:05This guide has the same animals as the signs on the trees.
00:10:09You have to match it up to the sign,
00:10:12and it will possibly show you a letter.
00:10:15This is so confusing.
00:10:17But this process is not easy at all.
00:10:19I know, like, in general, we don't tell anybody
00:10:22that you have a beware advantage.
00:10:24But I know that I need help in order
00:10:26to complete whatever this is.
00:10:29I found a beware advantage.
00:10:34I need your help.
00:10:36Remember the trees?
00:10:38Octopus, dolphin, bird, turtle.
00:10:41I have to use this to figure out how to open that.
00:10:45Right now, as far as on the outside of this tribe,
00:10:48and in classic survivor fashion, look what I found.
00:10:54My humble opinion is, we need one.
00:10:56We need one at all?
00:10:57We need.
00:10:58So who do you think will help decide?
00:11:01I think she'll help.
00:11:02She'll help?
00:11:03Star trust me enough to show me this.
00:11:05So that's great.
00:11:06But I immediately then thought, I need
00:11:08to get somebody in the alliance, somebody else on the team
00:11:12over here right now, so they don't
00:11:14think I'm being deceitful.
00:11:15So we've got to talk quickly.
00:11:16But I told you, you got it.
00:11:18And it's a beware advantage.
00:11:20And she has to decipher it.
00:11:21She has to decipher it.
00:11:22So I said, pull you in.
00:11:25We're going to act like we're straight now.
00:11:28All right, me and you here.
00:11:29I'll be here.
00:11:31You, Joe.
00:11:32That's the deal.
00:11:33It's a beware advantage?
00:11:34It's a beware advantage, so I don't
00:11:35have a vote next time we come.
00:11:36But if I open this up, you're fine.
00:11:37I'm good.
00:11:38Star's on the bottom.
00:11:39Star's lost her vote.
00:11:40Star wants my help to get her vote back
00:11:42and the advantage back.
00:11:43Well, that's kind of ideal.
00:11:46Because that gives me a ton of power.
00:11:48Remember the sign on the trees?
00:11:50Now we have to decipher.
00:11:51Star hands me the puzzle guide.
00:11:54And she is like, I'm going to go distract people.
00:12:01What is that?
00:12:02It's an eye.
00:12:03I sprint around the island with the puzzle guide
00:12:06lining up the pictures of the animals.
00:12:08And those little cutouts take letters.
00:12:11Those letters, I'm assuming, make a word
00:12:13that will open the puzzle lock.
00:12:15But it's not easy to not just line it up,
00:12:17but what part is it that makes a letter?
00:12:22It is not easy.
00:12:23I am positive I got some letters wrong.
00:12:28At this point, I'm like, I got to slow down.
00:12:30I need more time to think about what I want
00:12:33to do with this advantage.
00:12:34I can help her find the idol and not tell anybody.
00:12:39That one's super unclear.
00:12:41Could be a U.
00:12:42I was thinking U or whatever, or a V.
00:12:44I can help her a little bit so that she thinks
00:12:48that I'm on her side, but not so much
00:12:50that she finds the idol, allowing for us
00:12:52to have the opportunity to vote her out
00:12:54or the opportunity to keep her.
00:12:56Make it happen?
00:12:58We'll get there.
00:12:59Or I can sabotage.
00:13:00Full-blown sabotage.
00:13:02Just ruin her.
00:13:10Where's your head?
00:13:12In the game?
00:13:14You want to talk gaming?
00:13:15I want to talk gaming.
00:13:16I've been waiting for you to do this for so long.
00:13:18Right now, I'm gaining allies minute by minute.
00:13:21I already have Shaheen and Joe because I'm using
00:13:24this beware advantage to build trust.
00:13:26I'm using it to show like, hey, I have a cookie.
00:13:29Do you want a cookie?
00:13:30Because I'll definitely give it to you.
00:13:32I've been wanting you to just open up to me.
00:13:34So, found a beware advantage.
00:13:37Wait, what?
00:13:38Found a, it's a beware advantage.
00:13:40Like, I don't have a vote at Tribal Council,
00:13:42but it's a decipher for finding an idol.
00:13:45Star found a beware advantage.
00:13:47And luckily, she spilled everything.
00:13:52Everything just got flipped on its head.
00:13:55Now she has a lot of power.
00:13:56And now I have to make sure I stay on her good side.
00:13:59We got this.
00:14:00And I just want y'all to know, I'm on y'all side.
00:14:02I know we're going to keep you.
00:14:03That's five.
00:14:04So you like, that's five.
00:14:05You want me to out first?
00:14:09If that sounds good to y'all, I don't know.
00:14:10Girl, you ain't saying my name.
00:14:12It's good with me.
00:14:13When I hear that Star has a beware advantage,
00:14:15the first thing I think is, she doesn't have a vote at Tribal.
00:14:19It's easy breezy beautiful.
00:14:20Like, it's done and dusted.
00:14:22We'll play nice until we go to Tribal,
00:14:23but we're going to like, chop her head off instantly,
00:14:26no problem.
00:14:27This is the key to the beware advantage.
00:14:29She couldn't figure it out.
00:14:30So she wanted me to figure it out.
00:14:31So we're not going to figure it out.
00:14:34It's not like she's not going to figure it out.
00:14:36She's going to figure it out.
00:14:37What if this disappears?
00:14:41I mean, she just gave it to you.
00:14:43What if it disappears?
00:14:45It doesn't have to be your fault.
00:14:46The girl doesn't have an idle or an advantage.
00:14:49She's a sitting duck.
00:14:50She doesn't have a vote, right?
00:14:52It makes everything easy.
00:14:53I talked to Thomas, and he was like, just lose it,
00:14:57which is a level of game play that now scares me
00:15:00a little bit about Thomas.
00:15:01All right.
00:15:02Check that.
00:15:05That is way too hard a game play.
00:15:07I'm not doing that.
00:15:08Not this early, not when she also trusts me.
00:15:11It's not worth it.
00:15:12I would rather have her not suss at me
00:15:14and have her comfortable.
00:15:15That's the way better way to play this game.
00:15:18Here, come here.
00:15:19On top of that, obviously, you can't keep a secret
00:15:23on a tribe like this.
00:15:25Here's the deal.
00:15:26She just brought in Bianca and Thomas.
00:15:30She did?
00:15:31She did.
00:15:35Everyone's reaction to Star telling everyone about
00:15:37having a rare advantage is pure panic.
00:15:39It was, what do we do?
00:15:40What do we do?
00:15:41What about this?
00:15:42What if this?
00:15:44Go close.
00:15:47At this point, I just want to get rid of Eva.
00:15:48She's already plotting on my demise.
00:15:51Right now, Star wants Eva out.
00:15:53To me, it's the worst feeling on the planet
00:15:55because I also have an alliance with her.
00:15:57She says I'm her number one.
00:15:59The problem is, everybody thinks I'm with them right now.
00:16:06Now what?
00:16:10Now what?
00:16:12What kind of alliance is this?
00:16:14Does she trust me?
00:16:19All right.
00:16:20What I'm finding out about those emotional connections
00:16:23is it comes with a heavy cross to bear
00:16:25because it's all wrapped into a game.
00:16:27I'm just a loyal-ass person.
00:16:31I made promises to people, and now it's like
00:16:33I've got to basically stab somebody in the back to win
00:16:37and move forward.
00:16:39At some point, you're going to have to make a decision.
00:16:41But Eva and what she told me,
00:16:43like, I'm not going to let her go.
00:16:45I feel like I have a responsibility to her.
00:16:47So I'm going to figure out a way to take her with me.
00:16:50It's a weapon.
00:16:51Is it?
00:16:52Star found it.
00:16:53Star did?
00:16:54Oh, my God.
00:16:55Thank you for telling me.
00:16:56We just can't let her know that we know, okay?
00:17:00Like the actual thing?
00:17:01No, just like a building advantage.
00:17:03She does not have a vote.
00:17:04She thinks it's all of us against you.
00:17:08This is the worst scenario.
00:17:10She's the only person that I don't have
00:17:12a good connection with on this beach.
00:17:14If she doesn't decode it, she doesn't have a vote.
00:17:18We have to make sure she doesn't decode it.
00:17:20Joe is my number-one ally, 100%.
00:17:22He is the person I trust most.
00:17:24So I am nervous,
00:17:25but I feel like Joe is going to make sure
00:17:28that I can stay in this game.
00:17:38There's that fly.
00:17:39Kill it.
00:17:41There's so many flies here.
00:17:43Where do all these flies come from?
00:17:45There's a lot.
00:17:47They must smell me.
00:17:50I think the flies definitely want us because of our smell.
00:17:52That's all you hear all night long.
00:17:54At this point, it feels like anything that could go wrong
00:17:57will go wrong, and it's, it's...
00:18:01This fly has been following me for three days.
00:18:03I'm not joking.
00:18:04I swear it's the same one.
00:18:08It's a mess.
00:18:09We don't know who to listen to, who's in charge,
00:18:11who's running the show here.
00:18:13Maybe if we all swim and get rinsed off,
00:18:15the flies won't be so on us.
00:18:17Yeah, we got to get rid of these friggin' flies.
00:18:20Yesterday, I think Tribal went great for us three.
00:18:22We're, we're solid.
00:18:25Okay, this next vote, Mary or Say,
00:18:27probably Mary, because Say has an idol.
00:18:29Right, probably Mary.
00:18:31But who's more dangerous, Mary or Say?
00:18:33I think Mary's smart.
00:18:34Mary's smart, but Say has an idol?
00:18:36I think Say is, like, more dangerous going forward,
00:18:38but I think she does trust us as much more.
00:18:40But I think the issue with her,
00:18:41she's going to be tempted to play the idol,
00:18:44knowing it's between her and...
00:18:45I don't think she's playing at the next one.
00:18:47I mean, Say will vote Mary out because she voted for her,
00:18:49and we just all went out Say.
00:18:51Mary is an easy vote out, but Say has been playing this game
00:18:56since day one.
00:18:58She's been strategizing, she's been having conversations.
00:19:00She's very influential, and Say's idol is not my idol,
00:19:04and that scares me.
00:19:05I always keep remembering, the idol's not with us.
00:19:08Once the idol is out, it's back in the game.
00:19:10We got to look for it here.
00:19:11Let's just think about, like,
00:19:12we'll see what happens in the challenge, but...
00:19:14It's kind of crazy that we're thinking about losing already,
00:19:16but also our tribe is not the strongest.
00:19:18I'm anticipating losing a lot of members,
00:19:20so that's why I'm already thinking about all this.
00:19:22But also, I'm a numbers guy,
00:19:23so if Say doesn't play her idol, she goes home.
00:19:28If she does play her idol, then Mary goes home,
00:19:30but Say's idol's gone, and it's an easy guys alliance.
00:19:33So, to me, the math is not big.
00:19:36Triple Mary.
00:19:38Ah, survivor.
00:19:42We're taking this so seriously.
00:19:44It's very important to me.
00:19:46It's super important.
00:19:47So what is our 5G?
00:19:49Proxy 5G.
00:19:51At Loggie, we have everything that you need
00:19:54to make camp life a little more tolerable.
00:19:57We have Wi-Fi, Proxy 5G, right?
00:20:00Password, DIG48.
00:20:02And not to mention, there's an outlet
00:20:04to plug in our electronics.
00:20:06Do you want to log in?
00:20:09What's DIG?
00:20:10You got to DIG!
00:20:13We're ready.
00:20:14For anything.
00:20:18That's a boat.
00:20:20A boat.
00:20:21Oh, my God.
00:20:23It's a boat!
00:20:24Oh, dude.
00:20:25Hey, guys.
00:20:27We got a boat coming!
00:20:31Guys, she has the paper.
00:20:34Oh, no.
00:20:35One person must get on this boat for a journey.
00:20:38You will return to camp this afternoon.
00:20:40Here's how you'll decide.
00:20:41On the count of three...
00:20:43On the count of three,
00:20:44every player must hold out
00:20:46between one and five fingers.
00:20:49The player who holds the lowest unique number wins.
00:20:54Repeat until you have a winner.
00:20:56What's the lowest unique number?
00:20:57Like, Matt, repeat, repeat.
00:20:58And the lowest unique number wins.
00:21:01So, if me and Chrissy both put out a one,
00:21:04and Mitch, you put two,
00:21:05and everyone else puts out five,
00:21:06you're going.
00:21:08One, two, three, shoot.
00:21:11I have three.
00:21:12Lowest unique number goes.
00:21:13We have three.
00:21:14You have a one.
00:21:15A one.
00:21:16He has a one.
00:21:17You got this.
00:21:18You got it, bro.
00:21:20One, two, three, go.
00:21:23Let's eat.
00:21:25That's great.
00:21:26Let's go.
00:21:27Do your best, Mitch.
00:21:28We're never going to believe in you, man.
00:21:29I believe in you.
00:21:30Practice, practice.
00:21:31Now I'm feeling good about this.
00:21:33One, two, three.
00:21:35Wait, are we doing a one or a two?
00:21:37Yeah, then that would bend and save a number.
00:21:40No, we said we were practicing.
00:21:42No, no, no.
00:21:44That was practice.
00:21:45This is real round.
00:21:46Now it's real round.
00:21:47We say one, two, three, go.
00:21:49One, two, three, go.
00:21:52You're going.
00:21:53I'm going.
00:21:54You're going.
00:21:55I'm going.
00:21:56I need shoes.
00:21:58All right.
00:22:02That was the worst-case scenario,
00:22:04don't you think?
00:22:05When I got it, we should have just let me go.
00:22:07I know.
00:22:08I don't know why we are catering to her.
00:22:10It's worst-case scenario for Mary to be on this journey,
00:22:13but are my boys thinking about any of that?
00:22:16If everybody had rallied behind me when I freaking won
00:22:19and just been like, say, yes, you go.
00:22:21They didn't do that.
00:22:25She'll have to tell us what she got.
00:22:26She doesn't have to tell us anything.
00:22:28She is not going to be honest about anything.
00:22:30She's on the bottom.
00:22:31I know she knows she's on the bottom,
00:22:33and I know she knows what she's doing.
00:22:35I know she's thinking that if I don't get on this boat,
00:22:37I'll have nothing to protect me at the next tribal council.
00:22:42Oh, goodness.
00:22:44Oh, my gosh.
00:22:45She's excited.
00:22:46She's excited because she is going to have something
00:22:48that we will not know about.
00:22:49Bye, Mary.
00:22:50You're leaving us.
00:22:51Keep waving.
00:22:53She looks fun.
00:22:56You ever wish you could play Survivor from the comfort of your living room?
00:22:59Now you can.
00:23:00It's the Tribe of Spoke and the official Survivor card game.
00:23:08What's up, guys?
00:23:09How are you all doing?
00:23:13Mitch, yes.
00:23:17Say is so bummed that it's me going inside of her,
00:23:20but I'm hyped because this could be my shot
00:23:24at feeling a little bit more safe.
00:23:26I'm excited.
00:23:27I'm excited.
00:23:28I'm excited.
00:23:29I'm excited.
00:23:30I'm excited.
00:23:31I'm excited.
00:23:32I'm excited.
00:23:33I'm excited.
00:23:34I'm excited.
00:23:35I'm excited.
00:23:36I'm excited.
00:23:37I'm excited.
00:23:38I'm excited.
00:23:39I'm excited.
00:23:40I'm excited.
00:23:41I'm excited.
00:23:42I'm excited.
00:23:43I'm excited.
00:23:44I'm excited.
00:23:45I'm excited.
00:23:46I'm excited.
00:23:47I'm excited.
00:23:48I'm excited.
00:23:49I'm excited.
00:23:50I'm excited.
00:23:51I'm excited.
00:23:52I'm excited.
00:23:53I'm excited.
00:23:54I'm excited.
00:23:55I'm excited.
00:23:56I'm excited.
00:23:57I'm excited.
00:23:58I'm excited.
00:23:59I'm excited.
00:24:00I'm excited.
00:24:01I'm excited.
00:24:02I'm excited.
00:24:03I'm excited.
00:24:04I'm excited.
00:24:05Race to arrange these numbered blocks in order from 1 to 15.
00:24:10You can only move one block at a time from the left side and then place it on any of the three rows on the right side.
00:24:17If you finish before the time runs out, this advantage is yours.
00:24:24If you fail to finish, you lose your vote at the next tribal council.
00:24:28Turn over your timer and begin.
00:24:32Here we go.
00:24:36There's three different rows of numbered tiles, but they're all jumbled up.
00:24:42They're nowhere close in order, and you have to align them in order 1 through 15.
00:24:47This feels crazy.
00:24:50One goes, and the two.
00:24:53I need to get the first group of five dino perks.
00:24:58One, two.
00:24:59I got to get the three next.
00:25:02But the moment you move one tile, all the other numbers get out of order.
00:25:10One, two, three, four, five, oh, six.
00:25:12Okay, now I got to get seven here.
00:25:14In my smaller tribal five, if I lose my vote, it's devastating.
00:25:19I have to get this done.
00:25:20It's do or die.
00:25:24Beautiful day in Fiji.
00:25:27I got the top line 1 through 5 done like that.
00:25:30Now I'm stuck.
00:25:31But then I realized that if I get the second line right, the third line is kind of stuck where it is
00:25:36because the puzzles would just cycle in order.
00:25:39The sand timer's ticking down.
00:25:41My heart is beating.
00:25:43Some of the people that I work with are very big artists and songwriters,
00:25:47but this is the most pressure I've potentially felt in my life.
00:25:50Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
00:25:52I need the 11th.
00:25:55I'm going to move.
00:25:56My game is on the line here.
00:26:00But I haven't even looked at the hourglass because I don't want to panic.
00:26:06Let's go, Mitch.
00:26:08Oh, my gosh.
00:26:09Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.
00:26:13One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
00:26:20Oh, my God.
00:26:21The game seems easy breezy.
00:26:24I'm in the exact same place.
00:26:26But it's so much pressure, all strategy just evaporated out the window.
00:26:30Oh, my God.
00:26:32Panic set in, and my brain just went black.
00:26:37Oh, I need to work backwards.
00:26:39Five minutes to go.
00:26:43Okay, this is where I was, like, three minutes ago.
00:26:47No, that ain't right.
00:26:57One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
00:27:05I'm going to get 14 in front of 15.
00:27:12All right.
00:27:15Well, I lost my vote.
00:27:19Okay, this is happening.
00:27:21We're doing it.
00:27:27You now have power in the game.
00:27:29This advantage allows you to steal a vote from another player at Tribal Council.
00:27:38You now have power in the game.
00:27:41This advantage allows you to secretly block a vote from another player.
00:27:47When that person goes to vote, they will learn their vote has been blocked, but they will not know by who.
00:27:55I'm still in shock.
00:27:57I have what it takes to play this game, and for a really long time, I've dreamt about this.
00:28:07It means the world.
00:28:10I hear a boat.
00:28:11Yeah, it's her.
00:28:13Let me mentally prepare.
00:28:14Mom's home.
00:28:15If you won, it was a secret advantage.
00:28:16If you lost, you lost your vote.
00:28:17So, I didn't get it.
00:28:18So, I don't have my vote.
00:28:19You don't seem too bummed, so that's good.
00:28:20I'm not.
00:28:21I'm not.
00:28:22I'm not.
00:28:23I'm not.
00:28:24I'm not.
00:28:25I'm not.
00:28:26I'm not.
00:28:27I'm not.
00:28:28I'm not.
00:28:29I'm not.
00:28:30I'm not.
00:28:31I'm not.
00:28:32I'm not.
00:28:33I'm not.
00:28:34I'm not.
00:28:35I'm not.
00:28:36I'm not.
00:28:37I'm not.
00:28:39No, I mean, I feel like this is definitely a death sentence, so, yeah.
00:28:45And then, we read the sign, and it basically says, you can win an advantage right now,
00:28:50but if you lose, you don't have a vote at tribal council.
00:28:53And I just didn't do it.
00:28:56It just freaks me out, the thought of like—
00:28:57Not having a vote.
00:28:58Yeah, it just wasn't worth it to me.
00:29:00I think having an advantage and survivor is incredible.
00:29:03But my planets do not tell a soul.
00:29:05The second someone else knows about your advantage not only does it cause a target on your back
00:29:09But you can't use it as well star is a perfect example of telling too many people about what you got
00:29:15That's why it has to be kept secret. It has to be kept secret
00:29:19If you accomplish the puzzle, then you would get an advantage. Okay?
00:29:37Can block
00:29:39Someone's boat our whole tribe exploded because Mitch went and did exactly what we thought he was gonna do
00:29:45We thought he was gonna win and we thought he was gonna be honest and he did both of those
00:29:49To see that happen for Mitch. I'm just like genuinely happy for my buddy
00:29:55I'm happy for you because to have such a hero moment. It's a really cool match. Like that's awesome. Like you're living a dream
00:30:03I don't want this to put a target on my back here because I feel good about everyone
00:30:09But especially you and me if you come on back, I got yours
00:30:14yeah, you just gotta have some people who are chill and who are like going to be easygoing and go with the blow and
00:30:21You know, I like Mitch, but I don't trust the guy because he's close with charity. Nobody trusts charity
00:30:28So yeah, I'm worried
00:30:29I think everybody else on my Alliance is worried because we don't want anybody outside of our four to have an advantage
00:30:35I like Mitch like that's the thing. It's like
00:30:38Yeah, but he's playing hard. He's playing. He's playing. He's playing hard like like charity
00:30:44Yes, which is why I think they're together. Yes
00:30:48With a block of oak Mitch and charity have a whole lot of firepower in this game right now
00:30:52That is a very scary thought so we need to find this beware advantage because I know there's one out there
00:30:57The idol is on this island. Yeah, you're right and we need and we need to just go find this thing
00:31:01You want to split in two? Yeah, let's do it. All right, boys girls. Yeah, sounds good. I
00:31:07We're an idol. Where would I be?
00:31:09These symbols these letters have been driving me crazy
00:31:11And I think this beware advantage has to tie in the clues that we've already found
00:31:15There's no other reason they could be there. I thought for sure be one of these big-ass this guy, right? Yeah, let's go
00:31:22Orange is that like a parchment on top of there? This is sick. Oh, it's just a stick. Hmm. Why is it so hard?
00:31:29It is hard to find an advantage on survivor
00:31:32But the thrill of it is what I like so much like I need the excitement man. I need the blood
00:31:37I need the action. I need to show the world how good I am
00:31:45David what dude?
00:31:48David what dude dude, I swear no way David
00:31:58Oh my god finding a few where advantage it's electric it's complete disbelief and joy at the same time
00:32:06This puzzle lock holds a hidden immunity
00:32:09Securing the idol begins with solving the riddle until you take possession of the idol. You cannot participate in the voted tribal council
00:32:14That's why it says beware
00:32:16I'm strong as flexible. I help hold her bind in my loops and coils support your fight. Okay, it's all symbols. Oh my god
00:32:24With the puzzle lock is this clue and surrounding this clue is all of the animals that we've found throughout camp first things first
00:32:31We got to tell Camilla. Yeah, we tell Camilla and I see Chrissy cement this thing, but here's the problem
00:32:36There's still more work to do and I'm not good at puzzles
00:32:39Where's my number one undercover ally Camilla has a great strategic mind. I know we found the blueberry bandage
00:32:46It's exactly what we've done. So immediately I say hey Camilla, you know, can you can you figure this out for me?
00:32:55Trust is so hard to find out here and that was like an insane display of trust Kyle
00:33:00Trusting me to like solve it for him feels like a million dollars itself seeing all these letters. Nope. I don't play world
00:33:08This puzzle lock has six different rings that have all the letters of the alphabet wherever you found animals
00:33:13We already found an I and S and L a E a T and an N
00:33:18So now my brain is just focused on I'm scrambling these six letters. What are all the different words I can make I
00:33:24Start scratching all of the potential combinations in my thigh. I play video games every single night
00:33:31This is nothing to me. This is home basically because I see the letters
00:33:36So we can spell Island, but also there's an extra end that we need to use
00:33:41So if we try and shove that in I get inlets
00:33:45But inlets doesn't work
00:33:49My next option is silent and somehow my brain is like, you know, what's similar to silent listen that doesn't work either
00:33:56so I start trying to end in
00:33:58E ST s sub in the next vowel which is I and so I start ending in it and I try and find a bunch
00:34:06of words that ended it and
00:34:08Eventually, I find it
00:34:26I love you
00:34:29And when I hear that click, ah
00:34:31The feeling of relief Camilla was able to finally open up this puzzle lock and get the job done and help me get my vote
00:34:37Back. She's somebody that I want to play this game with and I'm really excited about it
00:34:42Finding a hidden immunity. I don't want survivor feels incredible. I never thought I would find one. It means security
00:34:48It means I have power in this game and I'm ready to use it
00:35:07Bring in the books
00:35:21It was good to have those unity items
00:35:24One tribe that does not have it is coming in now
00:35:32Boggy see if I get your first look the new hula tribe Stephanie voted out the first tribal council
00:35:42All right, so let me check in on day five see if you left here with a toolkit what impact did it have
00:35:49It was so huge for us the fact that we were able to start fire
00:35:55Immediately. Honestly, we had a really good a
00:35:59Really good a really good couple of
00:36:07Because of it, it's I have a question. Yeah when you're struggling
00:36:12Do you want help from someone or as part of it is to let you finish when you're ready to finish?
00:36:18The hope is that everyone would just kind of hang in there for me and just give me the
00:36:24Opportunity to finish my sentence, but I'm so thankful you
00:36:29asked that because honestly like people just
00:36:34naturally want to help others and sometimes like we don't feel comfortable enough like
00:36:42Asking that so
00:36:44Thank you for that. Thank you for teaching us how to do it
00:36:48Thank you. All right, shall we get to today's immunity challenge?
00:36:52First things first
00:36:57Come on come on give it up
00:37:04Once again immunity is back up for grabs for today's challenge
00:37:09One person from each tribes gonna race to the top of the tall tower leap off into the ocean
00:37:16You're gonna swim to a platform where you will pull yourself under water by a rope
00:37:22Releasing two buoys along the way
00:37:26Once you're at the end the rest of the tribe will jump off that platform in pairs and work together to transport those buoys
00:37:34overbalance beams
00:37:38Once everybody's here, then you will race to land five buoys in a tall basket
00:37:48First two tribes to finish win immunity. That means you are safe in this game. You're not going to travel council
00:37:54You can't go home. You're also playing for a reward
00:38:01A massive fishing kit
00:38:09Second tribe to finish smaller, but it'll get the job done
00:38:11Last tribe to finish otherwise known as the losers
00:38:16tribal council tonight
00:38:18Somebody will be the second person voted out of survivor 48 and it's a penalty for losing
00:38:23I will keep your flint bullet. You are working to earn yours back sit outs loggy
00:38:27You have one extra person gonna sit somebody up. Who's it gonna be star Siva? Who's it gonna be?
00:38:33All right star Camilla take spot on the benches. Everybody else get a minute strategize. We'll get it on. Here we go
00:38:50All right, here we go
00:39:04Shaheen going up first
00:39:07It's gonna be very going
00:39:09And David
00:39:17Nice entry you're going under that first platform where you're gonna release two buoys
00:40:01Camilla Camilla got you your star. Nice to meet you
00:40:09Yes, David with a
00:40:18David Shaheen and Mary everybody doing a nice job in stage one
00:40:28Chrissy and Mitch in the water
00:40:46Now the challenge changes now you have to transport those buoys
00:40:53You got to push more pressure push it up say injustice struggling to get going
00:40:59It's a Chrissy trying to figure it out there is a massive learning curve to this challenge
00:41:09Johnny even now getting it
00:41:12Really great partnership between them. They've got it. You're good
00:41:28Look at that
00:41:34Justin gonna do the same thing
00:41:39Chrissy drops. No good. Gotta go back
00:41:44You're good like you go
00:41:49Thomas in the water
00:41:58Mitch and Chrissy struggling for Siva Thomas and Bianca working on that
00:42:04Second and final
00:42:08Thomas got hit in the face with a pole
00:42:16He's all right
00:42:22There goes
00:42:30Chrissy making some progress one step at a time. They're halfway there
00:42:38Thomas now have momentum
00:42:41Gotta get on that platform. You're good
00:42:50Cedric and Kevin drop. They are struggling. That's gonna be an opening for Siva
00:42:58You're good Siva
00:43:02You're good
00:43:05It's gonna be Joe shooting for
00:43:10Logging in a familiar spot the lead
00:43:13Goes Kyle and charity for Siva
00:43:21Joe has a lot of time to dial this in
00:43:24We've got five blueys. You got to get in that basket. This challenge is still wide open. We're looking for two
00:43:31Keep that pressure, keep that pressure
00:43:33Charity that's how you do it
00:43:35Kyle looking good
00:43:37Keep it, keep it, keep it
00:43:39You're good
00:43:41Siva has it
00:43:43Charity and Kyle have now passed
00:43:45Cedric and Kevin
00:43:47And now Thule backing
00:43:49Get last again
00:43:51We can still make it
00:43:53Siva's gonna come in now for logging
00:43:55Kyle gotta go for Siva
00:43:57He's very close
00:44:01Come on
00:44:03Siva scores the first for logging
00:44:05You got it
00:44:07Logging's up now
00:44:09With one, there's another
00:44:13Siva scores a second
00:44:15And a third
00:44:17Siva's on fire for logging
00:44:19Siva you want that fish in gear
00:44:21I think so
00:44:23Mitch coming out, charity going in
00:44:26Mitch going in
00:44:28Come on
00:44:30Cedric and Kevin
00:44:32Still trying to get back with that bluey
00:44:34That's exactly what he said
00:44:36Sorry I didn't mean to scream
00:44:42Mitch now in for Siva
00:44:44Better to get right in front of it
00:44:46Mitch with his first toss
00:44:48That's how you do it on Survivor
00:44:50Come on
00:44:52Mitch saying his first one
00:44:55And he sinks his second one
00:44:57Mitch is on fire for Siva
00:44:59With Eva looking for that fourth
00:45:01She launches
00:45:03Just a little short
00:45:05Mitch look at the time
00:45:07He landed his first two
00:45:09And his third
00:45:11Mitch has the challenge dialed in
00:45:15And it's completed for Siva
00:45:17Right here
00:45:20Mitch wins it
00:45:22For Siva
00:45:26Immunity and reward
00:45:28Let's go
00:45:30It is now logging
00:45:32Looking to close out second place
00:45:34Joe coming in
00:45:36Kevin and Cedric
00:45:38Still out for Gula struggling
00:45:44You can put this in the deep freeze
00:45:49Joe lands the fourth
00:45:51Logging down to their final
00:45:53Buoy for the win
00:45:55And he's got it
00:45:57It's over
00:45:59Loggy wins Immunity
00:46:01In an absolute
00:46:03Abysmal failure
00:46:05Cedric and Kevin
00:46:07Sending Gula back to tribal council
00:46:09Tonight where somebody will be the second person
00:46:11Voted out of Survivor 48
00:46:14We just finished
00:46:20Alright Siva
00:46:22Huge effort
00:46:24Immunity flowers
00:46:26Mitch I gotta say
00:46:28The minute you went into the shooter position
00:46:30It was one after another after another
00:46:32And a victory like that
00:46:36Nobody going home from Siva
00:46:38No way baby no
00:46:40Immunity idol is a little smaller
00:46:43Protection is just as powerful
00:46:45Nobody going home from Loggy
00:46:47Siva waiting for you back at camp
00:46:49A massive fishing kit
00:46:51I hope you put it to good use
00:46:53Get a little food in your belly
00:46:55Loggy smaller fishing kit waiting for you back at camp
00:46:57Alright Siva swim out
00:46:59Enjoy your victory
00:47:01No tribal council tonight
00:47:03Loggy swim out
00:47:05Enjoy the night off
00:47:07No tribal council
00:47:09Nobody going home
00:47:13Alright Gula
00:47:15Tribal council tonight
00:47:17Somebody will be the second person
00:47:19Voted out of Survivor 48
00:47:21As a penalty for losing
00:47:23I will keep your flint
00:47:25You'll have a chance to earn it back at the next challenge
00:47:27It was hard to watch Cedric not be able to pull through
00:47:29But I believe in him
00:47:31So voting out Cedric
00:47:33Absolutely not an option
00:47:35I wholeheartedly believe
00:47:37It's an easy vote tonight
00:47:39It's all on Mary
00:47:41This is the time that counts
00:47:56Don't make us cry Ced
00:47:58It's only day 5
00:48:00What do you mean don't make the rest of us cry
00:48:06I take most responsibility
00:48:08For the loss of the challenge
00:48:11I also could understand
00:48:13If it were very clear
00:48:15That I should go tonight
00:48:17I'm still open to have any of those conversations
00:48:19We were having before
00:48:21However you see fit
00:48:23That's the tough part of this moment
00:48:29Why am I crying?
00:48:31I don't know
00:48:33Why are we crying?
00:48:35This is the Gula tribe
00:48:37I'll be honest
00:48:40I'll probably talk individually with everybody today
00:48:42I am absolutely putting blame
00:48:44On myself for losing the challenge
00:48:48My everyday life
00:48:50I don't walk around with failures on television
00:48:56Survivor makes you in a position
00:48:58Where you may show those weaknesses
00:49:00It may make you more vulnerable
00:49:02But I think it's very clear that people know
00:49:04That regardless of how successful you are
00:49:06We all have challenges
00:49:08We all have weaknesses
00:49:10And I certainly don't believe that I am perfect
00:49:12And hopefully nobody ever thought that I was
00:49:14But after the past few days
00:49:16There's no question
00:49:18This ain't perfect
00:49:20I don't care if you flop at every challenge
00:49:22If you physically XYZ
00:49:24It doesn't matter to me
00:49:26I told you from the beginning that I was with you
00:49:28This challenge doesn't change anything
00:49:30It has to be safe tonight
00:49:32Because she has an idol
00:49:34If it's not going to be this time
00:49:36It's going to be the next time
00:49:38This tribal will be where Kevin comes to play
00:49:42This is the best time right now
00:49:44To take out Say with her idol
00:49:46Because Say is probably the most dangerous player in this game
00:49:48Besides me
00:49:50I'm with you dude
00:49:54He is
00:49:56We're locked in
00:50:00Right now
00:50:02Justin and Cedric are locked up on the three guys alliance
00:50:04So just confirm me
00:50:06Us four on Mary
00:50:08With Say gone
00:50:10That just leaves me in the power position of the Voola tribe
00:50:12And Mary is going to thank me
00:50:14And going to be on my side
00:50:16Because I single handedly saved her
00:50:18Hey Mary I have a favor to ask you
00:50:22I know you're trying to concoct all these plans right now
00:50:24Just chill
00:50:26Let me do some magic here
00:50:28I mean my heart is just sinking
00:50:30Because I know that Say has it out for me
00:50:32But also
00:50:34Because I don't have my vote
00:50:36And because I can't play my shot in the dark
00:50:38I have no power tonight
00:50:40And basically my fate is in Kevin's hands
00:50:42So unless something crazy happens
00:50:44I'm going home tonight
00:50:46I think Mary feels a little defeated
00:50:48We lost the challenge
00:50:50She has no vote
00:50:52It's like what leverage does she have
00:50:54And she probably can read the writing on the wall
00:50:56Who's ready to get this over with
00:50:58So this plan to put out Say
00:51:00For several reasons
00:51:02I am still loyal to her
00:51:04She reminds me of one of my kids
00:51:06She calls me dad or whatever it is
00:51:08She tells me I'm dad all the time
00:51:10I would just have a hard time breaking that loyalty
00:51:12And I know that Kevin's working really hard
00:51:14To keep Mary in the game
00:51:16But I don't trust her
00:51:18As much as Say
00:51:20So I need to figure out some way
00:51:22That keeps Say in the game
00:51:24Gets Mary out of the game
00:51:26And the guys are still strong
00:51:28I want to have a full 100 hour session with you
00:51:30How much can you
00:51:32Conceal your emotions
00:51:34Good, I can
00:51:36I can
00:51:38This I can do
00:51:40This could change everything
00:51:44You need to put your eye out tonight
00:51:48You need to put your eye out tonight
00:51:50Justin, Kevin, myself
00:51:52Have talked, we're voting for you
00:51:54Who said that?
00:51:56Okay, cool
00:51:58I'm still going to vote Mary
00:52:00You're going to vote Mary
00:52:02If you play your idol, Mary goes home
00:52:04I hope you're right
00:52:06Because I want this to be so good
00:52:08I love that other people want me out of this game
00:52:10Because I'm playing this game hard
00:52:12But I also know I have an idol
00:52:14So I have safety to see another day
00:52:16Okay, Kevin
00:52:18Why are we not getting Kevin out?
00:52:20Not yet, I'm afraid of getting Mary out
00:52:22Only because I want to have my cake and eat it too
00:52:24I want to have you here and them
00:52:26Okay, cool, I'm cool with this, I can do that
00:52:28And then I'll deal with Kevin later
00:52:30Cedric explicitly told me to vote for Mary
00:52:32Because he doesn't want to blow up his spot
00:52:34With a voice
00:52:36However, I wish I could vote for Kevin
00:52:38To shake him in his boots
00:52:40Because I want him to know that I'm on to him
00:52:42I feel like Kevin would just do away with us
00:52:44Left and right
00:52:46What makes you say that?
00:52:48I don't trust Kevin
00:52:50So what are you saying? Vote on Kevin?
00:52:52Mary tonight? Yes, exactly
00:52:54I love that
00:52:56I need to plant seeds that I already have about Kevin
00:52:58And how deceptive he is
00:53:00Into Cedric and Justin
00:53:02So let the games begin
00:53:04I'm worried about that idol
00:53:06But she's telling me she's not 100% with Kevin
00:53:08She thinks Kevin's got a lot going on
00:53:10And that eventually he's going to cut one of us
00:53:12I think she's with us
00:53:14I think as dangerous as she is
00:53:16I think she wants to work with us
00:53:18But if she plays her idol
00:53:20But who do you feel more comfortable with going fully?
00:53:22He's going to vote
00:53:24Cedric's voting for Mary
00:53:26Kevin's voting for Cedric
00:53:28You and I vote Kevin, he goes home
00:53:30We decide who goes home tonight
00:53:32We got all the power
00:53:34On one hand, Kevin did prove his loyalty to us
00:53:36He voted with us to take out Steph
00:53:38And on the other hand, I do see Kevin as a player
00:53:40And he's thinking not about day 5 or day 6
00:53:42He's thinking about day 26
00:53:44Is that someone we want to keep around long term?
00:53:46I'm worried about that, losing Kevin for the challenges
00:53:48But I think if we don't get him now
00:53:50He's going to get us
00:53:52Challenges? God bless you
00:53:54I don't know
00:53:56That's the thing that I'm worried about
00:53:58Tonight, we either take a big swing here at Kevin
00:54:00And take him out
00:54:02Or we kind of stay the course
00:54:04And just vote on Mary
00:54:06It's all a solid, heartless plan
00:54:08But it stays between you and I
00:54:10I need these flies to start flying
00:54:12I know what I'm doing with my idol at Tribal Council
00:54:14So I know I'm coming back to the beach
00:54:16It's just a matter of
00:54:18Who's going to come back to the beach with me
00:54:20I hold grudges
00:54:22And that's what makes me want to vote Mary out
00:54:24But voting out Kevin
00:54:26Would be explosive
00:54:28So tonight you will see a lot of shock
00:54:30And a little bit of fear as well
00:54:32I don't know if it's going to be fun for them
00:54:34But it's definitely going to be fun for me
00:55:08Say, where do you want to start?
00:55:10I want to start with
00:55:12I don't particularly want to be here
00:55:14But Mary has expressed
00:55:16That she feels like she's on the bottom
00:55:18And it just reassures me
00:55:20That the core four that I have
00:55:22We have a really clear understanding
00:55:24Of where we're going
00:55:26So Mary, I'm just doing some math
00:55:28One, two, three, four
00:55:30It would appear that her core four
00:55:32Is everyone but you
00:55:34Yeah, pretty much
00:55:36You had us
00:55:38You did a lot of good
00:55:40Does that line up with how you're feeling tonight?
00:55:42Do you feel you might be in trouble?
00:55:44I definitely think I might be in trouble
00:55:46But I do respect transparency
00:55:50Smooth players usually are
00:55:52A little bit more
00:55:56Do you consider yourself a smooth player?
00:55:58Some might say I am
00:56:00Some might say I'm not
00:56:02Well we have the majority
00:56:04I don't see why we need to be cagey
00:56:06I don't understand why we can't just say what it is
00:56:08Kevin said you just outed us
00:56:10I can't believe a line from getting out is gone
00:56:12Like what am I outing you for?
00:56:14Yeah, good job
00:56:16I just live life very honest
00:56:18And very transparent
00:56:20And that's really who I am
00:56:22Both inside and outside of the game
00:56:24Kevin, you've either had your head in your hands
00:56:26Or you've had your head
00:56:28Literally drop between the legs
00:56:30What do you make of this relationship
00:56:32Between Mary and Say?
00:56:34Well I feel like this connection
00:56:36Conversation that's been happening
00:56:38And that tribe disunity
00:56:40Reflects on the challenges too
00:56:42It's tough
00:56:44If you don't have that unity
00:56:46This is what happens
00:56:48Jeff, the issue is
00:56:50I don't think we'd have this dynamic if we were winning
00:56:52But you aren't
00:56:54I know
00:56:56And none of us wanted our first five days of survival to be like this
00:56:58But they were
00:57:00I know Jeff
00:57:02You're telling me all the things you wish were written down somewhere
00:57:04This is where we are
00:57:06We've had conversations
00:57:08Each one of us with each other
00:57:10And I think tonight isn't about finding out information
00:57:12It's about confirming what we already know
00:57:14What does that mean Mary?
00:57:16Confirming what we know
00:57:18What's going to happen tonight is hard to say
00:57:20But the last vote
00:57:22Showed that we were prioritizing trust
00:57:26And it wouldn't surprise me that this time
00:57:28We would be prioritizing trust as well
00:57:30Say, you say right
00:57:32What are you agreeing with?
00:57:34If you want to sit here with people you don't trust
00:57:36And who don't trust you
00:57:38Because trust is currency in this game
00:57:40And if you can't even trust the people you're working with
00:57:42Who can you trust?
00:57:46When we started this
00:57:48I just asked a simple question
00:57:50Where do you all want to start?
00:57:52And out of the gate, Say says
00:57:54I just want everybody to know
00:57:56I'm comfortable with what I've heard
00:57:58And I'm going with that
00:58:00What does that say to you?
00:58:02Underneath, there's some differences
00:58:04In gameplay
00:58:06That then translate into interactions
00:58:08This is us coming to therapy
00:58:10And then now we're giving it all to our therapist
00:58:12Yeah, well then I must be a terrible therapist
00:58:14Because if I'm responsible
00:58:16We're in trouble
00:58:18Mary and I, we're working out the kinks
00:58:20I don't want the narrative to be
00:58:22We don't get along, we just haven't had enough time
00:58:24To get to know each other
00:58:26Is that how we work out the kinks?
00:58:28By voting me out?
00:58:30Is that honest?
00:58:32I didn't say I was voting you out
00:58:34Can you just admit that in this game you have to be dishonest?
00:58:36You do have to be dishonest
00:58:38And then you're going to win a dishonest game
00:58:40By being honest?
00:58:42That feels dishonest to me
00:58:44It feels more honest to me
00:58:46That I'm saying I'm going to play this game dishonestly
00:58:48Mary, is it possible
00:58:50That if after tonight's vote
00:58:52You're both still here, you could sort this out?
00:58:54I don't think so
00:58:56Because it's not an issue of personality
00:58:58It's an issue of trust
00:59:00And in this game, if it's an issue of trust
00:59:02You can't solve that
00:59:04Other than eliminating the threat
00:59:06Now that's an honest game
00:59:08So, Justin
00:59:10What do you do as we're getting closer to voting
00:59:12Because I think it's pretty clear
00:59:14This is a big vote for this group
00:59:16I think the thing is, Jeff
00:59:18This game is constantly moving forward
00:59:20And we all have future plans
00:59:22We all have dreams out here
00:59:24But someone's dream has to get crushed
00:59:26And how confident are you
00:59:28That the dream you hope to crush tonight
00:59:30Is the right dream to crush?
00:59:32I'm pretty confident, Jeff, honestly
00:59:36On one hand
00:59:38I think we should vote
00:59:40On the other, I could stay here all night
00:59:42Should we vote?
00:59:46Let's do it
00:59:48Alright, it is time to vote
00:59:50Cedric, you're up
00:59:56You're a dangerous player
00:59:58That's why you need to go
01:00:06I don't have a vote
01:00:08May the lord protect me
01:00:26I don't have a vote
01:00:28May the lord protect me
01:00:30I don't have a vote
01:00:32May the lord protect me
01:00:34I don't have a vote
01:00:38I'll go tally the votes
01:00:56If anybody has an advantage or an idol
01:00:58And you want to play it
01:01:00Now would be the time to do so
01:01:02Well, Jeff
01:01:04You know how you ask
01:01:06If everybody felt confident in a vote
01:01:08I don't feel confident enough
01:01:10And I also would like to say
01:01:12This is for my grandma
01:01:18Thank you
01:01:26This is a hidden immunity idol
01:01:28Any votes cast for say
01:01:30Will not count
01:01:34Tally the votes
01:01:40First vote
01:01:42Say does not count
01:01:48One vote Kevin
01:01:50I'm being vouched
01:01:56Second person
01:01:58Voted that a survivor 48
01:02:02That's two, that's enough
01:02:04Need to bring me a torch
01:02:12Good job you guys
01:02:20Good job
01:02:22Bye Kevin
01:02:28Kevin, tribe has spoken
01:02:34Time for you to go
01:02:36Bye guys
01:02:50Grab your torches
01:02:52Head back to camp
01:03:16Next time on Survivor
01:03:18Go under
01:03:24You are not the idol
01:03:26We control the votes
01:03:28The perfect plan
01:03:32I think you can call that a blind side
01:03:34I thought I was in control of the entire game
01:03:36But they outed me
01:03:38I'm proud of the game I played
01:03:40I played as hard as I could
01:03:42Even though I hurt my shoulder on day one
01:03:44In the first hour
01:03:46It was not what I wanted
01:03:48But at least I tried my best
01:03:50It was fun, but I just want some peace and quiet now