• yesterday
Hudson And Rex S05 E02


00:00The following program is rated PG and contains mature subject matter viewer discretion is advised
00:18All right, let's go
00:24Again left right left
00:35You all right there doc. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I just put too much into that burnout now i'm paying for it. Yeah, let me take a look
00:44Oh, yeah, you get some tender fascia here by the ql
00:49Yeah, you're that's pretty inflamed too probably from all those hooks. Oh great
00:53Well, maybe my trainer should have eased me into things. I wanted to see what rex and I were up to
00:57Okay, take a deep breath for me
01:00Right there
01:01No, that's not that's not the right spot
01:05Is it there no lower there
01:14You think i'm an easy mark, well, I hope you are
01:22What is it
01:29Seriously tell me what were you thinking?
01:32Do you really want to challenge a fighter like me?
01:35Really? Huh? I'm too pretty and too fast. How far is he going ricky? Oh
01:42He'll go far he'll go down all the way to bombs bill
01:54You look it's about to caution these hens, eh, it's a fight you don't want to start
01:59Lizzie hold your boys back
02:03All right, you heard him let's get out of here boys
02:15Who is that, uh, that's lizzie manager of sorts protecting me just like the old days, huh charlie
02:27You guys know each other we go back sarah meet jack hudson
02:34my brother
02:48So when'd you get here late last night at the call last minute for a fight tonight
02:55Hey, good to see you rex. How you doing, buddy?
03:01How you doing, he did uh a number on you has your head that that was a cheap shot like that
03:07No, that was nothing
03:08Just a show to promote the fight on social media. Well, you should have called
03:13You won't come stay at the house. I got a motel room. I didn't want to impose
03:18So you train here too
03:20Uh, no first time
03:22Well, I see charlie here is punching above his weight, yeah
03:25I have a girlfriend who can put up with the smell here. So i'm living the dream, right?
03:30Well, I gotta get a few rounds in myself get the blood pumping. Maybe one of these tomato cans will spar with me
03:36Well, I got gloves in my bag. Maybe we should go a few rounds
03:40Thinking you're over the distance old man without breaking a sweat
03:59Oh, you want some of this, huh? Come on what you want, man
04:18You're slow cutting your angles charlie keep your hands up and bob around a bit
04:21I know my way around the ring taxi boy, you forget or tell you everything, you know
04:39Ha your moves don't work as good as you think they do pal
04:44But if you use my shoulder roll you might be champ by now
05:09Shoulder roll just got you laid out old man easy pal
05:14Jack just doesn't know his own strength
05:18Hey looking forward to the fight tonight want to grab some dinner after
05:30You okay, yeah
05:33Well, that was a bit of a surprise
05:36What jack's left hunk? Oh his visit
05:39It's strange that he didn't call him. Uh, no jack's not much of a communicator
05:45When was the last time you guys saw each other
05:47a couple years
05:49Used to be close. It'd been hard to keep in touch
05:52I tried but uh, you know jack does his own thing
05:54Well, maybe this visit can be a chance to reconnect still remember him connecting with my jaw. I'm serious charlie. So am I?
06:01Okay, no, okay. Yeah, I hear you I hear you but let's just see how tonight goes, okay
06:21I haven't seen a beating this bad since paulo and drago jesse. That's charlie's brother. Don't forget. No, i'm just i'm sure
06:27He's just warming up charlie. Don't count him out jesse
06:31He's got a mean left hook
06:36Is he being too restrained yeah, that's his job as a journeyman he better be he's here to build up the record of guys like
06:42like ricky
06:46He's not here to win which is why he has more than 100 losses
06:50Being a journeyman is a regular paying job, you know, he fights a lot more than guys on the competitive track
06:55It's an option taken by boxers who lose the drive to be a champ
07:18You know, I don't like this sport it brings out the worst in people
07:25He's really working on jack's eye leave it alone ricky, let me see you writing for a change
07:46Give him a show but don't go for the eye. Give me sideline
08:13You're a disgrace to the sport
08:20We should take you to the hospital you're getting in stitches
08:34That looks better shouldn't have happened technical knockout due to cuts it's an automatic 30-day suspension. Oh
08:40My paycheck
08:42Our kidder doesn't understand how this works
08:45Did you see what I did to his face?
08:47Huh? I know I beat his ass. But hey poppy. He took a warrior to break him
08:57It's okay rex
08:59It's the business. Yeah, why don't you come stay with me till you get better?
09:03No, thanks
09:05Nothing a nice bath at the motel can't fix
09:10Is he gonna be okay, yeah for sure he's a professional he'll be fine
09:25Hey, did you hear back from jack no not yet his loss probably bothered us more than it did him
09:34What is it they found a body at your boxing gym
09:50You okay
09:53Yeah, just uh for a second I thought it might be jack
09:57Hey charlie
10:01They said you found the body
10:04Still no cctv in here
10:07You know me
10:08The only camera I got is an old kodak point and shooting. I can't even buy a film for that anymore
10:13What was he doing in here before you?
10:16I gave him the key
10:19Lizzie paid extra to have her fighters come in and train after hours
10:23I sure hope your brother didn't have anything to do with this
10:27Landed that big left hook seen this happen once before
10:31Guy got a slow brain bleed
10:33Died the next day an accident
10:38But the other fellow never got over it
10:54What do you got pal
10:58I think rex believes this belongs to ricky
11:07Job buddy
11:11Charlie what the hell happened? He was a strong kid. We're gonna find out lizzie
11:15Look, do you know why he would come back here by himself last night?
11:18I don't know talk to max this corner man there joined at the hip
11:23Hey max
11:25You want to come with me have a few questions for you
11:32Based on algor mortis i'd say he died between midnight and 2 a.m
11:36When we initially reviewed the body we wondered if ricky died because of the boxing match. Yeah
11:41But we found a second set of bruises broken capillaries show damage to the skin consistent with that of bare knuckle punches
11:48Wait, are you saying there was another fight outside the ring? It appears that way
11:54Well, i'm gonna reconstruct the rest of the night. You think you can keep me posted? Yeah
12:02You seem unsettled
12:05Yeah, uh, that's
12:07That's one way to put it a worry held too close can't be transformed
12:13I mean i'd be happy to listen if you want to talk
12:18A friend is just um having some trouble and you know, I I just want to fix it charlie
12:25You do have great energy by the way good pairing
12:31Oh, no one's supposed to know oh
12:34I'm sure they don't
12:36i'm, just really intuitive I
12:39I won't say anything. I promise
12:41so, uh
12:43Fixing problems for loved ones. That can be tricky
12:47I have some oracle cards
12:50Uh, I find they help me when i'm stuck
12:53Uh, uh, no, thanks. Uh karma. I'll figure it out myself. You sure? Yeah. Thank you
13:03How long you been a part of lizzie's crew max
13:06Uh came into a circle around the same time as ricky. I uh, I can't believe he's gone
13:13I noticed you're his corner man at the fight last night. I wasn't much of a boxer myself
13:17Lizzie put me to work as ricky's guy
13:19Cut man trainer a driver nutritionist anything he needed
13:23Well last night ricky he went uh to the club after the fight then he went back to the gym
13:29Yeah, you drove him
13:32He didn't want me to
13:34Had that argument kind of shook him what argument no one told you
13:41Jack hudson came to the club after the fight all bent out of shape charlie. I got something
13:55It seems like the last person to see ricky alive was my brother we know someone posted this an hour ago
14:30I'll be back
14:46Does he know where to find me I figured you'd come back to our old spot
14:50Listen I don't need you hounding me every time I lose. Okay, i'm fine how
14:56That's not why i'm here
14:58Ricky morgan's dead. I gotta take you in. Okay for questioning
15:07Jack don't even think about it ricks would take you down
15:31It's not what it looks like I have no reason to kill ricky
15:35He sidelined you with that cut above your eye
15:38You were mad
15:39I saw it if you weren't why'd you get back in the ring with him?
15:41Is this my brother asking or a cop both?
15:44And you know what? You should be thankful right now that the cop in front of you is your brother, right?
15:48Because you're in my corner
15:51I'm always in your corner jack. Come on
15:53I need you to tell me the truth now. No more lies. I didn't lie. I told you about ricky
15:58He didn't tell me anything about the second fight. I had to think all right
16:02It's not like I know what side you're on here what side i'm on you expect me to mess up. I don't expect
16:08What are you talking about?
16:09I bet you wish that you made sure that I went back to the motel last night, don't you?
16:12Oh, don't turn this around jack. You said you were fine believe what you want
16:21Fine you you don't want my help. Good luck
16:26You know police can't interrogate family members I told you to bring him in not to interrogate him charlie
16:32I thought he'd tell me the truth. Yeah, it looks like he got you more heated than anything else
16:35I just he knows how to push my buttons
16:39It's all right pal I just need to calm down
16:42He may have caused you to jeopardize the case before it even gets to court joe. Come on
16:46No, I am taking over the lead of this investigation. No more freelancing from you. I can't just sit on my hands good
16:52We'll go find the person who videotaped the little rematch charlie. That's the witness. We need to talk to
17:05It's okay you go
17:11So I saw your fight last night a lot of those runs were really close too bad you had to hold back
17:20You ever get used to that as a journeyman
17:22Part of the gig you are a controlled defensive fighter, you know how to hit a man without hurting him that job takes skill
17:30You should explain that part to charlie
17:33You know the thing that I can't quite understand is if you aren't attached to the outcome
17:39Why would you have a rematch with ricky last night?
17:51I was mad about the cut
17:54I showed poor judgment
17:56He messes with my livelihood and then fronts on social media when you're just trying to do your job
18:01I'm happy to help the kid pad his record, but he needs to show some basic respect
18:06So I went down to the club
18:08We exchanged a few words a few words about what you believe lizzie hadn't even told him the deal
18:14That she had hired you to give him a win
18:17So I told him and I didn't break it to him too gently
18:21He didn't believe he didn't win on skill. He wanted to prove me wrong
18:26So he challenged you
18:28One-on-one grudge match at the gym. No audience. No points. We got in a cab and we went down to grants. Let's teach him a lesson
18:35I just wanted to show him what type of fighter he was
18:38He's all sizzle. You know, he wants to go after the belt the the money-making fights
18:42Sure, shoot your shot, but show some respect for the guys who get you there
18:47Right, so he didn't hold back
18:54It was a fair fight when I left he was still alive
19:01Look if one of my punches killed him, I didn't mean it
19:15Hey, I unlocked the victim's phone i'll see what else I can find. Yeah, that's great. Maybe you can help me verify jack's statement
19:20You have an alibi? Yeah. Yeah. He said that he he left ricky alive got back to his motel around 12 50
19:26So if we take his word for it
19:29Nothing else comes to light. Maybe
19:31No, maybe we get a manslaughter charge
19:33Didn't mean to hurt the guy
19:35I mean still he'd be looking at a couple years in jail though, wouldn't he?
19:43No sign of our videographer witness at the gym, are we still waiting on an autopsy report we'll get we'll get it soon
19:49I hope how's jack?
19:51I'm mad at me somehow
19:53Sure, sure. He's not just scared
19:57Worst day of his life and he won't even let me help him
20:01I'm, sorry. I'm sorry. This is happening. I just remember
20:05being so thrilled when my mom told me that I was gonna have a brother and then
20:09Just let him tag along with me everywhere. Even when he was too young to keep up just
20:16We were best friends I
20:21I don't know how it all changed
20:23Charlie why don't you just go talk to him? Just tell him what you told me
20:35I always say the wrong thing. I gotta go
20:53I uh, I wanted to check your dressing
21:03Do you mind holding that for me? Thanks
21:17Charlie's uh worried about you not exactly the visit I expected either
21:25How long have you two been together a few months friends before that for a long time
21:31Yeah, I think I remember him mentioning you to mom and dad one christmas
21:35I could tell you've made an impression
21:37It's nice
21:39To be able to talk about it. We haven't told our co-workers rules against dating at work. Yeah, I bet charlie's a real stickler
21:46No, it was me. Actually. I just didn't want it to be a distraction
21:50Hmm. Well, i'm sure charlie's fine with it that job always comes first for him, right?
21:58He's very dedicated it's one of the things I admire about him
22:05I'm happy for you guys
22:13I mean, it obviously bothers them both that they're not closer
22:16If it was me and my sister my mother would have locked us in a room years ago to sort it all out
22:20Is that what you want to do?
22:24Yeah, charlie would love that
22:33What do you get out of these oracle cards
22:38Is it basically like going to a psychic? No, not at all. It's just a different perspective
22:43Hmm you should try it
22:47But actually first I have some results I think you're going to want to see
22:58What am I looking at here
23:00On his back and at the base of his skull that wasn't made by a punch
23:04Tramline bruises caused by blunt force trauma with a cylindrical object here
23:08Basler fracture that is what killed him jack may not have done this at all
23:19We can say with certainty that the blow to the back of the head killed ricky on impact and jack said that he left ricky
23:24Alive, you know, that's what he said, but I prefer confirmation. Yeah, I might be able to help with that
23:28I've just found a series of angry text messages on ricky's phone. You're never getting off this rock
23:33This is from lizzie. Yeah, and after the text there was a facetime call and this all happened around the time of ricky's death
23:38Jesse, what about the motel?
23:39Well cctv got jack going into his room just before one and didn't leave for the rest of the night and the facetime happened after
23:441 a.m
23:44Which means that lizzie saw ricky alive after jack left this exonerates jack. Why it does
23:53Okay, we cut him loose charlie you want the honor
23:57I'm gonna follow up with lizzie to confirm the facetime
24:01There's no need for that. I I can do that. Good. I'm gonna chat with my source at the gym rex
24:12Charlie hey, hey, hey wait
24:14If you want to fix this with jack that this would be your chance
24:18I think the best thing I can do for him right now is to find this killer. Maybe that can wait. He doesn't want me to
24:26But can I can I invite him to dinner
24:34Sure don't be disappointed if he says no
24:39Come on pal
24:45Any shady dealings in lizzie's past
24:50I don't know if I should be getting into that charlie. I mean she's made donations to keep this gym afloat
24:55I appreciate the discretion, but you know, it's gone too far
25:01All I know is the business end of it
25:04From what it looks like
25:06Lizzie's what you'd call a steer
25:08She signs naive kids to controlling management contracts pass their records then sells them off to investors
25:15How long have you known about this?
25:18From what I understand. It's not illegal. No predatory though
25:22Any of these kids ever rebel?
25:25This is just a rumor but a few years back one of our fighters tried to leave he got injured
25:34Rumor has it. She had his fingers broken
25:37Couldn't box anymore brittle hands. Who was this boxer?
25:44Is that ricky's gear
25:50Hey max, you mind if I ask you a couple questions about lizzie
25:55Not much to say we have a great relationship can I just get the stuff grant i'll leave you two alone for a minute
26:09Where lizzie and ricky were they getting along
26:12As far as I know sure really? Yeah, because I heard that he was pretty upset because she fixed that fight
26:17He's more my hijack husband
26:28Lizzie ever hurt you max because if she did the same to ricky you don't want that on your conscience
26:36She's not the type you'd want to cross
26:40You tell me the truth I can help you
26:50Ricky and I
26:52Were considering a move to la a manager there is interested. Lizzie may have found out and felt some type of way
26:58Well, so what did what did what did lizzie do did she threaten ricky?
27:05For him she hustled got him a fight with furious george big influencer k
27:09Million dollar about would have put ricky on the map
27:13He still wanted to leave after she did all that or she did worse to you a lot less
27:20That was just a misunderstanding that's all I can tell you
27:28Before you go
27:31I need one of ricky's gloves
27:37Why are you yelling at me he's your partner
27:41Mind telling rex what you're doing no soon enough mind telling me playing a hunch
27:52Okay, pal get the scent find it
28:11What's he got rex just found the murder weapon
28:23Am I in the clear getting there
28:26Yeah, charlie's
28:28Still working the case
28:29Hopefully we'll have more answers soon
28:33Oh, that's a relief
28:35So can I leave town? Yeah, if you want, but I I was hoping you'd be staying for a bit. Uh
28:41Charlie and I wanted to invite you to dinner really
28:43Charlie said that
28:47When did you last have a home-cooked meal with family?
28:52What time should I be there
29:00You got a minute lizzie
29:08You'll never make it off this island it's a message to ricky at 105 am
29:15Is this you threatening your fight of the night? He was killed
29:19Ricky was upset
29:22after his fight with hudson
29:24He threatened to leave so I told him the truth. He won't make it out there on his own
29:29Why don't you tell him what hudson's real job was?
29:33I was building the kids confidence. Well, did he thank you when you explained it to him?
29:37He listened to reason. Yeah, we hung up and I went back inside to celebrate you. Tell him the whole story
29:45Petting wins to sell fighters to investors you steer lizzie taking advantage of desperate kids looking for a family
29:55They should thank me along with jesus that I saved them from themselves
30:00I am a mentor
30:02And a businesswoman my fighters understand that
30:05If anything it was your brother who did this we all saw the video. Yeah, but ricky he told you he wanted out
30:11Just like max did a few years ago before he had his fingers broken. I gave that kid everything
30:17Everything he had fed him taught him to box
30:21He threatens to leave
30:23Disrespectful, I got a right to feel betrayed doesn't mean I had ricky clipped
30:29Where'd you go after your face done with ricky? I was in the club celebrating
30:35There's witnesses
30:44So what what does it take to be a working journeyman well
30:50You gotta have a strong chin
30:53If you have a glass jaw, you're gonna get knocked out all the time. Then you're just a bum and charlie got you into boxing
31:00Something like that. Yeah
31:02I used to get knocked around a bit in school
31:04I taught him how to defend himself, but then I fell hard and fast for the sweet science pretty soon after that
31:10I was lighting you up wasn't I well, I mean that's because I taught you everything everything. You know, I saw that don't forget it
31:17He loves to say that tells everyone yeah, but the truth be told he uh, he was a thing of beauty in the ring
31:22he's fast and loose and
31:25Could have gone far
31:30What do you mean by that
31:38Oh, I I don't think he would no no no
31:42Charlie's a big boy. He can speak for himself. Can't you? What do you mean by that? Come on jack?
31:46Meant it as a compliment
31:49You're very talented. You could have been more than a journeyman. Hmm
31:54Then why aren't I
31:57It sounds like I don't know jack why aren't you
32:06Maybe because when the biggest fight of my career happened you bailed on me
32:17The underhay card
32:20I just made detective. I got my first case. I couldn't just leave I apologized for that
32:27What you've been hanging on to this this whole time? That was the most important day of my life
32:31I lost my step the minute I walked out of that locker room. Nobody was in my corner
32:37Everybody loses sometimes jack. Yeah, including my manager who lost interest in me
32:42Come on, so I had to decide where to go from there
32:44I chose journeyman so that I could keep fighting one fight one loss and you blame me for everything that happens afterwards
32:51That makes sense. Well, we're we're upsetting rex. No, you never get tired of calling me a failure
32:56But you weren't there for me. Well, i'm the one here on the phone that you never pick up
33:01But you'd rather blame me for all your
33:12Yeah, hey you're right
33:16It is my fault i'm a nobody
33:19I get it
33:21But you don't have to play the role of big brother anymore
33:25I found out years ago that i'm all on my own. You're off the hook pal
33:31Thank you for dinner
33:50I've never seen charlie this upset and I I feel like it's my fault. I made it worse
33:57Maybe it calls for drastic measures
34:11So the card you select focuses your attention on the meaningful part of the problem now
34:19Let your intuition
34:20Guide you to a card
34:28Oh the pillar card that one represents stability and support
34:39So charlie needs to support jack only you can know the true meaning and interpretation of the card
34:48Nancy we really appreciate your cooperation. Um, if this is about the gift baskets, I know nothing
34:53Gift baskets. No. No, we're we're investigating a murder
34:58How can I help
35:00Um, i'm
35:02understand that you were
35:04Running the valet at the cosmo club night of the 16th
35:07Do you remember this car personalized license plate mama bear? That's lizzie's car. Yes. Yeah. Okay, uh any
35:14Memory of what time she might have left. I look I know you have to keep track of a bunch of cars
35:18It's 1 10 in the morning
35:21Oh, that's um
35:23It's a really good memory. Um, I remember it's special because uh,
35:27I just came back from my break and um, lizzie wasn't the one driving
35:33So bubba we have a witness that says that they saw you leave the club right after lizzie's chat with ricky
35:38Where were you going?
35:41Direct your questions to me. Why?
35:43Does he have something to hide or do you not want him to tell me that you sent him to lean on ricky?
35:49Things got out of hand. You killed him instead. Wait, I never did any of that
35:53You didn't swing a metal rod at the back of ricky's head. No, I never even went into the gym
35:58When I got there I saw ricky's car pull out so I followed him
36:03Where I don't know I lost his tail
36:05So I went to the house and waited up
36:06But he never came home until grant called me from the gym the next morning. We thought he'd taken off
36:11So he didn't listen to reason like you said before
36:16Look jack embarrassed him
36:18He was on a rampage
36:20Yelling at me
36:21So I made up a story about getting him a fight with furious george
36:26I thought that would turn his head
36:29He didn't fall for it
36:39When you were waiting up for ricky
36:42Did you see max?
36:44So you think max filmed the second fight with jack and posted it online. I think that he was there
36:49Lizzie said that she lied during the face time with ricky about setting up a fight with furious george. Okay
36:54It was a lie
36:56She made it up on the spot and one other person heard it and repeated it to me max
37:01So knowing that detail places him at the gym at the time of the murder
37:05You think he's their killer?
37:08I don't know why he'd do it. I think you should ask him
37:30Hey max, I need you to come down to the station
37:49Let's do this the easy way, shall we let's go
38:09Okay max
38:17Come on
38:19Hey, what are you doing get off of my boy? Yeah, your boy killed ricky
38:27But he was your brother
38:31Max what did you do?
38:36Job pal
38:44Didn't kill ricky
38:48You had a key to the gym
38:51You had information that only the witness who shot that video would have had and uh, we have the murder weapon
38:58With your fingerprints on it
39:00One of grant's ancient stretching rods must be lots of people's fingerprints on it. That's right
39:07one of grant's ancient stretching rods
39:12Only the killer and her ex would know that
39:18Come on kid tell me what happened
39:22When I got there
39:25They were already fighting I thought ricky was gonna pound this guy and he'd love to have a record for his social
39:31Yeah, it didn't turn out that way. Only one more surprise to me was ricky
39:35He must have been embarrassed
39:37After jack left I came out to give ricky a hand up, but I guess he was mad. I saw him get beat
39:43Told me to leave him alone. Yeah, but you didn't because you were still there when he talked to lizzie
39:47He told her that he was going to los angeles getting in his car that night. So when he hung up I said, okay, man
39:54I said i'm ready. I said let's go
39:58Called me a leech same as lizzie said I was going nowhere with him
40:03He was gonna abandon you that's when I grabbed the rod
40:07I didn't I didn't mean to do it
40:14Yeah, but then you dragged his body into the ring and you posted that video
40:21To make it look like jack didn't I think like if I hadn't done it he probably would have changed his mind
40:26You know, he probably would have taken me with him
40:35I love you, too, man. Oh, uh, can you tell bo that i'll be there for his birthday?
40:40Okay, great. Okay. I love you. Bye
40:43Our families are very different
40:46Which is why I wanted to apologize
40:49no, yeah, yeah, I tried to fix things but
40:53Between you and jack, you know confront it head-on like I would with my sister
40:59I love that you tried
41:04But I know you can fix things on your own time in your own way
41:14I'm, sorry
41:35Thanks for meeting me
41:37Yeah, I want to let you know I got a confession out of that killer
41:40Oh, yeah, is that why you asked me here talk shop?
41:44Get a pat on the back
41:48I came to apologize. I didn't know how much it bothered you that I wasn't there for that fight
41:58I want to apologize for saying that you should have been something else
42:04I suppose I wouldn't have got so bent out of shape if you didn't have a point
42:09Turn him as a respectable career
42:13Whatever you decide to do for your career, I just want you to be happy
42:25But I I think it's time. I try a different kind of fight
42:29Olympic trials are coming up
42:31Take a run at that. See how far I can go. You could teach me a few things
42:38Sorry, I didn't uh didn't hear that I said maybe you could show me a couple things
42:41I don't know. You know what? How about right now? Come on, right? Yeah. Come on, boy. You think you can keep up?
42:50You can keep up
43:04Think you can go the distance old man without even breaking a sweat