Hudson and Rex S06E03
Short filmTranscript
00:00The following program is rated PG
00:03and contains mature subject matter.
00:05Viewer discretion is advised.
00:14You headed home soon, Judge Cameron?
00:16Uh, not home exactly, but soon.
00:18You sure you don't want me to stay, help prep for tomorrow's trials?
00:21No, no, no, you go ahead. I'll see you bright and early.
00:37I'm Brooke Weaver, and you're listening to Sound Judgment.
00:41From anywhere in St. John's, I'm told you can see the Battery,
00:45a community of houses dotting the base of Signal Hill.
00:49To some, the site only serves as a constant reminder
00:53of the grisly crimes that took place there.
01:25Hey, did you get in okay?
01:26Yeah, I'm just settling in.
01:28Okay, have a seat.
01:29The room's not bad, actually.
01:31They'd say I have a nice view.
01:36Yeah, yeah, I have all the addresses for tomorrow's interviews.
01:39I had to stop one of them from spilling the whole story on the phone.
01:42Save it for the podcast.
01:46The walls are damn thin here, though.
01:50Good luck editing the background noise into this one.
01:56Okay, let's try this again.
02:02From anywhere in St. John's, I'm told you can see the Battery,
02:06a community of houses dotting the base of Signal Hill.
02:10To some, the site only serves as a constant reminder
02:14of the grisly crimes that took place there.
02:17Okay, let's try this again.
02:19From anywhere in St. John's, I'm told you can see the Battery,
02:23a community of houses dotting the base of Signal Hill.
02:27Okay, let's try this again.
02:29From anywhere in St. John's, I'm told you can see the Battery,
02:33a community of houses dotting the base of Signal Hill.
02:37To some, the site only serves as a constant reminder
02:41of the grisly crimes that took place there.
03:079-1-1, what's your emergency?
03:09I think there's been a murder.
03:22Charlie, no sign of Judge Cameron turning up anywhere.
03:25Press are already all over this. Any luck contacting her family?
03:28No, no. I mean, her daughter Lucy's number is disconnected.
03:31No social media presence.
03:33One missing person at a time, Jesse.
03:35Look, I want you to start digging into Judge Cameron's trial record
03:38for any controversial rulings.
03:40What sort of suspects am I looking for here?
03:42The 9-1-1 caller was adamant that the murder took place there last night.
03:45I won't know until I get in there, but we should be prepared for anything.
03:48Joe's good friends with the judge, so I'm hoping for the best.
03:51Yeah. Okay.
03:53Detective Hudson, what happened here?
03:55Is it true Judge Cameron was in an altercation here last night?
03:58No comment.
04:01I got a couple checking into this room tomorrow.
04:07Are you sure this is a crime scene?
04:09Because this doesn't look like a crime scene.
04:12Maybe to you.
04:14How many of your guests vanish in the middle of the night and leave all their stuff?
04:20And their car keys.
04:22Okay. Point taken.
04:24Until they say otherwise, this is a crime scene.
04:26Judge lives on the other side of town. Any idea why she was staying here?
04:29No idea. I just take the bookings, all right?
04:32Look, none of the other guests complained about noises last night.
04:35Then I'll talk to the one who did.
04:45Are you here about the murder last night?
04:48No, I'm not.
04:52Are you here about the murder next door?
04:55We don't know it's a murder yet.
04:57If you heard what I heard, you'd know it was. Please come in.
05:00My partner Rex is going to come in, too. Are you okay with dogs?
05:09Hi, Rex.
05:11You're Detective Charlie Hudson.
05:14Did you get my emails?
05:16No, I don't think so.
05:18I'm Brooke Weaver.
05:20That's right. The true crime podcaster from Ottawa, right?
05:23Yeah, that's me. Sound Judgment.
05:25I'm doing the story on the battery murders of 07.
05:27Yeah, well, let's just try and keep this to the present for right now.
05:30What exactly did you hear last night?
05:32After the woman from next door came home, a man came up, too.
05:37They immediately started arguing.
05:40Did you hear what they said?
05:42Not clearly, but there was a crash.
05:45Then I heard the woman collapse to the floor.
05:48How did you know who it was?
05:50He had heavier footsteps.
05:53I heard the difference when he started dragging her.
05:56Just like how I can hear you walking around the apartment
05:59while I'm standing here talking to Rex.
06:04Right. Sorry. You were saying about the footsteps.
06:07And that's when I took the photos.
06:10What photos?
06:16Can you describe the pictures to me?
06:19What did I catch?
06:23There's a man passing by your door.
06:26Face is visible, but it's blurry.
06:31Um, did you get the sense that he knew that you were here listening?
06:37Do you think that there's a chance that he might come back?
06:40It's not likely.
06:42It's not likely. Seems like they knew each other.
06:45Well, it sounded like he hit her pretty hard.
06:48You didn't find any evidence of murder in that room?
06:51No. It was pretty much exactly the same as this.
06:54It was clean and identical, except...
06:59You know what? This has actually been very helpful. Thank you.
07:02So when can we sit down to talk about the battery murders?
07:06I'm here until Monday.
07:08Brooke, I don't do interviews, but I do love true crime podcasts
07:11and I look forward to listening to it.
07:13Okay, well, if you need anything, you know where to find me.
07:16What if I take your vase?
07:18Oh, it's not mine.
07:25Bye, Rex.
07:54Looks like the judge owes me a damage fee.
08:12Hey, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
08:16We just put new floors in here!
08:18Not him you need to worry about.
08:32Gonna have to call that couple, cancel their stay.
08:36Sarah, I need forensics.
08:39Supreme Suites guarantees a peaceful and secure stay.
08:42Guess which one of these statements is false.
08:44I'm gonna go with option A.
08:46Our witness, Brooke, didn't sleep too well after what she heard last night.
08:49Trick question, Charlie. It's all bunk.
08:51CCTV is completely bust.
08:53There are no working cameras in this place?
08:55Well, there are, yeah, but, I mean, their memory cards have been full since 2018.
08:59We are flying totally blind on this one, Charlie.
09:01You may want to adjust your phrasing.
09:03You get that e-mail that I sent?
09:05Yeah, yeah, but who took these pictures? Annie Leibovitz?
09:08No, Brooke Weaver, suite 202. She's blind, Jesse.
09:13Right, I'm sorry.
09:15Yeah, these are blurry, but I'll try to clean them up, see who we're dealing with here.
09:19Okay, well, Sarah's processing the scene, and I'm gonna head down to the courthouse.
09:22I'll keep you posted.
09:30Judge give any indication she wasn't gonna be in today?
09:32When I left her last night, she was preparing for the trials today.
09:35Court reporters had a field day when she didn't show up.
09:38That explains how the press found out about this.
09:41Do you know why she was staying at Supreme Suites?
09:44Her place was being fumigated. Carpenter ants. She has a lot of mahogany.
09:48What type of cases does she have on her docket lately? Anything contentious?
09:52I mean, it's a criminal court. They're all contentious.
09:55We've been wanting to interview her daughter, Lucy, all day.
09:58Any idea where she's living now?
10:00No idea. We used to see a lot of Lucy around here. Not so much lately.
10:04Hmm. Kids grow up.
10:07Judge have visitors often?
10:09On occasion. Judge Cameron had a sweet tooth. She kept these around to offer guests.
10:13Any visitors on her schedule yesterday?
10:15Not that I know of.
10:31Well, someone dropped in unannounced.
10:34Looks like dried paint.
10:37Probably oil-based.
10:39Doesn't match the courthouse color scheme. Someone must have tracked it in.
10:42Also brought these for you to lift a print off of.
10:45Don't know if we'll be able to match these to any of the prints in here.
10:51I don't think so.
10:53I don't think so.
10:55I don't think so.
10:57There's no prints in here.
11:03The guy put a dish glove on?
11:05We found the packaging in the trash. And he also went to the effort of cleaning up, too.
11:09Swab of this showed up traces of benzylconium chloride.
11:13Well, the guy's resourceful. I'll give him that.
11:15Did you pick up any more pieces of that broken vase?
11:17Uh, no. No. Just the one that you found.
11:19Our witness said that she heard that smash, and then the judge fell and hit the floor.
11:23Why would you take the shards with you, unless...
11:26Because your fingerprints were on that vase.
11:29He did that before he put the gloves on.
11:49Okay, pal. Get back. Come on.
11:55The killer threw something out?
12:00Looks like it.
12:11Could've taken the stairs.
12:13Yeah, I know.
12:16Looks like it's been emptied.
12:21Track it.
12:36Whoa! Hey! Hey, down boy!
12:41It's okay. It's okay. We're police. S-J-P-E-D.
12:44Easy, pal.
12:46Can I get you to open that catch?
13:18Come here.
13:20I've been looking everywhere for you.
13:24Is it true?
13:30Your mother was one of the most formidable people I ever knew.
13:33And I promise you, we're gonna do everything we can to find out who did this.
13:38I just, um...
13:40I just thought we would have more time together.
13:47The last few months have been rough since I moved out.
13:51Why's that?
13:56My boyfriend and I, we found this really great spot off of Remgen's Boulevard.
14:01Lots of space.
14:03Even has room for my photography darkroom.
14:08Lucy, this is an industrial area.
14:11Your mother couldn't have been happy about you living in a warehouse.
14:14She thought it was a death trap.
14:17She never really approved of any of the choices that I made for myself.
14:22Was your boyfriend another one of the things she didn't approve of?
14:29Lucy, we found a soda bottle in your mother's office.
14:33When we ran the prints, it was a match with someone in our system.
14:39That someone was Sean Hammond, your boyfriend.
14:43Why would he have been in her office, though?
14:46I was hoping you could tell me that.
14:48Do you know where Sean was last night?
14:50No, he...
14:52He was out with friends, but he...
14:54He has nothing to do with this.
14:56Lucy, Sean has a long list of priors.
14:59BNA, aggravated assault.
15:01He wouldn't hurt anyone now, though.
15:03And especially not my mom.
15:09Hey. Hey.
15:11Can you look what the photos that witness took?
15:13Yeah, I'm actually... I'm glad you asked.
15:15I'm running an A.I. program that should clear up the blur
15:18and compile everything into a composite of the killer's face.
15:20Oh, wow, I just saw Rachel, the sketch artist, down at the mugshot.
15:23Should I tell her to pack up her desk?
15:25It's only a matter of time. The future is now, Sarah.
15:28Hmm. Hmm.
15:31Um, yeah, you should be an easy man to find.
15:34All right, listen up.
15:36Uh, Lucy is living with Sean Hammond
15:38in some warehouse on Bremergan Boulevard.
15:40Some warehouse? She didn't give you an address?
15:42No, the moment I asked about Sean, she clammed up.
15:44She's in shock. I don't really blame her.
15:46Come on, I think what's on his social media might help.
15:53The colors in that painting, they, uh...
15:56They match those flakes that Rex found in the judge's office.
15:58Which is all the more reason to bring him in.
16:00Let's do it quick.
16:02If I can clear up that sign in the background,
16:04it's a good indication.
16:10That's the old McCormick factory.
16:12There you go.
16:14Nice work. Thank you.
16:23Bit of a fixer-upper.
16:26You hang here. I'll check it out.
16:35Sean Hammond.
17:13I'm with the SJPD.
17:18Need to ask you a few questions.
17:56Just save that paint for the canvas.
17:58Get him!
18:00You know that can of paint
18:02could do a lot of damage to a man's head.
18:04I'm sorry.
18:06I just panicked.
18:08You know, you're lucky that we're only charging you
18:10with aggravated assault.
18:14Hey, I have a handshake deal
18:16with the guy who owns the warehouse.
18:18I'm not talking about the warehouse.
18:20I'm talking about the Supreme Suites.
18:22I'm talking about Justice Cameron.
18:24I'm talking about specifically last night.
18:26I wasn't anywhere near there.
18:28So you're saying you didn't talk to Judge Cameron yesterday?
18:30At the courthouse, yeah.
18:34We spoke to the bailiff.
18:36He said there was a lot of shouting yesterday.
18:39I got a little passionate, sure.
18:48I came home last week
18:50to find Lucy crying,
18:52saying that her mom saw the studio
18:54and didn't approve of the way she was living.
18:56Didn't approve of the way she was living
18:58or didn't approve of you?
19:04She didn't really get a chance to know me.
19:06Just my record.
19:08That must really upset you, huh?
19:12You couldn't get through to her at the courthouse.
19:14So you followed her to the Supreme Suites
19:16and then...
19:18Hey, who the hell do you think I am?
19:20I'm not a murderer.
19:22That isn't the voice I heard last night.
19:24You're sure?
19:26Detective, I've had to learn to trust my hearing
19:28above anything else.
19:30I'm sure.
19:32The killer had a raspier voice.
19:34Deeper, too.
19:38Well, thank you for coming in.
19:40Let me walk you to the front.
19:42Oh, no, I remember my way out.
19:44All the signs around here are Braille on them.
19:46I'll manage on my own, thanks.
19:50I'll get the door for you.
19:58Someone's eager to walk you out.
20:00Listen, you ever considered a guide dog before?
20:02I have some great trainers I could refer you to.
20:04Well, I never thought I needed one.
20:08I've been doing fine on my own so far,
20:10but thanks, Rex.
20:20Well, aren't you stubborn?
20:26You know what?
20:28All right, buddy, come on.
20:30Let's go.
20:42Any luck with that parcel print yet?
20:46When the killer threw the vase down the garbage chute,
20:48six pieces turned into 60.
20:50It's like the jigsaw puzzle from hell.
20:52Autopsy in?
20:54I just got it.
20:56There's still a bit of a backlog
20:58since Carmel left for her new job in Halifax.
21:00You're gonna wait your gut till it's gone.
21:04Well, cause of death was blunt force trauma.
21:06As we could suspect, cranial damage suggests
21:08the killer had to have been at least six foot one
21:10to deliver the hit.
21:12Sean's a little shorter than that.
21:14A swab turned up traces of sulfuric fluoride.
21:20Judge's house is being fumigated, but why would she go back?
21:22Well, I didn't find enough to suggest
21:24that she stepped into the gas herself.
21:26It was mostly concentrated on her wrists and shoulders.
21:28So it probably came from the killer during their struggle,
21:30which would mean
21:32the killer paid a visit to the judge's house.
21:34Let's go.
21:44Fumigation all done here?
21:48Nothing creeping or crawling in there now,
21:50or your money back.
21:52Once I get paid, that is.
21:54Well, maybe a little delay on that.
21:56Judge Cameron was killed last night.
21:58Oh, wow.
22:00Hey, hey, what's he doing?
22:02He's alerting me to the scent of the pesticide that you used
22:04that was found on Judge Cameron's body.
22:06When was the last time you saw her?
22:08Not since I started the job three days ago.
22:10Don't be getting any ideas there, Columbo.
22:12I'm just a simple bug man here to do a job.
22:14Okay, you're not a suspect,
22:16so calm down before you start acting like one.
22:18Anyone stop by when the tents were up?
22:20Yeah, one guy did yesterday
22:22as I was heading out on my lunch break.
22:26I gave him the address to her rental.
22:28Well, you regularly just hand out that kind of information
22:30to random passerby.
22:32He said he was from her work, had some files to deliver.
22:34I didn't think anything of it at the time.
22:36What'd the man look like?
22:38Didn't get a good look at him, man.
22:40He go inside?
22:42He could have,
22:44but the gas I was pumping in there would choke a man.
22:46He'd have to be crazy to step in there.
22:48Oh, I've seen crazier things.
22:50I'm gonna go inside, Rex.
23:00I know you were in here.
23:02What were you looking for?
23:26Well, what was in here?
23:28Rex, you get anything off this?
24:00Well done, Rex.
24:04Very well done.
24:12Judge Cameron had always said to me
24:14we're meeting people on the worst day of their lives.
24:16She was really empathetic like that.
24:18She sounds like she was really great to work with.
24:20Everybody seemed to like her.
24:22Hey, Rex.
24:26What are you doing here?
24:28Detective Hudson.
24:30I was just in the middle of an interview.
24:32On an active investigation, sounds like.
24:34You think you could give us the room?
24:36It was really lovely speaking with you, Rosie.
24:38I'll be in touch.
24:44Wait for me. I'll give you a lift.
24:52What'd you tell her?
24:54Just memories of Judge Cameron.
24:56What she was like.
24:58It was nice, given what's happened.
25:00Can you tell me what was in this?
25:06Judge Cameron kept all of her thoughts
25:08and deliberations on active trials in this notebook.
25:10Even I wasn't allowed to read it.
25:12We found it empty with the pages burnt.
25:14That's bizarre.
25:16She usually destroys her notes for confidentiality,
25:18but she usually shreds it here
25:20for the documents.
25:22I don't think Judge Cameron did this herself.
25:24When was the last time she switched the notebook
25:26out into that cover?
25:28A month ago? Six weeks, maybe?
25:30Narrows it down a bit.
25:38I thought you were focused on the battery murders.
25:40Well, when a story drops in your lap like this,
25:42you have to follow it.
25:44It's not a story.
25:46It's a sensitive investigation.
25:48Who else did she talk to?
25:50A couple of people who were with her
25:52during her final cases.
25:54The guy who was stabbed in that stabbing case,
25:56the passenger in that DUI car wreck.
25:58Brooke, from where I'm sitting,
26:00those people, they're suspects.
26:02Where else was I supposed to start?
26:04Besides, the list of her trials
26:06is a matter of public record.
26:08What, are you worried
26:10that I'm going to crack the case before you?
26:16Well, you're going to have to return those files as evidence.
26:20If you sit for an interview
26:22about the battery murders.
26:30The judge has seen hundreds of cases
26:32over her career, but only five were in that notebook.
26:36petty theft, B&E,
26:38DUI, and Carthel.
26:40With infrared photography, I was able to recover
26:42a few pages on each case from the burnt notebook.
26:44An all-star list of non-violent felonies.
26:46I mean, none of them
26:48really seemed that murdery to me.
26:50The question is, which one of them had anything to gain
26:52by burning those notes?
26:54Well, the judge's death.
26:56It's an automatic mistrial when a judge passes during proceedings.
26:58So one of the cases wasn't heading
27:00the way that they wanted. Any of these ongoing?
27:02Well, carjacking, B&E, and Banksy
27:04over here already had their sentencing hearings.
27:06The notes I recovered on those suggest
27:08they took plea deals. The B&E had a pretty lenient sentence.
27:10So not likely looking
27:12at revenge motive on those.
27:14And petty theft over here. I mean, he only had
27:16a preliminary hearing, so I'm guessing we can rule him out.
27:18So that leaves DUI.
27:20What do we know about him?
27:22Eli Newmore, 26 years old. He got loaded
27:24and drove his car through the front of someone's house.
27:26Judge dropped a guilty verdict on him
27:28last week, but he's out on bail
27:30before a sentencing hearing.
27:32Well, that sounds like a good place to start. Let's bring him in, Rex.
27:38Eli Newmore.
27:52Eli Newmore.
27:54I didn't just see you driving this car, did I?
27:56I thought your license was suspended after that DUI.
27:58Maybe you didn't then.
28:08Look, I got a couple weeks left to freedom
28:10before I go to prison for ages. Can we just be cool about this?
28:24Anything in here that might violate the terms of your bail?
28:28Okay, well, I'm just gonna have to
28:30impound this, and we're gonna do a search, and
28:32you're gonna have to come with me, so...
28:35Come on.
28:37Be cool, huh?
28:39We're just heading down to the station.
28:41A couple guys having a chat.
28:57Eli Newmore,
28:59son of hotel developer
29:01Lawrence Newmore.
29:03It says here that before your DUI,
29:05you just completed a business undergrad.
29:12So what happened?
29:15One big dumb mistake.
29:17One big dumb mistake where you drove into
29:19somebody's living room and you killed a father of three.
29:24Where were you two nights ago?
29:26At home with a friend.
29:28It's gonna sound stupid, but we were celebrating
29:30my next three birthdays.
29:32Your next three?
29:34Yeah, that's how many I'm gonna miss while I'm away.
29:36My lawyer says I'm lucky I got a clean record.
29:39Probably be out for my 30th birthday.
29:43You seem sure about that.
29:51I recommend the maximum sentence of
29:53ten years.
29:55No chance of early parole based on good behavior.
30:03Show clear lack of remorse.
30:05What the hell is this?
30:07These are Judge Cameron's personal notes.
30:09She had no intention of
30:11giving you a first-time offender slap on the wrist.
30:15I knew that judge had it out for me.
30:17So that's why she had to die.
30:21I want my lawyer,
30:23and I'd like this?
30:25I'd like this out of my sight.
30:33Okay, I'm not trying to be disrespectful.
30:35I understand you have hard jobs.
30:37You know, I know what it means,
30:39but I'm just trying to tell you it's my son, okay?
30:41It's my son. Sir.
30:43Have you charged him? Sir.
30:45Have you charged him?
30:47You have no right to keep him then.
30:49I want to see my son now.
30:51Sir, you need to settle down. Now.
30:53All right.
30:57Look, we have a right to hold Eli.
30:59On what grounds?
31:01Suspicion of murder.
31:03No, no, you can't...
31:05There is no way you can prove he has anything to do with that.
31:07Well, we'll let our witness and forensics be the judge of that.
31:19You got the wrong man.
31:23Even with all the mistakes he's made,
31:26I know Eli is a good kid.
31:31I'm a father myself.
31:35And I know they all start out that way.
31:38But Eli has to face up to what he did.
31:43Can you account for his whereabouts on Wednesday night?
31:51He was home all night.
32:01You listening to Brooke's interviews?
32:03Yeah. Yeah, she's really good, Charlie.
32:05I mean, I think she won herself a new listener.
32:07Well, just give me the CliffsNotes. What'd you learn?
32:09Okay, so, Brooke spoke to Eli's friend
32:11about the night of the murder, okay?
32:13Now, this guy says that they met not at Eli's house,
32:15but at a park to drink, and that Eli left
32:17before the time the judge was killed.
32:19Lawrence Newmore just told Joe that Eli was home all evening.
32:21Hey, what...
32:23Can you play this one?
32:25Yeah, yeah, I haven't played that one yet. Let me see.
32:27Ah, a guy's resourceful, I'll give him that.
32:29Did you pick up any more pieces of that broken vase?
32:33Did you know that Brooke was recording you at the crime scene?
32:35No, I didn't, but I actually meant this one right here
32:37that's date stamped for the night of the murder.
32:41From anywhere in St. John's, I'm told you can see the battery.
32:47Can you make that clearer?
32:51Get off of me!
32:57You're telling me
32:59that I caught the whole murder on tape?
33:01I must have kept the recording going by accident.
33:03Oh, my God, this is gonna be podcast gold.
33:05Yeah, I also heard the recording
33:07that you made of me and my colleague.
33:09That's completely unacceptable.
33:11Oh, what else was I supposed to do?
33:13I hear a murder,
33:15and I can't get a straight answer out of you
33:17about what happened.
33:19You think I felt safe staying here after that?
33:21Okay, I didn't think about
33:23how terrifying that must have been for you.
33:25You know,
33:27when my vision started to go,
33:29I had to promise myself
33:31I'd be resilient,
33:33learn to trust my other senses
33:35because I couldn't live my life terrified.
33:39That's not always easy.
33:43Yeah, it's hard to hold on to your courage
33:45when something like that gets thrown at you.
33:49I'm sorry for going behind your back.
33:51It's just...
33:53It's just...
33:55hearing the judge die was...
33:57A lot to process,
33:59so I did it the only way I knew how.
34:01By turning it into a story.
34:03I think that's the reason why my listeners
34:05turned to true crime in the first place.
34:07It helps us make sense
34:09of the worst things that we couldn't explain.
34:11Well, I'll admit,
34:13I listened to your tapes.
34:15You have a knack for detective work.
34:17So, does this audio of the murder
34:19blow the case wide open?
34:21Yeah, well, maybe.
34:23My techie, he's trying to clean it up right now
34:25so he can get a clearer sample of the killer's voice.
34:27But, hey, listen, while I have you,
34:29do you mind if I send you an audio file from an interrogation?
34:31If it's the voice that you heard,
34:33if we match it to your audio later, it'll censure it.
34:35Here, just hang on.
34:37Incoming audio file.
34:39Play file.
34:41I want my lawyer, and I'd like this?
34:43I'd like this out of my sight.
34:45Detective Hudson, I'm sorry,
34:47but this isn't our guy, either.
34:53Brooke, promise me you'll stay in the suites
34:55till I say so.
35:11Your team found your phone.
35:13Your team found anything
35:15in Eli's car?
35:17We just finished, and you were right.
35:19Rex was alerting to traces of sulfurofluoride on the steering wheel.
35:21Which means he was at the judge's house,
35:23but Eli should be our guy.
35:25Brooke couldn't identify his voice.
35:27Well, sounds like you're ahead of my bad news.
35:29I mean, that tracks with what I have.
35:31We finally found this
35:33under the driver's seat.
35:35But then after completing a print,
35:37it didn't match Eli's.
35:40I gotta go.
35:42Rex, Mama.
36:37Detective Hudson,
36:39I was just about to call you back.
36:41Brooke, I'm downstairs.
36:43I'm gonna have to have you come with me.
36:47I wasn't straight with you before, but I will be now.
36:49I think you're in danger.
36:51Is that why you sent a cop to come get me?
36:53He's on his way up now.
36:55I didn't send anybody.
36:57I'm downstairs. Don't let him in.
37:09Hang on.
37:11Just a minute.
37:57Listen, please.
38:01I just want to talk to you.
38:05I know you're here.
38:07Come peacefully!
38:45No more grasping in the dark, Lawrence.
38:49Shaw, partner.
38:57I know what it's like.
38:59Every kid makes poor choices.
39:01You want to fix everything for them.
39:03But did you really think
39:05that killing the judge was gonna make everything go away?
39:07I heard from our lawyer
39:09that Judge Cameron
39:11was gonna come down hard
39:13on Eli.
39:15I just wanted to reason with her.
39:17So it must have really stung
39:19when you read her notes.
39:21Ten years is a long time.
39:23Ten years
39:25is his entire future wiped away.
39:27She, uh, she wouldn't listen to me.
39:29She accused me
39:31of trying to bribe her.
39:35Everything spun out of control from there.
39:37Come on, I don't believe that.
39:39Not for a second.
39:45You went to find her at home,
39:47and then you came across her notebook,
39:49and you burned all of her deliberations
39:51on Eli's case before you even talked to her.
39:55I was angry.
39:57I overreacted.
39:59You got rid of all the evidence,
40:01knowing full well
40:03that if she didn't listen to reason,
40:05all of the documents on that case had to disappear.
40:07That's premeditation.
40:09Right there.
40:11Right there.
40:17If I could go back,
40:21I'd have burnt this book
40:23somewhere you'd never find it.
40:27I'd do whatever it takes
40:29to give Eli a fair trial
40:31and protect him.
40:35No loose ends.
40:39That's the voice I heard.
40:53Oh, God.
40:55Are you all right?
40:57I've slept in worse places.
41:01Did you catch the killer?
41:05It was a man
41:07trying to stop your mother from doing her job.
41:09I'm truly sorry, Lucy.
41:11But hopefully you can find
41:13some closure in this.
41:15Nothing's gonna make up
41:17for the time I could've spent with her.
41:19Like, I never even got to make her proud.
41:21Hey, hey, that's not true.
41:25I talked to her.
41:27I was a little busy
41:29fighting off accusations of being a killer,
41:31to tell you earlier.
41:33She was just a little freaked out
41:35to see you living a life she didn't understand.
41:37But she cooled off.
41:41And, Sean, I'm truly sorry.
41:43But, uh,
41:45we recovered this page
41:47from a notebook that your mother had.
41:49Seems to be a list of expenses.
41:55Darkroom equipment.
41:57Bed frame.
41:59Oh, God, we do need that.
42:01Safety inspection, 450.
42:05She was just worried about you.
42:07And it, uh,
42:09may have seemed like an argument,
42:11but it just shows that
42:13the last conversation with your mom
42:15proves how much she loved you.
42:29You two look great together.
42:31How's the training going?
42:33Oh, so far, so good.
42:35Iris is learning to match my speed,
42:37and, well, I'm learning to maybe slow down a bit.
42:39Well, that is
42:41the beauty of a good partnership,
42:43is you find that sweet spot in the middle.
42:47Ready to hold up your end of the bargain?
42:49I'm a man of my word.
42:53Detective Charlie Hudson,
42:55you were the detective with the SJPD
42:57assigned to the battery murders.
42:59That's right.
43:01It was a very tricky case, uh, to be honest.
43:03St. John's,
43:05we've never seen that many murders before.
43:07Certainly not that quick.