hudson and rex S06 E09
00:21Oh, watch your step.
00:25You know, it is not even 10 o'clock.
00:30It's gonna be a long night.
00:33You're laughing, but I hope you're ready for it.
00:37Come on.
00:38You're telling me you're not gonna miss this?
00:40Oh, what?
00:41The drunks, the mess, long nights.
00:46The dark roast, I will miss.
00:48But Friday night in Bridge City?
00:51All units, 1040 at Stevie's Bar,
00:53reports of a physical altercation.
00:55Please proceed with caution.
00:58Oh, yeah, I'll miss it.
01:01Unit 14, copy that.
01:03We'll take it.
01:04We're right next door.
01:22Yeah, you got this.
01:25That's enough!
01:27He can't!
01:29Break it up!
01:32So, Dad, how long are you in town for?
01:36We are shipping off Sunday afternoon
01:38after a second recruitment drive.
01:41Two drives, wow.
01:43What, kids don't want to join the Navy anymore?
01:45Coasters, Charles?
01:48Oh, yeah.
01:51No, they are far too individualistic.
01:56Speaking of, I'm surprised that they let you
02:00wear your hair so long in the force.
02:03And how's that office romance of yours going?
02:06Are you still seeing your colleague?
02:08I'm not implying anything.
02:10Sarah's fine. She's good.
02:12She wanted to join us tonight, but she's studying.
02:14She has a big exam tomorrow.
02:16Yes, I still count my blessings that your mother
02:18got all the fulfillment she needed inside the home.
02:23Yeah, it's a good idea. Let's eat.
02:32Don't eat the toothpick.
02:38Excuse me for a second.
02:40This is work.
02:42Hey, Joe.
02:50Commander Hudson.
02:52I'm on my way.
02:56Thanks, guys.
03:22The victim is Constable Jennifer Wenty.
03:25She was 27 years old.
03:27Joe told me she was on duty.
03:38Well, it looks like she was pushed sideways here.
03:41Kevlar vessel would have protected her
03:43if not for the angle of the rebar
03:45into the chest from under the arm.
03:47Somebody move her?
03:49Spotting officers insist that she was found this way.
03:52Now, it looks like someone lifted her off the rebar
03:55before they put her down, but I don't know.
03:57Maybe somebody was trying to help her?
03:59Or they were covering their tracks.
04:18Mace, she did try to defend herself.
04:21She did get a chance to do the nozzle's clean.
04:24Yeah, she got caught off guard.
04:26How long has she been here like this?
04:28Her partner can provide a window.
04:30Let's get her out of here.
04:36Constable Turner.
04:43You show me what happened here today?
04:46I only left it for a few minutes.
04:49We were breaking up a bar fight at Stevie's
04:52when she got hit in the eye.
04:54Our kid is empty, so I went to the store at about 945,
04:58gave her some bandages, and it took me a while
05:01because I lost my glasses during the fight.
05:05Maybe 10 minutes.
05:07When I came back, she was gone.
05:09I went looking, and I found her.
05:12Uh, there.
05:14Like that.
05:16Like that.
05:20Tell me more about this bar fight.
05:22It was bad.
05:23A group of sailors instigated,
05:25and we were called to intervene,
05:27which only made things worse.
05:31Navy sailors?
05:32And they were in a fighting mood.
05:38What happened when you got outside?
05:41Well, it was just routine.
05:4367EMT, 67EMT, this side.
05:54Okay, thank you, Constable. You need anything?
05:57No, no.
05:58Hang in there.
06:03So, what happened?
06:04Said they broke up a bar fight with some Navy personnel.
06:08Sailors were still disorderly once they got him outside.
06:12Constable Wente, she told him she didn't want to see him again tonight,
06:16told him to cool off and head back to their ship.
06:20My father's ship.
06:24His sailors are our prime suspects.
06:29Oh, I'm sorry.
06:36We, uh, found a blueprint in the mud here.
06:39Size 8. Looks military issue.
06:41And we found this door fob beside the body,
06:44so I'll send it to Jesse for analysis.
07:05A vape pen.
07:07Think he smells a killer on it?
07:09Or the substance inside.
07:12I'm gonna see what else I can find out about this bar fight that started everything.
07:16Rex, come on.
07:20You're trying to tell me you didn't see anything?
07:23It's Friday night in Bridge City. Some people are looking for a fight.
07:26There's a scuffle between some sailors, but we were short-staffed.
07:30I'm sorry if I missed the play-by-play.
07:32One of the responding officers is dead.
07:39They shut us down for the night, but...
07:42I didn't know that part.
07:44Well, I understand that the conflict spilled out into the street out front. Is that correct?
07:48I didn't see what happened outside. My hands were full in here.
07:52I swear.
08:05Hey. What a mess.
08:10So we need to contact Constable Wentes next if we can.
08:14An officer's been killed, so the press is gonna be all over this, and we can't have them hear about it from anyone but us.
08:20Does she have any family in the city? I'd like to look them in the eye.
08:24Two months ago she changed her emergency contact to her boyfriend, Todd Harford.
08:30Okay. I'll let them know.
08:31I'm gonna round up the possible witnesses. Interview them now at the station.
08:39It's all right. It's all right.
09:09Come on.
09:25Sorry to bother you.
09:28Who are you?
09:29Looking for Todd Harford.
09:35That's me.
09:36Detective Hudson, SJPD.
09:40What happened? Is Jen okay?
09:43Do you mind if we speak inside?
09:48Just tell me, man.
09:52I'm sorry to tell you this, but Constable Wente, Jennifer, was killed tonight.
10:04No, that's not right.
10:07She wasn't even supposed to be working tonight.
10:10Her partner convinced her to take an extra shift. She was supposed to be home. Safe.
10:17I'm sorry. We all wish that this wasn't the case.
10:24We were only just starting our life together.
10:28How did you two meet each other?
10:31We met online six months ago, but fell in love.
10:36Took us both by surprise how fast it all happened.
10:40I dropped everything in Calgary to come be with her.
10:43We talked about moving to the country together.
10:50We're gonna catch her tonight.
10:53We're gonna catch who did this.
10:57Hope there's some comfort in that.
11:06Any leads from the FOB?
11:08No, not according to the data. It's programmed to Jennifer Wente's apartment.
11:11Ah, so it must have slipped out of her pocket.
11:15What's this?
11:16CCTV from Bridge City.
11:18With all the boozing, we're gonna need the impartiality of camera recordings to fill in some of the blanks.
11:22Memory's fallible enough without the help of tequila.
11:26There were three. What were they?
11:31Mechanics or something?
11:34Pilots. They were pilots. Fighting in a bar?
11:38Three pilots.
11:39Which is weird, right?
11:41So is it possible that they weren't pilots?
11:45No, definitely pilots.
11:50I'm eight weeks pregnant.
11:52I've been sipping soda waters all night pretending that they're gin and tonics.
11:56Can you tell me what you saw?
11:58Yeah, well, there were four sailors in uniform.
12:02And one was like clearly some kind of troublemaker.
12:06And the other was like an enabler of some sort.
12:10Two of them are actually like that.
12:12Two of them are actually like that.
12:14Then the fourth sailor tried to intervene, but it was weird.
12:18Like, the policewoman, she wasn't having it.
12:20It's like she didn't want their help or something.
12:22Really? The fight apparently spread onto the street.
12:25Did you see what happened once the cops kicked them out of the bar?
12:32Yeah, I was outside, but I only saw one sailor, one cop.
12:36A policewoman was standing alone dabbing blood on her eyebrow.
12:40A sailor came up to her. A little guy compared to her.
12:44Classic Napoleon complex.
12:47He said a few angry words, and then he spit in her face.
12:52So she pulls her taser out, and I've never seen anybody run that fast.
12:57Sailors spit in the face of a non-duty police officer.
13:00And then he may have run off to get his buddies.
13:02Okay, well, they obviously didn't head back to the ship when Constable Wenty ordered them to.
13:07They stuck around and saw their opportunity when she was left alone.
13:10Okay, that's it. I've put this off long enough.
13:16Hi, Dad.
13:21We have a press conference scheduled for 1 p.m. tomorrow afternoon.
13:27So Constable Wenty's death is going to be national news.
13:31So whatever information we bring to the public has to be rock solid.
13:34Hopefully Charlie's dad will cooperate with the investigation.
13:38I wouldn't want to be in Charlie's shoes, that's for sure.
13:42Okay, they're going to play ball. My father's agreed to bring in our suspects.
14:09May I introduce Captain Tilda Gray of the Judge Advocate General's Office.
14:14I don't see any suspects.
14:16She's here to assess whether there's cause to produce our men for questioning.
14:29You told me you were bringing my suspects.
14:31How could I? You don't even have IDs for the men you want to interview.
14:35We don't have any knowledge of a so-called bar fight.
14:38No police report, no charges laid.
14:41Your ship would have records of all the sailors who were on shore tonight.
14:45You could compare that to the descriptions that I gave you.
14:48You know the personnel on your ship better than you know your own children.
14:50You're trying to tell me you don't know who I'm describing?
14:53We can't say we do.
14:58You really intend to obstruct justice in the case of a murdered police officer?
15:03The evidence you claim to have
15:05wouldn't even be enough to earn you the court order you need
15:08to compel the Navy to produce our personnel records.
15:10This is a homicide investigation. This is a civilian matter.
15:14The Armed Forces has no jurisdiction here.
15:16Correct. And you've issued no charges or arrest orders.
15:19The Navy will cooperate fully if and when the SJPD can provide compelling evidence.
15:25When you have that, you can contact Captain Gray here.
15:30And we will produce any servicemen or women implicated.
15:46Hey, sir.
15:48Hey, Sarah.
15:49The Busker story checks out. Someone spit on her.
15:52Traces of amylase found on Jennifer's face confirm human saliva.
15:56Can we identify the culprit?
15:57That's the weekend.
15:58Even rushed DNA analysis would take at least 72 hours,
16:01and that's well after the press conference.
16:03Yeah, that's long after my father's ship set sail on Sunday, too.
16:06You were right about the vape pen. It contains a cannabis cartridge.
16:09So Rex was likely alerting to this and not to the killer.
16:12Yeah, but cannabis is legal now,
16:14so I don't see that leading to the altercation with Constable Wente.
16:17We did find traces of pink chapstick on the mouthpiece,
16:20but again, with no DNA analysis,
16:22we can only rule out that it belonged to Jennifer.
16:24Her lips were bare.
16:26They don't match anyone in the system.
16:30Okay. What about Constable Wente's firearm?
16:32She didn't appear to attempt to draw it.
16:34The clasp on her taser was still fastened, too.
16:36It wouldn't have said that she reached for her taser.
16:39As far as I can tell, she only reached for her mace.
16:43And too late.
16:46Maybe... maybe we should be looking at someone
16:48she wouldn't have wanted to use force on?
16:58Bandages and two bottles of water.
17:009.56 p.m.
17:02And when I went back outside, she wasn't where I left her.
17:05What made you look for her in the alleyway?
17:07I don't know. Instinct, I guess.
17:10Same instinct that told you to leave her alone after the brawl?
17:16You think there's been a single second since this happened
17:20where I haven't been blaming myself?
17:23You're right. I should have never left her side.
17:26Boyfriend said that she wasn't even supposed to be working tonight.
17:29That you pressured her into it.
17:32I didn't have to pressure her.
17:36I... I didn't know she was seeing anyone.
17:40We told each other everything.
17:44I thought we did. I...
17:48Why wouldn't she mention that there was a man in her life?
17:51Well, maybe she thought that you had feelings for her.
17:54She was worried. Might get jealous.
17:56Sometimes female officers, they're worried that their partners
17:59won't take as good care of them if they feel rejected.
18:04Jen was completely independent.
18:08Chivalry, chauvinism, to her they were all the same.
18:15And she hated it.
18:19Would you have hated it if you knew you were going to lose her?
18:23She was going to move to the country with her boyfriend.
18:26I asked her to pick up the shift tonight
18:29because it was one of our last chances to work together.
18:33Check my file.
18:35My mom is sick.
18:39I'm transferring to Gander to be closer to her.
18:46I'm very sorry for the loss of your partner.
18:52I know this is not your fault.
18:57Come on.
19:01Charlie, I got something.
19:04Okay, so the footage is time-stamped moments after
19:07Constable Turner left Jennifer to get the band-aids.
19:10Have a look. Here.
19:14That's the smaller guy.
19:16Yeah, he's crying.
19:19Didn't Sarah say it looked like the killer
19:21tried to help Jennifer before fleeing?
19:23Yeah, that looks like remorse to me.
19:28You see the fourth sailor in this footage?
19:30No, just these three.
19:32Yeah, I'm going to need their IDs.
19:34Yeah, oh, way ahead of you.
19:36Yeah, I compared this footage against the social media feed
19:39from the recruitment drive.
19:41This sailor crying on the curb is Chief Petty Officer Bryson Reed.
19:45Bachelorette confirms he is the one that instigated the bar fight,
19:48and I was able to identify the other two sailors
19:50as Able Seaman Noel Bentley and Andre Kent.
19:55Thanks, Jesse. Great work.
19:57You're the best. Come on, pal.
20:26Looks like that dog of yours has adopted your temper.
20:31What's this?
20:33You wanted IDs. There they are.
20:35Bryson Reed, Noel Bentley, Andre Kent.
20:38The three sailors that were involved in the bar fight
20:41immediately preceding Officer Wenty's murder.
20:43Yes, Charles, I know who they are.
20:45Well, I'm going to need to interview them myself.
20:50OK, I want you to hear this from me.
20:54I've adjusted the departure time of my ship from Sunday afternoon
20:58to 3 p.m. today.
21:013 p.m.?
21:03Not so convinced of your sailors' innocence after all.
21:06If you had sufficient evidence, you would have already charged someone.
21:09But you haven't, because you know you just have to release them.
21:13So a police officer has been murdered,
21:16and you're skipping town to protect Navy recruitment efforts?
21:20I have to leave port so the SJPD can't take shortcuts
21:23to pin this on my boys.
21:25Your boys?
21:29You know what I mean.
21:32My superintendent is issuing a statement to the press at 1 p.m.
21:36Don't count on a quiet retreat from scrutiny.
21:50Excuse me. I'm Lieutenant Faith Kew.
21:53I'm Lieutenant Faith Kew.
21:55I understand you're looking into Bryson Reed?
21:59I won't discuss case details,
22:01but do you have something you want to tell us about Bryson Reed?
22:04He's a chief petty officer. I'm a lieutenant.
22:08So he reports directly to me, and let me just say,
22:12nothing pisses him off more.
22:14Because you're a woman in a position of authority.
22:17Any chance he gets, he makes my life hell on that ship.
22:20So a FEMA police officer putting him in his place?
22:23Yeah, that set him off.
22:25And if his buddies were watching?
22:30What can you tell me about these two right here?
22:35Noah and Andre? They're all right.
22:38They're actually sweet guys, but Bryson's not around.
22:42But he's always getting them into trouble,
22:45making them clean up his messes.
22:47And why do you think they still do that?
22:49In the Navy, we charge into all sorts of dangers together.
22:53We bring relief in natural disasters.
22:56We keep the peace in war-torn countries.
22:59We need to know when push comes to shove
23:02that we'll watch each other's backs, no matter what.
23:09To the best of your knowledge,
23:11is there a fourth sailor in this friend group?
23:14No. That's all of them.
23:17The three brusqueteers.
23:26Any arrests for our trio?
23:28Well, either they're all upstanding citizens
23:30or they get the serviceman's discount.
23:32Actually, you know what?
23:33Bryson Reed does appear in a domestic disturbance, though.
23:36Six months ago, police were called to an incident
23:39at the residence of a Olivia English.
23:43Hold on.
23:45Olivia English.
23:48Yes, Charlie interviewed Olivia English.
23:51She was behind the bar at Stevie's Pub
23:54when the fight broke out.
23:56Isn't that the bartender that said she didn't see anything?
23:59Yeah, well, maybe she didn't see anything
24:01because she's afraid of him.
24:037 a.m.? Let's hope she's a light sleeper.
24:07Let's go.
24:21Do you have any reason to fear Bryson Reed?
24:23What? No.
24:24Then why did you lie to me about not knowing him at the bar?
24:27I said I didn't see what happened.
24:29But she did know that he was a fighter.
24:31You were named in a domestic disturbance
24:33involving him six months ago.
24:34I wasn't actually in any danger.
24:37There's somebody in the house with you.
24:41Rex, run back.
24:59Rex, get off him.
25:01Stay down.
25:03Come on.
25:08No Bentley.
25:10Give me the bag.
25:16You're running from the police with empty beer cans?
25:19Still doing Bryson Reed's dirty work, huh?
25:22Let's go.
25:33Antigens in the saliva from the beer cans
25:35matches the saliva on the victim's face.
25:37Now, it's not as precise as DNA, but it gives us blood type.
25:40So Bryson pays Olivia a visit while he's in port
25:43and then has Noel remove anything that we can test against.
25:53I'll call Judge Bannon and get us our port over.
26:04We'll get him.
26:24Turn around for me, please.
26:31Bryson Reed, you're under arrest
26:33for the murder of Constable Jennifer Wente.
26:36Come with me.
26:40Bark, bark, bark!
26:47When the DNA comes back, I bet those beer cans
26:49are going to be the perfect match
26:51to whoever spat on Constable Wente before she was killed.
26:54Don't respond to that.
26:56I thought we were here for questioning.
26:58I have a signed affidavit from Able Seaman Noel Bentley
27:01that attests to the fact that Bryson ordered him
27:04to retrieve any DNA that could link him to this crime.
27:07We don't accept the affidavit as fact.
27:09Well, this isn't your interview.
27:16Olivia and I used to hook up
27:18when I went to visit her today.
27:20Yesterday, we had some brews,
27:23and she told me she didn't want to see me anymore.
27:26Not like that.
27:28Six beers later, I'm at her bar
27:30begging her to give me another shot.
27:34It felt like a huge loser.
27:37So when that cop came in, all high and mighty,
27:40talking down at me and whatever,
27:42kicking me when I'm down,
27:44I just... lost it.
27:47That's enough now.
27:49She belittled me in front of everyone,
27:51and I just, I couldn't let it go.
27:54Someone tried to pull me off her, but she dressed them down.
27:57She didn't even need their help. She was stronger than me.
28:01So when the other cop took off,
28:04I went back.
28:06Well, that's really brave of you to wait till she was alone.
28:08But he didn't find her. End of story.
28:10If you can't control yourself, I'm gonna ask you to leave.
28:15Can I have a moment alone with my client?
28:19Commander Hudson told me to tell the whole truth,
28:21and I take my orders from him.
28:24I found her.
28:29And yeah, I... I spat on her.
28:36I'm in so much trouble.
28:39You just admitted to assaulting a police officer.
28:42Because I did it.
28:44That part, I mean, but I didn't kill her.
28:48I didn't kill her.
28:50I mean, but I didn't kill her.
28:53She pulled out her taser, and I freaked out.
28:55I ran away. I found my guys.
28:57I told them how I messed up.
28:59I was scared I'd be suspended.
29:01So you had to make your problem go away?
29:03No. Tried to sober up, and they walked me back to the ship.
29:08We didn't find out till later she was dead.
29:11That's when I sent Noel to Olivia's.
29:13He didn't want to, but I begged him
29:15because I knew you were gonna try and put this on me.
29:21Can't study this in any textbook.
29:25Still convinced he did it?
29:28I, uh, I won't comment on an ongoing investigation.
29:35Well, contrary to what my son believes,
29:39I do want to get to the bottom of last night's events.
29:45He's a very lucky man, my son.
29:47Good luck with your exam today.
30:35Found something?
30:37There's something, too.
30:54The ship's logs.
30:58All right.
30:59Combined with CCTV and the time stamp
31:01from Constable Turner's drugstore receipt,
31:04there is no way that Bryson Reed could have committed the murder
31:07and been back with his sailors on the ship by 10.10.
31:10So I'm releasing him.
31:12Well, I hope this settles the unpleasantness
31:14between us during this visit.
31:16Yeah, I hope so, too,
31:17because I found something else in the logs.
31:20After Bryson and his buddies were taken back to the ship,
31:22you had another sailor who was still in the city,
31:24a Lieutenant, uh, Faith Keough.
31:27A good officer.
31:28She left her sweatshirt here.
31:31Chapstick we found in her sweatshirt pocket
31:33is being tested against a vape pen that we found
31:35in the alleyway where Constable Wenty was killed.
31:43Mud on the soles.
31:45Unisex 8.
31:48I'm tall.
31:50Huh. You want to explain to me why you failed to mention
31:53that you were in the very same alley
31:55where Constable Wenty was found murdered last night?
32:02I wasn't.
32:04I didn't know I was.
32:07I didn't know where it happened.
32:09We located your vape pen on the dumpster
32:11right next to the victim's body,
32:13but there was no government records of you
32:15legally purchasing cannabis,
32:17so that suggests that you were trying to keep it secret.
32:20Did the Constable discover you smoking illegally-obtained marijuana?
32:24No? You didn't panic and, you know, cause a fatal accident?
32:28But you did know about Bryson's conflict with the Constable
32:32and decided that you could destroy two problems at the same time,
32:35so you shifted blame to a subordinate who, in your words,
32:38made your life miserable on that ship?
32:41You're going to have to do better than that, Lieutenant.
32:49That was my vape pen.
32:51No, I didn't want the Navy to find out about it.
32:55I am this close to submarine duty,
32:58something I've been vying for for years.
33:01And although cannabis may be legal now,
33:03the restrictions are strict.
33:05No marijuana use within eight hours of duty.
33:08There's always a chance of schedules or duties changing at the last minute,
33:12just like what happened today.
33:14And it wasn't illegally purchased.
33:17I was sharing it with my girlfriend.
33:20We saw a cop coming around the corner with some guy and we bailed.
33:25It was a force of habit.
33:27Was it a female cop?
33:30Was the man who was with her a sailor?
33:33All my other personnel were already on board.
33:35I'd like to hear from the Lieutenant.
33:38Was the man that was with her a sailor?
33:41He wasn't in uniform.
33:43I'd never seen him before.
33:49I'm going to need the name of your girlfriend.
34:02Hey, Todd. Is there something we can do for you?
34:04Yes, actually.
34:06But first, I have to ask.
34:09Did you find the person who did this?
34:11We're working on it, but you should go home and get some sleep.
34:15I don't think I could if I tried.
34:19I was wondering if I could bring home Jen's personal effects.
34:22Okay, well, let me see what I can do if you don't mind sticking around here for a little bit longer.
34:27Constable, do you mind taking him downstairs to get a coffee?
34:31Come on.
34:37Yep. Yeah, okay. Thank you.
34:45Faith's friend corroborated her story.
34:49That is it.
34:50All the sailors have been cleared of suspicion.
34:53Oh, no. Mind if I?
34:57You're okay.
34:59Well, I'm just here working on my statement for the press conference in...
35:04two hours.
35:07I hate to speak without having all the facts, but...
35:09Yeah, I know the news will break without us.
35:17When my father moved up the ship's departure, I just, I focused all my energy on the sailors.
35:23Now I've got to rethink everything that I've...
35:25seen and heard this morning. I don't know.
35:27Maybe I just let my issues with...
35:31with my dad make me, um, go too far down the wrong path.
35:36Charlie, I've been looped into this investigation from the very beginning.
35:41And you've always followed the evidence.
35:43Even when it put you in a tough spot with your father.
35:46What you need to do is get some rest.
35:48I'm serious. You've been on this all night.
35:51Go on. Go on.
35:52I'm serious. You've been on this all night.
35:54Go on. Get out of here. Everything else can wait.
35:57I just need a fresh perspective.
35:59Come on, pal.
36:03Rex, come on.
36:04Come on.
36:20Okay, Constable Wenty.
36:24What can you tell me?
36:34Come on.
36:46Yeah, I see.
37:02Let's go.
37:05Let's go.
37:11This is the fob we processed at the scene of the murder.
37:13It has two sets of prints on it.
37:15Constable Wenty's and another set not in the system.
37:17Possibly Todd Harford's.
37:19Which wouldn't be unusual if they were sharing keys.
37:21If they shared keys.
37:22But this is the fob we found in Constable Wenty's locker.
37:26And we only found her prints on this one.
37:28So she left her fob in her locker with her personal items.
37:31Didn't take them on patrol.
37:32But she was sharing this with someone.
37:36Presumably the man who recently moved in with her.
37:38You know, when I went to Constable Wenty's apartment to tell Todd about her death,
37:42I found him in the backyard.
37:44What happened? Is Jen okay?
37:47Do you mind if we speak inside?
37:49I suggested that we go inside to talk, but he wouldn't budge.
37:53Just tell me, man.
37:55I think that he was afraid to admit that he had lost his fob.
37:58Guys, hey.
37:59Did you find anything on social media?
38:01I just pored over every single tag post from Stevie's bar last night.
38:04In the hour leading up to the brawl, there were way too many people.
38:07And it was way too dark to make much sense of anything.
38:09But, look at this.
38:12Some friends posted a boomerang of some after work drinks at 6.30pm.
38:21Todd is sitting at the end of the bar.
38:26Notice anything about his clothes?
38:29Just like a certain uniform.
38:31He is wearing a white button-up shirt.
38:33In the darkness of the bar, he would have blended right in with Bryson and his guys.
38:37He's the fourth sailor that all the witnesses have been referring to.
38:41So he's the one who tried to intervene in the bar fight?
38:44Yeah, but the bachelorette said Constable Wenty brushed him off.
38:48He intervenes and tries to protect her.
38:51Macho behavior that her partner Corey said that she despised.
38:55So Todd's chivalry is rejected.
38:57But he goes outside to follow Jennifer and sees Corey tending to her wound.
39:01And he gets jealous of their closeness.
39:03You said that Jennifer's body was moved by somebody who seemed like they cared for her.
39:08Okay, so where's Todd now?
39:13He's locked out.
39:15Hi, Todd.
39:17I think we found your fob.
39:25Hey, keep going.
39:27Hey, go, go, go, go, go.
39:31Yeah, come on that side.
40:00I didn't mean to kill her.
40:03I wanted to help her.
40:05She had a partner for that.
40:07It was an accident.
40:09She was playing me against him.
40:11He didn't even know who I was.
40:14All right, come on.
40:16Todd Harford, you're under arrest for the murder of Jennifer Wente.
40:25I stand before you today to speak about a tragic incident that has affected the community and the St. John's Police Department.
40:38Last night we lost one of our own.
40:49Constable Turner, what are you doing here?
40:53You're on bereavement leave.
40:54You don't need to be here today.
40:57Well, I've prepared a few words to say about Jennifer.
41:02I was wondering if I could read them to the press.
41:08Yes, you can.
41:10Of course.
41:12Easy, pal.
41:22Sarah told me I'd find you here.
41:25Did she?
41:28I saw your ship's gone.
41:31Yes, I, uh, took a couple of days leave.
41:44Look, Charles.
41:49I couldn't help but think that each of us was in a similar predicament last night.
41:53Each of us trying to protect our own.
41:55I know it seemed that we were at odds with one another.
41:59Not how I wanted this visit to go.
42:02It'd make me realize that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
42:10Yes, I suppose you're right.
42:14Well, I, uh, was hoping for an overdue visit, but I imagine that you were just desperate to see me.
42:21I was hoping for an overdue visit, but I imagine that you were just desperate for some rest, so...
42:26I'll take the visit.
42:28Rex might need a nap, though, but...
42:32That's my boy.
42:33Oh, so now Rex is your boy.
42:38Come on.
42:51Next time on Hudson and Rex.
42:53Rex, find it.
42:57Jenica Maloof.
42:59She's missing an earring.
43:00Hey, Luke, this cop's got some questions.
43:02I dug Jenica. I mean, if anyone had it out for her, it was Raffi.
43:05I'm gonna kill you if you don't get the money back. Watch me.
43:08Bring him in.
43:09To me, that sounds like you're serious.
43:10I say a lot of things when I'm mad.
43:11My team found imprints in the sand around Jenica's body. You might just sift or shove them.
43:16Raffi had one of these in his office.