The Real Housewives of Potomac - Season 9 Episode 19
00:31Karen is not here today.
00:32I am going to a treatment center.
00:35I think it's really important that I thank those
00:37who truly touched my heart during this whole process.
00:40I think it's interesting that she didn't thank Wendy.
00:43That is not my friend.
00:46You had mentioned that s*** flew off the handle
00:48for Mia's birthday.
00:49Stacey and I went to Miami.
00:52But essentially, we did not see Mia when we went to Miami.
00:55I do apologize. I do.
00:56Are you kidding me?
00:58You're a horrible friend.
01:00I f***ed up again.
01:01Why are you crying?
01:02This is what you do when your back is up against the wall.
01:05You start crying to seek sympathy.
01:07Mia, that stops today.
01:09We all going through a lot, honey.
01:11Stacey, I have not been a good friend.
01:14It just doesn't feel genuine.
01:16I'm sorry.
01:18I need someone to get me out of the truck.
01:20Leave me.
01:22I'm sorry.
01:24I'm sorry.
01:31What is happening?
01:32I wanna know what's happening.
01:33The hallway drama?
01:34There was hallway drama?
01:35Oh my God, I can barely walk.
01:38She says she's leaving except for the other night.
01:46Well, now I know who has my normal dressing room.
01:50I see why that story needed to make the cut, honey.
01:51Yeah, that needed to be told.
01:54Listen, here's the deal.
01:55You're beating yourself up right now, OK?
01:57And there's nothing worse than a shame spiral.
02:00And I feel like you're in one.
02:02And give yourself a little bit of grace, OK?
02:06If you ever leave me somewhere like that, I would never know.
02:09I've been a terrible friend, and I know that.
02:12You're beating yourself up.
02:13You feel bad.
02:14You've owned it.
02:16And give yourself a break.
02:18If I wasn't in the final weeks of my divorce,
02:21I probably wouldn't be this emotional.
02:22I'm going to put you in a headlock and never let you out.
02:24I wouldn't do that.
02:25I'd be like, I'm crazy.
02:28The fact that you feel ashamed means you're a good person
02:31that we know you are.
02:32Give yourself some grace about this Miami thing.
02:34Just take it off.
02:35It's done, OK?
02:36Thank you, Yancey.
02:40You OK?
02:42That was a long drop, but we made it.
02:44What are the babies going to do while you're here all day?
02:46Is Eddie going to take them somewhere?
02:48No, he's going to come.
02:48Because it's so cold.
02:49I know.
02:50Oh, of course.
02:51I forgot.
02:52The way I drag Greg up here, he's going to be like,
02:53hey, can I have a date night?
02:55It's 4.52.
02:56And she said come in 1.30.
02:58I could have been popping around Manhattan.
03:01There he is.
03:03Back in action.
03:05Let's get this party started.
03:20We got to get going, OK?
03:21Back in five, four, three.
03:25Welcome back.
03:26We are still talking about the dynamic duo of Potomac, GNA.
03:32Giselle, how is life as an empty nester for you?
03:35You know, it's like Giselle full throttle.
03:37It is like, so when I dropped off the twins
03:40and I finally got home, I was legit sad for like 28 hours.
03:47And then all of a sudden, I just was like,
03:50this is amazing.
03:51I'm doing whatever the hell I want to do.
03:53And it's a great feeling.
03:54How are the twins adjusting to college life?
03:58They had a great first semester.
04:01Both 4.0s on both sides.
04:03And they're doing their thing.
04:06Like, I have no complaints with them.
04:09How is your relationship with Jamal these days?
04:11Oh, good.
04:15Bebe from Garrison, Texas said, do you
04:17know why Jamal and his wife dressed up like characters
04:20in Wicked for their wedding?
04:22They did?
04:23You didn't see the pictures?
04:25Oh my god.
04:27Who was he?
04:28The goat?
04:29He was Elphaba.
04:31Is Jamal a big Wicked fan?
04:34No, he doesn't even know what Wicked is.
04:35Well, he does now.
04:36He does now.
04:38I don't know what would possess them to wear
04:40that as they got married.
04:41It seemed like a joke.
04:42But they weren't playing.
04:44What did the girls think?
04:45They were horrified.
04:46They attended the wedding?
04:48Yes, they were there for that.
04:49What do the girls think of their new stepmom?
04:53They still don't know her.
04:54It would be great if there was a relationship,
04:57but there just hasn't been one with my kids.
04:59Well, you both found some great guys this season.
05:03What's happening with your guy?
05:04With Nams?
05:05Toast to us and those dimples on the side of your face.
05:09He, after we've wrapped, he's strong.
05:11Stronger than ever.
05:12Oh, great.
05:15And by the way, Nams and Josh have become very good friends.
05:18That's great.
05:19They hang out all the time.
05:20You look nice.
05:21So do you.
05:22Good to see you again.
05:23And you and Josh are still dating.
05:26We've just lessened it a little bit, cut back,
05:29because we were really hot and heavy,
05:32and we just decided that we needed
05:34to, like, chill a little bit.
05:35So now we just don't have labels.
05:38But from Nams, he is head over heels for Miss Ashley.
05:41Oh, really?
05:42Well, Ashley also told me yesterday
05:43that he sent you off to New York.
05:46He did. Yes, he did.
05:47He what?
05:48With sperm?
05:49A smile.
05:50Wait, what?
05:51Oh, wait, was that a smile?
05:52I can't believe you said that.
05:54Yes, that was the understanding I had, but I didn't say it.
05:57OK, oops.
05:58I mean, I didn't.
05:59Take that out on me.
06:00How does Josh feel about the nicknames
06:03The Pool Boy and Jack Harlow?
06:05Josh was actually really offended by some of the things
06:09that Wendy had said about him.
06:10He's offended by being called Jack Harlow?
06:12No, when you said that dating him
06:14was a lateral move from Michael.
06:16Where did this middle school Jack Harlow come from?
06:23This is a lateral move, OK?
06:26He'll be OK.
06:27You have no remorse.
06:28He's a very good guy, and all his friends
06:29have been texting him like, oh, I can't
06:30believe she said that about you.
06:32Do you know how many things you have said about my husband?
06:35What did I say about your husband?
06:36What did I say about your husband?
06:39What has she said about him?
06:40Let's start with when Ashley woefully brought a rumor
06:44that she knew was a lie about my husband.
06:46You mean the blog that someone else wrote that I didn't write?
06:49That you brought on national TV?
06:52I thought Giselle had done it all these years.
06:54I was mad at you, too.
06:55Giselle told me how there is this fabricated article
06:58about Eddie or whatever having an affair or something.
07:01It was Ashley, but I took the blame for it,
07:03because it was fine.
07:04I was mad at Ashley, too.
07:06So don't sit here and woe with me.
07:07You spoke about the father, my children, my husband.
07:11Sit there, and sit with it.
07:13Take it up with the blogger.
07:14Take it up with the blogger.
07:15The blogger didn't bring it on the national platform.
07:17Moving on.
07:17You're reaching.
07:18Moving on.
07:19You'll be fine.
07:19Josh is a great young man.
07:20And my husband is amazing, and I'm still married to him.
07:23Good luck with you and Josh.
07:24I haven't said shit about Eddie.
07:25Good luck with you and Josh.
07:26I never said shit about Eddie.
07:27You brought rumors in my mind.
07:28Is Eddie still a lawyer?
07:28Is he still practicing law?
07:29Yes, he is.
07:30I never said that.
07:30Yes, he is.
07:31Is he?
07:31You see what I'm saying?
07:34Absolutely not.
07:35Happy as a clam.
07:37Clocked your ass.
07:38You tried it.
07:39Clocked it.
07:39You tried it, and it's been tried it, denied it,
07:41and it's been tried it, denied it.
07:43We're done.
07:44Well, this season, a former QVC host named Stacy
07:48and a med spa owner named Kay gave
07:51this group a whole new makeover.
07:54I'm coming in hot.
07:59I want the girls to really get to know you,
08:01and I've gotten some feedback.
08:02Who called me boring?
08:03I think I called you stiff.
08:05We all agree that you're just a little uninteresting.
08:08You got to un-stiff yourself, Stacy.
08:10After dancing, I know I've changed their minds.
08:14What is going on, sweetheart?
08:15Where is the ring?
08:16I've been separated for over a year.
08:18She has a new friend.
08:19Oh, yeah, you moved on.
08:20Yeah, she had a new friend.
08:21TJ is a devout Christian, so that means that we
08:24are practicing celibacy.
08:26Are you more dominant or submissive in the big room?
08:29Just because I ain't sleeping with you now
08:31don't mean you ever going to be more dominant than I am.
08:34I'm more the submissive one.
08:36I'm a dominant guy.
08:38Greg is my man, my man, my man.
08:41I'm just, hi.
08:43I think two months into my home, I probably will be engaged.
08:46Greg is not 100% on board with being on television.
08:50Babe, we had a little disagreement.
08:52All right, you don't want to talk about it.
08:54You don't, not on camera.
08:56Jesus Christ.
08:57All right, fine.
08:57I feel like sometimes I shrink when I'm up here.
09:00You can be a little bit dismissive.
09:03I never dismissive.
09:05We just found the f***ing fam.
09:08All right, well, Kay, what's the current status
09:11of you and Greg?
09:13Well, me and Greg are still together.
09:15We actually had seen some rings last week.
09:17Yeah, yeah, yeah.
09:18No, no, it's probably fake.
09:19We're taking you ring shopping.
09:21Yeah, we, yeah, it's probably, so me and Greg
09:23have been on a whole journey since then.
09:25You know, I decided that we needed some time apart.
09:27We actually, like, separated for some, yeah.
09:29Oh, you did?
09:30Yeah, I did.
09:31I actually went and got a condo, and I'm
09:32in the process of purchasing that, and that's been lovely.
09:35You're purchasing a condo for yourself?
09:37I love that.
09:38I think it's great.
09:39Premarital property.
09:41When will you move back in with him?
09:42Wait for the rain.
09:44Maybe after the rain.
09:45At the end of the season, we got
09:46to understand a little more about why Greg
09:49doesn't say much on camera.
09:51He just does not like being filmed.
09:54I'm sure that Greg is not the first husband.
09:56It does feel invasive, and it was a big transition
09:59from being a friend to being a full-time housewife
10:02in that level of expectation.
10:04And then, honestly, last year when I got hurt,
10:06that really hurt Greg.
10:07Of course.
10:08So to have me come back after that happened to me and say,
10:11hey, come on and support me doing this
10:13around the same group of ladies, like, nothing about it
10:16has seemed positive at the time.
10:18Did you feel unsupported?
10:20I did.
10:21I know it hurts him when I say that, because he's like,
10:23look, I'm showing up.
10:24But the way that I felt about it felt negative,
10:27even though he was there showing up.
10:29I will say, you know, in his defense,
10:32he came to watch what happens live with you.
10:34And I said, I know you are not liking this.
10:37And he said, I am here to support Kay.
10:40I thought that was very sweet.
10:41Thank you, Andy.
10:42And that means a lot.
10:43And here's the thing.
10:44Even for myself, like, there's times
10:45when I show up on camera, and I'm not always comfortable.
10:48So I can only imagine what it's like for him.
10:49And also, his discomfort.
10:51I mean, you can show up to support,
10:53but still be uncomfortable in front of the cameras.
10:58Stacey, people seem to think that your former significant
11:03other, TJ, had the opposite feeling about the cameras.
11:06He loved them.
11:07I'm sorry.
11:08You said former?
11:09You said former?
11:10So it's over?
11:10They're not together anymore?
11:13We're not together.
11:15I didn't know that.
11:16We didn't know that.
11:17Where are they ever together?
11:18That is why.
11:27Where do you and TJ stand now?
11:30We're not together.
11:32I didn't know that.
11:32We didn't know that.
11:33Where are they ever together?
11:37As I've said consistently, TJ is one of the best people I know.
11:44However, it was just a lot of pressure.
11:48And there were also moments that I saw watching
11:52the show that were shocking.
11:55Oh, you noticing me now?
11:57I was looking for you.
11:58You came to a party, hanging out with everybody but me.
12:00I didn't see you.
12:01I'm sorry.
12:02What's wrong with you?
12:03Take your hand off.
12:04To see the way that he spoke to me
12:07and to see the way my family reacted to that, it was tough.
12:12It was hurtful to hear people say that I was
12:16paying him to be on the show.
12:18It was hurtful for people to say he was more interested
12:21in the trainer than me.
12:22I said that.
12:23I know you did.
12:24I did.
12:24What turns me off with the whole Stacey and TJ situation
12:27is it seems like he's more interested in the trainer
12:31than he is in Stacey.
12:34And that was hurtful, Wendy, because you're my friend.
12:38And TJ talks to Eddie.
12:40And you know they text.
12:41And you know they're friends.
12:43And I'm sorry that I made you feel that way.
12:44As your friend, I will receive that absolutely 1,000%.
12:49When did you break up?
12:50Right around the holiday season.
12:53I am concentrating on myself.
12:56And I am divorced.
12:59Oh, wow.
13:04That was quick.
13:05That was pretty quick, actually.
13:06Stacey's divorced before Ashley, before Mia.
13:09Stacey handled that business, honey.
13:11Stacey said.
13:12How's your daughter handling it?
13:13Yeah, our Bella.
13:14She's well.
13:15OK, good.
13:16She's well.
13:17We're doing one week on, one week off.
13:19I'm not going to lie, you guys.
13:20It's hard.
13:21I'm bored.
13:22When she's not around, I'm like, who do I talk to?
13:25Who do I boss around?
13:26Call Jessica.
13:27I'm like, what do I do?
13:29What do I do?
13:31Are you and TJ still best friends?
13:36So basically, nothing has changed.
13:37Because y'all were best friends before.
13:39And y'all are best friends now.
13:40Y'all weren't having sex then.
13:41Y'all not having sex now.
13:43Same, same.
13:44Well, thanks for wrapping it up, Wendy.
13:46I mean, can I ask a very personal question?
13:48Bring it.
13:49Did you do everything but have sex?
13:52I didn't know it was going to be that question.
13:54Well, I mean, I said it.
13:55It was personal.
13:56Were you feeling the pipe?
13:57TJ and I have had some intimate moments,
14:00but we have not had sex.
14:03Anything below the belt, we want to know.
14:05What was you doing?
14:06Southern region.
14:07So I wish him well.
14:09Hand job.
14:11All right, well then, I'm going to move on.
14:14Norm from Oakland, California said, Stacy,
14:17were you just with TJ for a storyline
14:19and also to boost his acting career?
14:21Because that's what it looks like to me,
14:22a Kenya Walter situation.
14:25We should just stay here and just elope.
14:28So we got three days?
14:31But Walter wasn't as thirsty as TJ.
14:33Are these fans of the show?
14:35Yes, they are.
14:36I mean, I'm confused.
14:37No, they are, yeah.
14:40I don't know what to say about that, honestly.
14:42Everyone's entitled to their own opinion.
14:44Yeah, OK.
14:48Well, when it came to admiring and reading each other's
14:51fashions this season, the women of Potomac
14:54always had each other's number, especially
14:56when that number was 613.
14:59Let's take a look.
14:59Oh, Lord.
15:01I see feathers, OK.
15:02Does this mean we're flying away?
15:04It means we are coming with open arms.
15:09I like that outfit.
15:12Get it on it.
15:14Pop it.
15:16I want that dress.
15:18I mean, at this point, I'm a walking
15:20mood board for these women.
15:22Imitation is the greatest form of flattery.
15:25You look so pretty.
15:26You look like a fairytale princess.
15:28We were doing the dress fitting.
15:30Stacey said, no one can wear that dress.
15:32No, this is my show.
15:33It's a no.
15:34So I went back and bought the dress.
15:37Them 613 girls, these.
15:39It's 613.
15:41What is 613?
15:42613 is the shade of blonde.
15:45This is 613.
15:47That's 613.
15:48The only person who should be wearing 613 is Karen.
15:53Mia, you are a goddess as a brunette.
15:57I'm sorry.
15:58Thank you, doll.
15:59And Ashley, girl.
16:03I don't even recognize.
16:04Who is this?
16:04What do you think?
16:06That's not 613, though.
16:09Stacey missed the mark with this one.
16:11That wig, it's a no-go.
16:13It's giving Annie.
16:19She's giving Whitney Houston.
16:21Yeah, see?
16:22It's a compliment.
16:23She's a legend.
16:24OK, I will take that.
16:25There's a big difference between Whitney and Annie.
16:28OK, but, Annie, also, it wasn't included,
16:30but the dress that Stacey wore at the finale,
16:32I've worn that like three months before.
16:35Hold on.
16:36I got to show you something.
16:38So Stacey is wearing an outfit that I wore.
16:43The exact same outfit, which, no shade.
16:45I mean, you look good in it.
16:46You look good.
16:47I know.
16:49And the dress was one that Viv had made for me.
16:51Made for you.
16:53A few months before, yeah.
16:54Was she being shady on purpose by dressing you in something?
16:58It's really difficult for me, because I've
17:00known Vivian for years.
17:02Lady Vivian, I love you.
17:05I miss you.
17:06I'm so happy to meet you.
17:07Oh, you look good.
17:08Oh, my god.
17:10I think it was quite obvious that she
17:11was being shady on purpose.
17:14They're not friends anymore.
17:16Are you not friends over that?
17:18You know.
17:18She told me, fuck that bitch.
17:20Stacy, are you talking?
17:23Coming up.
17:24Shut the fuck up.
17:26What's the matter?
17:39And the dress you wore to the finale
17:41was one that Viv had made for me.
17:43Made for you.
17:45A few months before, yeah.
17:46I think it was quite obvious that she
17:48was being shady on purpose.
17:50Oh, Vivian.
17:51They're not friends anymore.
17:53She told me, fuck that bitch.
17:55Stacy, are you talking about that?
17:56I would never say that.
17:57Yes, you did.
17:58I said, so how are you and Vivian?
18:00And you took a sip of your drink,
18:01and you said, fuck that bitch.
18:03You know, it's just, it's really difficult for me
18:06because I chose to elevate her and have
18:09her be the exclusive fashion designer for Strays.
18:13You elevated Vivian.
18:15Did Vivian need elevation?
18:16By allowing her to be the exclusive fashion designer
18:20for the event.
18:20I was mortified that she would put me in an outfit
18:25that one of my colleagues had already worn.
18:29Oh, that's why I said, fuck you, bitch?
18:33She did it deliberately.
18:35Fuck that bitch.
18:37And girls, she's dead to me, and it's over.
18:40Don't joke.
18:41And I, ooh.
18:42Come on, Stacy.
18:42Is it for real?
18:43That's a Detroit copy.
18:44That's for Detroit.
18:453, 1, 3.
18:463, 1, 3.
18:46That's the Stacy I shared a room with.
18:48That's the real Stacy.
18:503, 1, 3.
18:50Wendy brought me out.
18:53You are a real housewife.
18:55Were the ladies too hard on you about your hair in the finale?
18:59I was really expecting a warmer reception
19:02from all of you, honestly.
19:04You guys have, like, borderline hazed me.
19:08You're welcome.
19:08About being boring.
19:09I don't switch up my style.
19:11What's wrong with your edges, Kay?
19:13Like, everyone's talking about me.
19:15But have you not dished it?
19:17Ashley is a beautiful woman, top to ankle.
19:22You can't sit here and be like, you guys have been hazing me.
19:25Bitch, you've been dishing it to me.
19:26By the way, Tracy from Reading, Pennsylvania,
19:29said, Ashley, when are you going to prioritize
19:30the health of your feet and address those bunions?
19:35Y'all are so concerned with these bunions.
19:39Number one, these are genetic, OK?
19:41They have been here since I was about 10 years old.
19:43And finally, Karen, she's the person
19:45who was most fixated on my bunions.
19:46I'm going to put her right here.
19:47I'm going to give her a good view.
19:50Yeah, get a good view of these here bunions.
19:52Yeah, OK.
19:53Can I get my own personal thing off my chest?
19:57That blue Michelin tire man suit.
20:02I have never in 18 years texted a housewife about an outfit.
20:08Andy, when you texted me, I said I was giving Michelin man tees.
20:12I owned it.
20:13I knew I was looking like a tire.
20:14Kay, you got a lot of attention for your cartoon
20:18supervillain shoulders.
20:19Oh, yeah.
20:20They ate me up a lot of them shoulders.
20:21Is there a Rick Owen?
20:22I'm kind of getting Uncle Fester a little bit.
20:25Arlene from New York City said, Ashley, you look amazing.
20:27But real question, do you own a full shirt?
20:31Either the titties are out, or the belly is out,
20:33or the sides are out in every moment.
20:36Yeah, and they will continue to be.
20:37OK, good.
20:38By the way, you make a hot guy.
20:41Oh my gosh.
20:47That was wild.
20:49What was your family's reaction?
20:51Oh, they were so excited about it.
20:52My grandma was so proud.
20:53My 77-year-old grandma was so proud of me.
20:56And even Karen was like, oh, Ashley,
20:57you're making me reconsider some things.
20:59So it was good.
21:00Ashley was sexy.
21:01Grace from Arbutus, Maryland.
21:03Wendy, I saw an Instagram post where you alluded to Ashley
21:06copying your confessional look with the pearls and red hair.
21:09Ashley, did you rip off Wendy on purpose?
21:12Let's be clear.
21:13We don't see each other's confessional
21:14looks until it airs.
21:17So I had no idea.
21:18Even though I want to say it was.
21:22I mean, you're all looking pretty similar tonight.
21:25Don't do it, Andy.
21:26To my dismay.
21:27They peeked through my window at night.
21:29Oh, they did?
21:30Nobody's driving to Pennsylvania to peek through your window.
21:33OK, Bobby from Mastic, New York said,
21:36Mia, when you were married to Gordon,
21:38you were always wearing blazers.
21:40And then when you got with Inc, you
21:42started wearing Fashion Nova and stirring up messy storylines.
21:46Did Inc bring out a different side of you?
21:48So the way I dress has absolutely
21:51nothing to do with the men.
21:52I was actually working a corporate job.
21:56And then I sold my job.
21:57To work for Fashion Nova.
22:00Is Fashion Nova paying you?
22:01It's definitely fast fashion.
22:03A lot of money.
22:04Giselle, you were so messy to buy the dress
22:07that Stacey forbid everyone from wearing at her event.
22:11What message were you trying to send her?
22:12Well, she was just being so Stacey.
22:15You were in there like, no one can wear this.
22:17No, no, no.
22:18No one can wear it.
22:19It looks better than me.
22:20To show you how petty Giselle is,
22:22she not only wore the dress, but then she
22:25sold me at our confessional a few weeks later
22:27and gave me the dress.
22:28Like, you can have it.
22:30So she just did it to get under her skin.
22:32Why not wear it for a good cause?
22:34I did.
22:34I went to the event.
22:35Did you donate to my charity?
22:37Yes, I did.
22:38Sitting there, I donated.
22:39Oh, I'll have to check that.
22:40Sitting there as shit was shitting, I donated.
22:43The dog is shitting.
22:46Oh my god!
22:49You all went blonde this season at some point.
22:51Who wears blonde best?
22:52Who's the true 613 queen?
22:53Well, clearly we know who wears blonde best.
22:56Oh, I was talking about you, Giselle.
22:58Oh, thank you.
22:59Oh, that's nice.
23:00That's very nice.
23:00But I mean, I think Karen rocks it.
23:03For sure.
23:03When it's on all the way.
23:05Oh, OK.
23:07Mia, no more 613.
23:08Well, you know.
23:10For now.
23:10For now.
23:11Thank you, Jesus.
23:12But you took a risk, and I applaud you for that.
23:15She took a risk.
23:16I'm the only one clapping.
23:18And Andy, so you know we had a whole discussion about her hair.
23:22All of us did together.
23:23You sure did.
23:23And we were just trying to help you because we've never seen your ears.
23:27Or your neck.
23:27Why do you want to see my ears or my neck, Giselle?
23:29Just to make sure you're a human being and not an alien.
23:33I sent you a video.
23:34Showing my ears.
23:35OK, Giselle.
23:38I actually have ears.
23:40And what did you say back?
23:42I don't know what I said.
23:46Yes, I was happy to finally see them, though.
23:48She may have hearted it, maybe.
23:52Coming up.
23:53You had this plan of you and Ink orchestrated for this season.
23:56It backfired.
23:57And so you said, let me drop Ink.
23:59Let me pretend to drop Ink.
24:01Her, Gordon, and Ink are all in on it.
24:04Oh, my god.
24:14Hi, Jacqueline.
24:15You look gorgeous.
24:21I love your hair.
24:25He didn't say that to me.
24:27Doesn't like mine.
24:29Sorry, Giselle.
24:29I was talking to him.
24:30I know.
24:33Welcome back to the Real Housewives of Potomac season
24:36nine reunion.
24:37And we are joined by Jacqueline, who's
24:40looking a little different than when we last saw her.
24:44What's different, Jacqueline?
24:45What's changed?
24:47So I am expecting.
24:50Yes, I'm very excited.
24:52I'm due in May.
24:54But Jacqueline, did you notice where we are?
24:56Yes, we're in Panama.
24:57Where we had our beautiful memory together.
25:01So is that your baby in there?
25:05It could be.
25:07Are you the daddy?
25:09I am Ash T.O.P.
25:12So the father has never been on Bravo or Grey Star Screen.
25:15So let's put it out there now.
25:16OK, good.
25:17So it's not PP.
25:17So it's not PP.
25:18It's not Ink.
25:19It's not PP.
25:19It's none of those individuals.
25:20Was he at the premiere party?
25:24More to come.
25:24Stay tuned.
25:26All right.
25:28Well, congratulations.
25:30All right.
25:31Well, Mia, you have always led a complex life.
25:35But you gave the phrase love triangle a whole new shape.
25:39Let's take a look.
25:41Mia is pimpin' to mankind.
25:45Ink and I are high school sweethearts.
25:47What's up, mate?
25:50Ink does want to get a paternity test.
25:55I'm 100% certain Jerrod's not my kid.
25:58Dealing with someone who's in mania, it's like a train that has derailed.
26:04I have been diagnosed with a mental illness, bipolar 1.
26:08Why you guys live in two different places?
26:10Well, remember I told you we were getting a divorce?
26:13Wait, what?
26:15Are you OK with Mommy and Daddy not spending forever together?
26:20You can't marry Mr. Ink.
26:22When I look at him, I see a person who had adultery with my wife.
26:26He was trying to separate my family.
26:27You guys are already in an inspired situation.
26:30He shared a lot of personal sensitive things with us.
26:3424 hours later, you're on Instagram with Gordon and Ink and the children.
26:39The fathers of my children can get along.
26:43The fathers?
26:44Gordon did a fraternity test.
26:47It's his kid.
26:48For a year, it's been in question in the universe.
26:51You all have been operating without boundaries.
26:54It's taken a toll on us.
26:58It's hard to rewatch.
27:04Ink is not here today.
27:06You recently announced that you've broken up.
27:09What happened?
27:11So, it's a lot.
27:14You know, obviously, anytime you're in a public relationship, there are outside influences.
27:20And then also, too, like, when you're living life and you're going through the motions.
27:24It's one thing.
27:25It's one thing.
27:26You know, you think you're making all the right decisions.
27:28But then to see it back, it's like, I'm going about it all wrong.
27:31And I'm bothered by it because I've worked so hard for my family.
27:38Like, I've been married for 11 years.
27:40My kids are amazing.
27:41I've worked really hard for everything that we have.
27:44And just to see it all kind of, like, crumble down, it's hard.
27:47Every day is hard.
27:48But your tagline is, Ink is permanent.
27:51Well, he, you know, Ink is my best friend.
27:53You know?
27:54And he is forever going to be a part of my life.
27:58Do we need to be in an intimate relationship?
28:01Lizzie from North Carolina want to know the other lady's impressions of Ink besides his height.
28:09What were your impressions on the two of them as a couple?
28:12He's a kind, respectable gentleman.
28:16We can be honest here.
28:17You come on this show.
28:19You film for however long.
28:22But to an outsider who's not us, they don't know the backlash.
28:26You know what I mean?
28:27Like, the backlash from, like, the viewers.
28:29It's just something that no one knows what this world is like until they're in it.
28:34So I think that he dated her.
28:35And he was like, yeah, I'll film with you.
28:36I love you.
28:37You're my boo.
28:38But once it was shown to the world, he was like, wait a second.
28:41Why are people saying this stuff about me?
28:43And I don't think he expected that.
28:44But Ink went a little bit hard with Gordon.
28:47Ink very much wanted to be on television.
28:48Like, he wanted more camera time.
28:50I do not believe they broke up.
28:52I think they're still together.
28:53I think that it's very clear that Mia is aware of being trashed on social media as it relates
29:00to throwing Ink in front of Gordon and the whole triangle and the disaster and this disgustingness
29:05of it all.
29:07And yeah, they're still together.
29:08Ink lives in Atlanta.
29:09Mia knows we're about to film again.
29:11Mia lives in Atlanta.
29:12She does not live in DC, Maryland, or Virginia.
29:15Why would you say that?
29:15She doesn't live here?
29:16Why would you say that?
29:17Because you don't.
29:17I haven't moved.
29:18Yes, I do.
29:19Every interview, you fly in for your interviews.
29:21No, I've been here.
29:22I've heard people that are on your plane as you're in the back.
29:25But people have told me.
29:26I do fly back and forth, yes.
29:27No, you're in the back of the plane.
29:29No, I live here.
29:30I have a condo here.
29:31Mia, fine.
29:32If that's a lie, you won't tell today.
29:34It's not a lie.
29:35Well, where do your kids go to school?
29:37My kids are in private homeschool.
29:38So private homeschool, they could do from anywhere in the world.
29:42They have gone to Atlanta, yes.
29:44But they don't go back and forth every time.
29:45OK, so as of October, your question was, what do we think of ink?
29:50And I gave my opinion about what I think of ink.
29:52Now, I'll be honest with you.
29:54I feel as though you had this plan of you and ink orchestrated for this season.
29:59It backfired on you.
30:01I think that you saw that it wasn't good for the brand.
30:04And people weren't loving it.
30:06And so you said, let me drop ink.
30:08And let me start posting pictures of me and Gordon again.
30:10Let me pretend to drop ink.
30:11So it's more palatable.
30:12All of this is orchestrated.
30:14But she's getting divorced.
30:15That's a lie.
30:16Her, Gordon, and ink are all in on it.
30:29You had this plan of you and ink orchestrated for this season.
30:33It backfired on you.
30:34And so you said, let me drop ink.
30:37Let me pretend to drop ink.
30:38All of this is orchestrated.
30:40But she's getting divorced.
30:41That's a lie.
30:42Her, Gordon, and ink are all in on it.
30:47For what benefit?
30:48For this benefit right here.
30:50For this show.
30:51For this right here.
30:52If you take that out, what would be left?
30:56Well, I mean...
30:57A lot.
30:59Natalia from Queens wants to know,
31:01did you tell your kids about the divorce for the first time on camera?
31:08So yeah, we had a...
31:10So what I wanted to do is I wanted to go to a family counselor with the kids.
31:14But we...
31:16It didn't end up that way.
31:18Who was leading the charge on the paternity test?
31:22Was it you or ink?
31:24It was ink.
31:25He wanted to know.
31:26He wanted to know.
31:27What does Jeremiah know about these conversations?
31:31They're not allowed to be on social media.
31:34You don't think he's going to find out?
31:35Like, it's ridiculous if you think he's not going to find out.
31:39Yeah, but he's nine right now.
31:40His friends, his friend's parents.
31:42The thing that will need to be explained...
31:43I'm going to have to share with him because when he becomes a teenager...
31:46You're going to have to explain this was a topic on this show.
31:50One thousand percent.
31:51Just like everything else that we talk about that's controversial.
31:54I don't think that this is something that I should have discussed in hindsight
31:57because I do feel like I have to prepare him for that.
32:00Haley from Reno, Nevada said,
32:01Mia, you talked about Karen needing to be real all season,
32:05but your stories about Gordon, Ink, and the paternity were hard to follow.
32:09Don't you think it's hypocritical when you're not being transparent yourself?
32:14No, but I am being transparent.
32:15It's just a really wavering, day-by-day situation.
32:22Mia, these stories don't add up sometimes and it sounds crazy to all of us.
32:26We were believing you, you had us going, and then we see Gordon.
32:29We were believing you, you said it was his baby,
32:31and then Ink is saying he needs a paternity test.
32:34It just always seems like it's a lie.
32:36And, you know, it's just...
32:37No, it's not a lie.
32:39Or an exaggeration or, you know, a colorful story or exploiting your family.
32:44That's what it feels like.
32:45But you said you already knew that this was the father, though, Mia.
32:48Didn't you conceive the child through IVF?
32:49I did conceive him through IVF, but I could have already been pregnant.
32:53No, that's not true.
32:54That's not true.
32:54No, it is true.
32:55No, we want to know why it's not true.
32:56Because before you get IVF, you have to get a pregnancy test.
33:00In order for a positive pregnancy test,
33:02you have to be, what, four and a half weeks pregnant.
33:04That's not true for the IVF.
33:05It is.
33:06No, they test your blood.
33:07None of it's true.
33:07They test your blood. Thank you.
33:09Yeah, it's a blood test.
33:09It's a blood test.
33:10HCG immediately.
33:12Mia, don't you just want to end this paternity stuff for your children?
33:161,000%, and I have.
33:18So do it.
33:18Yeah, I have.
33:19And so we have done a professional test.
33:23And Jeremiah is Gordon's child.
33:26Okay, good.
33:27Through IVF.
33:31Amber from Las Vegas said,
33:32Mia, you proclaim that you want to protect your children's innocence.
33:35How can you say that you want to protect them
33:37when you let adult conversations occur within their presence?
33:41That has never happened until that day.
33:43They were getting along.
33:45For an entire year, the two of them were getting along.
33:49Gordon told you he didn't want to film with Ink.
33:52He did not know Ink was there when that scene happened.
33:55And then when he gets in there, he even says it himself.
33:58He even said,
33:59I don't want to film with this dude.
34:00I told Mia that I'm not filming with you.
34:04When you and I and her are together with the kids,
34:08I'm going to be very cordial, have a good time.
34:10Without the kids, I'm not interested.
34:12He told you when the cameras are on, he doesn't want to do that.
34:16But you thought it was good for the show.
34:18You thought it was good for your little story.
34:20What I thought would be good is showing positive co-parenting,
34:23because that's what we've been doing for an entire year.
34:25How is that positive?
34:26Gordon and Ink are arguing in front of the kids.
34:28This is what I did when I got divorced my first time.
34:31My ex-husband and Gordon are really good friends.
34:34We're not talking about him.
34:34So shame on me.
34:35We're not talking about him.
34:36But shame on me that I saw Gordon co-parent my now 16-year-old child.
34:40And it worked out beautifully.
34:41So you thought it could happen again.
34:42So I thought, OK, why can't we do this again?
34:45Jaclyn, what's your reaction to this conversation happening on the show?
34:51It looks familiar.
34:53What does that mean?
34:55In terms of Gordon one moment being in one positive space,
34:59and the next moment he's in a negative space,
35:01I've seen Gordon and Ink get along.
35:04And then other moments, I see them not get along.
35:06So I feel like in this instant, it was just a bad situation that was caught.
35:12It was unfortunate that the kids were there.
35:14But I have told Mia in the past that I don't think that she should
35:18mix Ink in with Gordon and the family household that she has currently.
35:24Your personal life seems to frustrate or annoy a lot of people,
35:28both your friends on the show and also the viewers.
35:31Why do you think that is?
35:34So I think that whatever I'm going through, I'm deciding to be open about it.
35:39And I think it does get a little confusing.
35:41I mean, sometimes I'm confused.
35:43It seemed like things were out of hand.
35:45And all of it was just very toxic.
35:47I could see how Gordon was having several episodes,
35:49because Gordon is an elderly man.
35:52It was almost like a little bit gave elderly abuse on TV,
35:55just watching him trying to navigate.
35:57He is the one that told his story.
35:58He did tell his story, right?
35:59She protected him.
36:01I did for years.
36:03I allowed him to make me look like the liar,
36:05to make me look like I had my stories mixed up.
36:07Because for a whole year, they have been getting along.
36:09And we have been co-parenting.
36:11The moment the cameras come on, he then, again, makes me look like the liar.
36:15He wanted to show up today to tell you guys to apologize to what he did to me,
36:19because he knew damn well that I don't believe that.
36:22I don't believe that.
36:22I don't believe that.
36:23I don't believe it at all.
36:24I do not believe that.
36:25Are you just saying you don't believe that?
36:28Everything is so very convenient.
36:29So you don't believe me from now on?
36:31I didn't want him to come on another apology tour.
36:34You sat here and said you regret the whole paternity thing
36:37and bringing it up and all that.
36:40You regret it because social media tore you to smithereens for it.
36:42You don't regret it because of your children.
36:45Yes, I do.
36:46Yes, I do.
36:47Because if everybody was on board with it,
36:49if the world was on board with it, you'd be like,
36:51yes, I'm just being honest.
36:52There are a lot of people that are on board with it.
36:54People who message me directly who are going through the exact same thing.
36:58More lies, more lies, more lies.
37:01It seemed like you had a motive this season of the show.
37:04Like you were looking at this as a production
37:07instead of being genuine as to what was really going on.
37:09I was being genuine.
37:11When it has to do with the paternity of your child.
37:12I remember we were in Miami.
37:13Like that's just deplorable.
37:14I remember we were in Miami and we were talking about
37:17the relationship of the group.
37:19And you were like, we're like Destiny's Child.
37:22And everyone is Michelle and I'm Beyonce.
37:26She said that?
37:27She said that.
37:27Who's Kelly?
37:28She said that.
37:28She said Beyonce.
37:30You said that.
37:32And I was like, damn, at least I can be Kelly.
37:34By the way, no shame in being Michelle.
37:37Justice for Michelle.
37:38Yes, totally.
37:39I love Michelle.
37:40I love Michelle.
37:41And I love Kelly.
37:42All y'all Michelle, she's Beyonce.
37:44I'm Kelly though.
37:45Me too.
37:46I'm Kelly.
37:48I have a drinking.
37:49Jordan from Columbus wants to know, Jacqueline,
37:52has Mia always had an odd relationship with the truth?
37:56Mia, for the most part, with me, she's very honest.
38:00Has she exaggerated about things?
38:03I don't think Mia always notices it.
38:05But I don't think she's a blatant liar.
38:08She has shared that with me.
38:10Danielle from Minneapolis said, Mia,
38:12if the conversations surrounding your child
38:14were bringing stress to your life,
38:15what made you think it was OK to bring up Giselle's daughters
38:18in an even worse context?
38:21Your girls were sneaking in boys in the house in DR.
38:23And on social media, you post like everything is perfect.
38:37Mia, if the conversations surrounding your child
38:40were bringing stress to your life,
38:42what made you think it was OK to bring up Giselle's daughters
38:45in an even worse context?
38:47Your girls were sneaking in boys in the house in DR.
38:49And on social media, you post like everything is perfect.
38:55You know, I didn't think it's OK.
38:57And I actually apologized to her.
38:59And then you got in my face.
39:00Then you, at her, when she was a man,
39:02you jumped up from your, wherever you were sitting,
39:05got in my face and tried to act like
39:08you was going to do something to me.
39:09Keep my children out your mouth, Mia.
39:11No, you keep my children out my mouth.
39:12I haven't talked about your children.
39:14I talked about you.
39:16I talked about you.
39:17I talked about you.
39:19You getting in my face?
39:21What was this?
39:21Was this shown?
39:22At the end.
39:22Oh, this was at the end.
39:23Oh, yes.
39:23At the end of the night.
39:24No, they did not show it.
39:25Oh, they didn't show it.
39:26They didn't show it.
39:26That's because you were saying that I was a terrible mother.
39:29You have acted like that.
39:31This season, a terrible mother.
39:33And I stand by that.
39:35No woman, no mother would put their child on a platform
39:40to discuss his paternity.
39:42No mother would do that.
39:44No mother.
39:50That's my, my, that's it.
39:54The truth hurts, I guess.
39:56I mean.
39:56Not my kids.
39:58It is what it is.
39:58No, I just don't get it.
39:59I don't do people doing shit and not being able to be
40:04accountable for their shit.
40:05Thank you, Wendy.
40:06After all the shit she did, now you're going to walk away?
40:09Bitch, please.
40:10You know, it's really unfortunate.
40:11This is an environment where husbands and children
40:13should be off limits.
40:14And it's sad.
40:18We are going to take a break.
40:20You need help?
40:22I was going to help you.
40:23That feels good to stand up, actually.
40:32Hey, Greg.
40:33What's good?
40:34Looking good, man.
40:35Yeah, you look good.
40:36You look good.
40:36I love the jacket, man.
40:37Looking all sharp today.
40:39You ready?
40:39OK, we have to put my sneakers back on.
40:42Do you see the other people coming?
40:44No, I have not.
40:44You're the first one.
40:45We should, you know, maybe hit up TJ, see maybe if he's home.
40:48Yeah, yeah, man.
40:48Let's go.
40:50Man, first of all, you show up and look good.
40:55You look sharp, man.
40:57Yeah, you know, we're looking too good, man.
41:01TJ, what's going on?
41:02TJ, what's happening?
41:04Not much, man.
41:04How are you?
41:05Where you at, man?
41:06Well, I had to get evacuated because of the fire.
41:09I've been handling some stuff.
41:12Are you safe?
41:12Yeah, yeah, yeah.
41:13Oh, OK.
41:14All right, good.
41:14That's why I've been trying to move some stuff around, man.
41:17OK, that's understandable.
41:17That's it, man.
41:18But other than that, I'm checking on me, man.
41:21Man, OK.
41:21We at the reunion.
41:23I was hoping to see you.
41:24Yeah, I ain't going to that fake-ass show with them fake-ass people.
41:27Oh, TJ.
41:28I miss y'all, man.
41:29Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
41:30You know, we miss you too, man.
41:31We got to link up next time you're in DC, man.
41:33Hold on, guys.
41:34How we doing?
41:39What the f***, TJ?
41:40Nah, we ain't no, man.
41:41We ain't no nothing.
41:42We got to talk to that girl, man.
41:44I need some water.
41:47Yeah, that was a lot.
41:52How long is this break?
41:53Five minutes?
41:53Are we going to get?
41:54What is this?
41:55A stretcher legs break?
41:56Yes, yes.
41:58Your dress is too tight.
42:00I'm the only one dying.
42:01Them boobs is booming, baby.
42:02Everything is too much.
42:06Shut the f*** up.
42:08What's the matter?
42:21Next time on the Real Housewives of Potomac reunion.
42:24Stacey, you didn't want TJ to come today.
42:26TJ let Eddie know.
42:31TJ also told Eddie.
42:34Oh, wait, wait.
42:37The night of Karen's accident, she was with a man.
42:40Take a look at this moment.
42:42Shot one day before Karen left for rehab.
42:45I don't know what that was.
42:46Y'all need to scrap that.
42:47Take that out.