• 16 hours ago
Hudson And Rex S05 E03


00:00The following program is rated PG and contains mature subject matter. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:12How long until Watson gets here? He's on his way now.
00:17You know he's a former cop?
00:19Yeah, yeah, I'm aware of that.
00:22Excuse me.
00:26It's not a good time, Jesse.
00:27Joe, hi, it's Jesse. Sorry to bother you. I know you're taking a personal day.
00:31Yeah, I wouldn't exactly call transporting a prisoner halfway across the province a personal day.
00:35No, no, no, I know, I know. I just meant...
00:37Well, I mean, you insisted that you'd be the one to handle this yourself, not make it a team thing.
00:41Also, you weren't really forthcoming about why you volunteered to be the one to...
00:44Jesse, is there a reason why you called?
00:46Yes, right. Okay, do you remember the Kleinberg case?
00:48Kleinberg. Yeah, well, it rings a bell.
00:50Eighty thousand dollars worth of stolen music memorabilia?
00:53Right, right. The cold case from about six years ago.
00:55Eight years ago. Time flies.
00:57Right. Anyway, look, one of the stolen items, a hollow body guitar, just made its way to the black market.
01:04I mean, it's the lead we've been waiting for.
01:06Look, the guitar is in my hands as we speak, so, uh, how do you want to proceed?
01:10Uh, I don't know, Jesse. I'll get back to you. Just take care of it, alright? Thanks.
01:15What the hell are you doing here?
01:17He's all yours.
01:19You gotta be kidding. I thought Sanchez was running transport.
01:21Change of plans. I'll be the one transporting you to Cornerbrook.
01:24Well, one driver's as good as another, I guess.
01:27Donnie and Wads rolling out, just like the old days, huh, partner?
01:31We're not partners. Those days are long gone. Get in.
01:44Hey, boss. We've got a problem.
01:58Hey, Rex. Get the toolbox.
02:08That's it. Good job, buddy.
02:10Yeah, put your back into it just a little further.
02:16There you go, pal.
02:18Thanks, buddy.
02:20You're welcome.
02:22There you go, pal.
02:27Hey, Jesse. Everything okay?
02:30Yeah, absolutely. More than okay. I just got assigned lead on my own case.
02:34Is that right?
02:36Yeah. Joe got pulled to some private matter.
02:39Oh, yeah. The, uh, Blake Watson thing.
02:41He told you what it was?
02:43Yeah. Why? He didn't mention it to you?
02:45Yeah. Yeah, we're tight like that.
02:47So who's Blake Watson?
02:49He's Joe's old partner from back in the day.
02:52Joe caught him tampering with evidence, blew the whistle on him.
02:55Well, Blake got his badge taken away a couple years later. He's behind bars.
02:59So no love lost between the two, huh?
03:01Yeah. I don't know the whole story, but if Joe's pulling strings for this transportation gig, he's got to have a reason.
03:06You were saying something about a case?
03:08Yeah. Okay, so get this. A few years ago, somebody robbed a private music memorabilia collection.
03:12Oh, yeah. I remember something about that.
03:14More Chuck Berry.
03:18Excuse me?
03:20What? You knew it was Chuck Berry's guitar that was stolen, right?
03:24Jesse, back in 1977, NASA sent the Voyager probe into space,
03:30and one of the things that was in it was a disc containing some of the greatest recordings of all time.
03:35Bach, Mozart, Louis Armstrong, and Chuck Berry.
03:40Is there a point to this?
03:42I remember Hazza that NASA received a response from aliens.
03:51What did they say?
03:53Send more Chuck Berry.
04:05Okay, so I want you to think about this.
04:08Okay, so I would really like to get a leg up on this thing. I have a few theories I want to run by you.
04:13Okay, Jesse. This case is how old? Six years?
04:15Eight years.
04:17Okay, so it can wait another half hour, so make yourself useful and help me finish this.
04:21Come on.
04:31Yeah, I'm still here.
04:32Oh, and silent treatment, huh?
04:34It's going to be a long trip then, I guess. What is it, eight, nine hours to Cornerbrook, Ben?
04:44So how's your daughter? She must be, uh...
04:46Do not talk about her.
04:48Whoa, okay, relax. Just making small talk.
04:52Please tell me you brought some snacks or something. I'm starving.
04:55Yeah, you'll live.
04:57You know, I'm starting to think the only reason you're here is to make this trip easier.
05:00I'm starting to think the only reason you're here is to make this trip as miserable as possible.
05:04Well, it's more of a perk than a reason.
05:06Funny guy.
05:08So why are you here, Joe?
05:10The moment I heard they were transferring you to a different prison, I immediately thought you were going to try something.
05:15Seriously? You think I got a price on my head on purpose?
05:19You tried to sell the leader of the Aryan Brotherhood up the river. You didn't think it was going to get back to him? Come on, man.
05:24Well, I'm off my game. Twelve years behind bars will do that to a guy.
05:27Yeah, well, you know what I think?
05:28Remind me.
05:30I think that you intentionally got on the wrong side of a killer so that they would have no choice but to transfer you.
05:36Why would I do that?
05:38It's easier to escape from a transfer than it is from the inside of a prison cell. So I figured you would do that.
05:43I got less than 14 months left on my stretch. Why would I try to escape when I could walk away a free man? Tell me that.
05:50You ratted out the Brotherhood, we both know you're not going to survive 14 months.
05:53So here we are. You and me, man. You and me.
06:10So that really is Signature?
06:12Yeah, it was authenticated before it was stolen.
06:14Well, the owner will be happy to get this back.
06:16Mr. Kleinberg passed away shortly after the robbery.
06:19Then his family will.
06:20No, no. Kleinberg wanted everything sent to a museum.
06:23So you'll dust this for fingerprints, trace evidence, DNA?
06:26Yep, of course.
06:28Excellent. Okay, well, I am going to go see if I can track down the original detective's notes from archives.
06:36He's taking this very seriously.
06:38Yeah, he's been trying to prove to Joe he can be more than just a lab tech. It'll be good for him.
06:43So I'll see you later?
06:48Dad, you will.
06:50Yes, you too, my handsome guy, you too.
06:59We had some good times back in the day, didn't we, Joe?
07:02Yeah, well, if you say so.
07:04Come on, man, don't pretend like you don't miss it.
07:07Huh? What about Spencer's cabin? Remember that?
07:11Middle of the woods, beer and poker till the sun came up?
07:15Yeah, yeah, I do remember that.
07:17The cabin's not too far from here, I don't...
07:20Yeah, yeah, it's not too far from here, if I remember.
07:23Yeah, maybe when I get out I'll go see it for myself, huh, partner?
07:26Don't call me that.
07:28Come on, man, was I really that bad?
07:30I always had your back. I would have taken a bullet for you.
07:34Yeah, let's be glad it never came to that.
07:36It's true. You weren't just my partner, you were my friend.
07:40At least I thought you were until you slid that blade in my back.
07:42Right, there it is. Right?
07:44After 20 years, it's still my fault you can't take responsibility for Paul?
07:47You ratted me out to Internal Affairs.
07:49You planted evidence on a suspect.
07:51I did what needed to be done to get a dirtbag off the street.
07:54Guess what, Watson? It doesn't work like that.
07:56Here we go again with the holier-than-thou Joe Donovan.
07:58So this is all my fault, right?
08:00What about everything that happened afterwards?
08:02What about the drinking, Watson?
08:04What about the assault charges?
08:06What about the embezzlement?
08:08The thing that actually got you thrown into prison?
08:10Is that my fault, too?
08:12So you can be my mother?
08:14No, I took this assignment because I do not trust you.
08:16Yeah, well, trust me or not, I still gotta use the can.
08:18You wanna pull over for a minute?
08:20Well, unfortunately, this train makes no stops, my friend.
08:22Come on, man. Nature calls.
08:24What, you want me making a mess over your nice leather seats here?
08:27Fine. Fine.
08:29There's a rest stop about 20 minutes up the road.
08:31We'll stop there.
08:42You're welcome.
09:13Hey, let's go.
09:15Give me two minutes.
09:17We'll do this thing easy with the cops on.
09:19Two minutes? You got one.
09:43Hurry up!
09:45What's your damn rush?
09:47It's not like there's any windows in here.
09:49What, are you worried I'm gonna escape through the pipes?
09:51Just hurry up, all right?
10:01Oh, my gosh!
10:03Is that your daughter in there?
10:07You gotta get your daughter out of there!
10:09Listen, sweetheart, we're gonna get you out, okay?
10:10Go, go, go!
10:12We need some help here!
10:24Get those off and let's get out of here.
10:27Knox, what are you doing here?
10:31Been too long.
10:33Good to see you.
10:35What are you waiting for, man? Let's go.
10:38Come on, hop in.
10:40Where else you gonna go?
11:11You found your way back to the car.
11:14I told you, Joe, I'm almost done with my time.
11:17I'm ready to get my life back.
11:21You wouldn't happen to have anything to do with that fire, would you?
11:25Well, I'd be one hell of a Blue Angel, Joe.
11:30Blue Angel.
11:35Let's go.
11:39Come on.
12:02What's all that about, huh?
12:04Did he change his mind when he saw you?
12:06How should I know?
12:08Relax, Gregory.
12:10Still a long way to Cornerbrook.
12:13Don't think they'll be making it all the way to Cornerbrook.
12:16Why's that?
12:18Don't worry.
12:20I got it covered.
12:22Well, now I'm filled with relief, Gregory.
12:39I know I talk a good game, but...
12:44I really messed up this time, Joe.
12:47The Brotherhood can get to me in Cornerbrook just as easily as St. John's Pen.
12:51You don't know that.
12:53You can't guarantee my safety on the inside, and you know it.
12:56No, I can't.
12:58But I also can't let you go.
13:00I need your help, Joe.
13:02Let me make one thing really clear.
13:04I'm not going to let you go.
13:05I need your help, Joe.
13:07Let me make one thing really clear, okay?
13:09I'm here for one reason.
13:11That is to get you to Cornerbrook without incident.
13:30Change of venue?
13:32Yeah, I just needed another place to think.
13:35What do you have?
13:37Okay, so the robbery took place between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.
13:40Now, the owner, David Kleinberg, he was at the hospital for some planned surgery,
13:44but when he got home, the door was locked, no signs of tampering.
13:47First thing he notices is that the music memorabilia collection is gone.
13:51Not a single other thing in the apartment was out of place.
13:54Okay, so it wasn't a random B&E.
13:56His collection was targeted probably by somebody Kleinberg knew and trusted.
13:59Right. Which brings us to our suspects.
14:01Here, have a seat.
14:02Okay, suspect number one.
14:04Ah, yeah.
14:06This lady, Tammy Markoff.
14:08She's Kleinberg's neighbor. He would have her over for tea and chess.
14:11He also entrusted her with his spare condo key.
14:14Anyone else have his key? His family?
14:16No, his wife passed away several years previous.
14:18He had a son, but they were estranged at the time.
14:21Okay, well aside from the key, what makes Tammy Markoff such a compelling suspect?
14:25Okay, so Tammy, she was moving out that exact same day.
14:28She had movers coming and going in and out of the condo at the time of the robbery.
14:32One of her movers, this guy here, Victor Hess, has had two priors for theft.
14:37I mean, what if he and Tammy were working together?
14:39Stolen memorabilia just goes right out the front door in one of those moving boxes
14:43without anybody batting an eyebrow.
14:45Makes sense.
14:47The original investigators, did they ever look into Tammy and Victor?
14:49No, see, here's the thing.
14:51Tammy or Victor were never formally charged.
14:53There's no trail to follow. No trace of the stolen memorabilia.
14:56Until today.
14:58So what's your next move?
14:59Well, I mean, we're still waiting for the guitar to come back from forensics,
15:02but in the meantime, I'm thinking that we pay a visit to the condo.
15:05Maybe the new owner will let us take a look around,
15:08have a lay of the land, so to speak.
15:11Okay, let me know how it goes.
15:13Yeah, that's, that's the right next move, yeah?
15:17Can't hurt.
15:19You're saying don't overthink it.
15:21I got you.
15:30The engine's overheating.
15:32You gonna pull over?
15:34Yeah, there's a garage off the next exit.
15:36No, no, you don't need a garage. Pull over, I can take a look.
15:39Yeah, no, no thanks. I think I'll let the experts handle this one.
16:08Everything okay?
16:10Yeah, he says we got a punctured radiator.
16:12You know anything about that?
16:16So it's about 20 minutes to fix, we'll be on our way.
16:19So can we grab a bite to eat?
16:21I don't know about that.
16:23Ah, come on. What am I gonna do, make a run for it? I already had the chance. Remember?
16:27Come on, for old time's sake, Joe.
16:30Hey, besides, I bought last time we were together, so you owe me.
16:38Have a fry.
16:40I don't want a fry.
16:42No? You lived on these things, back when we were on patrol.
16:44Yeah, that was 20 years ago. I gotta watch myself now.
16:48So you been good?
16:52I just want to say I really appreciate you doing this for me.
16:54Feels good having Joe Donovan have my back.
16:57Even though I stabbed you in it?
16:59I was a bad cop. We all do what we do, right?
17:06I wasn't just giving you a hard time earlier. I really do hope your daughter is doing well.
17:11She was just an ankle biter when I saw her last. Well, she's 17, 18 now?
17:15She's 19.
17:20She's 19 and she's doing great.
17:24Here she is.
17:26Oh, look at that. They do grow up fast, huh?
17:34Guess it's too late for me now.
17:36I wouldn't say that. Go in, finish your time. Get out, keep your nose clean. Still make some memories.
17:43Those fries don't kill you first.
17:45That's not them I'm worried about.
17:48Don't talk like that.
17:49I know, I know. You've made your position clear.
17:52I made my own bad, now I get to lie in it, right?
17:57You know, we should get going.
17:59I sure think, partner.
18:01Alright, before we hit the road, one more thing I got to do.
18:04Are you serious?
18:06Man, the pop's running right through me. Come on, it'll just take a minute.
18:11Okay, let me see the cuffs.
18:15Oh, this is a surprise. You, uh, you trust me now?
18:20Not quite.
18:24You really think this is necessary?
18:27I'm not taking my eyes off you again.
18:30I can't go with an audience.
18:32Yeah, well, don't worry about it. I'm not watching what you're doing, okay?
18:37Watson, just hurry up, okay?
18:39Okay, okay. Doing my best, alright?
18:41Oh, hey, and, uh, I just want to tell you, I'm sorry.
18:45Sorry for what?
18:49You left me no choice, partner.
18:53Give me the key.
18:55Or what, you'll shoot me? Go ahead.
18:58It'll be a lot quicker than what's waiting for me at Corner Brook.
19:02Hey, listen to me, okay? I'm telling you right now, I can help you.
19:07I know you've tried, Joe.
19:08Because you're a decent guy.
19:11Thanks for the hamburger.
19:18Wait. Wait.
19:22Come on.
19:34Hey, did you see a tall guy come through here?
19:36Blue jumpsuit?
19:50Don't give us a reason.
19:53Marty Knox.
19:55Superintendent Donovan.
19:57You're a long ways from home.
19:59We're both slumming it today.
20:01Blake Watson tends to drag a man down.
20:05This doesn't need to get messy, Joe.
20:08We just want Watson.
20:10Makes two of us.
20:18We could just waste him right here.
20:22Then you'll never find Watson.
20:24Pardon my partner, Joe.
20:26He's new around here.
20:29How are you gonna build a career if you waste a cop on a whim?
20:35You only do that when it becomes absolutely necessary.
20:42Thank you for agreeing to see me on such short notice.
20:45Sure, sure. Come in, come in.
20:47No problem.
20:49So, what did you want to talk to me about?
20:51Right. Yeah, I wanted to discuss with you a case from a few years back.
20:55A break-in or a theft against one of the owners.
20:58That was Mr. Kleinberg.
21:00Yes, that's right. And you were the building manager at the time?
21:02Yeah, still am.
21:04And look at me, moving up in the world.
21:06Well, we've had some recent developments.
21:08And I would like to...
21:11This music.
21:16Yeah, it's some jazz compilation on vinyl I picked up at a garage sale.
21:20I'll turn it off.
21:22No, no, no. That's okay. I like it.
21:24You were saying you had some new leads or something?
21:27Yeah, yeah. I was hoping you could show me around the building.
21:29You know, maybe the unit that Mr. Kleinberg lived in as well
21:31as the one that belonged to Tammy Markov.
21:34Of course, yeah.
21:36Great. And you have the keys to the units?
21:38Oh, yeah. Only the empty ones.
21:40The locks are changed when the new owners move in,
21:42but I'm sure they'd be happy to let you have a look around.
21:45And who cares if they're happy?
21:47I'm the manager, right?
21:51An old fishing shack in the woods, huh?
21:54How come I can't see any road on the map?
21:57Because it's unmarked.
21:59What makes you so sure Watson didn't hightail it?
22:03He's got no friends.
22:05He's got no cash.
22:07He's got no way of getting a ticket off this island without getting flagged.
22:10That's how I know.
22:12This better be the truth.
22:14I don't know.
22:16I don't know.
22:17This better be the truth.
22:19Look, I put myself out on a limb with my bosses
22:22in order to transport this guy myself.
22:24I thought I was doing him a favor,
22:26and look where it got me.
22:29I guess his loyalties lie elsewhere, huh?
22:33I guess so.
22:35Man, you must be Brian Patrick's nephew.
22:39How'd you know that?
22:41Charming Irish personality.
22:43Same weird taste in footwear.
22:45One ham sandwich away from a heart attack?
22:48Yeah, you gotta be related.
22:50Yeah, but it looks like Watson crossed our family as well as me,
22:54so I guess we got that in common, huh?
22:57You're on your own, pal.
22:59Watson's a friend of the family.
23:01I thought he'd be excited to see us.
23:03Instead, he gets all squirrely at the gas station.
23:06Gas station?
23:09Wait, so the fire wasn't an accident?
23:12Oh, it's like having a train wreck.
23:15Rainey, I'm too old for this, I swear.
23:18No need to tell him our life story, Greg.
23:20Looks like all of our bosses are mad at us, huh?
23:24Wait, guys, tell me the truth.
23:26Which one of you do you think your boss is gonna hit first?
23:28Not me. He's not your friend, Greg.
23:30Greg, Greg, tell me.
23:32Look, the gas station was supposed to be the pickup, right?
23:34But Watson went with me instead,
23:36so it looks to me like your family's losing clout.
23:39Oh, bull. This guy spooked them.
23:41Ah, don't worry about that.
23:42See, because your uncle is gonna be really happy
23:45with the fact that you guys chose to puncture the radiator.
23:48The radiator.
23:50Oh, that is the best idea I've heard in my entire life.
23:53How far away is this cabin?
23:55It's 90 minutes.
23:57But you'll never find it without me.
24:00And you don't live if I decide otherwise.
24:08Great foot.
24:10That's left.
24:12Left? Okay. Close enough.
24:17Hey. Hey.
24:19So how'd it go? You find anything useful at the crime scene?
24:21No. I shouldn't have gone by myself. I didn't find anything useful.
24:25Well, it is an eight-year-old case for a reason, Jesse.
24:29Yeah, but you know what I was hoping to find?
24:31It's just, you know, when a case emerges
24:33and then suddenly everything falls into place and...
24:36I don't know. That's what I was looking for.
24:38Uh, yeah, well, I wish things worked that way.
24:42Yeah. Yeah, this is Detective Hudson.
24:47When was this?
24:50Give me the address.
25:05You know, if you keep coming down here for little visits,
25:06people are gonna start getting suspicious.
25:12What's wrong?
25:14It's Joe.
25:16Well, he's heading out to Corabrook today, right?
25:19He was. He brought his car to a garage and never came back for it.
25:22The prisoner he was transporting is also gone.
25:24Well, we should... we should get out there.
25:26Yeah, I chartered a flight to an airstrip in the area.
25:28There's a car waiting for us.
25:30Don't worry. We'll find him.
25:32Rex will make sure of that.
25:34Yeah, that's what I'm counting on.
25:36Okay, let's go.
25:40Come on, pal.
25:52Hey, I got a question.
25:54What is it with Watson that makes you want him dead so bad? Huh?
25:58We don't want him dead.
26:00You don't? Seems to me like your friend Noxio certainly does.
26:04What's he talking about?
26:08Oh, wait.
26:10Wait, that's why you took off.
26:12He didn't expect you to be there.
26:15I mean, I know that Watson has crossed a lot of people in his life,
26:18but it looks like... looks like you got a score to settle, man.
26:21That better not be true, man. We have our orders.
26:23Your uncle said to get the information on how Watson disappeared.
26:27Yeah, disappeared out of the country.
26:29Yeah, that's one interpretation.
26:31It's the right interpretation.
26:33Hey, last time I'm going to tell you,
26:36you're not here to think or talk.
26:54You should have let me shoot him back there.
26:56No weapons, no phone.
26:58If Watson's out there, he'll lead us right to him.
27:00Better be right.
27:02I usually am.
27:06Checked out the car. Nothing out of the ordinary.
27:09Mechanic says he didn't see where Watson and Donovan went
27:11after he brought the car into the shop.
27:15Local police are starting a search.
27:17Brax, find Joe. Track him.
27:31What do you got there?
27:35It's Camilla.
27:37Go find Rex. Joe must have left this for us to find.
27:39Whatever went down happened right here.
27:41Well, at least we know he was alive and well enough
27:43to leave us a clue.
27:45That's something.
27:49Jesse, what do you got?
27:51I accessed the GPS in Joe's car
27:53and it looks like Joe made another search.
27:55What's that?
27:57I don't know.
27:58I accessed the GPS in Joe's car
28:00and it looks like Joe made another stop on the way
28:02at a gas station just off of Highway 7.
28:04Nothing out of the ordinary about stopping for gas.
28:06Well, maybe not, but I looked at the footage
28:08from the gas station cameras and ran the plates
28:10on the other cars that were there.
28:12There's one car in particular that is registered
28:14to a company associated to the Patrick family.
28:16Mob boss Brian Patrick?
28:18Jesse, get an APB on that car immediately.
28:20Already on it.
29:03Surprised to see me?
29:05No, not really.
29:09But I was hoping I'd gotten through to you
29:11and you wouldn't come after me.
29:13Yeah, well, then you don't know me very well, do you?
29:17Guess what?
29:19I'm not the only person coming after you.
29:21Marty Knox is on his way, too.
29:23Yeah, that's right, partner.
29:25You screwed up.
29:26This time he might take me down with you.
29:44Rex led me to these in the men's bathroom,
29:46cuffed to a pipe.
29:48Jesse, Greg Patrick's car was spotted,
29:50parked on a side road about 90 minutes
29:52from your location.
29:54Any visual on Joe or his car?
29:56No, no, nothing reported.
29:58But I'll get those coordinates to you right now.
30:00Oh, along with some leads on the music memorabilia theft.
30:02Good job, Jesse. We're on our way.
30:04Let's go.
30:06Come on, pal.
30:19Hey, man, how do you know you weren't followed?
30:22How do you propose we defend ourselves
30:24against two armed gunmen?
30:26Best case scenario is that we get lucky
30:28and they don't even find this place.
30:30Also, my team is aware that I'm missing
30:32and they're probably on the hunt,
30:34so we just need to hold tight for a couple of hours.
30:36Yeah, don't count on it.
30:38Knox is highly motivated.
30:40Tell me something.
30:42What did you get your... No.
30:44What did you get us into?
30:46The gang leader I sold out in prison
30:48has connections in Cornerbrook,
30:50so a prison transfer was just
30:52delaying the inevitable.
30:54So I contacted Brian Patrick
30:56and told him I'd give him everything I had
30:58on the cartels I was working for when I got busted.
31:00And in exchange,
31:02what, he helped spring you during the prison transfer, right?
31:04Tried to get you safe passage out of the country.
31:06Well, it was the plan,
31:08and all went out the window when I saw Knox.
31:10So why does Knox want you dead?
31:12Eh, I may have conned him out of 250 Gs.
31:16You may have.
31:18I didn't know he was working for Brian Patrick now.
31:20Yeah, well, when it comes to you,
31:22I think Knox is working for himself.
31:26Okay, so listen,
31:28you can either sit there and feel sorry for yourself,
31:31or you can help me.
31:33With what?
31:35We're gonna make a...
31:37We're gonna make an early warning system.
31:40Thanks for seeing me again.
31:42Happy to help.
31:44Did you need to have another look
31:46at Mr. Kleinberg's old condo?
31:48Uh, no, actually, I wanted to ask you
31:50about that record you were playing earlier.
31:52The jazz compilation?
31:54Yes, that's the one,
31:56but the only thing is that
31:58that piece never actually appeared
32:00on a compilation album.
32:02You're obviously mistaken.
32:04In fact, it only appeared on vinyl once,
32:06you know, due to a contract dispute
32:08and had a print run of less than 1,000 copies.
32:10What is this? What are you trying to...
32:12Of those 1,000 copies,
32:14only 14 of which are known to be still in circulation,
32:16and one of those was listed
32:18as one of the stolen items
32:20from Mr. Kleinberg's collection.
32:22Uh, is that so?
32:26And you own the same rare and, oh,
32:28also insanely expensive album.
32:33Unless your copy and Mr. Kleinberg's copy
32:37are one and the same.
32:40How could I have robbed him?
32:42I don't have a key.
32:44And he had an alarm system.
32:46Yes, but it wasn't activated, Miss Harris.
32:48I couldn't have known that.
32:50That's fair, but you didn't actually need
32:52to go through the front door, did you?
32:54See, Mr. Kleinberg's apartment
32:56is right next door.
32:58I'm betting, judging by this phenomenal repair work,
33:00if I move your stove away from the wall,
33:02we would just be able to go
33:04right into Mr. Kleinberg's apartment.
33:06Isn't that right?
33:08Shall we take a look, Miss Harris?
33:10Are you even a real cop?
33:12I'm a special constable
33:14assigned to this case.
33:16What kind of cop doesn't carry a gun?
33:18I mean, for all I know,
33:20you're here to rob me.
33:22I'm not.
33:24A woman alone in her home
33:26with a gun.
33:28I could really use a drink.
33:30Yeah. Yeah, you and me both.
33:33It's a shame these are empty, man.
33:35Yeah, well, if they weren't,
33:37they'd probably be skunky by now, so...
33:39Oh, man, it's still better than the toilet gin
33:42they serve at Club Fed.
33:48To the old days
33:50before it all went to hell.
33:52To the old days.
33:57You know, man, I spent years
33:59blaming you for everything
34:01that went wrong in my life.
34:03Well, the part of me
34:05that's still your friend
34:07can't help but feel guilty
34:09for how things went down.
34:11I should have handled them differently.
34:13I should have protected you.
34:15Yeah, from myself.
34:19Fact is, you're a good cop, Donnie.
34:21You did what you needed to do.
34:23I'm serious about what I said before.
34:25I can help you.
34:27They found us.
34:29Stand back.
34:31Hey, hey, maybe it's your guys.
34:33No, no, they would have identified themselves.
34:38Okay, listen, you need to get out of here, okay?
34:41I need you to keep your head down
34:43and stay as far away from St. John's as possible.
34:45What about you?
34:47I'll be fine. I'll create a distraction, a diversion,
34:49give you some time to escape, okay?
34:51Just be safe.
34:52Are you sure?
34:54I'm sure.
34:57You be safe, partner.
35:01Go on.
35:40Okay, okay, okay, okay.
35:43Where's Watson?
35:45He wasn't here when I got here.
35:47I was just stalling for time, until I could get away.
35:49Knox isn't here to keep you alive this time.
36:04Joe's phone and wallet are in the car.
36:06No sidearm?
36:10Why abandon the car out in the open like this?
36:12Maybe that wasn't their intention.
36:14Maybe they had to leave in a hurry.
36:16One of the officers mentioned they have a search team en route,
36:18but these woods are huge.
36:20That's going to take some time.
36:22I'm ready to go. I'll take that wallet.
36:24Hey, pal.
36:26Get the scent.
36:28Track it.
36:31There's something.
36:37Just take it easy.
36:39All right?
36:41You don't want any of the heat
36:43that comes with killing a cop.
36:45Out here in the middle of nowhere,
36:47who's going to know?
36:49You know, you should be thanking me.
36:50You know that?
36:52If you had found Watson already,
36:54Knox would have shot him, killed him.
36:56And what do you think, huh?
36:58You think he's just going to let you run off
37:00and rat him out to your uncle?
37:02What do you mean?
37:04Greg, come on. It means he would kill you.
37:06He'd kill you next.
37:08No. You're just saying that to confuse me.
37:10I'm done with you.
37:15Nice shot.
37:17Give me that rope.
37:20I told you to get out of here.
37:22Yeah? What, have I ever listened to good sense?
37:24Yeah. Well, I've got to tell you,
37:26it's good to see you.
37:28I never thought I'd hear you say that, man.
37:30Isn't this a nice reunion?
37:32Too bad I can't stick around.
37:39We could talk about this.
37:41Let's talk about this.
37:43No, no, no. I think I've heard enough.
37:45Wait, wait, wait.
37:47It wasn't you who pawned off the guitar, was it?
37:50Did you say that?
37:52Well, I mean, if it was,
37:54then you must have known the police would be back to investigate.
37:56You would have been more careful to hide the stolen record.
37:58Who were you working with?
38:01Look, Ms. Harris,
38:03if you cooperate,
38:05you could make a deal,
38:07probably get probation instead of prison.
38:09Why would you want to defend the person
38:11foolish enough to lead the police to your front door?
38:16a good point.
38:20It was Kleinberg's son's idea.
38:22He knew his dad was sick
38:24and he didn't want to see his inheritance
38:26handed over to a museum.
38:28Wait, so you gave him access to his dad's unit
38:30through your kitchen?
38:32Yeah. He packed up everything in here
38:34and left with it.
38:36One of the other owners was moving out at the same time,
38:38so no one noticed that he was carrying out boxes.
38:40What about the Clifford Brown record?
38:42It was all I wanted.
38:47You risked a lot for it.
38:49The curse of being a collector.
38:52Just knowing I have it
38:54makes me feel like
38:56I've accomplished something.
38:58And if I didn't take it,
39:00it would have been lost to the world forever.
39:05You know, Ms. Harris, I...
39:08I still have to take you in.
39:11I know.
39:13Just give me a minute.
39:25This is a long time coming, Watson.
39:28I'm going to enjoy this.
39:30But first, you get to watch.
39:33I'm going to make an exception
39:35to my no-cop policy.
39:37That's a treat to me.
39:40It's a big deal.
39:41It's a treat to me.
39:44It's a bad move, Knox.
39:46Bad career move. You said so yourself.
39:48Well, except when Watson disappears,
39:50it's going to look like he did it.
39:52It's a sad story.
40:09He just bought you 10 extra seconds of life.
40:12What a bonus.
40:22What the hell was that?
40:24That's a friend of mine.
40:26I like to think that
40:28he's too close for your cover-up plan to work.
40:39Let's go.
40:40Come on.
41:08Joe, Charlie.
41:11Sarah, hey.
41:14Didn't I tell you I'd take a bullet for you?
41:16Yeah, you told me.
41:18Health in the way.
41:20Yeah, well, it didn't hit anything vital.
41:22Okay, just keep pressure on it.
41:24See, didn't I tell you I'd save your life?
41:26Yeah, you told me.
41:29Where the hell did that dog come from?
41:32Shaw, partner. Come on.
41:34You know, Charlie,
41:36I cannot believe you put this thing back out on the road.
41:38It was hard keeping it there.
41:40Joe, you mind passing me the torque wrench?
41:42Torque? Torque wrench?
41:44Am I supposed to know what that looks like?
41:53I'm sorry.
41:55I'm sorry.
41:57I'm sorry.
41:59I'm sorry.
42:01I'm sorry.
42:04I'm sorry.
42:06I'm sorry.
42:08I'm sorry.
42:10I'm sorry.
42:12Thank you, Rex.
42:14Hey, so what happens with Watson?
42:17Well, because of his testimony against the Patricks,
42:19the Crown should put him in witness protection.
42:21You helped plant that idea with the Crown?
42:23Yeah, well, he was my former partner, Charlie.
42:25If I don't have his back, who will?
42:27Kind of like you're on my back today, huh, Rex?
42:29Ruff, ruff.
42:30Ruff, ruff.
42:35And as for you,
42:37I read your report.
42:39I can't believe you went and questioned
42:41the suspect without backup.
42:43I did, yeah, I did.
42:45But, I mean, to be fair, you did ask me to handle it.
42:50Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff.
42:53Well, I'm proud of you.
42:55You did good work.
42:58I think Rex and I are going to have to step it up
43:00now that you're gunning for our jobs.
43:02You know what?
43:04I give it a couple months, tops.
43:06What do you think, Rex, you and me?
43:08Ruff, ruff.
43:28Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff.