Hudson And Rex S05 E08
00:00The following program is rated PG
00:03and contains mature subject matter.
00:05Viewer discretion is advised.
00:11Hey, sorry I haven't called lately, Dad.
00:14Just busy with school.
00:16Uh-huh. My bad.
00:18So what are you up to tonight?
00:20Uh, just working on an assignment.
00:22What interesting choice of study music.
00:24When I was in school, I listened to Charlie Parker.
00:26Hey, hey, sorry, Dad. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?
00:29Listen, Camilla, you be safe, okay?
00:32I love you.
01:36A literal underground rave.
01:38Didn't know kids still threw parties like this.
01:40You would know.
01:41Miss 4.0 GPA was going to college parties.
01:44Oh, come on, you know how it is.
01:45I was in heritage or party school.
01:47I don't know. I was a little too old for that kind of thing when I got here.
01:49Oh, right.
01:50Yeah, you did that, uh,
01:51Kerouac soul-searching biker trip after high school.
01:54The road is my teacher.
01:56Yeah, you're never gonna let me live that down,
01:57but you're not wrong.
01:59Okay, this is Marisa Barnes.
02:00According to the ID in her wallet,
02:02oddly, we didn't turn up a phone on her.
02:04Head trauma if you get hit from behind?
02:06No, we found traces of blood on that corner over there.
02:09So likely shoved or hit her head in a struggle.
02:13Wasn't enough to kill her, though.
02:14Bruises on the neck probably did the trick.
02:16The tequila hemorrhagings say yes.
02:18She was likely strangled to death.
02:20Graffiti on the camera,
02:22but party right next door.
02:24A risky place to kill.
02:35What is it, partner? You got something?
02:44Good find, pal.
02:46Okay, well, the toxin report will tell us
02:48if there was anything in her system.
02:50Yeah, this was a big party.
02:51Let's hope we can find a sober witness to talk to.
02:54There is one person in particular
02:56that you might want to talk to.
02:59Are you sure you're okay?
03:01Can I get you anything?
03:03No, babe, I'm okay.
03:04Oh, hey, you.
03:06I wondered when I'd see your pretty face here.
03:11Hi, Charlie.
03:12Hey, Camilla. You all right?
03:14Still processing.
03:16Tell him what you saw.
03:17I'm fine, really.
03:19I'm Detective Charlie Hudson.
03:21Frida Xavier, Camilla's girlfriend.
03:24Oh, nice to meet you.
03:26Frida, do you mind if Camilla and I have a minute?
03:37Did you know Marissa?
03:39She was my friend.
03:41A new friend.
03:43I haven't known her long.
03:45I was supposed to see her here tonight.
03:48I'm sorry. This must be really tough.
03:57She was bleeding...
04:00from her head.
04:02Is that what killed her?
04:04We don't know for sure yet.
04:07Are there any signs students should look out
04:09for a repeat offender?
04:12Okay, I-I see what's going on here.
04:14Your dad told me about your newspaper internship.
04:16Congratulations, by the way.
04:19But here's a phrase you're going to hear more and more.
04:22No comment.
04:35I thought we agreed.
04:37No partying, focus on your studies.
04:39I told you the truth.
04:40What? That you're working on an assignment?
04:42In an underground rave?
04:44I'm writing a piece on campus culture
04:46for my newspaper internship.
04:48Right, and that piece requires you being involved
04:50in that campus culture.
04:52My professor says journalism is nine-tenths
04:55being in the right place at the right time.
04:57Yeah, well, I'm glad to see your tuition dollars are at work.
05:02Is this about Mom?
05:08Listen, Camilla...
05:14you've seen firsthand
05:16that partying is a slippery slope.
05:20Dad, we talked about this...
05:23a lot.
05:25You can trust me.
05:32Okay, well, just, um...
05:34just stay close by, okay?
05:36We may have more questions for you.
05:47How do you do that?
05:49What, read your mind?
05:51I know these late-night, early-morning cases
05:53really get to you. You got anything?
05:55We rushed a preliminary examination,
05:57found traces of chloroform on Morris' neck.
06:01Well, it's just somebody knocked her out
06:03before strangling her.
06:05Strangely, no, I couldn't detect anything
06:07around her nose or mouth.
06:14Ha, you got that look again.
06:16What look?
06:18Just, you know, you go somewhere when you...
06:20when you focus.
06:22I've always loved watching you
06:24work things out in real time.
06:26Really? Were you stalling for, uh...
06:30Yeah, of course. You can't back out now.
06:32How heartbreaking would that be?
06:40Hey, guys.
06:44Everything all right?
06:46Yeah, great.
06:48Um, what, you got something for us, Jess?
06:50Uh, yeah, yeah, the source of the baggy
06:52found on Marissa. Adrian Spursky's the campus drug dealer.
06:54I set up a buy.
06:56Great, when?
06:58Well, Donovan and I are on our way there now.
07:00Wait, Joe's gonna go question a low-level drug dealer?
07:02Yeah, um, look,
07:04you didn't hear it from me,
07:06but I think he's pretty worried about Camilla.
07:08Well, that makes sense,
07:10especially after drug abuse.
07:12Right, of course.
07:16Is there something else?
07:18Yes. No. Well, nothing to do with the case, actually.
07:20We're still on for Friday, right?
07:24Oh, I didn't know we had plans.
07:26I've, uh, I've got dinner reservations already.
07:28Me too.
07:30Not dinner. Something else.
07:32Oh, yeah.
07:34No, I mean, I did ask, like, a month ago,
07:36at least, so...
07:38Drinks next Friday at the pub instead?
07:40Yeah, of course.
07:50Good job, partner.
08:02Brought you that muffin
08:04like you asked.
08:13My favorite.
08:28What's this? Some kind of setup?
08:30Adrian's first ski.
08:32I think it's time we have a chat.
08:35Have a seat.
08:38That's a lot of ADHD meds
08:40for someone who doesn't have a prescription.
08:42Yeah, it's exam season. A lot of people could use a Focus, buddy.
08:46We have witnesses who placed you at a tunnel party last night.
08:48Is that a good place to deal?
08:50No, I didn't sell anything last night.
08:52I stopped by to see a friend.
08:54Marissa Barnes?
08:56Can't go through my phone?
08:58According to your text, you guys were more than friends.
09:00Can't go through my phone?
09:02She's looking through your phone.
09:04Someone in your business should really set a password.
09:06I can't agree with anything.
09:08See, your stash matches the baggie that we found
09:10on Marissa's body last night.
09:12Agent Mills, what was the last text message
09:14you sent to Marissa?
09:16I need to see you, 1045, last night.
09:18No response.
09:20How'd you know she was going to the party?
09:22We had tracking apps,
09:24and I chose phones when we were dating.
09:26In case of emergencies.
09:28So you stalked her there?
09:30It wasn't like that.
09:32What was it like?
09:34Student page on Instagram.
09:36Campus call-out.
09:38Posted that my ecstasy
09:40was laced.
09:42Was it?
09:44Didn't know
09:46until a lot of it got out.
09:50Including to Marissa.
09:52I didn't mean to hurt her.
09:54When I got there,
09:56she was already on the ground.
09:58I knew I was too late.
10:00But I ran.
10:12I don't believe Adrian's guilty.
10:14Even if he does.
10:16You're right. Marissa's tox report came back clean.
10:18So we're back to square one.
10:20Not necessarily. If Adrian was able to track Marissa to the party,
10:22it means she did have her phone on her.
10:24But we didn't find the phone on the body.
10:26Do you think the killer took it?
10:28Yeah, but it's weird.
10:30The most recent ping is the phone
10:32placed somewhere inside the station.
10:34The call's coming from inside the house?
10:36I like that reference.
10:38But it must be some sort of glitch.
10:40I don't think it's a glitch.
10:42Charlie, I need you to prime Rex
10:44to Marissa's scent.
10:46I need you to do it now.
10:54Hi, cutie.
10:56Hi, cutie.
10:58I love you.
11:02Cough it up.
11:04Cough what up?
11:06If I ever ask you again, young lady,
11:08it'll be after I've read you your rights.
11:12Cough it up.
11:18Bark! Bark!
11:26Bark! Bark!
11:34You could be charged with obstruction of justice
11:36for a stunt like this.
11:38I was gonna give it in today.
11:40I just needed it for a little while.
11:42And when did you decide to steal the phone, huh?
11:44Was it before or after you called in her death?
11:46I was in shock. I didn't even realize
11:48I'd taken it until after.
11:50Look, every second that that phone was missing
11:52was crucial to our case.
11:54Why would the Tribune even want it that badly?
11:56That story I'm writing is about Marissa.
11:58There were photos on that phone
12:00that I needed for the article.
12:02Why would the Tribune even want to do a profile
12:04on a college student?
12:06She was changing things at Heritage.
12:08For months, she was running this Instagram account,
12:10Campus Call Out.
12:12Campus Call Out.
12:14Yeah, Marissa's drug dealer boyfriend
12:16talked about that account.
12:18He said that they made a post about his drugs being laced.
12:20Yeah, and it worked.
12:22That's what the call out was about.
12:24A voice to expose ongoing issues on campus.
12:26What kinds of issues?
12:28Professors accused of grading unfairly,
12:30which guys were known serial party predators,
12:32the fights breaking out at the campus bar,
12:34things like that.
12:36We're talking about gossip.
12:38I mean, that kind of thing could garner Marissa
12:40all kinds of enemies.
12:42Yeah, the comment section could get heated,
12:44but she was totally anonymous.
12:46Not even Adrian knew she ran the account.
12:48So how'd you find out?
12:50I saw the effect the call out was having on campus
12:52and gave the page a DM.
12:54Promising anonymity.
12:56She agreed to meet for an interview.
12:58Okay, let me get this straight.
13:00First, you steal evidence from a crime scene, right?
13:02Then you decide to withhold information
13:04about a victim.
13:06Camilla, you are my daughter.
13:08You're supposed to know better than this.
13:10I didn't think it had anything to do about her murder.
13:12Nobody knew that Marissa was behind the account.
13:14You know what?
13:16We're gonna keep it that way.
13:18Any article that you plan on publishing
13:20is on ice until this case is closed.
13:22I can see the headlines.
13:24SJPD silences press.
13:26You can't do that.
13:28Then I'm asking you as my daughter.
13:30You've already made my team's job hard enough.
13:42I mean, Marissa, she was thorough.
13:44These campus call out posts weren't just gossip.
13:46She has multiple sources cited behind all these rumors.
13:48What was she working on recently?
13:50Well, an anthropology TA
13:52was taking bribes for higher essay marks.
13:54Party DJ was preying on freshman girls.
13:56All kinds of people got canceled.
13:58Yeah, most people don't like this kind of attention.
14:00Is there any way someone could track her I.D.
14:02through the site?
14:04Not that I can see.
14:06I mean, she hid her digital tracks remarkably well.
14:08But I'll do some digging to see if any of these angry comments jump out.
14:10Yeah, check out all the alibis of the people
14:12she's called out recently while you're at it.
14:14Check out Marissa's dorm room. Come on, pal.
14:20Any plans for Friday?
14:24No, Jesse, we'll be working overtime until this case is solved.
14:26Really? Well, I mean, it's only Wednesday.
14:28Plenty of time to put it to bed.
14:38Hi, yeah, uh, I have...
14:40I have a cake order I'd like to cancel for Friday.
14:42Yeah, the one that reads,
14:44uh, happy 30th birthday, Jesse.
14:46That one.
15:10Guess I don't need to tell you
15:12what room we're looking for.
15:42What happened here?
15:44Delete those.
15:48Now, it's a crime scene.
15:50I made photos for my article.
15:52Marissa promised me pictures of her workspace.
15:54You told me that nobody knew that Marissa was part of Campus Call-Out.
15:56This doesn't seem so secret.
16:02I thought no one knew.
16:04Maybe I just didn't want to believe
16:06someone would kill her over this.
16:08Which is why it's important that you work with us here
16:10and stay out of this
16:12until we can get some straight answers, okay?
16:14Okay, Charlie.
16:16All right, that means now...
16:18Hey, Charlie!
16:20Delete, and you made me do it.
16:22Okay, Rex, can you...
16:34Hey, Charlie.
16:36Hey, Jesse, we got another crime scene.
16:38I need you to send Sarah and her team down.
16:40Yeah, right away.
16:42I have Marissa's recent subjects
16:44and alibis for last night,
16:46except for one I haven't been able to reach.
16:50Campus Call-Out didn't mince words
16:52in their posts about you.
16:54Grant Evans is a danger
16:56to all women on campus.
16:58He is a predator who brandishes his charisma
17:00like a weapon.
17:02Hey, at least they called me charismatic, right?
17:04You think this is funny?
17:08It was hard to hear at the time.
17:10Still is.
17:12What you wrote underneath the post...
17:14You better hope
17:16I don't find out who runs this account.
17:18Why is that? What were you planning to do?
17:20Nothing. I...
17:22I was just talking about taking legal action.
17:24I was furious.
17:26And I was ashamed.
17:30What were the accusations exactly?
17:34I used to be the DJ that everyone wanted
17:36at their parties.
17:40Gave me the opportunity to
17:42meet all the new freshman girls.
17:44Maybe flirt a little.
17:48And yeah, maybe I brought a couple of them back to my dorm.
17:50Yeah, and I'm guessing this was usually
17:52after they had had a few drinks. Am I right?
17:54I'm not proud of it.
17:58After the Campus Call-Out thing was published,
18:00everything stopped.
18:02DJ gigs dried up.
18:04My friends cut me off.
18:06That was the reality, you know?
18:08Campus Call-Out did you a favor?
18:10I'm glad I was held accountable
18:12before things got worse.
18:14I take it you weren't at this tunnel party
18:16last night.
18:20I am persona non grata there these days.
18:22Plus, I was working a night shift
18:24mopping up lecture halls.
18:26Is this your work uniform?
18:28Yeah, part of my atonement.
18:30My parents cut off my academic allowance,
18:32so I do custodial
18:34work on campus now.
18:36It gives me time to think
18:38things over.
18:40Why do you want to know about that tunnel party?
18:42Was Marissa Barnes behind Campus Call-Out?
18:44I can't divulge that information.
18:48I wish I could have thanked her.
18:50I was kind of hoping I'd get the chance
18:52after the article was published.
18:56What article?
18:58Hey there,
19:00beautiful boy.
19:02Come on, give him some love.
19:04No, thanks. I'm good here.
19:06You're working, Rex.
19:10I just had a conversation with Grant Evans.
19:12You interviewed him too, apparently.
19:14So, first,
19:16you want me to stay out of your way.
19:18Now, you want my help again?
19:20For my article, yeah.
19:22I needed both sides.
19:24The Campus Call-Out and how the people
19:26she reported on were affected.
19:28Reporting's a strong word, Cam.
19:30So, um,
19:32did she buy this whole reformed act?
19:34I don't think it's an act.
19:36I think she did some good work with him.
19:48Whoa, whoa, what's he doing now?
19:52His job.
19:54Oh, that paint.
19:56You recognize that shade?
20:00The graffiti.
20:02Frida, what did you do?
20:14You sure you should be doing this?
20:16Charlie or Sarah can handle it, too.
20:18Yeah, this is not exactly the way I wanted to meet
20:20Camilla's new girlfriend, but
20:22I'll be okay.
20:24Are we sure she looks good for this?
20:26Well, Sarah's testing the paint on her fingers
20:28against the graffiti in the victim's room,
20:30but the color sure seems a match.
20:32Do we have any dirt on Frida on the victim's Instagram account?
20:34Well, Frida never interacted with the call-out directly,
20:36but Instagram does have a function where if you block
20:38a person's account, then any other account
20:40registered to that person...
20:42Okay, just, just...
20:44I logged into Marissa's account, it blocked Frida,
20:46and then dozens of other hateful comments
20:48on the call-out's post just disappeared.
20:50Marissa, look.
20:54This generation has too much time on their hands.
21:02Mr. Donovan.
21:04It's nice to finally meet you.
21:06Even if it's here.
21:08Camilla tells me that you're the editor
21:10of the student paper.
21:14You really seem to have a way with words.
21:18Riding you liar.
21:20Scum of the campus.
21:22You better watch your back.
21:24I'm gonna sniff you out.
21:26We connected these comments
21:28on the campus call-out
21:30to you, Frida.
21:32I was just trying to make
21:34whoever ran campus call-out rethink
21:36what they were doing, posting all kinds
21:38of unsubstantiated rumors.
21:40That's what this is all about?
21:42You're offended as a, uh...
21:44as a journalist?
21:46Twice the paper was working on a story.
21:48Properly. With sources,
21:50integrity, standards.
21:52Only for the call-out to blindly post about it.
21:54So you're upset you were getting scooped?
21:56Not just me. You should feel the mood
21:58on campus. With all these accusations
22:00flying around, everyone's been so angry at each other.
22:02You must
22:04know what I mean. Police and
22:06journalists both want the truth.
22:08What Marissa was doing was... Vigilanteism?
22:12So how is what you did
22:14any different? The graffiti in Marissa's
22:18The stealing of her laptop?
22:20When I found out
22:22Marissa was behind the call-out, I just...
22:24It seemed irresponsible not to do
22:26anything. I was gonna
22:28shut down the account. But it's still up.
22:30I couldn't crack her password.
22:32So you cornered her at the party, hoping to take it
22:34by force, right? I didn't show up to the party
22:36until after the police arrived.
22:38Okay, I've got some people who are gonna
22:40confirm that.
22:44You know, here's the thing I can't quite figure
22:46out. How did
22:48you find out that Marissa was behind the campus
22:50call-out? I have my
22:52sources. You have your sources.
22:54The thing is,
22:56the list of people who knew about that begins
22:58and ends with Camilla.
23:02It stung, didn't it?
23:06gets this big internship
23:08and then chooses to do a
23:10profile on someone who you simply despise.
23:14So maybe you just sneak a peek at her phone
23:16on the side.
23:20I think I want a lawyer.
23:26Well, I hate to say it,
23:28motive's there. It's just a matter of proving
23:30opportunity. Just one problem.
23:32What's that? Frida's hands, the
23:34spray paint on them does match the vandalism, but they're
23:36too small for her to be her strangler.
23:38I wish you could say I was relieved.
23:40Okay, we need
23:42to refocus on what this
23:44killer found.
23:56I, uh, I just
23:58want to let you know that Frida is being released.
24:00She did not kill
24:02Marissa. Well, we can strike
24:04murderer off her winning traits.
24:06Liar, on the other hand.
24:10It must be tough to know that Frida
24:12used you to find
24:14out who ran the campus call-out.
24:16I knew Frida didn't like the call-out.
24:18I mean, I didn't either at first.
24:20We bonded over how
24:22trashy it got.
24:24And then what changed your mind?
24:26When I began writing the story,
24:28Marissa and I got closer.
24:30I realized
24:32what she was doing was important.
24:34And she does,
24:36she did have standards.
24:38And she just used
24:40social instead of conventional media.
24:42When I was in university,
24:44we could have used someone like Marissa to
24:46look out for students like that.
24:48Yeah, that's, that's the part that hurts
24:50the most. It's not that Frida
24:52went behind my back, it's that she can't see that
24:54in Marissa.
24:56She just wants to keep doing things the same
24:58old way.
25:00Is anyone else gonna keep the call-out going?
25:02Marissa worked alone.
25:04Everything she was working on
25:06before she died is just gonna
25:12I mean, that's the point.
25:16Sorry, will you excuse me?
25:18I should get back up there.
25:30Oh, what have you got there?
25:32Yeah, you don't want to ruin the surprise now, do you?
25:34What surprise?
25:38Uh, Jesse, you know,
25:40I was thinking, um,
25:42what if this wasn't about
25:44what Marissa posted, but what
25:46she was going to post?
25:48Uh, yeah, let me check
25:50the call-out DMs.
26:04Yeah, you know what, I'm not quite sure
26:06what she was interested in here. I mean,
26:08campus call-out's been getting
26:10dozens of messages a day.
26:12Yeah, well, maybe the answer is in here.
26:14This is everything that Frida took from Marissa's
26:16room. Post-humanism
26:18and CRISPR technology by Dr.
26:20Alan Vane. Paper on gene
26:22editing. Wait a second, I thought Marissa was a
26:24poly-sci major. Why does she have all these biology
26:26papers? Well, you know what,
26:28maybe she wasn't reading for a course.
26:30Dr. Alan Vane is a tenured professor at Heritage
26:32University, and Marissa had been sending
26:34messages to his students. I mean, here's
26:36one. Please consider going
26:38on record against Dr. Vane.
26:40I'm here if you need a voice. I mean, there
26:42are at least half a dozen of these.
26:44What was she looking for?
26:46Well, Rex and I will find out. We'll catch
26:48them on campus first thing in the morning.
26:52What? What is it? St. John's
26:54Tribune just posted this.
27:00That's enough for today.
27:04I think I need to have a talk
27:06with my daughter.
27:18Excuse me.
27:20Alan Vane?
27:22Dr. Vane, yes. And you are?
27:24Detective Charlie Hudson.
27:26SJPD. You mind if I ask you a couple
27:28questions? Well,
27:30yes, I suppose so, as long as they're brief.
27:32I've a lecture to deliver in 15 minutes.
27:34Oh, sure, I'll try to make it quick.
27:36And no dogs allowed. He's working.
27:38Be that as it may, this is a
27:40sterile lab. For the sake
27:42of ongoing experiments, I simply cannot bend the
27:44rules. Okay.
27:46Sarah's rules apply, pal.
27:48Wait here.
27:58I'm sure you heard about the
28:00death on campus. Yes.
28:04Do you know Marissa Barnes?
28:06No, no. She wasn't a student of mine.
28:08Maybe you were more familiar with her work.
28:10The campus call-out.
28:12Oh, that was her?
28:14Well, in that case, good riddance.
28:22Young woman is dead, Doctor.
28:24Yes, yes. I'm sorry.
28:26Of course, terrible loss, I'm sure,
28:28for her friends and her family, but
28:30the witch-hunt mentality that she was spreading around
28:32this campus was toxic. Now, would
28:34you mind if we walk to my lecture?
28:38Hey! No!
28:43That dog cannot be in here.
28:45I'll get him out as soon as I call my forensics team.
28:47I assume you have a warrant? Yeah,
28:49right here.
29:11Rick's definitely picked up the scent
29:13of something in Vane's lab. What can you tell me about him?
29:15Well, he is a controversial
29:17figure on campus, and some of his papers
29:19on gene editing got him into some hot water.
29:21Isn't that technology supposed to cure cancer
29:23one day? As far as Doctor Vane
29:25sees it, modify human genetics
29:27in some ethically dicey ways.
29:29So how did you get on campus call-outs, Radar?
29:31Well, I spoke to some of the people in
29:33Marissa's DMs who had Vane as their
29:35Ph.D. or master's advisor, and not
29:37one of them had gotten their degree.
29:39Okay. Look, Doctor Vane claims
29:41that their proposals weren't ready to defend.
29:43I mean, they're stuck in this endless revision loop,
29:45can't move forward. So what, he's a tough
29:47professor? Well, not on everyone.
29:49I mean, all those students were people of color. In fact,
29:51there was only one student of color who ever graduated
29:53under Vane's advisory. And that was
29:55gonna be the campus call-out's next article.
29:57Racism in the Bio Department.
29:59Still doesn't
30:01put him in the tunnel party where Marissa
30:03was murdered. What if I told you that I
30:05found a service tunnel access door in the
30:07biology building, down the hall from
30:09Doctor Vane's office?
30:13I'd say you're a miracle worker, Jesse.
30:15Nice work.
30:25Hey, listen. I do
30:27not appreciate you ducking my phone calls last night.
30:29Okay, just don't make a scene. Don't make a scene?
30:31So now you know how I felt when I was blindsided
30:33by your article in the middle of my work.
30:35Publishing was my editor's call.
30:37There is a reason why cops and journalists do not work
30:39together. It is a race against time
30:41to put together testimonies and
30:43evidence before public persuasion
30:45skews the facts. You undid all
30:47of that! If someone killed Marissa
30:49because of campus call-out, people need
30:51to know the good that she was doing.
30:53Look, I read your article.
30:55Okay? The writing?
30:57It was exceptional.
31:01You almost swayed me,
31:03even. What do you mean?
31:05I mean, I know why Marissa was doing
31:07what she was doing, even though I don't agree with her methods.
31:09You don't? No!
31:11With all the evidence that she gathered, she
31:13should have brought it to a cop.
31:15Or a good journalist, like you. What,
31:17so she had it coming? No, that's not
31:19what... You sound just like Frida.
31:21I'm trying to pay you a compliment.
31:23Look, what I'm
31:25trying to say is that
31:27I'm proud of you.
31:29In spite of all the headaches that you caused.
31:33And now that you've been published,
31:35you're gonna leave this case alone.
31:41Okay, um,
31:43listen, I've gotta go. I'll talk to you later.
31:53Hey, thanks for meeting with me.
31:55Yeah, I don't have much time,
31:57okay? I'm teaching a tutorial in ten minutes.
31:59I'll be brief. I have access to the
32:01campus call-out account. The dead girl?
32:03Right. You agreed to talk to her
32:05before she died, about Dr. Vane.
32:07But that never happened.
32:09Listen, I changed my mind about that, okay?
32:11I heard Dr. Vane decided your
32:13dissertation proposal was ready to defend.
32:15Did that have anything to do with your sudden
32:19I talked to Vane myself, and he saw reason.
32:21So your work moves forward,
32:23Dr. Vane gets your silence
32:25on the racism allegations. Is that it?
32:27Is that what you think this is about?
32:33Don't dig around this anymore, okay?
32:35I've got a good thing going here, and I don't need anyone
32:37to ruin that.
32:55Good, I wanted to hear for this.
32:57Thought I was gonna have to send Rex after you.
32:59I told you, Detective, that you're wasting your time.
33:01I didn't have anything to do with Marissa Barnes' death.
33:03Rex alerted to something in this cabinet.
33:05Let's find out what it is, shall we?
33:13Careful, please. Some of those chemicals
33:15that you're manhandling happen to be highly corrosive.
33:19Just like we found on Marissa's neck?
33:21What, what do you think you've proved something?
33:23Do you have any idea how common chloroform is?
33:29What do you got, pal?
33:45You know, I think I'm starting to see
33:47what you had against Campus Call-Out.
33:49If I were you, I would cancel
33:51the rest of your lectures for today,
33:53Dr. Vane.
34:05Looks like you did know Marissa.
34:07That slander came to me,
34:09and I didn't.
34:11Looks like you did know Marissa.
34:13That slander came to me anonymously.
34:15I never met Marissa.
34:17Well, we looked into Marissa's claims.
34:19It seems like it was true.
34:21Whenever you were the advisor,
34:23your program became a bottleneck for students of color.
34:25Oh, it had nothing to do with race.
34:27Science is a rigorous discipline,
34:29and I accept proposals only that meet
34:31the required standard.
34:33And what was that standard?
34:35I mean, some of these must have seemed interesting.
34:37Who's Ellen Harris?
34:41a promising Ph.D. candidate.
34:43Uh-huh. Well...
34:45Marissa sent you these.
34:47This is Ellen's dissertation proposal
34:49from about a year ago,
34:51and then this is a paper of yours
34:53that was published several months later.
34:55Seems like she recognized
34:57some shocking similarities between the two.
34:59What exactly are you insinuating?
35:01I'm not insinuating.
35:03Plagiarism is a great way
35:05to cost yourself your reputation and your tenure.
35:09You're clutching at straws.
35:11I think I've humored you quite long enough.
35:13I won't be saying anything more
35:15until my lawyer arrives,
35:17but thank you very much
35:19for the exciting story, Detective.
35:21Okay, well, don't just take my word for it.
35:23The journal that published your article,
35:25they're looking into it, too.
35:27I'm sure they'll give us a straight answer.
35:35Bad news.
35:37Dean's walking free for now.
35:39What happened?
35:41Uh, his lawyer sprung him with an alibi.
35:43We don't have enough to hold him.
35:45Guys, campus call-out's posted again.
35:47Here, come look at this.
35:55Dr. Vane arrested in suspicion
35:57of Marissa Burns' murder.
35:59Yeah, and the story of Dr. Vane's plagiarism
36:01broke alongside it as well.
36:03Wait, who's taking over the account?
36:05Dean where's his password?
36:07It's Camilla.
36:09Joe, you, uh, you sure?
36:11She's the only one who would have access to change the password.
36:13We just released Vane.
36:15If he's the killer, he's not gonna like
36:17that someone published this.
36:19Call-out's messages are active.
36:21She's messaging someone. Here.
36:23You're close. I have all the proof you need
36:25to put Dr. Vane away for good.
36:27Meet me where she was killed ASAP.
36:29She's gonna get herself killed.
36:31We need to find her.
36:33Right now. Rex.
37:11Grant, what are you doing here?
37:13You're the one continuing
37:15the call-out page. That's...
37:17That's great.
37:19You said you had info on Dr. Vane?
37:21Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
37:25I have some friends in his program.
37:27Someone said they saw him here that night.
37:31You can set me up
37:33with their contact info.
37:35Yeah, of course. I just, uh...
37:37I need you to do something
37:39for me first.
37:45Help me out here, Jesse. Where am I going?
37:47Okay, Charlie,
37:49the nearest access tunnel door
37:51should be just ahead of you.
37:53Yeah, I see it. Thanks.
37:57Charlie, Camilla's live-streaming right now.
37:59I'm sending you the link.
38:01I just need a favor since I'm bringing you this info.
38:03Don't mess around. Do you have this info or not?
38:05Yeah, no, trust me. I just...
38:07I think that's Grant.
38:09DJ Janitor guy.
38:11Yeah, well, that would explain the chloroform cleaning supplies.
38:13That's not really how it works, Grant.
38:15Bark! Bark!
38:17Gotta go.
38:19I mean, you're running the account.
38:21It can work however you want.
38:23I just need you to take down that post about me.
38:25I'm not gonna do that, Grant.
38:27Camilla, be reasonable.
38:29The punishment has to match the crime, right?
38:31Look, as long as that post is out there,
38:33every time you search my name,
38:35the call-out is the first thing to come up.
38:39I have bigger dreams than being a janitor, Cam.
38:41Look, how long am I supposed to pay?
38:43You know better than anyone,
38:45I have changed.
38:47But you haven't.
38:49Come on, Camilla.
38:53Grant, I-I told you to meet me
38:55where Marissa was killed.
38:57How'd you know where to find me?
38:59There were, uh...
39:01There were a lot of people at that party.
39:03Somebody told me, or...
39:05I mean, it was in your article, right?
39:07You didn't wander the tunnels?
39:09You didn't call out my name?
39:11You came here.
39:13Right away.
39:17Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark!
39:25Come on.
39:27Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark!
39:29You okay?
39:31Yes. Took you long enough.
39:33Well, I could have used a heads-up.
39:35But I did hear everything.
39:37It's not true!
39:39Well, I do believe that you didn't come here to kill Marissa, not at first.
39:41But then she refused to take the post down.
39:43You lost your temper.
39:45I just...
39:47I moved to grab her phone.
39:49She pulled back but hit her head and...
39:51My whole life flashed before my eyes.
39:53A whole new call-out post about me.
39:55So you reacted on instinct.
39:57You really haven't changed at all. Come on.
40:01I didn't mean for her to die.
40:03Well, you don't need to worry about life after college, Grant.
40:05You're gonna be in jail.
40:07Let's go.
40:29that was such a whiskey move.
40:31What were you thinking?
40:33I had to do what I thought was right.
40:35Putting yourself out as bait for a killer?
40:37Making sure Marissa's work was finished.
40:39I have to admit,
40:41that was...
40:43that was good detective work.
40:45I'm sorry.
40:47I'm sorry.
40:49I have to admit, that was...
40:51that was good detective work.
40:53You know, hunting down the leads on Vane.
40:55Yeah, I've got DMs flooding in with people claiming
40:57Vane stole their research, too.
40:59Yeah, well, I just wish you had waited until the case was closed.
41:01We're after the same thing, Dad.
41:03Just in different ways.
41:05Well, I guess
41:07we're gonna have to find ways to coexist
41:09if this is your chosen career path, huh?
41:11Got an affinity
41:13for the crime beat, don't you think?
41:15Hey, let me through.
41:17I have a girlfriend in there.
41:23Everyone go talk to her.
41:25If, um, if things work out, maybe we can have her over for dinner.
41:29We'll see about that.
41:35Hey. Hi.
41:37Come on.
41:39Um, I'm so sorry.
41:41I know this is bad. I just...
41:43I didn't know what to do.
41:49Hey, pal.
41:51Is it just me,
41:53or has everyone been acting really weird this week?
41:55Bark, bark.
41:59You want me to come with you?
42:01Okay, I'll come with you.
42:11Hey, Dad.
42:13Hey, Dad.
42:15Hey, Dad.
42:25Bark, bark.
42:27Bark, bark.
42:29What? Guys.
42:33Hey, did you really think we'd forget
42:35your 30th birthday?
42:37No, I mean, no, no, no. Maybe, just a little bit.
42:39Well, we didn't want to ruin the surprise. Happy birthday, pal.
42:41Thank you. Thank you.
42:43I didn't want to know what I thought was going on.
42:45What do you mean?
42:47Well, I thought that you and Sarah were...
42:49Were what? Oh, nothing. It's crazy.
42:51Is this vanilla cake? It's your favorite.
42:53Thank you. Mm-hmm.
42:55Guys, how did you know?
42:59There you go.
43:01Bark, bark.
43:03Hey, you played that off really well.
43:05Bark, bark, bark.
43:13Bark, bark, bark.
43:43Bark, bark, bark.
43:45Bark, bark, bark.
43:47Bark, bark, bark.
43:49Bark, bark, bark.
43:51Bark, bark, bark.
43:53Bark, bark, bark.
43:55Bark, bark, bark.
43:57Bark, bark, bark.
43:59Bark, bark, bark.
44:01Bark, bark, bark.
44:03Bark, bark, bark.
44:05Bark, bark, bark.
44:07Bark, bark, bark.
44:09Bark, bark, bark.