90 Day The Last Resort Season 02 Episode 14
90 Day The Last Resort S02 Ep14
90 Day The Last Resort S02 Ep14
00:00Work it. Work it.
00:03Previously on 90 Day, The Last Resort.
00:06Why weren't you at the dinner last night?
00:08Sophie just really hit me over the head
00:10with just a bunch of bulls*** yesterday.
00:13I got thrown into it.
00:14Stacy was kind of getting in my face at the room.
00:16I was like, don't come at me like that.
00:19You know, during the camping thing,
00:21Natalie was just attacking me constantly.
00:23I've literally been called so many names on this trip.
00:27So all these girls are like ganging up on all of us.
00:30I feel like one of the guys.
00:31I totally feel like too.
00:36I love my husband,
00:38but I cannot see myself in a sexless marriage.
00:43I am a person who practices open marriage.
00:48And you look so calm, so happy.
00:50It could be Gino and me.
00:52This is a conversation that you and Gino need to have
00:56before you guys decide to recommit.
00:59So Benny, what you got your bags for?
01:01Me and Harry, we're going to divorce.
01:03Like that's, we're gone.
01:06It's done?
01:07Like it's done, just yeah.
01:10I'm very sad to leave here in the resort.
01:13Like we built it like a family.
01:17It's very real to come in here with hope
01:19and leave not to give in.
01:22Julia, what are you thinking about?
01:24I applied documents for my parents
01:27without telling anybody.
01:30You just keep coming at me with things that I don't know.
01:33This is all getting us blindsided too.
01:36She cheated on me, you know that?
01:38Yeah, you mean that, doc?
01:40No, I'm done.
01:41No, don't walk away.
02:30This is nice.
02:32Yeah, what game is that?
02:34I don't know.
02:38What do you do?
02:40Wow, hot mama.
02:42Hot one.
02:44Oh, it's hot.
02:45Feels good, right?
02:47This is good.
02:49Oh, wow.
02:57Is your cappuccino pretty good?
03:00Because I didn't eat my Wheaties this morning,
03:02so I'm looking for, like, a burst of energy.
03:05You know?
03:11Let's do some stretches.
03:14Start with this.
03:15Oh, yeah.
03:16Stretch out the back.
03:17Let's do that.
03:18I'm, like, so out of it.
03:19Oh, my God.
03:21Since our argument at the camping trip,
03:23me and Rob kind of wanted some space
03:25to sort of process everything that happened.
03:27So earlier today, we had a session with Heidi
03:29to kind of talk about it.
03:32I definitely want to know your perspective.
03:35It's not blaming each other,
03:37just your perspective of how yesterday went,
03:39and then we'll kind of move forward.
03:42We was out camping, and I saw on his phone
03:45that he was texting a bunch of girls while being here.
03:48I went to the group, and I said that, you know,
03:51Rob isn't really taking this experience seriously,
03:53and that's what I found.
03:54And then he got very heated and angry at me
03:57for saying my truth.
03:59Since then, we haven't really spoken.
04:02If somebody DMs me and I respond,
04:06that does not mean I'm talking to other women.
04:09And that's what you found.
04:10I'm not saying you're cheating.
04:12I'm just saying...
04:13No, you are, because that shows
04:14how hard you made it sound to everybody.
04:16I've said multiple times, it's not cheating.
04:19She just railroads me with an avalanche of accusations,
04:23and I am immediately just assumed to be guilty.
04:28Rob and Sophie definitely blame each other,
04:30and I think that they're getting caught up
04:32in the tit-for-tat versus the real problem
04:35for this couple.
04:36I think neither one of them know how to navigate
04:38through all these feelings that they're feeling,
04:40the trauma that they felt,
04:41and they're leaning on each other,
04:43but they're not holding each other up.
04:45You guys have a choice to either accept what has happened
04:51and move forward, or you can't accept it,
04:54and you got to move on.
04:56My real feelings is that I love him and I care about him,
05:00but he...
05:01Can you tell him that?
05:03I love you, and I do care about you,
05:05and I know you at least feel that.
05:07What it is is you make me feel terrible about myself.
05:11My feelings are hurt constantly by you,
05:13and that's why I did stop trying,
05:15and I'm sorry, but that's why I'm here,
05:17because I would like to try one last time.
05:20Can you receive that?
05:27Can you receive that?
05:29So can you tell her how you feel?
05:31Because we can only move forward
05:33if we find a level playing ground.
05:40Sophie, I love you, too.
05:42And always have.
05:46Can you receive that, Sophie?
05:59What's wrong, Mom?
06:01I love you.
06:02That was a nice compliment.
06:05Did I say something cool?
06:17Didn't know you could do that.
06:19You didn't know?
06:20I just really, I just want to touch the bum,
06:23because every time you do it,
06:24you keep, the bum just gets...
06:27I just want to one time just...
06:28Okay, wait.
06:29Go ahead.
06:32It's nice. That's what's up.
06:36When Sophie and I are not thinking about our issues
06:39and not being confronted with sensitive things,
06:42you know, we get along really well.
06:44Yeah, it might seem surprising
06:45that we're, like, really hopeful about this,
06:47but I think we're both still willing to try.
06:49As long as we're willing to try,
06:50that's the most we can do.
06:56I told you.
07:00Too much booty.
07:01I... Duh!
07:05I tried to tell you.
07:18Hi, guys.
07:19Hello. How are you?
07:20Good. How are you?
07:22Good to see you.
07:26Darcy's been here less than 24 hours,
07:28and everything just came to a head.
07:31Yeah, I lashed out
07:32and, you know, said some things
07:34that I'd been feeling deep down,
07:35so I feel like, at this point,
07:37we both need therapy.
07:38We all need therapy.
07:39Like, stat.
07:47How are you?
07:49Nice to meet you.
07:52Hey, guys.
07:53Hey, Darce.
07:56So, I would like to know a little bit about you
07:58and just kind of hear how you're feeling about being here.
08:02Um, I'm actually...
08:04I'm really happy to be here.
08:05I'm seven minutes older,
08:07and I feel like I'm almost, like, the protector.
08:10I know a lot of our conflict
08:12kind of stems between our twin bond.
08:15You know, it affects, you know, our family,
08:18our marriages, our relationships.
08:20Everything Stacey and I have done over the years
08:22has been in tandem.
08:24You know, we got married around the same time,
08:25divorced on the same day.
08:26You know, our kids were born around the same time.
08:28So, we really want to keep that family structure strong
08:32because at the end of the day,
08:33that's all we have is each other.
08:36You just basically outed yourself when you're like,
08:38oh, I'm seven minutes older.
08:40Like, she's better.
08:41Like, we're equals.
08:42How do you hear that when she says,
08:43I'm seven minutes older?
08:45Like, she's, you know, above me.
08:49One of the things I can say to you,
08:51both of them have, like, big, big heart.
08:54They're both giving, you know?
08:56Well, the problem is they're fighting for no reason sometimes.
09:01So, I think that being said,
09:03it's a great time to kind of hear what you're all thinking,
09:06what's been happening,
09:07and kind of get to what we're doing here.
09:10So, I'll let you start, Stacey.
09:13What I really want to get out of this is just clarity
09:16about why we feel we need to be so intertwined.
09:20Darcy and I, I get it, we're twins.
09:24But when it comes to our personal relationships,
09:26I feel like we're too involved.
09:28Like, you know, calling Flora in the middle of the night.
09:31It's happened numerous, numerous times.
09:33It's not all the time, Stacey.
09:35Yeah, it is.
09:36No, it's not every day, Stacey.
09:37All day.
09:38All day, every day.
09:39You know, I have my own marriage, my own relationship,
09:41and, you know, you reach out to Georgie, too,
09:43so it's just not like how you reach out to Flora.
09:46We do a lot of things together.
09:47You overstep your boundaries a lot.
09:49She's very needy.
09:51And he's always been there, and, yeah, it's nice,
09:53but not 3, 4, 5 o'clock in the morning.
09:57Do you think it's disrespectful to your marriage?
09:59It's very disrespectful to my marriage.
10:02I saw you shaking your head no.
10:04I think she's just taking that perspective a little too far
10:06because, you know, we go out and about for an evening in Miami,
10:09and then we end up at the house or whatever,
10:11chilling, because we're still awake.
10:12You know, so we just kind of open up and, you know,
10:14just talk about life, like my family.
10:16But you talk about me to him all the time.
10:18What are you talking about?
10:20Like when she said you're better off single.
10:23Who said that?
10:25Darcy took Florian on one of these...
10:27Darcy said that?
10:28Supposedly, I guess. I don't remember.
10:29If it was, it must have been a really long time ago,
10:31and after a night of maybe we didn't get along
10:33and butted heads and, you know,
10:34we're still holding on to that tension.
10:37How about you, Florian?
10:38How do you define your relationship with Darcy?
10:41For me, I look her like my family.
10:46I look like it's my sister, you know?
10:48You don't see it in, like, a sexual way?
10:53What the f*** are you talking about?
10:54That's f***ing disgusting.
10:55This is where it disgusts me,
10:56because she was saying something like that,
10:58and it's the first time I've ever heard her
10:59say something like that, and that...
11:02To me, I was, like, distraught by that, you know?
11:04That is...
11:05That's a disrespectful comment.
11:06I would never even think that or feel that,
11:07and for her to think those thoughts...
11:08That is disgusting.
11:09I'm just asking a question.
11:10I'm allowed to ask a question.
11:12What my husband...
11:13What did you do with my husband?
11:14What did you do with my husband up there
11:15at 2, 3, 4 o'clock in the morning?
11:18I'm allowed to ask a question.
11:21I'm just gonna say it like it is.
11:22Do you wanna be BFFs with my twin sister?
11:26You know, and hang out all the time.
11:28Like, no boundaries.
11:30You know, he's the one that cheated in the past,
11:32and he's making me feel like I'm crazy and insecure.
11:35How can Florian and I have a successful marriage
11:38if he feels like he's closer to my sister than me?
11:42I don't know what Stacey's saying.
11:44That is, for me, disgusting.
11:46It's a fair question.
11:47I think she asked it.
11:48For me, for me...
11:49It's a safe place to say it.
11:50That's why I asked.
11:51Safe enough to ask that.
11:53What the f*** are you talking about?
11:54What's safe?
11:55I'm saying...
11:56It's therapy.
11:59What do you hear her saying?
12:01I think she doesn't wanna be around me.
12:03She wants her own life, separate life.
12:05I don't know.
12:06She's acting like someone I don't really know right now.
12:12I've said things that hurt Stacey's feelings and emotions,
12:15and that's not okay.
12:20I feel like we're always butting heads,
12:22especially a lot more so recently.
12:24And maybe it's because they're having their marital issues,
12:27and I feel like I'm the trigger for her and her marriage.
12:30So she's not gonna be nice to me.
12:32She doesn't want me to, you know,
12:34be a part of her life in a sense.
12:36I'm a burden.
12:39I'm just trying to stay a strong-knit family.
12:44I mean, so what is it that you need from Darcy?
12:50I think just for her to respect my relationship,
12:53and maybe we can have some boundaries,
12:56like not call super late at night.
12:58Like, I don't mind her calling Florian.
13:00It's just the late-at-night ones.
13:02Just, you know, have some respect,
13:04and just maybe keep it for emergencies only.
13:07I don't need to call Florian, Stacey.
13:09You know, he doesn't need to come by to hang out
13:11and chit-chat or whatever like that.
13:12That's not a problem for you? No?
13:14Not at all. I've got my own life to live.
13:16Okay. I think that you've been connected for so long,
13:19which is beautiful. It's a beautiful thing.
13:21But we gotta also remember you're individuals.
13:25Can I suggest something, maybe?
13:28Get some time by yourselves.
13:29Do some things separately.
13:31Go out with friends on different days.
13:33You need to create that miss where you miss each other.
13:37Otherwise, we can't grow.
13:41I don't know if we're gonna be better after this session.
13:44I think Stacey's boundary that she set for me,
13:47I think that's a crock of s***, to be honest with you.
13:50You know, I don't believe that I call,
13:53invite him out or over as much as she's saying that I do.
13:58She wants me out of her life.
14:01What am I gonna do?
14:03They're gonna miss me, though.
14:06But I think you have to remember,
14:08first and foremost, the two of you are sisters.
14:11You're not enemies.
14:13So why are you making it harder?
14:17I feel like Darcy's not owning up to anything
14:19that she's done to hurt me in my relationship with Florian.
14:22And it doesn't feel like she's taking the boundaries
14:24that I set seriously.
14:25If she doesn't respect my feelings,
14:27we're not gonna get anywhere.
14:34I'm here just actually to discuss
14:37the parameters in our own open marriage.
14:41Do you have someone in mind
14:42that you want to have an open marriage with?
14:46That's cheating.
14:47I haven't cheated, and that's why I'm here.
14:49No, it's not an excuse for cheating.
14:51You are a cheater.
15:02Let's have a fun night.
15:03Let's have a great night.
15:05I would love to have a fun night.
15:06I'd like to have a good night.
15:08After family therapy with Heidi,
15:10I don't know if Darcy being here is a good idea.
15:12It just kind of seems like it's causing more problems
15:15than solutions right now,
15:16but I'm hoping we can all move forward
15:19and be in a better place.
15:20We're supposed to have a good time tonight,
15:22and I just hope that Darcy
15:23will stick to the boundaries that I set.
15:28Party bus.
15:29Party bus, yeah.
15:30You guys go ahead and grab in.
15:31Go ahead and get in.
15:32I'm gonna wait for Natalie.
15:34Got that?
15:35Yeah, thank you.
15:36So today, I had a little one-on-one time with James.
15:40You know, I've been wanting to talk to him a little bit
15:42because, I mean, this is crunch time.
15:44The recommended ceremony is coming up,
15:46and I still feel that there's a lot of issues,
15:49major issues that need to be worked out.
15:51If we were to keep moving forward
15:53with this idea of long-term relationship with Natalie,
15:57how do you see that playing out?
15:58What would you like that to look like?
16:02I guess I don't know.
16:04She's sweet, and I care for her, and I love her.
16:07There are so many things, like, positive things about her.
16:10And so I think about it, like, I'm just like,
16:13am I really ready to, like, give up and be done?
16:20My goal for you is to have
16:22a healthy relationship for yourself.
16:24It's a lot. It's a lot of work.
16:26I'm hopeful, but I know it's going to be intense.
16:31If she were to tell me she was walking away,
16:33I think that it would, um...
16:38Would you be able to let her go?
16:40I don't know.
16:44I think my one-on-one therapy session
16:47really just kind of got my wheels turning a little bit more.
16:50Like, Natalie does have a big heart.
16:53Sometimes, you know, we'll be hanging out.
16:55She'll meet my dad, and she's always worried
16:57about, like, him walking too much
16:59because he has a bad knee.
17:01Like, she's very caring, and she is very loving.
17:03And it's just been really hard for me to give up on Natalie.
17:07I'm hoping that we can try some new things
17:09and see what happens.
17:13I'm going to take, uh... Mind if I ride with us?
17:16Yeah. OK.
17:20I've had some individual therapy today.
17:22I'm hoping that we can start off on a good note
17:25and have a good night together.
17:27OK. OK?
17:29You look beautiful. Thank you.
17:53...to stay and take our relationship seriously
17:56because it's what I want to see.
18:00Well, we have the most beautiful girls in this van.
18:05Thanks, Josh.
18:07Everybody's great-looking tonight.
18:09Thank you. For sure.
18:11This is nice dress.
18:1320 bucks.
18:15It's a good buy.
18:17I know.
18:19You want me to take you tonight?
18:21You better be careful.
18:23Toss me around.
18:31Natalie looks really good tonight.
18:34And, you know, our physical chemistry is working
18:37and that's usually what brings us back together.
18:40So, you know, we'll see where that leads for tonight.
18:44But she's looking good.
18:46Don't choke me.
18:52We don't talk about the past.
18:54Yeah, I know. I'm joking.
18:56How many hats do you own, Gino?
18:58Well, I have a whole room full of them.
19:00Do you?
19:02Dedicated hats, yeah.
19:06I'm just kidding.
19:11I don't know how Gino does this hat... all day long.
19:14He's a head cold if you don't have a head, right?
19:28Does he take the hat off when you used to have sex?
19:30Yeah, nice. That's good.
19:34Do you know where they're going, guys?
19:40No, he doesn't go.
19:42Why isn't he coming?
19:50I don't know.
19:54Gino, do him stop.
19:58What you guys doing back there?
20:00I don't do nothing.
20:08She's in the other van. I don't know why.
20:12Maybe she doesn't want to be with me. I don't know.
20:15Look at you. You're such a great person.
20:17The last couple of days, she's been very nice to me.
20:21And if we can continue, if we can, like, get along like we have the last couple of days,
20:26I think...
20:28at some point soon, we could turn our whole relationship around.
20:31That's my hope.
20:35Oh, does she lick my toes here?
20:37Not yet, but it's not a bad idea.
20:41I need my big toes licked and my feet in between my toes.
20:45The tickle? Yeah.
20:47Just wash them so she doesn't think it tastes like s***.
20:50Well, she likes it dirty.
20:54She likes it dirty. She's a dirty girl.
21:00Gaza's a dirty girl. Don't let her kid you.
21:05Oh, my gosh.
21:06One day, I put on a dress, and I was like,
21:08I'm going to put the panty before I leave.
21:10I never did.
21:12Actually, I guess I saw him because you were, like, opening your eyes.
21:15And I just...
21:17So you saw my frog?
21:20How did you call frog?
21:22My frog.
21:25She makes noises.
21:28And Johnny...
21:30He's like...
21:34Like a frog.
21:36This is what women talk about?
21:39We're not the animals.
21:41What is wrong with y'all?
21:46OK. Robert, can you take my jacket?
21:49Aw, that's so nice of you.
21:51Social Dandeman!
21:54It's needed social time for me because
21:57it's not fair to throw away all this, like, anger at me
22:01because I just want to be close to my parents.
22:04And I need a little break.
22:06And just...
22:08Be with some other people.
22:10I'm ready!
22:12Let's do it!
22:17Oh, look, they have games!
22:21Let's do it!
22:26Oh, who wants to play ping-pong?
22:28Who wants to play foosball?
22:31Come on, girls!
22:33We're going to play it here.
22:35We'll leave you guys to it.
22:45It's like a mind game.
22:55You don't have to choose it if it's not working.
23:00Gina, Gina!
23:02Gina, Gina!
23:06Oh, ****!
23:08Does that mean I'm a loser?
23:10It's OK! You're doing great!
23:12Let's make a toast!
23:14To having fun, new friendships,
23:17and successful relationships.
23:20Ah, OK.
23:24So, where's Brandon?
23:26He not come?
23:44Like, arguing? Like, bad?
23:57Yes, they're going to lift his ass.
23:59Oh, that's why he's...
24:01That's why he's saying no.
24:03I think Brandon is aware that it is going to suck in that house.
24:07It's going to be rough.
24:09It also might be very hard to navigate for all of you.
24:12And I mean, and...
24:14I'm sure he's concerned that that might affect you guys
24:17in a negative way.
24:19I don't have my support. I'm an immigrant here.
24:21I don't have my family. I don't have my friends.
24:23I don't have anybody here.
24:25I don't have any freaking buddy here.
24:27I have only Brandon, his parents and my dogs.
24:31My parents, I not see them for three years.
24:33He doesn't understand that.
24:35It's like, how hard he have his parents and them best friends.
24:39You shouldn't be feeling bad for expressing what you want.
24:43It's like, it's normal.
24:45You're here. You miss your family.
24:47You cannot go back to your country.
24:49You haven't seen your parents in so long.
24:51I mean...
24:52Your feelings are very valid. It's difficult.
24:54You know, it's difficult to be an immigrant and miss your family.
24:57Like, it's hard. So you're not alone.
24:59Like, it's f***ing hard.
25:02It's been such a long time since I have that support
25:05and girls around and friends.
25:08And I wish Brandon will be more supportive,
25:11like other couples tonight.
25:13But I hope he will become around eventually.
25:16Let's have another drink.
25:18I wish you guys the best.
25:20Yeah, let's drink to my luck.
25:26Oh my God.
25:30I don't know what I'm going to do. I guess I have to tell her.
25:38You got something you want to tell me?
25:41Because I feel like you're holding back.
25:42There's something you want to tell me, but you're not telling me.
25:44Your vibe has been off for a long time.
25:47What did you guys do after hours?
25:49One second.
25:50You have an excuse for everything.
25:51One second, sis.
25:52I don't need this anymore.
26:05Sis, can I talk to you for a sec?
26:07Yeah, let's go.
26:11What's going on?
26:12Yeah, I just wanted to chat with you a little bit.
26:14Let's go to the bar, get a drink.
26:16So, I just wanted to say about today, I truly apologize and I love you.
26:21And no matter what in life, we're twins for life and I'll always have your back.
26:26Yeah, I know.
26:28I love you.
26:29I love you too.
26:30I just want you to know that a couple weeks ago, me, Florian and George were out one night
26:36and we saw Florian walk away with two blondes.
26:40Florian walked away with two blondes.
26:44Were they like all over him?
26:45Was he like flirting?
26:46There was two girls and Florian.
26:47They walked out and you know what?
26:49I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt thinking maybe he's just like, you know.
26:52That's f***ing weird, Georgie.
26:53Someone else in your family or smoked a cigarette.
26:55But I got a text from Georgie.
26:57Georgie was at that same bar tonight.
26:59That Florian was with those two girls.
27:02And one of these girls that was there that night that he walked away with said something to Georgie.
27:10Georgie walked right up and said, tell Florian, thank you for taking me home.
27:16The f***?
27:21I was playing with the girls and I checked my phone.
27:24I got a message Georgie saying, call me as soon as you can.
27:27So I called him.
27:28He told me one of the blondes, he recognized.
27:31They made eye contact.
27:32She came right up to the table.
27:33It was almost like intentional from what Georgie said her tone was.
27:36So Georgie was left stumped.
27:38She didn't know what to freaking do.
27:39But at the end of the day, it's like she needs to know this information.
27:44This girl came right up to him with like a motive.
27:46Almost as if, you know, she had more to say.
27:50Like they hooked up or something.
27:52Maybe a kiss.
27:53Maybe f***.
27:54You know, getting numbers from each other.
27:56I f***ing knew it.
27:57I f***ing felt something.
27:58I f***ing felt something was going on.
27:59I f***ing knew it.
28:00I felt in my gut something was going on.
28:01I thought maybe it was innocent.
28:04Stacey, I have your back.
28:05You've seen him f***ing flirting all the time.
28:08I mean, I'm kind of at my wit's end.
28:10It just keeps happening.
28:12It's makeup on the shirt.
28:14It's him walking girls home late at night.
28:16Flirting when he goes out.
28:17Staying out all hours.
28:18Like, it's so hard when he keeps repeating the same pattern.
28:22How can I move forward when the clues are looking like he's cheating?
28:27Don't f***ing cry enough tears over here.
28:31Don't be this f***ing angry now.
28:32Don't be this f***ing angry.
28:33Just breathe.
28:36I got you.
28:39I don't like secrets.
28:40I don't like lies.
28:41And he's very sneaky.
28:42All those times I went to bed.
28:44He goes back out.
28:45He expects me to be okay with that?
28:47That's not a marriage.
28:49And I'm not a fool.
28:50Because I will leave.
28:54Hey, everyone's having fun.
28:55This is the last time I'm doing this because I've done this s*** before.
28:58I'm not doing it again.
28:59This is the last straw.
29:01That's right.
29:02That's right.
29:07How you guys doing?
29:10Have fun.
29:11Yeah, my man.
29:14Hey, Flory.
29:15Come on.
29:17Can I talk to you for a minute?
29:19I make it.
29:20How you doing on foosball?
29:21I'll take over.
29:22I'll take over.
29:24Cheers, guys.
29:26Love and life.
29:28I just want a little alone time.
29:32Well, I'm going to stop and smell the roses.
29:34Or the daisies or whatever those are.
29:38It reminds me of our wedding, you know?
29:39Remember that?
29:40Do you remember our wedding?
29:41Our vow renewal?
29:43Wow, we've been through so much in the last nine years, right?
29:46I know.
29:47Like, smile when I talk about us.
29:50You don't look happy anymore.
29:51I'm happy.
29:52Are you not happy?
29:53I'm f***ing happy.
29:54What the f*** are you talking about?
29:55No, I'm just—
29:56I was trying to smell the flowers and you were like,
29:58hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm.
29:59I don't know.
30:01What do you mean, I never do like this?
30:23OK, let's go, boy.
30:25You're red.
30:26You're red.
30:27You're red.
30:28This guy has no legs.
30:30But, you know, just deal with it.
30:39Gino, I need to talk.
30:43Ever since I talked to Reba about how I can make an open marriage work,
30:47that's all I can think about.
30:49And I really want to bring it up to Gino, especially now,
30:53because this is kind of our last chance to figure it out
30:57before the recommendation ceremony.
30:59Having an open marriage goes against everything that I ever believed
31:04and wanted for me as a married woman.
31:07But I still want to try everything before even considering
31:11separating forever, getting divorced.
31:16I'm wearing a hat to honor you.
31:19All right.
31:22Love it.
31:23So, you know that today I have my therapy with Reba, right?
31:27OK, yeah.
31:29We talk about open marriages.
31:33And she actually told me, like, the right terminology.
31:36It is called an ethical, non-monogamous marriage.
31:43I wouldn't say it's ethical, but OK.
31:46I'm here just actually to discuss something that cannot take any longer, Gino.
31:53This conversation, just so that you know, is very serious, real and genuine.
32:03Something is not right.
32:05What, you're feeling something?
32:06What, the vibe is off?
32:08Your vibe has been off for a long time.
32:10No, no, no, no, no.
32:12Yeah, it has.
32:13You OK?
32:15You got something you want to tell me?
32:17Because I feel like you're holding back.
32:18There's something you want to tell me, but you're not telling me.
32:20And I felt it for a long time.
32:22I felt it for a long time.
32:23You're not holding nothing back.
32:25What the hell are you talking about?
32:29Darcy just got a phone call from Georgie.
32:33And you went out after hours with Darcy and Georgie.
32:36There was two hot blonde chicks, OK, that Darcy saw you leave the club with.
32:42Well, one of them saw Georgie tonight.
32:44One of the girls.
32:45And you know what she told Georgie?
32:47Tell Florian thank you for taking me home that night.
32:52Take her home?
32:53Yeah, you took her home.
32:55What'd you guys do after hours?
32:57Are you other women behind my back?
32:59Are you other women behind my back?
33:15What'd you guys do?
33:16I don't have a license to drive.
33:17What did I do at home?
33:18I don't know what you're saying.
33:19Stop making excuses.
33:20Are you talking for one second?
33:21You left the bar.
33:22One second.
33:23And you f****** walked one of the girls home.
33:24One second.
33:25I can explain myself what the f****** trouble is.
33:27I don't know what the f****** trouble is.
33:28Go ahead.
33:29One girl have, like, live in our building.
33:31Oh, she lives in the building?
33:34Oh, just like I f****** thought.
33:36I had a f****** feeling something was going on.
33:38I helping her, basically.
33:40She's falling down, like, basically like drunk kid.
33:42Just in crossing the street, almost fall down two, three times.
33:45And I open the main door.
33:46I open the main door for her.
33:47I click the elevator for her.
33:49She still have the key.
33:50I just bust for her the key with the floor.
33:52What the f****** are you talking about?
33:54Oh, you didn't, like, take her to her door?
33:57Okay, okay.
33:58Well, you know, you said that the first time you cheated on me.
34:00Oh, we just kissed.
34:01There's a pattern here.
34:03I've seen you flirt with girls.
34:05Girls flirt with you.
34:06You're coming home with makeup on the shirt.
34:08I don't believe you.
34:10Sorry, I don't believe you.
34:12I'm not a fool.
34:13I don't believe that he's just helping an innocent person.
34:16Come on now.
34:19The way he's talking to me, he's not looking me in the eye.
34:21His body language.
34:23He's very nervous.
34:24Like, he's guilty.
34:25Don't play me for a fool.
34:26Don't waste my years.
34:30I'm tired of giving all my good years to someone who's just gonna, like, f*** me over in the end.
34:41Why would you lie about something like this?
34:43You have an excuse for everything.
34:45I don't need this anymore.
34:49I actually have more s*** than her.
35:01So, I'm gonna go straight to the point.
35:04These are our options.
35:06Okay, one option would be you are intimate with me during the time we're here at that resort.
35:16Or you and I sit and come to an agreement for the parameters in our own open marriage for you and me.
35:32No, I mean, I was pretty clear about the open marriage and, you know, that's not me.
35:37So, that's gonna give you us the option that you're gonna be intimate with me during the time we're here?
35:46It's not all about you getting what you want.
35:50I am not gonna do an open relationship situation.
35:53This is not my dream when I got married to be with the woman that I want.
35:56Do you think it was my dream?
35:58You're not understanding the idea of an open marriage because you are so close in your thoughts.
36:03You're not being flexible.
36:05You're not even letting me explain to you the dynamic.
36:12Do you have someone in mind that you want to have an open marriage with?
36:24You have someone in mind?
36:29What the hell's going on here?
36:31What do you mean she has a person that she wants to have an open relationship with?
36:35What that makes me think is she must have had an emotional connection prior to coming to therapy with this guy behind my back.
36:44I don't know anything about it and maybe we should be getting a divorce and you go hang out with him all you want.
36:54So, you've been cheating on me?
36:56Wait, what?
36:58Last thing I want to be with is a cheater.
37:00No thanks.
37:05So, you've been cheating on me?
37:08Why is it cheating?
37:10Well, if you have someone in mind and someone already set up then obviously you are cheating.
37:13No, it's not set up. It's someone that could potentially.
37:18So, who is the person?
37:20You're talking.
37:21It's a friend. We've been friends for three months.
37:24Is that a friend from the gym?
37:27Ah, that's why you're cheating on me.
37:30Is that a friend from the gym?
37:32Ah, that's why you've been spending several hours a day at the gym all the time.
37:38What are you doing?
37:39Working out.
37:40Working out?
37:45Why am I not surprised? I'm not surprised at all by that.
37:47What do you mean?
37:48I'm not surprised at all that you're hooking up with people at the gym.
37:53Yeah, okay. Okay.
37:56So, you have a boyfriend and you're cheating on me?
37:58I don't have a boyfriend.
37:59Yeah, you do. That's cheating.
38:01That's cheating.
38:03And I don't want to cheat her in my life.
38:05So, we're not going to work out.
38:11Why don't you just accept, you know, that you will never be intimate with me?
38:14And you're such a selfish person that you don't want me to be with anyone either.
38:19Go be with the other guy. You've already ruined it. You've already ruined it.
38:24You don't have anything.
38:25So, it was not you not giving my affection nine months without sex, Corona.
38:29Yeah, that doesn't...
38:30It was my friendship with Matt, Corona.
38:32That's not an excuse for cheating. That's not an excuse for cheating. Sorry.
38:35I haven't cheated and that's why I'm here.
38:37No, it's not an excuse for cheating. You are a cheater.
38:39I'm a cheater.
38:40You enjoy your life.
38:41Okay, perfect.
38:42Have a good one. Bye.
38:49How the heck proposing an ethical, non-monogamous marriage is cheating?
38:57I have never cheated on him. Not with Matt or anyone.
39:02I'm just trying to be honest and save our marriage.
39:05So, having him accusing me and calling me a cheater with not proof whatsoever, that's very low.
39:14What's happened?
39:16I think he's a bitch.
39:24Florian's cheated on me before. You guys know that, right? He's cheated on me before.
39:28He's not going to admit the whole truth, but I know what he's done.
39:34You come to my nurse, okay?
39:35Okay, well then you need to walk away.
39:37I think you need some space. Florian needs some space. That's not okay.
39:41Ella, you come.
39:42No, not really.
39:43Once again, once again, once again.
39:46You come here like to build a bond and the bulls**t.
39:49You have a bond.
39:50Let me have a moment.
39:52I'm sure there's more.
39:53He acts f**king guilty and nervous.
39:55This is a guilty guy.
39:57Yeah, yeah.
40:00I don't know what's going on, but you know, from what they said.
40:03Yeah, Darcy likes thinking I'm cheating.
40:06I don't know, but Darcy's making this s**t on purpose. I promise you.
40:09Why do you think Darcy would make this up on purpose?
40:12He's thinking me and Stacy, like, have more good relationship than her.
40:16Like, Darcy's thinking, like, bringing things like...
40:18Ah, I see. So you think she's jealous of your relationship, basically.
40:21Yeah, yeah. That is. That's it.
40:24I think Stacy overreacting and I think Darcy and her husband exaggerating the story.
40:31I think Darcy bringing this on purpose to get more close to Stacy.
40:36Because in therapy, Darcy felt Stacy pushing her away.
40:41He just wanted to build a stronger bond with her and wanted to make me the enemy.
40:45I'm at wit's end. I'm at my wit's end.
40:48Honestly, though, you can do so much better.
40:50Yeah, I agree.
40:51So much better.
40:52He's got a good side. He's got a good side.
40:54But the way he speaks to her is very disrespectful.
40:57If you were married to him, it's a different story.
41:01Right now, I don't think we're going to fix it because there's all these girls around.
41:04There's, like, a lot of female support and it's being amplified.
41:08So I don't think it's going to get fixed tonight.
41:12Might just let them be.
41:16Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
41:19Oh, this is my friend. She's nice.
41:21And he's cheating on her and he's shouting at everyone.
41:24And it's mad disrespectful. And he's raising his voice. For what?
41:28Can we... Can we...
41:31They got a lot of people involved in their relationship.
41:33Check him. Tell him, don't talk to my wife like that.
41:35He's mad loud. Check him.
41:37I appreciate it. I'm not angry. But I'm just saying, check him.
41:40I'm sorry about that.
41:41We're not the crazy ones.
41:42Oh, you're good.
41:43We're not the crazy ones. It's okay.
41:45With this drama between Daisy, Stacey, and Florian,
41:48you got drama over here with Gino and Jasmine.
41:50I mean, I'm really just looking at Sophie like,
41:52I just am praying that we can stay in the good place that we're in in this moment
41:57and not have our own drama.
41:59I don't want to add to this.
42:00And I don't want to have issues with Sophie.
42:02I just am hoping we can get home.
42:03We can get through a night. Another good night.
42:33Where is Gino?
42:46Where is he?
43:03I like romance. I want to have a lover.
43:05And I want this from him.
43:07I don't want to look to another person.
43:09But he's not giving it to me.
43:11I have waited nine months. It's never going to happen.
43:17What should I do now?
43:18I don't f***ing know. I don't know what to do.
43:20I don't know.
43:28Good morning. Bright and shine.
43:31Next time on 90 Day, The Last Resort.
43:33This is what it's like having kids.
43:35High energy Julia, first thing in the morning.
43:38I don't know how you do it, Brandon.
43:40I don't want kids anymore.
43:44Alright, alright. I got to go. Talk to you later.
43:46Cheating asshole.
43:48My goal for this conversation with Florian right now
43:51is to get the truth and nothing but the truth.
43:56Take me a long time to build this trust.
43:59Right now, this is everything which I work is going down.
44:02This is no trust me no more.
44:04What I found out last night, that's the last straw, Florian.
44:11What are you doing?
44:12Just packing.
44:14You weren't going to home?
44:16Julia's caused me a lot of pain in the last few days.
44:19And I'm done. I can't take her keeping things from me.
44:22And I'm just ready to go home.
44:24After everything we've done, I don't see this as working.