• yesterday
Hudson And Rex S05 E10


00:00The following program is rated PG and contains mature subject matter viewer discretion is advised
00:51That's back for a party
01:40Look like you can use a pick-me-up my drink
01:48Couple vodka neat and for the lady. I'll have another the same
01:55I'm true
01:57Ruby said nice to meet you
02:00Nice to meet you
02:15Thanks for the drink
02:18Haven't seen you around
02:22I'm just in town for my best friend's bachelorette. Huh the rest of your party
02:34What you don't feel like dancing I'm taking a breather
02:46Really going for it out there meet up on our duty calls
02:55You better be
03:00Oh my god, are you okay?
03:52Know Rex no one likes a 4 a.m. Call
03:59Would have brought you a coffee except we're out and
04:02All the cafes are closed and survive. I wish I could say the same about Louisa that the name of our victim
04:08Yeah, Louisa Hastings in from Hopper Falls with friends for a bachelorette party. I was a heck of a party any idea
04:14What happened well based on the position of the body? I think she fell from up there
04:19There were no clear defensive wounds, but that railing up. There's at least four feet high
04:23Make it difficult for somebody to just accidentally fall over it. Yeah, exactly
04:33Who she found 310 manager called it in at the time at EMS arrived she'd already been pronounced dead by who?
04:44The hotel doctor no friend of the deceased
04:47Excuse me
04:50Detective Hudson SJ PD
04:52Understanding you the victim. We're both in the wedding party. She was made of honor
04:57I'm the best man Nate Seaver. I understand you pronounced her dead
05:03I'm an MD internal medicine and I booked a hotel the manager called me when they realized she was with our group. Oh
05:12My god Louisa
05:17Excuse me a moment
05:21You don't need to see this honey
05:27What happened?
05:29We're we're still investigating miss
05:32Taylor Taylor, she's my best friend. I'm Rashid fiance
05:37Did you all party together? No, sir
05:40The ladies went to a strip show
05:43Nate and I kept it a bit tamer dinner and a whiskey tasting
05:46Taylor what time did you and the bridesmaids get back to the hotel around 2 15?
05:53But she left the party early
05:56Why is that? She sent me a text at one saying she wasn't feeling well a text. Why not? Just tell you I don't know
06:03I didn't think anything of it, but
06:08What are you thinking
06:11Louisa was a recovering addict opiates and alcohol
06:18Excuse us for a moment
06:32We got yeah
06:34Huh, where's she might be on to something
06:51Hey, buddy, good morning
06:55Hey, how's it going, man?
06:57Hey, how's it going, man?
06:59Hey, how's it going, man?
07:01Hey, how's it going, man?
07:04Hey Rick, well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. We had an early start
07:09Yeah, so I heard I'm just making my way through the hotel CCTV right now anything interesting
07:15There's no footage of Louisa's fall, but I did find this
07:18Where she headed well, presumably to the mezzanine hotel staff found her ten minutes later
07:26Well, the question is what happened within those ten minutes, right? Yeah, and why was she acting so weird what this might help the pill Rex found
07:36It's high-dose codeine
07:38You think she was high Louisa was a recovering addict. It makes sense. That's one possibility
07:43You think she was high Louisa was a recovering addict it makes sense
07:47That's one possibility, but we can't be sure the codeine belonged to Louisa. I mean Rex found it in a public place
07:52Sure, but given her history
07:55Yeah, but I mean you said so yourself the railing on the mezzanine was so high it'd be hard to fall off of under the
08:00influence or not
08:01That's true. It toxicology will tell us for sure. Keep me posted on that. Okay, I'm doing the new alt methods workshop this weekend
08:22Can't stop talking about
08:29They assume that financial crimes is boring, but we just put somebody away for murder
08:32You may have heard of the tropics nightclub case, right?
08:35Everybody assumed that it was just a simple case of arson right until my team found a key piece of evidence your team so proud
08:46Superintendent Donovan superintendent Lewis. I heard that tropics nightclub case was a tough nut to crack
08:51I'm really impressed with how well you did without any interdepartmental assistance
08:56Okay, everyone. Welcome to the which way
09:00Let's start by getting in pairs and choose wisely. You'll be together all weekend
09:11I don't hurt me. Hmm. Looks like we're stuck together
09:25Louisa and I have been best friends since kindergarten. I can't believe she's gone
09:36Know this is very difficult, but given the circumstances I do need to ask about Louisa's history of addiction
09:43You said she was in recovery for almost a year
09:47It was her longest stretch
09:50She struggled since high school
09:54This time felt different. She had a job. She had a place of her own
09:59I really thought she'd beaten it
10:02So she was in a good place any mental health issues she have any serious stressors. No, she was the happiest I've ever seen her
10:15Would it be all right if she lied down of course, why don't you take a little bit of time?
10:24Poor Taylor
10:27Would you agree that Louisa's recovery was on track I mean I didn't know her super well, but
10:37Taylor had on rose-colored glasses
10:39The rest of us knew that the cycle was just gonna start again. I just wish she hadn't picked Taylor's big night
10:45Did you actually witness Louisa drinking or taking drugs?
10:50No, but she started acting all funny after the strip show. So I figured she seemed high
10:55Look, I don't know. You should probably talk to Quincy about this
11:00Who's Quincy?
11:01Taylor's other bridesmaid
11:03Where is she right now? She's sleeping off her hangover. I tried to wake her but she was out cold
11:09Anyway, the last time I saw Louisa they were together
11:12Have her call me when she wakes up
11:16Need to say it but it sounds like death by misadventure
11:20I'm not so sure
11:22Hannah said that Louisa
11:24She got funny after the strip show, but doesn't mean that she was on drugs
11:29Sure, but when you had the coding on scene and what Rashid said
11:34Yeah, but what about Taylor and she knew her best and she said that she was
11:39She was sure that Louisa had gotten sober for good
11:42Wonder how many times she believed that before
11:49Anything bothering you why why do you ask you're not usually so quick to
11:56Judge oh
11:58I I wasn't judging it
12:01Louisa relapsing is the simplest explanation given the evidence. We don't have all the evidence. We still don't have a tox report
12:12I know you're right. I should go see what the holdup is. Okay, let me just grab the bill. No, no, it's fine
12:18You take your time
12:20I'll see you later
12:22Yeah, yeah
12:31I know
12:44Recognize this woman from last night. Sure. You don't forget someone with a $1,200 tab and to decline credit cards
12:52Decline she find another way to pay. No, she had to get someone else to settle up for her
12:58You have any idea who I got the receipt somewhere
13:29Pretty good on you
13:32All right, let's write
13:42Here you go signatures all over it looks like Carly or Orly
14:01I'll get you feeling better in no time
14:03It's a vitamin b12 Tay and I discovered it as a hangover remedy in nursing school
14:09So the whole wedding party are medical professionals then you
14:13Well, except for Louisa at the Upper Falls Hospital. They call us the fab five
14:20You're close with Taylor that means that you probably knew Louisa pretty well she was around a lot. Yeah
14:28Is there a problem no, but like
14:32No one understood why Taylor stayed so tight with her after all that she did
14:36She should have ditched her after rehab stint to Quincy
14:40So I have no filter when I'm hungover. Yeah, it's
14:45Taylor had a great job and she was getting married and she had us
14:52Louisa's a burnout what she means is Louisa was on a different path and Taylor. Oh, I need coffee
15:01Said that she saw you with Louisa right before Louisa left the bar. How'd she seen? I
15:07Don't know. I was pretty wasted. You did pay her tab after her cards were declined
15:13She give an explanation for that Louisa said that she was behind on her bills
15:17But I don't know to me. That's like a huge red flag that she was using again
15:23But it was fine. I mean, I'm happy that she's okay
15:27It was fine. I mean, I'm happy to shell out to celebrate tase last night of freedom
15:31I kind of figured that I'd have to step up at some point
15:36How so there's just no way that Louisa was gonna keep it together like a maid of honor really should
15:51Jump you're the target you're agitated. You've got a hostage at knife point Vanessa
15:56You've got to step in talk him down or SWAT will move in and take him out with force
16:01There's a script to get started and remember the which way
16:06wavelength heed
16:08Influence change heal start by getting on the same wavelength as your target Joe
16:13You're free to improvise but don't make it easy for oh, I wouldn't dream of it
16:20Help me understand
16:22What brought you to this moment? It started when my colleague took credit for work that my team did come on Joe be serious
16:29I am being serious. I am drawing from real-life experience to enhance my character. I learned that in high school drama class
16:34I played Hamlet. I was brilliant
16:37The tropics case was ours until you all just pulled it out from under a crown gave us that case because it was falling apart
16:44Yeah, but that's not on financial crimes. The defense's forensics expert were the people that is not on me Vanessa
16:50You know that really because you know, heaven forbid you should take a little responsibility
16:55Responsibility that's rich if you want to talk about sounds like someone's influencing their target negatively. No, no, no
17:01No, we were just actually taking a break there are no breaks in a real-life de-escalation, Vanessa
17:05I'm afraid your target has been downed
17:22Hey, I
17:26Wanted to apologize for being a bit off earlier
17:30To Rex
17:36Yeah, I know you were confused
17:38this case it's um
17:41Hit a nerve
17:43Didn't realize it earlier or not consciously at least you want to talk about it
17:55But that probably means I should
18:02Okay, so I had a friend in University Willow
18:06She was my roommate in first year
18:09We were total opposites. She was in the music program
18:14Singer got she was brilliant
18:18But she had problems with addiction cocaine speed alcohol
18:23She couldn't do anything in moderation. She was on and off
18:27The wagon for years just like Louisa, you know every time she got clean I
18:34Thought this is it. Okay. She's finally kicked it. We're good
18:44And then a
18:47Cycle would repeat and I tried to help her, you know, I found her support groups. I I
18:53Even paid for an inpatient treatment program, but none of it stuck and eventually I just I
19:02Just I had to let her go
19:08You know, the roller coaster was just it was too much Oh no, I knew that must have been really difficult
19:15It was yeah, but maybe
19:19Louisa had found a way to keep her demons in check
19:22We are the benefit of the doubt on that
19:26Of course
19:29When there's a breakdown in communication sometimes we have to use physical force to de-escalate but physical force doesn't just mean guns
19:37There are other tactics in your arsenal Joe and Vanessa here are gonna help me show you one right now. You two ready?
19:42Can't wait. Okay. So let's say we've gotten our hostage safe. Now. It's just our target and his knife, right?
19:50Vanessa you're gonna knock the weapon from Joe's hand. You want to get it as far away from him as possible?
19:56Okay, give it a try nice and slow
20:01Okay, good
20:03Someone's been eating their Wheaties. So the knife is gone, but Joe's still a tough guy. He's gonna hit back probably with a fist, right?
20:11So let's say Joe goes to hit you
20:13Vanessa needs a counter find a way to get
20:16Behind him. Yes. Yes, beautiful work
20:19Beautiful work, that's how we do it in financial crimes
20:28Jesse you have Louisa's credit card statements there partners on it
20:34Yeah, you know what Louisa's zero savings and her checking accounts on the low side
20:38I mean, there are no regular withdrawals to suggest that she was buying any drugs. Yeah, I don't see anything here either
20:43It looks like most of the charges over the last month have been wedding related
20:48So, I mean you think her financial troubles come from her trying to keep up with her wealthy friends
20:54Looks that way it just doesn't get us any closer to figuring out how or why she died
20:59Maybe not but there are some things we can rule out
21:02You've got toxicology. No alcohol or opiates in her system. I
21:08Ran it twice. She didn't relapse
21:11But that doesn't explain her weird behavior in the CCTV
21:14I've got one possibility test showed a slightly elevated level of GHB in her system
21:20GHB like date rape drug GHB. Yeah, Louisa might have been roofied. Someone could have slipped something into her drink
21:25Well that may explain her text that she sent to Taylor saying she wasn't feeling well while we're talking about date rape drugs
21:32I mean, is it possible that she didn't leave the bar alone? Because whoever roofied her they may have killed her
21:46Hey, I tossed and turned all night
21:51Figured a run might clear my head
21:54Still thinking about Willow. Oh
21:58That I know how to deal with. I
22:03Feel guilty about assuming the worst about Louisa
22:06Especially now that we know she didn't relapse. Yeah, you know, you have nothing to feel guilty about. Mm-hmm. That's not true. I
22:14Let my personal feelings interfere with my work. Well, our experiences color our perspective. It's
22:21Possible not to oh, I know. I
22:25Feel like I owe Louise an apology
22:33Can't give you that but Taylor's coming in this morning. Do you want to be the one to tell her that her best friend?
22:39Didn't relapse
22:41Yeah, I would
22:44Thank you
22:52Easy bow
22:58Sure, I ran the test myself Louisa didn't drink or take drugs the night of your bachelorette. In fact, she hadn't used in months
23:04How do you know I did a hair follicle test too. I just thought you'd want to know that you were right
23:09She didn't relapse
23:13Thank you, of course
23:16But wait, if she wasn't using when she died what happened we're hoping you can help us with that
23:22detective Hudson
23:23Of course, of course, I'd be happy to help but I don't know if I could I told you Louisa left the party early
23:28Yeah, we know that we think someone might have tried to spike her drink before she left
23:33Did you see her talking to anyone or was no one hanging around the group? I don't think so
23:38I was pretty carried away by the party
23:42Louisa took such good care of us making sure we had water between drinks
23:47Hydrate away your hangover Tuesday. It sounds like a good friend
23:52The best I
23:54Can't believe I didn't notice that she was in trouble. It's not your fault. Somebody can slip something into a drink so fast
24:01I'm just thinking I
24:03Have my selfies and Quincy's and Hannah's too from that night. Maybe they could help find whoever spiked it was this drink
24:10I'd like to take a look at those. I
24:14Hope there's no hard feelings about yesterday. I know how some men are about being bested by a woman Oh
24:21Anything in the name of learning new skills?
24:23day to
24:25Remember get on that wavelength feed what your target is saying and influence them to change
24:33What can I do to resolve this situation for you
24:36You know taking yourself out of contention when chief Archer retires would be a good start
24:42What I mean, I'm just drawing from real life like you did yesterday
24:49On your wavelength and I heed what you're saying, so you'll decline the offer if the board approaches you about the job. Yes. Hmm
24:58How about this if I can't de-escalate you?
25:02Then I'll consider it. Okay, it's not gonna happen. But what if you do manage to de-escalate?
25:09Then you pull yourself out of consideration if chief Archer retires
25:15You've got yourself a deal
25:20Looks like we've got our first successful de-escalation say what no no that wasn't any come on. Tell him Joe
25:27Tell me what?
25:29Well, just that the which way is a great way for mediating conflict
25:44So Louisa text Taylor she's heading back to the hotel at 105 a.m
25:47time of death is around three leaving two hours unaccounted for and given the
25:52GHB who knows what could happen to that time? I've asked Carmen look for signs of sexual assault
25:56So Louisa, she leaves the bar. She's not feeling well
26:00Does the person who spiked her drink father work? No, they could have looked together. Yeah, I mean pretty risky move for a potential killer
26:07Louise I had a relatively low level of GHB in her system
26:10Maybe she invited them back and had a change of heart
26:13Well a change of heart would explain the agitated behavior on CCTV Louisa said no her attacker pushed back
26:19We need to find out whoever this was. I got Louisa with a guy at the bar
26:23Drew Pang
26:24Arrested for DUI in 2018 and interviewed on suspicion of sexual assault last year. I need an address on it Rex
26:53Mean you scared me
26:56It's take the Hudson SJ PD I need to ask you a couple questions you were wild on Friday night I
27:03Stopped by. No, I'm investigating the death of a woman after she left the club
27:08It's heavy. I
27:11Can't help you. I didn't see anything. Are you sure about that?
27:15That chick died
27:17That chick's name was Louisa Hastings and we think she was slipped a date rape drug before she did
27:25a date rape
27:26man, that's
27:28Brutal. Yeah, it is
27:30Wait, what's he doing working?
27:34You can't just search. I I didn't do anything man. What kind of guy do you think I am?
27:40I think you're the kind of guy who keeps GHB in their glove box drew I
27:47Didn't kill that chick
27:51Even if I did slip her something
27:54Which I'm not saying that I did
27:58She barely touched her soda
28:01She was too busy taking care of her drunk friends when she texted one of those friends to say she wasn't feeling well
28:05Yeah, but that had nothing to do with GHB
28:08She wanted to get out of there. She needed an excuse
28:13Why is that
28:16Some other chick from the bridal party was giving her a hard time about money or something
28:21So we went for a walk a walk really believe what you want man
28:33Did I want to hook up?
28:34Yeah, sure, but she wasn't in the right headspace
28:38So I walked her to her hotel and then I said good night like a gentleman
29:02Was preyed upon in the last moments of her life
29:05Does that make drew our killer? I don't believe so whoever killed Louisa knew her and her history of addiction
29:13What kind of findings could tell you that I?
29:16I noticed that her lower lip was slightly swollen. So I had a closer look and took some photos inside her mouth
29:24Here let me show you
29:31Bite marks, they're not obvious. But if you look way back in her mouth, you can see where she's bitten the insides of her cheeks
29:37pretty severe
29:42Sustained in a struggle. Yeah, I believe so. How do bite marks tell you that Louisa's killer knew about her addiction issues. Have a look
29:56Who am I looking at here granulated codeine
30:00It was grounded to her lower bicuspid
30:03So someone force-fed her. It must have been just anti-mortem for none of it to reach her bloodstream. Hmm
30:10If we look at these bite marks, Louisa must have fought back with everything. She had even possibly biting her attacker
30:16Someone tried to push her off the wagon and when it didn't work
30:19They had to make sure that she couldn't reveal what they tried to do. Mm-hmm. That's it
30:25Who was it why
30:39Guys so drew story checks out I can conclusively say he is not our killer. Yeah, we figured but we're gonna hang on to him
30:46Anyway, we have him for possession of a controlled substance at the very least. Wait, I feel like I'm missing something here
30:51How do you figure that drew didn't do it?
30:52I'll talk to show that Louisa's killer knew about her history of opiate addiction
30:55She doesn't have any ties to st. John's that I found
30:59Which means that the killer is probably a member of the wedding party
31:03They're all medical
31:05Right, yeah, I mean that they would have had easy access to something like coding wait, wait a minute
31:10Okay, so I know Louie's his friends doubted she had gotten clean
31:12But why would one of them want to kill her?
31:14Well by the sounds of it the wedding party weren't really her friends and there was one bridesmaid in particular
31:20Who had a problem with her? Of course, I didn't kill Louisa
31:23Why would I bother when she was bound to do it herself sooner or later? Tell us what you really think
31:29Well, I'm sorry, but you didn't know her. She was a mess. It wasn't gonna end. Well, I
31:34I understand that perspective. I
31:36really do
31:38But all the evidence points to Louisa being committed to her sobriety
31:42Well, no offense, but I've heard that one before
31:45Well your real problem with Louisa though. It went beyond her addiction problems. Didn't it Quincy? What do you mean?
31:51You were jealous of her relationship with Taylor. Oh
31:55Please. Well, you told me yourself you encouraged Taylor to drop her burnout friend
32:01Yeah, but are you sure you didn't help the situation along by fabricating a relapse?
32:06Fabricating look I've already told you I basically blacked out after I helped her pay for her bar tab convenient
32:13No, I swear. I don't remember anything after she helped me off the stage and then like made me drink her soda
32:23We caught that too
32:25Drew told you Louisa hardly touched her drink, right?
32:27Yeah, I said she was too preoccupied taking care of her drunk friends
32:30Maybe Louise had passed the drug soda off to Quincy by mistake. Well, they would explain the blackout
32:35Yeah, if she did blackout still want to confirm that story
32:39If she can sense I can run some tests and we can find out for sure. Okay
32:42Well in the meantime, I'm gonna head to the hotel. See if the other bridesmaid can corroborate any of this
32:50Okay, let's move on to practicing techniques to establish control
32:56When you're being attacked your goal is to get your target restrained
33:00But no one should get hurt. Okay. Well, I hope you don't think I'm gonna let you best me after that trick
33:05You just pulled earlier trick. Mm-hmm. I mean you shook my hand that's on you
33:09Well, I hope you don't think I'm gonna take myself out of the race to replace Chief Archer after that
33:13I wouldn't dream of it. Where's the fun in that, huh? Oh
33:18Yeah, it's just like this
33:21Okay, I see you that's what you bring in
33:31What you think I was born yesterday I'm new not new come on right so far what else you got Oh
33:41Gotta be quicker than that
33:50That little brain cell you got in there still home watch this
33:55Now that's how we do in major crimes
34:14How intoxicated would you say Quincy was the other night she was pretty lit up
34:18I basically had to carry her back to the hotel. Did you take her straight back to her?
34:23No, we um, I think maybe Taylor did
34:27It's all kind of blur
34:30Why are you asking you about Quincy we're still trying to piece together exactly what happened
34:36Excuse me a moment
34:39Hey, you get the lab results back
34:41Quincy's GHP was through the roof. So she did drink the spiked soda
34:47I don't think she could have formed a sentence much less killed someone gotta go
34:57Hannah stop, we're not done yet
35:22Machine we have to
35:28What was that all about oh my gosh, this must look so bad, but it's not what you think
35:32Really? Cuz it looked like you just fled from an officer of the law. It's not her fault
35:37Okay. Now. I really want to know what's going on. We didn't have anything to do with Louise's death prove it
35:45This is where you talk come on
35:48We can out of by each other
35:50Hmm, we got a little too cozy on the hotel patio the night. She died. It was a stupid stupid drunk mistake
35:57We both went out for a smoke after everyone else had gone to bed and one thing just led to another. Okay
36:03Why did you just run right now?
36:04You were asking about what happened when we got back from the bar
36:07Rashid and I hadn't gotten our story straight and I panicked can either of you prove this?
36:11I don't know how it was just the two of us. I might have something
36:15You said you deleted them what I put them in a private folder. No one's gonna see
36:21Give me the proof
36:26Years we were drunk
36:31One photo taken 20 minutes before Louisa died that doesn't exactly alibi you out there are more you can scroll
36:48You're free to go send me those photos first
36:52Sure, I'll airdrop them to you now
37:00You're not gonna share those photos with Taylor are you not unless I have to
37:05But maybe you should you really want to start your marriage off with a lie
37:10Come on
37:15Looks like we're back to square one pal
37:28Jesse I'm gonna send you some photos
37:32Okay looking now
37:35What's with the bunny ears bunny ears aren't the point look in the deep background
37:44Yeah, I think it is
37:47This backs to the camera, let me see if there's any nearby CCTV that I can hack into oh
37:54Yeah, bingo, okay, there's an ATM across the road. Give me a second
38:13It's Nate
38:15Rashid's best man. Why would she be arguing with him? Let me scroll back and see what I can find
38:22Okay, Charlie I got Nate with a guy something's changing hands
38:34Think Nate was dealing
38:38He's a must-have seen
38:40Her odd behavior on the lobby CCTV that wasn't her on drugs
38:43That was her reacting to finding out that Nate was selling them. So she goes outside confronts Nate maybe
38:50Threatens to tell the others. Okay, but how does that lead to her falling from the mezzanine?
38:53He must have followed her inside and cornered her up there
38:57Plan to discredit anything. She told Taylor by force-feeding her codeine, but she spit the codeine out and maybe bit him in the process
39:06Then he pushed her
39:08I'm bringing him in
39:25Need you to come down to the station answer a few questions. Sorry, but we're headed home
39:28I got an overnight in the ER tonight. You're gonna need somebody to fill in for you
39:33What kind of questions are we talking about?
39:39For starters, where did you get those bite marks on your hand then maybe we can talk about trafficking narcotics and murder
40:17Think you're gonna be practicing medicine anytime soon Nate
40:34May I join you
40:45Owe you an apology I
40:48Shouldn't be taking credit for the choppix case. I understand how hard major crimes it was a team effort
40:55It was a big win. I
40:58Understand why you want to take credit now, especially with the chief's job opening up
41:03Speaking of which I am NOT taking myself out of contention Vanessa
41:09Neither am I
41:13Well, I guess this weekend shows us what kind of competition we have ahead of us game on
41:21To um
41:26Friendly competition
41:48Joe just talked to the crown needs being arraigned tomorrow Andrew being charged with possession
41:56They're likely be an assault charge to you for spiking the wheezes drink, that's good news. Yeah
42:02Well, I think I'm ready for bed
42:05You going? Oh, not yet
42:09Got a call to make come on pal
42:18Now does he always know yeah, I guess he's the best
42:23You're pretty great, too
42:26Don't forget that
42:51Hi, it's Sarah
42:56It has been a long time I
43:01I've missed your voice, too