• 2 days ago
Hudson and Rex S06 E07


00:00Where are you, François?
00:28Oh, let me help you, sir.
00:39But I am fine.
00:40Thank you so much.
00:41Watch yourself, sir.
00:42You just need a little more speed in your spot.
01:00And don't forget the second arm.
01:03Where is he?
01:05I'm sure he'll be here soon.
01:07Let's do it one more time, Sadie.
01:09Let's go again from the repeat of arc 12.
01:16Sir, are you all right, sir?
01:35Someone bit me.
01:36Sir, help!
01:38Okay, thank you for your help.
01:39The man who called 911 said that the victim was alone when he collapsed.
02:05Thank you for your help.
02:06The man who called 911, he said that the victim was alone when he collapsed.
02:07He uttered a few words in what sounded like an Eastern European accent before he died,
02:08but the witness said that he could only make out the name Sadie.
02:10Well, that's strange.
02:12His ID has a French name.
02:13Yeah, Francois Duval.
02:14There's a fresh cut on his hand.
02:15I really don't think it was caused by his fall.
02:16Cause of death?
02:17Oh, I'm not sure.
02:18Petechian signs of cyanosis on his hands and face.
02:19It's as if he died of asphyxiation, but there's no indication he was strangled.
02:44I smelt poison?
02:47That could make sense.
02:49Rex doesn't always pick up on poison that's been ingested.
02:52But it coulda been on the body, skin-contact poisons.
02:55Rex, back up.
02:58You need come in contact.
02:59No, I'm gloved.
03:00Everyone step back.
03:01Notify the Hazardous Materials Unit.
03:04You're fine, Rex.
03:10The victim was a choreographer and ballet instructor, according to his business card.
03:22It's not exactly a cutthroat business.
03:24I wouldn't think so here.
03:27Too early to narrow down the type of poison?
03:28The cut on his hand didn't have time to become inflamed before he died.
03:33That's how the poison was administered?
03:35If so, it killed him in under 30 minutes.
03:38Something extremely toxic.
03:39Yeah, contact poison that presents this way.
03:42My best guess is strychnine.
03:45Contact poison means the killer had to get close to the victim.
03:59Looks like she's been calling him all morning.
04:01Should we go talk to her?
04:09Hey, hey, boss.
04:10How'd you like dinner last night?
04:12It was interesting.
04:14Interesting is your word for bad.
04:16No, it's my word for interesting.
04:18No, no, Charlie's is different and Sarah's is unique.
04:20You didn't like the restaurant recommendation I gave you.
04:23Camilla liked it.
04:24I just, I didn't get it.
04:25What's to get?
04:26It's delicious.
04:27I didn't get how I could spend that much on a meal and still be hungry.
04:30Maybe you have an appetite for what I dug up on the case so far.
04:32Well, you've been sitting on that one all morning, haven't you?
04:34I have.
04:35Can you hold this?
04:37The killer seems to think that Francois Duval was poisoned within a half hour before he collapsed.
04:41I picked him up on CCTV on Bond Street, nowhere near his home or studio.
04:46See, he looks agitated.
04:48He bumps into this signpost, he falls over, and then he's assisted by this passerby in a ball cap and then collapses shortly after.
04:57Okay, we need to find the identity of the man in the ball cap.
05:00And where's Duval coming from?
05:01Well, no CCTV on that and no credit card history to help us out.
05:08Well, I checked his business website, said he opened a school in 04, but nothing really before that.
05:12I'm only halfway through a Marvelous Mills post-mortem tech workup.
05:16You know, no matter how much you say that, it's not going to catch on.
05:19Why? Is it interesting?
05:29Have a seat, Nadia.
05:35How could this happen?
05:37My uncle was in perfect health.
05:40Sorry for your loss.
05:43Were you his only family? Did he have a partner?
05:45No, he's been a bachelor my whole life, despite the best efforts of his students' moms.
05:53Francois raised me after my parents died.
05:59Listen, you weren't aware of any conflicts he was having lately?
06:05He was a ballet teacher.
06:07And a good man.
06:09Everybody liked him.
06:13You think this was deliberate?
06:16That is what we're trying to determine.
06:19Did Francois speak with an accent?
06:23Yes, French.
06:25Any other languages?
06:30I mean, something was wrong when he was late for Sadie's rehearsal. It was so unlike him.
06:35Were he and Sadie close?
06:36They worked together intensively.
06:39She's our most promising student in years.
06:44I saw Francois yesterday at rehearsal.
06:48He seemed fine.
06:50His usual self.
06:52What are you rehearsing for?
06:54Duval puts a few shows on every year.
06:59Hey, what's wrong?
07:00Sarah Chung, SJPD. We're investigating the death of Francois Duval.
07:04No kidding.
07:06Can't say I'm surprised.
07:08He had Sadie on a six-day-a-week dance schedule.
07:10Told her how long to sleep, what to eat, offer a teaching job at some regional dance school.
07:14The man was a tyrant.
07:16He wanted me to achieve excellence.
07:18Baby, you're a ballerina, not a pro athlete.
07:23You know, I'm going to need you to come down to the station.
07:27What for? She didn't kill him.
07:28It's just routine.
07:30We'll get her home safe. Why don't you go get changed?
07:43Yesterday was the last time you saw Francois. Is that correct?
07:47I understand that he lives here.
07:49That's right.
07:51I checked his apartment when he was late, but there was no sign of him.
07:53I don't know if he came home last night.
07:56Do you mind if I take a look at his place?
07:58Of course.
08:00It's right here, adjoining the studio.
08:02Come on, pal.
08:10I'll be in the office if you need anything else, Detective. Okay?
08:15English, French, and Russian.
08:41English, French, and Russian.
08:44Looks like a vintage copy, but with a recent clipping for a lecture on ocean floor mapping.
09:14Good find, partner.
09:25Think you can open it?
09:33I mean, top of the line, Titan Gear 620, one of the highest security ratings on the market.
09:38You know, we have blowtorches in the lab, right?
09:40I'm not a cave person. No simple side channel attack.
09:43Monitoring the flow of electric current between the keypad and the electronic locking mechanism should do the trick.
09:50Um, something strange about our victim.
09:54His niece said that he spoke English and French, but I found Russian books in his apartment.
09:58Yeah, well, I have a couple of Pablo Neruda books at home. Keep meaning to take a Spanish class.
10:03German on my bookshelf. Think I can read them?
10:08Well, yeah, maybe it is an affectation, but also our witness said that his dying words were in an Eastern European accent.
10:14I also found birch juice in his apartment, which is popular in Russia.
10:17So why would he be trying to hide Russian ties from his family?
10:20Well, that's what I'm trying to figure out.
10:31I'm sorry about my husband. Ryan's possessive.
10:36Oh, you don't have to apologize for him.
10:40I'm not sure how I can help you.
10:42Well, you said that Duval had you in rehearsals for a show, but I didn't see any posters for the show at the school.
10:51I wasn't having an affair with Francois.
10:53Oh, I didn't suggest that. But maybe your husband accused you?
11:00He resented Francois. The best teacher I ever had.
11:04Resented enough to hurt him?
11:06No, never. Ryan's all talk.
11:11What are you rehearsing for?
11:17Francois got me an audition for the New York City Ballet.
11:20It's almost impossible to get one, but he convinced them to see me, and I got in.
11:25I'm supposed to leave in two weeks to join the company.
11:29But Ryan doesn't know that you're leaving.
11:32The story about rehearsing for the show was a cover.
11:38It was all Francois' idea. He had an escape plan, he knew exactly what to do.
11:42He even booked the audition the same week that Ryan was away fishing with his buddies.
11:45And you're sure Ryan never found out?
11:50Francois and Nadia were helping me train, but now I don't know what will happen.
11:55You can still go.
11:56I can't get the visa I need without Ryan finding out.
11:59Francois said he'd take care of that too.
12:02It was like he was an expert at making people disappear.
12:06Wouldn't Ryan follow you?
12:07Ryan can't travel to the US. Lifetime ban.
12:13I don't know if I can go through with it without Francois.
12:20A witness told us that Duval said your name before he died.
12:25He did?
12:26This could be why you were his unfinished business.
12:29He wanted to be sure I made it to New York.
12:33Yeah, I think he did.
12:38Sadie's husband Ryan has a history of violence.
12:40He was banned from the US after an assault at a Detroit ball game five years ago.
12:43And you said he has motive.
12:45If he knew Duval was trying to help Sadie leave town,
12:48but Sadie seems to think that he never found out about the plan.
12:51It doesn't seem like his style.
12:52Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.
12:53You know, Sadie said something interesting.
12:55She said that when Duval was arranging her audition to move to New York,
13:00it was as if he, I don't know, he was an expert at making people disappear.
13:05That is interesting.
13:07Jessie, any luck opening this safe?
13:10Any minute now.
13:13Oh, it's speared.
13:16Uh, the tarpaulin.
13:17Oh, it's speared.
13:20Uh, the toxicology report shows that Francois Duval wasn't poisoned with Strychnine.
13:26Remember, the poison was it doesn't show up on tests.
13:29Hmm. How did Rex know?
13:42Oh, here we go.
13:48That must have been what Rex was alerting to.
13:53Thanks, Jessie.
13:55Well, I've got currency from about five different countries here.
13:58Multiple passports.
14:03All of them with Duval's picture.
14:06Yeah, and what looks like a New York starter kit for Sadie,
14:09complete with cash and a forged O-1 visa.
14:17You know, I get the feeling Francois Duval was more than just a choreographer.
14:22Yeah, I think he was a Russian spy.
14:32So, if Duval was a foreign agent, why is he active in Canada?
14:36Well, Canada and Russia are two of five countries
14:39that are jockeying for a trillion dollars worth of oil in the Arctic Circle.
14:43All these countries are trying to prove that their land mass extends underneath the circle.
14:47Russia's been mapping the ocean floor around the North Pole aggressively for years now,
14:52and Canada's been monitoring their air, sea and submarine movements while they do it.
14:56Okay, so Russian agents are basically here to watch us watch them.
15:01Right. We have two listening posts. Alert on Ellesmere Island and Leitrim, near Ottawa.
15:08As well as their own underwater mapping efforts in support of Canada's claim.
15:11What does a ballet teacher in St. John's have to do with all of that?
15:14Well, as a dancer, he would have perfect cover for international travel.
15:17Ah, that's why he would have been recruited.
15:19Yeah, could be. So, let's say he's an expert at putting people in new places with new jobs,
15:24like he's doing with Sadie. He could use his 20 years of experience and contacts here
15:29to help orient and place agents in strategic positions all over Canada.
15:33The question is, what went wrong after all that time?
15:36Well, it does give me an idea how to identify the poison that killed him.
15:41Yeah, I'm going to put a call in the thesis.
15:43And, I'm going to make a note for my memoirs.
15:57Special Agent Liu, you do not seem surprised to learn that there was a Russian operative in St. John's.
16:01You do not seem surprised to learn that there was a Russian operative in St. John's.
16:04It's not breaking protocol for me to say there could be Russian operatives anywhere in North America, Superintendent.
16:09Can you confirm that Francois Duval was a foreign agent?
16:13I appreciate your call. Please keep me informed.
16:18If he was an agent, maybe you have some idea as to who would have wanted him dead.
16:23Superintendent Donovan, do you have evidence that Mr. Duval's death is a matter of national security?
16:28Not yet.
16:29Well, then maybe he was killed by someone local for reasons to do with his life here.
16:33Using a poison so rare that we haven't been able to identify it yet?
16:37I suggest you follow the evidence.
16:39If you're not going to help, I can also assume you're going to stay out of our way.
16:43Thesis isn't in the business of criminal investigation.
16:46Of course not.
16:47You wouldn't want to be called to court to testify about your involvement in this case or any of your related sources.
17:00Hey, what does Thesis have to say?
17:03They know plenty, but they're not sharing.
17:05Well, I might have something.
17:08You remember that man in the ball cap that helped Duval up off the street?
17:12Well, my thought is that if Duval was poisoned before he collapsed,
17:16we know at least one person he came into contact with.
17:20The man who helped him up.
17:21Exactly. And if Charlie is the one,
17:23This guy in the ball cap could have flown into St. John's within the last day or so to start his mission.
17:27So I went through some immigration photos and I came across this guy.
17:34That looks like the same guy.
17:36Right? He traveled under the name Simon Petrov.
17:38He arrived in St. John's two nights ago.
17:40That is good work, Jesse.
17:41I'm going to notify all transit points and local police.
17:44I'm going to make sure that no one else is involved.
17:46I'm going to make sure that no one else is involved.
17:48I'm going to make sure that no one else is involved.
17:50That is good work, Jesse.
17:51I'm going to notify all transit points and let them know that if this guy's on the island, we can't let him leave.
18:07Hey, it's quiet in here.
18:08Yeah, I sent my staff to do other things, figured we don't want too many eyes on this.
18:12That's good thinking.
18:14So you said you had an idea of what to look for?
18:16Once Charlie mentioned espionage, I started thinking chemical weapons.
18:22It's so rare, there's no reliable post-mortem test for it.
18:25And it wouldn't show up on a toxicology screen?
18:27The transient nature of nerve agents in the human body make it difficult to detect, even if you're looking for it.
18:32But one study showed that it does absorb and remain stable in bone.
18:36So you're testing Duval's bone?
18:37With fluorescent sensors.
18:39What does that look like?
18:40Well, this is my first time doing this, Joe. I don't even know if this is going to work.
18:43Of course, I know. I know you got this. Just let me know if I can support, okay?
19:14That was a very good question. See you next time.
19:19Ah, you've missed the lecture.
19:22Ah, Elise.
19:24Professor Fedorov?
19:26I wonder if I might ask you a few questions.
19:29Of course.
19:32Do you recognize this man?
19:39Oh, his name is Francois Duval. He may have attended one of your lectures.
19:44Oh, I've seen 500 faces in these seats over the last two days. What is this about?
19:49We're investigating his murder.
19:53That's very unfortunate.
19:56But I'm afraid I've never seen him in my life.
20:01If he was here,
20:04he would be dead.
20:06If he was here,
20:08I missed him.
20:10I'm sorry I cannot assist you, detective.
20:17Professor Fedorov.
20:21You claim to have not seen Francois Duval, but I can tell by your reaction you knew him well.
20:27Um, I'm afraid you are mistaken.
20:32I know Duval came to your lecture, and I know
20:36you know more than you're willing to say.
20:39You're a Russian geophysicist,
20:41and I believe that Francois Duval may have been working for the Russians as well.
20:55What is it?
20:58Come with me.
21:03I don't think it's safe to continue the conversation here.
21:06Follow my lead.
21:07Back natural.
21:18This way.
21:20Don't look back.
21:26Rex left.
21:31In here.
21:52You must be Special Agent Liu.
22:01Were you unclear about staying out of our investigation, Agent Liu?
22:04Because I thought I was clear.
22:06I was taking a walk.
22:07You're a detective.
22:08You want to know what we know without giving us anything.
22:10I'm not at liberty to speak about it.
22:12Detective Hudson is interviewing Professor Fedorov right now.
22:15And if you want to stay out of his paperwork, it's about time you start helping.
22:20Francois Duval was a Russian agent known to CSIS.
22:23He came to Canada with his niece after his brother and sister-in-law were killed in Russia.
22:27Killed how?
22:28Francois' brother, Nadia's father, was a dissident academic.
22:32We believe it was a car bomb.
22:34And yet Duval continued to work for Russia.
22:37It could be dangerous to refuse.
22:42His real name is Marius Orlov.
22:45And we were once very much in love.
22:50This was in Russia?
22:52Yes. Putin.
22:53Our hometown.
22:55I had no idea who or what he was back then.
22:59He was my glamorous dancer boyfriend.
23:03And I was a naive girl.
23:07The FSB had already recognized his potential and recruited him.
23:13And they sent him to train in France?
23:18Then after his brother was killed and he took his niece away from Russia, I didn't hear from him for years.
23:24Who re-initiated contact?
23:26He did.
23:28Two months ago.
23:30In New York City.
23:32You had no idea what he was doing for the FSB?
23:35We spoke about our work, but only when we were sure we could not be overheard.
23:40In parks.
23:42Noisy restaurants.
23:44That sort of thing.
23:45So your work's sensitive too?
23:47It can be.
23:49But I trusted Marius with my life.
23:56You saw him yesterday?
23:58Sitting in my lecture.
24:01He saw it advertised in the paper.
24:05I didn't even know he lived here.
24:09We have...
24:10We spent the night together.
24:12And in the morning he was gone.
24:22What time did he leave?
24:24Before six this morning.
24:28You said that you were worried about being overheard. Did you suspect you were being surveilled?
24:32Both of us have work that is important.
24:34Do you recognize this man?
24:39He sat beside me on the plane.
24:41On my flight from Moscow.
24:43You suspect him?
24:45You do.
24:47But I led him straight to Marius.
24:49Thanks for taking the time, Louise. I know it's late where you are.
24:55Yeah, so, as I mentioned, I haven't encountered FGAs before.
25:00And I'd hate to move my team forward on this if I'm not interpreting these results correctly.
25:05I'm sorry.
25:07I'm sorry.
25:09I'm sorry.
25:11I'm sorry.
25:13I'm sorry.
25:15I'm sorry.
25:17I'm sorry.
25:19I don't think I've interpreted these results correctly.
25:22Right. Yes, the victim had rapid onset of asphyxiation.
25:29The excitation effects that you are looking at are from a postmortem biomedical sample,
25:36under a 475 nanometer green-blue light.
25:39That's right. As per your suggestion. Yeah.
25:45And you're certain?
25:49Wow. Okay.
25:52Um, yeah, absolutely.
25:54Um, let me follow up with you tomorrow,
25:56and then I'll send you my full report.
25:59Great. Okay, talk soon.
26:05I believe the poison that killed Duval was Novichok.
26:08Specifically A234, which combines methyl cyanide
26:11and a low-potency organophosphate.
26:13Cyanide. That's why Rex alerted to it.
26:15Airports and ferry terminals have Petrov's picture flagged,
26:18so there's no reason to believe he's left the island.
26:20If he's still here, that means he has another target.
26:23My guess is Dasha Fedorov.
26:25She's valuable in the Russian fight for Arctic resources.
26:27She's also met with Duval twice in the last two months.
26:30Well, if they're both doing important work for their country,
26:32I mean, why be targeted for death?
26:34Maybe they became suspicious of Duval.
26:36You think he was working for CSIS?
26:38Well, if he has flipped, that would be a strong reason to kill him.
26:41And if they thought that Duval and Dasha were both in on it?
26:43That would make her a target, too.
26:45Okay, I'm gonna confirm this and see if Liu can set up a safe house
26:47while we try to figure this thing out.
26:48Okay, I'll make sure she gets there safely.
26:50Charlie, before you two go, here.
26:53The K234 antidote. I just got them in.
26:56Is this effective?
26:58Well, hopefully you won't need them.
27:01Comfort him.
27:02Get in.
27:16I don't believe Marius would trade secrets to a foreign government,
27:19but perhaps I didn't know him as well as I thought.
27:22He never once hinted to you that he might be helping Canadian intelligence.
27:28Where will they take me?
27:29To a safe house until the suspect is apprehended. After that...
27:32What about Marius' niece? Where is she?
27:36I met her once, when she was very small.
27:39Do you think I could talk to her before I leave?
27:42She and I are probably the two people who loved Marius most.
27:56Come here.
27:59Stay here. Keep the door locked. Go.
28:07Rex, go.
28:25Rex, follow.
28:30Come on.
28:37What are you doing?
28:43Poison? Where?
28:53Thanks, pal.
29:00Come on.
29:13You were lucky.
29:14I had Rex.
29:17I just got a text from Joe.
29:19Dasha is secure at the safe house.
29:22I guess this proves she is a target.
29:25There was no poison on the passenger side door.
29:28Only on the handle you would have touched.
29:31Maybe Petrov needs to bring Dasha back alive.
29:39This guy almost got my detective killed.
29:41Superintendent, if I knew where Petrov was, he'd already be in custody.
29:44You may not know where he is, but you know a lot more than you're letting on.
29:47I'm holding back nothing I know to be relevant to your investigation.
29:50We believe Duval to be a double agent.
29:52Working for Russia while still feeding Canadian intelligence information.
29:56I can neither confirm nor deny.
29:57No, enough with the subterfuge.
30:00People are in real danger here.
30:02Then I suggest you do your job and find the killer.
30:15Okay, yeah, thanks. Take care of yourself.
30:19Yeah, you too.
30:21How's your friend at CSIS?
30:22Good. So apparently she said that Liu is pretty hot stuff at the agency right now.
30:28He had an asset that provided a tip about a Russian operative that was working undercover out of alert two years ago.
30:34So Duval was giving information to CSIS.
30:36I imagine having his brother murdered by the FSB complicated his loyalties.
30:45Imagine having to leave your home and everything you've known.
30:49Your dad did it.
30:50Your dad did it?
30:55It was a lot of work for a lot of years.
30:59I don't think he ever regretted it.
31:04I'm glad he came here.
31:23What's up?
31:25Did you notice there wasn't a single word on the morning news about our little international espionage murder?
31:30Well, I listened to music on the drive to work, but I'm not surprised.
31:34Well, Duval's death was reported as St. John's man dead after collapsing on a downtown street.
31:38They didn't use his name and there's no mention of a...
31:43I mean, this was massive when it happened in Salisbury.
31:45Okay, okay, Jesse, I reported the confirmed case to the health authorities,
31:48but because we believe this to be a very targeted attack, they decided to avoid alarming the public.
31:52Yeah, no one likes an alarmed public.
31:54And they've ensured that ERs and EMTs are supplied with the antidote,
31:57so beyond that, I think they're trying to keep it quiet for now.
32:01Do you think CSIS is trying to organize a cover-up?
32:05If they are, we'll never know.
32:07You know, I actually thought about applying for CSIS before coming to work for the SJPD.
32:10Why didn't you?
32:11I'm not cut out for that level of deception, Sarah.
32:13No, no, probably not.
32:15And Agent Liu, he seems comfortable with this.
32:17Agent Liu believes in the objective and he's trained to maintain...
32:20An inhuman level of discretion.
32:22Well, I'm sure he has feelings, like the rest of us.
32:24Mm-hmm. Yeah. Or he's a robot. Perhaps.
32:30Don't be fooled by the suit, Jesse. No one is a robot.
32:42The question we need to ask Dasha is why now?
32:45If they had been following you, they could have seen you meet with Duval in New York.
32:48Mm-hmm. Even the appearance of disloyalty would put me in danger.
32:52What did Duval promise you?
32:54This is ridiculous. Asking me to betray my country would be madness. Very dangerous.
32:58No one is listening to us now. And the truth is...
33:01I don't care what he said to you.
33:03If he told you I wanted to defect, he was lying.
33:06Was he?
33:08Lying or no, he did say to me that she wanted out.
33:11And who did you tell?
33:13I am trying to protect you, the way I told Duval I would.
33:21Dasha, we are trying to protect you.
33:34He knew I was unhappy with my country's saber-rattling.
33:41They use it to justify my work, but I don't want to start wars.
33:46Marius told me this Canadian security idiot would assist.
33:50He told me we could be together.
33:53I agreed.
33:57Like, um, a teenager.
34:00All over again.
34:05Was this the night before he died?
34:08He told me to wait for him.
34:11When he didn't come back, I didn't know what to do.
34:14Who was watching?
34:16I acted normal.
34:18Went to my lectures.
34:20Acted normal. Went to my lectures.
34:22Then you walked in and told me he was dead.
34:26Why didn't you tell me this when I brought you into the station?
34:30Don't you see?
34:32It's impossible to know when they are listening.
34:49She believes this is all her fault?
34:52That he was killed for trying to help her?
34:54When do you plan on telling her the truth?
34:59Duvall's been working with the Russians for a long time.
35:02For many years, he's also been helping people like Dasha who are trying to get out of Russia.
35:06Helping them disappear?
35:08When they went to New York, she told them about her work in airborne sonar technology.
35:12The Russians are trying to catch up to the Americans.
35:14Yeah, mapping the ocean floor with airplanes.
35:16I ran the intel off the chain.
35:18Canada initiated counter-movements in the Arctic.
35:20As a result, Russians had to abort their test flight.
35:22Russia found out about the leak?
35:24They must have traced it back to Duvall.
35:26That's why the FSB has been after Duvall after all these years.
35:32It would be a kindness to tell her the whole story.
35:51I told you, buddy. We'll get the car back when it's cleaned.
36:03Come on.
36:23Stay back, partner.
36:33Now the chalk.
36:34I'll test, but it appears to be the same method of murder as Francois Duvall's.
36:38Charlie didn't get to him in time to try out the antidote.
36:43How did Petrov find the safe house?
36:49No sign of Dasha.
36:50Rex said she's sent out here.
36:52Do you think that Petrov took Dasha?
36:54Charlie thinks she may have gone looking for Nadia.
37:03I know my uncle was interested in Russian politics, literature,
37:07but I never imagined...
37:11You do look familiar.
37:12Is that crazy?
37:17You can't be here. It's not safe.
37:21He found me at the house.
37:23Agent Liu came in just in time, told me to run.
37:29He's dead, isn't he?
37:33He died saving me.
37:36We can't have his death be for nothing.
37:38I'm getting you out of here.
37:39There's nowhere to hide. They'll find me again.
37:42I had to see Nadia before they do.
37:45We're not going to let them hurt you, too.
37:49You don't understand.
37:51Failure is not an option in these missions.
37:54They will stop at nothing.
37:57What is it?
37:58You expecting anyone?
38:01The school is closed.
38:04Okay, stay.
38:39Nadia, get her out of here!
39:53I'm okay. I'm okay. Let's go.
39:57Come on.
40:00Dress. Go!
40:18You're under arrest.
40:46Will you be all right?
40:47I will.
40:48My uncle left the school to me, and he taught me well.
40:52About ballet and everything else.
40:56Will Dasha be all right?
40:58She's going to be relocated.
41:00I was hoping to stay in touch with her.
41:02She'd ask for the same thing.
41:04So CSIS is going to arrange secure channels for you.
41:20She's a beautiful dancer.
41:22The feds have also agreed to help Sadie get a real O-1 visa.
41:25Then I'll get her to her flight.
41:27And I'll be there to help make sure that Ryan says goodbye politely.
41:33She'll finally get her fresh start in New York City.
41:36Just like my uncle wanted.
42:03Hey, guys.
42:04What do you think of popping in an old spy film tonight?
42:06A little pizza, a little popcorn.
42:08Spy game.
42:09Three Days of the Condor.
42:11Bond. James Bond.
42:12Okay, yeah, those are good.
42:14But hear me out. How about this?
42:16Austin Powers Marathon.
42:19That's, uh, that's an interesting choice.
42:22Yeah, that'd be different.
42:23But he's a unique character.
42:25Okay. Okay, I get it.
42:27Oh, Jesse, come on.
42:29You could say it was bad.
42:30No, except you did.
42:32Trust me.
42:39New idea. Black Swan.
42:43Okay. Come on.
42:45Oh, boy.
42:51Next time on Hudson and Rex.
42:52Wake it up! Everybody out of the way!
42:54I need a medic.
42:55Code 4 laundry room.
42:56It's not even the first death I have seen this year.
42:58We are short-staffed. We are underfunded.
43:00We have a rampant drug problem.
43:01Those witnesses, they're never going to talk to you.
43:03But they may talk to one of their own.
43:05You want to plan a snitch?
43:06No, not a snitch. Me.
43:07Charlie, how many inmates have been placed into Deer Lake Correctional by you and Rex?
43:10Welcome to Block 4A, kid.
43:11We're going to take care of the dog.
43:13That's where you're going, punk.
43:15Back in line.
43:17Let's go!
43:18Come on!