Hudson and Rex S06 E06
00:00The following program is rated PG
00:03and contains mature subject matter.
00:05Viewer discretion is advised.
00:08The following program is rated PG
00:10and contains mature subject matter.
00:12Viewer discretion is advised.
00:55Hey there, Barney.
00:56Hi, Mike.
00:57Oh, okay, yeah.
00:58All right, hey.
00:59Okay, good dogs.
01:00Good dogs.
01:01Yeah, we're friends.
01:02We're friends.
01:03We're cool.
01:04We're all good.
01:05You can trust me.
01:06We're all good.
01:08Come on, boys.
01:09Supper time.
01:15Good day for it.
01:16Yeah, some say.
01:20You, uh, finished your route?
01:21Yeah, just in time for dinner.
01:25Feel like a beer later?
01:28Sure thing.
01:29All right.
01:31I, uh...
01:34I was thinking of asking Max to join us as well.
01:38Yeah, maybe another night then.
01:41All I want is for the four of us to be together again.
01:46It's not gonna happen, Barney.
02:05Yeah, we've got some good boys, hmm?
02:08Hey, let me get that.
02:11That a boy.
02:12Okay, let's have some dinner.
02:14Come on in, my beauties.
02:16Let's go, let's go.
02:18Ah, good day for it.
02:23So, who's good enough for a cookie, huh?
02:52What the hell are you doing?
02:57I don't know.
03:13Hiker spotted him this morning.
03:15Dogs were with him.
03:16Uniforms couldn't get close enough to get an I.D.
03:18Those dogs are still protecting him.
03:21He could have been here all night.
03:23I'm not sure they'll let me get close enough to get my exam.
03:25I got an idea.
03:42Rex, lead.
03:54He's dead.
04:00Rex, with me.
04:12The dogs are well-trained.
04:13They shouldn't give you any more problems.
04:17Where do you go, pal?
04:25A wallet.
04:26Good find, partner.
04:28Barney Chafe.
04:33Looks like his dogs dragged him from the water.
04:35How long do you figure he's been dead for?
04:36Riggers said in he's cold.
04:38I'd say at least eight hours.
04:40Drowning, you think?
04:41Uh, no froth in or around his mouth or nose.
04:44I mean, these contusions and lacerations are consistent with blows to the side of his head.
04:51Bark, bark, bark.
04:55Is it him?
04:56Is it Barney?
04:58News travels fast in this town.
05:00His dogs are right there, Paddy.
05:01It's him.
05:03That's what he was wearing when I saw him yesterday.
05:05I'm sorry, folks.
05:06Gonna have to stop you there.
05:07This is an active crime scene.
05:08Crime scene?
05:09Come with me, please.
05:13What happened?
05:14We don't know yet.
05:16Any of you family?
05:17Uh, friends.
05:19He doesn't have any family.
05:21Lives alone with his dogs.
05:23Bark, bark, bark.
05:25I'm Max.
05:29I'm very sorry for your loss.
05:32If you give the officer your information, as soon as we find out anything, we'll let you know.
05:36Excuse me.
05:38Bark, bark.
05:39Come on, partner.
05:53Charlie and Sarah have a homicide in Torres Cove.
05:55The victim's name is Barney Chafe.
05:57Barney Chafe.
05:5937 years old.
06:01Writer of historical nonfiction.
06:03Looks like all of his books are for a small local press.
06:06Charlie said that he has no family, but he found the business card for an estate attorney in his pocket.
06:10Too young to have a will drawn up.
06:12Maybe he inherited something.
06:13No, that's possible.
06:14But I want you to look into his financial situation for me, and I'm gonna try to get in touch with the lawyer.
06:18Yeah, sure thing.
06:20Hey, boss.
06:22No word yet on my detective exam?
06:25You'll be the first to know.
07:00No, you can't go in right now.
07:02Go on.
07:11Ricks, you're with me.
07:21Who are you?
07:22I'm Rudy.
07:23Barney's dog sitter.
07:24Where's Barney?
07:26There's been an incident.
07:27I'm afraid Barney's dead.
07:31Uh, how?
07:33Well, that's what we're investigating.
07:35Detective Hudson.
07:37My partner, Rex.
07:38Hi, Rex.
07:41Uh, hey, where are Barney's dogs?
07:43Are they all right?
07:44They're all right.
07:45Oh, that's sad.
07:47When was the last time you saw Barney?
07:49Um, would have been yesterday afternoon after I finished up.
07:53He seemed fine.
07:54And where were you last night?
07:56Am I a suspect here, or...
08:00Saw a movie in town.
08:01Actually, I still have the, uh...
08:02Is he?
08:03Movie ticket.
08:07Um, if it helps.
08:16Do you mind if I feed them?
08:17They're probably starving.
08:22Go ahead.
08:36Good boy.
08:38You're hungry, aren't you?
08:40You like them num-nums?
08:42Good boy.
08:43Good boy.
08:44That taste good?
08:45Is that some tasty chow?
09:06Well, that looks like blood.
09:08Yeah, we'll get Sarah down here.
09:11Good job, partner.
09:14I'd love to be of assistance,
09:15but my clients are a matter of confidentiality.
09:19Well, this client...
09:21is dead.
09:23Barney's dead?
09:25Oh, that's terrible.
09:28Such a young man.
09:30Yes, which is why I found it odd that he would have an estate lawyer.
09:35You know perfectly well, Superintendent,
09:37that client privilege survives even the client himself.
09:40Of course.
09:42But generally speaking?
09:46In general terms, yes.
09:48It is unusual for a young person to be so proactive in end-of-life planning,
09:52especially if they're childless, but...
09:54I mean, I personally advise everyone to do it.
09:56Of course.
09:57I assume you've...
09:59I'm good.
10:00Good for you.
10:04Well, I wouldn't be speaking out of turn
10:06if I told you that Barney Chafe was eccentric.
10:08I mean, who has three dogs?
10:10So he's a real dog lover.
10:12You don't know the half of it.
10:17He left very particular instructions for them in the event of his death.
10:23Based on the ABO test, this is likely Barney's blood.
10:26I'd say we're looking at cast-off spatter here and in the grass.
10:30So Barney was killed here?
10:32Seems likely.
10:33Here, can you just stand over here?
10:36Yeah, right over here.
10:37Right over here.
10:39Based on Barney's lacerations and the spatter patterns,
10:42I think our victim was facing his assailant.
10:44Suggesting that Barney knew his attacker.
10:51So, he was struck left side of the head.
10:54By the assailant's right?
10:56Yeah, and the first blow wouldn't have cast off blood, but the second and third.
11:00If he was down on the ground at that point...
11:03What do you got?
11:08What is that?
11:10I don't know.
11:11This edge was broken off something.
11:13Looks like there's a bit of blood on it too.
11:16So Barney was killed here and someone moved him to the water.
11:19Killer was trying to make it look like a drowning.
11:38Dogs must have been inside when it happened.
11:42By the time they got out, it was too late.
12:13Hey Joe.
12:15I just met with Barney's lawyer, Ellen Parker.
12:18Apparently your victim was a millionaire.
12:20Really? Barney Chafe was rich?
12:26Wonder what his friends thought of that.
12:37His friends who were just on the beach?
12:40Why would he rip up their picture?
12:42They were pretty distant with each other when I spoke with them.
12:44So, recent argument?
12:46Something that drove them all apart?
12:48Yeah, or they could have been in shock from Barney's death.
12:51A murder in a town as small as this had to have shaken them up.
13:06Rick, stay here and watch them.
13:09You spend much time here?
13:10Yeah, every weekday from ten to four.
13:13I mean, I love those dogs.
13:14Honestly, Barney's just happy for me to be hanging out with them.
13:17They have more time to write.
13:18So, you must know Barney's friends Patty, Max, and Steven.
13:22Yeah, I know of them.
13:23But, honestly, they're not around much.
13:25Do you know what happened between them?
13:27Before my time.
13:29Barney have any enemies or any problems of any sort?
13:33Not that I know of.
13:35Look, sorry.
13:37Barney kept to himself and he really loved those dogs.
13:40They were everything to him.
13:41Also, do you mind if I bring them for a walk?
13:43I want to keep them on their usual routine.
13:48Yeah, go ahead.
13:51Hey, come on.
13:54Good job.
13:55Come on.
13:56Come on, Kona.
13:57Good girl.
13:58Good girl.
13:59Come on.
14:02Hudson, yeah.
14:03It's Max, right?
14:07Any leads so far?
14:09Cases like this, it's usually only a matter of time before we catch the killer.
14:13That right.
14:14Where were you last night?
14:17Made myself a sandwich, watched some TV.
14:19Anyone with you?
14:21Quiet night in.
14:24Wow, Barney really did keep this pretty modest, didn't he?
14:29He wasn't much of a spender.
14:30He liked his life the way it was.
14:34Any good story as to how he became so rich so fast?
14:37Hunter Company built a dam near here a while back.
14:39They needed an access road put in, so Barney looked and put it through his property.
14:44Why didn't you change the friendship?
14:45Oh, for my part.
14:47You can tell it didn't change Barney.
14:49Anything happen between the four of you?
14:53What do you mean?
14:55Well, I'm sensing there was a bit of a fallout.
15:02Steven and Patty used to be a thing.
15:04I didn't think it was that serious, but it turns out that Steven was getting ready to propose to Patty when, well,
15:11Patty and I had a couple of drinks one night and...
15:15I see.
15:16Steven won't forgive us. Patty can't forgive him for not forgiving her.
15:19She won't look at me.
15:21The three of us have barely spoken since.
15:22So what does this have to do with Barney?
15:24He got tired of being in the middle.
15:26And it broke up the friendship.
15:33So where do I find Steven?
15:35He lives right next door. Red House.
15:38You can't miss it.
15:46How long have you and Barney been neighbors?
15:48Our whole lives.
15:50He was my best friend.
15:51Until recently?
15:52What do you mean?
15:53Well, the four of you used to be really close. Isn't that right?
15:56Well, Barney and I still were.
15:58Wait, am I a suspect?
15:59Where were you last night?
16:01At home. Alone.
16:03Reading a book.
16:05That's not an alibi.
16:12There was tension between the four of us, but...
16:16I'm sure that had nothing to do with what happened with Barney.
16:19And where were you last night?
16:21I was here. Working.
16:23When I finished, I took a little walk to clear my head.
16:27Anyone see you?
16:31Barney was the only friend I had left.
16:33I would never do anything to hurt him.
16:40Barney was pretty upset that the three of you weren't friends anymore.
16:44He hated it.
16:46He wanted to get us all back together.
16:50I guess now he did.
16:52At least for the will reading tomorrow.
17:11I've known the dogs for a long time.
17:13You think Barney might leave them to me?
17:15He ever talk to you about that?
17:17No, but he knows how much I love him.
17:21Hello, everyone. I'm Ellen Parker. I'm Barney's lawyer.
17:25Barney left some instructions in the event of this sad occasion.
17:29I'm here to relay his wishes.
17:35Hello, my squabbling friends.
17:37Hello, my squabbling friends.
17:43Well, if you're watching this, I suppose my time is up.
17:50Now, my lawyer has done the simple job that she has overcharged me for.
17:55And she has gathered my most beloved companions in this room.
18:11You gave me some of the greatest years of my life.
18:14While the other three of you feuded, these dogs showed me unconditional love.
18:19And they taught me how to live in the moment.
18:25They are truly man's best friend.
18:30And so, I leave my entire estate to Duff.
18:38And Buster.
18:41To the dogs?
18:43That is so Barney.
18:45Wait, what? How can they do that?
18:47Okay, settle down now, settle down now.
18:50You know I'm only fooling.
18:53What do these dogs need money for?
18:55What these dogs need now is a good home.
19:00And so, I'm giving each one of you a second chance.
19:07I'm leaving my dogs to you.
19:09Oh no.
19:11Duff will go to Steve.
19:13Kona to Paddy.
19:15And Max, you'll take Buster.
19:22These dogs are the greatest gifts that I can give you.
19:26If you learn to love them, you'll find that they unlock the secrets to happiness.
19:31And to wealth.
19:38Is that gold?
19:41I've hidden my fortune away.
19:43Let those dogs be your guide.
19:46If you bond with them, they'll take you to what you need.
19:50And show you true riches.
19:54Good luck.
20:08Two weeks later.
20:14Have you ever seen anything like this before?
20:16That is a first.
20:18What happens if they can't find the gold?
20:21I gotta look into that.
20:23It's what he wanted.
20:24What he wanted? Yeah, as if he really cared about what he wanted.
20:26You wanted it. It was always about money with you.
20:30I don't know why Barney would split them up. They're a pack.
20:35Well, unfortunately, I can't do anything about it.
20:43Okay, I'm going home. Which one's mine?
20:46This is Duff.
20:48So, the deal is, whoever bonds with their dog best just gets the gold?
20:53When we love the dog, we get it.
20:55You're both idiots. It's a treasure hunt. Whoever finds it first gets it.
20:58Here, Kona. Come here, doggie. Kona, come here. Hello?
21:05Can't even tell them apart.
21:07Whatever. Come here. Let's go.
21:09All right. Come here, buddy.
21:15Oh my God.
21:21Come on.
21:22All right. We just gotta walk together, okay?
21:24Come on. Come on.
21:26Come, doggie. Come, doggie. Come, doggie.
21:29Come here.
21:31It's okay.
21:35This doesn't make any sense.
21:52Okay, so, Barney chafed close deal with Hydro 18 months ago.
21:57It seems that as the interest rates started going up,
22:00he withdrew a bulk of his millions in a cashier's check.
22:02He's interested by gold.
22:04Well, the value of gold is driven by confidence in the banking system.
22:07When confidence in the system is shaken, the value of gold increases.
22:10Yeah, but the question is, what happens if none of his friends find it?
22:13Well, I don't even think the lawyer knows what happens.
22:15She had to check precedents. Money might not go to any of them.
22:17Which makes it hard to find a clear financial motive for the murder.
22:20I might be able to help with that.
22:22It seems that our guy that didn't have any faith in his banking
22:24had faith in his email security.
22:27It's an interesting correspondence between he and Max.
22:29Interesting how?
22:30He loaned Max $75,000 to open up a B&B in Torres Cove last year.
22:35Two weeks ago, he called it in.
22:37Max responded to the email?
22:39Yeah, he wrote back, expletive, expletive, expletive,
22:41to which Barney replied, well, you can repay it all now,
22:43either in cash or the deed to your property.
22:45That was two days ago.
22:47So if Barney had lived, Max would have gone out of business.
22:52Rex. Rex, let's go.
22:55Thanks for coming in. I know it's a bit of a drive.
22:57Have a seat.
22:58Is this going to take long?
23:00I have no idea how long I'm going to leave Buster alone for.
23:04Did you have any idea what was in Barney's will?
23:08But I can't say it surprises me.
23:10Patty's right. It's very Barney.
23:13Were you surprised when Barney threatened to take back the loan
23:16he gave you for your property?
23:20Who told you that? Patty?
23:24No, she didn't mention it.
23:28He wanted me to make payments.
23:30We were just negotiating the amounts.
23:32It was all friendly.
23:34It didn't seem too friendly when he was threatening
23:36to take your property.
23:38That's just how Barney got, okay?
23:40Sometimes he had a temper, but leave him to sleep on it
23:42and he'd settle down.
23:44We would have worked it out.
23:46Now you don't have to.
23:48Look, the loan from my business was above board, okay?
23:50But nobody was more interested in Barney's money than Stephen.
23:53According to him, that money was rightfully his.
23:59Hey, stop, stop, buddy.
24:01No, this is not helpful.
24:03Hey, we talked about this, man.
24:16He listens to you.
24:18Maybe you can tell him to find the gold.
24:20I can't help you there.
24:24Wow, this is a beautiful place.
24:25Yeah, it's got my family.
24:27It's just over a century.
24:29You know, this access road
24:31that the hydro company put through Barney's land,
24:33they could have just as easily gone through here.
24:37You've been talking to Max.
24:40Yes, I suppose I could have.
24:42Yeah, then you'd be the one with millions.
24:44If I was going to kill him over it,
24:46I would have done it before the deal went down.
24:48When was the last time you saw Barney?
24:50On the short path, the evening before we spent the night.
24:53Short path?
24:55The evening before he was found.
24:57I walked into his place.
24:59Hey, if you need proof there were no hard feelings,
25:01it's all in the tape.
25:03Buster was wearing his camera.
25:05What camera?
25:24What is it?
25:32You're fine, partner.
26:21Out of the way, pal.
26:23Come on.
26:31Rex, get her out.
26:54Paddy, you okay?
26:57You okay?
26:59Can you tell me what happened?
27:02Someone hit me from behind.
27:05Did you get a look at them?
27:09And Coda ran off.
27:12She's gone.
27:14Coda's gone.
27:24Paddy thinks that Steven or Max must have taken Coda
27:26to go look for the gold.
27:28I'm going to track Coda's scent.
27:30Rex, come here.
27:32Get the scent.
27:34Track it.
27:36I give you that?
27:39Hi, Paddy.
27:41What do you remember about the attack?
27:44I was with Coda.
27:46We were bonding.
27:48It was actually very cute.
27:50And then someone just hit me in the back of the head.
27:52Did your attacker start the fire?
27:54I was using the soldering iron.
27:56I must have knocked it over in the attack
27:58and probably started the fire.
28:01And did Cona bark or anything
28:03to warn you about your assailant?
28:07I mean, can you believe Barney got her as a guard dog
28:09just under a year ago after the break-in in his house?
28:11He already had Duff and Buster,
28:13but they were hopeless
28:15and wanted to be friends with everyone.
28:17I guess Cona just ended up being seen.
28:19Okay, well, Detective Hudson found this
28:21in your studio.
28:23Does that belong to you?
28:27That's Barney's.
28:29But how did it end up in your studio?
28:31I took it from his house.
28:35When we were there for the will reading.
28:37So you took the victim's property from a crime scene?
28:39Well, that's a little dramatic.
28:41I was putting together a little video collage
28:43for Barney's memorial
28:45and the dogs were always wearing that.
28:46The dogs were always wearing that thing
28:48and I figured that there was footage of dear Barney.
28:51Did you look at the footage?
28:53I have gotten around to it.
28:54I have gotten around to it.
29:16Hi, Cona.
29:19How did you get here?
29:24Let's take you back to Patty.
29:29Hey, Sarah.
29:31So, Barney's dog cam was on
29:33earlier the night he was killed.
29:35It corroborates what Stephen told Charlie
29:37about meeting Barney for his walk,
29:39but footage ends before they get to the house.
29:41Could it have been deleted?
29:43Unfortunately, there's no way of knowing.
29:45I can't retrieve any deleted footage from this model.
29:47Meanwhile, Barney's autopsy came back with a surprise.
29:49He had a genetic heart condition
29:51called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
29:52It meant he was at risk of sudden heart failure.
29:54When was he diagnosed?
29:56About six months ago.
29:58Wait, isn't that when he made his will?
30:02You know, Patty said
30:04that Barney adopted Cona as a guard dog
30:06after a break-in at his house.
30:08That was about a year ago.
30:10Around the time he emptied his bank accounts.
30:12But in town,
30:14with only half a dozen break-ins a year.
30:17Something was looking for that gold already.
30:19I gotta get this information to Charlie.
30:51Is Patty gonna be okay?
30:53Yeah. Yeah, she is.
30:55Oh, okay.
30:58My relationship with Patty is complicated.
31:03Max didn't help.
31:05Barney didn't like the fact
31:07that the affair broke up the friend group.
31:11I wish I'd handled it all differently.
31:13You know,
31:15I don't know.
31:18I wish I'd handled it all differently.
31:23Hey, Duff!
31:25You see my dog anywhere around here?
31:27Unfortunately, no.
31:29Hey, Rex, find Duff.
31:46Duff, buddy.
31:50Hey, you can't be running off like that, pal.
31:54He's worried about you.
31:56We found Kona here, too.
32:00If I was Barney,
32:02I would've hidden the gold here.
32:04A lot of ground to cover.
32:08This is where the four of us used to come together.
32:10Max would bring music
32:12and sit and talk for hours.
32:16I don't know.
32:30I thought there'd be something in the older footage
32:32since someone was looking.
32:34There, pause it.
32:36What's that?
32:38A metal detector
32:40with a black,
32:42plastic sensor ring.
32:44Uh, do you see a model number?
32:46Let's see.
32:48I think it's this one.
32:50This model is 126 centimeters long
32:52and weighs 456 grams,
32:55which isn't heavy,
32:57but if you factor in the torque
32:59and the site of impact on the skull,
33:01this could be what killed Barney.
33:03This was hidden right outside of Barney's house.
33:05I mean, someone was using it to search for the gold.
33:07I'll tell Charlie.
33:11The dog's inside?
33:13Rudy offered to take him for a walk.
33:15It was cute.
33:17They were all so happy to be together again
33:19as a group.
33:21There's something I wanted to ask
33:23all three of you together.
33:26Barney never told you
33:28that he purchased the gold?
33:32Though it does sound like something he'd do.
33:34He loves treasure hunt stories.
33:36Remember that scavenger hunt
33:38he did for my birthday that time?
33:44I'm glad you're all right.
33:49Me too.
33:51I, um...
33:53I would hate anything happened to you.
34:01I lied about where I was
34:03the night Barney died.
34:05I wasn't in my studio.
34:06I was out walking near Stephen's.
34:09I do that sometimes when I'm missing him.
34:11Was he there?
34:15All the lights were on and
34:17I saw him in there.
34:19Just like you said.
34:21I really regret not going in.
34:24I actually made a phone call that night
34:26to Max.
34:28He answered and I could
34:30hear that dumb show he likes
34:32in the background.
34:34That was you?
34:36I didn't know what to say.
34:38So I hung up.
34:40Wait, I looked out the window
34:42after I hung up and I saw Patty
34:44walking down the road towards her place.
34:46Wait, so you're telling me
34:48that you all actually do have alibis
34:50for the night of the murder?
34:52I guess we do.
34:54I think I need to find Rudy
34:56and those dogs.
34:58Come on, pal.
35:00Hey, Jesse.
35:02I don't think that any of Barney's friends
35:04knew about the gold.
35:06There was one person,
35:08Ellen Parker, the estate lawyer.
35:10Okay, so you think she brokered
35:12the gold purchase?
35:14Well, pull the FinTech report
35:16for the gold purchase,
35:18see if there's any broker listed.
35:20And then I want you to check
35:22Ellen Parker's activities
35:24the night of the murder.
35:26See if she paid Torres Cove a visit.
35:28Yeah, yeah, I'm on it.
35:30Charlie, listen, I checked the CCTV
35:32from the cinema that night.
35:34Rudy wasn't on it at all.
35:36That's perfectly legal.
35:38Was it legal for you to tell someone
35:40that he was in possession of over
35:42$2 million worth of gold?
35:44That would be unethical.
35:46We know that someone's looking for that gold.
35:48Are you accusing me, Superintendent?
35:50Because Barney could have told
35:52any number of people.
35:54You know what, that's true.
35:56So where were you the night of the murder?
35:58I can't believe you're asking me that.
36:00You know what, that's okay.
36:02You don't have to answer.
36:04Because we know that you spent
36:06$2 million worth of gold.
36:08This is ridiculous.
36:10You bought two tickets.
36:12Who'd you go with?
36:14A friend.
36:16I need a name.
36:18No answer again.
36:20You bought two tickets
36:22to two different movies, Ellen.
36:24That is strange.
36:26Why did you do that?
36:29You weren't buying movie tickets,
36:31were you, Ellen?
36:33You were buying an alibi.
36:37Go find it.
36:39Come on.
36:45Kona, come on.
36:47Find the gold.
36:51You know where to look.
36:53Come on.
36:57What are you doing here?
36:59Rudy, I was going to ask
37:01the same thing of you.
37:07I didn't know about the gold.
37:09When my team starts looking into this,
37:11are we going to find a connection
37:13between you and Ellen Parker?
37:17You've been searching for the gold.
37:20You were outside Barney's house
37:22with a metal detector and he caught you.
37:26He threatened to fire you,
37:28turn you into the police.
37:30I told you I was in St. John's.
37:32You were caught.
37:34You panicked.
37:38And you hit him with a metal detector.
37:40That's not true.
37:42Rudy, I know you weren't at the movies that night.
37:44You weren't on the CCTV.
37:46That doesn't mean I killed him.
37:48Ellen Parker tell you about the gold?
37:52I found out about it through the will,
37:54like everyone else.
37:56And even after Barney was dead,
37:58you had to keep looking for it.
38:00You went after Patty, you took Kona.
38:02She led you down here.
38:04That's why you're here right now.
38:07And your lawyer friend just gave you up.
38:10It's over, Rudy.
38:23Stay down, Rudy.
38:30Drop it.
38:37Good job, partner.
38:46It was Rudy?
38:48The dog sitter.
38:50Can't argue with the evidence.
38:52Barney trusted him.
38:54How could Rudy do that to him?
38:56Why did he bring the dogs here?
38:58They led them here.
39:00The dogs always came here if they got to lead the walk.
39:02You think it was Barney that taught them to do that?
39:04Because it was our place.
39:06Barney said that you bond with the dogs,
39:08they'll give you what you need.
39:10They'll lead you to true riches.
39:12I think I have an idea what he wanted for you.
39:28Hey, girl.
39:30What do you have for us?
39:32Move this.
39:34Oh, my God.
39:47All right!
39:55You two are meant for each other.
39:57Don't wait until it's too late, okay?
40:18Where's the gold?
40:25What is this?
40:27What is this?
40:36Well done!
40:38If you're watching this,
40:40that means you three idiots
40:42have finally managed to do something together.
40:44I hope you're not mad,
40:46but I...
40:48I gave the gold to a dog rescue organization.
40:56They needed it.
40:58And what you need is friendship.
41:01Friendship is the real treasure.
41:04And if you haven't figured that out by now,
41:06there ain't no amount of money in the world that's gonna help you.
41:09I'm leaving this estate
41:11and my property
41:13to the three of you.
41:16Please keep the dogs together.
41:19A pact doesn't like to be broken up.
41:24You're a good girl.
41:27That's true.
41:34Hey, Charlie.
41:36Did you get your confession?
41:38I didn't get the cuffs on
41:40before he started pinning it on the lawyer.
41:42Ellen Parker under arrest?
41:44Yeah, well, she's already thrown Rudy under the bus.
41:46Refuses to admit that she was the one
41:48who set the whole thing in motion.
41:50Well, I guess the jury will figure it out.
41:52They found the gold?
41:54Something like that,
41:56but it took a lot of feet to pull off
41:58after death.
42:02So speaking of getting what you want...
42:07Here you go.
42:09Go on.
42:11Give it to Jesse.
42:13Yeah, good boy.
42:15What is this?
42:17Did I pass? Did I fail?
42:19No, I passed.
42:21Check it out.
42:23Ladies and gentlemen,
42:24let me introduce SJPD's newest detective,
42:26Jesse Mills.
42:33No kidding.
42:35Congratulations, Jesse.
42:37You deserve this.
42:39Hey, wait a second.
42:41So what does this mean?
42:43Are you leaving major crimes?
42:45I actually haven't thought that far ahead.
42:48Well, I'm going to put a call
42:50into the commanding chief
42:52and suggest that Jesse stay on
42:54for a week.
42:56Ooh, fancy title, Mills.
42:58Do I get an expense account?
43:02Clothing allowance?
43:05Do I get to keep any of the tech we seize?
43:07Definitely not.
43:09Modest raise.
43:14Thanks, buddy.
43:16I know, look at this!