Hudson And Rex S05 E01
00:00The following program is rated PG and contains mature subject matter. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:10Previously, you do stupid things when you want somebody who isn't available.
00:18You've been feeling this way for that long?
00:21Sorry, I know we talked about this already, but it's such a big relationship step when we're not sure where it's headed.
00:28We have an idea of where things are headed.
00:58I'm sorry.
01:24Keep your eyes open!
01:29All right, Rex, lunchtime.
01:32So what do you think?
01:34Well, if we haven't found her body yet, we still hope.
01:38It's still getting damn cold at night out here. She'd have to be tough to still be alive.
01:43Well, hopefully she is.
01:45Well, at least there's free eats.
01:50There is that. Come on, pal.
02:16You get that thing working yet?
02:18No, it's not looking good, but I'll try to clean up the footage when we get back to the station.
02:22Looks like locating Serena's on you, pal.
02:25Anyone find anything?
02:27The headband and a few bits of fabric we found this morning, nothing.
02:31It's a bad place to get lost, huh?
02:33Who's that?
02:35If the cold doesn't kill you at night, the flies will eat you alive.
02:39Maybe Sarah's made some progress. That stuff got to the lab?
02:41It was on the first shuttle out.
02:50None of the items the searchers found belong to Serena Jones.
02:53It would have been a miracle if they did.
02:55She's been missing for almost 72 hours. I'd say she's in need of one.
03:00Hey, I hope you're not catching your death out there.
03:04Well, Liv...
03:06Any luck?
03:07No, not yet, but we'll keep looking.
03:09I have to say, between you and me, this feels like it's moving from rescue to recovery.
03:14I know, I know.
03:17I know, pal.
03:19I'm going to wrap it up at sundown.
03:29Sorry for the interruption.
03:32So, I just wanted to come and properly introduce myself.
03:36Dr. Sarah Jones.
03:38Dr. Karma Poole.
03:40I wanted to tell you that I am really thrilled to be a part of your department.
03:45Oh, it's good to have you aboard.
03:48So, what do you think?
03:50Do you think Derek Spade is guilty?
03:52Do you think the rest of the world is with that theory?
03:54I mean, her posts about him on the internet, especially that last one where she said she was fearing for her life.
03:58Yeah, in here we don't speculate.
04:03Right, of course not.
04:10It does seem likely.
04:23How long are you going to hide from them?
04:25As long as I have to.
04:27I got half a mind to just...
04:28I think you're giving yourself too much credit there.
04:32I've got half a mind to just open the door for them.
04:36Is that a part of serving and protecting?
04:38Letting them meet you would be serving the public, that's for sure.
04:41You know, why don't you leave?
04:43I'm tired of having you here anyway.
04:46Take cover! Take cover!
04:48This is Constable Decker, 118 Admirals Lane, requiring assistance.
04:51Come on!
04:52Stay away from the windows!
05:10Come on, Decker!
05:19Get in there!
05:20What are you doing?
05:26This is private property, please disperse!
05:29Please disperse!
05:31Listen, I need you guys to get these people out of here.
05:33Set up a hard perimeter if you have to.
05:35You still haven't done anything, have you?
05:37We're still looking for your sister, believe me.
05:39Why don't you get him to tell you where she is?
05:42Get in there!
05:48It's in your best interest.
05:49And you know what my best interests are?
05:51What I do know is there's a lot of angry people out there who are looking to do you harm.
05:54Then get them out of here.
05:56I'm going to take you into custody.
05:57You can't do that. I didn't do anything wrong.
05:59I don't know that. And frankly, I don't even care.
06:02Listen to me.
06:03I'm here to protect you, so we can do it one of two ways.
06:06Either peacefully, or I can put you in cuffs.
06:13There he is! There he is!
06:17What's going on?
06:21I need some help! Where is he?
06:24There he is!
06:26There he is!
06:28There he is!
06:33There he is!
06:37There he is!
06:42There he is!
06:49Is this the famous Rex?
06:51Yeah, it is.
06:55Something to say?
06:56I guess you can't believe everything you read in the papers.
06:59Excuse me?
07:00Well, if he was as good as they say he was, we would have found her by now.
07:06SJPD appreciates your assistance.
07:09No, he didn't mean anything by it, pal.
07:11This whole thing's just got everybody a little rattled.
07:21Well, that is all I could retrieve before the crash.
07:24So nothing.
07:25Did Derek reveal anything of interest?
07:27I talked to him for three hours. He tells the same story, and he tells it well.
07:31Maybe too well?
07:32Yeah, I don't know. He's a tough one to read.
07:34Yeah, he and Serena went out into the barrens for an overnight.
07:38She got into a fight, she left in a fit of anger, never came back.
07:41After a while, he went looking, but couldn't find a trace of her,
07:43so he reported her disappearance as soon as he could.
07:45Yeah, and he hasn't wavered from that account.
07:49Even though it's nothing but lies?
07:51How did you get in here?
07:52Some uniformed cops who believe in justice let me in.
07:56Easy, pal. Stay.
07:59So, are you finally gonna do something?
08:01Yes. I'm gonna have you escorted out of here.
08:04He murdered my sister!
08:05You don't know that.
08:06No, I do! I know that! And all you're doing is protecting him?
08:12If you need to, please escort Miss Jones out of here. Thank you.
08:15We're doing what we can.
08:16Which is nothing!
08:20Bark, bark!
08:21No, no. Yeah. Good job.
08:26I don't blame her. I mean, this is almost exactly like Abby Petito.
08:30Wait. The woman from Florida who went on a road trip with her boyfriend never came back?
08:34Jesse, that's the kind of gossip that makes an innocent man guilty.
08:37I'm just saying.
08:38I know. You and the rest of the world.
08:41Hey. Everything okay?
08:43Yeah. I'm just thinking about that poor woman out there freezing to death.
08:48Yeah. Well, maybe Rex and I can bring her home safe.
08:51Let's go, pal.
08:52All right.
08:57Joe! A word?
09:00Do I have a choice?
09:01What do you think?
09:05So, Natalia, when did you start working pro bono?
09:08Who says I'm working—
09:09Well, I doubt that Derek Spade can afford you.
09:13Nice talk.
09:14Charge or release, Joe, Mr. Spade does not want to remain in custody.
09:17I have every right to hold him.
09:18Not forever, Joe.
09:20The longer you hold him, the more my client looks guilty.
09:23And that's not fair.
09:25He'll be out soon.
09:27Good to know.
09:30I need you to take another shot at talking to Mr. Spade.
09:33I need you to warm him up a little.
09:34A little old-school, good cop, bad cop is what we need right now.
09:37Got it.
09:48What is it, pal?
09:52I don't know.
09:54I don't know.
09:55What is it, pal?
09:58Hey, sorry about earlier.
10:01That was out of line.
10:03It's no problem.
10:04Rex and I forgive you.
10:07Oh, don't be like that.
10:10Still, it seems a bit pointless, don't it?
10:13I don't know. We still haven't found a body yet. There's hope.
10:17Sure you remember those two tourists who went missing out here a few years ago?
10:22Real outdoor types.
10:23Fit as fiddles.
10:25Maybe only lasted 48 hours.
10:28What chance do you figure a young girl has?
10:31Well, she's a local. I think you might be selling her short.
10:35Maybe so.
10:37The way I figure it,
10:38the barons don't give a damn whether you're local or not.
10:46Come on, pal.
10:55My name is Sarah.
10:57Hi, Sarah.
10:58When can I go home?
10:59Oh, I'm not sure it's safe.
11:02Safe or not, it's still better than here.
11:05I just, I wanted to clarify some details about the trip you and Serena took.
11:09Yeah, I've already told your boss everything I know,
11:11but I will tell you the only thing that matters.
11:13I didn't kill Serena.
11:15I'm sorry she's missing,
11:17but I don't want you to worry about it.
11:19I killed Serena.
11:21I'm sorry she's missing,
11:23but I'm sure she will turn up somewhere.
11:25Why do you say that?
11:26We had a fight.
11:27We had a lot of fights lately,
11:30and she always runs from conflict.
11:34She wrote about your fights on the internet.
11:38Making me look like a monster.
11:40That's the reason her family's camped on my lawn,
11:42throwing rocks through my window.
11:44They should be in jail.
11:46You don't seem to care much about what happened to her.
11:49Of course I care.
11:51But me caring does nothing to find her.
11:53Just like you wasting your time talking to me does nothing to find her either.
11:58I see.
12:00But I...
12:01Are you charging me?
12:04We're still thinking about next steps.
12:08Oh, well, let me tell you what your next steps should be.
12:12Release the innocent man,
12:13and wait for Serena to phone home.
13:00Sir, what is the status?
13:01The body of Serena Jones was found through the joint efforts of police,
13:05search and rescue, and concerned citizens.
13:07I'd like to thank them all for their efforts.
13:09I'd also like to send my deepest condolences and sympathies
13:12to the family and friends of the victim.
13:15What are you doing about Derek Spade?
13:19Derek Spade is currently in custody for questioning.
13:23And that's all we can say at this time.
13:25How long can you hold him?
13:26You have my sister's murderer behind bars.
13:29Do something!
13:33We're investigating the circumstances surrounding her death.
13:36And the moment we find out anything, we'll be sure to let you all know.
13:39Let's go. I told you this was a waste of time.
13:45How long can you hold him?
13:54Serena Jones, 27 years old, Caucasian, female.
14:00I was really hoping she wasn't going to end up here.
14:03You're not alone.
14:05Have you had a chance to make a preliminary assessment?
14:08Yes. She has a few things to tell us.
14:11Partial frostbite, ring index, pinky finger, left hand.
14:15Likely post-mortem.
14:17There's evidence of animal interference. Also likely post-mortem.
14:21Have you had a chance to estimate time of death?
14:24She died about 70 hours ago.
14:25So very shortly after Derek Spade said she ran away from him.
14:28More precisely, between one and three hours after Derek Spade said she ran away from him.
14:34Anything else?
14:36I've only done a visual assessment. A full autopsy may reveal more.
14:40I'll let you know as soon as I get a closer look.
14:46You don't want to stick around?
14:49Carry on, Dr. Poole.
14:51Dr. Truong.
14:54I know you don't like speculation.
14:57You might want to consider that this was an accident or a suicide.
15:02Why do you say that?
15:04From what I can see on social media, this was not a happy young woman.
15:11So no charges?
15:13Not at this time.
15:14You and I both know he likely did it.
15:16Well, we don't go to court on likely. You know that.
15:19Detective Hudson, did you find anything on the scene to suggest Serena was murdered?
15:23Just her body at the bottom of a berm.
15:25So she could have fallen?
15:26Yeah, she could have been pushed.
15:29Look, I know this sucks for you, but if we are to bring charges against Derek Spade, I want to be sure they stick.
15:34There aren't many people here who would be happy about that.
15:36Hey, join the club. Besides, what's the big deal? Everybody hates cops nowadays.
15:40Just like they hate judges and crown attorneys who don't press charges.
15:44But we all sleep better at night knowing we did the right thing.
15:50Yeah, agreed.
15:52Thanks, Michael.
15:53Don't mention it.
15:54Good job finding Serena, Rex. You brought the family some peace.
15:58Even if they don't feel it yet.
16:01Yeah, you're a good boy.
16:09Listen, Derek, I want you to stay put. Okay?
16:12Do not go anywhere.
16:14Wherever I go, I'm going to be a prisoner in my own home.
16:17Yeah, well, there's much worse.
16:19And much better.
16:23What do you think?
16:24I'm going to wait for the final autopsy.
16:27Come on, you talked to him.
16:28He's not exactly an empath, but that doesn't make him guilty.
16:32What about when you look into his eyes?
16:34Nothing. He gives me nothing.
16:36I don't like the sound of that.
16:40Hey. Hey.
16:43Thanks for finding Serena, boy.
16:45That's interesting.
16:49Where are you going?
16:50I'm off to have an uncomfortable conversation.
16:56What did you want to talk to me about?
16:59Well, I just, I...
17:02I wanted to say how sorry I am about your sister.
17:06Next time, just send a car.
17:07Look, I know you're hurting.
17:09You don't know the half of it.
17:10Don't leave, please.
17:12I'm sorry.
17:14I'm sorry.
17:16I'm sorry.
17:18I'm sorry.
17:20I'm sorry.
17:21Don't leave, please.
17:31What was she like?
17:35She was my kid's sister.
17:37You know, royal pain in the ass.
17:44When we were little, she used to steal my clothes without asking
17:47and tag along when I didn't want her to.
17:51Drive me crazy.
17:54Now I'm going to miss her every day for the rest of my life.
18:00What was she like, um, recently?
18:05Are you saying what I think you're saying?
18:07I haven't said anything.
18:09I'm not stupid.
18:11You think she killed herself.
18:13She was happy.
18:14She finally made a decision.
18:16She was going to dump Derek and move on.
18:18I've been asking her to do it for weeks.
18:20She finally listened, and look at what happened.
18:24You think she killed herself or something.
18:26No, we just haven't found any evidence that Mr. Spade...
18:29I don't care what you found or what you didn't find.
18:31This wasn't an accident.
18:33She didn't kill herself.
18:34She didn't fall down.
18:36Do your damn job.
18:38And stop disrespecting my sister.
18:48You okay?
18:54Well, you gave it a stab.
18:56Would have done the same.
18:57Yeah, except all I did was...
19:00create a new wound.
19:13Hey, looks like Derek Spade's gone underground.
19:16What are you talking about?
19:17Well, he's deleted every one of his social media profiles.
19:19I contacted his service provider.
19:21He's canceled all of his accounts.
19:23So he's cutting himself off from the world.
19:24I mean, if you read what was being said about him,
19:27you wouldn't blame him.
19:28Well, I will say a prayer for Derek Spade tonight.
19:30Hey, look, boss, I mean, what if we're wrong?
19:34What if he didn't do it?
19:35Well, then I will feel like crap,
19:37and I'll wake up the next morning,
19:38and I'll continue to do my job,
19:39because right now, Jesse, he's our number one suspect.
19:42They're still in front of his house.
19:44Okay, what do you want me to do, Natalia?
19:45Do you want me to arrest the grieving family of a dead woman?
19:48Okay, I feel bad for them,
19:49but my client needs police protection.
19:51We do not have the manpower for that.
19:53Something happens to Derek Spade,
19:54and we'll see if he can afford the lawsuit.
19:58You're a good cop, Joe.
20:01Do the right thing.
20:04Problem is, the right thing means different things to different people.
20:19I don't like this.
20:23Think of it as an opportunity.
20:25How so?
20:26A prime suspect has invited you into his house.
20:28You can conduct all the warrantless searches you want.
20:36Why was that on your mind?
20:37It troubles me that Rex likes him.
20:40Maybe Rex is right, and we're protecting an innocent man.
20:44I didn't look at it that way.
20:46I know it seems to me either me or Rex is wrong.
20:49Well, even the best of friends disagree.
21:05So how are you feeling?
21:11That's it?
21:12Hey, I'm sad that Serena died,
21:15but there was nothing I could do to stop that from happening,
21:17and there's nothing I can do to bring her back.
21:21Just like you can't stop what those people outside are trying to do to me.
21:25You should have seen the stuff they were saying about me online.
21:28That way you disconnected.
21:30You saw that, did you?
21:32We're watching what you do. You're still a suspect.
21:35Will be for the rest of my life, I guess.
21:38At least your dog likes me.
21:46What is it, Rex?
21:49What's going on?
21:51I don't know.
21:54Stay put.
22:11Rex, go!
22:26On your feet.
22:28Come on, get up.
22:34Trey Park.
22:35Jessica Warren.
22:37What the hell were you two doing?
22:39What's it look like?
22:40Sending a message.
22:41Oh, well, now I get to do the same.
22:44Detective Hudson, we have a 10-100 at 118 Admirals Lane.
22:58Two in one blow, Rex.
23:00Getting pretty fancy.
23:28This is far from as good as it gets.
23:30We've got everyone locked up except for our suspected killer, Charlie, and we let him go.
23:34Yeah, but they were trying to burn down his house.
23:36Yeah, I know. We need to find him.
23:38Yeah, we're on our way. I've just seen a minute with these two first.
23:44That's got to be Chief Lassiter.
23:46I gotta take this.
23:47Yeah, I'll leave you to it.
23:48Yeah, I'm not getting a gold star on this one.
23:51Rex, come on.
23:58Serena was my friend.
24:00Yeah, I get that.
24:01It's all her stupid fault.
24:03Why do you say that?
24:04She should have never been with Derek.
24:09Easy, pal.
24:10The guy was trouble.
24:12Look, I understand that, but there's a difference between being upset about a friend and trying to kill someone.
24:16That wouldn't have happened. The place wouldn't have burnt down.
24:18There were people everywhere.
24:20Then why do it?
24:21Just sending a message.
24:23The guy's not welcome here.
24:29Hey, Jesse, you want to find out where you can about these two?
24:31Yeah, sure.
24:32You charging them?
24:33It's up to Joe.
24:35Come again?
24:36The new hire at the mall.
24:38Come again?
24:39The new hire at the morgue.
24:40You haven't met her.
24:41No, should I?
24:43Time and place, Jesse, Rex.
24:45Hey, Karma.
24:57You have something?
24:58I do.
25:02You see that?
25:03Did she get that in the phone?
25:05I don't think so.
25:06Based on the location and the shape, I think she was struck.
25:10The wound appears circular, about an inch in diameter.
25:14I'm not sure.
25:16So this makes it murder.
25:18Well, what I have wouldn't hold up in court, but I'd say so, yes.
25:23If I were to speculate.
25:27Good work.
25:32Come on, partner.
25:36Come on, pal.
26:00I'm heading to the scene.
26:02We found a wound on Serena Jones that I can't explain,
26:04so we're just going to go back to see if we missed anything.
26:07Well, you want me to send Rex with you?
26:10If we don't find anything, yeah, sure, but for now,
26:15I'd say locating Derek is our number one priority.
26:25Yeah, we're on it.
26:26What do you got, pal?
26:27What do you got, pal?
26:31Keep thinking.
26:34Get the scent, pal.
26:37Track it.
26:53Let's go, they're onto something.
26:57You're not going ahead with charges?
26:58No, not at this time.
26:59Those two tried to burn the man's house down.
27:01If you're worried, you can keep eyes on them,
27:03but this is a volatile situation, and I'm not going to fan the flames.
27:07Pardon the metaphor.
27:09You're not trying to make us look bad, are you?
27:11I'm just trying to keep a lid on things.
27:14Well, we've found evidence that suggests Serena might have been a victim of foul play.
27:18All the more reason not to lay charges against her friends.
27:21I know how this looks.
27:22A couple goes off into the woods, only one of them comes out.
27:2599% of the world thinks the one that came out got rid of the other.
27:28Yeah, and 99% of the time they'd be right.
27:31But we still aren't good enough odds.
27:34Hey, hey, Michael, I hope this isn't personal.
27:38Give me some credit.
27:43Okay, so, what do we do?
27:45Find a way to put Derek Spade behind bars.
27:47Well, I might have one.
27:48I'm listening.
27:49So, Serena Jones might have been struck with a blunt instrument before she died.
27:52Blunt instrument.
27:53I'm taking a team to go find it now.
27:54Okay, keep me posted.
27:56Jesse, what do you got for me?
27:57Well, Trey lied to us.
27:59Oh, yeah?
28:01In his preliminary interview, he said he was at Dewar's down on George the night that Serena Jones went missing.
28:06I talked to everybody at Dewar's, okay?
28:07He was a regular there, but wasn't there that night.
28:10You sure?
28:12He had $100 tab owing.
28:13Harry, the guy that owns the place, was keeping an eye out.
28:15If Trey were to show up, Harry would have known.
28:18So, why would he lie?
28:19Maybe he's at somewhere he didn't want us to know about.
28:22It was just a...
28:23Jesse, it's a rhetorical question, okay?
28:47Got something?
28:52Come on.
29:12What are you doing here?
29:14I just have a couple questions.
29:16I already told you what I know.
29:17Yeah, the problem, Trey, is you lied.
29:19Oh, yeah? About what?
29:20Well, you said you were at Dewar's on George Street the night that Serena went missing.
29:25No one saw you there.
29:27Why is that?
30:02Damn it.
30:05Why'd you make me run?
30:06Your choice, not mine.
30:08Yeah? Okay.
30:09Well, it gives us a chance to have a more fulsome conversation.
30:12Come on.
30:13Let's go.
30:44Why are you stopping?
30:45Maybe we should let the cops handle this.
30:48The cops haven't handled it so far, have they?
30:52You go.
30:55Just go.
30:59I'm gonna make sure that this is handled right.
31:13I'm gonna make sure that this is handled right.
31:44Here, Derek.
31:48Sarah, look what I found.
31:51What is that doing out here?
31:53I don't know. Someone maybe used it to hammer in tent pegs?
31:59That explain the blood?
32:00Well, I mean, you really didn't give me a chance to fully...
32:06Derek's prints.
32:08Well, that seals it.
32:09Maybe, maybe not.
32:10There's someone else's prints on this.
32:14Karen, if you find anything else, bring it to my lab.
32:23Hey, Joe.
32:24We got something.
32:25It looks to be the murder weapon.
32:27Good job.
32:28Derek's prints are on it, but so are someone else's.
32:30Did we get prints from Trey and Jessica when we brought them in?
32:33No, no, no.
32:34They were just brought in for questioning and we released them.
32:38Okay, I'm gonna see if I can get them to provide them.
32:40I'm here with Trey.
32:42I'll see if I can get them to volunteer.
32:44What are you thinking, Sarah?
32:45Just covering the bases.
32:47Just keep me posted.
32:49So, you finished with me?
32:51Oh, no, my friend. We're not even close.
32:53We're just getting started.
32:58You can't do that. You need a warrant.
33:00Well, that's where you're wrong.
33:01You ran from a police officer, which gives me probable cause
33:04to believe that you committed an infraction.
33:08Well, that's interesting.
33:09Maybe this is what you were up to the night you said you were supposed to be at Dewar's.
33:12Maybe he was.
33:13But if that's the case, it also means I wasn't anywhere near where Serena was killed.
33:20So, all we have to do is track down your dealer
33:23and verify that.
33:25You think that's gonna be easy, Trey?
33:27That's what I thought.
33:33Hold on.
33:34What do we have here?
33:35That's Jessica and Garrick.
33:39Yeah, I can see that.
33:41What's the story?
34:01Step back from there.
34:03Step back from there.
34:05Why would I?
34:07A lot of problems go away if I take one step forward.
34:11Don't do that.
34:13Why not?
34:15Are you saying you did it?
34:19Might as well have.
34:21Everyone thinks I did.
34:24Whether I did it or not, my life is over.
34:26Do you think I'm guilty?
34:30I don't know.
34:33Are you telling the truth?
34:35Look, all I know is my only job and Rex's only job is to protect you, so come on.
34:40Yeah, well, maybe you're gonna fail.
34:44I do know that if you're innocent, I'll fight for you.
34:58You have my word.
35:03I didn't kill her.
35:05I loved her.
35:17Then let me help you.
35:21Come on.
35:23He doesn't deserve your help.
35:26He killed my sister.
35:40Come on in.
35:42Hey, Jessica.
35:59The best thing you can do right now is turn around and go home.
36:01You do that, I'll forget about the gun.
36:04It's not happening.
36:06Then I'm gonna have no choice but to charge you.
36:08Adele, I didn't kill your sister.
36:11Shut up.
36:15I have this under control.
36:17I don't have anything under control.
36:19You'll be behind bars.
36:21I don't care.
36:23As long as he leaves this earth before I do, I don't care.
36:26We don't know for sure that he killed her.
36:28I know he killed her.
36:30I know she was gonna leave him.
36:32She told me she was, so he killed her.
36:34Isn't that right?
36:38I said, isn't that right?
36:43So, you're saying you want my fingerprints?
36:45Yeah, that's all.
36:47It's just routine.
36:50I told you, there wasn't enough gas to cause any trouble.
36:53Oh, we're not charging you with anything related to that.
36:57Oh, yeah? So, why do you want my fingerprints?
37:03I didn't kill Serena!
37:05Enough lies, Derek.
37:08You know, enough of this. You do whatever you want.
37:10You're not walking away from this.
37:16Please, don't.
37:19You want it to be all dramatic and throw yourself off a cliff?
37:22Now's your chance.
37:24Send units to the house of Jessica Warren.
37:2744 Bounty Road.
37:29On their way.
37:30Jesse, make sure that Sarah gets out of there right now.
37:32Jessica Warren is now our primary suspect.
37:40Come on, Sarah.
37:48Put the phone down and step away from it.
37:54What are you doing?
37:55What I have to.
37:59You better move, Detective Hudson!
38:01I can't do that.
38:04He killed my little sister.
38:18I got you.
38:20Bark, bark, bark, bark!
38:39What's up, Rex?
38:43I don't do anything stupid here.
38:46That's a good one.
38:47Seems to me like I already have.
38:50I killed my best friend.
38:54With a don't, don't. Make it worse.
38:57It couldn't be worse.
39:00I didn't mean to, you know.
39:05She stole Derek from me.
39:08She didn't even care.
39:10I went to talk to her about it.
39:12She said,
39:13there are winners and losers in this world.
39:18We fought,
39:20and then the hammer was in my hand.
39:23We hit her.
39:31She didn't get up.
39:34I knew what I did was wrong, but it was done.
39:42So, what are you going to do now?
39:45It doesn't matter.
39:48I don't know.
39:52it sounds to me like this was all an accident.
39:56I killed my best friend.
39:58I have to go.
39:59Jessica, they'll shut down the airports,
40:00close the ferries.
40:02I'll find somewhere.
40:04And don't follow me.
40:11Lead ahead?
40:12No, I think I've got it under control.
40:14Jessica Warren,
40:15you are under arrest
40:16for the murder of Serena Jones.
40:24You good?
40:26Yeah, I'm good.
40:28You should bring backup next time.
40:29Of course.
40:30I'm just saying this because,
40:33well, because I care about you.
40:35I mean, I can't,
40:36I can't handle myself, Joe.
40:38I appreciate the concern, though.
40:43Miss Jones,
40:45I just wanted to say
40:48thank you
40:50and I'm sorry.
40:52And I'm sorry
40:54about your sister.
41:07So, you're going to stay here?
41:09We'll see.
41:11Today's outrage is tomorrow's distant memory, right?
41:15At least sometimes.
41:17Yeah, let's hope it plays out that way.
41:22You know,
41:23if you wanted one of your own,
41:24I could arrange that.
41:27Yeah, maybe I'd like that.
41:29Maybe that would be good.
41:35from my personal experience,
41:36there's no maybe about it.
41:59I can't believe you're putting that thing back on the road.
42:02What can I say? Rex missed it.
42:04Just Rex?
42:09He do his thing?
42:11Yeah, it took a while, but
42:12mission accomplished.
42:15You know,
42:17he's starting to like me better than you.
42:20Don't get cocky now.
42:22Rex, is this true? You like her better than me?
42:28I think you still got a ways to go, Doctor.
42:31You coming in?
42:33Yeah, yeah.
42:35In a minute.
42:39I was thinking of heading into the bedroom.
43:15I'll be right back.
43:45I'll be right back.