00:00So I'm gonna give you two categories because you guys got four hours. Debo or Lynch? Because I'm a guy, I'm a conspiracy theorist.
00:05What do you mean? I'm gonna play some sound and I still think Tupac is alive.
00:10I don't, but I just, it's fresh that I, you know what, he's not with us anymore.
00:15But I want your thoughts, you two smart men, on Lynch's comments about the Purdy contract.
00:21Okay, the Purdy one or the Debo? The Purdy one. Okay. I want to go Purdy first. Let's play it. John Lynch on Brock Lesnar.
00:30It's not working. It's like my old Cadillac, 78 Seville. I'm hitting the button, it's not doing anything. It's dead. Oh boy.
00:36The computer needs a reboot. Mark Steinmetz joining us here. Casey Johnson, you heard of him?
00:42And that's a coffee spill. Hey, not my coffee. Can Randy play it from back there?
00:47Yeah, yeah, the whole thing's not working. Which one do you want, Brock? No, yeah, the Brock one that we reacted to.
00:53We have started negotiations, we're talking. Listen to this. I won't go into negotiations like always is our stance.
01:00I want Brock to be our quarterback as long as we're here and beyond and we'll leave it at that.
01:04I think the final thing, there's no guarantees that we get something done.
01:08But my experience has been when both sides are motivated, there's ample opportunity to do so and
01:14we've been able to do that. Warner, why throw in the no guarantees we'll get something done?
01:19I have a thought on that. I can't wait. The 49ers are tired of getting their butt kicked every summer.
01:24That's why I ran by Grandy. Yeah, I really think that they are probably pretty bothered. And thank you, Debs.
01:31Let's flash forward to Friday. What's bugging me?
01:33Which is people who leave their crappy drinks sitting around the table when it's not their turn anymore. Anyway, moving on.
01:39So they care what the public opinion is. Well, it's not just do they care what the public opinion is.
01:45I think that they care about how we go into negotiations. Like they're literally sitting here going like, oh, it's inevitable.
01:52He's going to get 60 million dollars. Got to pay him whatever he wants.
01:56And I think at a certain point, proud people and the 49ers are that. And they don't like losing deals.
02:01Parag Muratte teaches a class at Stanford, the art of negotiation.
02:06He does not like this idea that's out there that the Niners keep getting their butt kicked every summer.
02:11I just asked Grandy, do you think they care? Your answer is yes. Absolutely. And not because of public perception.
02:17Just because, thank you, Debs, just because
02:21that's not the way they want it to go. They're not going to just be happy rolling over and giving the players what they want.
02:26So I'm not foreseeing any issue here, but he drops that in there because I think they do want to let Brock know
02:34and everybody knows. His representation. We're not just here to give you whatever. Everybody come to the Niners.
02:41We're giving, we're giving, we're giving B-plus receivers 30 million and we're giving B-plus quarterbacks 62.
02:48Well, they don't want to be that team. They did the first one. I know. And they regret it. Let me say that right now.
02:54Go ahead. We all know. The 49ers regret
02:57signing Brandon Ayuk to the contract he signed. There's no doubt. I don't believe that. Right. And you know,
03:02you gave a 36-year-old tackle a restructure and I know he went through personal tragedy.
03:07So I don't want to judge that because I can't imagine what he went through, but you gave McCaffrey a restructure
03:14after, you know, 12 minutes of him saying, hey, what do you guys think? Done. Let's do that.
03:18So I do think that they have to kind of change what they do.
03:22And Hosler didn't have the best year after he got his. I'm just saying. And he got his late and he came in late.
03:27So I do think that a lot of this is like what John said today.
03:31It becomes a Pirog-Marotte issue and I know he doesn't do all the negotiating anymore.
03:36It's a full front office, but your approach as a front office has to be a little bit different where
03:42you can't just play
03:44super hardball and then cave to Ayuk and you can't play super softball and give Brock Purdy 65 million.
03:51You have to find that middle ground where you want your quarterback done early.
03:56And you know what they said about Debo, I think, and I don't know if you guys played it.
03:59I was doing housekeeping here.
04:02I live with a two and a half year old and so when there's a spill you got to get to it early.
04:06And so that was my instinct here. No, you did good. Thank you.
04:10I haven't got the sanitizer in here. So there's going to be, you know, leave no trace, but the idea about Brock Purdy.
04:17Yeah, they don't want to just like, hey, 70 million a year. You're our guy.
04:21But at the same time you do have to find that middle ground where
04:26Brock feels good and the team has a deal that they can work with and it's done early.
04:32We don't want this thing dragging past March 31st. But the fact that go ahead. No, no, go ahead. No, no, go.
04:37No, go ahead. You go ahead.
04:39You guys are making all I agree with every point about the past contracts, but I tell my kids this so
04:46It's about value and it's about
04:49what you have to replace Brock Purdy and I believe
04:53You know that goes under the Brock Purdy column because they don't want to replace you for one
04:57They have nothing to replace you with for two and three
05:02I feel like Willard. I'm stunned
05:04Because York said what he said when he said it that he's going to reset the market or we're prepared
05:09But are the Niners doing are going to play hardball and go nine innings with Brock Purdy?
05:16because of the clicks and what it looks like about them getting took behind the shed in regard to these the these past
05:24contracts because
05:25If Brock is asking for 50
05:28Are they not going to want to give them 50 because of what it's going to look like?
05:33Well, first of all, they're giving him 50, okay
05:3550 is okay. 50 is a
05:38They're like they're 12 quarterbacks making more than 50
05:4250 to me. That's a that that's a fait accompli, but my answer to your question is no
05:47I I don't think they're going to go 12 rounds. I don't think that this comment suddenly means that there's a problem
05:53I think that the 49ers are probably just tired of the way the last two years have sounded
05:58Nick Bosa kicked their butt
06:00He kicked their butt and then Brandon Iuk's situation last year. You could argue which
06:06Direction it went but in the end he got more than what he would have taken earlier in the offseason
06:13And got hurt and more importantly it screwed up the whole year like the vibe was terrible
06:20And it screwed everything up. That was a part of it
06:22There was more to the year being screwed up than just that of course
06:25But that set the whole thing off on a really really bad foot
06:29And so I just feel like that front office the little that I know of them
06:33They they do not like the way this all sounds and is going to where it's like we're here
06:40A losing our butts in negotiations
06:43B making decisions that are not
06:46Ending up looking sustainable. So he throws that comment in there almost to be like
06:51Look we're not we're not just here to be under a cement layer like that's not like this is
06:57A negotiation. All right, because in some ways doesn't it feel like at times?
07:00It's not it's kind of like Steph Curry asking for a new deal
07:03I already know what the total is going to be whatever the max is. That's what you get
07:08That's what I was going to throw back at you. This is a negotiation
07:11You say uh, they got their butts kicked by Bosa
07:13But what if I tell both of you it shouldn't have been a fight like he was worth
07:17What you gave him to me he was trending and tracking that way so
07:21He was there Steph Curry. There shouldn't have been a fight
07:24There shouldn't have been and that's where I think about the Warriors and how many times they've lost games late like clutch games
07:29And it's kind of like the Niners where you're losing a lot of these games late and Iuke
07:34You had that game one in the first half. You were up 21 at the half
07:38Meaning if you would assign him for what he was asking for then
07:42It would have been less than what you ended up paying him in late august
07:46And so I do think that's part of the brock purdy conversation and you know, you look at jordan love four years in 220
07:5355 million average annual year 100 million guaranteed signing
07:59So is that like the neighborhood you want to be in or is that the starting point for brock?
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08:15First norcal financing at the dealer steini. I hope you're having a good trip. He landed. Yeah
08:20Yeah, i'm worried about flying right now. Just and I heard that earlier and i'm being real. Yeah, you're much more at risk
08:26uh crossing the street
08:28driving your car
08:30Or eating a hamburger those things are all more risky than flying in a plane
08:34But you know what? I mean though here recently we've seen almost the other day in chicago
08:39That did landed in it almost like that never happened before oh it always happened I feel you
08:45the hamburger thing
08:47Well, I like I always know that it's your risk you're getting in a car than a plane but a burger
08:52Well, what are you talking about? Red meat is not necessarily the most healthy thing for you opinion
08:56And well, it's a fact like in terms of uh cholesterol and uh, you know, there are pluses and minuses
09:02Of course, yeah
09:05For a comedic, uh
09:09Comedy relief
09:16If you want to do the math on flights and this would include
09:20The flights that I used to take when I worked for kcbs all news 74 smooth
09:25Traffic and weather together every 10 minutes. I was up there in a cessna and I flew for five years in a
09:32single engine
09:34Propeller I get that cessna if you want to talk about all the flights and then you want to do all the accidents
09:40It is a minuscule. It's a crepuscule amount of accidents that actually
09:45Will you sit on my couch and say goo?
09:47I know what you're talking about here in the last month and a half
09:50It seems like there's been some stuff of course and the other mental side whether the math
09:55Fits with it or not. Here's the bottom line if something happens with a burger or your car
09:59You got pretty good chance of surviving something happens in the plane
10:03You go
10:07Like we're seeing stuff like oh
10:10I get the old days but stuff's been happening with the birds
10:13Well, and I would say that stuff's been happening and i'm gonna give you a bobby fitz and say stay off of twitter
10:19Because these are videos bob right social media on twitter
10:24But if you want to go back like 30 and 40 years these might have happened a little bit more
10:30Infrequently because now we do have more planes and you know, what uh has happened to the faa based on our current government
10:37I won't go there, but we've
10:40The faa and so yeah, there are certain things that are a little bit
10:44Riskier, but I mean these these things happen and like near misses happen all the time all the time
10:51That's all my advice to you would be don't worry about it. I got you goo
10:56I got you
11:00Twice in march, so maybe that's you know, oh we got some flights on on the back. Oh, yeah
11:04I'm going to vegas here. Uh, dude, i'm jealous. Do you know do you know i'm envious not jealous
11:09I saw someone say this and this is what you can do. I would still take your flight
11:13Okay, but I saw someone said we have arrived back at it's okay to applaud when the plane lands bill
11:20That is so when you when you land this
11:24Nope, give the uh, that's all I get a little round of applause
11:28Yeah, well and I know that the seat belt is there for turbulence but in general like no when you take that
11:35You take that seat belt. It's like oh, yeah, let's make sure everybody's seat
11:40because if this thing happens to
11:42I don't know gripe about that
11:46Like do you want your dead body to be in a belt in a chair or out of a belt and out of a chair
11:52I'm the one person that crashed and said I had my belt on I survived
11:56and the seat belt is there for like the major turbulence where you might happen to get thrown in the air like
12:02Oh, I hit my head on the ceiling or whatever
12:04But yeah, if the plane breaks apart at 28 000 feet and you're belted
12:09Well, it's still going to be a classic steph curry up eight in the final minute. Do you guys have a problem with me?
12:15I'm transitioning to all kinds of problems. Okay. No, listen
12:18I didn't like how debo handled his business this year. I I thought he ran from accountability
12:24Uh the tweet saying I the reason i'm not getting the ball that was bull pucky
12:29And I think I liken him to a running back the carries have caught up with them
12:34But I cannot look at you willard and say this dude was not their offense and had great moments here and should have a ring
12:42But I am disappointed if this relationship is coming to an end it is on how it ended
12:47And and and the whole thing would pepper. Well, you know, I just come on man. Take some accountability. Should we play it?
12:53Granted, can we play the lynch on debo since I think my thing is still broken. I'll try it again here
12:58We're on good terms with debo. I think uh, you know, he's asked for a for a fresh start and you know
13:04I think we're gonna honor that
13:06Don't like seeing great players and he is a great player. He's uh, you know, I think often
13:11one of my favorite draft picks at my time is he this guy's just a
13:15He makes plays and he makes game-changing plays and um, you know
13:20Everything's good. Um, you know, but uh
13:23I think at some point time
13:25Time happens and and uh, he asked for that
13:28Uh, we don't always you know, there's contracts and things but you know, it probably makes sense
13:33So we're at least allowing him to look and we're having conversations. We'll see where that goes
13:38I'll tell you what this just not to me just my read on it
13:41I find this so fascinating because I think that there are a lot of 49er fans. I hear that are
13:46Processing this like any other trade request
13:49Similar to the miles garrett one for instance, and i'm like it could not be more different the 49ers in my view
13:59Allowing debo to save face
14:01By presenting it to the public repeatedly as they are debo has requested a trade. So we're gonna honor it
14:08Why do you think they're gonna honor it because he requested a trade two and a half years ago
14:13And they didn't honor it because two and a half years ago
14:15They still wanted him to play football for their team
14:17And now they don't my read on this situation is that they asked him to take a pay cut. He said no
14:23They said well, then we're gonna have to do something different and he said well you could trade me and they said oh
14:29We'll honor your request the 49 you can even hear it at the end of his quote
14:34He just sat there and said time happens that has nothing to do with a trade request
14:39That tells you that the 49ers feel the same way you do
14:42They didn't like what they saw from him this year
14:45And so if they're wholly willing to move on this is not because debo's requesting it and they like him
14:51So they're going to like, okay
14:54I got it, man
14:56No, they are as motivated as he is to move on
14:59My view and not give them that 15 million. I believe that comes due right?
15:03Uh, forget the date. Randy just told me but man, I believe it's march. Uh, 21st
15:08Okay, all right
15:09So if they release him before that then you get nothing for him
15:14No, your dead cap is 31 million, but you do have a savings of the 15.2, which is the bonus. So
15:20And basically that dead cap goes right away if you do it a pre-june 1st
15:26Designated release if you trade him before june 1st
15:30The dead cap is the same and the savings is the same if you designate it for a post june 1st
15:35Release or trade the cap hit gets spread over two years
15:39So but if i'm my other team, why would I want to do that with and give them the exercise that 15?
15:44I'd be like I can just wait till you guys cut them, right?
15:47Or I mean you can probably like designate the trade to be after the bonus or you can you know if they release him
15:54After or before march 21st, then any team can pick him up and that bonus doesn't come true
15:59The only reason you'd be motivated to trade anything to the 49ers to get him is so that you don't have to compete for him
16:05So that's the risk if you think he yeah, that's how I read it
16:08The miners right now are putting this out there repeatedly because they would like offers to come in if one makes sense for them
16:13Based on everything with the money and all that stuff if one makes sense for them, they'll do it
16:19Why would anyone offer them anything when he's going to be released?
16:22They don't want to have to battle other suitors for him
16:25That would be the only reason but you're not looking at a special draft pick and right
16:29It's a day three pick for sure
16:32That sunday night in buffalo against the bills that sunday night when he had the kickoff return
16:37I said he was back there because they were like if you get hurt, we'll be fine
16:40That's how I looked at it because you don't you treat your receivers like fine china
16:44But there's no way for him to get it
16:46But he got the ball and he looked like the old debo and i'm thinking to myself is he done like I thought
16:51Or why on kickoff returns when he can get that that engine going?
16:56He's a problem and we had a caller
16:59Uh last week that said if he got with the likes of a lamar jackson or a running quarterback that runs more than purdy
17:05Where you could kind of dupe him and debo could have the ball then he could go
17:10Be what we see on kickoff returns. I'm like, okay, I could see that but I really
17:15Am I being overzealous and thinking that we've seen the best of I think he can still play?
17:19I don't think that's what this is about
17:22I think he can still play. I don't know if he can quite play the way he played before
17:27But this is like always it's boring
17:30But this is about dollars and cents the 49ers the 49ers have now got next year
17:36Literally north of 50 million dollars put into two receivers who they're not going to get anything out of
17:41And so with brandon iuk not being ready at the start of the season and expensive and regretful
17:47Now you also have debos contract and and you need to add more to your wide receiver room
17:53Even if you kept talking about it, so that's a problem
17:56So that's why I think they went to him and said we've got to we got to pay you less
18:01And debo was super proud. There we go. They did it to juice last year
18:06Don't act like they won't do it to their favorites
18:08And he said yes debo said no
18:11And by the way, juice doesn't have the same pun intended juice juice because there's only eight teams that have a fullback
18:17And I think and he's older right? It's all what you value
18:21Do you want to stay with kyle shanahan in this group or not and you know, uh debo who already was squawking about
18:28Opportunities and this that the other
18:30Obviously thinks there's more out there for him. So he's not going to take less. So it's time for a parting
18:36Yeah, that's all yeah, and I will point this out with debo and like a lot of us
18:41I think sometimes forget that he had pneumonia
18:44And pneumonia having when I was mad at him for being on the sideline, right?
18:48And it's gone through my house now for the past two or three weeks and neither my wife nor my daughter is an nfl receiver
18:55Uh spoiler alert, but debo's numbers after he had pneumonia weren't great for a while because it takes time to get through that
19:02But i've heard after the pneumonia he averaged
19:05Uh three catches a game three and change. He had two touchdowns over the final nine games
19:10And he averaged 3.7 yards per carry. So he wasn't the same. They weren't the same
19:16So you get to this point and it's like it's time to move on
19:19Because you would be overpaying them at this point and i'll ask you this
19:23Did they do a san francisco giant contract when they re-upped him a couple years ago?
19:27Paid him for what he had done because he was everything and some
19:31And I feel like if we put the rat on the table brought to you by atco
19:35He kind of didn't live up to this contract all the 49ers deals
19:39allow for this
19:41When you get to the end they can get out of it if they want
19:43All right, that's that's that like a good nfl franchise. That's what the that's what's at the back of a deal
19:49Same thing will happen for brock purdy. By the way, whatever that number is that we're all focused on
19:54If uh, if he can get dad like I there's no number that's gonna floor me for brock
19:58Let's say it's a four-year extension or whatever then two to three years from now
20:03Then I can get out of it if they don't like what's going on. They just have so many question marks. Yeah
20:08Well, uh, I don't know if there's like the receiver one because of iu they have a long to-do list
20:13That's it. They have a very very long to-do list
20:17Well, and iuk is definitely a question mark because now he's hurt and you gave him such big money that I do think that that's
20:23What made debo samuel?
20:25Expendable and we talked about this last year about this time like, you know, you're not going to pay two wide receivers
20:30This kind of money and we all thought that it would be you know, is it debo and not brandon?
20:35You know pittsburgh philipponi said pittsburgh's at the goal line
20:38They're going to keep debo and trade iuk and well you signed iuk and you kept debo and it felt like okay
20:44this is the year and then you go six and eleven and
20:47Iuk tears his acl and his mcl and debo's got pneumonia and has a down year
20:52And now you look at it and it might not be either one of them
20:55I'm gonna walk to the caddy and I want this answer from both of you. Can I miss my appointment?
21:00Not that I get a perm it's natural but jay wong once said there's no confidence like fresh cut
21:06jay, jay watch
21:08I said I want to do a documentary when women and men get their hair done that first 40 seconds of how'd you just feel?
21:16You're a foot above the ground. But anyway, you're about to ask a question guy. Is drake green law nine or not?
21:23i'm feeling
21:2460 percent. No
21:26I hope so. Oh, i'm 70. Yes
21:29To see and i'm
21:30And john lynch
21:32By the way
21:33If you're listening to us right now john lynch
21:35You're gonna hear everybody do the purdy and the debo and the debo and the purdy
21:39Did he he will he dressed all kinds of stuff? Yes, including drake green law and we will have all okay
21:44I didn't play the pertinent stuff all together
21:50To let you just soak it all in
21:52In 10 minutes. Okay, there we go all that wins bogey bogey isn't exactly an hour
21:57Andrew bogey at 3 15
22:00And uh, and then other than that, we'll be taking your calls and we'll be told it was not at the shindig
22:05No, because he lives in australia. I got down under there. Yeah, it is already
22:10Thursday where andrew is i'm very excited to call him and find out what happened. How is it?
22:15I'm gonna ask him if I should lay some money
22:18On the bulls tonight. Look at yeah
22:21And uh, where where are we gonna do all that do 95 70? Yeah, there you go