• 2 hours ago
00:00:22Let's go punch crime in the face
00:00:29Nice to see you bats. It's been too long to face. What have you done with the mayor? Oh, he's around
00:00:42Mmm a giant coin
00:00:45Isn't that a little obvious turn yourself in Harvey before anyone gets hurt the doctors at Arkham can still help you
00:00:53Tempting what say we flip him for it heads. I give myself up tails
00:01:02Let's hope you've got a giant spatula in that belt of yours. Is he always this deranged?
00:01:08You don't know the half of it. Oh and to keep you too busy. I've rigged a little challenge down there
00:01:13Every time I flip my coin one of those two cages will open and you have to deal with whatever comes out
00:01:20Will it be good or bad
00:01:23The lady or the tiger he's got Tigers now, it's an expression Robin get ready ready
00:01:30Heads or tails dynamic duo. You'd better save your mayor before his luck leaves him flat tails
00:01:36Get him boys
00:01:40Get him boys
00:02:37My face both of them damn boys
00:02:44What's it gonna be
00:02:47Oh, let's flip again boys
00:03:06No my coin, where is it? I've gotta find my lucky coin. No, no
00:03:13My coin, where is my coin? I have to find it
00:03:17I have to looks like the odds were in our favor this time a Batman the odds never favor a life of crime Robin
00:03:23Eventually the big house always wins
00:03:26Thank You Batman for saving my life
00:03:29Not a problem air now the two-face has been apprehended. We can get him back to Arkham for rehabilitation
00:03:35Behind the scars. I know Harvey still has the potential for good
00:03:38Arkham can't hold me Dark Knight. Eventually, I'll get out and when you do Harvey, I'll be waiting
00:04:20Let's go punch crime in the face
00:04:28Quiver with fear felons
00:04:40Stop right there
00:04:45What a rock no wonder there was a break-in it's the Siamese diamond on loan to
00:04:55Museum from Thailand for the dangerous cats exhibit that explains its new owner
00:05:00Legend has it that the diamond grants unlimited power to whoever unlocks it by speaking the proper incantation
00:05:05But that's just a legend right hurry Robin. We can't let him get away him. Don't you mean her?
00:06:05Since when do statues walk or attack for that matter their statues of past the ancient Egyptian goddess of the Sun looks like a giant
00:06:20Cat to me cat man must have figured out how to unlock the abilities of a diamond
00:06:23How do you know the thief was cat man? It was pretty dark for all we know
00:06:27It could have been cat woman. This isn't like her and I know what I saw a museum heist involving cats and diamonds
00:06:33Yeah, that doesn't sound like her at all
00:06:38Great we're trapped like a couple of don't say it any ideas. These walls don't appear to be reinforced. We should be able to
00:06:49Use this statue to break through to the next room it had to be a cat didn't it enough chatter
00:06:58Me knock it over
00:07:07Palaeontologists estimate the world's earliest cats made their debut 60 million years ago during the Paleocene era
00:07:14Far from the cuddly couch-loving pets. We know today these early felines preyed on mammals reptiles and birds
00:07:26Definitely cat woman I'd recognize those moves anywhere. I'm not having this discussion right now
00:08:10Thought lions lived in the
00:08:15Plains stay focused Robin
00:08:22Playing with yarn and coughing up fur balls. They also enjoy having their tummies
00:08:30Don't see what's so scientific about that
00:08:33Scientists predict that by the year 3000 cats will develop their own space technology and fly to the moon
00:08:41There they'll fight aliens with laser blasters and explore the planets looking for new life forms and adventure
00:08:50Okay. Now that's just ridiculous. We're not here for a history lesson Robin
00:08:54I know but the guy said keep your eyes peeled for any threats
00:09:02Found one
00:09:16All I'm saying is it was dark and we shouldn't jump to conclusions
00:09:19Cat man broke out of black gate three days ago
00:09:22Do you think that's a coincidence and cat woman's been on the loose for almost a year? You're always defending her
00:09:32Just believe in criminal rehabilitation for the hot ones maybe
00:10:28There are always consequences to leading
00:10:47No one escapes justice justice prevails
00:11:46Nailed it perfect shot as usual. See you bats
00:12:38Preventing crimes one by one
00:13:11Look out criminals the Caped Crusader and boy wonder are on the case criminals beware
00:13:22Cover those ears boys things are about to get loud
00:13:29It's my old bud has the Cape
00:13:42Careful on these elevators Robin they have the potential to flatten both of us. I've ridden on elevators before thanks from the outside
00:14:16Doesn't feel like we're going in circles
00:14:18There are more direct routes out of this museum. It's obvious cat man is leading us into some kind of trap
00:14:23I'm still not convinced. It's him either way watch your step
00:15:02Looks like they've got cameras all over this place, huh?
00:15:04The museum does house over a billion dollars worth of priceless artifacts too bad their windows aren't thicker
00:15:09We should be able to use these monitors to find cat man's current location look there. She is I mean he is whatever
00:15:16He's heading towards the upper floor if we hurry we can cut him off
00:15:58Hop on this attraction is the most direct route where cat man was last seen heading call it a shortcut
00:16:04Can't we just run along the tracks then this thing moves way too slow the ground is electrified
00:16:09But you're welcome to try if you think your boots are thick enough never mind
00:16:13The Middle Ages marked a turning point for the domestic cat
00:16:18Armed for the first time with swords and crossbows
00:16:22Medieval cats from the north began waging what would be a hundred years of war
00:16:26Began waging what would be a hundred year war against their neighbors from the south
00:16:31Kittens from the same litters found themselves on opposing sides of this feline civil war fighting claw to claw
00:16:42Several key inventions sprung from this period including the cat the bolt
00:16:48Originally designed as a means for these feline warriors to travel great distances in a few seconds
00:16:54This weapon would later be repurposed by humans to hurl large boulders at one another
00:17:09Say for a minute we're actually following cat woman. It's not her Robin. It's time for a boy wonder beat
00:17:15I'm not saying it is cat woman. Just that it could be her
00:17:19Shouldn't we keep an open mind about the thief's identity until we know for sure right now
00:17:24Our priority is capturing this thief. It doesn't matter whether it's cat man cat woman penguin or killer moth
00:17:29Someone stole that diamond and we're gonna get it back
00:17:32Hammers of justice you're the boss justice prevails
00:18:13Hold it so much for cutting him off. We can't let him get away. You've seen what that diamond can do
00:18:18We need to get it back before it's used against the entire city
00:18:29The streets are safe once again
00:18:40Keep your eyes peeled is this ready? Look out criminals the caped crusader and boy wonder are on the case
00:18:51It's my old bud has the cape cover those ears boys things are about to get loud
00:19:09Watch your footing robin this glass should support our weight as long as we don't make any sudden moves sudden
00:19:15We're in the middle of a pursuit here
00:19:24I don't suppose it'll support all three of us
00:19:30Hey, it's the batman and the bird boy out of curiosity, who's your boss again?
00:19:35See batman and I sort of have a bet about let's focus on taking them down robin, right? Got it
00:19:42Cover those ears boys things are about to get loud
00:19:45It's been real boys
00:20:09Exactly what I need
00:20:53This should help
00:21:03Zipline check
00:21:09Hey who turned out the lights hear that it's the batman and robin come on guys keep up
00:21:15Don't let them out of here alive boy. You guys sure are confident, huh?
00:21:36It's time for a boy wonder beatdown
00:21:40Mighty knife
00:21:44Feel like maybe we should avoid these glass ceilings just a hunch
00:21:48Do you know where cap man's headed? Because if so, then by all means let's head straight there
00:21:52Well, no, I don't then try to keep up if he gets away. It'll have disastrous consequences for gotham city
00:21:59You're right. Oh and try not to break the ceiling this time me. It was her that broke it before
00:22:04I mean her, you know, those thugs probably could have told us who that cover those ears boys things are about to get loud
00:22:13It's been real boys
00:22:58Time to go sir. See you bats. Let's do lunch
00:23:24No one escapes justice justice prevails
00:24:04That's a lot of stuff to hit at once
00:24:07Batarang could take them all out in a single throw
00:24:10Flip the batarang then hold down the z button and aim your remote at the screen to target them
00:24:25Great staff
00:24:36Another area made safe from crime
00:24:46It's a perfect night for saving the city
00:24:50Look out criminals the caped crusader and boy wonder are on the case
00:24:58Quiver with fear felons. That's my old bud. How's the cape?
00:25:41Nice work batman
00:25:56Zipline check
00:26:11What is this a yarn factory one of gotham's oldest they don't keep the place very tidy
00:26:16It's likely that catman turned the workers into cats on his way through
00:26:19And everyone knows that no cat can resist the urge to play with a big ball of yarn
00:26:23I guess that makes sense. Keep your eyes peeled. This is exactly the kind of place catman would spring a trap
00:26:50You really shouldn't have done that
00:26:58You light them up and i'll knock them down nailed it perfect shot as usual. See you bats
00:27:53Nice one
00:28:00Uh batman
00:28:01Remember that trap you mentioned time to run. Why would they even have a huge ball of yarn like that?
00:28:06I'm, not sure but unless we move fast, we're about to become part of the world's biggest cat
00:28:43Boy whoever thought a ball of yarn could be so deadly remind me to never take up knitting
00:28:48We're lucky the ball knocked over that water tower so we could reach the other side
00:28:52Let's hope there are no giant fur balls waiting to be coughed up on us when we get there
00:28:55This breaking looks unstable robin. What's your footing? We're pretty high up now, huh?
00:28:59Yes, and it looks like catman may have finally cornered himself
00:29:02There are no other buildings adjacent to this one and it's time to reveal our mystery cat burglar
00:29:31A cat helicopter, where do they buy these things robin? Look out
00:29:38Hold on robin i've got you
00:29:48Arkham's going to be busy tonight
00:29:59Welcome to the gadgets rack batman, please make a selection to purchase or upgrade a particular gadget
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00:31:08Let's go punch crime in the face keep your eyes peeled and your fists ready
00:31:40Really I was a cat
00:31:42Like a little house cat the diamond has the power to bring feline related artifacts to life and to turn humans into cats
00:31:48Who knows what else it's capable of was I cute? I was able to develop an antidote
00:31:53It won't prevent us from being turned into cats, but it should reverse the effects of the diamond within a few seconds
00:31:58So why are we at the zoo? I found particles in my cable to trace back to a particular concrete used here
00:32:03I guess all the empty cages are a clue too, huh?
00:32:06Yes, my furry feline friends your day has finally come
00:32:13Soon the whole city will be your milk bowl. The only thing you'll be lapping up is a hot bowl of justice catman
00:32:21What do you know?
00:32:22It was him the dynamic duo
00:32:26I thought I dealt with you back at the museum
00:32:29You must have as many lives as these cats. What's your game cat man?
00:32:34Oh, i'm purely in it for the kitties
00:32:38They've been enslaved by humanity far too long forced to sleep on couches
00:32:43Squat and litter boxes instead of running free
00:32:48It's time. They take their city back
00:32:50Of course if the resulting chaos allows me to loot the city for a few million dollars
00:32:57Even better big surprise it always comes down to money with you. It does make the world go round batman
00:33:05But i'm afraid this is the last stop for you and your chirpy companion. Is that supposed to be a robin joke?
00:33:13It's time for a feeding my curious companions
00:33:18sharpen those teeth
00:33:20We're dining on heroes tonight
00:33:30You kitty kitty kitty
00:33:46What what are you doing bad kitty back down get off me
00:33:54Time to retreat to higher ground
00:33:57Lap up my laser beam first a robin now a house cat
00:34:03Make up your mind
00:34:05I told you get off me
00:34:22Attack my gargantuan gutter
00:34:31Oh, don't try that again
00:34:36Unfair unfair no attacking from behind
00:34:46My cats you ruined everything
00:34:57See robin, maybe next time you won't be so quick to judge I guess I was wrong
00:35:02But how did you know catman was behind everything and not cat woman? It was obvious if you looked at how?
00:35:14Thanks boys, I wish I could stick around but this kitty's got a scat
00:35:23Obvious, huh?
00:35:43Ready to deliver some justice look out criminals the caped crusader and boy wonder are on the case
00:35:53You want to know what's really shocking me cover those ears boys things are about to get loud
00:36:05Be careful robin, she's leading us there's bound to be traps ahead. Well, duh
00:36:23Nice outfit kitty, huh?
00:36:26Come on boys, it's time to make the boss lady proud
00:36:50That's why they call us the dynamic duo
00:37:14This place doesn't look too stable it appears that cat man and cat woman have already started tearing the city apart
00:37:20What's with all the house cats citizens robin?
00:37:22They're using the diamond to turn anyone they encounter into four-legged felines i'd better watch where I step then
00:37:29No one escapes justice justice prevails
00:37:52Cover those ears boys things are about to get loud. It's been real boys
00:38:23Perfect timing
00:38:44You want to know what's really shocking me i lit you guys up like a christmas tree see ya
00:39:06It's like a zoo down here let's get higher use your grapple on that fire escape
00:39:36For a pair of flying rodents you two sure had trouble getting up here a robin is not a rodent give it up cat
00:39:43Woman, you're better than this
00:39:45Are you going to cuff me dark knight? Well, come on up then
00:40:03There sure doesn't seem to be any shortage of these guys, huh, it's time for a boy wonder beatdown
00:40:58Preventing crimes one by one
00:41:05Let's go punch crime in the face, it's a perfect night for saving the city
00:41:12Quiver with fear felons. You want to know what's really shocking me?
00:41:25So cat man and cat woman were working together the whole time evidently
00:41:29While cat man preoccupied us with his diamond heist cat woman was already setting her plan in motion here in the city
00:41:34You know, it was probably all her idea, right? No more jumping to conclusions. Robin
00:41:38We'll let the police sort that out once we've apprehended both of them
00:42:12It's her what do you hope to get out of this cat woman
00:42:15What does any girl wants?
00:42:18jewels money gold
00:42:20The world
00:42:22Turning gotham civilians into cats is a twisted game. Yeah, and enough with the bombs already
00:42:27This place looks like it's made out of swiss cheese
00:42:30How about just one more?
00:42:32for old times sake
00:42:47Batman oh man, are we glad to see you cat woman's tearing the whole city apart on the radio
00:42:52They said she's got some jewel that turns humans into
00:43:20Ready for action
00:43:22You want to know what's really shocking me? I lit you guys up like a christmas tree. See ya
00:43:51I'm no kid. I can't believe they'd be willing to destroy an entire city just for some money with cat woman
00:43:56It's always more about the game than the prize cat man's just greedy
00:44:00But cat woman does this for the thrill can't she just ride a roller coaster like the rest of us
00:44:04There is good in her though. I've seen it. She can be rehabilitated. Here we go again
00:44:34This is the end of your criminal career
00:44:38There's too many of them keep fighting robin the entire city's at stake
00:45:04You don't mess with goblins
00:45:14It's time for a boy wonder beatdown
00:45:23See you boys
00:45:40Preventing crimes one by one
00:45:57Welcome to the gadgets rack batman. Would you like to upgrade this gadget?
00:46:04This gadget has now been upgraded
00:46:09Would you like to upgrade this gadget this gadget has now been upgraded
00:46:16You lack the points required for this upgrade you lack the points required for this gadget, please make a
00:46:32Let's go punch crime in the face keep your eyes peeled and your fists ready
00:46:40Cover those ears boys things are about to get loud. That's my old bud. How's the king?
00:46:55It feels like a building just came down on my head
00:46:59How long have we been out?
00:47:01around two hours
00:47:02I can only imagine the mayhem. Catman and catwoman have been causing in our absence. We need to stop them
00:47:07Let's start with finding a way out of here
00:47:24We need to get out of this sewer and back on the streets. I'm sick of climbing pipes
00:47:28Not so fast catman and catwoman think we're dead right now
00:47:31We can use that to our advantage to sneak up on them when their defenses are down smart thinking
00:47:36So, where do we go from here by now? They must have goons all over the city
00:47:40Let's keep quiet and see if we can pick up any info on their current whereabouts
00:48:37Up ahead listen, I hate the sewer
00:48:40Smells like my toilet down here and I never cleaned my toilet relax
00:48:45The boss just wants us to make sure batman and bird boy didn't survive the explosion. You saw that thing
00:48:51The only ones crawling out of that wreckage are the cockroaches you sure about that get them
00:49:00Cover those ears boys things are about to get loud. It's been real boys
00:50:03They needed that
00:50:44It's time for a boy wonder beatdown
00:50:50Ready sir, you know it skeet
00:50:55Oh, yeah
00:51:00Time to go sir. See you backs. Let's do lunch
00:51:14Who's that officer mcdowell, it looks like he's been knocked unconscious at least he's not a cat
00:51:33This area at all costs
00:51:35Sounds pretty crazy out there
00:51:37Once we get our hands on catman and catwoman
00:51:39We can use my antidote to reverse the effects of the diamond on gotham citizens. Is sewage supposed to glow green like that?
00:51:45Let's hope we live that long
00:51:46It appears to be toxic waste most likely dumped into the sewer as a result of catman's attack on the nuclear power plant
00:51:52Let's use this wooden plank to get across
00:52:24I hear something
00:52:26Above us. Oh, yeah tons of cash once the bosses have finished taking over the city
00:52:31We're all gonna be rolling in the dough. Yeah, if batman doesn't stop him first
00:52:37And robin quiet. Hey, you hear something? Probably just rats
00:52:41Anyway, how can they take over the whole city even without batman? They still gotta deal with the cops
00:52:47That's the best part. They're hitting the cops first half the police force has already turned into cats too bad
00:52:53They didn't have a pig shaped diamond, huh? Should we take them out or leave them? That's up to you robin
00:53:31Ouch you'll feel bad in the morning
00:54:00The streets are safe once again, I love the smell of justice
00:54:16Next stop crime fighting look out criminals the caped crusader and boy wonder are on the case
00:54:27That's my old bud, how's the cape you want to know what's really shocking me
00:54:42Looks like the car's empty. Hopefully whoever was driving made it out safely. Let's head to the police station
00:54:47Maybe commissioner gordon has some information on catwoman's current location
00:55:02Why are we cutting through this factory we need to stay out of sight for as long as possible
00:55:06If catman learns we survived the explosion, he'll make it his priority to correct that
00:55:39Catwoman's gone too far this time. What clued you in when she looted the city or when she blew everything up
00:55:45I didn't believe she was capable of something like this
00:55:48Maybe you don't know her as well as you think you do batman. Let's go. We have to reach gordon before they do
00:56:16We're too late maybe not hey look it's the batman see I told you guys he was still save the speech whiskers
00:56:23We already heard it. Anyone that doesn't want to get clobbered should clear out now. Hey, it's that bird guy. What's his name?
00:56:32That's it time for a cat fight
00:56:41Not so tough
00:57:06Call me a sidekick again and i'll kick you to the curb
00:57:18Too easy perfect shot as usual. See you bats
00:57:42Thanks for the workout
00:58:08Is that commissioner james worthington gordon in the flesh
00:58:11Or rather fur so now we have no idea where they are
00:58:15According to these files in gordon's desk we do where they've stolen millions in cash and jewels from banks all over town
00:58:21Now all they need is gotham's most expensive home to enjoy their spoils and you can't be serious. We're off to wayne manor
00:58:33It's time for a boy wonder beatdown
00:59:03I feel recharged
00:59:32Nice one robert
00:59:44Time to go sir. See you backs. Let's do lunch
01:00:11There are always consequences to living a life
01:00:27Alfred picked a heck of a time to visit bermuda. It'll take him months to clean up this mess
01:00:31I see more thugs up ahead being discreet and taking it down. We don't want to alert catwoman or catman yet
01:00:36That's going to be a little difficult saying how there's no place to hide around here
01:00:40You're forgetting whose home this is robin. I have hidden passages all over this lawn. Really?
01:00:44Why didn't I know about this because wayne manor's never been invaded by greedy villains and cat thugs before?
01:01:02You line them up and i'll knock them down piece of cake perfect shot as usual. See you bats
01:03:06Well, what did you expect
01:03:21It's time for a boy wonder beatdown
01:03:26You'll feel that in the morning
01:03:50Preventing crimes one by one
01:03:58It's a perfect night for saving the city, let's go punch crime in the face
01:04:09Such incredible power with one shiny rock we were able to bring an entire city to its knees
01:04:15Or should I say its hind legs?
01:04:19Say whatever you want catman. Just say it a little quieter. I'm getting sick of the theatrics
01:04:25Oh, what a wonderful pair you and I make
01:04:30This time we can take over the world together from gotham city to catman do and I do
01:04:39king and queen
01:04:42and lioness
01:04:44Keep your tail down cat boy. This was a one-time team up. Oh, don't fight it cat woman
01:04:51You couldn't dream up a more perfect specimen of man than the one and only cat man
01:04:58I can think of one
01:05:00But he's gone now
01:05:06Batman always batman and robin
01:05:11Go on catman. It's time to protect your queen
01:05:22Nighty night batman. I'll see you in your dreams traps everywhere. Where's a girl safe anymore?
01:05:36Watch out boys this kitten's got claws
01:05:45No fair, how did you do that?
01:05:50I'm not in the mood for games batman stay away from her
01:06:00Nighty night batman. I'll see you in your dreams
01:06:13You won't be so lucky this time
01:06:17Care for some bombs boys
01:06:21Where did that come from
01:06:27Feel this cat's wrath claws out catman. Don't let them reach me
01:06:35Things are about to get explosive
01:06:41Nighty night batman. I'll see you in your dreams
01:06:46I'll protect you cat woman watch out boys. This kitten's got claws
01:06:56Nighty night batman. I'll see you in your dreams
01:07:03Traps everywhere. Where's a girl safe anymore?
01:07:31Come now batman
01:07:32You can't blame a girl for being financially ambitious
01:07:36I won't have to get woman. We have an entire justice system for that all done
01:07:41I guess we were both right this time, huh? No one's right when jumping to conclusions robin
01:07:47I guess so. Come on. Let's get that diamond back to the museum before it causes any more trouble
01:08:25Ready little guy. I meant to scare him not you batman get ready to deliver some justice
01:08:37We're installing them tomorrow
01:08:39These new cells will be absolutely escape proof. It does appear that you put gotham's tax dollars to good
01:08:46sweet release
01:08:49Is that copperhead apparently, why would he try to escape with us standing right here?
01:08:54At least it saves us the trip of dragging him back here
01:09:02He's gotten out again
01:09:03Would you two mind not at all?
01:09:06Uh, hey snakey probably not the smartest idea breaking out right in front of us
01:09:10How about you slither back into that cage of yours like a good little reptile? How about I snap your spine instead?
01:09:17Boy, it must be tough to keep thinking up s words. Let's just get him back in his cell so we can leave beetle
01:09:22Wait one second. I want to try something. Hey copperhead. I heard you're a big dumb idiot. Is that true?
01:09:29absolutely false
01:09:31Now see I thought he was gonna say yes
01:09:34Because you know of the s in there at the end. Yeah, he's good enough silliness. It's time to skin this snake
01:09:39That was still pretty silly
01:09:42It's time to strike
01:10:31Such a nuisance
01:10:55Stand still
01:11:23I'll squeeze you lifeless. Have some convicts
01:12:18This day the heroes are victorious
01:12:26No prison cell can hold my
01:12:29Slithering physique obviously, you haven't heard about the prison's new upgrades yet upgrades
01:12:35Hey batman after we get his costume off. Can I make a pair of cowboy boots with it?
01:12:40No, i'm kidding. Yeah, I know it's evidence
01:12:42So you want to go grab a burger after this?
01:12:45Justice never takes a break even for fast food. Yeah, I figured you'd say something like that
01:12:51Anyway, the prison's safe now another criminal thwarted. Thanks to batman and the blue. Hey, wait up
