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Making Dubai Chocolate - this is what it's like
00:00You might have seen Dubai chocolate appearing all over your 4U pages on social media and
00:08you've probably seen it in shops and yep, that's some of the Dubai chocolate I actually
00:13got for Christmas and I've done a previous video on.
00:17So with the February half term starting I thought I'd try and make some myself with
00:21my son.
00:23So I've got some of the pistachio cream that you can actually get from booths, it's widely
00:27available now, it was expensive, it was £6 but we had a go at making it so take a look.
00:34We began by melting the chocolate in the microwave and then pouring a base layer out into some
00:40old cake moulds that I've had since lockdown because I wasn't paying £10.99 on Amazon
00:46just for a chocolate bar mould that I might never use again.
00:51As you can imagine working with a small child this got quite messy but we did it and we
00:55put it in the fridge to set before I rolled out some, that's puff pastry, you can't get
01:01the kunefa so I've substituted it, I baked some puff pastry and then we cut it up into
01:08small bits and fried it with butter, just a small amount of butter before adding the
01:13pistachio cream.
01:16At this point the base layer of chocolate had set so we put what we guessed at was a
01:26reasonable amount of pistachio cream filling in there and then covered it back up with
01:32melted chocolate.
01:34It was all guesswork but yeah, again it was extremely messy but we put it in the fridge
01:40to set and after about half an hour they came out looking like this, actually I was really
01:45pleased with the silicone moulds, they made it dead easy.
01:51So I've just tasted it now and you can see there it's retained the crunch in the pastry
01:57because obviously that was improvised, it has been in the fridge so that it can all
02:02set so the filling isn't runny but I think if I left that at room temperature it would
02:11go a little bit more runny but overall having had the real thing and then making my own
02:17I'm impressed with myself there but it's achievable and the silicone moulds made it
02:24dead easy to get out.
