Spring has sprung at Costa Coffee with a new menu having launched featuring a raft of exclusive items, so I went down to my nearest branch to sample the new grub...
00:00Hi, my name is Jack Marshall, I'm a digital food and drink reporter and welcome to another
00:05one of our food review videos. Recently Costa announced that they've got a brand new spring
00:10menu with loads of new items on there, loads of new drinks, loads of new bits of food,
00:14both kind of savoury meal stuff and the kind of sweeter stuff. So I went down to my local
00:18Costa to try it out and this is how it went. Okay, so the first thing I tried was the iced
00:23caramel latte. Now this, it was genuinely one of the nicest iced coffees I've ever had.
00:28It was something a bit kind of a little, little different in the sense obviously add the hint
00:32of the caramel and everything there, but I'm not really usually a fan of iced coffees.
00:36They don't really do it for me. Obviously, they're geared towards being refreshing whilst
00:40also giving you that kind of coffee hit but never really done it for me. But this was
00:43just really nice. It had a nice hint of caramel without being overwhelming. The coffee was
00:47nice as well. But it wasn't like overpowering the coffee flavour either. It was just it
00:52was nicely balanced flavour wise. So I thought that was really impressive. That was just
00:55nicely done. I really enjoyed that. And food wise I had the nacho chili cheese toastie
01:00which was great natural Tex-Mex flavour to it had a really nice kind of like edge to
01:06it bit of a punch bit of a bit of a bite to it. It needed more chicken in there if I'm
01:10honest. But that's the kind of thing with these sandwiches. You're not going to get
01:13as much chicken as you get in like a homemade sandwich, that kind of thing. So that's to
01:16be expected. You know, you don't get the coverage like the edge of the bread, that kind of thing.
01:20So yeah, one of one of the small criticisms we got about it is just the coverage of chicken
01:24in there. But flavor was really good. Hint of spice, nice cheesy touch as well. On the
01:29crust that was that was good. That was a nice bite to it as well. That was good. And then
01:34to top it off I had the chocolate pistachio cookie which which was a bit of a revelation
01:38if I'm honest. It was really nice and soft. It was almost like a brown. It wasn't like
01:42didn't have a bite to it like a regular cookie. But the pistachio cream on top was really
01:47really nice. It was creamy. It was flavorful. It was brightly colored. It was like something
01:51nicely different whilst also being like a nice classic pistachio flavor to it which
01:55was which was nice. The actual it added some bits of pistachio on top as well. So the flavor
02:03was good. I just could have it could have been more balanced. You know, it was nice
02:07and creamy, nicely pistachio. But if anything, I wanted a little more pistachio from it.
02:12That was my only slight qualm with it. But I was really impressed. I really enjoyed it.
02:15It was nice. The cookie was soft. Like I say, that was lacking in flavor. These are
02:21small nitpicking elements. But I want from the chocolate cookie a proper chocolate kind
02:27of wham to it. But it was quite asinine. It didn't really kind of hit home. It faded in
02:31the palate quite a lot. It didn't really hit home. But it was nice if a little overpriced
02:36I've got to say. But I'd definitely try it again. So yeah, that was our review of the
02:41Costa Spring menu. Let us know if you've been out and tried any menu items if you've fallen
02:45in love with any of them if you're a devotee to the new pistachio cookie if that's all
02:49you're going to eat from Costa from now on in let us know let us know what you think
02:52about the whole thing. And thanks for watching. Cheers.