• last year
Lancashire Post Eats, Season 3 - Pizza
00:00Hi, my name's Jack Marshall. I'm a digital reporter with Lancashire Post. Now you have
00:08to forgive me straight off the bat, I'm a bit full of cold after traipsing around in
00:11the rain and the mud at BBC Radio 2 in the park in Preston last weekend. But anyway,
00:17we crack on, we move. We're not going to let a bit of a sniffle stop today's announcement,
00:20which is that we are cracking on with Season 3 of Lancashire Post Eats. Now people who've
00:26seen a few of our videos before will know that in the first season, we went on the hunt
00:31for Preston's best kebab, tried a lot of different places, pinpointed the best kebab, went and
00:36looked behind the scenes, spoke to the person who kind of rustles up Preston's best kebab
00:41to get his take on what goes into making Preston's best kebab. And we did the exact same process
00:47to find the city's best burger. So having wrapped up those two seasons and crowned the
00:52best kebab and the best burger in Preston, we thought what better food to move onto next
00:58than the classic, the absolutely legendary takeaway food that is the humble pizza. Now
01:04we're going to follow a similar pattern to the previous seasons. We're going to ask you
01:11readers, viewers, where your recommendations for the very best places in Preston are to
01:17grab a slice of pizza. We're going to look at the highest rated places on things like
01:22Google and TripAdvisor and all these other things. And we're just going to put together
01:25a bit of a list of 10 places, which we think offer the broadest and best kind of demonstration
01:32of what Preston has to offer when it comes to those classic pizza pies. So we're going
01:37to get that list together. We're going to go along, we're going to try them anonymously.
01:40We're not going to big fanfare and announce that we'll come in. We're just going to go
01:43and try them on a random day, see what they look, see, see what they're like, really see
01:48what the vibe in the restaurant is, see what value for money is, see how it tastes, obviously,
01:54and just get a feel for each place. And then we're going to rate them. We're going to rate
01:57them based on five different categories. We're going to rate them on the dough, on the sauce
02:02and the cheese, on the toppings, on the value for money, and on the vibe of the restaurant
02:07and the other takeaway itself when we're actually in there ordering. And on those five ratings,
02:13which will be out of five, we're going to give them a total score out of 25. And then
02:16once we've finished this whole process, just like we've done with the burgers, we will
02:20be able to crown Preston's very best pizza. So yeah, really keen for you guys to get in
02:27touch with recommendations. If you think there's anywhere we really need to try anywhere stand
02:31out that you think is the best. If you've got a go to place which you will never deviate
02:36from if you've tried a lot of different pizzas and you found one which really sticks in your
02:40mind and thinks that place is just the standout one. Just get in touch, let us know, let us
02:45know where you think we should try if there's somewhere serving something completely different
02:48and a bit out there and wacky. Tell us we'll go and have a bash. But yeah, really keen
02:54to get this one off the ground and started really, really keen to get going with it all.
02:58Like I say, we've, we've had a great time doing kebabs and burgers. So yeah, let's crack
03:03on with pizzas. Let us know in the comments, get in touch via email, give us some recommendations.
03:10We'll go out and try them. Thanks for watching. Cheers.
