• last year
LP Eats - These are the 10 best pizza places in Preston we're reviewing as part of our mission to crown the city's top slice.
00:00Hi, my name is Jack Marshall and I'm a digital reporter with Lancashire Post newspaper and
00:08welcome to the latest LP Eats video. Now in this video we're going to be doing something
00:13a little different. Now people may have noticed that we're starting season three of LP Eats,
00:19Lancashire Post Eats, which is our video review series looking for the very best of certain
00:23cuisines in the city. Now so far in seasons one and two we have done the best kebab, best
00:28chicken shawarma kebab and the best burger in Preston. Now we've crowned both of those
00:32places and we're moving on to the best pizza in Preston. We've already put a video out
00:37explaining what we're looking to do, but I just thought I'd run you through the 10 places
00:41we're going to be trying because last week we put out a bit of a call to arms to readers
00:45to ask them for their suggestions of the top places in Preston. In their opinion, you know
00:51they're very, very kind of learned and educated opinion. I'm sure loads of people have tried
00:56a load of different pizza places. It's the kind of thing, it's the kind of food which
00:59a lot of people have very strong opinions on. When you find your favourite spot, you
01:03don't really usually deviate from it because you know what you're getting. You know the
01:06qualities there, you know you're not going to be disappointed. So we asked people where
01:09their suggestions were and you replied in your hundreds. We literally got 200, 300 comments
01:15on our post of people recommending some spots. Now I added a few of those recommendations,
01:21especially the ones that got a few repeat recommendations to our list of 10 places which
01:25we are going to go and try ourselves randomly, anonymously. We're not going to do a big
01:29fanfare announcing that we're coming down. We're just going to drop in, try it out, give
01:33it a rating, be on our merry way. Now without taking any more of your time, we'll just give
01:39you a bit of a run through the places we're going to go to. And one of the places which
01:42received plenty of suggestions was Honest John on Blackpool Road. So we'll be going
01:48there to try it out. Tony's, which was probably the most popular suggestion which we received
01:53on the post on Plungington Road. We're definitely going to go there and try it out because that
01:57place has impressed a lot of people. So very keen to try that out. Also going to be trying
02:02the pizza at the Moorbrook on North Road and the pizza at Ships and Giggles on Fylde Road,
02:07which is very close to our offices. So that one will be a very quick journey for us, which
02:11is nice. We're also going to Mr Slice Guy on Wellington Road, Volare on Blackpool Road,
02:16Antonio's on Water Lane, Cafe Bar Preston on Winkley Street, Pizza Express also on Winkley
02:22Street. And also we will be trying because you just have to when you when we're talking
02:26pizza, you just have to do this. We'll be trying a local Domino's as well, not decided
02:31which we'll just order go from there. It doesn't really matter. It's supposed to be a chain.
02:36So yeah, that's a bit of a rundown of the 10 places we're going to be trying as part
02:39of our LPEs season three. Now, these are the best places in Preston for pizza. They give
02:46us the widest kind of like range of top end spots, which we will be able to assess on
02:52the five categories which we've already outlined in previous articles about season three of
02:57LPEs, which will be the quality of the dough, the quality of the sauce and the cheese, the
03:02toppings, the vibe in the place and the value for money. Now in terms of toppings, just
03:07to make it as kind of uniform as possible when we come to ranking these things, I will
03:11be ordering either a pepperoni pizza or the closest approximation to a pepperoni pizza
03:15on the menu each time to try and keep it as kind of like standardised when it comes to
03:20rating these things. So when I'm rating the toppings, I'm going to be rating the quality
03:24of the toppings I'm expecting and if they do a bit of a twist on it, you know, maybe
03:28it's got jalapenos on it, maybe it hasn't, maybe it's got ham, mushrooms, whatever it
03:30might be, I'll be judging that as well as part of the toppings. So yeah, these are the
03:3410 places we're going to. I'm really keen to get started. Some of these places have
03:39had so much support from you guys as viewers, readers, saying that this is undoubtedly the
03:45best spot. This is my favourite spot. So I'm really keen to try it out because it receives
03:49such glowing recommendations and such positive reviews from you guys that, I mean, so many
03:54people can't be wrong, can they? Well, that's what we're here to find out. Yeah, so keep
03:58watching, stay tuned for our first review which will be coming up later this week and
04:02yeah, thanks for watching. Cheers.
