LP Eats - Reviewing Domino's, Preston

  • 20 hours ago
This week with LP Eats, we headed down to Preston's branch of one of the world's top fast food joints: Domino's. Here's what we made of the food from the pizza-peddling leviathan...
00:00Hi guys, my name's Jack Marshall, Digital Reporter for Lancashire Post and welcome to
00:08our latest LPEs. Now, unseasonably sunny weather once more, so Preston's really bringing the
00:15Italy vibes again. So we're going to head over to something which isn't necessarily
00:20going to be 100% authentic Italian and we're getting a Domino's. Now you've got to try
00:23these major chains as part of this, so let's see how those classic Friday night Domino's
00:29or two for Tuesday Domino's vibes, which people love so much, see how they compare
00:33to the proper authentic places we've tried so far in Preston, see if that kind of like
00:38mass-produced but still very popular Domino's pizza measures up to some classics.
00:45Hi guys, so when I left here I was just walking across Preston to head over to Domino's on
00:52Deepdale Road and I really wanted to try a really kind of city centre location to really
00:58get a flavour for what Preston Domino's have to offer because apparently they can change
01:02branch by branch, so try the one near the football ground thinking that'll be a very
01:05popular one, you'll know loads of people know it, they'll have driven past it, tried it,
01:08grab one before a football match, whatever it might be, that's the one we tried. So anyway,
01:13headed in there and yeah, first things first is that it was a Domino's, the vibe is pretty
01:17ubiquitous across every single branch, they've got the decals and the kind of like cartoonish
01:25stuff on the walls, they serve you pretty quickly, that's it, it's very corporate, it's
01:30very kind of like managed and a bit bland but they're not a restaurant looking for vibe,
01:35they're looking to churn out pizzas so the vibe was like a 2.5, it was mid, it was fine,
01:42it wasn't offensive, it was very managed, that was it, there's nothing else to say about
01:45the vibe but I do appreciate you don't go to Domino's for the vibe, go for the pizza.
01:49So getting on to the pizza, I grabbed myself a large pepperoni pizza which as anyone will
01:55know from Domino's, they do huge large pizzas, they are plenty big enough, couldn't actually
02:00finish this myself, I left a couple of slices, it was a lot of food. But anyway, on to the
02:04dough, the dough was really disappointing, having tried a lot of different pizza doughs
02:09from a lot of different independent places so far, plus places like Pizza Express, you
02:14really do get to appreciate the fact that the dough is so important a part of a pizza
02:19and this one was just, I don't know, it was airy and it was very bready and it just didn't,
02:25it needed that kind of softness to it which it didn't really have and any softness just
02:29came from how full of air it was and so in a weird way it kind of like felt stodgy without
02:35being heavy because it was just so bready, it was like eating quite a lot of sourdough
02:41really. Yeah and it soaked up a lot of grease so like the crusts didn't have that like nice
02:48charcoal effect to them, they just kind of soaked up a lot of oil so not the best on
02:52the dough front, I'm giving them a 1 out of 5 for that, it wasn't great. Cheese and sauce,
02:57they were fine, they were just inoffensive, it's like they've been put there just because
03:00that's what goes on a pizza which again, it's Domino's, they're churning out you know like
03:05pretty standard pizzas, they're just going to, you know, do what they've got to do to
03:10sell some pizzas and pizzas have cheese and tomato sauce in them so that's what they did.
03:15The tomato sauce was okay, again I think a lot of this comes down to the fact that they've
03:19got to be quite universal in their appeal so they don't want to do anything crazy, they
03:23don't want to do a really tangy or spicy sauce and they don't want to do a really kind of
03:27like flavourful cheese because that might put a lot of people off so I appreciate where
03:30they're coming from but it's just my personal opinion, didn't blow me away. It's 2.5 on
03:35the cheese and sauce as well, just inoffensive and this is a corporate pizza, that's what
03:39stood out a lot about it. Toppings, the toppings were a 3, now the pepperoni from Domino's
03:44is probably one of the better toppings that they do so it was solid, it was fine, it was
03:48tasty, they do a lot of it, fair play to them, I think they put like 4 little rings, 4 little
03:52circles, discs on each slice so yeah, that was fine but again, nothing to write home
03:57about, it's 3 out of 5. Finally we'll come to the value, due to there being a deal, the
04:03large pizza cost £9.99 which is pretty good for the amount of food you get, the quality
04:07isn't mind-blowing but if you're craving a Domino's pizza, which don't get me wrong,
04:12I've done in the past, you know, everyone's been at uni and I've had a few pizzas or been
04:16from a night out and I've craved a Domino's pizza, we've all been there, it's fine, £9.99
04:21for a large pizza is pretty good, it's solid, it's alright if you kind of go into it knowing
04:25what you're getting so I think value for it I'm giving them a 3 out of 5 which gives them
04:28a pretty paltry score of 12 out of 25 which don't get me wrong, we're not going to bring
04:33Domino's as a corporation down with this kind of score but compared to some absolutely
04:36classy and really, really high-end, independent, like proper pizzerias in Preston, I'm genuinely
04:45leaning more towards saying just f*** Domino's, go to some other places so again, this is
04:50just my personal opinion, this is a review, this is what we found, yeah, if you love Domino's
04:54I completely get it, I'm someone who's loved Domino's in the past so this is just one of
04:57those reviews but yeah, 12 out of 25 for Domino's, keep tuned, stay tuned next week rather to
05:01see what we've got next, cheers!
