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Valle Salvaje - Capitulo 92 - video Dailymotion
00:00I trust that your opinion will improve with the help of my niece.
00:06She can make your apparent boredom more bearable.
00:09Your proposal is tempting.
00:11Then go out with her.
00:13But you didn't explain to me why you're here.
00:15My father decided it.
00:17Let's say we have our differences.
00:19You can't take the opposite.
00:21You'll agree with me that it's something we have in common.
00:23We are governed by two difficult characters.
00:26It's Gaspar who has distanced himself from me.
00:28What will be happening to him?
00:30Only he knows.
00:32Then find out what's happening to him.
00:34And help him.
00:36I know where the Romero grows up.
00:38I'm from this valley.
00:39He's coming.
00:40With pleasure, I will accompany him.
00:42I knew he was interested in you.
00:44But now I know you also belong to him.
00:46Matilde has suffered enough.
00:48You deserve to be happy.
00:50Perito and I are very proud of our older sister.
00:54But you have given up so much for me.
00:56What would happen to me without you?
00:58A wife is a companion.
01:00She is not someone to ask for submission.
01:02But I'm tired.
01:03I'm tired of proclaiming to the four winds that you're a good man.
01:05Because I'm starting to doubt that you really are.
01:08Not even your words, Rafael.
01:11He pretends to convince the duke not to marry Bernardo.
01:16I don't love him.
01:17He didn't love the captain of the Vega either.
01:19And he allowed himself to be alone with you.
01:20For saving the life of a person.
01:22Of a man he despises.
01:23My dear, I don't understand.
01:25Now he has pretended to believe that he can marry whoever he pleases.
01:28He thinks he can deny Bernardo.
01:30I have to marry Mrs. Mercedes.
01:32I will try.
01:34And you didn't think to tell me that you had turned to Victoria to convince me?
01:38Was it so hard for you to talk to me at this point?
01:41Don José Luis, you are engaged to Mrs. Mercedes.
01:43I didn't find it prudent.
01:45The sooner we clear things up, the better.
01:48José Luis, if you insist that I marry him, you will bury me alive.
01:52I beg you.
01:53I will accept anything except marrying...
01:55I don't care about your words.
01:56I will never be your wife.
01:58I can't go on with this.
02:00The conversation will end when Don José Luis says so.
02:04Don't put your hand on me again, Canapal.
02:08The pact is nearing.
02:09And what does he want? For me to go out and claim company?
02:11Are you in love with Luisa?
02:13Why do you ask me that?
02:18Luisa, wake up, please, wake up!
02:23Hurry, we have to take her to my bedroom.
02:25My bed is bigger and more comfortable.
02:30Don Atenasio, Luisa needs your help.
02:32She has to go up, she hasn't heard me.
02:33I have never attended a birth.
02:37She has heard me.
02:38I have never helped a woman see the light.
02:40Are you telling me that you don't feel prepared to help Luisa?
02:44My God in my life, you should have told me that before.
02:47Don't be alarmed.
02:48There is a solution.
02:49What solution?
02:50I haven't seen how Luisa is, that she has lost her knowledge.
02:52Yes, precisely.
02:53Luisa's birth threatens to be complicated.
02:55And you say that to reassure me?
02:56No, I say that because we need the help of an experienced midwife
02:59and someone who knows more than me.
03:01And where are we going to find someone like that,
03:03in a hurry and running and at this time?
03:04There is the solution.
03:05The midwife of the town promised to attend to Luisa during the birth.
03:08I will give notice to a day worker to go and get her and bring her to escape.
03:11Don Atenasio, there is no time.
03:12Mrs. Adriana, I just want to do the best for Luisa.
03:14For her good and for the good of the child.
03:16And believe me, the best thing is that that midwife assists her.
03:19Well, do what you have to do, but hurry up.
03:21Because Luisa needs to be attended to as soon as possible.
03:23I am going to notify the day worker and I will go up immediately to examine her.
03:26Have them prepare a barrel with hot water and clean rags.
03:51I have a wound that does not heal over time
03:57by a betrayal that pierced my heart
04:02as if it were a fist
04:08that locked me in this torment
04:16of silence and lies
04:18everything I knew is getting further away
04:25I live dreaming
04:28with what fate decided to deny us
04:33condemned to the taste of bitterness
04:37dancing with madness
04:40imagining that it is you
04:44I live dreaming
04:46eternally waiting
04:49that in this dance I will save myself
04:51your light illuminates me
04:54that in this dance I will save myself
04:58your light illuminates me
05:07Mercedes always seemed to me a weak and unstable woman,
05:11but I had never seen her so out of control.
05:13She has completely lost her sense of smell.
05:16She has never been like that.
05:18The state of nerves in which she is can only have one explanation,
05:22that what happened to the captain of the Vega has unbalanced her.
05:26Unbalanced has been for a while.
05:29Since the death of your wife, that woman has lost her sense of smell.
05:33It may be. I no longer know what to think.
05:37I do.
05:40You cannot tolerate such behavior in your house.
05:43It is unacceptable.
05:45You do not deserve that humiliation after everything you have done for her.
05:49Her reaction this afternoon has been very unfortunate, I will not deny it to you,
05:53but I cannot forget that she is my sister-in-law,
05:57Pilar's sister, the aunt of my children.
05:59You will not tell me that also your future wife.
06:01No, no.
06:03I am so foolish. My wedding with her is completely impossible.
06:08The only solution for everyone right now is for Bernardo to dispose of her.
06:13The only solution for everyone, except for him.
06:16Fortunately, he has been blindly in love with her for years.
06:19Don't ask me what the hell I see in him.
06:21And despite the humiliations he is subjected to.
06:24Have you seen how he has moffeted her?
06:26He has been shameful.
06:29But what really worries me is her.
06:32How are we going to convince her to marry someone she does not love?
06:36There is only one way.
06:39Which one?
06:41That she has no other option.
06:44She is free to do and undo with her life as she pleases.
06:48Maybe not.
06:51If she wants to continue living in your house, she will have to do it under your rules.
06:57Do you want me to marry Bernardo?
06:59Force her.
07:01Either you do it or you undo it.
07:14How are you?
07:16Does it hurt a lot?
07:18I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you so hard.
07:21Well, you did.
07:23And it was a very convincing blow.
07:25I'm sorry.
07:27But they have bitten the bait.
07:29I was about to believe it.
07:31Let me put some ointment on you.
07:34This will relieve the pain and lower the swelling a little.
07:41Does it hurt so much?
07:43Your right blow is worthy of fear.
07:48Don't be exaggerated.
07:50You are a tough and strong man.
07:51I'm sure that harder blows will have had to fit in your life.
07:54You hit me and now you scold me for being a manly flu.
08:00You know I had to do it.
08:02We had to convince them that our little play was real.
08:07And do you think we did it?
08:09I'm sure we did.
08:11I know José Luis Alarpía de Victoria well.
08:14They have believed him from head to toe.
08:17I hope you are right.
08:18So that all this sacrifice was worth it.
08:21Don't think about that now, Bernardo.
08:24I can't stop thinking that we are allowing your honor to be tarnished.
08:30Do you know what an honor it is for me?
08:35To marry you, Bernardo de Ayue.
08:39Duke of Miramar.
08:42To be your wife for the rest of my days.
08:52Stop, Bernardo. Let's not go so far.
08:56I wish you, Mercedes.
08:58We have to be patient.
09:00When will all this end?
09:03These stealthy encounters will go down in history.
09:06And you and I will be free.
09:23Wake up.
09:25She should have stopped working days ago.
09:28But she did.
09:29And she exceeded.
09:30And damn it, why didn't I force her to stop?
09:35It's not time to regret.
09:38Luisa needs us to keep calm, okay?
09:42Keep talking to her until she wakes up.
09:45Luisa needs us to keep calm, okay?
09:49Keep talking to her until she wakes up.
09:51But don't give up.
09:59Wake up.
10:02Rafael, it's been like this for a long time.
10:05What do we do?
10:07I don't like this.
10:09The pain should wake her up.
10:13And the pain should stop.
10:17What was that?
10:18A contraction.
10:19What does that mean?
10:20That more are coming.
10:22Luisa, wake up.
10:24Luisa, we're going to get out of this and I'm not going to leave your side.
10:27But I need you to open your eyes.
10:29I need you.
10:30Open your eyes because your son is in bed.
10:32Pedrito has come to the big house.
10:34What happened?
10:36We were in the tent and he lost consciousness and he's not waking up.
10:40Can I help you?
10:41We are doing everything we can.
10:44We are waiting for the midwife.
10:46Mrs. Rana gave notice to a day laborer but he has not arrived yet.
10:49And why is it taking so long?
10:51I don't know.
10:52But she should be here.
10:53Well, I'll get the horse and I'll go look for her myself.
10:55But she's busy with another birth.
10:57With the change of moon, births multiply.
11:00Well, I'll go to another town looking for another midwife.
11:02And if not another, I won't stop until I find one available.
11:37Good morning, Mrs. Tanasi.
11:41Luisa has woken up.
11:43I'm afraid not, Mrs. Matinde.
11:46Poor girl.
11:48Breaking water and losing consciousness in what should be one of the happiest moments of her life.
11:53Yes, the contractions have already begun.
11:55And it still indicates that she will soon give birth.
11:57But in that state she will not be able to push.
12:02Yesterday afternoon I sent one of the day laborers to the town to give notice to the midwife.
12:06But apparently she is attending another birth and will not be able to come.
12:10Mr. Rafael went in search of another one to bring her personally.
12:15We still don't know anything.
12:18Can I help you with something?
12:21I appreciate your offer, but for now there is not much more to do.
12:25If we need something, I'll let you know.
12:27Yes, tell me.
12:28I would like to help.
12:31And how is Mrs. Adriana?
12:33She hasn't slept all night.
12:35She hasn't separated from Luisa for a moment.
12:40Is she okay?
12:49Now a little better.
12:53You can do this.
12:56Do you really think so?
12:58It's Gali, isn't it?
13:00I'm sure he's had much more complicated situations than this.
13:04I don't know.
13:05He will do well.
13:07How are you so sure?
13:09Because I've seen him in more difficult situations.
13:13Don't you remember when he saved Pedrito's life?
13:17Everyone thought it was his end.
13:20But you didn't.
13:22You didn't lose your calm and you helped him.
13:24And he saved his life.
13:26But this time it's different.
13:28Why is it different?
13:30Luisa is pregnant.
13:32She already knows she can't have a baby.
13:34Why is it different?
13:35Luisa is pregnant.
13:37She already knows she can't have a baby.
13:38And despite everything, he will do well.
13:41I trust you.
13:48Or is there something you're not telling me?
13:55But why is he so nervous?
14:04I really appreciate you, Luisa.
14:07And I don't want anything bad to happen to you.
14:08And it won't happen to you.
14:11Don Atanasio, that girl is very lucky that you're here.
14:16I trust you.
14:24And now ...
14:26I insist.
14:27Can I help you with something?
14:38Don't leave me.
14:42Don't leave me.
14:51You have to wake up.
14:54For whatever you want, you have to wake up.
14:59Do it for your son.
15:02Do it for me.
15:05Do it for me.
15:09But what are you doing here?
15:11I want to help.
15:15Pedrito, let's go.
15:17No, I don't want to.
15:19But what's wrong with you?
15:21I'm an adult now.
15:23I want to know what's really going on.
15:26I know something very bad is happening to Luisa.
15:29But Pedrito, who told you that something very bad is happening to Luisa?
15:35But while she fainted and everyone is very weird,
15:40the same thing happened when you disappeared.
15:44Nobody wanted to tell me anything.
15:47But I'm sick of you lying to me.
15:49Of you hiding the truth from me.
15:51I'm sick of you burying me in my closet so I don't find out anything.
15:56Pedrito, my love, you can't do anything for Luisa.
16:07Surely not.
16:09But neither can you.
16:11And always be by her side.
16:27Let's go.
16:28Come in.
16:55It will be better if we postpone the classes until Luisa recovers.
17:08I'm sorry, I have my head elsewhere.
17:11You don't have to apologize.
17:13I understand.
17:15I'm sure Luisa will be fine tomorrow.
17:18With her newborn in her arms.
17:21And well, how are things going with your friend?
17:27Do you mean Don Leonardo?
17:31I heard that they had gone for a walk in the field.
17:36How did he find out?
17:38You know that the news and rumors in the valley run like a saeta.
17:43Like gunpowder, I would say.
17:45And well?
17:47No more. Don Leonardo is a friend.
17:51Are you sure?
17:53You always say that women and men are absolutely equal.
17:57Can't I have a friend?
17:59Of course.
18:01I just don't know if he will think the same as you.
18:04What do you mean?
18:06Since we're talking about rumors,
18:09you may have heard by chance that this boy is a great fan of seducing women.
18:15He's famous for that in Madrid.
18:19I didn't know.
18:21But if I'm honest with you, I don't care.
18:24Don Leonardo can do whatever he wants with his life.
18:30I just wanted to put him in the loop.
18:32I appreciate it.
18:35I just wanted to put him in the loop.
18:38I appreciate it, but I'm not interested in him in that sense.
18:43I'm glad.
18:45I wouldn't like anyone to hurt him.
18:48Don't worry. Don Leonardo won't hurt me for the simple reason that he can't.
18:52And if he tried, I know how to take care of myself.
18:54I don't need his help.
18:58I know.
19:04I know.
19:09Are you alone?
19:12Where is your family?
19:14They had breakfast a while ago.
19:16You and I are the most lazy.
19:18And the most lazy, on the other hand.
19:20Your brothers don't stop working.
19:22I get tired just by looking at them.
19:24Did you find out what happened in the little house?
19:27What happened?
19:29Luisa, the maid, broke the glass yesterday.
19:32She has lost consciousness and has not yet woken up.
19:35BĂĄrbara and her brothers are very worried about her.
19:39What about Mrs. Victoria?
19:41Mrs. Victoria is not very good at fraternizing with the service.
19:46At first glance, it's not what worries her the most.
19:51I'm sorry about the maid.
19:53Especially for Miss BĂĄrbara.
19:55She has a lot of affection for her.
19:57It's like she's not part of the family.
19:59That's what I think.
20:02How are things with her?
20:05With Miss BĂĄrbara?
20:10Good. Much better.
20:12Yesterday I only disrespected her on two or three occasions.
20:15Don't get involved with her.
20:17I just told her that we get along.
20:19Why is she so worried?
20:21I wouldn't like my friend to be hurt.
20:26Me? Why would I do such a thing?
20:29I know what I'm going to say next is not good for you,
20:32but I've heard about your peculiar reputation in Madrid.
20:37By peculiar I mean bad reputation.
20:40They say there's no woman who can resist you.
20:43I shouldn't believe everything I hear.
20:47What you do with your life is none of my business.
20:50But if I'm here talking to you about this,
20:52it's because I don't want my friend to get hurt.
20:55Maybe it's Miss BĂĄrbara who's hurting me.
20:58Haven't you thought about it?
21:00She promises me she'll treat her well.
21:03She's an excellent girl.
21:10I'm glad she has a friend like you who cares about her well-being.
21:15I'm sorry if I've bothered you,
21:18but you must understand how important BĂĄrbara is to me.
21:21I understand.
21:23As for Luisa, I thank you for informing me.
21:26When I finish breakfast, I'll go to the little house.
21:37When you wake up and get better,
21:40we'll go for a walk in the fields.
21:43You, me and my little brother.
21:50I want to see his face.
21:52I'm sure he's as handsome as you.
21:56That's why you have to wake up, Luisa.
21:59You have to bring him to the world.
22:02Has there been anything new?
22:06He's still the same.
22:08He hasn't opened his eyes, not even a little.
22:12He hasn't had any more contractions.
22:14At the moment, they are spaced in time and sporadic.
22:18You have to have faith. God willing, it will continue like this.
22:21Luisa is strong.
22:23I'm sure she'll get through this.
22:26I hope she's right.
22:32Do you want to tell me something?
22:34I have a message from your aunt.
22:36A message?
22:38Apparently, your husband wants to see you and your aunt at the big house.
22:42Why does he want to see us?
22:44I couldn't tell you.
22:46Well, he'll have to wait. I'm not going to leave Luisa.
22:49Your aunt won't accept a no for an answer.
22:51Adriana, you know how she is.
22:53And she already knows how I am.
22:55It's better to make things worse.
22:57The situation with your husband is already quite tense.
23:01I'm not going to leave her.
23:05Nothing bad is going to happen to her.
23:07And if there's anything new, I'll go to escape and let you know.
23:12Come on, change.
23:14The sooner you go, the sooner you'll be back.
23:18Don't worry, Adriana.
23:20I'm not going to move from here until you come back.
23:25I promise.
23:46Do you need water?
23:51Just a little bit on the forehead.
24:08Mrs. Matilde just informed me that you had come to see me.
24:11Am I coming at the wrong time?
24:13Yes, the truth is yes.
24:16Luisa, our maid ...
24:18I know what happened to her. That's why I came.
24:21Have you come for Luisa?
24:23To take an interest in her and offer all my support.
24:27I know how much you love her.
24:30If I can do something, don't hesitate to ask me.
24:34I appreciate it.
24:37But little can be done but wait and pray for her.
24:42What exactly happened to her?
24:45Yesterday afternoon, I broke the water.
24:47I lost consciousness immediately.
24:50Has she been unconscious since then?
24:54It has started with contractions but they are still not very frequent.
25:00I'm not very understanding of such matters.
25:03But I guess it's not good.
25:06It's not the best of scenarios.
25:09But it's a matter of time before she wakes up.
25:12And what does Galeno say?
25:14I think it's best if he assists a midwife.
25:17Don Rafael has gone in search of one but we are still waiting.
25:21I'm very sorry, Miss BĂĄrbara.
25:23I'm really sorry.
25:27I insist, if you think I can be of help, don't hesitate to ask me anything.
25:31Do you hear me?
25:33Whatever it takes.
25:39But as I have already told you, there is not much more to wait.
25:44In that case, I will wait with you.
25:49I'm not going to leave you alone in these dire moments.
25:52I'll keep you company, if you don't mind.
26:10Everything will be fine. You'll see.
26:16I love you.
26:32They are already here.
26:35Sit down.
26:39Do you want to drink something?
26:41A tisana would be fine.
26:44A tisana.
26:49Aren't you going to sit down?
26:51I'm better standing.
26:53What do you want, Julio?
26:55I need to go back to escape.
26:57The sooner you sit down and listen to what your husband has to say,
27:01the sooner you can go back with the maid.
27:11What can we do for you, Mr. Julio?
27:14First of all, I would like to show my most sincere support for the situation of young Luisa.
27:18If you need anything, ask me immediately and I will do my best.
27:22There is no need, we are already doing everything possible.
27:25Thank you, Mr. Julio. If we need anything, we will let you know.
27:31Can we speed up the conversation, please?
27:33Luisa is lying in a bed without knowledge and I would like to be by her side when she wakes up.
27:38Excuse my niece's manners, she is a little nervous with everything that is happening to the maid.
27:44I have called you because I would like the three of us to talk about AdriĂĄn's return to the big house.
27:52You are my wife, you must live with me.
27:54And who says that?
27:55I say it.
27:56Well, we don't think the same.
27:58You are lucky that the valley is a discreet place.
28:01Because if this happens in the Villa de Madrid, it would have been a real scandal.
28:05And who knows that?
28:06A disgrace for both families.
28:07Oh no, Julio.
28:08Adriana, I am your husband and I have rights. Rights that I have not exercised all this time.
28:13Rights must be earned.
28:14You are wrong, the law supports me and is on my side.
28:17What do you mean the law?
28:18I have been very patient, Adriana.
28:20All this time I have gone for the good, do not force me to do it for the bad.
28:24I have also been very understanding, but this situation is intolerable.
28:28This situation is the one you have been looking for.
28:31Adriana, Sil.
28:34No, I'm not going to sit down.
28:36If you made us call to tell us this, you could have saved it.
28:40Because I'm not going to return to the big house.
28:42Adriana, come back here and let's talk about this as civilized people.
28:46This is more than spoken, aunt.
28:48And I have nothing more to say.
28:50Are you going to obey me or do I have to take letters on the matter?
28:54I'm going to attend to Luisa.
28:56Good morning.
29:02This is inadmissible, Mrs. Victoria.
29:04You have seen it, there is no way with your niece.
29:06Be patient.
29:08She is a characterful girl.
29:10I will not repeat it more times.
29:12If she does not want to do it for the good.
29:14What, Mr. Julio?
29:16Adriana is going to obey me, whether she wants it or not.
29:29You are also early today.
29:31Have you finished the day?
29:33I have been doing management for the bosses all day and they have let me pick up before.
29:37I'm glad.
29:39Well, take advantage and rest.
29:41I want that.
29:43How is Luisa?
29:45I have met with Mrs. Isabel and she has told me that she is very well.
29:47You are still awake.
29:49That's not a good sign.
29:51It's been a long time.
29:53Too long.
29:56She has begun to have sporadic contractions.
29:59Let's hope she doesn't give birth.
30:01Poor girl.
30:03Don Rafael has gone in search of a midwife.
30:06In the meantime, all the women in the house are trying to help Don Athanasio.
30:16I'm going to take this, Luisa.
30:18She is sweating a lot and she has no clean shirts left.
30:21Of course.
30:22He has offered me to help change her.
30:24It is the least I can do given the circumstances.
30:28You are lucky to have you close.
30:37Gaspar, what you said yesterday about Don Athanasio, I ...
30:39It's not time to talk about that now.
30:42The important thing is Luisa.
30:44We will have time to resume that conversation.
31:02Where have you been all day?
31:09And that money?
31:11I need it.
31:12Can you tell me why?
31:15I've been looking for a midwife to take care of Luisa since last night.
31:18I found one, but it was busy giving birth at risk.
31:21So I left a man there in charge of bringing the wild valley as soon as it is available.
31:26So I left a man there in charge of bringing the wild valley as soon as it is available.
31:31I understand that money is to pay him.
31:35Well, to pay both, when they arrive.
31:41I think it's fine.
31:52Julio, I want to apologize for what I told you yesterday.
31:55You were honest. You said what you thought from the bottom of your heart. That's not bad.
31:59Well, I'm not apologizing for what I told you.
32:02But for how I told you.
32:06I shouldn't have spoken to you like that.
32:08I should have been more respectful and I want to apologize for that.
32:14Apologies accepted.
32:18I didn't mean to be rude, Julio, but you know how I handle injustices.
32:22And this one clearly was.
32:24I hope at least what I told you will make you reconsider.
32:29Don't worry so much about my marriage.
32:37I appreciate it, but from now on it won't be necessary.
32:40Things have already been resolved satisfactorily.
32:45What do you mean?
32:49That Adriana will return home soon.
32:52Have you talked to her? Has she agreed to return?
32:55Not exactly.
32:58I've invested a lot of time trying to get Adriana to come to her senses.
33:01I've respected her from the first moment.
33:03Maybe it's too much.
33:06What are you talking about, Julio?
33:10I'm talking about whether Adriana will have to obey me, whether she likes it or not.
33:13It's time to put the cards on the table.
33:16And if Adriana wants us to go to the bad guys ...
33:20Well, it was the bad guys.
33:23What are you going to do?
33:25What I should have done a long time ago.
33:40What are you doing here, mother?
33:42Aren't you the one who always says you have to knock on the door before coming in?
33:46What the hell is wrong with you?
33:50Those tears say otherwise.
33:52Get out, please. I want to be alone.
33:57I'm not going anywhere until you tell me why you're so compassionate.
34:02Get out, please. I'm not in the mood to argue with you.
34:08You're like this because of Miss Irene, aren't you?
34:13I told you not to forget, son.
34:15I told you you were going the wrong way, obsessing with her.
34:20The last thing I need is for her to sermonize me.
34:22That's your problem.
34:24You always see sermons in my words and I only pretend to be a support for you.
34:28I'm not your enemy.
34:30No, it's not the opposite either.
34:33No. I am something much more important.
34:38I am your mother and I only want the best for you.
34:42The best for me?
34:45I wish that were true.
34:48Do you doubt it?
34:55If it were true, I would never have told myself that Irene is my sister.
35:15I love you.
35:29He finally finds him.
35:32They told me he was in a bad mood.
35:35I went out for a moment to get some fresh air.
35:38I need to think.
35:41What is your opinion about Luisa?
35:43You've seen her.
35:45The situation is not ideal for that girl.
35:48I've just been with her.
35:51And I can't agree with you anymore.
35:56She doesn't deserve what's happening to her.
35:59Do you appreciate her?
36:04At first, when I came to this house, we barely talked.
36:10None of us made it easy for her.
36:12I didn't know.
36:15But she knew how to win us all over.
36:19She's like a Tascabel.
36:22Pure joy.
36:25Yes, she's a good girl.
36:30She's good and noble.
36:34She's honest and hardworking.
36:36She's a singer.
36:40She knows she likes to sing in the mornings.
36:45It's nice to wake up listening to her singing while she moves all the glasses,
36:50the knives, everything, preparing breakfast.
36:59And then she's so frank.
37:02She always says what comes to her mind.
37:06As much as you want to hear it, as much as you don't.
37:12I like her transparency.
37:15Her simplicity.
37:17How flat she is.
37:22Do you have a lot of affection for her?
37:27I think I can consider her a friend.
37:31A real friend.
37:37Do you think she'll get better?
37:40Do you think she'll wake up?
37:46I hope a midwife comes soon who knows how to help her.
37:50Because I don't know what else to do.
37:56How are you?
37:58Are you better?
38:01Yes, I went out to get some fresh air and I feel better.
38:04Better than this morning, I mean.
38:10What happened?
38:13I think it was just tiredness.
38:15It wasn't just that.
38:20Maybe I also collapsed because of the gravity of the situation.
38:26And is there something else?
38:30What do you mean?
38:32You tell me.
38:35No, I don't know what you mean.
38:39Mr. Damasio, I have been honest with you.
38:45When you asked me, I opened my heart to you.
38:50I told you everything that happened to me, the problems I had in my marriage.
38:54It helped me to vent.
38:57Maybe the same thing happens to you if you are honest with me.
39:03Maybe you feel relief.
39:08I can't think of anything.
39:13As you wish.
39:16If at some point I change my mind, you know where I am.
39:26Mr. Damasio.
39:31Whatever it is, I'm sure it's not serious.
39:56I love you.
39:59I love you.
40:26I love you.
40:39When did you arrive?
40:41A while ago, but I passed by the big house for a few things.
40:45How are you?
40:48I'm still the same.
40:50Have you found the door?
40:52Yes, but you were right.
40:54The change of the moon must be influencing.
40:56Apparently there are several women giving birth.
40:58So she's not coming?
41:01But I left a man there in charge of bringing her here as soon as she's free.
41:11She will come. You'll see.
41:14We have to trust.
41:22I know it's not a good time to share my concerns with you.
41:28But I've talked to Julio.
41:31And he left me worried after the conversation.
41:33Worried about what?
41:35About being careful with him.
41:37I had never seen him like that.
41:39Like what?
41:41So calm and so cold about your marriage.
41:46I've seen him like that many times.
41:49This time it's different.
41:52And maybe you don't always see him as a brother.
41:57I don't know how to tell you, but I've seen determination in his eyes.
42:01And he told me he wants to force you to return to the big house.
42:07He told me that too.
42:09But he wants to do it by force.
42:12Well, let him come. I'll wait for him here.
42:15Adriana, you shouldn't provoke him.
42:17Why not? I'm not afraid of him, Rafael.
42:19I know, but I know him.
42:22And Julio is capable of anything to get away with it.
42:25And me too. Don't underestimate me.
42:27I won't. I won't.
42:31But I don't want him to hurt you.
42:32But it's too late for that. Rafael has already hurt me.
42:35Disrespecting me.
42:37Disobeying my will.
42:39Forcing me to do things I don't want to do.
42:42I'm not going to succumb to his threats, Rafael.
42:44I'm not going to leave this house.
42:46No, Rafael. Enough.
42:49I don't want to keep talking about Julio.
42:51I don't want to waste the little time we have alone talking about him.
42:55And our marriage.
43:02I don't care about all that now.
43:05The only thing I care about is Luisa.
43:16I love you.
43:24She'll get better.
43:26You know that, right?
43:28Yes, I do.
43:31Luisa is strong.
43:33The strongest girl I've ever met.
43:38She's behind this. I'm sure of it.
43:41Rafael, I don't want to live with myself.
43:44Not with your brother or anyone else.
43:48And if you think you can give me orders, you're wrong.
43:52I'll do what suits me.
43:54I'll do whatever it takes and do what they do to me.
44:11I love you.
44:29I hope you've regained your peace of mind.
44:32Because I'm not going to allow you to see more pathetic shows like yesterday.
44:36I'm sorry.
44:37I'm sorry.
44:38Lately, I've been very nervous.
44:40We're all a little upset with the latest events.
44:44But what happened yesterday can't happen again.
44:47You live in my house and you have to live with the circumstances.
44:50I don't know what's wrong with me, José Luis.
44:52I didn't mean to slap Bernardo.
44:54Well, you did.
44:58I lost control.
44:59You have to understand that this situation is desperate for me, José Luis.
45:03That's what I'm here for.
45:04To put an end to this complex situation in which we are.
45:10What you did with the captain of the ship would be enough reason to get out of here immediately
45:16and never let you come back.
45:20I hope that after that sentence there is a but.
45:25But I appreciate you.
45:27And I can't forget the love that Pilar felt for you.
45:31And for all this, I see myself in the moral obligation to help you.
45:36Does that mean that you are rethinking the situation?
45:40I mean, are you willing to marry me?
45:45No, no.
45:47Mercedes, I'm sorry, but that's impossible.
45:51José Luis, please think about it.
45:56Getting married to a woman in handcuffs could be my total doom.
46:04I understand.
46:06But ...
46:08But then what about me?
46:12I've already told you that I'm going to help you.
46:18Will you marry Bernardo?
46:27No, José Luis, no, please.
46:29I'm sorry, Mercedes, but you haven't left me another alternative.
46:34If you marry Bernardo, I will allow you to continue living in the big house.
46:40And if not?
46:44If not, I will have no choice but to make you leave here forever.
46:50You will destroy me.
46:51You wouldn't see your nephews again and, of course, you couldn't visit your sister's grave again either.
46:57No, José Luis, no, please.
46:59I'm sorry, Mercedes.
47:01I'm sorry to ask you in these terms, but it's the only way to fix this mess.
47:09Imagine that the captain of the ship had left you pregnant.
47:14You must have someone by your side who assumes paternity and who takes care of the child.
47:19No, José Luis.
47:23Please, don't force me to marry Bernardo.
47:26Bernardo is the ideal person for Palmester.
47:30He will take care of you and take care of you as you deserve.
47:35I'm sorry, Mercedes.
47:37But if you still want to live in this house,
47:39you will have to marry Bernardo.
48:09Adriana, come here.
48:11I don't have time now.
48:13I told you to come here.
48:15If you come to talk to me about what happened in the big house, I have nothing more to say.
48:19What is Luisa doing in your bedroom?
48:21What does this matter now?
48:23It matters because she is a maid and, as far as I know, maids have their own bedroom.
48:26Do you know what's going on up there?
48:28Do you know that my best friend, one of the people in the shadows ...
48:31The maid.
48:33Yes, the maid, what's going on?
48:34That a maid should not give birth in the same bed in which she sleeps and rests a Galbadian.
48:38Stop saying that!
48:40Because I'm not a Galbadian!
48:45What the hell is going on up there?
48:47What's going on with Luisa?
48:49She's pregnant.
48:51She really doesn't know.
48:53As you will understand, I have better things to do than worry about the birth of a maid.
48:58This goes beyond a simple birth.
49:00Luisa broke water yesterday late and almost immediately before she was born.
49:04She lost consciousness.
49:06She has been awake since then.
49:08The contractions have begun.
49:10Fortunately, they are still weak and spaced out in time.
49:14But they are accelerating.
49:16If Luisa gave birth ...
49:18If she gave birth, what?
49:22I don't know, I'm not an expert on the matter.
49:24Speak clearly.
49:26I don't think they would overcome it.
49:29Neither she nor the child would have any chance of surviving.
49:33They would die.
49:35Without any doubt.
49:44To give birth, you need to be aware.
49:47Otherwise, the birth could end in tragedy.
49:50What are you saying?
49:52If Luisa doesn't open her eyes and the baby is there, they could die.
49:55What if she doesn't wake up?
49:57Luisa is in the hands of God, my child.
50:00Good evening.
50:02I have something to announce to you.
50:04Mercedes, please come with me.
50:06What's all this about?
50:08What did she have to do for Mr. Toribio to release her?
50:11Alejo, it's better if you don't know.
50:13If you don't tell me, I'll ask my father or Toribio himself if it's necessary.
50:17I was hoping to see her arrive with a midwife.
50:19The one I found was busy helping a woman give birth in a complicated situation.
50:23I don't want to lie to you, it's not right.
50:25And I'm afraid my help won't be enough.
50:27Fight for the life of that baby.
50:28Please, do these strategies really work on women in the court?
50:32In the Villa de Madrid, there are many more interesting things to do with a lady.
50:35That's what I've been told.
50:37That you like to seduce women.
50:39Is that a lie?
50:41Yesterday, your son warned me.
50:43Sorry, he threatened me.
50:45That if I didn't return to the big house, I would take reprisals.
50:48Your son only thinks of himself.
50:50And in any case, the Galvez de Aguirre.
50:52You are a Galvez de Aguirre now.
50:54I am a Salcedo de la Cruz, now and always.
50:56I swear to God that this is not going to be like this.
50:58I swear that my name is Adriana Salcedo de la Cruz y VillĂĄn.
51:01This is my father's idea.
51:03All of this is part of a strategy.
51:05They won't stop until you return to live in the big house.
51:07I'm sorry to tell you that I didn't need your consent.
51:09I won't return to this house.
51:11Not with or without threats.
51:13It's been made clear to you.
