• last month
01:00I told her that my biggest mistake was to break up with her
01:08I made her believe that I still loved her
01:12And that she was the woman of my life
01:16She did this because she felt cheated
01:23She decided to go after you to punish me
01:27And what did he say to Pisces?
01:29He promised that he would leave me alone
01:32Was it a lie too?
01:37That's true
01:39She is a woman of her word
01:42Don't worry about that
01:46But now she will come after me
01:48She can't do that
01:50She shouldn't, but she will
01:53She caused a tragedy in the hacienda
01:55Now it's my turn
01:56Marquinhos can't lose his father
02:00You can't die, Marco
02:02I knew the risk I was taking when I accepted this
02:07No, I can't let anyone else die because of me
02:11It's not your fault
02:12It's not
02:13It's not
02:14I know
02:15Put this in your head, it's not your fault
02:23Tell Marquinhos
02:25That his father was a good man
02:28Don't say that
02:34There's also something important about my heritage that I have to tell you
02:39Marquinhos is my only heir
02:41There's something you have to know
02:42I won't allow it
02:44I won't allow anyone else to die
02:45I won't allow it
02:47But we can't avoid it
02:49Of course we can, Marco
02:50There has to be a way
02:51Only if we catch Connie
02:53But I'll be dead by then
02:54That's what we have to do
02:55Listen to me
02:56Yes, we'll do that
02:58We have to go after her and catch her
02:59I've always been willing to give my life for you, Cacao
03:03Everything will be fine
03:05Everything will be fine
03:07Go now
03:09They're waiting for you
03:15I'm leaving
03:17But you have to promise me
03:19That you'll stay here
03:23I've already talked to Justino
03:27And I'm sure that by then
03:29They'll have acted
03:33The police won't let so many deaths happen
03:36I'm sure that my father will do everything he can to catch them
03:41And now that we know how it all started
03:44It'll be easier to find those responsible
03:48Everything will pass
03:53Do you know why I'm calm?
03:57Because I know that our son has a mother like you
04:00Taking care of him
04:12You have to go
04:18Everything will be fine
04:44Please, Mayor
04:46I'll give you the embroidery, I'm sure you'll love it
04:49I'm sorry to insist
04:50But it's very important for me to see her in person
04:53Who knows?
04:54I know so many people that I could even find a job, right?
04:57Could it be?
04:58My dear, no, no
04:59That's overreacting
05:01I could go talk to her so you can see each other
05:03But if she agrees in the end
05:05You won't ask her anything
05:07If she offers to...
05:10Help you, to do something for you, okay
05:12You know how rich people are
05:14Well, okay
05:15I won't say anything about the job
05:17But you'll do this for me, right?
05:18Of course
05:19Thank you
05:20I'm going to look for a job
05:21Let's see if I'm luckier today
05:27I still don't understand
05:29How Sissi
05:30Who came here as if she was starving
05:32Turned everything around
05:34And why was she so generous with that girl?
05:36And she hasn't given me anything
05:40Get into your business
05:50I'm sorry, but I have no doubt
05:52That this fire was caused
05:55We have a responsible person
06:00Well, what do we do next, Inspector?
06:03I need to take a statement from everyone
06:05And only then I'll be able to open a formal investigation
06:08You have to give maximum priority to this case
06:11People have died here
06:13This tragedy could have been much worse
06:15It could have burned everything
06:17Or it could have reached the city
06:19I'm aware of that
06:20And I'm going to do everything I can
06:22To speed up this investigation
06:24I promise
06:27Kim, I...
06:28I support your feelings
06:32Thank you, Inspector
06:35Excuse me
06:39I apologize for getting my nose in where I'm not supposed to
06:43But there is someone who has something to tell you
06:45About the woman everyone is looking for
06:50Are you really mute?
06:54I'm not mute
06:59I was just...
07:01Fulfilling a promise
07:05Can you talk?
07:24We are in mourning today
07:27Our Kenny
07:30Who was more than a friend to me
07:32A partner
07:33Almost a brother
07:35He's going to leave a very deep void
07:37We know he made mistakes in the past
07:41But also that he paid dearly for them
07:44For him, his time in prison was transformative
07:48And the truth is that I have not met anyone
07:50Who has worked so hard to make his life again
07:58Having had the privilege of spending more time with him
08:03I think I can say that
08:05It was through love
08:07And the will to help others
08:11That Kenny found the strength to heal his heart
08:16And discover
08:17Who he really was
08:23A good person
08:30Today, friends
08:32I'm not...
08:34Going to serve beer
08:35Nor will I take pictures of you with my teeth
08:41The only thing I'm going to offer you today
08:43Is this book
08:46A book that I hope will immortalize
08:48All the happy moments you had with Kenny
08:56All of us
08:57For every person here
09:03For Anita
09:05So that when you feel sad
09:09Read these pages
09:11And remember
09:13The stories
09:15Of this young man
09:16Who became a man
09:19And who became an example for everyone
09:25A round of applause for Kenny
09:36What a beautiful speech, Shira
09:43Anita, it was improvised
09:46The words came out on their own
09:49I didn't know you were so sensitive
09:52I'm glad you came
09:53Me too
09:54You don't know how comforting your words have been
10:01It's true
10:03I'm here, don't worry
10:09It's them
10:24Come in
10:28What are you doing here, Victoria?
10:31Good morning
10:32Victoria was already here
10:35From what I know, I think...
10:38Yes, I really know what our conversation is about
10:41It makes perfect sense that I'm here
10:44Oh yes, I almost forgot that she knows Marco's criminal friend
10:48Oh, and good try
10:50To fool me with those fake documents
10:53I was just following orders
10:55The goal was never to harm him
10:57That's my fault
10:59We wanted to see if Marco was involved
11:02Saloma, I'm sorry, but we were sure you'd tell him everything
11:06Of course I would
11:07If he hadn't been a father to Marco, we would never have gotten you involved
11:12Of course, you always have a reason to complain about me, no matter what I do
11:15What do you mean, no?
11:17But what brings me here is something else
11:19It's a more...
11:21Much more serious matter
11:23What? What happened?
11:26Marco's dead?
11:27No, no
11:28Luckily he's not dead, but he had a bad drink
11:30Now he's safe
11:32Did something happen to Kakao?
11:34No, Kakao's fine
11:37Fine for saying something
11:38He's alive, but...
11:39Fine, he's not
11:41Saloma, talk!
11:42I'm getting very nervous
11:44Tell us, what happened?
11:45A tragedy has occurred
11:52Baoba, I don't know if I understand what you're trying to say
11:57I'm sure...
11:59That woman, with Seizao de Castro
12:04Is the daughter of a former employee of the hacienda
12:08All you need to say is that she's my father's daughter, with another employee from around here
12:13She was the daughter of a family trustee
12:17And the one who expelled her mother from here
12:20Along with all her children
12:23Was the boss' daughter
12:25When she returned from abroad
12:28Mrs. Simone
12:31She was my mother
12:32I'm sure she was the one who expelled Connie's mother from here
12:36Is that why she's so close to Bellavista?
13:12You're in love
13:14Don't take the piss
13:15You're the one who's taking the piss
13:17When you think you can use me so easily
13:20Come on
13:21There's no need for all this melodrama
13:24I'm calling to discuss business
13:26It's true that my life is in your hands
13:28I don't doubt that
13:30That's why I have a deal for you
13:33Do you still want Bellavista?
13:35What kind of question is that?
13:37Do you want her or not?
13:40I know how I could gain influence over Kakao
13:43And thus control Bellavista
13:45But I need your help
13:47Well, let's suppose you're still interested
13:51What would you need me to do?
13:53Call Kakao
13:55And tell him to come back to me
13:58Or Diago will be the one to die
14:03Are you sure, Baobab, that my mother was the one who expelled those people from the farm?
14:09That was a scene I'll never forget
14:13Connie was still practically a baby
14:17And that tragedy affected her so much
14:20And all her family, who left here for no reason
14:24So you've known Mrs. Simone since that time?
14:28More or less, yes
14:31Because the truth is, that family never came here
14:35And we only heard about the bosses
14:39No one ever saw them
14:42And all of a sudden, they moved here
14:46I didn't know that
14:47They were left without a partner
14:52I did know that
14:54As far as I know, they only had their contacts and the farm
14:58That explains why my father had to save my mother's family after they got married
15:04And my mother said the opposite
15:07That it was her family who opened many doors for him
15:10That happened a few years before I arrived
15:13Justino had bought the farm and that's why I came here
15:16He paid the family's debts and I came to take care of the farm
15:21His ancestors have been here for many centuries
15:25Just like mine
15:27I was born here
15:29Just like my mother
15:31And my grandmother
15:33And they lived as many years as you?
15:36Jesus, you bury everyone
15:41No, no, no
15:42No, I didn't mean it in a bad way
15:45It was because I suspect that she's been here for many years more than I thought
15:51I'll shut up
15:53It was her great-grandfather who freed my great-grandmother
16:00He freed her?
16:02She was a slave
16:04How come I never heard about this?
16:08You didn't know about the slaves?
16:09I knew about that part, but I didn't know about the rest
16:13I didn't know either, because Baobá didn't tell us anything
16:17I haven't spoken since I was little
16:20You haven't spoken for so long and you're still vocalizing so well?
16:25What intrigues me is what happened to Connie's mother, that former worker
16:31We didn't have any more contact, but I heard many stories
16:35That she was a woman of the night
16:37That she had been the lover of a wealthy landowner
16:42Of course, that explains Connie's obsession with Bela Vista
16:46Yes, but if she's obsessed with Bela Vista, why would she want to buy the surrounding estates?
16:51She wants to return as the owner of everything, right?
16:54To restore the name of her family and honor her mother
17:00But why did my mother expel them?
17:03I don't know
17:04I don't know
17:06Were they the only ones who were expelled?
17:09Will Connie's mother still be alive?
17:12If that were the case, all of this would make more sense
17:17Yes, but we're going to leave the investigation to the inspector. Excuse me
17:21They've published the news about the fire in the newspaper
17:25Let's see
17:28Oh, what a tragedy
17:32An entire plantation burned to the ground
17:36And dead people, look
17:38Very dear people have died for the local people
17:42And the fire has spread all over the country
17:46And dead people, look
17:48Very dear people have died for the local people
17:51A tragedy, a tragedy
17:54Simone, seriously?
17:56Doesn't this move you a little bit? All those deaths?
17:59And the girl, Pissy
18:01Pissy was a girl
18:03That girl liked to think she was the landowner
18:06I can't stand poor people who think they own everything
18:09She lived there, grew up there
18:12People feel attached to their home, it's normal
18:13Yes, I understand that
18:15But those people have to respect their landlord
18:19Look, it's Sal
18:21With more hot news
18:24Really, your black humor is too much
18:27My humor can't be considered offensive at all, dear Sal
18:31Tell me, how are things?
18:34Are the sequels just jokes or is there also some humor?
18:38Mom, even I, who couldn't stand this place, am terrified of what's happening
18:43Could you stop saying those things?
18:46My daughter is suffering from barefoot syndrome
18:49Are you serious? For God's sake
18:52You're going to be the landowner, behave yourself
18:55You're already with the same old Pissy
18:58I already know that speech, but that's not why I called you
19:01I want you to tell me something else
19:04Well, tell me, dear
19:07What are you hiding from me about your past?
19:10Excuse me?
19:11You heard me right
19:19How horrible, I can't believe it
19:22All those deaths
19:29How is this possible?
19:32My God, I was so fond of him, we had spent a lot of time talking together
19:38I don't know what to say, really
19:41What Salomão told us is a disaster
19:44We should have caught that woman
19:47We did what we could, I don't know what else we could have done
19:51Salomão, it's very easy to talk, it's very easy
19:54We should have all gone together in the car
19:56If something had happened, we could have forced that woman inside
19:59Yeah, Jaime, we couldn't have known that she had bodyguards, right?
20:04That whole situation was crazy
20:07Everything that happened and that Marco was her hostage
20:11Marco was tied up, he didn't die by a miracle
20:15Maybe he's not as bad a person as I thought
20:19Honestly, I don't know what to think about anyone
20:22I like Marco, you know that
20:26But that woman
20:28She can't just walk around like that, we have to do something
20:32It will be difficult to get to her, I'm sure she has returned to Brazil
20:35Are you sure? I didn't expect to arm her
20:37No, if the fire broke out yesterday, it wouldn't have given her time to arrive and start this impossible operation
20:45I'm sorry, but there's something here that doesn't fit
20:48Where does so much hatred come from?
20:50What motivates that woman? What's her problem? It has to be for a reason
20:54We don't know, maybe Marco knows, he's the one who knows her best
20:59Let's talk to him, where is he?
21:02He's hiding from Connie
21:03I've lived so many years with a person I don't know
21:07It's nothing strange, people cheat
21:10Salomão, for example, has been cheating on me with my best friend all his life
21:14Julia, don't start, please, don't start
21:17Salomão, do you know where Marco is hiding?
21:25I can see that those crazy ideas have contaminated you
21:29I can see that those crazy ideas have contaminated you, those crazy and envious, all those poor people
21:35Listen to me, look at Sal and remember all your life
21:39There's nothing worse than having a poor mindset
21:43Mom, don't change the subject, this story doesn't make sense
21:48Yes, you were older when you came here to the farm with your parents
21:53Why would you have been the one to expel those people and not your father?
21:57It would have been normal at that time
22:00Because my father broke because he was a baker, okay?
22:05And because he treated the servants like family
22:08He would never have thrown them out and you can't be charitable to the servants
22:12Do you know that the woman behind all this was born here, in Belavista?
22:18What did you say?
22:20That woman was just a baby when you expelled her from here
22:25With her mother and her brothers
22:28And she had such a traumatic experience that she came back after all these years to settle the score
22:35That doesn't make any sense
22:37On the contrary, she was Marco's partner in the purchase of the farm when we were willing to sell it
22:45I'm sure she also wants your head as a reward
22:51But who is that woman?
22:54Sal, you have to tell me everything
22:57I only know her name is Connie
23:01But if you want to know more, why don't you ask your friend Marco?
23:06In the end, he is her partner
23:17I'll be much more comfortable here, now that I don't have to be talking to myself
23:25I'm glad you followed my advice and told everyone
23:31Good, Baobab, good, that's how it's done
23:34In fact, you should have talked a lot before, right?
23:40I know you made a promise, but there are things that can't be kept
23:46Well, it's good for you to keep secrets, that's true
23:52Why did I think that from now on you would start talking like a parrot?
23:57Ah, I got it, you only talk about what is important
24:02What is this, Baobab?
24:05You're smart, it's a sign of intelligence to listen rather than talk
24:10Maybe that's my problem, right?
24:13That I talk too much
24:16You? Soraya? Talk too much?
24:19No, never, never, no
24:23It's a joke, could I talk to Baobab alone?
24:28I was the one who spoke to her, maybe it's better if I stay here
24:33Goodbye, Soraya, goodbye
24:35I was the one who spoke to her, maybe it's better if I stay here
24:40Goodbye, Soraya
24:42Your wishes are orders, Baobab
24:45I love how polite you are
24:56I thought you and I were friends
24:59Even without exchanging a word
25:02Why did you never tell me that secret?
25:06I needed time to understand that by talking I can help people and not harm them
25:16I promised I would never talk again
25:21Talking bothered a lot of people when I was a child
25:24Darling, but you help, you've already helped a lot of people
25:28Me, for example, I owe you so much
25:31You should have kept that promise
25:33And what was the point?
25:36I couldn't save Filó, or Pigi, or Anita's boyfriend
25:42They were so young
25:46Filó died because of me
25:50I told her horrible things
25:53You know what I told her?
25:55That bad people like her don't change
25:58Yesterday she wanted to prove me wrong
26:01We all have our path here on Earth
26:05Everyone has a mission
26:09Filó was carrying a heavy burden
26:13With her gesture yesterday, maybe now she's free
26:18And who knows if she'll be reborn with a new life
26:22In which she can be happy
26:25Who knows if her sacrifice will help you too
26:28You also have a heart full of hatred
26:32No one is the same person from the beginning to the end of their days
26:36If you can understand that, maybe your pain will go away
26:42Maybe it would work for Filó
26:46But not for a person like Simone, don't you think?
26:49How can I get rid of the hatred I feel for her when I know she's free?
26:52When you understand that it's love, not hatred, that frees you
26:57Simone will learn the lesson
27:00If you want justice, you'll have to live with love, not hatred
27:07How long ago did you want to tell me that and you couldn't?
27:11A long time ago
27:13And that's what you think?
27:15Well, if I think so
27:17And there's much more, much more
27:23With so much information, my head is going to explode
27:27How is it that we didn't know that Baobab could talk?
27:30And the most impressive thing is that she was able to be quiet for so long
27:35I can't understand
27:37I think it was because of Soraya
27:39I'm sure she ate her head so much that the poor woman let out a scream of despair
27:43Yeah, but she's been quiet all her life, I'm sure she knows a lot
27:47Yes, I have no doubt about that
27:49Well, enough chitchat, I have to attend to very serious matters
27:55Do you want me to go with you?
27:57No, no, what I have to deal with is not for people your age
28:00Enrique, please, don't treat me like a child
28:05I know there are certain moments in life when you need someone to support you
28:10And Philo was Cacao's mother
28:14And Pisces, her best friend
28:16That's why we could celebrate a ceremony for them
28:20They deserve it
28:22Not to forget that they gave their lives to save other people's lives
28:29I want to propose something to you, Kin
28:34Why don't we celebrate the funeral in the house?
28:37In the main house?
28:39Yes, Philo didn't spend most of his life there
28:45Thank you very much, Miss Salome
28:49It's a very nice gesture from you, I really appreciate it
28:53I'll go with you
29:00Thank you
29:14When he got here, he didn't even know how to wash a glass
29:18But he soon became the best waiter you've ever had
29:22You say that because you didn't see how many things he broke
29:26He was a disaster
29:28I think so
29:30Oh, my friend, we'll miss you
29:36You were very close to him, Chira
29:39I was grateful for the opportunity you gave him
29:42It was a lesson for me
29:44I didn't think he could become an honest person
29:47I don't know why, Chira
29:49I know your past and you've changed
29:51I'm one in a million
29:53The truth is, I'm not entirely honest
29:56Or have you forgotten how we got the money for you to go to Portugal?
30:02But they were Portuguese
30:05I can't with the injustices
30:08I'd be unable to steal from a Brazilian
30:10I know
30:13Chira, I like you because you're tough on the inside
30:17But you have a golden heart
30:20It's not sweet
30:22Anita, you're making me blush
30:25No, I'm serious
30:27Even my mother was impressed with you
30:30You should have seen her happy face when she saw the house you got for her
30:37It's a shame I didn't give her time to use it
30:40Don't remind me, Chira
30:42I'm sorry, Anita
30:44What will become of me now?
30:47Don't worry
30:50Calm down
30:59This doesn't look good
31:02We've been friends since we were little
31:05Don't be upset
31:07I just tried to correct my father's mistakes
31:10And how is it that your father was the owner of that house
31:14And you told me you emigrated from France?
31:16Easy, France, Lisbon, Brazil
31:20You left here empty-handed
31:23And it turns out your parents were big owners in Brazil
31:27Do you think I'm such an idiot?
31:30I was adopted
31:32You were adopted?
31:36I was adopted when I was very little
31:38A Portuguese family, but with a past in Brazil
31:42It was a Portuguese couple who couldn't have children
31:48When I was a teenager, I rebelled
31:51I didn't want to take that strict education
31:55And I fled to France, to Paris, to the center of the world
32:00With a little Brazilian samba and classical ballet that I learned as a child
32:05I was a kind of novelty
32:08When I screwed up in Portugal, I went back to Brazil
32:12What I found there was a broken family
32:16What luck
32:19Why are you trying to fool me?
32:22Do you really think I'm such an idiot?
32:38Tell me, have you been able to talk to Kakao?
32:42Yes, but you tell me if it worked
32:45Now it depends on her what she does with that information
32:48Not on me
32:50She hasn't told you anything?
32:52She hasn't given you any clues?
32:54No, poor thing
32:56I think she's in shock
32:58And I didn't call you to gossip
33:00Let me ask you something, Marco
33:03What do you see in that girl?
33:05She's just a girl
33:08She even has a baby voice
33:10We're all obsessed with something
33:13Like you with Melavista, I could ask you why
33:16I have my reasons
33:18But as you know, I don't trust you anymore
33:20Now I want to see if your plan works
33:23And if Kakao is as honest and kind as everyone says
33:28You'll see
33:30Then you'll have her eating out of your hand
33:33Better for you
33:35Better for me
33:42It's time to wait
33:52I'm practically alone in the world
33:57You have a father who loves you, you have your sister
33:59She's not my sister
34:01Yes, Kakao really loves you
34:03As if she were a legitimate sister
34:05Oh, and don't forget your followers
34:11How many do you have now?
34:13I don't know, I think about 30,000
34:16I posted a video saying I was sad
34:20And you don't know how many messages I've received
34:23How much support you give me
34:25See? You have a lot of people worried about you
34:28Me too, Anita
34:31I'm your biggest admirer
34:33If you hate Portuguese people, you're saying that to comfort me
34:38What are you saying?
34:41To me, you're not Portuguese
34:43You're from Brazil
34:45I'm being respectful
34:47I already knew that
34:49You're a very special woman and you can count on me
34:54Thank you, Chira
34:56Thank you for saying that
35:01You have to stop thinking that life doesn't make sense
35:04Stop saying that you're alone
35:07I know you loved Kenny
35:09And that his death and your mother's death weren't fair
35:12But together
35:14We're going to do them justice
35:16I promise, okay?
35:18And remember, Anita
35:20That you're a young woman
35:22And you're not alone
35:23And remember, Anita
35:25That you're a young woman
35:27Who has her life ahead of her
35:30And there's no misfortune
35:32That can turn off your light
35:35Oh, and also
35:37You have your followers, they're increasing
35:40Since you're talking about followers and love
35:42I'd like to make a video with you, Chira
35:45With me?
35:48Come here
35:50Hi, I've already introduced you to Chira before
35:54He's been a big surprise for me
35:57And a good friend
35:59I've already told you that today was a very sad day
36:05There's no better way to show you this than
36:08Publishing a video of Chira
36:11As my last tribute to the love of my life
36:14Yes, you heard it right
36:16Last tribute
36:19Publish it after this so you can understand
36:22But I wanted you to know that
36:24Chira is very special
36:28Wow, Anita
36:34I'm so excited
36:36I'm tearing up
36:45What are you going to do now?
36:47Are you sure this is the right time to publish something like this?
36:51Oh, Chira, you know I've thought about it a lot
36:55But I think
36:57If we want to be real on social media
37:00We have to publish the good and also the bad
37:03So they know that we're made of flesh and blood
37:07And that we have good days
37:10And bad days
37:13Also, I think I'm going
37:14I think I'm going
37:16I'm going to upload some videos of the fire
37:19So everyone knows that my loved ones died because of someone's evil
37:26So this
37:28On the internet
37:30Has even more value, you know?
37:34And maybe it'll help pressure the authorities
37:37I think so
37:39Do it, yes
37:41I'm going to upload it now
37:43No, I'm sorry, but it doesn't make sense
37:46Could you tell me the truth, please?
37:50Tell me the truth
37:53I'm opening my heart to you
37:55I'm telling you the truth
37:57How can you say something like that to me?
38:00And why so much interest in all this?
38:03These things happened years ago
38:06I'm more scared
38:08The threat we have now
38:09Because I get enemies from under the rocks
38:12So you're the one who's been creating them, right?
38:16You're not helping
38:19Do you know who those people are you're talking about, Sal?
38:22But how am I going to know
38:24If there were so many workers that it looked like the plague of Egyptian lobsters
38:30And you had to kick them out
38:32You couldn't have forgiven families with babies, could you?
38:36You don't understand that that was exactly the problem
38:39I'll explain it to you
38:41Those people used the farm as a corral to reproduce
38:45They were worse than rabbits, I assure you
38:48There were so many kids that it was hideous
38:51So many kids running from here to there, it looked like an orphanage
38:55And yes, I started kicking families out from there
38:58Families with more children so they could serve as an example, you know?
39:02And they served as an example for others, it's true
39:04It worked
39:05At that time, contraceptives already existed
39:09But do you think they cared about that?
39:11No, of course not
39:13There wasn't even television
39:15Some didn't know how to read
39:17Others hadn't taken a book in their life
39:19And they made babies and entertained themselves making babies
39:23Because there was an idiot who went bankrupt because of it
39:25My father
39:27He felt sorry for the oppressed
39:29And he was ashamed of the family's slavish past
39:32I wish he could go back to those times
39:33I really would love to go back to those times
39:36Those lazy people
39:38They could make all the kids they wanted
39:41Do you know why? Because everything was free
39:44If your father respected those people so much
39:48How did he allow you to decide to kick out entire families?
39:53Oh Roy, because he had to give up
39:56Given the evidence that he had done a bad job
40:00And he was going to go bankrupt
40:01He couldn't control the situation
40:03And he had to give up, as you can see
40:06And what did you know about business?
40:08I was his only option
40:10His only daughter
40:12I had my mentors and then Justino
40:14You know what? I don't want to know anything else
40:24You know what worries me the most?
40:31The person who mentioned Sal, Connie
40:34I need to know
40:36How dangerous is she to me?
40:40And how are you going to find out?
40:43Sal is right
40:45I'm going to call Marco
40:48Connie wasn't his partner in the sale of Bella Vista
41:01I don't know how to take it anymore
41:04I have to feel
41:07Come and live in me
41:10Oh no
