• last month
00:30Love you
00:32I kiss you sweetly and want to tell you
00:35A flower of cocoa planted in the moon
00:44Leave them, we are much better like this
00:47Leave them nothing
00:49Why do you think Sal is being such a good date?
00:52To get rid of that hypocrite, that fake queen
00:57But we already have a plan in motion
01:00You know that going against Justino never brings anything good, right?
01:04Dear, if I had already decided to do it before you arrived loaded with diamonds
01:09Now I am more determined
01:11You know that you have my support, but what do you want to achieve?
01:14That Regina does not stay even with a cent of what is mine
01:18Simone, Justino already asked for a divorce
01:21It's like I was waiting for something from Sal, that's not going to happen
01:26I crossed the page
01:27Yes, you crossed it
01:28One thing is to ask for a divorce and another thing is to give him the divorce
01:33And they haven't notified me
01:35Because he thinks I'm in one place and I'm in another
01:39I'm going to let time pass
01:42This is like the fairy tale
01:46The probabilities are in my favor
01:49I have to play with that
01:51And Justino is not so young anymore and his health is not to throw rockets
01:57My only doubt was how to survive now
02:01But a prince has appeared
02:05Loaded with precious stones
02:08To the top
02:20Oh, oh, oh, silly me, nothing
02:23I did not find out
02:25If it's going to give you so much gesticular arthritis
02:28And it will give me an anxiety attack not to get anywhere
02:32Well, let's try it again
02:34I do not know how they can communicate with you
02:36Let's see, let's go there
02:41Soraya, I have to talk to you
02:44Come, it's very important
02:47And how did you know I was going to be in the kitchen?
02:51Forgive me, I should not have told you that
02:55Besides, you know that in the kitchen is where one finds out everything
02:59That's why you came, right?
03:01Just to gossip
03:03Come on, tell me what you want
03:04You see I'm busy
03:06You have not seen if something strange is happening, right?
03:10No, I have not seen anything, cool
03:14I heard Regina talking about something very strange out there
03:18I have only commented to Kim, but he has not listened to me
03:21Kim has not listened to you?
03:23Well, it will be because it is not serious
03:25Kim knows what he is talking about, you can trust him
03:28Can you know why he is so fascinated by him?
03:32Now you like men with a beard on their navel?
03:35Hey you, who gave you permission to criticize my tastes?
03:40I like, yes sir, I like virile
03:43Virile men and old-fashioned
03:45A true man, do you know what that is?
03:47Do not mess with me
03:49Calm down, you do not need to offend
03:51He does not speak, but he hears
03:53To the mess
03:54If you have offended, it is because you want
03:57My question is whether or not I should tell the boss
04:01What I heard
04:02What I heard?
04:05You say you heard Regina?
04:08Are they together?
04:09Yeah, that's why, what do I do?
04:12Be quiet
04:13But what if it is important?
04:15Do not forget that I can detect problems on the fly, that's why I'm here
04:19They are together and he will stand by his side
04:21They would take you for a problem and send you back to Portugal
04:25Do you want that?
04:29Listen, we have no choice but to learn to be more like her
04:36But she is mute
04:38Oh yeah?
04:39Or will she be very smart?
04:41Or will I be quiet?
04:44You do not help me at all
04:51You know that I admire your talent to be quiet
04:57I wish it were so
04:59But no, my problem is the opposite
05:01I speak, I speak, I speak and I speak
05:03I'm a disaster
05:05Hey, but who knows?
05:06Maybe with the coexistence I hit something
05:09Better to be quiet
05:12But with respect
05:13Always with a smile
05:19Thank you Lola, I'm fine
05:22I warn you that I will tell Regina a couple of things
05:26What she has done has not been good
05:29Leave it, nothing happens
05:30You know I do not have hair on my tongue
05:33If even I have been deceived, I have the right to tell you
05:41Everything is fine, Kim
05:42Justino, Kakao told me
05:45Everything is fine
05:46Yes, but he should have been quiet
05:49But it may have been a misunderstanding
05:52No misunderstanding, Kim
05:54Regina does not point without thread
05:56We should have been more attentive
05:59Unfortunately you are right
06:02She was only worried about Kakao
06:05And I wanted to be close to be with her
06:08But that does not justify everything
06:11Justino, tell me you will not forgive her
06:13But forgive what?
06:14That I have deceived you
06:16I do not know if she has deceived me or I have been deceived
06:19Do not say that
06:20It is the truth
06:22I was being naive
06:24It was obvious that a man like me would not interest him with a foot in the grave
06:29But it will be possible, do not be gloomy
06:31But if you still have health to give and sell
06:33Lola, who do you want to deceive?
06:37And they say that only young people suffer for love
06:42What a pity
06:45Feel pain until the last breath
06:48Do not say that
06:49Do not say that
06:51We should not have let this happen, Kim
06:57Well, hey, I do not regret
06:59It was short but intense
07:02I would do it again
07:04Even knowing that she was faking?
07:07Well, for me it was not fake, it was true
07:09So for me it was good
07:13I thank you for your concern
07:16And your friendship
07:18But could you leave me alone for a while?
07:24If you want something, say it, I'll be around
07:27If you need me, call me, okay?
07:50What are you doing here?
07:53How did you find me?
07:57Do not you like surprises?
07:59You know I hate surprises
08:13Find a way to stay in that room
08:18Besides, I already told you everything I wanted
08:21I will not retract a single word
08:23If you have come here thinking that I will regret something I have said
08:27You can forget
08:30What are you doing?
08:31Do you think I do not know why you're doing all this?
08:35Let me go
08:37It's because of jealousy, right?
08:39You have not forgotten me
08:41Having told me is something easy to solve
08:45Have you gone crazy or what?
08:47You are in the past
08:49I love you
09:12Confess that you were afraid to kiss me
09:39But what a hoodlum you are
09:43You do this just to drive me crazy
09:45Do you think?
09:47Try it
09:56You can not imagine
09:58He has broken his heart
10:00I do not want to know
10:01Besides, I've never seen him cry like that
10:04He cried as if he were a child
10:06And he does not deserve that
10:08But Kakao passed, he should not have gotten involved
10:10Yes, it is true
10:12Besides, go and see if in time
10:15Regina would have fallen in love with your child, really
10:19They will not have given pumpkins to my father
10:22Sorry, I could not help but hear
10:25Did you say that Regina has used it?
10:28He has heard what he should not
10:30I will not be the one to tell him
10:33Me neither
10:39Who said that life was not fair?
10:43I do not know
10:55Oh my God, stop
10:57I need to breathe a little
10:59And I need to drink water, a lot of water
11:02Or wine, I do not care
11:08That phone does not stop
11:12I hope it's not competition
11:14No, that's impossible
11:18You will not answer?
11:20No, because today I am completely yours
11:25I thought this only happened in the movies
11:28And me too
11:31Seriously, Valdemar
11:33Where are you when I need you most?
11:35Answer me
11:41What do I do now?
11:47That's it
11:57I do not know how to thank you
11:59Well, do not do it yet, we still have a war
12:06You could stay, son
12:08No, dad, I want to talk to mom
12:12Leave it
12:13It can go well
12:14Maybe get his mother to give up this crazy idea
12:17A hug
12:20Goodbye, thank you for everything
12:22You're welcome, goodbye
12:31Are you sure it will not be an inconvenience?
12:35For God's sake, are you crazy?
12:37We are like a family
12:41What's up?
12:44It's Regina
12:47Was not in Brazil with Justino?
12:50That's why it seems strange to me
12:52Will something happen?
12:56Yes, Regina
12:58Is everything okay?
13:00With me and Justino, yes
13:01But with Cacao, no
13:03He could die in 24 hours if we do nothing
13:09How do you say?
13:11Oh, Sal, really? What good news
13:15Okay, keep me informed
13:20What did you say?
13:21It seems that the romance between the swindler and Justino has ended before expected
13:25Has it cut?
13:26According to Sal, yes
13:30It will have been a mess of lovers
13:32They are not old enough for that
13:34In love, age does not matter
13:39If they had finished, it would be less of a worry
13:43Do you know what I really want to do now?
13:46I do not know, but I'm afraid
13:48Do not be afraid, I want to appear at the party
13:50And say, I'm the owner of everything, just to make her angry
13:54I would shoot you in the ass
13:56When Justino saw you, he would kick you and you would be bad
14:01I would do anything to give him another attack
14:04I would have to take care of him and I could
14:10And I thought you were glad to have me
14:13And I'm very happy, and more with so many diamonds and chrysalises
14:18But hey, if you're going to take care of him again, I'm going with you
14:22Impossible, you know perfectly well that you can not
14:24Sal does not know this
14:26Really? After so many months, no one has told him?
14:29Of course not, if not, how do you think he was going to work for me?
14:33Imagine, imagine that he finds out
14:37That the other one you are with, I am his mother
14:40No, of course not
14:41Be patient my love
14:44The worst has already happened
14:46With that old, so old, old witch, much older than me
14:50If you have waited so long, wait a little longer, okay?
14:54Do you know why you say that?
14:56Because you know that I love you
14:58I know
15:00That's why you take advantage of me
15:01And you love it, the day you have me for you, you know what you will do?
15:05Enlighten me
15:06Kick me
15:08No, that's a lie, in fact, the one who almost gave it to me, you were for that man
15:12No, no, no, pure business
15:14Business, huh?
15:15You know that my heart has always belonged to you
15:18Besides, you can not look for another because you know what I will do?
15:22Kill her, kill her with my own hands, I kill her, you are mine, mine
15:26You are mine, you are only mine
15:28Yes, well, also of your daughter, remember?
15:30Yes, but she is a little piece of me
15:33Of me
15:56I'm sure the answers I need are here
16:05It does not open
16:08Shit, I can not open it
16:11Come on
16:27Let's see
16:33And that box?
16:40I understood well what he said
16:43I think we both understood
16:49We can not do something like that
16:52You do not worry, he has not asked you
16:56Jaime, but you can not get involved in that either
16:59Julia, I have to do it, she is the daughter of Justino, I will not let her die
17:03Who guarantees it is true?
17:06After what happened to him, I do not think Regina would invent something like that, right?
17:16Yes, you're right, but you can not get involved, you already have a complaint
17:21Yes, I know
17:23But I can not ignore what he said, or yes
17:27What I do not know is how I can help
17:30I do not know criminals
17:35There is a person who can help
17:40No Julia, no, we're not going to get into this, it's for your own good
17:44And why not?
17:45He has the dirtiest hands than a rat of cloaca
17:49He will help us
17:56Regina, I finally find you
17:58I know you do not like people getting involved in your life, nor is it my intention to get involved
18:02But getting into your child's life is getting into mine
18:05Lola, please, do not get involved, it's complicated
18:08I know, it's much more complicated than you think
18:11Because you can not imagine how you left it, it's destroyed
18:16We are both adults, Lola, he will know how to manage it
18:19Look, I do not know what the future holds for you
18:22What I know is that he is madly in love
18:24But do not think that you can use it without consequences, you are warned
18:33Give me the box, I said
18:34The box is mine
18:35I will not give you anything
18:37The box is not yours, Marlene, I know you found it somewhere in my pension
18:41And if you found it here, it's my box
18:44The box is mine, but I do not have the key
18:46Ah, you can not find it
18:47Well, I'll open it for you
18:49No, stop, the box is mine, bring it
18:51If it's not yours, I'll give it back to you
18:52Give it to me, it's mine
18:53No, no, no, no, give it to me
18:55Do you have something to hide, Marlene?
18:57No, nothing
18:58Hello girls, what are you doing with my mother's box?
19:04Well, your mother left the box here and went to her room
19:08And Mayoris saw it and thought it was another
19:12No, it's my mother's
19:14But why did she go for a walk with the box?
19:18Well, she talked a lot about the past and maybe in that box she keeps some memories, right?
19:25I have no idea, my mother lost the key and I never opened it, it's personal
19:29But if you open it, she would not know
19:32I'll open it when she's gone
19:34She has the right to privacy
19:37Yes, Susana is right
19:41Damn, it's the only thing I can offer her
19:47Because the rest is a misery
19:50Oh, my friend, don't be sad
19:53Of course, Mayoris, it's the same thing again
19:57Is it work?
20:01It's incredible, you can't have this ability
20:04They were about to make me a widow and they fired me, again
20:08But this is absurd, you have to report, my friend
20:11Report what, Mayoris?
20:14I'm self-employed, the law is on their side, they haven't done anything illegal
20:20And now, what do I do?
20:23Open the box, there could be a fortune
20:27Marlene, do you want to leave it now?
20:31How am I going to pay the bills now?
20:33Everything will be fine, we'll figure it out
20:35Everything will be fine, but everything
20:38I swear, I thought they would fire me
20:41But in the end, look
20:45Hey, Susana
20:48I'm going to tell you something
20:51If you're in a hurry
20:54I can give you a client or two
20:56But Marlene, do you think she's someone like you?
21:00What's wrong with you? We're all born saints, right?
21:03I thought she was someone like you
21:07What did he say? What did he mean?
21:10Don't listen to him, he only knows how to say nonsense
21:13My friend, everything will be fine
21:16Come here
21:18Give me a hug
21:46Delicious, Baobab, delicious
21:49I just got here and you've already replaced me
21:52No, but here the competition is strong
21:55Baobab is a magician of sweets
22:00Then maybe we should do a contest
22:05I caught him red-handed
22:07And I told him everything I thought
22:14Lola, why did you do that?
22:17Justino asked us not to get involved
22:19I can't stand seeing him suffer, I had to let him go
22:22But, let's see, tell him
22:24Since we're all here, let's understand the context, right?
22:27Don't look at me like that, Kim
22:29You should know that Regina and the boss aren't together anymore
22:34Not anymore?
22:36My God, they haven't lasted that long either
22:40Wasn't it a beautiful love that should have lasted a lifetime?
22:44It was all fake, on her part, of course
22:47Lola is talking too much
22:49You're right, Kim
22:50The important thing is that the farther she is from the boss, the better
22:54Well, I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back
23:02Where are you, Tomané?
23:10I won't be doing nothing
23:13You should know that the boss has a great collection of classics
23:17You're not here for the books
23:20But since you enjoy a good story and you asked me for advice
23:24I'm here because I've changed my mind
23:26You should talk to the boss
23:28You wanted me to shut up because of Regina's influence on him
23:32Yes, of course, and with good reason
23:34What I didn't know, and neither did you
23:38is that they broke up
23:41What did you say?
23:44I still don't know the details
23:46Tell me
23:47But it seems that the boss has discovered that she was with him out of interest
23:51Shut up
23:54Poor thing
23:55Poor thing, yes, yes
23:58That's why she had that long face out there
24:01You haven't seen her face
24:04Of course, now I understand, Kim
24:06And the matter of life and death that she was talking about, that's why
24:11Or not, right?
24:13Let's think about it, first
24:15The boss is sad, but he's not going to die
24:18And second, we know that she's not going to die either, right?
24:23I could be hiding something from the boss
24:26Talk to him
24:28What if he's sleeping?
24:30Wake him up
24:31I'm not that brave, Soraya
24:34Don't be a coward, Tomane
24:36Come on, boy, be a man
24:39Be a man and talk to him
24:41It may be important, but coming from that farce
24:44He never fooled me
25:14Your call caught me by surprise, but I'm glad we can talk
25:18Thank you for coming, but we're not going to talk about what you think
25:23Come in
25:32What is Jaime doing here?
25:34I'm still waiting for you
25:37What is Jaime doing here?
25:40I still think we shouldn't have called him, but...
25:43Given the situation, we didn't have anyone to turn to
25:50Excuse me, are you going to keep making that face, or are you going to tell me what's going on?
25:58It's about Justino
26:00Or rather, it's about Kakao
26:04The girl is in danger again
26:07And we know where the person who wants to kill her is now
26:13And how did you find out?
26:15Through Marco
26:19Does it have to do with the purchase of the Bellavista estates?
26:25Don't tell me it's Marco you want to get rid of
26:29Of course not, Salomão
26:33He's holding back the person who wants to kill her
26:42What you've done has been a dirty game, Marco
26:48You're using the weakness I feel for you to prevent me from carrying out my plans
26:54And where is the independent woman?
26:58And sure of herself that I know
27:03You're a smart man, but you don't fool me with words
27:07And you're a practical person
27:10Like me
27:12Tell me the truth
27:15Are you doing this because you want me to come back to you?
27:19That's what you think, isn't it?
27:23Tell me the truth
27:28Tell me, do you have me here?
27:32That girl is so crazy about you
27:36That you're willing to sacrifice yourself like this?
27:40Who says I'm sacrificing myself?
27:43I'm not sacrificing myself
27:47Besides, Kakao and I are not together anymore
27:52The only thing I'm not going to tolerate is you hurting my son
27:56I went a little too far
27:59You know I wouldn't hurt a child
28:06I'm much calmer now
28:13And why hurt Kakao?
28:17You never wanted to hurt Victoria when you left with her
28:22You never left our plans aside because of her
28:27I feel sorry for that woman
28:30But Kakao doesn't
28:32He's completely blinded by you
28:35But I wasn't going to adore that
28:38Kakao has passed on
28:41The only thing that unites us now is our son
28:45As if that were not enough
28:47It's not enough, quite the opposite
28:50I don't undervalue it
29:00What has been very valuable for me today
29:04Has been to feel
29:07That I'm important to you
29:12I don't think any woman has made me feel that way
29:21You lick your wounds because they left you
29:25And you need a little love
29:30So what?
29:35Do you know what I've realized?
29:38No, because I don't understand what you're trying to tell me
29:44I was wrong
29:47We shouldn't have left him
29:56Are you serious?
30:17I'm sorry
30:37Here it is
30:39A well-prepared dinner
30:42It's ready to eat
30:45Regina isn't coming to dinner?
30:47She's out, she said she wasn't hungry
30:50That's why my father is still in bed
30:53I think I'm going to call him
30:55No, no, mom, Sal is right
30:57I'm going to call the boss
30:59Who would want to miss this feast?
31:03Lola, what's that reaction?
31:05Don't tell me that papa and Regina are making peace
31:08If you don't want me to know
31:10No, no, miss, I'm sorry
31:12It just happened to me
31:14You should lower your guard with me
31:25You're so beautiful
31:27You're so beautiful
31:30You're beautiful
31:41I'm sleepy
31:43Do you want to sleep now?
31:54Did you think an ocean would separate me from you?
32:00I can't get away from you, Kakao
32:24Boss, is everything okay?
32:26I'm here in case you need help
32:28Wow, I didn't expect to find you like this
32:32Dressed like this
32:34It's good, boss, you know?
32:36I want you to see what you've lost
32:38I'm sorry, I'm always talking back
32:41I'm sorry
32:42You can say that I'm coming down for dinner
32:44No, no, there's something I wanted to tell you
32:47We can't talk about it at the table
32:50This afternoon I heard Regina talking on the phone
32:53It made me a little worried and...
32:57I think it has to do with Kakao
32:59What are you talking about?
33:02Someone tell me something, answer me!
33:06Look who's coming down for dinner
33:12Couldn't you keep your mouth shut?
33:18Isn't it enough to use me that you're also hiding things about my daughter?
33:23What the hell is going on now?
33:37My father can't know you're here
33:39I know, don't worry, everything's fine
33:41Your father's having dinner with Justino
33:43Everything's under control, okay?
33:45How do you know?
33:46Because I did
33:47I didn't come here at all, not even at this time
33:51I have an accomplice who helps me
33:56Yes, Sal
33:58She encouraged me to come see you
34:01Even though you said you wanted space, I know
34:06But I did the right thing
34:07Yes, you did the right thing
34:09I love visits
34:11Yes, me too
34:12And don't throw me out, it's wonderful
34:19You know...
34:22Ever since you told Marco at the hospital
34:26I've been thinking about why I shouldn't come see you
34:31Assuming you kissed me on purpose
34:34And that you'd like to do it again
34:36I thought, why not go there?
34:41I said it
34:44And I'd say it again
34:49You know I hate lies
34:58Justino, what are you talking about?
35:01What's the matter with life or death that's making you so nervous?
35:05How did you know?
35:07Regina, I know you think I'm old, but I'm not senile yet
35:11So stop trying to fool me
35:14I've had enough
35:15After you took me for an idiot saying you loved me
35:19And then...
35:20I never took you for an idiot
35:22Well, I don't want to talk about that, but about Kakao
35:25What's wrong with him?
35:26If my daughter is in danger, I want to know
35:28I want to know
35:34Can I...
35:36Ask you how you felt after that?
35:40Marco and I?
35:42We're not together
35:43Well, the truth is that we agreed to give us some time
35:48Because I need to...
35:50Organize things in my head
35:52But I think that's it, right?
35:54I wouldn't have let you kiss me
35:56If I didn't have any doubts
35:59But do you have any doubts?
36:01Of course I do
36:03I thought you wouldn't have any more because you love me
36:06And because you just want to be with me
36:10That you'd know I'm the man of your life
36:13And if I didn't have any doubts about that?
36:16Well, that's easy
36:18We could be together
36:33He's the source of my doubts
36:36Isn't he, Marquinhos?
36:41Your son is beautiful
36:45Well, yes
36:48Do you think he deserves to grow up without his father?
36:51He'll always have his father
36:53Why do you say that?
36:55Close to him
36:57I mean
36:59Think about it
37:00Would he prefer to grow up with his father close to him?
37:03And for his mother to be unhappy?
37:06That's a good question
37:07Of course
37:08He can always be with Marco
37:10And share moments with him
37:12Yes, but...
37:14It's not the same, you know that
37:16Yes, I know it's not the same
37:17But I also know what it's like to grow up with parents
37:20Who don't love each other and who don't separate for their children
37:23And believe me, that's not good
37:31I don't know
37:35I don't know, I have to think about it
37:38Okay, think about it
37:39I've come to help you think
37:42To solve my problems?
37:44Or to confuse me even more?
37:45Kakao, listen to me
37:48Do you know how many people haven't had the chance to know
37:52The love of their lives like us?
37:56I know many who don't know what it's like to truly love
38:01Or what it's like to be in love
38:04And think that I have an agency
38:06Where my job is to find the half-orange of others
38:11People who are looking for true love
38:14Those people are looking for a piece of this
38:17A little piece of what we feel
38:22Have you thought about the luck we have?
38:35You should have told me right away
38:38I didn't know how we had argued
38:40That's not a wife
38:41There are things that are more important
38:43Aren't you the one who says I'd do anything to protect Kakao?
38:47Well, keeping this for you is the opposite of what you're preaching
38:52You're absolutely right
38:53It was a mistake
38:54It's not a mistake, it's a deliberate lie
39:03Well, tell me, what's the situation?
39:07I only know that Marco and I
39:10I only know that Marco is keeping that woman locked up in his hotel at all costs
39:14And since Valdemar isn't answering, I've called Jaime
39:19Yes, I trust Jaime, don't you?
39:21Of course you do, I trust Jaime
39:23But Jaime is the straightest person you'll ever meet
39:26I didn't have anyone left
39:27I didn't know who to turn to
39:29Well, now it doesn't matter
39:31You've done what you could
39:33But Jaime?
39:35Are they really criminals?
39:39And what did he tell you?
39:40He told me he'd contact someone and make some calls
39:43And then he'd tell me, but I'm still waiting
