• last month
00:30At this moment, I'm the happiest man on the face of the earth.
00:34We were both inside and someone from outside locked us in.
00:37Who has the key to that study apart from Don Manuel?
00:40I'm not going to grant you those insinuations.
00:42And I've already told you that I had nothing to do with it.
00:45My one word should be enough for you.
00:47Of course.
00:48You know, I love you.
00:51What you said at the exit of the church.
00:55The truth?
01:01I love you.
01:04You can't let what happened then make you bitter now.
01:07And what you have to do is live in the present.
01:09I know, and I swear that I fight against it, Emero.
01:14But I'm here and I want to help you.
01:16And I appreciate that.
01:18But I'd better get to work because if not, it's never going to end.
01:22I didn't come to hurt you, Cruz.
01:24And if I came today, it's because I'm interested in being with you and knowing how you're doing.
01:30After all, it's my fault that you're enjoying this beautiful family today.
01:36Everything will be fine, you'll see.
01:38Now rest, friend.
01:40Your son has the right to know everything about his mother.
01:44So either you talk to him, or I will.
01:47I'm trying, Mrs. Arcos, but it's not easy.
01:50Well, I'm tired of waiting.
01:53You have until tomorrow, until now, to talk to your son.
01:58Are you okay?
02:00It was just a nightmare, Manuel.
02:04Do you want to tell me?
02:09Are you afraid of going back to sleep?
02:11I'm with you, Ano.
02:13Since we're here, I want to know what's behind that door.
02:16But it has to be now.
02:17What's wrong with that?
02:20Think about what you're going to do.
02:30I don't know.
02:38Lope, maybe it's been a long time since it opened and that's why it's jammed.
02:42Hit harder.
02:43This is not a matter of strength, Marcelo.
02:45And of magic?
02:46Neither. This is a matter of needing a key.
02:49Is it locked with a key?
02:51I'm afraid so.
02:53Well, it makes sense.
02:55If someone ... If someone risks building a secret passageway,
02:59I wasn't going to keep it open either.
03:01That's true.
03:02I'm sure it has a hard lock to open.
03:09Well, we've tried, haven't we?
03:12And we will continue to try.
03:14We have to go back to the palace and find that key.
03:16But you've gone crazy.
03:18Vera, I need to know what's behind that door.
03:20Curiosity is killing me, aren't you?
03:26Let's see.
03:28It is a bit exciting.
03:30As much as a fairy tale.
03:33Well, we'll have to look for the intrigue in the brochures.
03:36Because it's very difficult to find that key.
03:38Well, let's see.
03:39It's going to be in everyone's sight so that it can come in and out when Dana comes.
03:43The truth is that it would be a shame to have come this far and not have solved the mystery.
03:49If it weren't so complicated, it wouldn't be exciting, would it?
03:52Start the search.
03:56We can go back to the palace.
03:58It's just that this place gives me the chills and it's worse at night.
04:02But let me try one more time.
04:04The lock may be rusty.
04:06At least if I hit it.
04:15Come on, get ready, Samson.
04:17You're going to hate the light.
04:20Come on, let's go.
04:22Come on.
04:53The lights that have danced through our garden.
04:57The new rumors between the heart and the walls.
05:03In the promise there will be particles of love in motion.
05:09There will be secrets that will never come out.
05:13It will be as beautiful as the flight of a plane.
05:19In the promise, the farewells are turns on the ground.
05:25Even the flowers will dance in their own way.
05:29The fear and passion are balanced.
05:35We are like a jump to the D3.
05:39We are love when you live life to death.
05:44A long way to go.
05:48In the promise, you will be a matter of luck.
05:52We are like a jump to the D3.
05:56We are love when you live life to death.
06:00A long way to go.
06:04In the promise, you will be a matter of luck.
06:18In the promise, you will be a matter of luck.
06:26Good morning, Mrs. De Luján.
06:35Did you have a good night?
06:37Well, honestly, I haven't slept much.
06:41Have you had nightmares again?
06:45I don't think so.
06:49As you said last night, it's over.
06:55We are husband and wife.
07:04I definitely love being your wife.
07:08And me being your husband.
07:11And not having to hide our love ever again.
07:16Never again.
07:24To be honest, I find it a bit strange to wear this wedding ring.
07:29Yes, especially with these rings.
07:33They are a bit exaggerated, aren't they?
07:37They are horrible.
07:40Say it with all the letters.
07:43You know, it's amazing how something so ugly can symbolize something as beautiful as our love.
07:51The important thing is that we are married.
07:56And that nothing and no one can ever separate us.
08:17What's going on in your head?
08:22Aren't you going to tell your newly-wedded husband?
08:30There is something that bothers me.
08:33And what is it?
08:37It's about my colleagues.
08:39My colleagues at work.
08:42I couldn't invite them all.
08:45And the few who could come were left out.
08:49As if they were punished.
08:53I see.
08:55I couldn't even do business with them.
09:05You know what?
09:09We still have time to organize another party.
09:19I don't want them to think that I only offer them the leftovers.
09:23They wouldn't be leftovers.
09:26We can celebrate something...
09:28that has nothing to do with that impromptu and impersonal party we had at our wedding.
09:37And you know what?
09:39Don't worry about expenses.
09:41Your husband can handle everything.
09:52Talk to Mr. Baeza and get on with it as soon as possible.
09:56We'll give them an unforgettable day.
09:59For them and for us, of course.
10:07Do you want us to make this moment...
10:10something unforgettable?
10:12I can't think of how.
10:14Oh, you...
10:16You stop wearing it.
10:20This time, you're going to stop wearing it.
10:26This time, you're going to stop wearing it.
10:46Well, I loved the touch that the Duchess of Ornuelos was wearing.
10:50I agree with you, dear.
10:52I thought it was the most original.
10:54Didn't it remind you of the turbans of the Bedouins?
10:57Yes, what you say is true. It had an oriental touch, didn't it?
11:00However, it seemed completely out of place to me.
11:03It was a wedding, not a mask dance.
11:06It seemed quite elegant to me.
11:09What do you know about elegance, Lorenzo?
11:12Besides, it seems to me that you didn't pay attention to the hat of Ornuelos.
11:19It's true, I didn't even notice him.
11:21I thought she was an elegant woman as a whole.
11:25Elegant and attractive.
11:27Judging by the attention you paid her.
11:30Yes, it's true that I saw him dancing with her on several occasions.
11:35How many pieces did they dance together?
11:37I would swear that at least half a dozen.
11:39The truth is that I lost count.
11:42Although I don't see the problem. I remind you that the one from Ornuelos is a widow.
11:45But not you.
11:48That's why he was around the whole wedding, right?
11:51It's fine. I admit it.
11:54That woman exerts a strange enchantment on me.
11:58And that effect will not be due to the excess of spirits, Captain?
12:02It's true that you were a little happy, Lorenzo.
12:04Well, let's call things by their names.
12:07Here, my brother-in-law was as drunk as a Cuban.
12:12By the way, all the wines that were served were excellent.
12:16And more than one guest told me to convey his congratulations to you, Mateo.
12:21On an occasion like this, you deserve the best broth in the winery.
12:25By the way, it seems that the couple is not going to have breakfast.
12:30And what did you expect, Cruz?
12:32It's a wedding night.
12:34Let them rest, they have to replenish a lot of energy.
12:38I don't think tonight is a novelty for them.
12:41I'm sure it's not the first time they've been together.
12:44Cruz, it's not polite for you to speak in those terms.
12:47My father is right.
12:49I remind you that you are talking about a marriage.
12:52What are you going to say?
12:54That you took the same step?
12:57Who do you think you are to judge me that way?
13:00It is clear that in this house everyone has broken the rules of the house.
13:05It is clear that in this house everyone has broken the rules of decoration and decency.
13:09Enough already.
13:16And tell me, Curro.
13:18Which wines were better received, the whites or the reds?
13:31Fresh fruit and freshly baked buns.
13:34They give a lot of energy and recover from fatigue.
13:43Come on, let's go upstairs.
13:53More food?
13:55For the couple.
13:57Unless you make Mr. Manuel and Hanna lose weight on their first day of marriage.
14:02Well, yes. Besides, I'm sure they had a suit on tonight and will have to recover.
14:08If they don't have a suit, the wedding night will be mine.
14:12I inform you that neither Mr. Manuel nor Mrs. Hanna have come down this morning, sir.
14:16Well, being the hours they are, they will not come down.
14:19They must have stuck to the sheets or maybe they are still with their things.
14:23Because they are young and they have to put up with it.
14:25I warn you that Mrs. Marquesa is quite upset about this matter.
14:29She doesn't even find it funny that no one has appeared.
14:31That woman is a savoury.
14:33She should have a little wider sleeve.
14:35We have all been young and fiery.
14:38Even her.
14:39People forget their own past so soon.
14:42What I hope she doesn't forget soon is how well everything turned out yesterday at the wedding.
14:47Everything came out of the mouth. A ten out of ten.
14:51Despite all the rush.
14:53It's to be proud.
14:55It's to get the chest out.
14:57I have learned that some guests even praised how rich everything was.
15:01Of course. When things are done with affection and love, it goes well.
15:06And being Hanna's wedding, we had to give it our all.
15:09No one put a fart. Everyone put their shoulders up.
15:13So that Hanna had the best day of her life.
15:16That girl deserves the best.
15:18And more.
15:20The only pity is that we couldn't share that happiness with her.
15:24We had to stay here, in La Promesa.
15:27We couldn't go to the ceremony.
15:29Well, I don't understand so much lament.
15:31You are cooks, you have your obligations.
15:34You say that because you don't know Hanna.
15:36But she made us very happy.
15:38Yes, we love her very much. She is a mother of the family.
15:41Maybe you have her there, but she doesn't seem to have so much love for you.
15:45And why do you say that, if you have no idea?
15:47I submit to the evidence.
15:49Since she withdrew the invitation to the wedding,
15:51has she wanted to reject them?
15:53Has she even gone down to visit them in the kitchens?
15:56Don't you have anything to do, Santos?
16:05You can't see how screwed up this kid is.
16:08Poor boy.
16:10How young the boy is and to have that attitude in front of life.
16:15Let's go.
16:28Is all this what's left of Hanna and Don Manuel's wedding?
16:31That's right. And the needy will thank you.
16:34Well, yes, they take advantage of everything.
16:36Just like they did with what was left of Miss Catalina's wedding.
16:39Yes, they will thank you like a man's water.
16:41And I've already asked for permission, so I'm going to take it right now.
16:44Oh, well, if you want, I'll go with you and we'll share it between the two of us in a parquet, like the other time.
16:48Thank you, Maria, but it's not necessary.
16:51But if it doesn't cost me anything. And it makes me even more excited.
16:54I don't thank you, but I only get angry, Maria.
16:57This time, there was much less food left.
16:59Apparently, the guests at the wedding put on their boots during the convict.
17:03Yes, they ate as if they were starving for a month.
17:07But the other time there wasn't much left, but there was no wedding.
17:10That's why there was everything left. Don't you remember?
17:12It's also true.
17:16Look, you're a big head, I tell you that I can accompany you with a thousand loves, that I have a free space.
17:20And ... aren't you going to take a dust cloth from Mrs. Petra?
17:23What are you going to do? Petra has already lifted the punishment of not having days off.
17:27So what do you say? Are you waiting for me?
17:30I appreciate it, but it's just a couple of boxes that I can take perfectly to the motorcycle by myself.
17:36It looks like you don't want me to go.
17:38No, Maria. It's not that.
17:41You won't be trying to avoid me again, will you?
17:45I'm telling you, it's not that.
17:47Well, thank goodness, because after all we've been through ...
17:50What if we don't get along now? What if we don't get along now?
17:52What if we get locked up now and we almost don't get to the wedding?
17:56You're right, Maria.
17:59So why do I feel like you're avoiding me again?
18:05I'm not trying to avoid you, Maria.
18:07It's just that I don't see the need to expose you to an uncomfortable situation at work.
18:11But I want to go.
18:13And I don't want to get you in trouble.
18:18Besides, I can't wait for you until this afternoon either.
18:21I have a couple of services outside Lujan that can't be delayed.
18:25I'm sorry, but this time I'm going alone.
18:29I'm sorry, but this time I'm going alone.
18:35What a mess.
18:40Aren't you going for a walk after breakfast?
18:43I'll stay with you and we'll talk.
18:46But it's a great day.
18:50Well, if you insist.
18:52We could also go for a walk together.
18:55I'm sorry, dear, but I'm afraid I have a slight headache.
18:59I don't think it would be a good company.
19:02I'm not surprised that you have a headache.
19:05There was a lot of tension this morning in the dining room.
19:08It wasn't that bad. The blood didn't get to the river either.
19:13It couldn't have been because of your good talent.
19:16Are you challenging my behavior?
19:19You should repress those disgusting comments about Hanna.
19:23She's your son's wife, Manuel. Your daughter-in-law.
19:26I just said that I don't think it's right that they didn't show up for breakfast.
19:29Cruz, don't deny the obvious.
19:31Everyone has witnessed your bad mood.
19:35You may be right. I'm not going through my best moment.
19:42I am aware that you are making a great effort to overcome this situation.
19:47This situation is humiliating.
19:50I assure you that it doesn't look that bad from the outside.
19:55Don't you think that my only son is going to marry a maid?
19:59I think that would make any mother bitter.
20:02And it's not seeing your son happy that makes any mother jealous.
20:06I think Manuel is very happy with that girl.
20:09And he has chosen her to share his life.
20:11Let's see how long the whim lasts.
20:14But Cruz, don't you see that's not the way?
20:18Accept Hanna from the bottom of your heart.
20:20That's how you'll start to calm down.
20:23You'll see how those jokers will leave you for magic.
20:26I don't think so.
20:27Why don't you try?
20:30Look, Leocadia, I really appreciate your advice.
20:33I know you do it with your best intentions.
20:35But what you're asking for seems like a waste of time.
20:40Because until two days ago Hanna was cleaning floors.
20:43And now she's the future Marquise of Lujan.
20:45Isn't that enough?
20:47Sooner or later, you'll have to accept it.
20:52Well, maybe you're right.
20:53And I have to end up swallowing that toad.
20:55But don't ask me to do it overnight.
20:57Because it's going to take my time.
20:59And who knows if all my life.
21:01I insist that you give that girl a chance.
21:05I have a good feeling about her.
21:07And you know that my instinct is almost infallible.
21:10Come on, Cruz.
21:12Good people see her.
21:15Maybe now you perceive her as an enemy.
21:18But life goes around a lot.
21:21And maybe things end up being the opposite of what you imagine now.
21:26I'm telling you.
21:28I've been wrong many times, giving my heart to people who didn't deserve it.
21:32I love you.
21:42Mrs. Marquesa has intestinal problems.
21:44And she asked us to make her a menu with a soft diet.
21:47So be it, Mrs. Darrio.
21:49Yes, it seems that there are foods that cause her terrible digestions.
21:52So she has given me a list of ingredients to avoid.
21:56Well, no legumes or fennel with a lot of vinegar.
22:00And also reduce the frying as much as possible.
22:03No, Mr. Marquesa won't like that at all.
22:05We know that he loves fries.
22:07Well, now we have to find a way to please both of them, right?
22:10Yes, that's right.
22:11We will also have to communicate it to Mrs. Arcos.
22:14What surprises me is that it was not the Marquesa directly who told her.
22:19Boro told me this morning while helping her prepare for breakfast.
22:23It seems that she had a terrifying night.
22:26It may have been something that she sat down badly during the wedding banquet.
22:29I think what she has sat down badly is the same wedding.
22:34Don't look at me like that.
22:35I think we all think the same thing, but we don't dare to say it.
22:38Well, it is true that for that reason she has been in a very bad mood for a few days.
22:41And maybe that caused stomach aches.
22:45I couldn't be at the wedding, but she was also opposed to going to the ceremony.
22:50No, she didn't let it get in the way.
22:52She never lost her composure.
22:54The procession went inside.
22:56Well, I understand that you had to see the wedding from a distance from the church.
23:00Yes, well, we seemed a bit out of place.
23:02And Mrs. Marquesa ordered that we keep our distance and not move until all the guests left.
23:09I think that if it were for her, she would have made us invisible.
23:12I imagine it had to be very uncomfortable, right?
23:15It was not pleasant, of course.
23:16Well, at least I was able to be with Hannah on an important day for her, so for me it was perfect.
23:21And the service was made a lot of effort and the whole celebration was impeccable.
23:25And that's how they ended up in disarray, poor people.
23:27Well, all I hope is that they have a happy marriage.
23:30I hope so, but I don't think it will be easy.
23:33Why not? This is already a consumed fact.
23:35Well, I have my doubts.
23:37I think that Hannah's hard path is not over, but rather, it has just begun.
23:42So they are in a bad mood at work.
23:45Well, just a few minutes of laziness.
23:47Besides, the wedding is already taken care of.
23:49Yes, but there are still pending tasks until the palace regains its normal rhythm.
23:53And who do you think you are to talk to us that way?
23:57Besides, we are dealing with work matters.
24:01Well, if so, in that case you should talk to me, which is why I am the key lady.
24:05And not with a maid.
24:07It's just that there is no way for you to find her, ma'am.
24:10Well, look for me with more ink.
24:12Because I am always locatable.
24:14Not like others.
24:15What do you mean by that?
24:16Enough already.
24:17You don't know how to talk to each other without raising your voice.
24:38Good morning.
24:39Excuse me.
24:41I'll put a maid in a vase and take them to my bedroom.
24:46The wedding went well, don't you think?
24:49Yes, perfectly.
24:51Something surprising.
24:53Considering that it was literally prepared in a couple of days.
24:56Well, you see.
24:57Given the circumstances, it would have been normal for the storm to have broken out.
25:03Be more specific.
25:05What do you mean exactly?
25:08Where to start, right?
25:10I was surprised that Hanna kept her composure and did not interfere,
25:15revealing her origin and her condition.
25:17Well, Hanna has always had good manners.
25:20It's understandable.
25:22With you, the same thing is always reduced.
25:24To argue.
25:25And with that one, no?
25:27Have you forgotten your fashion show during the family dinners?
25:31During the first family dinners.
25:34She has known how to keep her composure.
25:36Even in front of truants like you.
25:39I'm sure you have taught her how to do it.
25:42You are wonderful at it.
25:43Stop messing around.
25:44I remind you that you are talking about my brother's wife.
25:48Let him be.
25:53By the way, congratulations.
25:55You concealed your pregnancy perfectly.
25:57No one noticed your condition.
25:59And if he did?
26:00He had the prudence not to say anything.
26:07Thank you very much.
26:09In this family, we are very good at pretending and lying.
26:12No one noticed how much you disliked taking Hanna to the altar, right?
26:17Your boss.
26:19Sacrifices that one makes for the family.
26:23But don't make that face.
26:25You will also need our support.
26:28It won't be easy for you to raise a bastard.
26:30I will not allow another insult.
26:31I have not insulted anyone.
26:33I have described a reality.
26:35You are not married and this is how you call your children born out of wedlock.
26:39Don't worry.
26:40You will never have to help me.
26:42Before that, I would have to be dying.
26:48How dramatic you get, Catalina.
27:06What were you doing with your flamboyant husband?
27:09Manuel is still getting ready.
27:11And I have been wearing my career for so many years,
27:13to stop doing it now.
27:18One thing.
27:21I anticipate that your mother-in-law, Aunt Cruz,
27:25did not take your absence at breakfast very well.
27:30As it could not be otherwise.
27:33And look that his friend, Mrs. Leocadia and Catalina,
27:35will try to intercede for you.
27:38Curro, I promise you that I told Manuel that we would go down to have breakfast with everyone,
27:42to start standing up, but ...
27:44He was the one who convinced me.
27:46You have to give me explanations, sister.
27:49I know.
27:51I just hope you have breakfast and that you don't have an empty stomach.
27:56They have served it to us in the room.
27:59I imagined.
28:00Yes, after all, it was your wedding night.
28:04Well, yes.
28:05And that's why I don't understand Mrs. Cruz's reaction.
28:08She gets sulfur for anything.
28:11The truth is that my aunt usually makes a mountain of a grain of sand.
28:16She looks for any opportunity to attack us.
28:18Well, rather, to attack me.
28:20Well, don't pay much attention to my aunt Cruz's love changes.
28:23Yes, she will have risen with her left foot, that's it.
28:25This is not something punctual.
28:29No matter how much I do, she will never accept me.
28:34Hanna, it will be difficult.
28:37But maybe in time, well ...
28:39Curro, I have it very clear.
28:42It doesn't matter how long it takes, this is not going to change.
28:44Well, even if that's true.
28:46You have to think that the rest of us do accept you.
28:49No, not all of us.
28:51The Marquis will never accept me.
28:53The captain of the MATA, even worse.
28:56He hates me.
28:58Not to mention all those who congratulated me yesterday,
29:01that I am convinced that if they find out who I am, they would repudiate me.
29:10Remember that you don't offend those you love,
29:13but those who can.
29:15And also remember that you have a little brother here for whatever you need.
29:20You are not alone.
29:38I love you.
29:59Is everything okay, Ricardo?
30:01What is so abstracted from you? Where is your head?
30:04No, the stain that was cleaning it.
30:08When you came in, you weren't even brushing,
30:11so you won't be able to clean it.
30:13Look, don't look at me. Tell me, what is it that worries you so much?
30:24I was thinking about her.
30:26How is it possible that this continues to hurt me after so long?
30:30You have to get over it.
30:31Leave it behind for once.
30:33For your own good.
30:34And for everyone around you.
30:37Yeah, but I don't understand, Romulo.
30:40I can't get a question out of my head and ...
30:43What did I do wrong?
30:44What did I do for her to leave me and go with someone else?
30:47Nothing. You didn't do anything wrong.
30:49And then?
30:50Well, if you keep looking for explanations that you can't find,
30:53you'll never get over it.
30:55All this causes me a lot of confusion.
30:57And it is logical.
30:58We have to learn to live with unanswered questions, leave them aside.
31:02It's just that now I have the confirmation that she is still alive.
31:06In a town in Ávila.
31:07Yes, well, it is logical that she is alive. She was younger than you.
31:11Yes, well, but I had already made up my mind that I was not going to hear from her again,
31:14that I was not going to see her again.
31:16You don't have to see her if you don't want to.
31:19But it's just that ...
31:21That option is very real.
31:23Romulo, it would be enough to simply ask Mrs. Arcos
31:25what is the town of Ávila, where it is, and go there to look for her.
31:28That's not a good idea.
31:31Well, first of all, why would you have to ask Mrs. Arcos for a favor
31:35if we all know how she spends it?
31:37Well, that's the least of it.
31:39I would end up arguing with her whether or not to do me the favor.
31:41Secondly, and most importantly, why?
31:47Well, honestly, I don't know.
31:51And I'm being honest.
31:53Thinking about going to look for her and having her face to face in front of me ...
31:59That generates a lot of anxiety in me.
32:10I wish I had never opened that damn letter.
32:14Do you think you still love her?
32:19Excuse me, I interrupt.
32:21Mr. Baeza, they are waiting for you in your office.
32:23Apparently Hanna wants ... Mrs. Hanna wants to talk to you.
32:26Very well.
32:28I'll lend you a hand, Mr. Pellicera, to clean that stain.
32:32Sure, I'll clean it in a moment.
32:57Come in.
33:00I came to see how you are.
33:02Fine, just that ... I don't smell anything.
33:06What do you mean you don't smell anything?
33:08No, the pregnancy has made me lose my sense of smell.
33:11Are you sure?
33:12Yes. I've been noticing it for days, that's why I went to the field to pick flowers and ...
33:16Nothing. As if I smelled a stone.
33:20Let me.
33:23Well, does it release a strong aroma?
33:26I don't know, daughter. Do you think this is normal? Maybe we should call the doctor.
33:31No, I don't think it's necessary.
33:33I have read that it can be one of the consequences of pregnancy.
33:36I see.
33:39I have to get used to my body changing and transforming.
33:46In fact, soon I won't even be able to see the tip of my toes.
33:50But maybe it's not too much to consult the doctor.
33:53No, the truth is that it won't be necessary.
33:57I would like to help you. I don't know what I can do for you.
34:08Look, with this hug you are already doing a lot for me.
34:17Daughter, the doctor insisted that it was very important to promote a calm climate for the good development of your pregnancy.
34:24I would like the atmosphere at the promenade to be better, but ...
34:30But I don't know how to pacify it.
34:33It's not your fault, father.
34:36It's just that so many emotions are not good.
34:39Yesterday you were at a wedding banquet.
34:41Yes, I had a great time dancing and talking to the guests.
34:45Don't worry about that.
34:47If I enjoy it, my son also enjoys it.
34:49Yes, but not all situations are as festive as a wedding.
34:54This morning there was a very violent one at breakfast.
34:58Cruz has no right to talk to you like that.
35:00And less having guests.
35:04Well, actually I'm already used to his outbursts.
35:09But things shouldn't be that way.
35:11Yeah, but they are.
35:14And we can't change how others react.
35:18So for that and ...
35:21And to have a calm atmosphere in the development of my pregnancy, I'm going to go to Aunt Clara's house.
35:27I'm going to Aunt Clara's house.
35:33I wanted to organize, with your permission and with the help of María Fernández,
35:36a toast to celebrate my wedding with all the service.
35:40Very generous of you.
35:42Well, you know I stayed with the thorn in my side because ...
35:45My pretension was that everyone could come to the celebration, but ...
35:48We know.
35:49You know that Mrs. Márquez prevented it and ...
35:52I would simply like to make a toast to all my former colleagues.
35:55I feel indebted to them.
35:56But you have no obligation.
35:58I know.
36:00But well, I would like it not to be an ordinary toast.
36:04I would like it to be a moment that we could all share something emotional.
36:08Very well said.
36:10That you have a golden heart.
36:12Both as a lady and as a maid.
36:14But she is a lady and as such she must be treated.
36:16Well, Mr. Baeza, make an exception when Mrs. Petra is not in front, I don't care.
36:22It will be a great joy for everyone, for me first.
36:26They are going to jump out of happiness.
36:28I am very excited.
36:30By the way, now that I remember,
36:32I gave the works of the invitation to Father Samuel so that he could distribute them among the needy.
36:37And you did very well.
36:38What more than the needy, no one will need it.
36:40For that, you are the needy.
36:42Yeah, but I wasn't thinking about the works.
36:46I was thinking that we could prepare something special for the day.
36:50Something they don't eat in their daily life.
36:52Like caviar?
36:53Well, you don't need excessive luxuries either.
36:56Besides, I guess caviar is not everyone's favorite.
36:59Caviar tastes like fish.
37:01Really? And where have you had the opportunity to taste such an exquisite delicacy?
37:05At the costume party of Mrs. Marquesa.
37:08At the costume party?
37:11Well, huh?
37:12Yes, because ...
37:15Excuse us, Mr. Baeza, we took from a tray.
37:18A tray that had leftovers, nothing more.
37:20We couldn't contain our curiosity.
37:23But of course it was when the gentlemen left and it was just the works.
37:27Yes, yes, because we were not going to throw it away.
37:29Right, Mr. Rómulo?
37:30Well, well, let's get back to our subject.
37:32Let's recap. So you want us to prepare something special, but not excessive, right?
37:39Well, don't worry Hanna, Mr. Rómulo and I will take care of it.
37:43So that everything comes out of the mouth and you will have a surprise that you will be amazed.
37:47Well, there is no need for many surprises, María.
37:49And when do you want it?
37:51Well, tomorrow.
37:54I wouldn't like to distance it too much from the wedding.
37:57In fact, if you allow me, I would like to stay here alone in the office to be able to put the dishes on a list that I don't think are missing.
38:03Of course, here you have it.
38:05Yes, use the office all the time you need.
38:08Thank you very much.
38:20Father, my life will be much calmer at Aunt Clara's house.
38:24And the creature I carry inside will appreciate it.
38:27But you have thought about it well.
38:29Do you realize that this would enliven the rumors and sooner or later they would end up spreading?
38:33Calm down.
38:35I fully trust Aunt Clara's discretion.
38:38In fact, I have told her everything.
38:40And she has not asked any indiscreet questions, nor has she inquired about who my son's father might be.
38:46As if we did.
38:49All I'm trying to do is avoid situations like this morning.
38:54And find a quiet environment for the final stretch of my pregnancy.
39:01I guess you're on your right.
39:04And after all, maybe it's not such a bad idea.
39:26I just found out that you intend to organize a toast to the service.
39:31That's right. I want to celebrate my recent wedding with them.
39:35Well, if the lady needed something, maybe she should have told me.
39:40I would have been delighted to go up to the noble area and deal with this whole matter calmly.
39:46Mrs. Petra, stop being so formal.
39:48I'm tired of you telling me the same thing every time you see me down here.
39:52I have made it very clear that I will move freely around the palace when I feel like it.
39:56Both upstairs and downstairs, do you understand?
39:59I'm sorry, ma'am.
40:01Well, I hope I don't have to repeat it to you.
40:04Even so, ma'am.
40:06I insist that I would like to be part of that toast organization.
40:12It seems to me that you meet with Mr. Baeza and a simple maid, like María Fernández.
40:19And that I have to find out for seconds.
40:22Excuse me, Mrs. Petra, I never thought I would want to participate in such a thing.
40:27Of course I do.
40:29Well, then I will notify Mr. Baeza and help him with the preparations.
40:36Anyway, I have already informed Mr. Baeza of everything I want.
40:39And right now I'm going to give him this list so that he has all the complete instructions.
40:44Do you want me to give it to him?
40:48I don't want the same thing to happen as with the invitations to my birthday party.
40:53Don't you think?
41:10Let's see.
41:11Before we start looking for the key, let's make sure we are following the clues correctly.
41:16We enter through here.
41:17And we go a long way.
41:19And there is no doubt that we reach the palace.
41:21And then we find the steep slope that would probably lead to the floor of the gentlemen's rooms.
41:27And we reach the room of the Marquise.
41:30Or maybe not.
41:31Let's see, look.
41:33What is this supposed to be?
41:35I think the one who made the plan left a room half drawn.
41:39So what's the point of that?
41:41If there is nothing on the other side of the wall.
41:43Well, maybe they were going to build something and then they regretted it.
41:46Or they did, but they hid it.
41:48Let's see, let's see, a little bit of sanity.
41:50Tie your imagination short.
41:52Is it exciting to fantasize?
41:54Vera is right.
41:55But it is more important to find out what is behind that door and not speculate.
41:58Yes, Teresa, but until we find the key that opens that door, we will not know.
42:01Well, that's exactly what we have to focus on and not make up absurd stories.
42:06But where can we find that key?
42:09I have no idea.
42:11And I don't know the palace as much as you do.
42:14Let's see, if we think logically, it would be normal for Mrs. Marquise to have that key in stock.
42:20That is, in her bedroom.
42:22If Mrs. Marquise is the one who uses the passage, it is most sensible not to be far from the key.
42:28I hope you are not thinking what I think.
42:31No one is going to enter Mrs. Marquise's room.
42:34Are you listening to me?
42:36Do you know what would happen if she found us with our hands in the dough?
42:39Let's see, I'm not sure that key is in the Marquise's room.
42:43Listen to me.
42:45What if the person who used those passages did it by entering from the outside?
42:51Maybe the key is somewhere else.
42:55I mean, what you're trying to say is that you think that key can be anywhere in the promise.
43:02But that's like looking for a needle in a haystack.
43:05Well, if it's looking for a needle in a haystack, we'll look for it.
43:09And we're going to find it among the four of us.
43:13Let's go.
43:19There is no problem in preparing the dishes that are written here.
43:22These are the requests that Mrs. Hanna has made personally for the invitation that she wants to give to the area of ​​Selena.
43:27If that girl is more nice, let's see if the rest of the gentlemen learn something from her,
43:31now that they have her living up there.
43:34I need a lemonade for Miss Catalina.
43:37On my way.
43:40And you said that this celebration is going to be tomorrow, right here.
43:44That's right. And I remember that Mrs. Hanna put special emphasis on that,
43:48and they say that although she wanted it to be an intimate celebration, she also wanted it to be very special.
43:53There is no doubt, Mr. Baeza. It will be something very important for all of us down here.
43:58Yes, we will be up to the expectations.
44:01I hope so, because I think that this celebration makes Mrs. Hanna more excited than her own wedding.
44:07I'm sure this is the case.
44:09It is normal that Hanna wants to share her joy with the people she loves, and that she loves her.
44:15Didn't you say that Hanna didn't value us, boy?
44:21Time to time, ladies. Time to time.
44:25Well, you're going to get bored waiting so long.
44:31First of all, Mrs. Hanna.
44:34And secondly, can someone tell me what happened here?
44:40Only this morning, the saint told us that Mrs. Hanna, since she got married, has already forgotten about us.
44:47And now she will have to swallow her words and her malabar.
44:51Well, I'm not going to get into childish discussions.
44:54Talk to Mr. Ruiz and make sure that all the dishes on the list are ready.
44:59What are you doing?
45:10Chasinas, salad, croquettes.
45:30Are you calling on the phone?
45:33I wanted to contact Martina.
45:37She must be so calm with Julia.
45:39Yes. Yes, of course.
45:44Does Julia's family have a phone in their house?
45:48No. No, no, no. Of course not.
45:51I wanted to call the bar of her town.
45:57What town?
45:59The town ... the town of Julia.
46:02Yes, I see. But what's her name?
46:12Explain it to me, Curro.
46:15Are you telling me that you want to call the bar of a town that you don't even know the name of?
46:20No. No, of course not.
46:23You can explain it to me whenever you want.
46:38Martina didn't go with Julia.
46:41I mean, they did go together, but their paths parted in Cordoba.
46:49And where is my cousin supposed to be?
46:53As far as I know, in Santander.
46:56At his friend Piluca de la Serna's house, which is where I was going to call.
47:01Of course, that's why he couldn't come to the wedding.
47:03Yes. He wasn't close.
47:06But there's something I don't understand.
47:10Why did he make up that he was going with Julia if he was actually going to his friend Piluca's house?
47:16Well, it's ... it's hard to explain.
47:20Well, you try to explain it to me and I'll do everything I can to understand it.
47:34It was because of Jose Juan.
47:39What does Jose Juan have to do with my cousin's death?
47:43Well, Jose Juan lost his mind and tried to end Martina's life.
47:50Yes, he tried to shoot her, but everything is fine now.
47:52How is everything going to be fine, Corro?
47:55Are you telling me that Martina was forced to break her promise because Jose Juan tried to kill her?
47:59Yes, but it was just in case. That's it.
48:02What do you mean, just in case?
48:04This is very serious, you should have told me.
48:06It was Julia's idea.
48:08That Jose Juan tried to kill her!
48:09Do you want to lower your voice?
48:11Manuel, this is not a matter for the whole palace to find out.
48:15Besides, everything went well.
48:18Martina has left and is far from all this.
48:20And best of all, Jose Juan has no idea about Martina's whereabouts, so she can be calm.
48:24Are you sure?
48:25Yes, very sure.
48:31But at some point she will have to come back.
48:34Yes, that was the idea.
48:37I'm telling you, she left just to heal us.
48:39So since she sent the telegram apologizing for not coming to the wedding,
48:42we haven't heard from her again.
48:46Well, please call that whore.
48:48Right now we have to find out where she is.
48:50I was going to do that.
48:56Don't hide me again, Aguasin.
49:07Hanna has given us total freedom,
49:09Mr. Rómulo and me, to organize the toast of her wedding.
49:12So you're going to take care of the whole thing?
49:14Yes, and everything has to come out perfect.
49:16Don't worry, we're going to put everyone on our side.
49:20So I count on you and your criteria for the food?
49:23Of course.
49:24Mrs. Simona has sent me the list of dishes that Hanna has personally ordered.
49:27You're taking too long to get ready, we don't have much time.
49:29And to that list you have to add Hanna's favorite dish.
49:33Mrs. Simona's pipirrana is also planned and underway.
49:36Yes, but it's not that.
49:37It's something that only you, with your magical hands, can do.
49:42Well, you'll tell me what it is,
49:43because Mr. Báez has given me permission to buy everything I need.
49:46Well, you know that Hanna is not very picky about food,
49:49but there is one thing that she loves and that she can never resist.
49:53And what is it?
49:55Well, it's like ...
49:57like soft colored cookies with a very strange name.
50:01Very strange?
50:03Soft colored cookies with a strange name.
50:05Yes, man.
50:06You have prepared them several times at Mrs. Marquesa's visits.
50:09They were like ...
50:10filled with almonds.
50:12Ah, the macarons.
50:13Yes, the macarons.
50:15But for that I need almonds, María.
50:17Although I think we have almonds at the pantry,
50:19because Captain de la Mata likes the puro salda soup with almonds.
50:22Well, the soup is over.
50:23Now Hanna is the priority.
50:25And all the almonds for her.
50:27Of course.
50:28And are you going to prepare them in colors?
50:31Of all the colors I need.
50:33Oh yes, they look so beautiful when served.
50:35Hanna will love them.
50:36I hope so.
50:40Teresa, what's wrong?
50:41Are you okay?
50:44Yes, I've already talked about it once.
50:46What's going on?
50:51Father Samuel.
50:55He had a giant.
50:58A giant.
51:08Do you still love your wife?
51:10I'm sure she's still alive.
51:12And that ...
51:13I could go find her at any moment, meet her.
51:16Are you thinking of going to find her?
51:18And don't misinterpret my interest.
51:20It's not for me.
51:21It's for Mrs. Adarre.
51:23You may be my friend,
51:24but I will not allow you, not even you, to hurt her.
51:27She has suffered a lot.
51:28It can be seen that Martina is no longer in Santander.
51:31Well, that's because she's back.
51:34Because the maid didn't have that information either.
51:37But her friend Viluca will know where she is.
51:39Her friend has also left.
51:41He's alive, yes.
51:42At least he's alive.
51:43And what does that mean?
51:45Well, the doctor doesn't fear for his life.
51:48Hanna is clear.
51:49He's going to be stupid.
51:51Relax, Catalina.
51:52It's like you're accusing me of something.
51:54I do.
51:55Even if I went to the other end of the world,
51:57I would never forget what you have done to me.
51:59Of all your misfortunes, which one am I guilty of now?
52:01I know the reasons why Pelayo came to the promise.
52:04Well, look.
52:05You got married to the church,
52:06but the real celebration is this one.
52:08That's it.
52:09The other thing was just a rehearsal.
52:12Because you'll see, the one we have for you was the stop.
52:14But what have you done?
52:15Where are you going?
52:18When we spoke,
52:19he didn't explain to me why he left Spain.
52:21Well, it was going to be a quick trip,
52:23a matter of a few months.
52:25But in the end, it turned out to be years.
52:28Which I regret,
52:29because I didn't have the opportunity
52:30to say goodbye to your mother as I should have.
52:33But well,
52:34it's never too late if the fortune is good, they say.
52:37Maybe it would be good
52:38if I came to visit you at the sanatorium.
52:40Hurray for the bride!
52:41Hurray for the bride!
52:42Hurray for the bride!
52:43Hurray for the bride!
52:44Hurray for the bride!
52:45Hurray for the bride!
52:46Hurray for the bride!
52:48You have to stop it, ma'am.
52:50It's a scandal
52:51that a house like this allows that ...
52:53that pantomime.
52:54Give me the order, ma'am.
52:56Give me the order
52:57and right now I put an end to that ...
52:58to that damn celebration.
