• last month
00:30One day you'll have your wedding and you'll be the most beautiful bride in the world.
00:36At this rate I'll have the biggest belly in the world, that's for sure.
00:41Now seriously, what worries Manuel the most is what will happen after the wedding.
00:46When he and Jara are left alone with Cruz.
00:50What do you mean alone?
00:52Well, they'll have the support of Curro, but when Martina and I are not in the palace...
00:59But you're going to be far from here.
01:03I'm going to be sorry not to see you, Simona, but I've thought that in the next few months I'll be better at my Aunt Clara's house.
01:09Your Aunt Clara?
01:11Yes, that's right. She has always loved me very much and she will have no doubt in sheltering me, at least until I give birth.
01:19No, I don't doubt that your aunt will surely take good care of you, but I don't understand why you have to leave.
01:25What I have left of pregnancy, I need peace of mind. And here in the promise I know I'm not going to break it.
01:34You say it for your stepmother.
01:36Who else?
01:40It's a shame that you have to leave just because the Marquise has crossed you.
01:45I ask you to please think about it a little. You already know that you will have me here forever, whatever you need.
01:56I know.
01:59Manuel also gives me his support, but it's not just a matter of living together.
02:05What do you mean?
02:08I didn't tell Manuel this, but every time I see Cruz I remember Pelayo's betrayal.
02:13I see.
02:15Knowing that he came here with the sole purpose of deceiving me, that's something I'm never going to forgive him or her.
02:22Normal, Miss, normal.
02:25So your brother doesn't know anything about this?
02:28No, I didn't want to upset him the day before his wedding.
02:31Better. Don Manuel deserves to marry happily, despite everything.
02:36Why do you say that?
02:37Let's see, Miss, I don't want to overwhelm you any more, but down here we have a strange feeling.
02:46What kind of feeling?
02:48Let's see, we are all very happy that Don Manuel and Hanna are getting married.
02:53But it's a feeling like this wedding is going to be a very sad wedding.
02:59I thought you were excited to be able to attend.
03:02I thought you were excited to be able to attend.
03:05We are not going to attend.
03:09These are the new orders of Mrs. Marquesa.
03:13Only a small representation of the service and only the ceremony will be able to attend.
03:18I wasn't aware of this when it happened.
03:20What else? What happens is that for one thing or another, Andela and I will not be able to go.
03:26But this was not what Hanna and Manuel wanted.
03:28What they wanted doesn't matter.
03:29Well, I'll talk to Manuel right now.
03:31No, Miss, I beg you.
03:33I don't want to add more tension to the atmosphere.
03:36Simona, if I can help ...
03:38Please, I beg you.
03:40For nothing in the world would I forgive myself for bittering the wedding of Don Manuel.
03:50You are going to be beautiful.
04:07The telegram from Martina has finally arrived.
04:10And what does it say?
04:12Well ...
04:14He can't come to our wedding.
04:21So what I've done is confirm what you told me.
04:24How did you know?
04:25Well, I talked to him and I was looking forward to doing it with you.
04:30I talked to Martina on the phone and he told me that he was going to send you that telegram to apologize.
04:35Well, I don't like that he can't come.
04:39Yeah, we all wanted him to be present.
04:42In fact, I told Uncle Alonso that he would practically come and you see.
04:48But there is no way he can make it on time.
04:50No, I'm afraid not.
04:52He is too far away and it would be impossible for him.
04:56I hope this setback does not spoil the most important day of your lives.
05:02Don't worry Curro, it's just one more adversity.
05:05Come on Hanna, Martina will be back soon.
05:08And by the time she does, you and Manuel will be husband and wife.
05:17My mother is the one who is going to take it worse.
05:20She is his favorite niece and she is going to scream in heaven.
05:23As if she didn't have a long face enough.
05:25Don't worry, I'll take all the blame.
05:28Curro, you had nothing to do with it.
05:30It doesn't matter.
05:32As his most hated nephew, things won't change much between us, so ...
05:37Curro ...
05:38It's the truth.
05:39And it really doesn't matter.
05:42In fact, who is going to miss Martina more, it's going to be me.
05:47You're right, forgive us.
05:49We didn't realize that you are the one who is going to have the worst time with all this.
05:51Yes, well ...
05:53You already know what happened between us.
05:56And although now there is nothing left of that passionate love, I ...
06:00I ...
06:01I still fully trust her.
06:05Well, actually, we all trust her.
06:07I'm glad that's the case, yes.
06:10Because a few days ago I told her the whole truth.
06:15What do you mean you told her the whole truth?
06:17Curro ...
06:18Did you tell her the truth about our relationship?
06:21About who your real father is?
06:23Yes, that's right.
06:24And I'm sorry I didn't consult it with you before.
06:26But ...
06:28I needed to vent with her.
06:30And that lie weighed too much inside me.
06:34It's all right, brother.
06:35It's okay.
06:37At least you will have made sure that I don't say anything.
06:42Well, I hope so.
06:44But the reality is that I would have liked to have shared this day the four of us together.
06:49Well, at least you will be.
06:52We love you very much, Curro.
06:54Very much.
06:56And I love you.
06:57Come here.
07:05And you too.
07:11I feel very guilty about the state in which Ricardo is.
07:14You? Why?
07:16Because I forced him to read that letter, Mr. Baeza.
07:18And it seems to be what has sunk him into the well.
07:20But sooner or later he had to face his past.
07:22If I'm going to know that it has such an effect on him, I'll leave everything as it was.
07:25No, now he can't see it, but he has done him a favor.
07:28How? By sinking him?
07:29He will jump ahead.
07:30It's just that I don't know what to do.
07:32I've tried to get him to get his head up, to keep going, but I can't.
07:35And I can't think of anything else.
07:37Maybe you know what I could do for him, since you've known him for a long time.
07:41He's doing what he always does.
07:42Get into the worst and don't let anyone help him.
07:44Well, we have to do something.
07:46Because I don't want him to drown in his sadness for longer.
07:48I would like to be able to help him more, but the current circumstances for which Palacio is going through do not allow it.
07:54We have the wedding of the heir of the house of Luján ahead.
07:57We have to focus on it.
07:58It is true that the wedding is something very overwhelming.
08:01Well, luckily, now Mr. Pellicer will have less time to think.
08:05Well, I think you're wrong there, Mr. Baeza.
08:07It is true that he will be more busy with the wedding, but this matter does not come out of his head in a second.
08:13It's like ...
08:14It's like the letter had ruined everything.
08:16As if Ricardo had broken, as if he had split in two.
08:19But that letter was written many years ago.
08:21But the pain he has produced when reading it is new.
08:24It's as if he had transported it the day his wife abandoned him.
08:28I don't know if you were present at that time.
08:32Yes, I was present when Ana, his wife, abandoned Mr. Pellicer and his little son.
08:38It must have been terrible for him.
08:39The disappointment he suffered was so serious that I thought he couldn't get his head up.
08:44Well, but he did.
08:45Yes, yes.
08:46And although the world he had built revolved around her, he knew how to get ahead.
08:51Well, I suppose that taking care of Santos was what gave him the strength to continue.
08:55Of course, his son Santos was his main engine.
08:58I think I can understand that.
09:01Well, and although their experiences are not the same, they are similar.
09:07And well, that is something that unites them more.
09:09Well, for what it has served.
09:11I keep saying that I was wrong, Mr. Baeza.
09:14I shouldn't have reopened that wound.
09:16That wound was closed in false.
09:18It had to be opened again to heal it once and for all.
09:21Don't blame yourself for it.
09:22But what can we do now?
09:23Because I really don't give up.
09:26There are no magical solutions.
09:29You have to be patient, Mr. Alar.
09:32I think I won't be able to sleep all night.
09:35Well, you're going to have to do it because tomorrow is going to be a very long day.
09:39I swear I still can't believe that this moment is going to come.
09:42Me neither.
09:45Tomorrow we will be husband and wife.
09:52My love, what's wrong with you?
09:54I don't know.
09:55I don't know what to do.
09:58My love, what's wrong with you?
10:01You don't look very excited.
10:04It's ...
10:06It's just that I'm more than nervous.
10:08I'm frankly worried.
10:14Well, I'm the same.
10:16These days have been a real madness.
10:19Honestly, I've even come to think of some moments that ...
10:25Don't shut up now.
10:30Manuel, don't back out.
10:33Um ...
10:37It's just that ...
10:41You know that what I want most in this life is to marry you.
10:46And ...
10:50And I don't know if we have accepted to do it all when you hurry.
10:54And you tell me that now?
10:58It has been a real leap into the void, Hanna.
11:01And that has brought difficult consequences to overcome, it is true.
11:05For example?
11:07Doesn't all this tension seem unbearable to you?
11:11Yeah, and do you think it's possible to back out now?
11:17No, no, no.
11:19Of course.
11:21Have you ever heard that,
11:23be careful with what you want because it can be done?
11:29And even if it is difficult, we can still back out, Manuel.
11:37We are going to go ahead with all the consequences.
11:42In addition, with a canceled wedding in this palace, we have more than enough.
11:47Don't joke about that.
11:48Well, it's better to take it with humor.
11:53Do you know what the best part of all this is?
11:57That you are going to see me again in a wedding dress.
12:00In addition,
12:03the best part of all this is that
12:06we are proving that nothing is impossible.
12:12That will be when everything we have planned goes well.
12:16Are you sure you're okay?
12:21Manuel, I ...
12:24What I want most is to marry you.
12:27Sometimes I get hit by thoughts that I don't like at all.
12:31What kind of thoughts?
12:35Leave him.
12:40I know that what you would like most would be to celebrate this wedding with your friends.
12:46And I know that what you least want is to put up with my mother's bad faces and all these social impostures.
12:50That's right.
12:53But I think the effort will be worth it.
13:01You're right.
13:04I agree.
13:09Think about this.
13:12Tomorrow you and I will be husband and wife.
13:15And there will be no one
13:17or anything
13:18that can interfere between us and our love.
13:22No one.
13:41Marcelo, tell me right now that tomorrow is a tiring day.
13:43That's precisely why I know that no one will discover us.
13:46I see.
13:47And you also made them call them.
13:49What I have to tell you is of vital importance.
13:51I hope so, because tomorrow I get up very early to start with the washing up.
13:55Don't worry.
13:56But what I have to tell you is very important.
13:58Oh, Marcelo, but get to the point.
14:00We have a lot of sleep.
14:02I won't beat around the bush.
14:03As you know, I was very intrigued by the subject of the past.
14:06Since I was little, I have dreamed of living fabulous adventures.
14:09And I can't believe that I'm living one of those
14:11like the ones that appear in the tales of Knights and Dragons.
14:14Marcelo, please.
14:15What part have you not understood about not beating around the bush?
14:18Let's see.
14:19It turns out that when I was filling the library's bottle,
14:22I realized that in one of the shelves there were several flash drives.
14:25And you wouldn't open it, would you?
14:27Well, there was no one, so I decided to look through them.
14:31But, Marcelo, you know what would have happened if someone came to see you.
14:34That there was no one.
14:35And it was worth it, because inside one of those flash drives
14:37there was a shot of the promise.
14:39Tell me you didn't take it.
14:41Well, it turns out that I borrowed it to be able to study it carefully.
14:46Let's see, it was a great opportunity and I couldn't miss it.
14:49When we're done, I'll leave it back in its place.
14:51No, Marcelo, give it back immediately, please.
14:53But why don't we all take a good look at it, right?
14:59Marcelo, don't tell me you brought it.
15:01That's obvious, isn't it?
15:04Let's see.
15:05Let's see.
15:09As you can see, it's an old shot, so there may be things that have changed.
15:16Have you already discovered something that is worth it?
15:19I haven't seen anything in Mrs. Cruz's room area.
15:22But is it true that the whole palace looks so small?
15:26Of course, because this map is not from the palace.
15:29This map is from the whole farm.
15:32These are the caballerizas and here are the cultivation fields.
15:37Of course, that's why I brought it, so you can tell me.
15:39You've been here longer.
15:41Marcelo, you have to return this map right now.
15:44Wait a minute.
15:46What if...
15:49Since we have it here,
15:52we take a look at it?
15:54Of course, that's what I say.
15:56Maybe we could see where the secret passage leads.
16:01This is an old barn.
16:03Could it get here?
16:04I don't think so, Teresa.
16:05Because this barn was destroyed here just yesterday.
16:08And could it get to the caballerizas?
16:10No, I would rule it out.
16:11It's too far from Mrs. Cruz's room.
16:15And the outer wall?
16:17What about the outer wall?
16:18Well, there's something different here.
16:20Don't you see it?
16:22It's true.
16:24These lines are weaker.
16:27It could be a door.
16:29I don't think so.
16:30I know the outer wall very well, and there's no door there.
16:32But it could be a secret door.
16:33No, Marcelo.
16:34You don't know anything about Marcelo.
16:35We have to go there and investigate.
16:38Yes, but not right now.
16:40I remind you that tomorrow is Hanna and Don Manuel's wedding.
16:42And we have to do our job well if we don't want to be fired.
16:45Yes, that's right.
16:46We have to leave this for another time.
16:48We can't do this now.
16:56Keep it.
16:59Keep it.
17:18You can't sleep?
17:19Or what?
17:22Absolutely nothing.
17:23I admit it.
17:26And what's on your mind?
17:30I don't know.
17:33Since I announced my wedding to Hanna, I've been in a constant state of anarchism.
17:38Makes sense.
17:40You've put the house upside down with your ultimatum.
17:47I don't know.
17:49I feel very lucky.
17:51Of course.
17:54But I also feel very dizzy.
18:00And I still don't think I'll be able to fulfill my dream.
18:04Well, believe it.
18:06Because it will happen.
18:13Girl, what are you doing here?
18:16Come here.
18:19I promise I'll leave tomorrow morning.
18:21But I need you to let me sleep here because otherwise I won't be able to fulfill my dream.
18:25Yes, how are you going to fulfill your dream tonight?
18:27Well, I don't care and I want to be presentable tomorrow at my wedding.
18:31Oh, your wedding.
18:33Who was going to tell him when you got here?
18:37And to think that another wedding is being held that day.
18:42I've missed my brother Tomás a lot.
18:47Manuel, he would have loved to be here with you today.
18:52Did you know that when we were little we used to imagine who we would marry?
19:00Well, what was clear was that he was going to be the first.
19:03Oh, yes.
19:04Of course.
19:06All the girls were around him.
19:09They were like bees to honey.
19:14I don't know how he did it, but he always managed to charm the most beautiful young women.
19:19And I was so jealous.
19:22Yes, me too.
19:25And despite all that, despite his gift, it was of no use to him.
19:34What do you mean by that?
19:38That my parents chose the most suitable bride for the interests of the family.
19:44I see.
19:50You know, the last time I spoke to him was on his wedding night.
20:00And he didn't seem to be very happy.
20:05That was because he got married, and not out of love.
20:11He resigned from his job.
20:12He resigned from his job.
20:14He ended up giving in to the wishes of my parents.
20:17As I did later.
20:19But Manuel, now it's different.
20:23Because you are going to marry for love.
20:29And mine has cost me.
20:31Blood, sweat and tears, to be more exact.
20:34But yes, I'm finally going to marry the woman I love.
20:38And you don't know what I would like to be able to share this happiness with my brother.
20:44Well, then let's toast to him.
20:52And to be able to celebrate it with my other brother.
20:58Yes, to Tomás.
21:00Yes, to Tomás.
21:06María, I came here looking for my brother and the first one I found was Manuel.
21:10Look where you're going.
21:11At that time I didn't know he was a young man.
21:14I know this story, but no matter how much you tell me, it seems like an incredible story.
21:18Well, I don't know why.
21:20Come on, confusing Don Manuel with a mozo, more than a story, seems like a fantasy to me.
21:26He was not going to be dressed as a young man.
21:28He was going to be dressed as one more mozo.
21:31Well, not one more, no.
21:32The most handsome I've ever seen in my life.
21:35And when you talked to him later, you didn't realize who he really was?
21:39Well, no, because the truth is that he was a Christ and he was smeared with fat from his plane.
21:45And he didn't do anything to get me out of my mistake either, so ...
21:49What a two.
21:52Who was going to tell us?
21:54That Hanna was going to change our lives so much.
21:59I remember the first time I got on my plane.
22:04I couldn't stop being amazed at everything I saw under our feet.
22:11And I also remember that time we left, leaving everything behind.
22:15Far from everything, alone.
22:17She and I.
22:19Those days on that beach.
22:21In that paradise.
22:23It was as close as possible to heaven.
22:25Those days I was with him on the beach, alone.
22:29It was when I realized that ...
22:31I wanted to spend the rest of my life with that man.
22:35And come on, you haven't had a homecoming since then.
22:39But here we are.
22:41Wow, you really are.
22:43Not even a whirlwind can take what you have in front of you.
22:46And look, we've been through a lot, huh?
22:53The worst of all was when he decided to go to war with Curro.
22:57That was a hurricane of fatness, yes.
23:00Because I remember you had a terrible time.
23:02But it was terrible not knowing if they were alive or dead.
23:05Well, but they were alive.
23:07And there they are.
23:11I remember the emotion that occurred to me when I received Manuel's letter in which they confirmed that they were alive.
23:16I remember it too.
23:17What do you mean it was me who gave it to you?
23:22That letter gave me hope.
23:25Because until then it was an act of faith to believe that they were still alive, the truth.
23:29Well, but faith moves mountains.
23:33But hope also creates a lot of uncertainty.
23:37That has been the constant of our relationship.
23:40Always live on the loose rope.
23:42Well, now that rope is going to be a stain that my arm ...
23:45Because you are going to be husband and wife.
23:50Manuel, I am aware of how much it has cost you and Hanna to get here.
23:58I know about everything you've been through.
24:08And you know what?
24:09And you know what?
24:13That despite all the difficulties, it is worth it.
24:18It couldn't be otherwise.
24:22In fact, that's why I know that your yes I want is going to be so special.
24:30And I also know ... well, I don't know, I'm sure.
24:34That you are going to be very happy.
24:40For you.
24:49I don't know why I have the feeling that something is going to go wrong.
24:52Because you are a ashes.
24:54But the only truth is that you are going to marry the love of your life.
24:57So enjoy the luck you have.
25:00Don't be a disappointment.
25:02God bless you, daughter.
25:04Father Samuel hears me, who is his representative on earth.
25:07This is no longer a couple, Hanna.
25:10Of course not.
25:13And let's see if you soon dedicate yourself to having many children.
25:16I want to see many reindeer running around here.
25:20You are going to be like an aunt to them.
25:23What a dream.
25:25Are you going to let me help you choose the names?
25:30I don't know.
25:32I have several thoughts.
25:36I love you.
26:07Who is supposed to have made you that tie?
26:12I didn't like how they made the knot and I tried to do it myself.
26:16Well, I don't know how it was before, but now ...
26:19It's a mess.
26:21Come on, come.
26:23Let's see.
26:28Manuel, I notice you a little tense.
26:33Manuel, I notice you a little tense.
26:36You think?
26:40I'm not going to be able to put the ring on my finger.
26:44Manuel, I've seen you more serene in the front.
26:47Marching against the alemands, imagine.
26:50I'm afraid something might go wrong.
26:53Calm your spirits.
26:55Everything is going to be fine, calm down.
26:58You know when you dream that you try to run but you can't?
27:03That's how I feel now.
27:06That's because you haven't slept much.
27:09A couple of hours, you see?
27:11Well, yes, maybe I'm right.
27:15You see, it's ...
27:19I feel immensely happy.
27:21But ...
27:23I'm shaking like a flan.
27:26This is real.
27:28I don't know.
27:30You tell me.
27:32Do you notice this?
27:35Yes, yes, you notice. That's it, that's it.
27:37You don't need me to pinch you, do you?
27:39No, that's it.
27:42Of course all this is real.
27:44Manuel, you are going to start a new life.
27:47The life you have wanted.
27:51A wonderful woman.
27:53And you are going to form a family.
27:56I guess it gives a lot of vertigo.
27:59More than flying.
28:02Curro, leave us alone, please.
28:05Yes, yes.
28:07Calm down.
28:17I'm like in a cloud.
28:19And that's where you have to be on such a special day.
28:23Come on, Teresa, you don't have to treat Hanna with so much distance because I'm in front.
28:27I know you are all very close friends.
28:29Thank you, miss.
28:30Thank you, Catalina.
28:32Of course, don't even think about calling me sister-in-law after the wedding.
28:36It sounds very cold.
28:38I'll be much more than that.
28:40I'll be like your sister.
28:42Thank you very much.
28:46You look beautiful in that dress.
28:48You look like a princess.
28:50And you are also beautiful, really.
28:52Of course.
28:54You look gorgeous, Miss Catalina.
28:56Yes? That cut really favors you.
28:58It's true.
29:00These colors hide the belly very well.
29:04I didn't mean to say that.
29:06No, don't worry, Teresa.
29:08I really appreciate your accomplishments and all of them.
29:12Well, this is it.
29:22Honestly, I still think this dress is too much.
29:26It's like ... as if it weren't me, I don't see myself.
29:28Well, that's because you don't dress up as a bride every day.
29:35Anyway, you look gorgeous, Miss Hanna.
29:39You just need a little detail.
29:42Something from the collection?
29:46Add that beautiful smile to this dress.
29:50You're absolutely right, Teresa.
29:52I'm a little nervous and I think I'm not used to being the center of attention.
29:56Well, but today you have no choice but to assume it.
30:00I'm afraid so.
30:02I'm going to be with a lot of people I don't know at all and whose class I don't belong to.
30:07Those people are nothing special, Hanna.
30:10They are as normal as you.
30:12The only difference is that they are more aggressive.
30:14And you get along very well with aggressive people.
30:17Besides, I'll be there, making sure they don't harass you.
30:21Hanna, today is a very important day.
30:23So you have to focus only on being happy.
30:27And for us, you're ready.
30:29Except for the veil.
30:31What do you mean, ready?
30:33The bouquet is also missing, right?
30:35Don't worry about that, Miss Catalina.
30:37Maria Fernández is in charge.
30:39Maria Fernández?
30:41Yes. She demanded that you guard it and that it was your and no one else's work.
30:54I feel very fortunate to be with you on such an important day.
31:00Are you serious?
31:03Let's see, Manuel.
31:05It's not the first time you've had a marriage.
31:07Yeah, but this has nothing to do with the previous one.
31:09Of course not.
31:11You know very well that Hanna is not the bride I had imagined for you.
31:16I know.
31:18I know.
31:19And that's why I want to thank her for the effort she's making.
31:23And God knows I'm honest when I say that if this is the path you've chosen,
31:28I can only pray for you to be happy.
31:34Thank you very much.
31:40I think you're making a very brave decision.
31:44I'm not.
31:45I think you're making a very brave decision.
31:52I only follow my heart, Father.
31:56And you've risked everything for it.
32:00It's something not everyone can say.
32:16It seems to me that you've recharged it a lot.
32:24Oh, Maria.
32:26You were here.
32:28Yes, I'm checking the bouquet.
32:30And I came here because I know Hanna won't pass by here by any chance.
32:34Do you like it?
32:35Yes, yes, it's perfect.
32:36But, Maria, I'm missing something much more important.
32:39Don't tell me you've lost the wedding rings.
32:41No, it's about Casuya.
32:42I can't find her anywhere and I can't officiate the wedding without her.
32:46Oh, well.
32:47But you told me you were going to look for me so I could give it to you.
32:49And you didn't show up.
32:50Yes, I know.
32:51But I didn't have time.
32:53Well, in that case, it has to be in your closet.
32:55In my room?
32:57Yes, in the most logical place.
32:58Didn't you look in the closet?
33:00Well, you don't have to pray to Saint Anthony to find it there.
33:02It's a drawer.
33:04I had understood that the maids couldn't access the men's room, Maria.
33:08And they can't.
33:09I've finished the arrangements.
33:10Since she didn't show up, I gave it to Marcelo so he could keep it.
33:16A Casuya can't leave without me knowing where she is.
33:20You'll see I'm late.
33:21Well, calm down.
33:22We're all very nervous.
33:24Go to the closet, look for her and hurry to the church.
33:27What if she's not there?
33:29I'll go and find her.
33:30No, no.
33:31You don't have to.
33:40Maria, this door won't open.
33:48We're locked in.
33:50But you have a wedding to attend.
33:53Are the men leaving for the church?
33:55Yes, Father Samuel will receive them and then the ceremony will begin.
33:59Well, come on, hurry up, you're going to miss it.
34:01Well, no rush.
34:03It's important to prepare the room for the wedding night.
34:06Teresa, you can do it, don't miss it.
34:09It's just that...
34:11I'm afraid to attend for those of you who haven't been invited.
34:14Come on, don't be silly.
34:15Go and enjoy it.
34:17Maria Fernández Oñapía and you have to go in the name of everyone else.
34:21But we'd all have to be there watching Hanna walk to the altar
34:25and held in the arms of the Captain of the Mata.
34:28It would be a worthy moment to see.
34:30But above all, to see how it happens in the Siquiero.
34:34I get goosebumps just imagining it.
34:36Well, don't imagine it and live it.
34:39If I'm honest with you, I'm going to be a little jealous of you, Hanna.
34:42Well, if envy can be healthy.
34:45But it's not bad that for better or for worse he doesn't come.
34:47And not to go to either Marcelo or a servant,
34:50we make sure that no one from high society recognizes us.
34:54It's true.
34:55I had fallen for that.
34:57Even so, we have to be careful not to be recognized during the celebrations in the palace.
35:03But do you think someone related to your father or the Duke of Sarabia can come?
35:07I'm more or less calm.
35:09The Marquis has taken too many trouble to hide from the service.
35:12We are practically invisible.
35:14And with all the fuss in the kitchens, it won't be difficult for you to hide.
35:18Even so, it's better not to be in that church.
35:21But you do have to be there, so come on, hurry up and get ready.
35:24But if you haven't finished ...
35:25I'll do it later.
35:26Don't worry, the room is going to be perfect.
35:29Come on, move.
35:31Come on.
35:34And give Hanna a kiss on my behalf.
35:39On your behalf.
35:53You come to tell me that the car is ready and you are waiting for me to go to the wedding, right?
35:59That's right, ma'am.
36:01Well, I have no choice but to go.
36:04I already know how María Antonieta felt when they took her to the guillotine in her car.
36:09Don't get so tragic, ma'am.
36:11Not at least until you hear the news I bring you.
36:16Maybe you have to make that trip by hand.
36:19Why? What happened?
36:22Let's say that the priest who has to officiate the ceremony, Don Samuel,
36:27could have suffered a regrettable mishap that would prevent him from going to church.
36:33What kind of mishap?
36:35You better not know the details.
36:37Just to be safe, ma'am.
36:39Just stay calm because where Hanna is,
36:42she won't be able to ask her boyfriends the right questions.
36:47At this moment, curiosity is more important to me than security, Petra.
36:51So talk.
36:52Where is she?
36:53He and María Fernández are at Don Manuel's studio.
36:57María Fernández?
36:59Why does she hang out with him?
37:01Miss Fernández was in charge of guarding the bouquet of flowers for the bride
37:05and they have both been locked up in the studio.
37:13Well, what bad luck, right?
37:16Someone who happened to pass through that corridor heard them talking,
37:21the door was locked and he just had to close it and throw the key.
37:27We will have to thank that someone for his invaluable help.
37:33He simply took advantage of the opportunity that fate gave him.
37:38But I will convey his thanks, ma'am.
37:41And tell me, do you think there is a possibility that someone will accidentally open that door?
37:48A day like today, being so far from the studio and with the crowd at the wedding.
37:53No, I don't think anyone will go through there.
37:56Only I could let them out and I will only do so by obeying your orders, ma'am.
38:05I see.
38:07It is true that the church will be full of distinguished guests
38:11and that it will be difficult to justify the absence of the priest,
38:15but at this moment all that seems like a minor evil to me.
38:19So it is better that that door remains closed.
38:25I already told you that I was able to cut off one hand to prevent this wedding.
38:30But luckily it won't be necessary to get to that extreme.
38:34As you said, it was fate, right?
38:38Sometimes it's so capricious.
38:41Come on, get dressed for the wedding.
38:44Or do you want to miss the show?
38:57I'm already half lost. You try, you have a better voice.
39:08Maria, it's useless, we've been screaming for more than half an hour.
39:11But how is it possible that no one appears around here?
39:14We can't give up, you have to make that wedding happen.
39:17Without a priest it will be difficult.
39:21Someone get us out of here!
39:23Maria, don't lose your temper, we almost didn't get anything.
39:26And how am I not going to lose it?
39:28My friend has to get married.
39:30Do you know of any saint who can be prayed for to get out of jail?
39:33No, but praying certainly helps more than an ex-abrupt.
39:36But let's think, how could this door remain closed?
39:39I don't know.
39:41I don't know.
39:43I don't know.
39:45I don't know.
39:46I don't know.
39:48How could this door remain closed?
39:50It hasn't been closed on its own, that's for sure.
39:52And maybe because of the wind?
39:54Of course, the wind has brought the key flying, put it in the lock and turned it around.
39:58No, that's not the case.
40:00They've left us locked up and someone knows we're here.
40:03And who would want something like that, Maria?
40:05I can think of a couple of names.
40:07And one of them with the necessary key.
40:11Maria Mandrag.
40:13Let the stone speak.
40:14That woman is capable of anything as long as it's annoying.
40:17No, Maria, that doesn't make sense.
40:19And I think you're being very unfair with her.
40:22Look, Father, in this case, I don't usually like the saying,
40:25if you think badly, you'll get it right.
40:27But with her, you always get it right.
40:29Even so, it seems to me that locking us up here is excessive, Maria.
40:32I've never been late for a service, and even less for such an important one.
40:36Well, I'm sorry.
40:45Since you came into my life, you've turned my world upside down.
40:48Hey, it's not fair that you're angry with me.
40:51It's not my fault that we're both locked up here.
40:53And I'm also desperate that my friend can't get married.
40:57You're right, Maria.
40:59I'm sorry.
41:01This situation is getting out of hand.
41:03There's no human way to get out of here.
41:09A smile, it's an important day.
41:12Good afternoon.
41:14Good afternoon.
41:16Good afternoon.
41:20Thank you for coming.
41:24Good afternoon.
41:26Good afternoon, how are you?
41:28Very well.
41:29How are you?
41:32Well, actually, I don't know.
41:34There are too many mixed feelings.
41:39And Hannah?
41:41Shouldn't she be here by now?
41:42It's normal for a bride to be late.
41:45Be patient.
41:47You've arrived too punctual.
41:55Good afternoon.
42:07Good afternoon.
42:10Thank you for coming.
42:12Good afternoon, it's a pleasure to see you.
42:14Good afternoon.
42:17Thank you for coming.
42:20What's wrong?
42:21Did something happen with Hannah?
42:22No, no, no.
42:23Hannah is not the problem.
42:25She must be well prepared.
42:33The priest doesn't show up.
42:37Don't worry, don't worry.
42:38He's coming.
42:50Let's go inside.
42:51You have to wait for the bride next to the altar.
42:58Let's go.
43:12Resignation, Simona.
43:14Making bad blood is useless.
43:16On top of that, Petra likes it.
43:19It's a shame that we can't go to this wedding.
43:22What we want is you, me, Don Manuel and Hannah.
43:25Let's see, Simona.
43:26We didn't paint anything there either.
43:28The important thing is that Hannah and Manuel
43:31celebrate their wedding with all their heart.
43:33And let's hope that everything goes well this time.
43:36I hope so.
43:38That's true.
43:39We have to see the bad omen that Mr. Tomás had.
43:42He was glorified.
43:43And Mrs. Ximena's.
43:45The devil has confused them.
43:47Not to mention the wedding of the poor girl,
43:49of the Sevita Catalina.
43:50That didn't even get to be celebrated.
43:53Do you know what I'm telling you?
43:55This is going to go well.
43:56Because so much bad blood at some point
43:58will have to end, right?
43:59I mean, I don't know.
44:00I don't know.
44:01I don't know.
44:03I don't know.
44:04I don't know.
44:05I don't know.
44:06It's going to have to end, right?
44:07I mean.
44:08And you say it very well, Candela.
44:10I'm sure the two of them are very handsome.
44:13Made with a pincer.
44:16And Hannah didn't like her dress very much.
44:18So what?
44:19If that girl is all wonderful.
44:21It's true.
44:23Well, and he too.
44:25How lucky Mr. Manuel is.
44:28He must already be there waiting for her at the altar.
44:32How beautiful we were.
44:39I won't be able to give the bouquet to my friend on her wedding day.
44:46Because there won't be a wedding.
44:48Because without a priest, there is no wedding.
44:53Well, Maria.
44:55Don't lose hope.
44:57Someone will end up hearing us.
45:12Don't bother.
45:13This is the farthest part of the whole palace.
45:15That's why I chose you, Mr. Manuel.
45:17So that no one would bother you.
45:19But Maria, I'm not going to give up.
45:21We're going to get out of here.
45:23And what are you going to do?
45:28To great evils, great remedies.
45:36To great evils, great remedies.
45:55You got it!
45:57Maria, I'm going to the house.
45:59See you at the door.
46:04Maria, I'm going to the house.
46:06See you at the door.
46:07No, I'll go with you.
46:08I'm sure I'll find her before you do.
46:15Really, no one knows where the priest is.
46:19No one has heard from him for hours.
46:21Did something happen to him?
46:23Maybe it's a divine sign so that this wedding doesn't take place.
46:26That priest is unimaginable.
46:28Well, he likes modern things so much.
46:31Is it modern to leave the grooms alone?
46:32Look, if he doesn't know how to keep his composure, it would be better if he stayed quiet.
46:37Catalina, what if he doesn't come?
46:39No, that's not going to happen.
46:41Well, Cruz must be hysterical.
46:43Well, let's keep calm.
46:45If he's late, it must be for some logical reason.
46:52There they are.
47:02Let's go.
47:32Let's go.
48:02Let's go.
48:32Let's go.
49:03Let's go.
49:22Welcome everyone.
49:25Especially Manuel and Hanna,
49:28who are going to get married here, today, in front of all of us.
49:41I hope they are happy.
49:43Like many people say.
49:47The truth is that they deserve it because they have had a pretty bad time
49:50keeping this love a secret for so long.
49:53I think so.
49:54But from now on, all of that will be in the past.
49:58Do you think everything is going to be so easy?
50:02Mandela, they have no choice.
50:04The Marquises will have to accept that Hanna is just another woman.
50:07Yes, but the Lady...
50:09She's a great lady.
50:11But Mrs. Cruz can't face Hanna
50:14because she knows that on the way, she might become enemies with her son.
50:17Well, he is the child of her eyes.
50:20It's true.
50:22And one day, God willing, very far away, Mr. Alonso will be gone.
50:27And Hanna will be gone.
50:29Mandela, that time will come for all of us.
50:32And then,
50:34Mr. Manuel will be the Marquis along with Hanna.
50:38Oh, well, the Lady was going to choke on that.
50:42But then Hanna will have the pan to herself
50:45and she will be the Marquise of Lujan.
50:47Don't you think it's a good reason
50:48for the Lady to start treating her a little better?
50:51Knowing the Lady,
50:53what happened today was just a lost battle.
50:56But she will be patient.
50:58She will end up winning the war.
51:00What do you think will happen then?
51:02I don't know.
51:04But what is certain
51:06is that the Marquise of Lujan
51:08never loses.
51:12Join your hands
51:14and manifest your consent before God.
51:16And before His Church.
51:27Forgive me.
51:47I, Manuel,
51:49love you, Hanna,
51:52as my wife.
51:55I surrender myself to you
51:58and I promise to be faithful
52:01to your joys and your sorrows,
52:04to your health and your illness
52:08every day of my life.
52:47I, Hanna,
52:50love you, Manuel,
52:52as my husband
52:55and I surrender myself to you.
52:59I promise to be faithful
53:01to your joys and your sorrows,
53:03to your health and your illness
53:09every day of my life.
53:48if anyone has any obstacle
53:50in the celebration of this marriage,
53:53let him speak now or be silent forever.
54:16I, Manuel,
54:18love you, Manuel,
54:20as my husband
54:22and I surrender myself
54:24to your joys and your sorrows,
54:26to your health and your illness
54:28every day of my life.
54:46You were always a pain in the ass to me.
54:48Don't be fooled.
54:50You humiliated my family
54:52in the worst way.
54:54I hate you, Hanna.
54:57But smile.
55:00It's your day.
55:01What have you found exactly?
55:02The other end of the passage.
55:05The ones Marcelo found
55:07seem reliable.
55:09Have you seen my colleagues?
55:11Cruz gave the order
55:12to wait inside the church
55:14until all the guests had left.
55:16So they wouldn't see them.
55:18It was all very nice,
55:19but at the same time,
55:20it was also sad.
55:21Especially for us,
55:22who were
55:24isolated in a corner
55:25as if we were some scoundrels.
55:27What a shame.
55:28Well, yes.
55:29We were both inside
55:30and someone from outside locked us in.
55:31I don't know who could do that.
55:33If I ask you,
55:34it's because you're the master of keys.
55:36Of keys.
55:37Don't be insolent.
55:38Now it all begins.
55:40This is happiness.
55:43I hope it doesn't last forever.
55:48Manuel, enough.
55:49I have to wait a moment.
55:52Because I've prepared
55:53something special for you.
55:55Let's see what we'll find.
55:57When we leave,
55:58we'll have to hide the entrance.
56:00We don't want to attract
56:01any unwanted attention.
56:02Obviously, Marcelo.
