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La Promesa - Capitulo 522 - video Dailymotion
00:31¿Es verdad que han pasado cosas entre nosotros?
00:33Pero amo a una viejita de nada.
00:35¿Y entonces por qué se quiere marchar?
00:37Pues porque aunque haya sido poca cosa,
00:39pues se lo ve poco menos que pecado mortal.
00:42Tiene la necesidad imperiosa de alejarse de mí.
00:45¿Pero para qué quería Doña Pía esas cartas?
00:47Mira, ahora sí que se nos ha ido esto de las manos.
00:48Bueno, tranquilidad.
00:49El caso es que a partir de ahora ninguno de nosotros cuatro
00:52volverá a pisar ni la habitación ni el pasadizo secreto.
00:56Haga una lista de posibles despidos.
00:58¿Todo ya es definitivo?
00:59No, pero tendremos que estar preparados.
01:01¿Tu marido no para de hacer números y revisar libros de cuentas
01:04y no encuentra nada?
01:05Quizás porque no está mirando en la dirección adecuada.
01:09Estuviste a punto de casarle con una don nadie.
01:12¿No se te ha pasado por la cabeza intentar desposarle
01:15con una muchacha adinerada de buena familia?
01:17Déjame a mí en las relaciones públicas.
01:19Pero manténme informada por telegrama de cada paso que des.
01:22Pero ¿se trata de las cartas que me dio esta mañana?
01:26Todo encaja con la reconstrucción que yo había podido hacer
01:29sobre la relación de mi madre con Don Alonso.
01:31Y si finalmente se confirma que la habitación secreta
01:34se conectaba directamente con la cámara en la que se encontraba
01:37el señor Marqués, eso constata toda evidencia.
01:44Padre, no se desanime.
01:45Es seguro que hay algo que podemos hacer.
01:47Manuel, he estudiado cada página, cada partida,
01:50y no veo la forma de salir adelante.
01:52¿Y cuando pensaba contármelo, padre?
01:56¿Qué pasa con mis sentimientos?
01:58Yo no estoy preparada para estar con un hombre
02:00que no solamente está casado, Ricardo,
02:02sino que no sabe lo que siente, porque no sería justo para mí.
02:05Pero yo no quiero perder la Roma.
02:07Y yo ahora le he mandado todo al garete con mi estupidez.
02:14Ana, ¿qué...?
02:18¿Qué haces aquí?
02:24debí avisar.
02:26Sí, sí, sí.
02:28Hubiera sido mejor.
02:33¿Qué haces aquí?
02:35¿Qué haces aquí?
02:37¿Qué haces aquí?
02:39¿Qué haces aquí?
02:41¿Qué haces aquí?
02:43Bueno, yo creo que no tengo nada que hacer aquí,
02:47así que me voy.
02:49Les dejo hablar tranquilamente.
02:51Seguro que tienen muchas cosas que decirse.
04:50I guess you didn't come all the way here to stay quiet.
04:56Of course not, Ricardo.
04:58I came to talk to you.
05:01We've been talking for a long time.
05:09No, no, not anymore.
05:10That conversation had to have been many years ago.
05:13Not now.
05:15It's never too late.
05:19Yes, it is.
05:22Ricardo, please.
05:25Don't make me visit Malde.
05:29I didn't ask you to come all the way here.
05:35I know.
05:37Yes, yes.
05:39You've been a saint, haven't you?
05:42He just told me that you lived here when he came to see me.
05:49Just that?
05:51He told me that you worked here,
05:55that you were a butler.
05:58And since he left,
06:01I've been thinking about you.
06:03Thinking about you.
06:06About the fact that I had to talk to you.
06:13As I've told you, it's too late.
06:21I just ask that you listen to me for a few minutes.
06:23Don't make me repeat myself.
06:34Please leave.
06:36I have nothing to talk to you about.
07:09Of course.
07:11Marcelo will never learn.
07:13It's not a lost case, Mrs. Petra.
07:16You don't know it well.
07:39You're here.
07:41I came to visit you.
07:46And you were leaving without seeing me first?
07:49No, I was just going for a walk in the gardens.
07:52I thought they were beautiful.
07:54Then I thought of going to look for you.
07:59This is Mrs. Arcos.
08:01The keykeeper of this house.
08:03Nice to meet you, ma'am.
08:07Mrs. Arcos has been like a mother to me since I got here.
08:11Well, it's not that big of a deal.
08:13I've only taken care of your son because he deserves it.
08:19He's a very good boy.
08:27Well, I'm leaving. It's getting late.
08:29But what's wrong, mother?
08:32Why don't you stay a little longer?
08:34I can stay a little longer, right?
08:37I would have to ask the mayors for permission, but...
08:40Well, I don't think there would be any problem.
08:42No, I don't want to bother you.
08:44No, it doesn't bother us.
08:46Maybe tomorrow you could ask me for the day off,
08:48so we can go to town together.
08:49What do you think?
08:51I don't think I can.
08:54But I'm sure we'll have a great time.
08:57I would love to go, but...
09:01I just got here and I'm already regretting coming.
09:05Why do you say that, ma'am?
09:08He talked to my father.
09:13I wanted to talk to him, but...
09:16He made it very clear to me that he didn't want to see me.
09:19Did that bastard do something to him?
09:21No. He just told me that I shouldn't have come.
09:26Well, no.
09:28No, not at all, because I'm the one who wants you to be here.
09:30The one who wants to spend more time with you and talk.
09:35I'm sorry, son.
09:37But, Mrs. Petra, please tell him something.
09:41If she wants to leave, Santos,
09:44we can't do anything.
09:48Goodbye, son.
10:22You can start eating.
10:26Aren't we waiting for Cruz?
10:28No, he's not coming with us today.
10:35I want you to be aware of the financial situation of La Promesa.
10:41It has to be now.
10:44Maybe the food won't be ruined.
10:46I want everyone to be informed.
10:48Although some of you already know what I'm going to say.
10:50Precisely because of that.
10:53Maybe we could save the conversation.
10:54You are all aware that the accounts in La Promesa are bad, very bad.
10:59But you don't know the steps we're going to take to fix them.
11:03And what are you going to do?
11:07I am forced to take drastic measures to save the farm.
11:14We have to sell some land.
11:16Again with that idea, father?
11:18This time he's not going to be left alone with an idea.
11:20Father, you well know that this is bread for today and hunger for tomorrow.
11:23We are hungry today, Catalina.
11:25We are practically in ruin.
11:28Well, but we can keep exploring other alternatives, right?
11:31Do you think I haven't done it?
11:33But for some things or for others, all the doors are closing.
11:38Well, we'll have to keep looking for solutions without giving up.
11:41But selling badly doesn't fix anything.
11:43The fewer lands we have, the fewer income we will get.
11:46And it will be more difficult to move forward.
11:48Your father is not taking this step lightly.
11:52You also have to give your opinion.
11:54I just wanted to say that if the Marquis has decided to sell those lands,
11:59it is because he has no other choice.
12:01That's right, unfortunately.
12:04I think we should listen to my sister Catalina's proposals to look for new ways of financing.
12:10She knows the accounts of the farm better than anyone else.
12:13And she has already handled them once.
12:14She knows the accounts of the farm better than anyone else.
12:16And she has already handled them once.
12:18She wouldn't handle them so much when we are like this.
12:21I did what I could.
12:23When I started managing the accounts, I didn't know I was going too far.
12:26And you haven't moved a finger to help either.
12:28Do you think it's not enough to leave you some money?
12:30No, if in the end I'm going to be to blame for your ruin.
12:33Catalina doesn't have it either.
12:35Can you shut up?
12:37This is none of your business.
12:39As much as it is yours.
12:43I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to have to sell some lands.
12:47And now we can eat in peace.
12:49Father, I don't think the idea of ...
12:51I just wanted to inform you, Catalina.
12:53I have not asked for your opinion.
12:55And now, let's eat in peace.
13:12Let them go up the desserts if they can.
13:14The sooner the gentlemen finish eating, the better.
13:17And that?
13:20Well, Mr. Alonso has told them that he intends to sell some land
13:23and the tension is cut off with a knife.
13:25Yeah, he must have indigested him.
13:29He doesn't have to be a plate of taste.
13:31Of course, since they never had one, a miserable mess, little do I know.
13:34And who has been wronged and reported?
13:37Well, especially Miss Catalina.
13:39She will have her reasons.
13:41That girl knows a lot about finance.
13:43But the captain of the mate did not think the same.
13:46That man will never give her the reason, even if he agrees with her.
13:50Come on, he doesn't like to make a fuss.
13:52He could be quiet and suffocate every now and then.
13:55But it will be better to serve the desserts.
13:57I hope they have prepared something very rich and that it sweetens their character a bit.
14:02Well, we had thought more than a hundred options.
14:05And all tasty.
14:06But when it comes to tightening the belt, we always lacked some ingredient.
14:11Angel hair, chocolate hair, vanilla ...
14:15So we opted for a curd with honey.
14:18Just this?
14:20It's not a small thing.
14:22The curd is a very rich and very healthy dessert.
14:26The milk is freshly milked and we have burned a little sugar on top.
14:30Yeah, I was expecting at least one cake.
14:33We're going to have to leave the cakes for Sunday.
14:36We were going to make a cake to say goodbye to Don Samuel, but we are seeing that it will not be possible.
14:41What? Samuel is leaving?
14:44You didn't know?
14:46No. First news.
14:48She is waiting to see what the doctor says about her leg.
14:51She is almost healed.
14:53In addition, the reforms of her parish are almost finished.
14:56And from what she said, she is also going to ask for a transfer to change town.
15:00So she's not staying in Lujan either?
15:01So she's not staying in Lujan either?
15:04Wow, what a shame. I had started to take care of her.
15:08And me. And the worst thing is not that she leaves us, but that she leaves Lujan and will no longer be able to help the people of the town or its refuge.
15:14Yes, they will miss that.
15:16We will pray for her to stay in the end.
15:19How are we going to pray for a priest not to do what he wants to do?
15:22He has to have more influence up there.
15:24That's true.
15:26And who was not going to tell us when this man arrived that he was not going to be so sorry that he left, huh?
15:31Yes. He didn't start with a good foot, no.
15:34And so much if he even broke it.
15:37Let's stop laughing at other people's evil, which is not right.
15:41If it's for laughing, then don't cry.
15:43At least we were lucky enough to meet him.
15:45And who knows, maybe someone is still doing their job in the town and in the refuge.
15:49God hear you, Marcelo.
15:50Come on, Vera.
15:52Bring the dessert up to the gentlemen, we're starving.
15:55Let's see if the bitterness is removed with the honey.
16:14Mierda, we have to talk.
16:17Can't you have a moment of peace?
16:20Stop whining and listen to me, it's important.
16:23You'd better be.
16:25I've been thinking about the idea you had yesterday.
16:28Wow, someone listens to me in this house.
16:30I always do.
16:32I think that marrying Curro with a young woman who has good taste can be the way out of our situation.
16:39Of course it is, I already told you.
16:41I even thought the candidate you proposed was good.
16:44The little one from the dukes of Castroviejo.
16:46Are you going to tell me only old things that we already closed yesterday?
16:48You don't seem to know me.
16:50Besides, I'll tell you one thing.
16:52I'm starting to have my doubts about the daughter of Castroviejo.
16:55I don't know, I really don't know if Curro could aspire to be so hot.
17:00No, no, no.
17:02He should work, make an effort, show off his charms and seduce her.
17:05You said it yourself, El Zoquete has many flaws, but ...
17:08No one can deny that he has his appeal.
17:11And besides, he always plays in our favor that the girl is a little rude.
17:16That's true, it's an advantage.
17:18That the girl does not come into sight precisely.
17:21Curro doesn't deserve more.
17:23Let him kiss her with his eyes closed and it's all fixed.
17:25Don't exaggerate, Lorenzo.
17:27Hopefully, she will fall in love with him right away.
17:31Yes, after all, Curro is nothing else, but he has a gallant face.
17:37And who knows, maybe she will fall in love with the rest of his charms.
17:42So we will all close a business. Advantageous.
17:46A convenient marriage in exchange for a convenient percentage of the promise.
17:52We salvage debts and, incidentally, we get rid of the middleman.
17:55I see you speak in the plural. You already see yourself as the owner of those lands.
18:00It is what you promised me.
18:02Besides, you have to take into account that I am going to make a lot of effort to get this done.
18:07And what will that effort consist of?
18:09To begin with, I have already found out the whereabouts of the Duke of Castrovejo.
18:14Madrid, I imagine. They usually spend much of the year there.
18:18You are wrong. They have decided to move to their palace in Jaén.
18:22Since you don't know who is going to show up surprisingly to greet.
18:26I hope you do.
18:28The same one who dresses and walks.
18:30I will arrive tonight and I will make the meeting.
18:33And as a good soldier, first I will analyze the situation and then I will decide when to attack.
18:37Why do you always have to talk about life as if it were a battle?
18:40Life is not a battle. Life is a war.
18:42Although well, what is a war if not a concatenation of battles?
18:46Lorenzo, I'm not for your tongue twisters.
18:49You limit yourself to keeping me informed of that visit.
18:52Be careful. If things get long, I'll send you a telegram.
18:57I'll let you continue knitting, Augusto. It seems to be the most entertaining.
19:03Well, look, I'm not going to talk about it anymore.
19:06Today I have a snack with the Catholic women.
19:08And I better not be late because according to them, impunity is a sin.
19:13And one of the most serious.
19:23Hanna, I bring Teresa.
19:26Very well. Close the door, please. And so we can talk.
19:39Teresa, no ...
19:45Teresa, I don't want you to think that I lost the Oremus for running out of that room.
19:51I have never thought of that.
19:54But will you agree with me that I did not leave in a normal way?
20:00Well, I don't know.
20:04Have you told someone something?
20:06No, of course not.
20:09Okay. Well, don't do it, please.
20:13Be careful.
20:17Yes, I ran out of there and it was because ...
20:21because that room is special to me.
20:26But ...
20:28it was clear when we discovered it that ...
20:32that room had been closed for many years.
20:36And you haven't been in the promise for so long.
20:42Eh ...
20:45You and I have shared many secrets.
20:49The most important one of the Baron.
20:51And everything that happened to him.
20:54And that's something we'll never forget.
20:57That's why we made a pact of silence.
21:01Well, that's what I need you to do now, Teresa.
21:05Keep silent about what I'm going to tell you.
21:08You know you can trust me.
21:11I know.
21:12And that's why I'm telling you.
21:17Do you remember ...
21:22A maid who worked here and who disappeared with her two children.
21:27It's ...
21:29that woman who fell down a ravine, right?
21:35Yes, well ...
21:37I don't think I need to go into the details of her death, but ...
21:43Teresa ...
21:44Dolores was my mother.
21:51But ...
21:55But then you didn't come ...
21:58to the promise by chance?
22:02I came here to find out what had happened to my mother.
22:08And have you done it?
22:12But I saw that room, that bed, that crib, the baby clothes and ...
22:18I was sure I could find answers there.
22:26Do you understand now why I got so nervous and ...
22:29I wanted to run away?
22:30Of course, of course.
22:33The letters you found were written by my mother.
22:37And I think they can be very enlightening to find the truth.
22:44Yes, it is clear that in that room, in that crib,
22:48the son of Mr. Marqués and Dolores slept.
22:55So ...
22:56So ...
22:58Your mother had a son with Mr. Marqués.
23:03And what about that boy?
23:08No, I don't know. We don't know anything, Lord.
23:16Were you already aware, Doña Pio?
23:22Yes, she asked me to keep the secret and this is what I have done all this time.
23:28So ...
23:31That Lola was actually Dolores.
23:35My mother.
23:39Teresa, please ask you not to tell this to anyone, please.
23:44Of course not, Hanna.
23:48Nothing about the ball was ever known.
23:51And the same thing will happen with this.
23:54Unless you want the opposite.
24:17Are you from the town?
24:19How do you like to appear out of nowhere?
24:21And how do you like to flirt?
24:23Are you from the town or what?
24:25I already told you that the doctor had to look at my foot.
24:28And did he tell you something good?
24:29Yes, right? Because you go back without the crutches.
24:32It's much better.
24:34And the walking is lighter too.
24:36Although you still crawl a little.
24:38It still hurts a little, but I can support my foot.
24:42Well, you also have to be careful.
24:44If you want, I'll help you get to your room.
24:46No, thank you.
24:48It is convenient that the leg gets used to carrying the weight.
24:51I see.
24:52And did you say that or did the doctor tell you?
24:55That was said by common sense.
24:58And the doctor told me to congratulate my caregivers.
25:05Well, he has done what he could.
25:09I have been in the best of hospitals.
25:12And that has been largely thanks to you.
25:15And if you have been so comfortable, why do you leave us?
25:19María, I have to go. It's for the best.
25:23The best for whom?
25:28The best for both of us, María.
25:30For both of us.
25:34I can't stay with you, María.
25:36Don't you understand?
25:38Well, no.
25:40I can't either.
25:42Well, no.
25:43I can't or I don't want to understand it.
25:48Well, you're going to have to do it, because there is no other way.
25:50Well, there is another way, that you stay here.
25:53And that life goes on as it should.
25:55No, María. My life is still next to the parish and away from sin.
26:00And that's me to you? A sin?
26:02No. No, María.
26:05You are one of the best people I have met in my life.
26:08And sin would be to break the vows that one day I promised to fulfill before God.
26:14So I can't say or do anything to keep you, right?
26:21I'm afraid not.
26:24So please don't insist, because the only thing you get
26:28is that the pain of this farewell is even greater than it already is.
26:31I already told you, Father. Forgive me, but I must leave you.
26:34I can't stay with you.
26:35No, María.
26:36I can't.
26:38I can't stay with you, María.
26:40I'm sorry.
26:42I'm sorry, María.
26:44I'm sorry.
26:46I'm sorry.
26:47No, María.
26:48Don't say that.
26:50I'm sorry.
26:52I'm sorry.
26:53No, María.
26:54I'm sorry.
26:56I'm sorry.
26:57I'm sorry.
26:59I'm sorry.
27:01Selling the land is not a good idea.
27:03You already told me, yes.
27:04You don't need to repeat it to me. I have a good memory.
27:06I just can't shut up.
27:08The measure of selling will lead us to total ruin.
27:10Again talking about the same thing?
27:12How boring, for God's sake.
27:13How you like to complicate our lives.
27:14You can leave if you're not interested in the conversation.
27:16No, I'm interested in listening to your ideas.
27:19I find them even funny.
27:20We are not logical.
27:22If we cultivate our lands,
27:24our income will increase.
27:26But cultivating is expensive, Catalina.
27:28We need seeds, fertilizers, newspapers.
27:31We don't have enough rooms to pay for that.
27:33We need liquidity right now.
27:35I repeat.
27:36Less land means less income.
27:39I agree with Catalina.
27:43Very well, Hanna. As if you understood that.
27:46We will sell 50% of the land.
27:49That will give us liquidity for at least the next two years.
27:53Enough time to reorganize the accounts and move forward.
27:56And there is nothing more to say.
27:57No, no. There is more to say.
28:06I just met Lope.
28:07They told me that he is annoyed not being able to enter the secret room.
28:10Marcel doesn't care.
28:12And I'm not going to lie to you.
28:14I'm also annoyed.
28:16The room is not ours either.
28:18But it's not Mrs. Adarre's either.
28:19Who has forbidden it to us.
28:21Well, he must have thought it convenient.
28:25He is no longer the key master of this palace.
28:27And it seems to me that he does not have the authority to demand us.
28:30Come on, Vera. It's not that big of a deal.
28:32Well, it won't be for you.
28:34But for Marcelo, for Lope and for me it is.
28:36We are no longer little children playing hide-and-seek.
28:39I know.
28:40But even if we are of an age, what happens?
28:42Can't we play anything or what?
28:43Well, let's find another way to entertain ourselves.
28:45Besides, Mrs. Adarre has asked us.
28:47And I respect her a lot, you know.
28:49But she doesn't give a damn about all this.
28:51It's not just her business.
28:53Is there anyone else who doesn't want us to go in?
28:55Yes. Hanna.
29:00But Hanna, so much of what?
29:01I don't know, Vera.
29:02But she doesn't want to talk to anyone about this matter.
29:07Let's see, Teresa, explain it to me better because I don't understand anything.
29:09I can't explain it to you better.
29:11And don't you dare tell Hanna anything.
29:13If she wants to tell us something, she will.
29:15Well, it's okay. Don't get like that.
29:17I'm sorry, but I'm tired of this matter.
29:19The secret room is over. Accept it.
29:24And that Marcelo and López forget too.
29:26Well, that's their business.
29:28Well, I'll remind them.
29:30You better remember it because I don't want to know anything about this anymore.
29:34Come on, Vera, don't get like that either.
29:36In the end, it's better to live without giving a secret.
29:40Do you think?
29:41Because for me, life with mystery is much more interesting.
29:44Because for me, life with mystery is much more interesting.
29:58Father, we are cultivating only 15% of the promise.
30:03As things are, it is what we can afford.
30:08We can rent the land that is not cultivated to the farmers around here.
30:12That would bring in profitability.
30:14We don't get much out of the rents.
30:16Yes, problems with the landlords.
30:19Less is taken out of the uncultivated lands.
30:21And if you don't want to rent, we could cultivate them ourselves.
30:24But that involves a lot of expenses, I've already told you.
30:26Father, it is an investment.
30:28If the quotas were still rented to the capital hunters,
30:31we would get some quarters.
30:33But we don't even do that.
30:34Son, this is a serious matter. You better not think.
30:37I think as I work.
30:40We could get more out of the quotas.
30:42It could be, but it would not be enough.
30:44And more now that the hunt is scarce.
30:46The logical thing would be to convert the quotas into rotating plots.
30:50That would bring in profitability.
30:52We could triple the harvests.
30:54Look outside Andalusia, where the doors don't close.
30:57But what if a drought comes?
31:00I don't know, a plague, a hail?
31:03All that investment would go to waste.
31:05Father, a few months ago you told me that you were willing to look at the horizon,
31:08and not at our feet. Do you remember that?
31:10Yes, I remember it very well.
31:12But right now we have to be prudent.
31:14Your father is right.
31:16Taking risks now is crazy.
31:18Well, I think if there is a time to take risks, it is now.
31:21You are young, Manuel.
31:22Like all young people, you are reckless and even reckless.
31:27And tell me, Captain.
31:28Losing some land playing cards, isn't that reckless?
31:32Aren't you going to get tired of reminding me of that right?
31:34When you stop messing around.
31:35I'm just trying to give your father good advice.
31:37I don't think he or anyone else has asked for it.
31:39I'm not going to let you talk to me like that, Catalina.
31:41And what are you going to do, Captain? Hit me?
31:43This looks like Congress.
31:46We are not debating any law. There is no debate here.
31:51In this matter, you are going to do what I say.
32:08A few days later.
32:13Have you left?
32:16I had the lunch of the Catholic ladies.
32:19Don't be offended.
32:20But doesn't it seem like a very interesting plan?
32:22In fact, I'm bored to death.
32:25And why are you going to those meetings?
32:28They are soporific, but they are also useful.
32:31Food is obtained for the ministers, funds for the asylums.
32:36Well, things are so bad, huh?
32:38That he has already cursed you.
32:43Look, Leocadia.
32:45I know it was years ago.
32:48You tried to kill me, for God's sake.
32:50It's okay. It's okay.
32:52It was a very serious mistake that I still regret.
32:55The mistake was trying to kill me or not getting it.
32:59I shouldn't have given that order.
33:01I lost my mind.
33:04That was very well calculated.
33:06It was not an impulse, Cruz.
33:07No, I assure you not, Leocadia. Really.
33:11In fact, that decision has hurt me more than you.
33:16You have guts.
33:17So you're trying to kill me and you're still a victim.
33:20I regretted the moment I did it.
33:24And just thinking ...
33:26Just thinking that you were dead and that ...
33:28And that I had become the murderer of a friend.
33:31Leave it, Cruz.
33:32It's pathetic. Really.
33:35I've had some terrible remorse.
33:39I thought I had killed you and ...
33:42And it's been almost 20 years of torment.
33:45Well, it looks like you haven't felt bad at all.
33:47I assure you it's been hell.
33:51And the day you appeared alive ...
33:53It was one of the happiest days of my life.
33:57So many years had passed having nightmares and suddenly ...
34:00It's all over.
34:03Because the guilt is over.
34:06Sure, then I understood that ...
34:08That thank God, Romulo had disobeyed my orders and ...
34:11And you were alive and I felt a relief.
34:19Forgive me, friend.
34:22Let's leave our wars behind.
34:24It's not worth living like this.
34:27We both need to reconcile.
34:30So that you can leave the promise in peace.
34:47Bravo, Cruz. Bravo.
34:50You are still a magnificent actress.
34:53Your words are a bit topical for my taste.
34:55But the performance ...
34:58I'm not pretending.
35:01A good actress not only has to know the text.
35:05She also has to know who she is acting to.
35:08And you seem to have forgotten that I have seen your performances hundreds of times.
35:14You can't fool me anymore.
35:15You are making a mistake.
35:18Here the only one who is making a mistake is you.
35:21Look, Cruz.
35:22I'm not going to forgive you.
35:24Nor am I going to leave the promise.
35:27And much less now that I'm starting to get over it,
35:31seeing how everything around you is sinking.
35:35I love you.
35:48Well, from Bach, what I like the most is ...
35:50The Passion according to Saint Matthew.
35:52Do you know it?
35:54I was even going to perform it at the Orchestra Ecolo de Moix.
35:56I know.
35:58There is a letter for you.
36:02Oh, look, it's from Jacobo.
36:05But I don't understand.
36:07It's only been a day since he left.
36:08How is it possible that a letter from him has already arrived?
36:11Well, knowing him, he probably sent it from Luján
36:13before he left for his house.
36:16From yesterday.
36:17But I don't understand.
36:18So, as soon as he left, he sent it to you?
36:22Yes, he doesn't like me to spend a single day without having news from him.
36:26How attentive.
36:27Yes, it's like ...
36:29He likes romantic details.
36:31What a flirt.
36:32I work.
36:34Angela, that's what I think.
36:36Besides, if he sent it to you as soon as he left,
36:39he wouldn't have anything new to tell you.
36:41Well, it's just that lovers don't have to tell each other too many things either.
36:45Yes, it will be that.
36:46But hey, the important thing is that those letters make you happy.
36:49Even if they are empty and without content.
36:51Well, yes.
36:52Yes, they make me happy, yes.
36:54And in fact, what I like the most is opening them ...
36:57Not at the moment, but when I'm alone in my room to read them over and over again.
37:02Well ...
37:04That said, it doesn't sound so bad.
37:08And you?
37:10Do you have suitors who write you letters?
37:12I ...
37:14I don't.
37:16Being such a beautiful young woman, there has to be someone.
37:19Well, I don't think so.
37:20But don't be modest, Angela.
37:22Well, there has been something.
37:24Hey, I didn't know.
37:25But it's complicated.
37:26Studying abroad and always being from here to there ...
37:30Well, you could have dumped a boyfriend abroad.
37:33I'm sure the Swiss love the Spanish.
37:37Everyone was looking for a wife there.
37:39Someone who would stay at home, you know?
37:41And I told them that ...
37:43that I wasn't that kind of woman.
37:45But ... and that pushed them back?
37:49For them, it's an anomaly that a woman wants to study at university, so ...
37:54Little by little, they stopped seeing me as a woman.
37:58And then, how did they see you?
38:01Well, as someone who got better grades than them and who was also a foreigner.
38:05I mean, like a competitor.
38:08But then, does that mean you've never had a boyfriend?
38:13Well ...
38:15Lately, I've led a slightly lonely life.
38:18With no one interested in me, so ...
38:20I understand perfectly well that those letters make you excited.
38:23I envy you.
38:45Well, apparently, in the afternoon they had her again.
38:49Because one wanted to sell the land and the other to cultivate it, which is in Valdíes.
38:53Apparently, Miss Catalina doesn't want a Pedrusco to be seen.
38:56Mrs. Catalina shouldn't get involved in those discussions.
38:59She's had a delicate pregnancy and it's not good for her to get upset.
39:03Anyway, I think that now that Miss Martina is back, she will be better.
39:06Because the two of them make very good friends.
39:09Mrs. Simona, do me a favor and give me a little more vodka.
39:13I would like to, Santos, but it won't be possible because ...
39:16It's over.
39:17We gave her everything she had, but it wasn't much.
39:21That's all the dinner.
39:22A miserable vegetable potage.
39:24And what do you want us to do?
39:25Magic, we cooked with what we had.
39:27Magic, I'm going to have to do it tomorrow with an empty stomach.
39:30Well, don't exaggerate either, you just ate a good dish, huh?
39:32A scarce dish.
39:33There really is nothing else to add to the buffet.
39:35Even if it's ...
39:37A little bit of a snack.
39:39I know it's not your fault, but ...
39:41The dinner was a little short.
39:44At least there will be dessert.
39:47An apple for each of us.
39:49An apple.
39:50An apple and a vegetable potage without even meat.
39:53That's all the dinner.
39:54Enough already.
39:55It's useless to keep regretting.
39:58Things are as they are.
40:00And so they will continue for a while.
40:03And how long is that?
40:05As little as possible.
40:07But we don't know, so we have to go all out.
40:10Well, it won't be easy, Mr. Rúmulo.
40:12You don't have to dramatize either.
40:15What we consider little food here, in other houses, is the usual.
40:19Yes, I have lived in houses where, without having economic problems,
40:22they ate worse.
40:24And I in others, in which they still complained more about the food.
40:27We are not complaining.
40:29That, let's see if we do better what we say.
40:31But I have said just the opposite.
40:34Well, enough already.
40:36Let's see if we're going to end up fighting among ourselves.
40:39None of those who are sitting at this table is to blame for what happens.
40:42You can say whatever you want, but this is not the way to treat workers.
40:46They are starving us.
40:59Let me know when the car is at the door.
41:02Are you going on a trip?
41:05I'm waiting for the driver to arrive.
41:08Do you have a suitcase? Are you leaving for a few days?
41:10I still don't know how many, so it's better to be prepared.
41:14And where are you going, if you can tell me?
41:16I'm going, anyway, to visit some friends.
41:21You don't have to lie.
41:23I'm not lying to you.
41:24Come on, Lorenzo.
41:26Everyone knows that rats leave the boat when it is sinking.
41:29And the promise sinks.
41:32You know, you should measure what you say.
41:36And not insult me so gratuitously.
41:37I'm not insulting you.
41:38I'm just describing.
41:40The boat sinks and my brother-in-law leaves.
41:42You're going to swallow your words.
41:44I'm not leaving any boat.
41:45In fact, I'm leaving to keep my promise.
41:48All this seems fun to you, doesn't it?
41:51At times it's fun, at times it's pathetic.
41:54That a farm in this category is going through this situation is regrettable.
41:59But I'm going to help you get out of this ruin.
42:02My generosity does not end with a tiny loan.
42:05And what are you going to do?
42:06Tell someone about our problems to get information out of them?
42:10It's clear that you want to offend me today, but you won't get it.
42:13Lorenzo, it's even funny to me that you go as a savior of the promise.
42:16It's what I intend to do.
42:18But you don't tell me how.
42:19That is, that you go as a lighthouse.
42:20I want to be discreet.
42:22And more with a delicate matter.
42:24Excuses and more excuses.
42:26Think whatever you want.
42:28For the moment, I'm going to Madrid to start my management.
42:30Lorenzo, I don't want you to get us in trouble with your shenanigans.
42:33Would it matter to you to stop being distrustful?
42:36I have left you money to get out of the way.
42:38I'm moving heaven and earth to help.
42:40Give me some of my credit.
42:44Do those managements. Let's see what's left.
42:46Yes, I'm going to do something.
42:48Because what you do, you dedicate yourselves to regret all day.
42:52You know that without capital, or partners, or access to the credit of the banks,
42:55we are tied by feet and hands.
42:58I'll take care of thinking of more creative solutions.
43:01Don't you think?
43:02Well, good luck.
43:04And sorry if I offended you.
43:06Why do you say that?
43:07You've only called me a rat. I'm not interested.
43:10This situation is getting on my nerves.
43:14I don't understand.
43:16It must not be easy to see how the farm that your ancestors made big is sinking.
43:21It's hard, yes.
43:24I wouldn't want to be the last Lujan in charge of the promise.
43:28If everything goes as expected, it won't be like that.
43:32Can you believe it?
43:34A driver calling a man a rat.
43:37Where are we going to end up?
43:44I don't know.
43:45I don't know.
43:46I don't know.
44:13Marcelo, is something wrong?
44:16Come on, drink some water.
44:23Don't tell me you went into the secret room and they found you.
44:27No, it's not that.
44:28So? Tell me what happened.
44:32I went to Lujan.
44:33I've been doing some errands.
44:36You went to Lujan on the market day?
44:39You know I try to avoid it so I don't meet people who can recognize me.
44:44But I couldn't today.
44:46And that?
44:48Mr. Pellicer insisted that it was me.
44:50And he didn't value any of my excuses.
44:52So I had to go with more fear.
44:55And what happened?
44:57Well, where they put the big shoes,
45:00I met one of the men of the Duke of Arabia.
45:03His secretary?
45:05No, another one who has always been around the palace.
45:08And he recognized you?
45:10Well, I think he looked at me.
45:11And then what did he do?
45:13He went down the alley where they sell fruit and vegetables.
45:16And I guess you came running to the promenade.
45:19No, I followed him.
45:22But how did you follow him, Marcelo? How did you do that?
45:25Because I had to make sure it was him.
45:27How could you be so reckless?
45:29I couldn't be with that jerk.
45:31Well, and what happened?
45:34Well, he stopped at the stand where they sell fruit and vegetables.
45:39And there I calmed down a bit.
45:42Because what was a lackey doing buying jujubes?
45:45When in the palace of the Duke of Arabia that was a woman's job.
45:48I see. I see.
45:50And then I got a little more angry.
45:54And it wasn't him anymore.
45:58But he made me sleep with a fear in my body.
46:03What a scare you gave me for this nonsense, Marcelo.
46:05I'm sorry, Vera. It's just that I can't be like this.
46:09No, I understand you better than anyone else.
46:12Then don't take it into account.
46:15Yes, forgive me.
46:17But next time, try not to go through the market.
46:21So we avoid these scares.
46:23I know.
46:24I don't understand how my daughter can be so delusional about wanting to cultivate all the land.
46:28Well, she has never been too attached to reality.
46:31No, that's not true, Cruz.
46:33When she had the accounts of the promise, she did it very well.
46:36But it's because I haven't given her time to mess up.
46:39The point is that she is not the only one who thinks that we should not sell the land.
46:44I don't think so.
46:46I don't think so.
46:48I don't think so.
46:50I don't think so.
46:51The point is that she thinks we should not sell the land.
46:56Your daughter-in-law Hanna agrees with her.
46:58No, I don't think so.
47:00Please don't call her my daughter-in-law.
47:02I feel ashamed.
47:04We like her, that's what it is.
47:06Yes, but you don't have to remind me every now and then.
47:08That's true.
47:10Okay, Hanna also thinks that we should not sell.
47:13And since when are you interested in her opinion?
47:16The problem is that she seems to have convinced Manuel.
47:18Another one who dances.
47:20Really, how can this son have so little to be?
47:23So I saw myself practically only defending the sale of the land.
47:27The only one who supported me was Lorenzo.
47:30Things are very bad if our only support is Lorenzo.
47:34That's true.
47:36Although it seems to me that this time our brother-in-law wants to help.
47:39Yes, to finish sinking us.
47:41I mean it, Cruz.
47:43Last night I found him leaving the palace.
47:45He was traveling.
47:46He said he was going to solve some issues to get us out of this situation.
47:50Did he say that?
47:52Yes. Do you know what he was referring to?
47:55No, no, no.
47:57I just hope it's not worse medicine than illness.
48:01It was what we needed.
48:03That they put us in any problem with their components.
48:07Well, who knows.
48:09Maybe this time it will help us.
48:12Let's give him a vote of confidence.
48:14It will be better.
48:16As for what your daughter, the maid and Manuel think, you don't care.
48:20That's what I told them.
48:22That I would make the decisions myself.
48:24It would be necessary.
48:26We have to sell those lands.
48:28Even if they don't seem to understand it.
48:30We have no choice.
48:32Unless Lorenzo gets something.
48:34Well, one thing is that we give him a vote of confidence.
48:36And another, very different, that we think he's going to get us out of this.
48:39I saw him so offended when I doubted him that I almost believed it.
48:42Theater, Alonso.
48:44Pure theater.
48:46We have to stop them before they get on our nerves.
48:49Well, it won't be easy.
48:51They're all against one.
48:53So what?
48:55Now you're going to allow a maid to comment on the economy of your house?
48:58It wouldn't be a good precedent.
49:01And Manuel shouldn't comment either.
49:03Let alone stand up for himself and against us.
49:06We have to talk to him.
49:10We have to open his eyes.
49:12Of course.
49:13You have children thinking they're going to make your life more bearable and you find yourself with this.
49:28Mrs. Darri.
49:30This is the second time that Mrs. Marquesa complains about the sheets they're putting on her.
49:34I think they're very soft.
49:36But as you will understand, what matters is how Mrs. Marquesa finds them.
49:40And I really hope they're putting on the Egyptian cotton sheets of 600 silos.
49:45Of course.
49:47Now, if you want, I'll put them in water and white vinegar to make them even softer.
49:52Good, good.
49:54I think it's good.
49:56But consult with Mr. Pellicer first.
49:58And make sure we have enough white vinegar for that.
50:02I'll ask him.
50:06It's just that now you have a problem talking to him.
50:08No, there's no problem.
50:13You have red eyes.
50:17I've been using...
50:19...washcloths to clean the stains.
50:22Are you sure?
50:24Yes, I'm sure.
50:26And there won't be problems with Mr. Pellicer?
50:30If you've been crying for him.
50:33If I have or don't have a problem, it's none of your business.
50:36It's none of your business.
50:40True, as long as it doesn't affect your job.
50:42It doesn't affect it.
50:44Well, I'm not so sure.
50:46Because that look on your face, as you will understand, is not the most suitable one to present yourself to the gentlemen.
50:52I don't have a look on my face.
50:54If you say so.
50:56Anyway, what is clear is that God gives each one what they deserve.
51:01So everything that has happened to you these years, you also deserved it, right?
51:06Be careful with what you say.
51:08You too.
51:10Don't even think that I had the gesture to tell you that you were not going anywhere with a married man.
51:15I didn't know he was married.
51:17Yes, but when he found out, it seemed like he didn't care.
51:19That's not true.
51:21Yes, I know it is.
51:23And what I don't understand is why he's crying now.
51:26It was clear that woman would show up here sooner or later.
51:29What are you saying?
51:33He doesn't know.
51:37And I, who thought you were like that, crying over the disgrace of having seen Mr. Pellicer's wife, was the promise.
51:42But then she was the promise.
51:45Are you sure?
51:56The promise has endless possibilities.
51:59But those possibilities will require money that Uncle Alonso may not have.
52:02Alonso doesn't have it.
52:04Of course, that's why he cuts it off.
52:06But how are we going to improve production if we have half the land?
52:09In the long run, we would only lose.
52:11Can you tell me what problem my wife has that she is worried about the situation that affects us all?
52:17She is also part of this house.
52:19It is not her role, and you know it.
52:21From now on, she abstains from giving an opinion.
52:23She runs away again?
52:25Whenever I ask her about the past, she escapes and tries not to tell me the truth.
52:29You are not even able to tell me what happened to Mrs. Cruz.
52:30Well, look, one less concern that you're going to have when you return to Switzerland.
52:34I have nothing to talk to that lady about.
52:37What am I afraid of, Father?
52:39That her lies are discovered?
52:41That that conversation is not going to happen.
52:43But doesn't she realize that the more she denies it, the more reason she gives her?
52:46And what did you tell her?
52:48That she should leave?
52:50Well, I think it's very good.
52:52I don't know.
52:54Has it aroused the feelings towards her that you feared?
52:58Talk to Curro and have that conversation with my daughter.
53:01Let me think about it better.
53:03I'm sure I'll find another way to approach Angela.
53:06I don't want you to think.
53:08I want you to talk to Curro.
53:10But what more proof do you need?
53:12It is clear that the man opened that room to be with your mother and his son.
53:18There is still a loose thread that we can pull.
53:20And what are you going to do?
53:22We have to open the other door in that room.
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