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A Mar - Capitulo 1 - video Dailymotion
00:28Oh darling!
00:30Always remember my beautiful daughter, my beautiful star.
00:35The sea gives its treasures to those who know how to ask for them with respect and love.
00:42Yes daddy, I will never forget it.
00:44I will never forget it.
00:58Here you are gentleman, enjoy your meal.
01:02Star, may I have a moment?
01:05Of course.
01:17Star, I want to congratulate you because you finished your training with excellent results.
01:22Thank you very much.
01:23Believe me, your dedication has not gone unnoticed.
01:27Does that mean that they gave me the position?
01:30Are they going to name me head of this branch?
01:32Oh, you really don't know what it means to me.
01:34I will never, I will never fail you.
01:36No, no, no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry Star.
01:38The position of manager will be taken by the nephew's niece.
01:42How? But she didn't even take the course.
01:46I received direct orders.
01:48Maybe in the future there will be an opportunity for you.
01:52We really appreciate your performance.
01:56Yes, don't worry.
01:58As always, I will continue to do my best in my job.
02:02Excuse me.
02:20For you my sky, for you I will never give up.
03:00We go down fast, there is the spot.
03:04Let's go, today we are going to fill the nets, boys.
03:07The tide is more or less calm.
03:09Today is going to be a great day of fishing, Gabriel.
03:11Poncho, look at that.
03:14Today we are going to fill the nets.
03:17Pari, I'm going.
03:18Once and for all, get out of the nets.
03:21I don't even want a free hole, full of fish, bastard.
03:25Not a mistake, right now we are not for accidents either.
03:30What's wrong with you Fabian, what are you thinking about?
03:33My daughter Yasmin.
03:34It's been five years, five long years, Gabriel.
03:37Trying for Yasmin to come back to me since her grandmother got custody.
03:41No, I understand you.
03:43I understand, if someone wanted to separate me from my son, the world would come down on me too.
03:47That's not going to happen.
03:48Why would someone want to do something like that to you?
03:51Besides, you are an excellent father.
03:53Well, you too Fabian.
03:55You never get tired.
03:56You are always paying the lawyers, fighting against the restriction orders.
04:01Remember that I am your best friend and I am your partner.
04:05I know perfectly well the storms you have sailed through, Captain.
04:08Yes, because the love of my daughter is as immense as the sea.
04:11Besides, I will not stop fighting against wind and tide,
04:14as long as my daughter comes back with me.
04:16That's it, that's it.
04:18Let's go!
04:27Yasmin, I asked you a question.
04:32Yasmin, what's wrong with you?
04:35You have great potential, but all the time you are distracted.
04:42What a nuisance!
04:43Yasmin, where are you going?
04:58It smells wonderful.
05:01Let's see how it is.
05:04Oh, I burned myself.
05:06But it was delicious and very spicy.
05:13Delicious seafood broth.
05:19Let's see.
05:21Let's eat.
05:23Let's eat.
05:28Oh, I burned myself.
05:31Oh, daughter, hurry up with your activities.
05:35Dad has a surprise for us and we are going to celebrate big.
05:42What will it be?
05:44Who knows?
05:46Oh, and as always, the weak breeze that does not help at all.
05:52Oh, food, daughter.
05:56Oh, mom, what a shame.
05:58But I already stayed with my boyfriend Gabriel.
06:04I want you here for family dinner, did you hear?
06:08Oh, this girl.
06:14Daughter, wait, wait.
06:17It's a special dinner.
06:21Why don't you get a little better?
06:24And you put on one of those beautiful dresses that you used to wear, my life.
06:31No, mom, I don't have time for that.
06:33I have to go fix a freezer and it's going to be very late.
06:38It's just that you haven't fixed yourself for months, as you used to.
06:44Now, well, I don't know, I've given you to wear that all thin, all weird clothes.
06:50Look at you.
06:54You are so beautiful.
06:56Look at me, look at me.
06:58You are beautiful.
07:00You can trust me, my love.
07:04Tell me, are you okay?
07:08Tell me, what's wrong with you?
07:11Tell me.
07:16Don't worry, mom.
07:18I learned from you that if something breaks down, it can always be fixed, right?
07:24Yes, I'm fine.
07:27I have to go.
07:30Don't be late.
07:32Remember that we also have to talk to Estrella, so she can tell us about her promotion.
07:40Yes, mom. See you later.
07:41Take care.
07:46My love, my love.
07:51Ulises, something tells me that from today on, our lives are going to change, my love.
08:03Look at this, Porfirio.
08:04With the loan, I'm going to transform this place.
08:09My daughter Estrella is going to be the one who runs the restaurant.
08:12No more Ciudad Paella, or cooking for other people.
08:16That's over.
08:18Here she will have her own business.
08:23In front of the sea.
08:26In this town.
08:29Where we belong.
08:34Like the family that we are, right?
08:36As I told you, you have nothing to worry about.
08:39My nephew is the owner of this place and he will rent it to you.
08:42It's already spoken.
08:44Fabián Bravo already approved the loan?
08:46Well, it wasn't easy to convince him, but ...
08:49Well, it's done.
08:51And he, as president of the fishermen's union, has already signed all the papers.
08:55Oh, brother of the water, thank you very much, friend, thank you very much.
09:01You have nothing to thank for, man.
09:03That's what friends are for.
09:06Imagine this.
09:07My Meche, stop cleaning fish in La Palapa, to cook it here.
09:13Right here.
09:15And my daughters, Brisa and Perla, helping their sister to work.
09:19Tables around here.
09:21Tables around here.
09:23In front of the sea.
09:28All fresh.
09:30Fresh fish for me every day.
09:35Oh Ulises.
09:37You are always so dreamy.
09:40Yes, right?
09:42You don't know how I wanted to see that illusion on your face.
09:49Before telling you that Porfirio helped me set you up.
10:02And you fell like an idiot.
10:13The next day.
10:30I needed this hug so much.
10:34I'll leave you, Estrella. I'm going to run to see my novel.
10:38Thank you very much, Andrea, for taking care of my beautiful Azul.
10:41What do you say? Your daughter is a charm.
10:44Thank you, I'll go with you.
10:45Of course, thank you.
10:47See you.
10:51Mom, you got to work early.
10:53Yes, a colleague asked me to change shifts and I'm happy because we're going to spend the afternoon together.
11:01And how did it go?
11:03Are you the new manager of the restaurant?
11:08Well, not exactly.
11:10But what do you think?
11:11They congratulated me for being the best in the training course.
11:16They didn't give it to you, did they?
11:21No, my love.
11:23But there will be another opportunity.
11:25The important thing is not to give up.
11:29Exactly, mom.
11:31We should never give up.
11:36Hey, what were you doing?
11:37The homework or drawing?
11:39Do you want me to help you?
11:41Look, it's a drawing of my family.
11:43I already put my aunt Brisa, my aunt Perla.
11:46Look, here we are, my grandmother, you and me.
11:50And I put my grandmother twice.
11:54Because my dad is not with us.
11:56And my grandfather is like my dad.
11:58When we go to visit them, he is very aware of me.
12:02He tells me stories, accompanies me to fish.
12:06He is the dad I would have liked to have.
12:10Hey, mom.
12:11Do you think I at least looked for my dad?
12:19The only thing I can tell you
12:22is that I will always be with you, my dear.
12:31Who is the best artist?
12:32Who is the best artist?
12:34Wow, I loved it.
12:36Wow, I loved it.
12:38I don't understand what you're talking about, Rosalba.
12:40What trap?
12:42That loan that Porfirio so generously helped you request
12:47at the Fishermen's Union,
12:49well, it's a piece of cake.
12:52Let's see, for you to understand me,
12:54that money will never get into your hands.
12:57We have all the papers signed by you, guaranteed.
13:01Your house, your boats, and your family will also lose everything.
13:06Oh, and one more detail, Ulises.
13:10Porfirio falsified Fabian Bravo's signature.
13:14So in front of the union and the whole town,
13:17you're going to end up like a disgusting thief.
13:21You can't do this to me.
13:24We already did.
13:25All that money is for us.
13:28Why did you do this to me?
13:30You know the only thing I wanted was to reunite with my family.
13:35Tell me why you thought we were friends, you bastard.
13:38You thought we were friends.
13:51To me, your damn family,
13:53I care less than a open ceviche from your wife.
13:59What did you do to me, Rosalba?
14:03Oh, you know what gives me the most pleasure?
14:06Destroy your marriage, your perfect family.
14:11The life you denied me when you threw me in the trash
14:15to get with that stupid Meche.
14:18I hate her.
14:20I hate her as much as I hate you.
14:23You lied to me.
14:25I met Meche and I fell in love.
14:27Yes, I fell in love.
14:29I chose the best woman in the world to be my wife.
14:58What's up, girl?
15:03You don't greet me anymore?
15:14What's up, Pearl?
15:16What's up?
15:17What's up?
15:18What's up?
15:19What's up?
15:20What's up?
15:21What's up?
15:22What's up?
15:23What's up?
15:24What's up?
15:26What's up, Pearl?
15:28Are you okay?
15:29I'm fine.
15:30I'm fine, Valentín.
15:31What happened?
15:32I'm fine.
15:33I'm fine.
15:34Pearl, wait.
15:37What's up, man?
15:39What did you tell Pearl?
15:40That she ran like a dog on the beach?
15:42Nothing, Pascual.
15:43I just asked her if she was okay.
15:45And then?
15:46Like something brought her.
15:47It wasn't like that before.
15:49Like Pearl lost her joy.
15:53Maybe she's in love and she doesn't listen.
15:56In love?
15:58With who?
15:59I don't know.
16:02I don't know.
16:04And the pirate went into the deepest blue of the sea
16:09where they say the most fantastic creatures live.
16:13Among them, the most beautiful of all.
16:15Which one?
16:16The mermaid.
16:17Ah, the mermaid,
16:19whose song says it can spell anyone.
16:22The mermaids are so beautiful.
16:24Hey, Dad.
16:25Can you imagine having a mom like the mermaid in the book?
16:29It would be amazing.
16:31But it's impossible.
16:33We'd have to live in the depths of the sea.
16:36I brought you a surprise.
16:38I brought you some candy
16:39so you don't think about things as salty as the mermaids.
16:42Come, honey.
16:47I'll wait for you inside, Dad.
16:52Hi, honey.
16:55Hey, I came to invite you to dinner at my house
16:58because my dad has a surprise for us and we're going to celebrate.
17:02And also, my sister has just been promoted to manager
17:05at the place where she works.
17:06I can't.
17:07What? No.
17:08I can't, I can't, I can't.
17:09Come on, just a little bit.
17:11Hey, I helped my mom prepare a seafood broth
17:14that you don't know if it's good or not.
17:15That's right.
17:16I want you to try it.
17:17I can't leave it there alone, honey.
17:18I can't take it with me because I have school tomorrow.
17:20I don't want it to fall apart.
17:21I can't.
17:22Forgive me, beautiful.
17:23Forgive me.
17:24I can't.
17:25You know how it is.
17:26First dad and then boyfriend.
17:30Why are you so handsome?
17:46With Ulises dead,
17:48he was going to suspect that you and I
17:50were keeping the money from the union.
17:53And Meche was going to believe
17:55that her husband died of a heart attack
17:57while she was cheating on him.
18:11I want...
18:13I want to see the poor Meche suffer.
18:16I want her to live in pain
18:18when she thinks her husband cheated on her with someone else.
18:23She deserves it, the witch,
18:25for taking away what was mine.
18:29You know that woman didn't do anything to you.
18:32She's a piece of crap, Rosalba.
18:35That's why I like you so much.
18:38You told me that your nephew owns the hotel.
18:43Are you really going to help us?
18:45Of course.
18:46Don't worry about that.
18:48I also have the client under control.
18:51And Forense will do whatever I tell him to.
19:14I'm sorry, America.
19:15I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry.
19:17Besides, I think we've said everything, right?
19:33Dad, the lawyer isn't here yet.
19:36He just left five minutes ago.
19:38He had another matter to attend to.
19:39And what did he say?
19:40He said,
19:42in life and in the sea,
19:44sometimes the wind blows against us
19:47and the waves challenge us.
19:48Dad, please tell me what he said.
19:52We lost the trial, Fabian.
19:55Once again, the judge denied you Yasmin's custody.
19:59It can't be.
20:01But if the lawyer told us we already had him,
20:03now who bribed my mother-in-law?
20:07the judge's decision was based on Yasmin's testimony.
20:12What do you mean?
20:13I don't understand.
20:15She said she preferred to live with her grandmother
20:19and not with you.
20:26No, it's just that
20:29my daughter won't forgive me.
20:31She'll never forgive me.
20:34Dad, I understand.
20:35Because sometimes I don't forgive myself for what happened either.
20:39Listen to me, son.
20:41What happened was an accident.
20:43Laura's death was a tragedy, yes!
20:46But it wasn't your fault, son!
20:50Didn't I tell you that I'm very happy with you?
20:55And that I love you so much!
20:57Oh yeah?
20:58Well, we love you more, baby.
21:01I love you so much, Fabián.
21:03Don't ever forget it, okay?
21:05I'll never forget it.
21:06And I love you so, so much, as Yasmin says.
21:26I promise I'll get you out!
21:28I'll get you out!
21:30Fabián, I can't get out!
21:31I'll get you out!
21:33The girl, Fabián!
21:34Get the girl out first, please!
21:36Get the girl out!
21:37I'm coming with her!
21:38I'm coming with her!
21:39Get her out first, Fabián!
21:40She's alive!
21:41She's alive!
21:42I'm coming for you!
21:43No, Fabián, no!
21:44Get the girl out first!
22:18I was the one driving, Dad.
22:21You should have been more careful.
22:23You should have...
22:24There's no such thing as should have, son.
22:26You did what you could in that moment.
22:29You saved your daughter.
22:31Laura would be proud of you.
22:34God knows, God knows you tried to save both of them,
22:38but you couldn't!
22:41How could I have believed that, Dad?
22:43How could I have believed that one day
22:45I could forgive myself
22:47and get my daughter's love back?
22:54I'm sorry, Dad.
22:56I'm sorry.
23:13This place is like being out of the world.
23:16Our refuge.
23:18Away from everything that hurts us.
23:22Here it's just you and me.
23:26This helps us a lot to not feel.
23:30Even if it's just for a moment.
23:33Some spits that lift us up
23:36and some bruises that bring us down.
23:39Can I keep them?
23:41Of course, Yas.
23:42I can always get more.
23:44But you know that I...
23:50I don't accept cash.
23:54But it has to be quick
23:55because I can't be late to my grandmother's house.
23:58Let's go.
24:12There, daughter.
24:13Don't make us look bad.
24:15Tell us.
24:16Did they always call you manager of the restaurant?
24:19Mommy, don't pressure her.
24:21Estrella must be waiting for my dad to come to tell us.
24:25What I want to know is
24:26what is the big surprise that my dad has for us.
24:29I love surprises.
24:34Well, the truth is that I have no idea, daughter.
24:37Now I know that your dad has been mysterious for a while.
24:43It's also hard for me to know.
24:48It must be my grandmother.
24:51I'm sure she opened the keys again.
24:53Let's see.
25:00Hello, Mrs. Meche.
25:04I'm deeply sorry to have to give you this news.
25:09Your husband, Mr. Ulises.
25:12Tell me, what's going on with my husband?
25:15Tell me, for God's sake.
25:17Mr. Ulises is dead.
25:36What's up?
25:38What's up, my friend? How are you?
25:41What's up, architect?
25:43How are you?
25:45Look who I found here.
25:49We're friends, don't worry.
25:51How are you?
25:52I'll see you later.
25:53That's my table, right?
25:57How are you?
26:04Give him a kiss because you're beautiful.
26:07I don't know how much you like that smoker junior.
26:10Besides, your father treats him like a cat.
26:14Sergio will never be the shadow of his father.
26:18Come here.
26:20Get that idiot out of here.
26:22Come here.
26:24You know what you have to do.
26:26Everyone here knows who Sergio Falcón is.
26:29I'm not leaving.
26:32Let me go.
26:34I'm not leaving.
26:36Let me go.
26:38I'm not leaving.
26:40Let me go.
26:44Let the party begin.
26:47Let's dance.
26:50What do you want to drink?
26:53Let's go.
27:07Hi, Fabian.
27:08Can we talk now or are you going to ignore me like the last two weeks?
27:13Erika, no.
27:14I don't want to hurt you.
27:16Besides, you ended our relationship.
27:19I thought that would make you react, but I was wrong.
27:23Fabi, I miss you a lot.
27:25You don't understand.
27:27We have different priorities.
27:29Please, don't insist.
27:32Fabi, I swear I'm not like that.
27:36I'm not the typical woman who carries her wedding dress in her bag.
27:41I admit that I do.
27:43Maybe I pressure you a little and you don't know how much I feel.
27:50Today I received the news that they denied me the request for custody of Yasmin.
27:56For now, I want to put all my energy into getting my daughter back.
28:00Someday, Erika, you will find someone who can love you as you deserve.
28:05But that man is not me.
28:07It's not me. I'm sorry.
28:09Fabi, Fabi, Fabi.
28:11I'm not going to give up on you, Fabian.
28:13I can't. I swear. I love you, Fabian.
28:15I'm sorry, Erika.
28:17Really. I'm sorry.
28:24You will be mine, Fabian Bravo.
28:28I swear.
28:47I love you.
29:05What do you want?
29:06Yasmin, please don't hang up.
29:09I heard you talked to the judge and you told him you preferred to continue living with your grandmother.
29:14But I'm not calling you to complain, my love.
29:17Daughter, I just need you to know how much I love you.
29:20You are the most important thing in my life.
29:23And yes, I know you've been through very difficult times.
29:27And your mother, I don't know.
29:28We both missed each other a lot, my love.
29:30But here I will always be for you.
29:32With open arms for when you want to get closer.
29:35Your pain is my pain.
29:39You're a liar.
29:42I hate you, Fabian. How dare you tell me that?
29:46I would rather be dead than be by your side.
29:50You're a murderer.
29:52You're a damn murderer.
30:13You're a murderer.
30:38How did this happen?
30:41No, my God.
30:43No, please, no.
30:45Tell me, please, that we didn't lose the light of this family.
30:50I'm sorry, Mrs. Meche.
30:52The details are still being clarified.
30:55But it seems to be that it was a fulminant heart attack.
31:07What are we going to do without Dad?
31:09No, no, no.
31:11This can't be true.
31:13This has to be a mistake.
31:15My dad can't be dead.
31:24My dad left us alone.
31:27I don't want my grandpa to leave us.
31:30He's the only dad I have.
31:32Tell me no, please, no.
31:39Please tell me it's not true.
31:42It's not true.
32:09It's not true.
32:28What are you doing here at this hour?
32:30Waiting for you, Dad.
32:33I think it's time to talk about the future.
32:36The future here, in Alpha Pacifico Group.
32:39I've always believed that you should win your place, Sergio.
32:42Not just for the good of the company, but for yours.
32:47But I started from the bottom, as you demanded.
32:50But ten years have passed, Dad.
32:53Ten years.
32:55I made a decision.
32:57I've been thinking a lot about the real legacy I want to leave.
33:02I'm going to give you absolute control of Alpha Pacifico.
33:07When you sit down and form a home,
33:10like the one your mother and I built,
33:14it's time to leave your life behind
33:17and think about your future, but seriously.
33:21When my first grandchild is born,
33:23that will be the moment of my retirement.
33:27I want to hug a grandchild, Sergio.
33:30The legacy of our family will grow,
33:32not just in power and wealth,
33:35but in love and unity.
33:38That's what really matters.
33:41How curious, Dad.
33:44I wanted to tell you that I just proposed to Beatriz.
33:47That's wonderful, son.
33:49You don't know how happy I am to hear it.
33:52Because for me, it's essential that my grandson
33:56grow up in a home built by a marriage
33:59based on love and respect.
34:02Don't deceive me, Sergio.
34:04I want you to show me that you're the son
34:07I've always wanted to be proud of.
34:10Not just in business, but in life.
34:14This will be the real test of maturity
34:17and the condition for me to leave Alpha Pacifico in your hands.
34:27I called you several times, Mrs. Getrudis.
34:29I told you I was waiting for you for dinner.
34:32But you didn't even open the door.
34:34You just didn't answer me.
34:36She's going to answer me.
34:39Jasmine, open the door immediately.
34:42It's an order.
34:53What did you do?
34:59Oh my God!
35:00Ma'am, I'm going to call an ambulance.
35:02No, no, no, no, no.
35:03Don't even think about it, Juana.
35:05Don't even think about it.
35:07If Fabian finds out about this,
35:09he's going to take my granddaughter away from me.
35:11And I'm not going to let him.
35:14But Mrs. Getrudis, the girl needs help.
35:17Then talk to Dr. Canul.
35:20Yes, ma'am.
35:55What a beautiful place, Mom.
35:59Isn't it beautiful, my love?
36:04Your grandfather loved the sea so much.
36:14That's it, my love.
36:15That's it, that's it.
36:16Kick it, kick it, kick it.
36:17That's it.
36:18That's it.
36:19That's it.
36:20That's it.
36:21That's it.
36:22That's it.
36:23Kick it.
36:24That's it.
36:25That's it.
36:26Very good.
36:27Very good.
36:28That's it, my love.
36:30That's it, my love.
36:31That's it.
36:38When the Lord calls me to his lap,
36:40I will only look at this sea
36:43and think that with the sound of the waves
36:46I will be able to hear the waves of my heart.
36:54It can't be
36:59without you
37:02I can't.
37:03to die.
37:07Excuse me.
37:11Are you okay?
37:12Can I help you with something?
37:35I managed to stabilize her,
37:36but we can't go on like this, Mr. Gertruis.
37:39Your granddaughter needs hospital care.
37:41Psychiatric counseling or support.
37:46I'm paying you a fortune for your prudence, doctor.
37:51So, frankly,
37:53I don't care about your opinions.
37:57I'll make sure
37:59that my granddaughter
38:01doesn't do that nonsense again.
38:11Ma'am, listen to the doctor.
38:13Yasmin needs help.
38:15More than we can give her here.
38:17Shut up, Juana.
38:18Shut up!
38:20Don't be imprudent, woman.
38:23And it's better
38:25that you don't say a single word about this
38:28if you understand me, Juana.
38:31Because if Fabián finds out about this,
38:33he's capable of taking custody of my granddaughter.
38:36And I won't allow that.
38:41That's how my life goes in court.
38:45I'm not going to leave my granddaughter in the hands of the murderer of my daughter.
38:50I won't.
38:54Are you sure you're okay?
38:58Thank you for asking.
39:00Let's go, honey.
39:04We came to my dad's funeral.
39:09So you're Mr. Ulises' daughter?
39:13Her name is Estrella and she's Azul, my daughter.
39:16Hello, Azul.
39:18Fabián Bravo.
39:21I'm sorry to meet you in these terrible circumstances.
39:28I can imagine the pain your family is going through.
39:34You know, two years ago, when I arrived in town,
39:38Mr. Ulises was one of the first to lend me a hand.
39:43He was a great person and a very skilled fisherman.
39:51My dad was the best man in the world.
39:54Thank you very much for your words.
39:57Let's go, honey.
40:00See you later, Fabián.
40:13I love you.
40:43I love you.
40:45I love you.
41:11It's hurting.
41:14I'll always be with you, my love.
41:28Dad is dead.
41:32We're going to miss him so much.
41:43I loved you so much.
41:45I talked about you all the time.
41:47And I dreamed that Azul and you would come back to the village
41:50to live here.
41:52And you didn't make that dream come true, Estrella.
41:57My dad was the first to help me leave the village
42:00and look for a better future in the capital.
42:03But here I am.
42:04I know.
42:05And despite the distance,
42:07I've always been with you from the bottom of my heart,
42:10supporting you.
42:27Daddy, Mom.
42:30I will always carry your memories and your teachings in my heart.
42:37I ask God to keep your soul.
42:41And I thank him because he gave me the best dad
42:44and the best grandpa for my daughter.
42:47More than my grandpa,
42:50you were my dad.
42:53I'm going to miss you a lot.
42:56A lot.
43:03And my mom?
43:05Where is she?
43:09It's just that...
43:11you still don't know the circumstances
43:13in which my dad took advantage of us.
43:17Perla, shut up.
43:18Don't say it again.
43:19It's a mistake.
43:20My dad would be unable to do something like that.
43:28It's hard for me to believe
43:30that Mejulices cheated on me with another woman.
43:34No, no.
43:36But they found him dead in a hotel.
43:38This pain...
43:41is killing me, Teresita.
43:43It's killing me.
43:44Yes, Mercedes, I know.
43:45What can I tell you?
43:47We're all the same.
43:48It doesn't fit in our heads.
43:50Your husband has always been faithful to you.
43:54Look, in the hostel,
43:55I heard all the gossip.
43:57And I never, ever heard
43:59that Ulises had an affair out there.
44:03Ulises gave you my life.
44:06I gave you wonderful daughters.
44:09A beautiful granddaughter.
44:12You can't throw away
44:14all the years we spent together.
44:18That we loved each other.
44:20That we gave everything.
44:23No, no, no.
44:24Ulises wasn't shameless.
44:26I'm sorry.
44:35My friend.
44:38I've missed you so much.
44:46How long has it been since we last saw each other?
44:48Two years, maybe?
44:50Oh, no.
44:51It's terrible that you're coming back
44:53for a situation as painful as this, Estrella.
44:56I'm so sorry about your father,
44:58and I mean that from the bottom of my heart, my friend.
45:00You know, since I was little,
45:01I've loved you as if you were my sister,
45:03and Mr. Ulises...
45:05I love him like a father.
45:07I've missed you a lot too, Erica.
45:14Thank you for being here, my friend.
45:21If you'll allow me,
45:23I'd like to say a few words
45:25to honor the memory of my boss, Mr. Ulises.
45:28We've known each other since we were very young,
45:31when I was already looking for a job.
45:33He gave me the opportunity to be part of his crew.
45:38And over time,
45:40he became something more than my captain.
45:43He became my friend.
45:47He was like that.
45:50His entire crew treated us like his brothers.
45:56Mr. Ulises' word was worth gold.
45:59He was generous.
46:01In a few words,
46:03he was a man of principles.
46:10I thought the same thing for 35 years.
46:1535 years
46:17that in a moment became ashes.
46:21Because that man,
46:23whom all of you
46:25call wonderful,
46:30betrayed me.
46:47I promise you
46:51that in my arms you'll see
46:53a world full of tenderness.
46:56I'll show you that there are still
46:58those we love madly.
47:01I suppose that among a million
47:03the most difficult thing happened.
47:05Destiny has already presented us.
47:09Fall in love with me
47:12as if you weren't hurt.
47:15Together we'll heal the wounds of the past.
47:20You have that something that makes me
47:23I don't know how, and I imagine you
47:26like I never imagined.
47:29Fall in love with me
47:32if you give me your hand.
47:33I let go of the world,
47:35loneliness and love again.
47:37I don't get confused.
47:40You have that something that makes me
47:43I don't know how, and I imagine you
47:46like I never imagined.
47:49The decision to love us forever and ever
47:54you have it.
47:56You have that something that makes me
47:58I don't know how, and I imagine you
48:00like I never imagined.
48:03You have that something that makes me
48:05I don't know how, and I imagine you
48:07like I never imagined.
48:12Mommy, mom, please.
48:14Mommy, mom, please.
48:17Mommy, mommy.
48:21Estrella, my little girl.
48:26My daughter.
48:28I'm glad you're here.
48:32You are the strength we needed, my life.
48:36My life.
48:43My little girl.
48:46My little girl.
48:48Mommy, we have to talk.
48:52Come, please, mom.
48:53We have to talk.
49:09I know you're very hurt.
49:12But think that in all these years
49:14that they shared together,
49:16my dad never failed you.
49:19Everything, everything must be a misunderstanding, mom.
49:25That's what I want to believe.
49:29But the evidence
49:31is killing me with pain.
49:33How, mommy?
49:37Your father
49:40had a heart attack
49:42in a hotel room.
49:44How, mom?
49:45Who knows
49:47how the woman died, daughter.
49:53That's how it was.
49:55That's how it was.
49:56Mommy, mommy.
49:57Please, calm down.
49:58Breathe, mom, breathe.
50:00I can't.
50:02Understand, my life.
50:04My life.
50:05I'm broken inside.
50:09Why, Ulises?
50:14What did I do to you?
50:17What did I fail you with, my life?
50:20What did you lack?
50:23I gave you everything.
50:30The love of my life.
50:32My whole life.
50:49I love you.
51:19I love you.
