• 2 months ago
15 mins of Heat! Tobin continues to read and discuss all aspects of Ramona Shelburne's report.
00:00We got a wild card weekend.
00:01We got the national championship heat Nuggets, right?
00:06Think about that heat Nuggets.
00:08We're going to be glued.
00:10We are going to be glued like but here's here's the thing
00:14that I hate about the situation.
00:17Jim, Jimmy has put himself in.
00:22Because now everything he does on a basketball court.
00:27We all going to look at to say is he half-ass in it?
00:33Is he giving everything or does he not care?
00:38Right and it's unfortunate because we never before the one-legged
00:45That wasn't even in.
00:50You know, the thought process when thinking of Jimmy, but yeah,
00:55he may have been unhappy.
00:56Yeah, whatever.
00:57But you never thought that we he would go on to the court and
01:03there would be questions about whether he would play.
01:06So now every time he goes on to the floor because I give you
01:13I give you a perfect example much as we love D Wade.
01:18Towards the end there D Wade did have a problem getting back
01:20on defense.
01:22We make fun of the old do that's what I'm saying.
01:30So so but you never ever question where the D Wade was giving
01:37everything yet, right now.
01:40Those same acts carry different weight.
01:45Even though that's not the intent.
01:48Right, everything that looks that way because of the way Jimmy
01:56Put this thing everything we see Jimmy do on a basketball court
02:01going to be over analyzed, right?
02:04How do you how do you go by what but if we doing it, you think
02:09that he's not doing it?
02:10Of course.
02:12It's a it's a terrible spot to be in even if his intent moving
02:18forward is not is to go ahead on and make that money and get
02:24the hell out of here.
02:25By the way, it is a 15 minutes a he which is brought to you
02:27by Hollywood Kia.
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02:39Call up 832-930-6181 tip off.
02:44Tonight is set for 8 o'clock from the Kaseya Center where the
02:47vice jerseys 645 preheat with Alejandro Solana and the great
02:53Tommy tag.
02:54Can I just say out Mackie?
02:56What do you say?
02:58He's he's really taking his enters.
03:02Smeetha smoking.
03:04It's a division around your bum wildcard was last weekend.
03:08Take it easy, dude.
03:11All right.
03:12Yikes undefeated.
03:14Patrick Holmes in the divisional round.
03:17Can I just say this that dude right there?
03:21We like I can't get tired of it like what this run that he's
03:30been on without having to be his best but always seeming to
03:36make that play.
03:40Like very annoying like we'll watch a game and he'll make he'll
03:45have one of these drives where he runs for 20 throws for 40.
03:50It's definitely going to be a third and 15 scramble for a
03:53first down and then at the end of the day, he'll be 12 for
03:5722 for 140.
03:59Yep, right?
04:01You're like, what do we do?
04:03Never thrown an interception in the divisional round either 13
04:07touchdowns, no picks and got to tell you if I'm I'm gonna just
04:16say this to the Ravens.
04:18Oh, not the Ravens.
04:19They play Texans.
04:21They play the Texans.
04:24All your fat guys need to be rushing.
04:26Don't be dropping them off.
04:27Like like the Ravens did last week, right?
04:32That dude ain't a quarterback for the Steelers.
04:39So yeah, Russell Wilson.
04:41Oh, yeah.
04:45Pretty wild.
04:47So tonight Leroy, this is a little bit more from the Ramona
04:50Shelburne piece.
04:52It says the heat while heat sources say they expect Butler
04:56to return on Friday against the Nuggets and are fully prepared
04:58for him to play.
05:00There remains a palpable dread Jesus at what he might do and
05:06the environment the ongoing chaos might create quote.
05:10I don't know how he can come back to this locker room.
05:13One source close to the team said said another quote.
05:17We don't want him back.
05:20But but again, the most important thing and I will be willing
05:26to bet that the person who said that was a former player that
05:32said the first that I don't know how you could go back into
05:34the locker room.
05:35Yeah, that that probably came from a former player.
05:40If history like say in Minnesota 2018 serves as precedent
05:43that discomfort could deepen quote.
05:44Jimmy hasn't even really started said one source close to
05:51Good God.
05:56What is the other thing?
05:59He said he lost the joy just recently after the you know, when
06:03he got suspended and and some of the other stuff.
06:09What about all them different color hair?
06:11That was like the beginning.
06:15I mean, maybe I think what happened with the hair to be
06:17honest with you.
06:18I don't think that all of it was but I think that there was
06:21somebody who did a somebody did like a breakdown of it.
06:25I think it was emo Jimmy on Twitter where he had put remember
06:28the first report came out and it was Warriors Mavericks and
06:32and Rockets, right?
06:33And so I think that they made it a viral meme of like, oh,
06:37he's been sending messages the whole time.
06:39I don't think Jimmy had this plan until that went viral and
06:42then he was like, that's good.
06:43Let me just let me make the Suns logo because that was the
06:46other team that he wanted.
06:47That's my theory on it.
06:48I don't think that he had this masterly planned.
06:50Oh, he responded to nothing.
06:53You made it something exactly doing well like so like
07:03I want to see the young guys flourish.
07:04I want to see like I want to see the heat be good.
07:08Shout out.
07:08I just want to shout tall time and the problem is is that
07:15you got two very strong-willed men.
07:18That, you know, Mickey may be a voice of reason, right?
07:25But if Pat sitting on one side and Jimmy sitting on the other
07:30side, they ain't listening to Mickey.
07:32They just staring at each other.
07:35You know that like soon, you know, we can go back to what
07:39you know, like that cartoon like they clock in and then they
07:43stop beating the hell out of each other and then they go
07:46eat lunch together and then the clock back in and then go
07:49back to beating each other.
07:50Yeah, that's like they're not like man, but I think the
07:58best thing that can be said about this is what and I'm almost
08:05guessing that who made this comment was a former player is
08:09like, I don't know how he goes back into the locker room.
08:13See because it money is money and you can have a problem with
08:18getting paid.
08:20But once you get on that court, it's your boys, your players
08:25and that nonsense, you know, and they tell you this in football.
08:29Hey, once you come into this building and once you start
08:34getting ready for the game, all the other problems you got
08:38about with the organization are out the door.
08:40It's us.
08:41We'll take a break here on the show.
08:44Panthers struggle a little bit yesterday and we'll continue
08:46on. We got a big football.
08:47We get ahead.
08:48We are keeping an eye on anything else that develops.
08:51If we get any info on any status or any changes with Jimmy
08:54tonight will obviously keep you afloat on that.
