• 2 months ago
Tobin is a thief of joy. We unpack the bombshell revelation by Jimmy during last night's postgame, he lets the media know he can no longer 'find his joy' playing basketball with the Miami Heat. Reports follow that he wants to be traded to any other team in the NBA. How much of this is Tobin's fault?
00:00Hey, Marcos, Marcos, this man needs to go to what I like to call the Yotes.
00:18Send him to Utah with the new franchise, as I like to call them, the Yotes.
00:35I'm really sorry.
00:37What did you do?
00:39I'm really sorry.
00:44I won't be naive to say it's your fault.
00:47Embedded those baby blues and spoke and used his interview voice.
00:54And now look what you did.
00:56Mr. Riley, did you hear Jimmy Butler?
01:00Did you hear what he said, Mr. Riley?
01:02I'm really sorry.
01:04I didn't want this to happen.
01:06I said that.
01:07Oh, you ended it.
01:10I said it the whole time to pay him his money.
01:14This man will do.
01:15Wait, wait, wait.
01:16This is what he'll do.
01:18Hold on.
01:19Can I ask?
01:20This is serious.
01:21You think this was all about the money or maybe there was a rift between the organization
01:31and Jimmy because Jimmy wanted to do basketball the way Jimmy wanted to do it.
01:35I don't buy that.
01:37All right.
01:38I'm just saying because him not playing games really seemed to bother Pat.
01:42Oh, yeah, yeah.
01:43That bothers me.
01:45I thought you were talking about Jimmy's comments about how he's being used last night.
01:48No, no, no, no, no, no.
01:49I'm talking about.
01:50I was just playing.
01:52Jimmy was talking about his role last night and I was in the back of the press conference
01:56room giving him the Marcos.
01:58We know why you're mad.
02:00But I'm just saying like that is the this all started this head.
02:07Listen, the money part of it was a factor.
02:12But to me, this all started because Pat started getting annoyed by Jimmy not playing games.
02:21Everything else, everything else that happened between the two of them is a byproduct of
02:27that fact.
02:28Yeah, I think I think I can't disagree with you that it was availability.
02:33I think it's the idea that they lost.
02:35They lost to the Celtics that it was over.
02:37You know, like they just saw.
02:39They got us.
02:40Look at where the Celtics are.
02:41Look at where you are.
02:42And Jimmy, like the master that he is last night, shows up with his with his middle finger
02:48to Pat, which was to show up with Celtics green hair or Joker hair.
02:52However, you want to.
02:53However, you want to put it, because he was ready to.
02:55He was ready to throw chaos into the blender.
02:58But I mean, Shams, you didn't have to write last night.
03:02This father missed the first round playoff series lost in the Celtics last season because
03:07of a knee injury suffered in the team's play in tournament victory after the loss.
03:11Butler gave an interview on social media where he indicated the heat would have won the series
03:15of healthy quote.
03:16If you're not on the court playing, you should keep your mouth shut.
03:19Riley said in response to his end of season media session, Riley and Butler's relationship
03:24has yet to recover, sources said.
03:26Oh, and who asked that question?
03:29Who did it?
03:31But the problem, the problem is not just that you robbed me.
03:36You robbed me.
03:38What you say.
03:39And here's sometimes we concentrate more on what people say than the reality of what that
03:46situation is, because Pat was probably already thinking this going into all the playing and
03:54all this, all these things that.
03:58Jimmy had played five or 10 more games.
04:03We're not in this spot.
04:06And it would have been, they probably would have been that plan spot for sure.
04:10But that's what I'm saying.
04:11So think of how Pat is thinking about this whole thing.
04:13Now, Jimmy, Jimmy being Jimmy says, listen, I do what I need to do when I need to do it.
04:21Then he gets the injury.
04:25So, like, all of this just kind of comes to a head in a series of unfortunate events.
04:35But then Jimmy says what he says.
04:37And like, I don't make nothing of it simply because Jimmy's always said stuff like that.
04:46Jimmy's always just been out there calling people garbage.
04:50And when it's when it's funny, right, then everybody just kind of chuckles and moves
04:56on because Jimmy's playing and everything's great.
04:59But when he's not, imagine how that could rub Pat Riley.
05:03Of course, I get it.
05:04But like, it's one of these things where, you know, he can't be in a position right
05:08now where they're surprised where they're at.
05:11No, no.
05:12Because Jimmy Butler is Jimmy Butler.
05:14Like, Jimmy Butler has been this his entire career.
05:17And any time that he has not gotten the money that he thought he deserved, things went nuclear.
05:23And I think in the heat's head, they probably thought it'll be different because we've done
05:28a lot together.
05:29He's older.
05:30There was a, quote, respect of the organization.
05:32You said the same thing about Pat.
05:34You said the same thing about Pat Riley.
05:36Who did?
05:38When I said he did the same thing to D-Wade.
05:40Oh, this is different.
05:41I didn't say the same thing to D-Wade.
05:43What I said was.
05:45What I'm saying is he did the same thing by not paying D-Wade because he was older.
05:51Well, I wasn't disagreeing with you.
05:52My point was he should pay.
05:53He should pay Jimmy Butler because you should know this was going to come down the pipe.
05:57And you should know.
05:59But just like Jimmy's being Jimmy.
06:02I'm saying Pat Riley is being Pat Riley.
06:05So technically, I mean, if you really want to get down to it, this was inevitable.
06:10It was inevitable.
06:11It was inevitable.
06:12Two guys that are the way they are.
06:15Look, here's the thing.
06:16We all just fell for a big charade over the last three weeks.
06:20Not we.
06:21Not we.
06:22No, no.
06:23I don't know.
06:26We were all there.
06:27We all fell for it.
06:28You've got an Asian in on it.
06:29We all fell for a big charade over the last couple weeks because I think probably somewhere
06:34along the way.
06:35Somewhere along the way this season.
06:36All right.
06:37We come into the season.
06:38Jimmy Butler is doing all right.
06:41We think maybe, maybe even the agent comes, you know, all right.
06:44Hey, can we do this extension?
06:47Does it again?
06:49Now, all of a sudden, we have the initial Shams report.
06:51And I mean, you could call Shams and Bernie Lee a couple of vowels because those two were
06:54in cahoots because this little acting.
06:57You could.
06:58I mean, these, these two, the acting job that they did on Twitter, you were out of order.
07:03You are a liar.
07:06I mean, it was WWE at its finest.
07:09And I got to give eight.
07:10I got to give props.
07:11It was well-placed.
07:13Then all of a sudden Tobin asked the question.
07:16No, no, no, no.
07:19Then all of a sudden, Jimmy Butler to all of our eyes said played against the Thunder.
07:26He remember he had this game against Detroit.
07:28Incredible performance.
07:29They lose because I despise losing.
07:32All right.
07:33Have a few days off.
07:34Maybe he was fed up in that whole time.
07:36I don't know.
07:37But remember they had that layoff between the Thunder game.
07:39I don't know what happened.
07:40Everybody was saying three day.
07:41Jimmy three day.
07:44Well, we got a baby Thunder coming in.
07:45All of a sudden we all see him twist his ankle leaves the game, but then they're like, nah,
07:53he's sick.
07:55Now people can sit here and say he was really sick or not really sick.
08:01Is it crazy to think that Jimmy Butler in that day break between the Pistons game and
08:06the Thunder game was hoping the Miami heat were going to trade him and said, Hey, to
08:12my agent, Pat, let's get this done.
08:14And he's going to do it the nice guy way.
08:16And then all of a sudden the ankle, we're going to want to trade for Jimmy Butler on
08:20a bum ankle.
08:21I'm sick.
08:23You're sick.
08:24Can't play for the next couple of days.
08:26Then I have to recondition for a week to come play basketball.
08:31Cause in the whole way I'm hoping the Miami heat trade me.
08:35Then what happens?
08:37That's like, I don't like the deals out there.
08:40Then you have Shams.
08:41Who's like Jimmy Butler prefers to get traded.
08:45That's fine.
08:46But Pat Riley comes out with a statement.
08:50We are not training Jimmy Butler because he doesn't like the deals.
08:53He's not going to be, he's not going to be pushed into a deal.
08:57We're running out of time here, folks.
09:00All of a sudden the Miami heat of practice.
09:02All right.
09:03How many times are we going to sit here with this charade that Jimmy Butler is
09:06really sick when I don't think it was really sure.
09:10Get to practice.
09:11Jimmy Butler tells everybody I'm in a good place.
09:13I'm in a happy place.
09:14Blah, blah, blah.
09:15I'm going to play.
09:16I asked him about the statement.
09:19And where are those conversations with you?
09:21And where are things at?
09:23Then we get the look.
09:26You know, he was all jovial.
09:28Asked him about Pat Riley, who he clearly hates his guts.
09:31Now you, it's you.
09:34He gives me that look.
09:36Gives me a dismissive next.
09:39Did he give him that look?
09:43I don't want to say it's me.
09:45Don't say it's me.
09:46Ruined it.
09:47And then all of a sudden we have the Pelz game.
09:53Shows up to the Pelicans game.
09:55Now the Pelicans suck.
09:56There are five win team.
09:58He probably thinks to himself.
09:59All right.
10:00Let's run the cruise control.
10:02Won't try that hard.
10:04But the problem is the Pelicans suck.
10:06You could beat the Pelicans with Jimmy Butler.
10:08Not trying.
10:09You can beat the Pelicans with Jimmy Butler.
10:11Not trying.
10:12And then apparently people just had the audacity to tell him that
10:17was the effort.
10:18Oh, I dare you say I not try.
10:22It's back to next.
10:23But I, you know, people asked me going in last night.
10:25What'd you think of Jimmy last night?
10:27I said, Mulligan, I'm going to see what he does tonight.
10:33We saw what he did last night.
10:34He put that puppy in cruise control and he barely moving,
10:40barely moving, dude, like right to the corner the entire time.
10:43And he puts it under the guise of, oh, this is the role I've been
10:47given Tyler here.
10:50Tyler here barely took shots last night, dude.
10:52Like, I don't know what he's talking about, but here's the thing.
10:57I really, I don't like what Jimmy Butler did last night, just last
11:02night, because I've been, I've been pro pay Jimmy.
11:05I don't like what you did last night because you play with those
11:08guys. A lot of those guys for a lot of years.
11:10I understand you want your money on.
11:12Hey, I can't fault you for that.
11:14It's still a basketball game.
11:16You could have given a rat's ass, but this is where he feels like
11:20he's been pushed.
11:21He felt like he played the nice guy.
11:22He did the go, the, the go away.
11:24Cause I'm sick thing.
11:25Pat Riley still didn't trade him.
11:27So now he feels like he has to throw the Molotov cocktail on the
11:29court and make it happen.
11:31Will he do it now?
11:32Now we're at, will he do it?
11:34Because he's not going to try playing basketball.
11:36He's very clearly has shown you.
11:37And the report last night was he told the heat trade me anywhere,
11:42but here, anywhere, but here.
11:45I mean, but this is basically where we are, right?
11:52We know Jimmy, we know Pat, right?
12:00This probably started when Pat Riley said what he said and then tried
12:06to cover it up by saying he's a needle mover.
12:09Yeah. Right.
12:10I don't remember which one he said first.
12:11I think he said, and then shut up.
12:15But I knew this was going to be an issue because of how he's always
12:25handled these situations.
12:28But the reason why it has probably come more,
12:37become more divisive, more than helpful.
12:44Is because Pat Riley probably listened to Jimmy and say, well,
12:49Jimmy's just going to go out and ball out and then we'll deal with
12:52it when we deal with.
12:54And he did.
12:57I think they had a, an idealistic position thinking, oh, he's never,
13:03he's not going to, he wouldn't dog it on us.
13:06Maybe he may, you know, maybe other places, but we, we, we,
13:09we've built too much.
13:10So in other words, in other words, let me get this straight.
13:16We went into a situation thinking Jimmy wasn't going to be Jimmy or
13:21Pat Riley wasn't going to be Pat.
13:24And, and, and in the end, Jimmy Butler was Jimmy Butler and Pat Riley
13:29was Pat Riley.
13:31Was Pat Riley famously said a couple of years ago when asked about
13:33Jimmy, like, who does Jimmy remind you of?
13:35And he said me.
13:36So now we have two confrontational forces who are sick of each other,
13:42but yet won't put themselves in bad positions.
13:45Pat Riley's not going to take on a bad deal.
13:47Jimmy Butler's not going to play hard for you and get himself hurt.
13:51What do you do from here?
13:52I don't know.
13:53Do you just tell him to stay away?
13:55Well, here's, here's the problem.
13:59The problem is this, and this is a bigger issue.
14:04And this happens through sports franchises in every sport.
14:09They have a lot of young players, guys who were just either starting to get
14:15in, get, you know, come into their own or guys who have just started
14:21playing on a regular basis.
14:26How do you handle those guys with Jimmy in the locker room?
14:33This going between Pat Riley and Jimmy.
14:37And that's because spoken only say so much.
14:41Spo has never been the guy to ever get irritated at a, at a player.
14:46And I gotta be honest with you.
14:47I think last night he should have, I thought Spoh, I thought Spoh
14:50did a bad job last night.
14:52I think that Spoh last night, putting his head in the sand and
14:54basically telling the media, you guys are making an easy story.
14:58I'm like, dude, I understand.
14:59You never liked to call anybody out.
15:00I'm not even saying call Jimmy Butler out, but you got to say what's
15:04And I think too many times, Eric Sposal just likes to keep it to
15:07basketball where that dude does wield a lot of power in the organization.
15:11Now they gave him an eight year extension.
15:13I would have liked, I would have liked him to acknowledge what
15:15the hell's going on right now.
15:17But here's the deal.
15:19There is nobody who respects more than Pat Riley.
15:22Of course he ain't getting into a conversation.
15:24Or suggestion or comments or anything like that, where he then feels
15:30he's got to pick a side.
15:32And that's why he does that.
15:34He's, he's never done it with anybody.
15:38But you're going to be here long past that, right?
15:39Whenever Pat, right.
15:40However many more years.
15:43Now, now is not the time for, for Spoh knowing all of that.
15:48To, to come out and say it with his chest.
15:50Right now is not the time to come out and just put it all out there.
15:53Cause that'll make it even more.
15:57Out of hand.
15:59So don't say nothing and eat that.
16:01Let them to handle it.
16:03I got to coach basketball.
16:05We'll take a break here on the show.
16:06You guys get in three Oh five, five, six, seven Oh five 60.
16:08If you want to.
16:11I got to coach basketball.
16:13We'll take a break here on the show.
16:14You guys get in three Oh five, five, six, seven Oh five 60.
16:17If you want to, we'll take you guys up until two o'clock.
16:19Lots to dive into, into the Jimmy Butler saga.
16:22If you guys are just tuning in last night, the heat loose of the Pacers.
16:26Really tall time, dude.
16:2825 points.
16:29Hey, most life said trade, trade Jimmy to the lava.
