• 2 months ago
We state who or what is metaphorically dead to us this week. Just as Tobin thought he was done with facing Heat Nation... JFig expresses how she is exhausted with the end of the Jimmy Butler Saga then Marcos blasts Tobin for his role in the breakup!
00:00Jennifer, you're dead to me.
00:04Well, this whole Jimmy Butler situation is just, it's dead to
00:10me because I feel a little emo and it kind of feels like a
00:15personal breakup, kind of like somebody cropped me out of a
00:19picture instead.
00:20That's how I feel.
00:22Doesn't feel so good.
00:23Does it?
00:23It doesn't feel good.
00:26The cropper gets cropped.
00:28I got, that's how I feel.
00:31Like I got cropped and I don't like it.
00:33And I also don't appreciate you not taking any kind of accountability.
00:37I'm hurting the nation and stirring the pot.
00:43What did I do?
00:44You hurt me.
00:46All this other stuff.
00:47Maybe he genuinely is mad about, but the thing he was most mad about
00:51is Pat Riley not paying him.
00:53Should Pat Riley have said to keep your mouth shut?
00:55No, too much.
00:56Too much, Pat.
00:57Can I say, I'm not responsible for Pat Riley's words.
01:01Can I say this though?
01:02It's responsible for Pat Riley's words.
01:05As angry as you are about not getting your money for next year.
01:09What does that have to do with you earning the money that
01:11they're paying you this year?
01:13Yeah, it's true.
01:17A hundred percent.
01:18I didn't like what he did last night.
01:19I got you.
01:20I think that's where, I think when you, when you hear a lot of fans
01:24that's where the issue.
01:27Of course I get that.
01:29A hundred percent.
01:30I think that's what Ben was saying afterwards too.
01:32Like, you know, I don't get that, but also it's not my fault, dude.
01:38Like I'm not responsible for Pat Riley's words.
01:40He's a grown man.
01:40He's a very old grown man.
01:42He wouldn't have said it.
01:44If you wouldn't have asked that question, you don't know that it could, you know,
01:47he, I know that one time I, you know, one time I asked Pat Riley about like
01:51the all-stars and he just went off and said, yeah, nobody believes in them.
01:55Believes those.
01:55He's going to say what he wants to say.
01:57He's Pat Riley.
02:04Let me ask you, would these comments have been made if you
02:06would have kept your mouth shut?
02:09That's what I just said.
02:14I know, but you got to see Jennifer.
02:17You got to ask him to make him respond to it.
02:19And hard to say is not an answer.
02:22Look at all the, he's never going to give an answer.
02:24No, he's not.
02:26I didn't ask anything yesterday.
02:27I was like, I'm not dealing with the angry mom.
02:29I'm like, forget this.
02:31Well, you're kind of already, because I would have asked about Pat Riley.
02:36And if I asked about Pat, how about now, bam is going to
02:42say something to you next year.
02:44What's he going to say?
02:45He talked about me, you Leroy.
02:47Yeah, I expect that.
02:49What is he going to say about you?
02:51I might, I might, I might give him a heads up on the
02:55situations that you have stirred up.
02:58This is you.
02:59This is you.
03:00When you go into you, this is you going into the locker room after
03:03a game where there's turmoil.
03:06Stirring it up, baby.
03:07He's like a hurricane.
03:08He's stirring it up.
03:12Who's dead to you?
03:14Uh, do me a favor, Tobin.
03:15Turn down the music.
03:17If that's you, you have the responsibility.
03:19Turn down the music, please.
03:24I mean this from the bottom of my heart.
03:28I really do.
03:33You stupid mother.
03:35I can't believe you just.
03:39You had to open your big old mother and make Jimmy Butler unhappy.
03:46You did this, you.
03:53Thank you, Marcos.
03:54Can I go enjoy my weekend?
03:57You can't go.
03:58You can't go.
03:58You can't go.
03:59You can't go.
03:59You can't go.
04:00You can't go.
04:01You can't go.
04:01You can't go.
04:02You just got off a vacation.
04:04I just want to go.
04:10Cause you saw Pat, Jimmy, same person.
04:13This would have happened no matter what.
04:14Well, you greatly sped this up.
04:16I did.
04:16I greatly sped this up.
04:17Oh, I would have had a fight over it.
04:19You just elated it.
04:20You just elated it.
04:21You just elated it.
04:22You just elated it.
04:23All you put in there was some lighter fluid.
04:25You went in there with some lighter fluid to say, I am, dude, I am.
04:28Now that's a fire.
04:29I am not lighter fluid.
04:30That's a fire.
04:31A lot lighter fluid.
04:32I didn't speed things along.
04:34You didn't accelerate the process.
04:36You didn't.
04:38Did anybody else before that moment?
04:40Get the look.
04:41Did anybody before that moment get next?
04:44Do they give anybody else that look besides you?
04:48No one else got side-eye.
04:49Nobody else got side-eye and twisted.
04:51Look, look, and he got this combo.
04:54The side-eye and twisted look, look at that poor little baby.
04:59Solana has been there for four years.
05:01He's never got the side-eye.
05:08Y'all see what I deal with.
05:09Everybody says he got to deal with stuff.
05:11You see what I do?
05:13Oh, you don't want to know what he was saying.
05:18That's why I had the bleeps ready.
05:19This guy's crazy mad over here.
05:23I say, put your hat forward before you leave the building because there
05:28will be eggs in the parking lot.
05:30Yeah, it's your fault.
05:32Are you proud of what you did?
05:34I'm not proud.
05:35I mean, you know, it's a mom.
05:36I'm taking Tommy to his first heat game.
05:38You know, he's going to enjoy heat culture.
05:40Hey, he about to show some face.
05:45You better go dress up as Bernie.
05:48Why is everyone flicking us off?
05:50Don't worry.
05:51It's on.
05:52Keep moving.
05:53Let's get your popcorn.
05:54Passionate defense.
05:56They call him the stirrer.
05:59Talk to you rascals on Monday.
06:02You should keep your mouth shut.
06:05He would have stayed in Miami.
06:07My Jersey doesn't mean anything anymore.
06:09Because I do not want Jimmy Butler here.
06:11Don't believe he can hold up at 37 years old at that price tag.
06:16I believe Jimmy Butler is going to end up on the New York mix.
06:18I Brendan Tobin.
06:21I don't want Jimmy Butler here.
06:23Brendan Tobin want Jimmy Butler to retire.
06:34Hope you mother have a good.
