• 2 months ago
The Miami Heat lose to the Lakers 117 to 108. Leroy watched seconds of the game to see Bam Adebayo's continued struggle. Do the Heat have a "Green Bay Packers" situation in their hands? The Heat go on to re-introduce the White Miami Vice Jersey's!
00:00Hello Leroy, what's up? I got about 12 seconds of the game. Mm-hmm
00:07Cuz now I did watch because I was getting ready
00:12So I did watch
00:15Thanks Philly against Philly
00:18valid intent by Philly, but
00:26Then I have then I tried to watch a little bit of that Golden State and that was it girl Steph
00:32Steph Steph like
00:35The thing is he just he can't do it every night
00:39But he's still at a high level. Oh, yeah
00:46Frog boy frog boy. What's that? Get that label off of your screen?
00:53It's not nice and I don't like it, that's my fault. I didn't see that there. Whoops. I'm into play. Oh you I don't think it is
01:06What do you say I don't understand what do you want me to say? Okay, he goes out there and he took no shots
01:13He was playing with the hurt back
01:16What can I I think I think I
01:24Not only on the court
01:27but but I'm gonna say this and
01:30BAM is a laid-back, dude
01:34He's not
01:36He just want to play basketball and he want to do
01:41the things that's necessary to win games I
01:45don't think
01:47And I think once this Jimmy thing is over right I
01:55Have a feeling that he's gonna start playing better and I say that because
02:04He has been a spokesman for something he really doesn't have any idea what's going on
02:09And that's the hardest thing to do. Jimmy is his boy
02:13he's supposed to be a captain and
02:18It's hard when players
02:21get put in a position where
02:24You have to answer a bunch of questions yet. You have absolutely no idea what's going on. And so I would say
02:35You know
02:36He's probably a victim of all this stuff going on now. I don't know and and here's the deal
02:44There's been a lot of times where my friends on teams I played with
02:48That I was good friends with. Mm-hmm were explaining to me their situation
02:54And what they were gonna do why they're making a stink or yes
02:59And the whole time as a friend
03:02You don't know whether to put them in check and say hey, man, the only person that's paying for this is us
03:07Because then it makes you sound like you're defending the organization and you don't have your boy back, right it's just
03:15It's just watching a game. You know, it's like I
03:19Almost hate last night more than I hate nights where he's just building a brick house
03:24Cuz like you didn't even you didn't do anything like you just see you didn't take any shots
03:28You didn't take any take over at any point. You tried one time going at LeBron
03:32They called an offensive foul and you're just like, oh, I'm gonna take it. I'm gonna take it
03:36LeBron they called an offensive foul and you're just like
03:38All right
03:40That's it. It's the only drive to the basket. I remember him having last night and I'm just like come on, dude
03:47You're gonna like Tyler here is out here frying the Lakers
03:51Killing it. He's having the season of his life
03:54You know we get all time. Oh
03:57it's all time last night what a time it was and
04:03We may have ourselves a Green Bay Packers situation right now
04:08And what I mean by that and then is
04:11If you guys recall
04:12You know that there was a time where Brett Favre was the man
04:17And then they drafted Aaron Rodgers and eventually it was a Rod's time
04:21Then he was the fan favorite and then he got a little weird
04:25Wasn't quite who he was lying too much and all of a sudden
04:30Jordan love time and it's it's just odd that we have this time right now where this was BAM the young bull
04:38Hassan Whiteside paid
04:41Fallen and out of favor with Spoh. Everybody loves BAM
04:45He's the young up-and-comer and now everybody's excited when Colell wears out there
04:50Now could Spoh. I mean he got a little he got a little freaky last night
04:54He gave us 30 seconds at the end of the half of BAM and Colell together I
05:02Don't know right, I don't know
05:05but I'm just I
05:07Don't know. I just it's one of these things where
05:11there were
05:12Four big men who played last night. He was the least
05:17Impactful by a long shot. I will also put the caveat of they shot him up before the game to get him out there
05:24So maybe he wasn't feeling it, but this has been a bad offensive season all around for him. Yeah
05:30It is and it helped that I got frog boy every night
05:35Whining about it in my group chat. Like I'm gonna have direct messages. Did you say what you mean me?
05:40Would you say stop yelling at me about it?
05:43The problem is you put these guys on pedestals do what you gave?
05:50Jovich the keys to the team three games ago and Spoh said oh, yeah. Well, I'm suspending your license
06:03He went out there yesterday, I mean that second quarter I'm not gonna lie that second quarter with him and Colell
06:09It was it was one of the greatest moments of my life
06:13you you do have a
06:15tendency to
06:18Exaggerate your excitement. Oh, so good
06:22but yeah, man it I
06:27Like I'm not worried about BAM. Mm-hmm. I'm worried that
06:36Maybe they put so much on his plate
06:41as far as
06:42Basketball as far as speaking as far as all these other things that he can't do the thing that he does best
06:50It's like when you're on the airline dude, and the mass drops down you got to take care of yourself before you help the kids
07:02We didn't get the guys one for bad analogy
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07:25Volkswagen, I know who I was thinking about earlier. Hmm Carlo
07:30Jamal Oh
07:33Jim I had Jamal Jamal
07:36Yeah, we're gonna talk to Jamal Hill on the show tomorrow. He's fighting at UFC
07:40311 and
07:44Yeah, maybe not the one that I'm not a famous fight one that I'm aware of yeah, that's it
07:50Alright, it'd be good. We'll have some fun because guess what Michigan guy Michigan guy
07:56He's from Grand Rapids from Floyd Mayweather City, but he's a he's a Michigan Michigan fan, right?
08:02Guy hits like a hammer. He did lose to behate him, but he was coming off torn Achilles
08:06He was also trying to beat science
08:08Kind of hard when you're trying to get in there and not get knocked out. Can I just tell you like dude?
08:14We have trivialized
08:17one of the most serious
08:21Injuries you can have in any sport
08:26That is nothing to be played with and we've now made it sound like okay now
08:32It's like, you know an ACL now. No, dude. It's a serious
08:37That is the remember years ago. If you did an ACL your career was damn near over
08:43Oh, yeah, or you tore up your knee, you know now you got guys coming back from it like it's nothing
08:49Well that new injury is the Achilles
08:52Like they've tried a whole bunch of different methods to you know, make it better
08:58But this that is the current
09:01Present-day injury in sports for reasons. I can't explain right Achilles like area basketball football
09:10Injury, that's an injury that you've never heard before just recent years except with like Dan Marino
09:17And Reno like how long he worked walk with a limp for years when he got his. Mm-hmm. So yeah, it's not as
09:26you know
09:27As trivial of an injury as we make it it is a serious thing
09:36Say trivia, no, we're not doing trivia
09:45Sick of this guy
09:49Shut up before I put you on a pizza
09:57It just look like it's naked frog
10:06Just as
10:10She's out. Hey, it's not that one on the right is swole. He'd been lifted
10:19Dude that's some breading that's stuck in the crack
10:29Panthers are back on the ice tonight. They're taking on the Detroit Red Wings tonight
10:35So we'll have that for you here. You guys can listen to a little cat action as they look to build off their
10:42Winski against the
10:44New Jersey Devils that gets going tonight and your puck drop from Amber Bank Arena is at 7 o'clock
10:517 o'clock is when we get going with that the Miami Heat
10:55Aside from their loss last night, they finished the road trip three and three
10:59It's expected that Jimmy is supposed to meet with the Heat today, and that's supposed to include Mickey Erickson
11:11If the coach and and Pat if spoiling Pat and in the people he work with
11:17Like once it gets to Mickey
11:20right like
11:23What is what is Mickey or what is
11:26What is Jimmy gonna say to Mickey because if I'm an owner, I'm looking at a
11:33So all of this is
11:36Because we won't pay you two years from now
11:40Like say that to yourself
11:43that makes
11:44Literally, no like that would be the hardest part as an owner
11:51For me to get over in any capacity
11:54I don't care, you know, if you pay anybody for a service, right and they say
12:02We're gonna do a crappy job now because you want to extend us two years from now. Yep
12:08You're gonna have a problem with that
12:10the the Heat also just announced before we'll we get to 15 minutes a heat and we'll hear a little bit of a
12:17Some interesting commentary on the Jimmy Butler situation
12:21But they just announced they are bringing back
12:24Maybe I had a little lead into this Leroy, but uh, they are bringing back tomorrow
12:31The vice uniforms
12:39OG Miami Vice jerseys are back tomorrow
12:46Yo, which was what 12 dude you nailed it. Yeah
12:52You nailed it. Do you think we'll get to see this tomorrow?
12:59That was Leroy Leroy, how could you boo boo?
13:09The the Heat are bringing back the vice uniforms that'll be their official white jersey for the rest of the season
13:16So I don't I mean, you know, that's already in play. They don't decide that
13:20At the moment, right?
13:22They probably decided that before the season start for what I understand
13:25This is not a league wide like rollout like they this is not a city edition. They're just like we're bringing vice back
13:31Did they just decide it or did they think that they were I think that this was something that was planned, right?
13:38You know, I think it was planned. But I also think it was like
13:42People just want vice let's bring it back because I know that I know in football you have to
13:52Put out your schedule for
13:54uniforms foot before the season starts
13:57because like in
14:00Like down here in Florida or in Cleveland
14:04There's a couple of games in like September
14:07Where is hot as hell and we would wear white?
14:11So you had to put and we'd make like if Pittsburgh came to town in September they coming in that black
14:18We want that son just cooking you
14:20So that is back the the OG vice uniforms now available if you guys want to go purchase them
14:26I believe they're at all locations and tomorrow night. They'll have the vice intro and all that type of stuff should be fun. I
14:33Remember just those D Wade ones are flying off the shelf. Oh
14:38When he when he came back
14:43It's it's weird because how we felt when D Wade left
14:51Came back. I give a lot of credit to D Wade because he could have been
14:55Bitter and he could have said some stuff and it would have actually
15:00Had every person in Miami on his side. Oh, yeah, right, but he took the high road
