• 2 months ago
FTS 12.30
*Israeli troops have killed 13 Palestinians in the last 12 hours
*China condemns new round of U.S. sanctions


00:00The world celebrates the Cuban victory after the island nation was removed from the US
00:20list of state sponsors of terrorism while they keep on calling for an end to coercive
00:26measures against the Caribbean country.
00:31Israeli genocidal troops escalate attacks on Gaza during ceasefire negotiations and
00:36hostage exchange between Israel and Hamas.
00:42And the government of China condemns US sanctions against more than 30 national companies.
00:53Hello and welcome to From the South, my name is Belinda de los Santos, I'm from the Terrasim
00:57Studios in Caracas, Venezuela, we begin with the news.
01:13And we now begin with the information.
01:15The world celebrates the Cuban victory after the island nation was removed from the US
01:20list of state sponsors of terrorism while they keep on calling for an end to coercive
01:25measures against the Caribbean country.
01:28The measure was announced by the US government and was welcomed by nations such as Venezuela,
01:34Colombia and Bolivia, as well as by representatives of the Cuban solidarity movements.
01:40Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro stressed the need to lift the economic, financial and
01:44commercial blockade that has affected Cuban society for more than 60 years.
01:50For his part, Bolivian President Luis Arce also praised the decision and reaffirmed that
01:54justice had been done after the unilateral and notorious listing in 2021.
02:00Organizations such as the National Network on Cuba and also the ALBA-TCP welcomed the
02:06news and highlighted the global solidarity that led to this result.
02:17And we now go to Haiti as the country is facing one of the most serious displacement
02:21crises in its recent history.
02:23According to the International Organization for Migration, more than one million people
02:28left their homes in 2024.
02:30The United Nations identifies the violence imposed by criminal groups as the root cause.
02:36Port-au-Prince, the capital of the country, is one of the cities most affected by the
02:40phenomenon given that over 80% of the city is controlled by the coalition of criminal
02:47groups living together.
02:49According to Kennedy O'Caulthorne, the spokesperson for the IOM, the numbers will have tripled
02:55when compared to 2023, especially in the capital where displacement has increased by 87%.
03:06In December 2023, we did record around 315,000 people were displaced from the violence.
03:16One year since then, we have seen the number tripled to over a million people who have
03:21now been displaced because of gang violence in Haiti.
03:25This is a really troubling number and it represents the security situation that most Haitians
03:32are currently facing.
03:35The Antifascist International Guatemala Chapter repudiated the visit of the Venezuelan fugitive
03:40from justice Edmundo Gonzalez to the country, demanding that the government of Bernardo
03:44Arevalo cease its support of the impositions of imperialism against Venezuela.
03:54The Antifascist International Guatemala Chapter, in the name of the will towards peace that
03:59characterizes the noble people of Guatemala, expresses its most energetic rejection of
04:04the arrival of Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia to our national territory.
04:15This person represents death, terrorism, and imperialist interference against the sovereignty
04:21of the brotherly people of Venezuela.
04:24His presence in our country is a direct attack on the values of peace, justice, and solidarity
04:30that guide our antifascist struggle in the defense of the peoples of Latin America.
04:41As Guatemalans committed to peace, we demand that Bernardo Arevalo and his government stop
04:46lending themselves to the impositions of North American imperialism that manifest their support
04:51for this person and their attacks against the sovereign will of the Venezuelan people
04:56who elected Nicolás Maduro as their president.
05:03Likewise, the Antifascist International Guatemala Chapter also repudiated the aggressions to
05:11the Venezuelan diplomatic headquarters which threaten its national sovereignty.
05:20We repudiate the fascist and interfering actions that some Venezuelan embassies have suffered,
05:25thus attacking its sovereignty.
05:33We call on governments not to allow actions against Venezuelan goods and territory located
05:38in other countries.
05:39We express our commitment to defend and resist together with the Venezuelan people in our
05:43struggle against fascism.
05:45Down with fascism, down with fascism, down with fascism.
05:54Now we have a short break coming up, but first, remember you can join us on TikTok
05:57at TELUS or English where you will find news in different formats, news updates and much
06:04Stay with us.
06:24Welcome back to From the South.
06:29We continue with the information.
06:32Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele defended the reactivation of metallic mining on the
06:36grounds that if rivers get polluted due to his project, it is because they were clean.
06:42For its negative consequences, the Salvadoran legislation had banned the practice that Bukele
06:47is now willing to reactivate.
06:49The president categorically assured that mining is not linked to the river's pollution,
06:54but showed no scientific evidence of his criteria.
06:58In contrast, studies endorsed by the United Nations have unfolded that 90% of industrial
07:04extractive operations use cyanide.
07:07That is why experts have asked the executive and the legislature to disregard this initiative.
07:17What I think is that in a country as dirty as ours, because no one can let me lie, our
07:22country is dirty.
07:23It is dirty due to the garbage.
07:24It is dirty due to leachates.
07:26It is dirty due to sewage and grey water.
07:28It is dirty due to the lack of water treatment.
07:30It is dirty due to the bad culture we have of throwing garbage away.
07:33We have seen how entire factories throw their dyes and raw materials into rivers.
07:37We see how hospital waste falls into rivers.
07:40There are trails that kill cows and throw their blood directly into rivers and streams.
07:44Suddenly the river turns red, and that is blood, or ink from the textile factories.
07:53And precisely in response to President Bugarra's initiative, which the parliament approved
07:57rapidly as his party represents the majority, the Mesoamerican Ecclesial Ecological Network
08:03reminded him that he is disregarding the will of the people.
08:10We regret the approval of the law that allows mining exploitation in our country.
08:17They passed it without listening to the people.
08:20It is an action opposed to the will of the people, and it disregards the people's landslide
08:25victory reached in 2017, achieving the approval of a law, which has banned mining exploitation.
08:31The law that safeguards the life and health of our nation.
08:40We go now to Palestine.
08:55While the ceasefire negotiations and hostage exchange between Israel and Hamas are experiencing
09:00tense hours, genocidal forces from Israel are taking advantage of the situation and
09:06launching an escalation of attacks against Gaza.
09:10In night and morning of Wednesday, the occupier has killed 13 Palestinians and left dozen
09:16wounded in a brutal attack on the city of Gaza and the refugee camp of Nusrat.
09:22The genocidal attack on the Al-Farawi school in Gaza left 7 people killed and several wounded.
09:29The area is housing many displaced families from Hammouk.
09:34South of Nusrat a house was also bombed, killing 6 people and wounding 7, including the head
09:40of nurse at the Al-Adwa hospital.
09:48I saw martyrs in pieces, in the morning.
09:52They pulled out a martyr from under the rubble.
09:56We were all expecting a truce, but as you can see, this is the Israelis' truce.
10:04It's a difficult day, that adds to the days of suffering of our Palestinian people.
10:08This is an innocent family consisting of elderly men, sick and disabled people, children
10:13and women.
10:14Without any warning, a barrel of explosives ended their lives just like that.
10:24And in this context, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs warns
10:28that the fuel crisis in Gaza continues to threaten the functioning of health facilities
10:33in the Strip.
10:34The agency said that Gaza's partially functioning hospitals lack fuel reserves and rely on partial
10:40deliveries from international agencies to safeguard only the most critical services.
10:46The shortages could also put 75 hemodialysis machines out of services across the Strip,
10:54threatening the lives of some 700 patients suffering from kidney disease.
10:59According to the humanitarian agency, the crisis has been triggered by the Israeli
11:04blockade of Gaza and is directly affecting the medical care of at least 2,000 patients
11:10in Deir el-Bala, Hanounis and Rafah, and a further 220 in the north of the enclave.
11:26And in this context, the UN humanitarian agency also warned that water, sanitation
11:31and hygiene facilities in Gaza are at risk of being paralyzed by a lack of fuel.
11:37All of this has forced aid groups to make impossible choices, such as having to decide
11:42daily between supplying water, pumping sewage, repairing water or sewage leaks, or moving
11:47solid waste.
11:48This has aggravated the living conditions for displaced people surviving on extremely
11:53limited quantities of water for drinking, cooking and personal hygiene, and exacerbating
12:00the spread of fast-infectious diseases and other public health risks.
12:13Gaza is redefining the wounds of war, so say medical surgeons referring to injuries caused
12:18by U.S. bombs sent to Israel and used against women and children in the Strip.
12:24Based on field studies, say the children, claims in its latest report that the occupation
12:28and its U.S. partners have mutilated 15 Palestinian children every day during 2024.
12:35At least 5,230 children have sustained injuries that require significant rehabilitation support.
12:41In addition, Israel prevents them from receiving treatment, so they do not receive prostheses,
12:47medicines or rehabilitation, condemning them early to pathologies typical of people over
12:5480 years of age.
13:02And also, the Yemeni army claimed responsibility for the missile attack that hit the Israeli
13:06power plant on Wednesday.
13:09The Houthis explained that they carried out a military operation with a cruise missile
13:13against the enemy power plant of Umm al-Rashar, located in the city of Eilat in the south
13:19of the occupied Palestine.
13:21They also declared to have sent several drones to several Israeli installations in Tel Aviv,
13:27assuring that all of them were successful military operations.
13:31The Yemeni government ratified that as long as Israel besieges the Palestinian people,
13:36they will maintain their attacks against the Israeli forces.
14:06Welcome back from the south.
14:30The government of China condemns U.S. sanctions against more than 30 national companies.
14:36The companies belonging to the mining, solar and textile sectors were included in a list
14:41that bans them from exporting to Washington due to suspicions of forced labor.
14:47In this regard, the Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Hua Jiangu, pointed out that the United States'
14:52goal is to interfere in the internal affairs and cause damage to China's interests.
14:58As a result, China reaffirmed Beijing's commitment to safeguard legitimate and legal rights and
15:03interests of domestic enterprises.
15:13We go now to South Korea.
15:15As police forces have arrested ousted President Yun Sung-kyo on Wednesday, making him the
15:20first sitting president to be arrested.
15:22The president, dismissed for his brief imposition of martial law, was involved in several incidents
15:28before he was finally detained at 10.33 a.m. local time on Wednesday.
15:33According to information from the Bureau for High-Level Official Corruption Cases, Yun
15:38went to the agency's headquarters for questioning.
15:42The president previously recorded a message to the country stating that he would submit
15:46to justice to prevent a bloodshed.
16:10We now move on to other topics.
16:11In the United States, fires continue to rage in Los Angeles as people try to protect their
16:16belongings and homes.
16:18Let's take a closer look with our colleague Luis Gutierrez.
16:24This man works as a janitor at this building in Pacific Palisades, the hardest hit by the
16:28fires in California.
16:30He stayed behind to watch the place and managed to keep it from catching fire using garden
16:35hoses and the support of firefighters.
16:38But it actually had spread to the property of the building next door.
16:42So I was just putting as much water down onto the bottom as I could and just actually
16:47doing a decent job of tamping it down.
16:51For Ridgway, it was a necessary mission.
16:55I felt like it was a duty to at least make sure that was attempted to be saved if possible.
17:01And also, you know, even if it didn't come here, none of this really had happened, there
17:06still would have been the possibility of outsiders coming in and looters and stealing and stuff.
17:12And so the collection centers have been crucial for those who have lost their belongings or
17:19remain evacuated amidst uncertainty for their homes.
17:22The street I live on, everybody on one side of the street, all their houses are wiped
17:28And on my side of the street, starting with my house and a few neighbors down, maybe about
17:34four houses stood up and everybody else lost their homes.
17:38And my house is standing, yes, but we don't know.
17:44We don't know what's what condition it's in.
17:48So we haven't been able to go back to check.
17:51They won't let us.
17:52For firefighters, putting out fires in high winds has become a difficult task.
17:58Some days are harder than others.
18:01After the first day, many people that I've known for a long time in base camp barely
18:04recognized me.
18:05My phone didn't recognize me to turn on, just dirty, tired.
18:09But today will be not so bad, steep, a good hike, but we'll pace ourselves and drink lots
18:15of water and be ready for a long haul of work here and the next fire.
18:19But it's January.
18:20We're not supposed to be to fires in January.
18:22It's an honor and a privilege to be here, you know, serving the community, paying my
18:27debt to society, just giving back to the people, you know, of the community that's
18:32lost a lot.
18:33But returning Los Angeles to their previous state will cost time and resources.
18:40It's going to cost tens of billions of dollars to get Los Angeles back to where it was.
18:46So we're going to need Congress to step up to provide funding to get this done.
18:52And we're going to get that done, God willing.
18:55Firefighters and local and national authorities will be put to the test, as they must navigate
19:00the strong winds that are expected.
19:03And in this context, the Iranian government reported that the Red Crescent offered to
19:09assist the United States fight off the wildfires raging in Los Angeles, but Washington turned
19:15it down and asked Iran for money instead.
19:18Hossein Kulivan, the head of the Iranian Red Crescent Society, explained that he sent a
19:23letter to the director of the U.S. Red Cross to not only express condolences for the victims
19:29and their families, but also to help Los Angeles with experts, equipment, and logistics.
19:33However, the U.S. counterpart appreciated the bid, but limited himself to requesting
19:38financial assistance.
19:49And we go now to other topics.
19:51The retreats of the Western Combat Group of the Russian Army liberated two important communities
19:55in Donetsk on Wednesday.
19:57This was announced on Wednesday by the Russian Ministry of Defense.
20:01It concerns the communities of Tersi and Neshkuknoy.
20:04The Ukrainian troops lost in the final battle at least 600 troops and three ammunition depots
20:10in the Kharkov region.
20:12Moreover, four electronic warfare stations were reportedly destroyed, along with severe
20:17damage that was caused to two mechanized brigades.
20:30And this Tuesday, after the diplomatic visit of the Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin
20:35to Vietnam, it was announced that Russia will support the country's accession to the BRICS.
20:42Also, Russia informed that it is ready to participate in the creation of the nuclear
20:46power sector of Vietnam.
20:48Alexei Likhanchov, General Director of the Russian state corporation Rosatom, praised
20:54Vietnam's decision to return to the Ninh Tuan nuclear power plant project agreed by Moscow
21:01in 2010 and rejected by Hanoi in 2015.
21:05Russia has also offered energy supplies to the Asian nations, such as oil and liquefied
21:09natural gas.
