• 2 days ago
FTS 12.30
*Putin calls U.S. attempts to stop Chinese growth “unproductive”
*U.S. president Biden arrives to Berlin


00:00The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, has officially confirmed the death
00:16of its leader, Yair Zinwar, who was killed in combat fighting Israeli forces in Gaza.
00:25The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, delivered a speech before international BRICS media
00:29and affirmed that the United States cannot stop the rise of China's development.
00:38And the President of the United States, Joe Biden, arrived in Berlin on Friday to hold
00:43bilateral meetings with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.
00:54Hello and welcome to From the South.
00:55My name is Belinda de los Santos, and from the Telescope Studios in Havana, Cuba, we're
01:00beginning with the news.
01:17The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, has officially confirmed the death
01:22of its leader, Yair Zinwar, who was killed in combat fighting Israeli forces in Gaza.
01:26On Thursday, Israeli authorities announced that the leader had been killed in a battle
01:30that ensued when soldiers were searching an area in southern Gaza.
01:36Drone footage released by military showed Zinwar badly wounded inside a bombed building,
01:41still managing to fight off the Zionist regime's attack.
01:45In this context, on Friday, the Hamas senior leader, Khaled al-Hayya, confirmed a death
01:50stressing that Zinwar battled and confronted a weapon in hand, the Israeli army, being
01:57at the forefront of the ranks until the last moment of his life.
02:01Hayya also stated that Hamas' conditions for truce negotiations will not change after the
02:07martyrdom of its leader.
02:14We mourn the great leader, the martyred brother, Yair Zinwar, Abu Ibrahim, Hamas political
02:21bureau chief and commander of the Al-Aqsa flood battle.
02:27The martyrdom of the brother leader Yair Zinwar, and all the leaders and symbols of the movement,
02:33who preceded him on the path of dignity and martyrdom, and the project of liberation and
02:37return, will only build our movement and resistance in strength and determination, to continue
02:43on their path and honor their blood and sacrifices.
02:49In Minuel in Jordan, Palestinian refugees protested in downtown Amman after Friday noon
02:54prayers in honor of Hamas leader Yair Zinwar, killed in Gaza by the Israeli military.
03:00Protesters called upon Jordan's government to support the Palestinian resistance and
03:04to annul the peace treaty with Israel.
03:13If a leader is martyred, a hundred leaders will take his place.
03:22If a resistant fighter is martyred, a thousand resistant fighters will take his place.
03:28In this region, we are defending our existence, defending our land, defending our freedom
03:34and dignity.
03:35We have no path but resistance.
03:38We have no path but victory or death.
03:40We will stay here, we will win or die.
03:47The resistance will continue until the occupation leaves all of Palestine, from the river to
03:52the sea.
03:54The Jordanian people affirm on the streets of Amman their support for the resistance
03:58and the martyrs.
04:00We ask God Almighty to join us with them.
04:03We also commend the operation that took place today, at dawn today, in the south of the
04:08Dead Sea on the Jordanian side, to affirm that the flame of resistance continues, no
04:13matter how many martyrs the occupation targets.
04:20Also in this context, in Israel, genocidal forces announced on Thursday that the Lebanese
04:25Islamic Resistance Movement shot to death five Israeli military belonging to the elite
04:30Golani group.
04:31According to local media briefings, the Golani members entered a construction they had identified
04:36as safe, with Hezbollah fighters then opening fire on them from a very close distance.
04:42The attack by the resistance organization is a forceful response to the Zionist regime's
04:48repeated shelling of the Lebanese population.
04:57Now let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at TELUS for English
05:00where you will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
05:06Thank you for joining us.
05:26Welcome back from the south.
05:27Imperial students from the National University of Zamatocos were brutally attacked by Houthi
05:33amid a protest in defense of the higher education center's autonomy.
05:38In this context, several demonstrators were injured due to the violent repression with
05:42student leaders denouncing that they have been prevented from assisting the wounded.
05:47Moreover, students confirmed that some of the university's internal security personnel
05:52had been carrying stones and spray paints from early on, allegedly with the intention
05:57of generating violence to force police officers to meddle in.
06:01As a result, the police body ended up protecting the aggressors and not the victims.
06:10They broke into the internal part of the National University of Zamatocos, just as those who
06:15have been allegedly hired by Foreign Affairs Minister Ramon Rufner.
06:19They have stormed precisely to delegitimize and intimidate us, to beat us with sticks,
06:25with stones and machetes.
06:27The students who have been in the university defending a fair process, a process that comes
06:33from a modification of Article 188 of the statute that seeks to delegitimize, that seeks
06:40to take away from us the educational, harms our autonomy, an autonomy that we have always
06:48As a result, they have tried to conduct elections for students and deans, which are not transparent
06:54at all.
06:55Thus, we have denounced so on several times.
06:59In other news, in Colombia, the Congress reopened the debate on the labor reform, as the opposition
07:04parties succeeded in eliminating articles considered key, especially for the farmers.
07:09Let's see the details with our correspondent Hernando Vara.
07:16The opposition sectors in the Colombian Congress, represented by the right-wing party's Democratic
07:21Center and Radical Change, plus some members of the green and traditional parties, were
07:26happy and celebrated the majority vote they obtained to eliminate key articles of the
07:32labor reform that guarantees decent conditions for farmers.
07:36Some congressmen expressed their rejection of this attitude and the setback for Colombian
07:41farmers and their labor rights.
07:46It was a totally petty decision.
07:48There was a difference of seven votes.
07:50By seven votes, we lost so that the farmers could have the guarantee of an agricultural
07:54contract for a decent agricultural day's wage and the right to rural housing.
07:59We have lost the struggle that we have been fighting for a long time.
08:08This is the feudal thinking of those who want to keep rural workers in subhuman conditions
08:13in order to protect the interests of large landowners and large industrialists who have
08:17taken advantage of the land and agricultural labor in our country.
08:28The articles eliminated were related to the guarantee of social benefits and an employment
08:33contract backed by a legal minimum wage, in addition to having decent conditions for their
08:39daily performance.
08:40The peasant organizations have already assured that they will resort to international bodies
08:45to ensure and respect these rights that the opposition sectors and large associated unions
08:50want to disregard.
08:56We are going to denounce this to the International Labor Organization because it is really an
09:00alarming situation in the Colombian case.
09:06The levels of poverty in the countryside and this denial of these three fundamental rights
09:11of the three articles 31, 32, 33 will further aggravate the life situations of rural workers.
09:22In the street, the opinion of citizens does not differ with respect to the rejection generated
09:30by the actions of the opposition in the Congress, considering that the most vulnerable populations
09:35of the country are being turned away.
09:40Young people are leaving the countryside because there are no guarantees, and now that
09:45a guarantee was sought with this reform, there was none.
09:50So there will be migration of young people to the cities, and we will have more criminality.
09:55We must base the right to work, which is an inalienable right at international level.
10:05Despite this context, the reform finally managed to advance in the second debate in the House
10:10of Representatives, although two more debates are still pending in the Senate.
10:14For their part, the congressmen who are the rapporteurs hope that these points can be
10:18taken up again in the discussion and keep them alive for the remainder of the Colombian legislature.
10:25In Ecuador, a Turkish ship brings hydroelectric power to the country in the midst of the ongoing
10:36electricity crisis.
10:37In this regard, a Turkish-owned ship, Emre Bey, has docked at the port in Guayaquil as
10:42the South American country continues to suffer blackouts amid a severe drought that has affected
10:48its hydroelectric power plants.
10:50The 110-megawatt plant was commissioned by the government of the president, Daniel Novoa,
10:57to relieve the population affected by the outages.
11:00According to the Turkish company, Carapower Ship, the plant will supply energy to 500,000
11:06Ecuadorian families.
11:08Well, this ship provides energy for about 500,000 Ecuadorian families.
11:18The function of this 110-megawatt plant is to take fuel oil, a type of fuel, and convert
11:23it into electrical energy through six internal combustion engines, each generating 17.5 megawatts.
11:31In other news, in Panama, popular organizations participated in a march to the presidency
11:35of the republic in rejection of the privatization of the state's social security fund.
11:40During the mobilization, the organizations and the National Confederation of Independent
11:45Union, CONUCI, presented their demands.
11:48That included the return to the solidarity system for the payment of pensions.
11:53The protesters also rejected the government's libertarian plan, which seeks to increase
11:58the retirement age and the number of quotas to favor the retirement and the administration
12:03of pension funds.
12:07We refuse to accept that we, the people, we, the workers, have to pay more so that the
12:15social security fund can continue to function.
12:19But where are the entrepreneurs?
12:20We have not heard from them.
12:22They talk about negotiations, but it's a negotiation between them, where they don't even take into
12:28account what the workers want.
12:33And we go now to Cuba, where on Thursday, Prime Minister Manuel Marrero offered statements
12:37regarding the energy crisis the Caribbean country is facing.
12:41This way, the minister explained the causes of the record of deficit in the energy supply,
12:46mainly due to the lack of fuel and the obsolete technologies of the country's thermoelectric
12:51power plants.
12:52The high official assured the government is searching for solutions on a daily basis to
12:57reduce the harmful effects of the outages and stressed that energy employees are working
13:03tirelessly with several actions being taken, including the purchase of new technologies
13:08and raw material for the restoration of the damaged power plants.
13:13Furthermore, Marrero urged Cubans to save energy and remain united through these difficult
13:24We have analyzed everything that is going to be done in order to improve living conditions,
13:29activities and offers to the population for the end of the year.
13:32So we are developing this whole process.
13:35We are making strong exchanges.
13:37It is not a control, but it is a search for solutions in the field.
13:40And this closes the circuit of all previous processes, as is the case that our first secretary
13:45of state has been developing extraordinary plenary sessions of the provincial committees
13:51of the party where they have analyzed all these problems, but from the political point
13:56of view.
13:59And in the Dominican Republic, a riot of Haitians took place in the Haina Vacation Center due
14:04to inhumane conditions.
14:06According to declarations of the General Director of Migration, after this violent event, at
14:11least 564 undocumented Haitian citizens were repatriated.
14:16In this sense, local media highlighted that the event occurred after migration agents
14:21demanded that the detainees be immediately deported to their country after having them
14:27in the center without food, resources and in inhumane conditions.
14:32It is important to highlight that the incident occurred in a context of growing tension where
14:38the government has intensified deportations and detained more than 18,000 Haitians since
14:44the beginning of October.
14:50We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
14:54channel at Telusor English.
14:55There you will be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories, special broadcastings and more.
15:01Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
15:04world's most recent events.
15:07Final short break, don't go away.
15:20Welcome back to From the South.
15:29The President of Russia Vladimir Putin affirmed that the United States cannot stop the rise
15:34of China's development.
15:36During a meeting with representatives of the BRICS media, the Russian president said that
15:40Washington's attempt to curb China's growth are 15 years too late and therefore will not
15:46achieve their goal.
15:48Putin also pointed out that the actions of the United States against Beijing only slowed
15:53down and stopped their own economy.
15:55At the same time, the Russian head of state addressed the issue of the de-dollarization,
16:00stressing that by spoiling the relations with Russia, the US affected the dollar status.
16:12We continue in Russia as the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Amur province in the country's
16:17far east reported that a truck containing fireworks exploded after hitting another vehicle.
16:23Authorities detailed that the incident occurred at kilometer 1476 of the federal highway of
16:30The truck and a car collided and both caught fire resulting in the death of four people.
16:37The provincial fire department was on the scene to fight the flames as they were dangerously
16:42close to a gas station.
16:45According to the official report, the cause of the accident was the recklessness of one
16:49of the drivers, who refused to give the right-of-way.
16:58In Belgium, at NATO headquarters in Brussels, the organization's defence ministers have
17:03been holding debates for two days, from October 17th to 18th.
17:07There a new NATO initiative is likely to be passed at the meeting to lower procurement
17:13costs by streamlining processes through standardization.
17:18Official sources confirm that Ukraine will be a NATO member in the near future.
17:23Therefore, special attention has been drawn to Ukrainian Defence Minister Rustam Umedov
17:30as supplying weapons and any kind of support to Ukraine in the war on Russia has been the
17:36main discussed affair.
17:38NATO Secretary-General addressed this issue.
17:42Ukraine is not an act of charity.
17:48It is also an investment in our own security.
17:52Because the cost of letting Putin have his way would be much higher than the cost of
17:58supporting Ukraine.
18:01Ukraine's fight is our fight.
18:04Meanwhile, the President of the United States Joe Biden arrived in Berlin on Friday to hold
18:09bilateral meetings with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.
18:12As part of his agenda, Biden will also carry a four-way meeting that will also include
18:18French President Emmanuel Macron and the British Prime Minister Keir Starmer.
18:22The main topics of the encounter would be the support to Ukraine in the current conflict
18:28and also the escalation of violence in the Middle East.
18:32The US President arrived in Germany a week later than scheduled due to the hurricane
18:37that hit the south of his country.
18:39In this context, it is stated by local media that the German Chancellor has showed interest
18:45in a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin to talk about a possible peace agreement.
18:57And a new report issued by the United Nations on Thursday says that more than one billion
19:01people live in acute poverty in the world today.
19:05According to the UN Development Programme report, countries at war have higher levels
19:10of deprivation across all indicators of the multidimensional poverty, with more severe
19:16disparities in nutrition, access to electricity and access to water and sanitation.
19:22On the other hand, the study showed that some 584 million people under 18 were experiencing
19:28extreme poverty, accounting for 27.9% of children worldwide, compared with 13.5% of
19:37the adults.
19:38Moreover, child mortality in conflict settings was 8%, compared to 1.1% in peaceful countries.
19:50And like this, we have come to the end of this news brief.
19:52You can find these and many other stories on our website at tracerenglish.net.
19:56You can also join us on social media, we are on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and also
20:01on TikTok.
20:02For Tracer English, my name is Belén de los Santos, thank you for watching.
