• 2 months ago
NFL Hall of Famer Ty Law joins! What does Law think of the Mayo firing? Does Ty Law think Mayo should have had a second chance?
00:00Good morning and hello and happy new year.
00:01Oh, happy new year guys.
00:02Good to see you.
00:03Good to see you.
00:04How are the holidays?
00:05I was good.
00:05It was real chill for me.
00:06I was out on the West Coast.
00:08So you got to kind of celebrate twice.
00:09You watching the damn New York ball drop, you know, in LA didn't
00:13got a got to do it again.
00:16So, you know, I get all my Happy New Year's and wishes at nine
00:20o'clock and then we got to do it again.
00:23Kids happy with their take when it came to Christmas gifts.
00:27Oh, yeah.
00:27Yeah, I mean, yep.
00:29I need to sell some vodka.
00:30I'm broke on December.
00:31I got two birthdays and Christmas.
00:33So yeah, so go out and buy a bottle.
00:36Definitely got to move some quarters.
00:39Well that appearance that you and Wiggy did Sunday will probably
00:42help. Oh, yeah.
00:45Did Wiggy bring his own autographed 8x10s?
00:49Hey, Wiggy always steal the show, man.
00:51You don't realize how beloved Wiggy out here.
00:54Who gets paid more for an appearance?
00:56One's a Hall of Famer and the other one is, you know, had a
01:00good time playing in the NFL.
01:02So what you're saying is one got paid cash and one got gift
01:05cards, which I don't mind at all.
01:08What was the name of the place you guys were at?
01:09Maria's in April.
01:10How was the food?
01:11Food was good.
01:12Yeah, it's good.
01:12We had some fried raviolis, which are really good.
01:14I had some of the lamb chops.
01:16They were off the chain.
01:17Yeah, really good.
01:18All right.
01:19Well, where are you on the dramatic news that Gerard Mayo
01:23will no longer be the head coach in the New England Patriots?
01:26Look, I'm all for giving the man a second chance because
01:31I think he, you know, he didn't inherit a great team.
01:35So, you know, you got a rookie quarterback, a rookie head
01:37coach, and he was handpicked by Mr.
01:40Kraft himself.
01:42He admittedly said that he made a bad choice, but sometimes
01:45you just stick with it.
01:46But that's, I guess that's how you become a billionaire.
01:49You could just walk away.
01:50He's like, hey man, I made a mistake.
01:51I'm out.
01:52God bless.
01:53Good night.
01:53You know what I mean?
01:54Do you think it was more Robert or more Jonathan?
01:57I mean, we saw Jonathan taking notes during games.
02:04I was there.
02:06Any internal turmoil on that?
02:09I guess it would be, right?
02:11How much is Jonathan voice swaying his dad now, right?
02:18Where, you know, where you go, hey dad, we might have made
02:21a decision on this.
02:22Even though we both love Gerard.
02:24I mean you, but we might, we gotta, we gotta, gotta pull
02:27the plug.
02:27It has to be a lot because he will be the owner eventually.
02:31He will, he will be there and I think it's a collective
02:34decision right now, even though, you know, Mr.
02:37Kraft is the final nail in whatever coffin is going to
02:40happen there.
02:41But John definitely has the influence and like you say,
02:45he's going to be running the team, you know, at some point.
02:47So, I mean, it's a bad look, it's a dirt dog way of doing
02:51somebody that you claim to love.
02:53You agree with Wiggy that it's a bad look on, on the
02:56organization, on the, on essentially on Robert Kraft.
02:59I don't think that he should have, I mean, you hired him.
03:02So what were the expectations when you hired him in the
03:05first place?
03:05Did you really thought you was going to the Super Bowl?
03:07I gave you 500.
03:08So I was wrong because I was like, you guys said he's not
03:11getting 500.
03:12I was like, man, you got to get half the damn game.
03:14But, so you were disappointed.
03:15You felt like, you felt like with that roster, with Drake
03:19May, he should have at least been 500 is what you would
03:23That's what I was hoping for.
03:25They shouldn't have got worse.
03:26I mean, I've been saying this for a while.
03:28They were regressing, not progressing.
03:30But their over and under was four and a half.
03:32Honestly, week one was the best week.
03:36Right, but remember, remember the over and under was four
03:40and a half.
03:41So there are a lot of people, myself included, you and I,
03:43Greg, at the beginning of the year were like, I took the under.
03:45Me too.
03:46So the expect, and I get they were regressing at the end
03:49of the year and it looked bad, but I, we've talked to Mayo
03:53and there was probably a lot of mistakes that he was learning
03:56from that you would think maybe in year two, you don't make
04:00those same mistakes.
04:00What was Belichick's first year?
04:03I mean, we didn't go five, five games.
04:05Stop with this stupid argument.
04:06I mean, it already brings it up about the, I'm just asking,
04:09I don't know.
04:09I'm just asking, I was there.
04:10It was four wins.
04:12So that's what I'm talking about.
04:13But the point what I'm saying is, you give him another
04:16chance because I'm like, what did he do different than a
04:18lot of other coaches?
04:19Then you made the decision.
04:20Let him bring his own guys in there.
04:22That's just my opinion.
04:23You know what I mean?
04:23You brought him in there.
04:24So now, guess what?
04:26You're going to move back five, six, seven more years before
04:29you get another opportunity.
04:30Courtesy of the floor.
04:31I would just say, who would you rank in order as the reason
04:37this team was four and 13 again?
04:40Because for me, number one is Robert Kraft.
04:44He did not invest in the offseason.
04:46He did not invest in the staff for Gerard Mayo.
04:49Number two, Elliot Wolfe.
04:51Elliot Wolfe.
04:52Number three, whoever told Gerard Mayo he couldn't start
04:56Drake May week one.
04:58Probably Elliot Wolfe.
04:59So he'd be so there and then I might get to Gerard Mayo
05:02at four.
05:03Yeah, so and I got five and that and it's a whole bunch
05:06of people in five.
05:07Every 53 people on that damn roster.
05:10They wasn't good.
05:11Let's call it like it is.
05:12I mean, they didn't have a good roster.
05:14You was, you know, the cars were stacked against him
05:19when you talk about from a roster.
05:21Hold on, though.
05:23It's not really your place to criticize guys who play
05:25on that team.
05:28As a former player, I think I qualify a little bit.
05:31I'm not my G14 classified.
05:35You're not going to be booing guys.
05:36Are you?
05:37Hey, what did you?
05:38Can I just ask you in general about Jelani Tavae on this
05:41show and did you object to fans booing when you were playing
05:47in the end?
05:47Oh, I mean, if you pay your hard-earned money, you got
05:51a right to boo, criticize, do whatever you want.
05:55Just like, you know, from a from a media standpoint, that's
06:00the job you we can say things that people may not want
06:05to hear right or they want to hear but as a fan to tell
06:08fans that come to see you to put money in your pocket.
06:11To not boo or don't cross the line, right?
06:14First of all, who the hell are you?
06:16Yeah, I will say that.
06:17I mean, I mean, I'm like when I'm sitting there looking
06:20at I'm like, who is this guy?
06:21Did he make any plays?
06:23Oh, my God.
06:24Certain people ain't even qualified to say sir.
06:26Like let's call it what it is, man.
06:28What's his name?
06:28Kalani, Jelani, Jelani, Jelani, Jelani, whatever.
06:31Yeah, you ain't really that qualified to be able to make
06:35those type of statements, but they yelled back at fans too.
06:38Yeah, how you gonna yell back at a fan?
06:40I mean, you happy to be in the locker room and be there,
06:43you know, to be honest with you.
06:44Yes, they can't do what you do or what we did, but to come
06:49out and say something like that when fans come and pay
06:51their money, man, let them boo.
06:53Especially when you playing like ass though.
06:55There's a certain line you don't cross like about like
06:58maybe, you know, talking about the wife and kids, but
07:00when you're playing like ass and somebody criticizes
07:04you, I was always from the world of you have
07:10the right to boo me and I, listen, if I could boo me,
07:12I probably would boo me too.
07:14You damn right.
07:14I used to get gays out of booing me too.
07:16You know what I mean?
07:16You can't even take it personal.
07:18Yeah, you know, when you're playing like that.
07:20But don't you give Gerard Mayo credit for the fact that
07:22finally in the final week of the season, he learned how
07:25to successfully bench a guy?
07:26Yeah, yeah, yeah, but those are the things that we and
07:30I was hoping that he would learn from his mistakes and
07:34say, okay, here's what I need to do different as I self-evaluate
07:38all offseason, but perhaps not even given that opportunity.
07:41I don't think he, Curtis, I'd be interested in your opinion
07:44on this.
07:44I don't think he sat him for the first quarter because
07:47of the original comments.
07:49I think he sat him because Gerard Mayo told everybody that
07:53they were dealing with it internally and then he went and
07:56doubled down on it after practice and said, you know,
07:59you can't be a critic and I don't come to your job and
08:02tell you what you're doing.
08:04It's unbelievable.
08:06You don't have that type of job, but that's a different type
08:10of job.
08:11If the Patriots spend this offseason, if Robert Kraft and
08:14they have to, we all believe they will because of compliancy
08:17with the being compliant with the NFL CBA, then doesn't
08:21that even make the firing look worse?
08:24Like you say you love this guy like a son.
08:26You knew five years ago.
08:27He was your guy and now you invest both in the staff and
08:32in the roster after you knew it wasn't going to be resolved
08:35in year one, right?
08:36Like what the questions just say, why wouldn't you have
08:38just done this for Gerard?
08:39He'll be like, oh, hold on about this son stuff to guess
08:43Tom Brady was a son, right?
08:44That's true.
08:46Hey, I was the second son, you know, because I was the
08:49second draft.
08:50Hey, I was always the second son.
08:51I really get what hell I got fired to this is part of the
08:56Coaches get fired.
08:57Players get fired.
08:59He's at a position as far as being the owner.
09:01But when they talking about, you know, love and the sun and
09:04all that man, I got my ass fire too.
09:06So I was like, you know, that's that's out the window.
09:08But remember you were the you guys with the adopted foster
09:11Now everybody ain't gonna get the same type of love.
09:14Yeah that you know that that that the real kids but I and
09:18that's why I don't tell me that like you don't need to tell
09:21me how much you love me and I'm like a family member.
09:24Just keep it honest with me.
09:25And that's where I think Robert went wrong and you and I know
09:30both tie from playing.
09:31That's why I think hurt your odd.
09:33And I said the thing that hurt your odd the most was him blurring
09:38the lines of being the head coach, but I still want to maybe
09:44not be a friend, but I want you to I want to fit in.
09:47That's on him.
09:49Like you can't you can't excuse like there were a bunch of
09:53like you bring up Jelani to buy.
09:55They were a bunch of scrabines as you would call it on this
10:00Yeah, and all they did from jump is complain about stuff right
10:07when they are not they're not of the level of guys who you
10:11brought it up who you know have earned the right to complain.
10:14I could never imagine complaining my rookie year to build
10:19parcels or even my second or third year when I what about
10:22guys whining by like week three or four about how often they
10:26got the football and declaring that they have the best hands
10:29in the NFL like but great going out a Lamborghini and up in
10:33a in a parking spot outside of a trash house.
10:36Like what are we talking about?
10:37The whole season was like this and Gerard Mayo could have
10:41put his foot down right and he didn't write and that's where
10:44he blurred the line.
10:45And that's why I said that yesterday why I said I love Gerard
10:49like this is a sad day.
10:50I love Gerard Mayo.
10:51He was a great coach, a great mentor, a great friend.
10:54So it's making the jump from your boss.
10:56Wiggy and Ty Law talk all the time about the birth and creation
11:02of the Patriot Way and it was in Ty Law and Willie McGinnis and
11:06Teddy Bruschi and Troy Brown and those guys that policed
11:11themselves the way the team found success was because nobody
11:15wanted to walk past Willie McGinnis early without doing their
11:19post-practice work with film whatever and they don't have
11:23that you can have on those teams.
11:25Correct me if I'm wrong because I didn't play but you could
11:28have scrub beans who bought into the whole team thing and
11:32we're like, I'm I know I know what my role is here and it's
11:36all about the team and we're going to get it done as a team
11:39and I'm not going to whine or complain or bitch about anything
11:42publicly because I know it's the the Patriots and that it's
11:47a team because it was it because you got to remember we we
11:52didn't go.
11:52Oh coaches were our friends.
11:54There was a different they were coaches.
11:57We were players and we respected them.
12:01We work but we weren't hanging out with them.
12:03We weren't like, oh, we're friends like we weren't asking them
12:07about like, hey things are going on at the house.
12:09Those are what your brothers in the locker room were and the
12:12coaches there was no gray line and I think that's the problem
12:16sometimes with some of these coaches today is there's they
12:20they cloud the line of being the coach but also being your
12:24friend, right?
12:25I agree with you on that way, but I also think that when you
12:29coach under Belichick, look at the coaching tree.
12:33Everyone tries to be like Bill.
12:35I had a situation in New York where Eric Mangini who was my
12:38who was my DB coach and I came and I'm like, hey, you trying
12:43to be like Bill.
12:44I straight up told him I was like you trying to be like Bill.
12:47I said be yourself.
12:48I was able to do that because where I was at who I was in the
12:50league, but I think Gerard coming in he's kind of torn the
12:55Patriot way Bill's way or do I create a new Patriot way is he
12:59has that he's probably thinking like I have to do it this way.
13:02I got hired because Bill ran it this way.
13:04I got to be extension of Bill.
13:05You got everything the polar opposite of Bill Belichick.
13:09I think he was trying to be extension, you know of Bill.
13:12He was I think he tried to do it.
13:14The I think they told him, you know, we're we're fed up with
13:18this guy.
13:19We're taking our team back and that Gerard Mayo said, all
13:22right, Gerard.
13:24We want you to be collaborative Gerard.
13:26We want you to you know, every time you speak.
13:29We want you to be transparent say how you feel and then wait
13:32a second.
13:33What do you mean?
13:33You said you're going to burn cash.
13:35We don't we don't have the cash or like right like they wanted
13:37it both ways and they couldn't get it from him, right?
13:40But think about everything that he knows about the league came
13:42through Belichick.
13:43So how are you going to peel it out?
13:44At least let's say somebody like Mike Vrabel.
13:47He didn't he never coached under Bill Belichick.
13:49So he went and got his coaching experience elsewhere.
13:51He played which but that might be an advantage to if he was
13:55to come here because he remembers the old school because
13:57I'm sitting there rooting for Mike Vrabel.
13:58I'm I'm saying it right now.
13:59I'm rooting for Mike Vrabel, right?
14:01But if you want you want Mike, I would love to see my friend
14:04because why he did not coach under Bill Belichick.
14:07So and he's going to remember what the old Patriot way was
14:10and how we did things.
14:11He's going to have credibility as a three-time Super Bowl
14:13champion. And like I said, he didn't coach under Bill.
14:16Okay, get all his stuff somewhere else.
14:18Gerard played on the bill.
14:19He coached on the bill.
14:21So is an extension of bill no matter what you look at it.
14:23Mike Vrabel is coming with his own identity and saying look,
14:26I'm here.
14:26He can look at everybody out there.
14:28Ain't none of you guys champions.
14:29Okay, so that's good stuff.
14:30So you think Mike Vrabel is the guy?
14:33Yes, he knows the way things were done here as a player.
14:37Yep, but he's not if you think any of Bill's stuff is bad
14:41He's not influenced by that.
14:42No, he's not going to be a floozy from a coaching standpoint.
14:44No be I mean from a player standpoint, he has that a I played
14:49in this era.
14:49He knows he knows what we are here in New England.
14:52He's going to bring back a certain culture if he was able
14:55to come here.
14:56I really believe that he is the best fit no matter what now
14:59you can go totally different and bring somebody else in but
15:02like Ben Johnson or somebody but why would you want to do
15:05that when you can have Mike Vrabel walking in the building?
15:07You gonna see his pictures up there as a player not as a coach.
15:10You gonna see him as a player.
15:12I mean what he's what he's done, you know for this team man,
15:16but see the other thing I look at but here's the difference
15:18though, and this is where I feel because Mayo had all the
15:22qualities of the player thing, but it's really about the
15:25personality like Vrabel's personality and you know, and I
15:30didn't play with Mayo, but you can tell males personality is
15:33a little bit different with Vrabel's personality is I don't
15:38give a F about you telling me how great your hands are or
15:45you telling me how much playing time where you want where
15:49I think that where Mayo came in his personality is like,
15:54hey, listen, I understand guys how it is.
15:57I understand the difficulties of being an NFL player and
16:01you know what so it was it what he handled and it can work,
16:06but I think in some cases it you know, he handled guys a
16:11little bit more coddling of them of saying hey, everybody
16:15got a voice.
16:15Yeah, where I don't I don't think that. But Wiggy, don't
16:18you think that was impacted by the way the organization
16:21dealt with say Matthew Judon because we all believe that
16:23was the beginning of the end during training camp.
16:25Yeah, we talked about at the time.
16:26Remember that?
16:27I mean, I mean Matthew Judon is dressing him down in front
16:30of everybody and I am embarrassing him and he's like,
16:33hey, he has a right to speak.
16:34I know.
16:35No, no, he don't.
16:36At first some things you don't do and you don't you don't
16:38tolerate if that was ever happened with coach Belichick
16:42and public said he'll handle it and you might not be you
16:45not might not be there the next day depending on who you
16:48Yeah, you know what I mean?
16:49So I just think that from a players perspective, he I don't
16:55know if he garnered the respect that he should have as the
16:57head coach and he might have been too cool.
17:00Being like with the players because look Belichick was always
17:03You know, you can sit around and you can talk to him outside
17:06of football real cool, but you always understood that he
17:09kept that level of separation as the coach.
