(Adnkronos) - “Awair è una società di consulenza hr specializzata in talent management e valutazione e sviluppo della leadership, individuale e collettiva. Il nostro contributo all’evoluzione del talent management si misura in quanto siamo capaci di aiutare le organizzazioni ad adottare nuovi strumenti e nuovi processi, che possono avere obiettivi diversi a seconda dell’organizzazione. I processi di talent management sono ‘politici’, perché dipendono da persone, noi cerchiamo di lavorare con questi attori facendo leva sugli elementi politici ed introducendo processi e strumenti che siano più oggettivi e offrano fatti e dati utili a prendere decisioni migliori". Così Francesca Antonini, Managing Partner di Awair, intervistata dall’Adnkronos a Milano in occasione del Forum Risorse Umane di Comunicazione italiana. Anche per il 2024 il forum ha riunito le figure del settore risorse umane in un incontro dedicato ai temi della gestione del talento, della formazione, del benessere organizzativo e delle nuove frontiere offerte dall’innovazione tecnologica e strategica. Tema della XVI edizione ‘Integrability’.
00:00What is AWARE?
00:04AWARE is an HR consulting company specializing in talent management,
00:11assessment and development of individual and collective leadership.
00:16We work in three countries, Italy, France and the UK,
00:21where we are also distributors of personality tests.
00:25Our contribution to the evolution of talent management is measured
00:30above all in how much we are able to help organizations
00:35to adopt new tools and new processes.
00:39These new tools and processes have different goals
00:43depending on the situation of the organization,
00:46so they can be goals of greater diversity and inclusion,
00:51improvement of the quality of leadership, engagement.
00:55To have a positive impact, what makes the difference
00:59is our ability to work and collaborate with all the actors of the system.
01:03Talent management processes are political processes,
01:08because they are managed by people.
01:11And it is also a good thing, because people work,
01:15they commit to things that are important to them.
01:18So the fact that they are political processes is inevitable.
01:22What we are trying to do is to work with all these actors
01:27by focusing on political elements,
01:33but introducing processes and tools that are more objective,
01:38that give people facts and data,
01:42useful to make better decisions about people
01:46and also at the individual level,
01:48make people more autonomous in managing their career
01:53in a more conscious and strategic way.