• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Quest'anno partecipiamo al Forum Risorse Umane portando il tema del mismatch delle competenze, tema che in Italia è un problema molto importante per le aziende: si stima, infatti, che ogni anno si perdano 44 miliardi di euro di indotto derivante dal mismatch delle competenze. E il mismatch non è legato solo a persone con competenze scarse o nulle, ma riguarda anche figure che sono over competenza, quindi che hanno più competenze di quelle richieste dal mercato. La situazione si può risolvere cercando di svolgere attività di consulenza e organizzazione nei confronti delle nostre aziende clienti e delle aziende con cui collaboriamo”. Parole di Oscar Correnti, managing director di Risorse Professional, intervistato a Milano in occasione della XVI edizione del Forum Risorse Umane di Comunicazione italiana. L’appuntamento annuale per i professionisti del People management, i decision maker e gli innovatori del settore risorse umane, per il 2024 si concentra sul tema ‘Integrability’, un concetto che simboleggia l’insieme delle pratiche della gestione del personale e le nuove opportunità offerte dalla digitalizzazione e dalle evoluzioni nel mondo del lavoro.


00:00This year we are participating in the Human Resources Forum bringing the topic of the mismatch of competences,
00:09a topic that in Italy is a very important problem for companies.
00:15It is estimated that every year we lose 44 billion euros of income deriving from the mismatch of competences
00:22and the mismatch is not only related to people who have few competences or do not even have competences,
00:29but also to people who are over-competent, who have more competences than the market requires.
00:36How can we solve this situation in Italy?
00:39First of all, trying to carry out a consultancy and organization activity
00:45towards our client companies and the companies we collaborate with.
00:49Identifying the right candidates with an extremely strong activity of employer branding
00:55compared to the proposal of the company we are working with
00:59and then working on technological innovation to reach those candidates
01:04on which at the moment with the most traditional technologies we are not able to reach.
01:10Certainly artificial intelligence is disruptive in our market.
01:15We ourselves as a resource are collaborating with our partners to implement
01:21and we are already implementing artificial intelligence tools that will support us
01:26in all that is the identification of the correct profile,
01:30given the theme of low competences present in the market
01:33and also given few profiles with the highest requirements from the companies.
01:38I am mainly talking about profiles with degrees in STEM subjects.
01:44And so, through these tools, we target the candidate market
01:50and we are able to identify those few profiles that are in line with the needs of our clients.
01:56I believe that this is an effective strategy in the short term.
02:02Certainly the challenge for the job market at the moment is to work also in the medium-long term.
02:09With training and re-skilling projects dedicated to increase or diversify the skills of the workforce
02:18that we currently have in Italy.
02:21And in the long term, the key, in my opinion, is to work especially on the orientation
02:27that starts from middle schools to higher schools and universities
02:31to reduce that distance between the academic world and the world of work.
