• l’année dernière


00:00Well, you're making far too much noise. I'm trying to think.
00:04What are you thinking about, Scary?
00:06Ah, wait and see, but I can assure you, it's something really big.
00:11Oh yes, big's the word.
00:14Stretchy's here, Sparky one.
00:23Hurry up, Sparky two. Any use?
00:25Yeah, looking good.
00:28Here, what are you...
00:29Hi, Stretchy!
00:31What are you doing holding me up like this?
00:33We're helping you, Stretchy.
00:35If we just borrow these, you won't have to sort them.
00:38We're making a surprise for Tiny, aren't we, Sparky one?
00:41You know the rules. You don't take things until I have sorted them. Now put them back.
00:45Oh, don't be mean, Stretchy.
00:47Honestly, you're no fun, you know.
00:49No fun?
00:50She's right. You're no fun at all. Bye!
00:54Am I really no fun?
00:58Well, we'll see about that.
01:04Need some help, Tiny?
01:06Oh, hi, Stretchy. Well, these bolts have all worked loose.
01:09Oh, you'll need a big spanner for them.
01:11Let's see. Ah, yeah, number eight should do it.
01:17I hope Tiny likes his surprise, Sparky one.
01:19Of course he will, Sparky two. He loves being in the spotlight.
01:24Uh, Tiny?
01:26Yes, Stretchy?
01:27Would you say that I'm fun?
01:30Yeah, yes, fun.
01:32Uh, well, you're good at sorting and organizing and you're a very good friend, Stretchy.
01:38But fun?
01:40Thought not.
01:42I'd like to be fun to be with Tiny, but what would I have to do exactly?
01:46I mean, Noisy's fun, isn't she? And scary, of course.
01:51Yeah, I suppose there are lots of ways of being fun, aren't there?
01:54You could be cheerful all the time.
01:57Or you could play tricks on people like the Sparkies do.
02:01Or you could make yourself fun to look at.
02:10I think I can safely say I now look like a robot who is fun to be with and fun to look at.
02:15Yes, indeed.
02:18I'm a little robot, long and thin.
02:20Watch my tracks and see me grin.
02:23No one else is as tall as me.
02:25I can reach a nut and bolt.
02:27I say, did you hear that ghastly...
02:33Great Scott!
02:37Dear boy, how, um, how original.
02:41Fun, eh?
02:43I knew you'd like it scary.
02:45Good thing, eh?
02:47What about the song?
02:49All right, was it?
02:50Ah, the song, yes.
02:52That's why I came out.
02:54The thing is, Stretchy, I'm very busy trying to think.
02:57Planning a new show, you see.
03:00And you want me in it?
03:02Possibly, dear boy, possibly.
03:05But just for now, you know, would you be a good fellow and sing somewhere else?
03:10I'll get some more practice in.
03:12No problem, scary.
03:13See you later.
03:15I'm a little robot, long and thin.
03:17Watch my tracks and see me grin.
03:21Stretchy, what do you think you look like?
03:24You weren't wrong, were you?
03:27Yes, I'm a lot of fun now, aren't I?
03:29Go on, admit it.
03:31I'd stick to sorting if I were you, Stretchy.
03:39The Sparkies are right, Tiny.
03:42I've gone and made a fool of myself, I'm afraid.
03:45No, you haven't, Stretchy.
03:47You tried to be fun, and the Sparkies didn't think it worked, that's all.
03:54It's fun when you do that, Tiny.
04:11What's going on?
04:15Another Sparky trick.
04:17Go and have a go with our new invention, Tiny.
04:20Oh, well, why not?
04:24You just love doing this kind of thing, don't you?
04:26I suppose we just do, Tiny.
04:28It's what we're best at, really.
04:30Larking about.
04:31Flashing lights, practical jokes, you know.
04:33Doing what you're best at.
04:35Yeah, well, that makes sense.
04:38Listen, will you help someone else to be fun doing what he's best at?
04:41Oh, I'd love to, Tiny.
04:42Who is it?
04:45You know you upset him when you said he was no fun.
04:48We didn't mean to.
04:49He was no fun.
04:51And then you laughed at him.
04:53Oh dear, he told you, didn't he?
04:55But he looks so silly.
04:57Not like Stretchy at all.
05:00We've gone too far again.
05:02Better put it right.
05:08That's what Stretchy's good at, isn't it?
05:12So, how do you help him to be fun doing what he's good at?
05:15Any ideas?
05:18Give me three, Sparky!
05:21It's a very good idea indeed, Sparkies.
05:24But will you help us?
05:26Oh, yes.
05:27It's much bigger and better than the thing I've been working on.
05:31I'd be happy to.
05:34It's nearly time to start.
05:35Everyone ready?
05:37Yes, indeed.
05:38Oh, I'm not sure.
05:40Don't worry, Stretchy.
05:41Just be yourself.
05:43But will I be fun?
05:44Yes, promise.
05:47Thank you all for coming.
05:49It's going to be a very special show.
05:52And now, a big hand, please, for Stretchy!
05:59Thank you.
06:01Thank you.
06:03Welcome to Stretchy's World.
06:06A world of, over here, untidy mess.
06:12And, over there, perfect order.
06:16How does the dear fellow do it?
06:19Who better to explain than the tallest little robot himself?
06:25Take a sprocket.
06:27Hold it carefully.
06:29Throw it neatly.
06:30Watch it drop.
06:32See it land, as it should do.
06:35Right beside the sprocket pot.
06:38Here's a widget.
06:40Very useful.
06:42Now, never let a widget go.
06:45Flick it sideways nice and easy.
06:48Straight into the bucket.
06:50So, now we all see, sorting's very clever.
06:55It's not a silly thing to do.
06:58Sorting keeps the junk in order.
07:01And moves it on from him to you.
07:08Well done, Stretchy! You're a star!
07:11But am I fun?
07:13Hmm, let me see.
07:15Oh, all right, you are!
