Art et designTranscription
00:001, 2, 3
00:041, 2, 3
00:081, 2, 3
00:121, 2, 3
00:161, 2, 3
00:201, 2, 3
00:241, 2, 3
00:281, 2, 3
00:32Hello! Sounds like it's going to squeak!
00:40Hmm, a drop of oil should do the trick.
00:46It was you all the time, you little pickle!
00:50Go on, fly away home!
00:54Oh, it must be wonderful to fly.
00:58After all, if a little bird can do it, a big, strong robot like me should be able to.
01:04Yes, all I need is something to give me a bit more flap.
01:18Not going to get much work done with you out of action, am I?
01:22Now, what I need is a scratchwood fort and cotter pin.
01:28No, no, no, nothing here.
01:34Maybe there'll be something in here.
01:36There we go!
01:38Oh, no! Not magnets!
01:42I've got a feeling today's going to be a bit of a struggle.
01:46This should do it.
01:48Now, for a lift-off!
01:52A three, a two, a one, a two!
02:00A two, a one, a two!
02:16Sporty, is that you?
02:24That's what!
02:26Oh, bother!
02:28It's... Oh, no!
02:32Only one thing for it.
02:34Have to go and get someone to help.
02:36Poor Sporty, whatever happened?
02:40Oh, I was trying to fly.
02:42You were trying to... what?
02:45Ah, fly!
02:47And it was all going so well for a moment or two, like a bird I was, until...
02:55Yep! Quafufufoof!
02:57I hit the ground rather hard.
03:00Well, perhaps that's because robots aren't made for flying.
03:04How do you know? Have you ever tried?
03:09Well, no.
03:10Exactly! And if that thing can fly, then so can I!
03:16I'm going to fly, I will! I just need to...
03:22Yes! Aha!
03:25That leaf's given me an idea, a brilliant idea, a brilliant flying idea!
03:30Rusty, I want you to find me an elastic band.
03:34And I'm going to find a suitable stick.
03:38Upwards, to the stars!
03:42Oh, they're strong, these magnets, aren't they, Stretchy?
03:46I'll say.
03:47I should think the coefficient of the dipole moment probably exceeds the flux density by...
03:53Well done, Tiny! One down, one to...
03:56Oh, a bit of a problem.
03:59Let's see what I can do about it.
04:02Sporty? Sporty? I've found an elastic band!
04:08Oh, I wonder if he's forgotten...
04:11Here I am! And now for Operation Blast-Off!
04:45How did you do that?
04:48I don't know. It just happened.
04:50They seem to sort of push each other away.
04:53I wonder...
04:56Careful, Tiny.
05:02Hey! Regarde ça!
05:04Le plus particulier!
05:06C'est comme si, quand tu les tournes autour,
05:09ils poussent au lieu de pousser.
05:18Je pense que c'est à peu près tout.
05:23Dans ce cas...
05:24Préparez-vous pour Blast-Off!
05:27Blast-Off? Oh, Sporty! Qu'est-ce qu'il va se passer?
05:30Tu vas laisser tomber le bâton.
05:32Le bâton va brouiller autour et me lever du sol.
05:36Je vais voler vers le ciel, vers les étoiles.
05:40Très bien. 3, 2, 1...
05:51Sporty, arrête!
05:54Oh, Sporty!
05:56Ça ne devait pas se passer, non?
06:01Fais attention à l'élastique!
06:07Oh, mon Dieu! Je ne pensais pas que ça allait se passer.
06:13Regardez ça!
06:15Assez extraordinaire!
06:17Qui aurait pensé que, en les tournant...
06:23Sporty! Tu vas bien?
06:30Sans n'imiter aucune façon.
06:33Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
06:35C'est Sporty!
06:37Oui, je le vois.
06:38Il essaie de voler.
06:40Je n'ai pas eu beaucoup de chance jusqu'ici.
06:43Oh, Sporty! Tu n'as pas eu assez pour un jour?
06:46Non, je suis Sporty! Je n'abandonne jamais!
06:50Tiny, dis-lui!
06:52Alors, tu veux toujours voler, non, Sporty?
06:56Oui, et je le ferai.
06:58Je pense que tu pourrais.
07:04En haut, vers les étoiles!
07:07Oh, Sporty! Comment ça te sent?
07:11Super! Juste super!
07:14J'ai dit que je pouvais voler, n'ai-je pas?
07:17On a l'air d'être meilleurs que les autres!