• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Abbiamo previsto di dare spazio a questo tipo di intervento proprio sulla salute mentale e quindi credo che, anche nella manovra, ci sarà una risposta a questo problema che ci sta particolarmente a cuore” sono le parole di Orazio Schillaci, ministro della Salute, in occasione dello spettacolo “Pinocchio: una favola alla rovescia”, a cura della Compagnia stabile del Teatro Patologico al Teatro Parioli di Roma. L’evento è realizzato grazie al contributo non condizionato di Lundbeck Italia, con il patrocinio del Senato, del Ministero della Salute, dell'Iss, del CNG-Consiglio Nazionale Giovani e di Tor Vergata.


00:00What do you think about the new health plan?
00:04It is something that is particularly important to us, mental health.
00:07We have already set up a work table last year to have proposals in this direction.
00:13We have increased the psychological bonus compared to what was established in previous years.
00:19We have also expanded it to the range of people who can suffer from it.
00:22So mental health is a central topic in the government's agenda.
00:27We are working on it and I am here to testify my closeness to these issues,
00:32in particular to the pathological theatre that I have known for a long time and that I appreciate a lot.
00:36I believe that we have always planned to give space to this type of intervention,
00:42precisely on mental health, and therefore I believe that even in the manoeuvre
00:47there will be an answer to this problem that is particularly important to us.
